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W234 Portfolio Progress Report

As their name suggests, progress reports are documents that explain the ongoing
developments of a project. They are efficient and brief documents usually, as they are meant to
keep a manager abreast of details, but not take up very much of her or his time.

Write a report to inform the instructor about the progress you are making on your Industry
Overview assignment. Use the following numbered sections with headings in your report. BE
I. Introduction about why you are sending this report
II. The status of your work; what you have completed
III. Work completed to date, in detail
IV. Work to be completed next, in detail
V. Problems encountered
VI. A BRIEF conclusion that reflects on the overall project.

 2-3 pages
 Save the report in one document.
 Submit the report to the Progress Report link on Brightspace

 formatting/design
 development/organization
 style/clarity

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