Cyberpunk 2020 Combat Cheat Sheet

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Cyberpunk 2020

Combat Cheat Sheet

Turn Order: Roll 1d10 + REF. High roll goes first. Initiative is re-rolled at the beginning of every round.

Fast Draw/Snapshot/Iaijutsu: Shoot or strike first without aiming. Add +3 to your initiative roll
for the round, at a cost of -3 to all attacks made on your turn. You may not use scopes, sights,
or other aiming advantages. This option may be used only in the first round of combat.

Hold Action: Wait until someone else takes their turn before taking your own, friend or enemy.

On Your Turn
On your own turn, you can Move and take one or more Actions.

Moving: Walk, run, or combat roll up to your MA in meters. If you sacrifice your action for the round,
you can sprint up to 3x your MA.

Action: You get one action for free. You can take additional actions, but each one incurs a cumulative
-3 penalty to any checks made.

Attack: Shoot a gun up to its maximum Rate of Fire (RoF), or strike with a melee weapon or
bare hands.

Dodge: Go on full defense, inflicting a -2 penalty to all melee attacks against you until your next
turn. Ranged attacks are unaffected. You can sacrifice your action to make a single (one, 1)
dodge off-turn.

Parry: Go on full defense with an object in your hand. Until your next turn, all melee attacks
that hit you must overcome the object being used to parry before damaging you. Items
intended to parry (such as swords) do not take damage, but have a 10% chance of breaking
against heavy attacks.

Aim: With a ranged weapon, gain +1 to hit on your next attack. You can spend up to three
turns aiming, for a total +3 to hit.

Reload/Change Weapon: Slap in a new clip or drop the weapon you're holding in favor of
another one.

Mount/Dismount Vehicle: As it says on the label. Some vehicles may require more or less
effort to get into or out of.

First Aid/Repair: Patch up a person or thing. This may require more than one turn.

Non-Combat/Other Actions: Most other actions that require no more than a few seconds'
effort can be performed on your turn.
Shooting People
Ranged Attack Check: Roll 1d10 + REF + weapon skill. The target for this check is based on the
weapon used, the distance to the target, and a laundry list of other factors. In general, you will need
at least a 10 to hit.

Point Blank Close Medium Long Extreme Extreme+

(<1/4) (1/4) (1/2) (=) (x2) (>x2)
Pistol 10 15 20 25 30 -
SMG, Bow 5 10 15 20 25 30
Shotgun 10 15 25 30 - -
Rifle, MG 10 10 10 15 25 30
Laser 5 5 10 10 25 -
Cannon 15 15 10 10 15 20
Missile - 10 10 10 10 15
Rocket 15 15 15 20 20 25

Note that although some Extreme+ ranges are given, most weapons cannot reliably hit anything
beyond twice their listed range.

Critical Hit: On a natural roll of 10, you have scored an especially grievous hit. Roll an additional d10
and add it to your total.

Fumble: On a natural roll of 1, you have done something disastrous or stupid. Roll 1d10 against the
Fumble Table. Usually this means your weapon has jammed.

Special Attacks: Some guns can shoot more than one bullet.
Burst Fire: Shoot three times. At close and medium range, this adds +3 to your attack check. If
you hit, roll 1d3 to see how many shots strike home. Resolve damage for each shot individually.

Full Auto: Cover an area or make one person very dead. You can shoot up to your weapon's
maximum RoF. If you're shooting at more than one target, divide the number of shots fired by
the number of targets and roll against each target individually. At close range, every 10 shots
fired gives +1 to the attack check. At any range further than close, every 10 shots fired takes -1
from the attack check. For every point you roll above your target number to hit, one shot
connects, up to the weapon's maximum RoF. Resolve damage for each shot individually.

Suppressive Fire: Fill an area with bullets to make it hard to walk through. Divide the number
of shots fires by the width (in meters) of the zone you intend to cover, at least two meters
across (this is your suppression target). Anyone entering the suppressed zone must roll 1d10 +
REF + Athletics against your suppression target or suffer 1d6 hits. Multiple zones of
suppression may overlap.
Stabbing People
Melee Attack Check: The attacker rolls 1d10 + REF + weapon skill. The defender rolls 1d10 + REF +
defensive skill. The defender may use Brawling, Martial Arts, Melee, Fencing, Dodge, or Athletics as

Martial Arts/Brawling Attacks: Fighters using the Brawling skill may only use the Strike maneuver.
Fighters using the various Martial Arts skills have access to all of the maneuvers below as appropriate.
Strike: 1d6/2 damage. Basic unarmed strike with any part of the body.
Kick: 1d6 damage. At least one leg must be free.
Block/Parry: Stop or absorb damage. Usually uses the arms.
Dodge: -2 to attacker's hit roll.
Disarm: Knocks the weapon out of an enemy's hand. On a critical success, the weapon ends up
in your own hand.
Grapple: Grab and hold an enemy to set up a throw, hold, or choke.
Throw: Requires a grapple. 1d6 damage, stun roll at -2. Enemy is knocked to ground.
Hold: Requires a grapple. Enemy is immobilized.
Choke/Strangle: Requires a grapple. 1d6 damage/turn.
Escape: Defeats a grapple, hold, or choke.
Sweep/Trip: Enemy is knocked to the ground and suffers -2 to next action.

Attack Steps
1. Attacker rolls 1d10 + REF + skill. Against melee attacks, defender rolls 1d10 + REF + skill.
2. On a hit, roll for Hit Location.
3. Roll for damage. Headshots are doubled.
4. Subtract the Stopping Power (SP) of any armor worn on the Hit Location from the damage
5. If any damage remains, subtract the victim's Body Type Modifier (BTM). Reduce the SP of any
armor on that Hit Location by one (1) point.
6. If any damage remains, the victim suffers it as a wound. If the attack penetrated the victim's
armor but was reduced to zero by the victim's BTM, they still suffer one (1) point of nonlethal
7. For each point of damage suffered, check off one box (left to right, top to bottom) for the
relevant Hit Location.
8. Roll a Stun Save. You need to roll under the Save value on your character sheet. This target is
reduced by 1 for each wound level suffered.
9. If you fail your Stun Save, you lose consciousness, go into shock, or are otherwise out of the
fight. You may roll on the Hollywood Overacting Effects Table.

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