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Ed Ackerman, optimist

Pick your Pittston

For the first time in 63 years everyone in the room had it around the next morning all of always has been, the city’s big- may be irreparable. But the
there was no St. Rocco’s down pat. Still, everyone South Pittston heard not the gest supporter. And, as the bigger picture regarding Tues-
Church Holy Name Society laughed. Knowing the punch Ave Maria, but “She loves you, saying goes, he puts his money day’s election is not about per-
Palm Sunday “Smoker” this line did not diminished the yeah, yeah, yeah.” where his mouth is. sonalities as much as it is about
year in Pittston. The parish is impact, for it was not about Danny, now 59, parlayed that Lombardo is raising his fam- philosophies.
being merged – not easily, by what Danny said but how he one incident into a whole career ily – a wife and twin daughters, Danny Argo would never say
the way, but that’s another story said it. Danny’s monologue was … and not just as a comedian. both students at Pittston Area – Pittston cannot be what Mike
– with Our Lady of Mount a self-deprecating tale of a The lovable mischief, it turns right downtown in an old Vic- Lombardo believes it can – who
Carmel. This “year without a mischievous little kid (himself) out, is a vote-getter. He upset torian he restored himself. In would? – but Danny’s actions
smoker,” if not the first, may be “terrorizing” the neighborhood the Pittston City Council apple doing so, Mike Lombardo is and voting record indicate he
the most painful sign that St. and coming home from school cart eight years ago by ousting out to set an example for what has a completely different vi-
Rocco’s days are numbered. – St. Rocco’s grade school – an incumbent and won a second he believes is the future for sion of the city. Talk to Danny
It also means a fellow named with bad grades. term four years later. Pittston City, namely, a place about Pittston and a word you
Danny Argo, a lifelong par- The humor centered around This year Danny Argo is up where professionals will gladly will hear over and over is
ishioner of St. Rocco’s and a the reactions of Danny’s mother for re-election and in the past make their homes, passing up “poor.” Pittston, he will tell
regular at the “smoker” – a – “she’d hit me with anything, a week the spotlight he missed acreage in the countryside for you, is made up of poor people
men-only evening of food and shoe, a pot, even the telephone” out on in April has fallen di- the perks of residing in a clean, who cannot afford to pay taxes
fellowship – did not get his – and of then-St. Rocco’s pastor rectly on him in May. This safe, upscale, vibrant downtown and sewer fees and, in essence,
customary stint in the spotlight. the late Father Julio Serra, time, Danny is sharing the stage where they can leave the car cannot afford the city of Mike
For at least the past ten years, whom Danny would imperson- with former Pittston mayor behind and walk to churches, Lombardo’s dreams.
Danny – not a bad entertainer ate to a tee, much to the chagrin Mike Lombardo who went specialty shops, lunch rooms He may be right. Or, at least
by any means – gathered a few of current Oblates priest Father public with a statement that he and fine restaurants. be perceived by voters as right.
fellow musicians and filled the Joseph Sibilano, who saw it as is fed up with Danny’s antics The feud between Argo and We’ll know Tuesday night. But
hall with traditional Italian disrespectful, but to the delight and urges Pittston voters to Lombardo bubbled over last if so, then what?
tunes. The music added much of the audience, who saw it as elect “anyone but Danny.” week around a crass remark, The funny thing is the Pitt-
to the evening, but it was Dan- hilarious. Lombardo, who served as attributed to Argo, about Lom- ston of Mike Lombardo’s
ny’s few minutes at the podium The biggest prank of Danny’s mayor for two terms but chose bardo’s brother. There’s enough dreams is as much a return to
that were truly memorable. youth was the time he sneaked not to run for a third, is not a “he said, he said, they said” the past as it is a vision for the
And memorable is the correct into St. Rocco’s Church and set candidate. But as an appointed going on to boggle the mind. future. After all, someone had
word since Danny’s routine up the chimes to play a Beatles member of the Redevelopment And the damage to whatever to build those old downtown
varied so little from year to year song so that when 7 a.m. rolled Authority he is, and indeed relationship the two ever had Victorians in the first place.

VOL. 65, NO. 14

Council Election................................................3 Editorial /Your Space .....................................14 Town News ......................................................39

Bayada Grand Opening ...................................4 Jack Smiles ......................................................15 Sports ..............................................................45

Cherry Blossom Festival .................................6 Letetrs to the Editor .......................................15 Obituaries .......................................................58
Local Chatter ....................................................8 Haley’s Comment ............................................16 Weddings.................................................Social 1
Matters of Faith ...............................................10 Peeking into the Past......................................17 Birthdays................................................Social 3

Call Karen Fiscus at 970-7291


Advertising deadline is Thursday at 3 P.M.

City council race hotly contested


Six candidates including incumbents Argo and McLean vying for two seats
By Jack Smiles great open space in which to re- church and rent it out as a venue paign. “I haven’t been writing die hard Argo fans.”
Associate Editor lax and enjoy your city), a victo- or for art shows and dance recit- letters or taking out ads,” he said. McLean knows that to be true.
ry garden (with space for a least als. “But I have been all over town “Danny’s got a lot of friends,” he

ncumbent Pittston council- 20 families to raise their own And she believes the pool knocking on doors. I like the oth- said. “Some of them are mutual
men Joe McLean and Danny veggies.), safe parks with securi- could generate income with er people in the race but I feel friends and that’s the sad part of
Argo used to be friends. ty and play- I’m a better can- this. It’s a small town and we’re
They live near each other in the ground equip- didate.” from the same neighborhood.”
Oregon section of the city. They ment.” According to McLean their relationship He said fixing What caused the rift between
used to get together at McLean’s Zangre said began to cool after a city council streets and caved- McLean and Argo?
house and watch NASCAR. she has done executive session two years ago when in storm drains According to McLean their re-
They ran as a team for city coun- research and are a priority for lationship began to cool after a
cil in 2007. has a plan for McLean broached the subject of Argo being him. city council executive session
Now they barely speak and are
pitted as opponents in Tuesday’s
Cosgrove accused of saying in a bar “the wrong State Reminded that two years ago when McLean
broached the subject of Argo be-
primary election for Pittston
Park and the
pool. Trooper died” after Trooper Josh Miller was atheplan city does have
for paving ing accused of saying in a bar
City Council. Two 4-year coun- She be- killed and Trooper Robert Lombardo, the and drain repair “the wrong State Trooper died”
cil seats are on the Democratic lieves the pool brother of former Mayor Mike Lombardo, he said, “I’ve been after Trooper Josh Miller was
ballot. cannot only be going to council killed and Trooper Robert Lom-
There are no Republican can- restored, but was wounded. Argo denies making the meetings for bardo, the brother of former
didates, so the winners of Tues- go solar, be statement and said the accusation had years. That’s what Mayor Mike Lombardo, was
day’s election are virtually as- heated and be they told me two wounded.
sured of being elected in Novem- opened year
nothing to do with his split with McLean. years ago. We McLean said he called for the
ber baring an unlikely successful round, with have to find a way executive session because what
write-in campaign. morning ac- to do something Argo allegedly said was all over
Argo took on a running mate tivities for seniors and afternoon “movies under the stars and rent to improve the neighborhoods. town. “I felt we had to clear the
in Ginger Butera Murphy clearly youth activities for parties.” The city is not moving fast air because it was the talk of the
indicating he is seeking to oust “All my ideas will generate say Sheperis, 68, is a Vietnam Vet- enough.” street. There’s no question about
McLean. income,” she said. eran of the Air Force. He is re- Asked what kind of reaction it that not long after that our rela-
In response McLean asked For example, she said the Re- tired from Tobyhanna. He never he’s gotten knocking on doors he tionship totally cooled.”
Kim Alfano to run with him. development Authority should ran for office before and he has laughed and said, “Most people
There are two other candidates. buy the former St. Casmir’s been running a low-key cam- are positive. I did run into some
Frank Sheperis and Barb Zangre See COUNCIL RACE, Page 7
are running on their own.
Zangre is a unique candidate
in that she is not a Pittston native.
She was born and raised in Mis-
souri where she was the daughter
and granddaughter of small town
She said if elected she would
pledge half of her yearly salary
each of the four years to buy
playground equipment for four
different city parks.
She said she attends parks and
recreation seminars on her own
and works with the Susquehanna
Rails and Trails program.
Zangre said she offered to be
on the city’s parks committee,
but when she was turned down
she decided to run for council.
She has several ideas for im-
provements in the city and be-
lieves they can be paid for with
government and foundation
grants and even generate reve-
In a press release she said,
“Projects include a Community
Center/Center for the Arts, a dog
park, a Made in America Mini-

mall including a Piazza (stone


parks like in Italy with benches,


Bayada Nurses home health care client 'William,' center, joined state Rep. Mike Carroll and members of the Greater Pittston Chamber of Commerce and the staff of Baya-
da Nurses Home Care Specialists at a ribbon cutting and open house at their new facility in Pittston Commons on Thursday afternoon. Participating in the event were
Division Director Barbara Pirella-Sico, Director of Pediatric Services Carolyn Kozerski, and Director of Adult Services Marian Lehman.

Bayada Nurses marks Nurses Week with open house

Bayada Nurses hosted an open house Thursday at the Bayada
Nurses office located at 1864 North Township Boulevard, Route 11,
Pittston By-Pass, Pittston, to mark National Nurses Week.
Bayada Nurses offers a broad range of home health care services
for adults, as well. Founded in1975, Bayada Nurses provides nursing,
rehabilitative, therapeutic, and personal home health care services .

Home health aide Jerry Stevenson, left, and Debbie Weisenfluh

and Virgil Sebastianelli, both of NEPA Center for Independent
Living, enjoy some lunch during the open house of Bayada Nurs-

es Home Care Specialists new facility in Pittston Commons on

Bayada Nurses administrative coordinator Tammy Richie talks with visitors during their open house
Thursday afternoon.
on Thursday afternoon.
‘Rub Yer Sol’ to perform Saturday night at K of C, Pittston


The Knights Of Columbus the poplar rock ‘n’ roll group May 21, from 9 p.m. to midnight. vorites such as: The Beatles, Young, Moody Blues, Eric Clap-
Home Association Officers and “Rub Yer Sol” to the Hall at 55 S. The group plays music for you Rolling Stones, Simon & Gar- ton and Kansas. The public is in-
Board announced the return of Main St. Pittston, on Saturday, listening pleasure from many fa- funkel, Crosby, Stills, Nash & vited. There is no cover charge.

Th e W yom ing A rea Concerned Candidatesru nning forth e Sch ool Board are ask ing you rsu pportin Tu esday’sElection. N ick D eA ngelo and Toni Valenti
h ave served you w ell overth eiryearson th e Board and h ave m ade W yom ing A rea one of th e b estsch oolsin th e state. Jerry Stofk o h asserved you w ell in
th e A rm ed Forcesh aving earned th ree Pu rple H earts. H e w ill serve you w ell on th e Sch ool Board. Please com e to th e pollsand su pportou rteam .

Nick D eAngelo Jerry Stofko Toni Va lenti

In th e daysb efore th e election,you w ill prob ab ly read attack son ou rcandidatesth atare nottru e. D o notb e sw ayed b y lies
b u tvote on ou raccom plish m ents. W e w ill k eep W yom ing A rea one of th e b est.
W A TAXPAYE R S W E H E AR D YO U: H igh erfood,h eating,and gasprices: u nem ploym entand increased taxes. Em ployee
pension plansand h ealth b enefitsescalating!
O UR PL AN: Redu ce districtexpenditu res. Scru tinize all areasof th e b u dgetto elim inate w astefu l spending. D em and
em ployee concessions. Em ployeesm u stcontrib u te to th eirh ealth care b enefits(now at3 m illion dollarsa year) asth e
private sectordoes. M aintain th e qu ality edu cation W yom ing A rea stu dentsdeserve.

O n M a y 17th ,vote for Nick D eAngelo,Jerry Stofko a nd Toni Va lenti.

Paid forb y W yom ing A rea Concerned Candidates




Paid For By Candidate

WP Cherry Blossom Festival concludes today

The 40th Anniversary West

Pittston Cherry Blossom Festiv-
al concludes today on the river-
bank in West Pittston. The event
includes a craft tent, vendors, a
food stand, and other events.
Alana Aufiere was named Lit-
tle Miss Cherry Blossom yester-
Today’s entertainment sched-
Noon WP Idol
1:00 - WA Percussion Ensme-
2:00 - WA Drama Club
2:30 - Whirligig Hoopers
3:00 - Flaxy Morgan
4:00 - Northeast PA Dance A-
4:45 - 12 Letters Brooke Chervenitski Sofia Gonzales

Sara Klaproth Madeline Hindmarsh


Abigail Decker Sofia Gonzales Trinity Thubbron Alana Aufiere Emily Schultz
Council race: rivals McLean and Argo squaring off


Continued from Page 3
just about everything we do.” city to middle and upper man-
Argo denies making the state-
ment and said the accusation had Argo rails against the city’s high McLean continued, “Our
manager Joe Moskovitz is a true
agement of the Mericle Industri-
al Park or people like that to rent
nothing to do with his split with
millage rate, but has voted to professional he’s really giving us
bang for the buck. Working with
or buy in the city. You work hard
and let the people decide. If they
“It’s got nothing to do with
personal issues,” Argo said.
raise taxes. “I never said I never Moskovitz the primary goal the
next year or two is to market the
are sick of me they can throw me
“When it comes to policy in Pitt-
ston we’re on a different page. I
voted to raise taxes,” he said.
can’t be running mates with
somebody who has different
McLean said that maybe true,
but Argo did, in a newspaper ad, VOTE
ideas on how the city should be
Argo said he vowed not to run accuse McLean of voting for tax
with McLean last summer after FOR LUZERNE COUNTY
McLean voted to approve an ex- increases. MUNICIPAL COUNTY COUNCIL
clusive towing contract and to
raise the sewer maintenance fee INDEPENDENT DEMOCRAT TO
from $50 to $170. • SERVE THE PEOPLE
Argo and Councilman Mike against a grant for two new cruis- this administration. You have to • LISTEN AND ACT
Lombardo, a cousin of the for- ers and he voted no against a new utilize the properties you have.” • HOLD THE LINE ON TAXES
mer mayor, voted no on the sew- fire truck paid for by firemen’s McLean’s running mate Alfa-
er fee increase. The vote was • OPEN THE GOVERNMENT TO ALL
relief.” no said she was pleased he asked
three to two. McLean said when Argo was her to run. “I said yeah because I • HAVE NO HIDDEN AGENDA
Argo agreed the sewer work told the cruisers and trucks were agree with his ideas for the city. • HAVE NO TIES TO SPECIAL INTEREST
had to be done. not costing the city anything, Ar- There are a lot of single family PROVEN PROACTIVE
“But,” he said, “the cost should go defended his vote saying. homes for sale and I’d like to POLICY MAKER, DECISIONMAKER, PROBLEM SOLVER
not be on the backs of the resi- “We have enough vehicles.” know why, what is it that’s not Paid For By The Candidate
dents. The state and the federal Argo rails against the city’s bringing people here?”
government should pay for it. I high millage rate, but has voted Answering her own question
would have voted for a $20 in-
crease, but 230 percent is too
to raise taxes. “I never said I nev-
er voted to raise taxes,” he said.
she said, “I know the downtown
is the face of the city. Improve- DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS
high for residents who are al- McLean said that maybe true, ment there will attract people
ready paying the highest millage but Argo did, in a newspaper ad, and I think the city is on the right
On May 17th Elect
in the county. I’m in touch with
the homeowners and that’s how
accuse McLean of voting for tax
track there.”
She favors the plan for unifor- SHARON
they feel.”
The sewer fee was raised from
$50 to $170 per year.
“The bottom line is people
can’t handle it,” Argo said. “Pitt-
ston is a poor city. You can’t get
mity on signage and facades
“Other cities and towns have
“McLean was deciding vote,” blood out of a stone. We have that look,” she said. “Hershey is
Exeter Borough Council
• Master of Education degree from
Argo said. “He was supposed to people moving out of the city in a good example.” Bloomsburg University
vote with us and at the meeting droves, because right around us McLean feels the city has a • Recently retired after 35 years with the Pa.
Dept. of Public Welfare
he voted the other way.” you have Jenkins Township and good team in place. • 28 years of Managerial Experience
McLean denies that. “I never especially Pittston Township “I may not always agree with
promised him anything. You’re where the taxes and fees are very everything,” he said. “But we’ve
“It would be a privilege to serve the
not supposed to discuss deals low. got common goals, except for residents of Exeter Borough.”

“A N EW Voice”
like that anyway. I agonized over “Holding the line on taxes one guy who seems to be against

that vote for two weeks. I saw without cutting services. This is Paid for by the candidate.
raw sewage seeping into a resi- what we stand for,” Argo contin-
dent’s cellar. That’s when I saw ued. “This administration is ig-
the big picture and decided to noring the neighborhoods and
vote for it.”
Argo, council’s public works
liaison, takes credit for paving
concentrating on Main Street.
I’m in touch with the people of END DIRTY POLITICS IN PITTSTON CITY!
the city more than the other
streets and downsizing the street councilmen and Ginger is too,”
department to eight full-time Argo said referring to Ginger
Vote for the Voice of
employees. Butera Murphy his running the People
McLean said Argo has no such mate.
power. “That’s his big miscon-
ception. He’s doing all this pav-
Murphy said she is most inter-
ested in improving parks.
Danny Argo
ing. He’s doing this and that. It
takes three votes to get anything
“Look at Albert West, it’s all
grass,” she said. “They had a
and Ginger
done in the city.”
McLean said Argo’s votes are
walk-around and they don’t have
it anymore. It’s all grown in. Peo-
all over the place. “He voted ple can’t walk there any more.
against a grant for the sewer It’s something that could be done Honesty - Integrity
work, then he voted to authorize simply and it could be done

paying the contractors. He voted cheaply, but it’s not a priority for Paid for by the Voice of the People Committee
LOCAL CHATTER What are you chattin’ about? Call 602-0177 or email and let us know.

PA’s Anthony Capozucca selected to attend HOBY

Anthony Capozucca has
been selected to join 245 lead-
ers representing many high
schools from throughout cen-
Misericordia University students
tral and northeast Pennsylva-
nia at the Central Pennsylvania
Hugh O’Brien Youth Leader-
present research posters
ship Seminar (HOBY) from
May 19 – 22 at Millersville
Representing Pittston Area
High School, Anthony is the
son of Allan and Lori Capo-
zucca of Pittston Twp.
For the past 53 years, HOBY
Leadership Seminars have
brought together select groups
of high school sophomores to
interact with groups of distin- Daniel J. Grabo
guished leaders in business,
government, and education to University in Philadelphia. Dr.
discuss present and future is- Grabo is a Lieutenant Com-
sues in an enthusiastic learning mander in the United States
environment. Navy and served as the Ship’s
HOBY was established by Surgeon aboard the USS En-
the veteran actor Hugh terprise, CVN 65, a nuclear
O’Brien following a visit to powered aircraft carrier and as
Africa where he was inspired staff surgeon at Naval Medical
by a meeting with Dr. Albert Center Portsmouth, VA. He re-
Schweitzer. Says O’Brien, turned to Philadelphia to begin
“HOBY’s goal is to seek out, two year fellowship training in
recognize, and develop out- Misericordia University recently sponsored the annual Student Research Poster Presentation Day Traumatology, Surgical Criti-
standing leadership potential at the Anderson Sports and Health Center on campus. cal Care and Emergency Sur-
among our nation’s youth.” The presentations were the culmination of research and work on a variety of topics by students gery.
Further information about during the spring semester in the Colleges of Health Sciences, Arts and Sciences, and Professional Dr. Grabo special interests
HOBY activities and sponsor- Studies and Social Sciences. The students presented their abstracts to the college community and include Geriatric Trauma and
ship opportunities is available answered questions related to their individual topics, which included biology, chemistry, medical Emergency Surgery and Surgi-
by visiting HOBY www.ho- imaging, nursing, psychology and speech-language pathology. cal Education. The author of or www.centralpaho- The students touched upon several important topics in their fields of study. Students Brianna several articles, book chapters Hiltey, a psychology major from Trevose, Pa., Kristen Matsen, a psychology major from Norwood, and presentations, he present-
Pa., Justin Shuleski, a physical therapy major from Duryea, and Becca Wehr, a physical therapy ed a paper "Samuel D Gross:
Recent Grad- major from Whitehall, Pa., presented their poster, “Perceptions Based on Dress and Gender: Does it from Operating Room to Bat-
Stephanie Catherine Kilvi- Matter What You Wear?” The research studied how perceptions of intelligence, approachability, tlefield Surgeon", an overview
tis of Avoca graduated from dependability and friendliness differed regarding men and women when they were dressed up as of combat surgery in the Amer-
Millersville University of compared to when they were dressed in a more casual style. Among the findings, the students ican Civil War atthe 116th An-
Pennsylvania, during the reported women were perceived as more dependable no matter how they were dressed, and males nual Meeting of the Associ-
spring 2011 undergraduate casually dressed were seen as more approachable than those dressed more professionally. ation of Military Surgeons of
commencement ceremony, Students, faculty, staff, academic deans and members of the community attended the two-hour the United States (AMSUS),
held Saturday, May 7. Kilvitis poster presentation event. Marnie Hiester, Ph.D., chair of the Misericordia University Psychology held in Phoenix.Dr. Grabohas
earned a Bachelor of Science Department, left, is shown with students Justin Shuleski, a physical therapy; Brianna Hiltey, a also conducted, published and
degree in Business Adminis- psychology major; Kristen Matsen a psychology major; and Becca Wehr, a physical therapy major; presented research in the area
tration. as they presented their poster, “Perceptions Based on Dress and Gender: Does it Matter What You of Tissue Engineering; he
Students who received the Wear?” serves as a journal reviewer for
honor of Summa Cum Laude the Journal Engineering and
graduated with a Grade Point Regenerative Medicine.
Average (GPA) of 3.95-4.00; Dr. Grabo is married to Ja-
students who received the hon- Science degree from Lock Daniel J. Grabo Jr., MD course in trauma surgery for
Haven University. currently Fellow in Traumatol- Norwegian Armed Forces net Ramos of Vineland, New
or of Magna Cum Laude grad- Jersey and the proud father of
uated with a GPA of 3.75-3.94 Cassandra Ann Shannon ogy, Surgical Critical Care and Medical Services.
of Pittston received a Bachelor Emergency Surgery at the Uni- He is a graduate of the Uni- their four year old son Daniel
and students who received the John Grabo, III. He is the son
honor of Cum Laude gradu- of Arts degree from Lock versity of Pennsylvania Hospi- versity of Scranton, George-
Haven University. tal, Philadelphia, just returned town University Medical of Dan and Theresa Grabo of
ated with a GPA of 3.50-3.74. Pittston and has a brother At-
from Oslo, Norway where he School and general surgery

Ashley Colarusso of Pitt- Fellowship- torney Michael D. Grabo of

ston received a Bachelor of participated in teaching a residency at Thomas Jefferson
Providence, RI.

Patriotic floats sought for Memorial Day Parade

American Legion Unit 477 to nominate officers today
to check out a copy of the book Lubar are available for checkout
and pick up a reader’s guide. at the circulation desk. New
New members are welcome. members are always welcome.
Coffee and bagels will be served. Refreshments will be served.
Hangout Club Crochet Club
The Hangout Club, our young The Library’s crochet club
book club for high school stu- meets each Monday and Thurs-
dents, will meet on Monday, day from 6 to 7:45 p.m. Partici-
May 23, at 6 p.m. Copies of this pants brings their own supplies
month’s selection “Sleeping
Freshmen Never Lie” by David
See BRIEFS, Page 22

Voice ofthe People


At a planning session for a patriotic float competition for the West Pittston/Exeter Memorial Day
Parade are, from left, Butch Simonson, Bob Orlando, Ron Faust, Jack Brogan, Ron Gitkos and Ed

As the annual West Pittston/


Ginger(Butera)M urphy
Exeter Memorial Day Parade estown Sports Club will be held “Despicable Me” come to Pitt-
nears, a reminder goes out that today, Sunday, May 15, at Gran- ston Area Memorial Library on
this year’s parade will feature a teed’s Tavern, 247 Parsonage St. Saturday, May 21, at noon for a
competition for best patriotic- Hughestown, at 2:30. special showing of the hilarious W e pledge to protectproperty ow nersof Pittston City
themed float. There are a limited number of movie. The May Movie is a from increasesin taxesand sew erfees.
All area organizations, clubs, season tickets available. T.A.G. sponsored event.
youth groups, businesses and If anyone is interested they can Books and Bagels W e a dvoca te u sing liqu id fu elsand com m u nity
even individuals are invited to attend the meeting or contact any Books and Bagels , the Li- developm entm oniesforpaving streetsin neigh b orh oods.
enter a float. club member. brary’s adult book club, will
If interested, call Butch Si- meet on Saturday, May 21, at 10 Vote M a y 17 for “ Th e Voice O f
monson, commander of the Lt.
PHS Class of 1961
a.m. to discuss “Moon Over a nd For th e People”
Jeffrey DePrimo American Le- Manifest” by Clare Vanderpool.

gion Post 542, at 655-6258. The Pittston High School class Please visit the circulation desk Paid forb y “Th e Voice of th e People Com m ittee”
The parade is sponsored joint- of 1961 will hold a meeting on
Monday, May 16, at 7 p.m. at

ly by the DePrimo Post and the
Adam Kalmanowicz American Grande Pizza, Bernie Avenue,
Legion Post 833 of Exeter. Moosic to plan for the 50th re-
Ron Gitkos is parade chair-
man. All classmates are welcome. For Luzerne CountyCouncil
* Veteran
Coal Mine Society Tues. 8-11 * Former Police Officer
Legion Unit #477 Due to primary elections on * Former Magistrate
American Legion Unit #477 May 17 held in the hall of the Ea- Hosted by Kevin Neary, Comedian * Retired Executive from the
monthly meeting will be held at 1 gle McClure Hose Co., the meet- U.S. Treasury in Washington
p.m. today, Sunday, May 15, at ing of the Old Forge Coal Mine Thurs. 8:00 * Award winning Federal Service
120 Center Street Pittston. Nom- and Taylor Historical Society for ALAMO MISSION * B.A., and S.T.L. degrees
inations of officers will be con- May 17 has been postponed. Fri. 9-1
ducted. GROUP DU JOUR Dedicated, Experienced,
Honest and ready to serve
Pittston Library Sat. 9-1 Vote May 17th, Ballot position
May Movie THE CADILLACS #7 on the Democratic Ticket
Hughestown Sports Club

Students in grades 6 through OAK ST • PITTSTON TWP.

The May meeting of the Hugh- 12, if you can’t get enough of 654-1112 Paid for by Simpson For Council.
MATTERS OF FAITH email items for this page to; fax to 602-0183

Yard sale today at Our Lady of Sorrows

The Youth Group of St. Mon- sic will be held in St. Mary’s Vis-
ica’s Parish of the Wyomings
will hold a yard sale on the
grounds of Our Lady of Sor-
Father Dan Schwebs to be honored itation Church, 619 Dundaff St.,
Dickson City, beginning at 3:00
rows, 8th Street, Wyoming (be- Performed by the parish choir,
hind the parking lot) today, Sun- Father Dan Schwebs, O.S.J. will be celebrat- 1986, by Bishop James C. Timlin, D.D. at St. under the direction of Robert
day, May 15, starting immediate- ing his 25th anniversary of priesthood on Sun- Anthony of Padua Church. Manento, the music will feature
ly after 11 a.m. Mass. The sale day, May 22, with a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. He served the past 25 years as Assistant Pas- various selections from religious
will run until approximately 4 Rocco’s Church at 2 p.m. tor and Pastor of St. Rocco’s Church and St Se- celebrations throughout the year.
p.m. Please come out and sup- A stand up reception will follow immediately bastian’s Church, Connecticut, Pastor of St. An- All are invited to share in the rich
port the youth group. If there is at St. Anthony of Padua Parish Center, Exeter. It thony of Padua Church and Temporary Admin- heritage of the Polish hymns.
rain the sale will be conducted in is open to the public, no tickets required. Simply istrator of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel/St Rocco Programs will be available for
the CCD hall. call the parish offices at Our Lady of Mt. Car- Parish Community. those who wish to view the trans-
mel, 654-6902; St Rocco, 654-2914; or St. An- He currently serves as Vice Rector at the Ob- lation or prefer to sing along in
thony of Padua, 654-2103. late of St. Joseph’s Seminary, Laflin. the Polish language. A reception
FINAL MASS Father Dan was ordained a priest on May 24, will be held in the school audi-
After 106 years the final Mass torium following the hymn fest.
and closing ritual for St. John the
Baptist Church, Schooley Ave- GOLF CLASSIC
nue, Exeter will be held on Sun- BUS TRIP
Parish Community Holy Name The Holy Redeemer School 87-rank Berghaus pipe organ,
day, May 29, at 2:00 p.m. All par- Society meeting will be held on which was restored in 2002. The A fall Doo Wop Cavalcade
System “Golf Classic” will be
ishioners, former parishioners, Sunday, May 15, at 11 a.m. in the Solo division, which includes Bus Trip to American Music
held Monday, May 16, at Blue
and friends are invited to attend parish center dining room. stops such as the French horn, Theater in Lancaster is planned
Ridge Golf Course, Mountain-
this closing liturgy. All members are invited to at- clarinet, and tuba, was complet- for Saturday, September 24, at 2
top. Proceeds benefit Diocesan
After Mass the congregation tend. New members are always ed in 2008. p.m. Reservations must be made
Catholic Schools of Luzerne
will process to St. Anthony’s welcome. A free-will offering will be by Wednesday, June 1.
County. Captain and Crew for-
Church. If you cannot walk, cars collected during the recital. There will be a stop for the fa-
mat, with lunch at 11 a.m. and
will be provided. If you are in Canon Mark Laubach, the mous smorgasbord at Shady Ma-
ROAST BEEF DINNER shot-gun start at noon, followed
need of transportation, please church’s Organist and Choir- ple following show.
by reception and awards dinner.
call the rectory (655-3761) by A roast beef dinner, family master, is celebrating his 25th Cost is $94 which includes bus
Golfer fee is $100.
May 23. style, will be held at St. Paul’s anniversary of service to Saint seat, show ticket, dinner, bus
For complete golfer and spon-
A social will follow hosted by Lutheran Church, Route 118 Stephen’s this year. driver tip, all taxes and tips. A
sorship information, call the
the parishioners of St. Antho- Dallas, Saturday, May 21. Take $50 deposit is required when
Diocese Development Office at
ny’s. outs from 3:30; serving 4-6:30 making reservation and balance
570-207-2250 or visit www.Dio-
p.m. Adults $8.50; child $3.50 is due by August 1., “Catholic MEMORIAL DINNER
Reservations encourages. Tick- For additional information or
ets call 675-3859 or at the door. A memorial dinner in honor of to make a reservation call 603-
The Slovak Catholic Federa- Handicapped accessible. the late Rev. Daniel D. Hitchko 1915; leave a message if no an-
tion will celebrate the 100th An- BUS TRIP will be held at St. Cecilia’s swer. Trip is being sponsored by
niversary of its founding on Sun- Church, 1700 Wyoming Avenue, the United Methodist Church
MAY BREAKFAST The Women’s Unit of the First
day, May 15, with a Liturgy of Exeter, in the church hall on Sun- Pittston.
United Methodist church of
Thanksgiving at 2:30 p.m. in St. The Confraternity of Catholic day, May 22, at 1 p.m. The day
West Pittston is sponsoring a bus
Peter’s Cathedral, Scranton, the Women of Holy Trinity Parish, includes a Musical Concert with
trip on Wednesday, May 18 to the BENNETT PRESBYTERIAN
Mother Church of the Diocese in Swoyersville, will hold their an- Spiritual Interludes by special
Sight and Sound Millennium
which the Federation was found- nual May Breakfast today, Sun- guest Reverend Ed Bucheit, Pas- 501 Bennett Street, Luzerne
Theatre in Lancaster to see “Jo-
ed in 1911. day, May 15, in the school cafete- sionist Priest from St. Ann’s Everyone is welcome. The
seph.” Total cost of the trip
Bishop Joseph C. Bambera ria. Monastery, Scranton, and Ca- church is handicap accessible.
which includes seat on the bus,
will be the principal celebrant, The members are asked to as- tholic TV. Ticket cost is $20. Further information may be
ticket to theatre and dinner at
along with Bishop Joseph V. semble in the church hall by 8:15 For reservations and tickets obtained by calling the church
Shady Maple for their smorgas-
Adamec, Bishop Emeritus of the a.m. to attend the 8:30 a.m. please call 654-2049, 693-1091 288-7361
bord is $100.
Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown Mass. After Mass, the women or 654-2133 and please leave a
For further information,
and Episcopal Moderator of the will proceed to the school cafete- message. The event is sponsored
please contact Doris Dushok at BETHEL UNITED
Slovak Catholic Federation. Fa- ria where breakfast will be pre- by St Cecilia’s Altar and Rosary
654-2689. METHODIST
ther Philip A. Altavilla, V.E., a pared and served by the parish’s Women’s Society.
priest of the Diocese of Scranton Main St., Avoca
Holy Name Society members.
who serves as national president 11:15 a.m. Worship
Crowning of the Blessed ORGAN RECITAL
of the Slovak Catholic Federa- Mother statue by a chosen mem- An Organ Recital presented by POLISH HYMN FEST
tion, will be the homilist. ber will take place at the break- Dutch organist Henk DeVries As part of a yearlong celebra- BRICK UNITED
Catholic Television: CTV will fast. will be held at Saint Stephen’s tion of the centennial anniver- METHODIST
broadcast the Mass. Father William J. Karle, pas- Episcopal Church, South Fran- sary of their church, Visitation of 905 Foote Ave., Duryea
tor, is spiritual moderator of the klin Street in Wilkes-Barre, on the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Pastor Michael Shambora
group. Monday, May 23, at 7:30 p.m. will host a Polish Hymn Fest on Service: Sunday 9:45 a.m.

DeVries will perform a variety Sunday, May 22. The centennial

The St. John the Evangelist event featuring Polish ethnic mu-
of organ pieces on the church’s See FAITH, Page 11


FIRST CONGREGATIONAL ship; 11:40 a.m. Choir rehearsal Monday, May 30 - Memorial INKERMAN
UCC Monday, May16 - 6:30 p.m. Day Mass at the cemetery at 9:00 PRESBYTERIAN
500 Luzerne Avenue Women’s Assoc. Spring Covered a.m. Main St., Inkerman
Continued from Page 10
West Pittston Dish; 8 p.m. Alcoholics Anony- Sunday, June 5 - 4:00 p.m. In- Services: Sundays, 8:30 a.m.
Pastor: the Rev. Wayne mous Big Book meets in kitchen stallation of the Central Diocese
CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH Shontz, Jr. Tuesday, May10 - 7 p.m. Dea- Bishop John Mack, in Scranton
Holy Redeemer, Harding Sanctuary is handicapped ac- cons at St. Stanislaus PNC Cathedral. LANGCLIFFE
Immaculate Conception, West PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
cessible. Wednesday, May18- Noon, 7 Reservations need to be made if
Pittston Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Worship p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous attending the banquet. Cut off Main Street Avoca
The parish bazaar is only Service The First United Presbyterian date is May 23. Contact Fr. Da- Sunday Worship at 11:15
about six week away. Everyone Church is located at the corner of wid for more inforamation at The Langcliffe Presbyterian
is invited on Wednesday, May Exeter Avenue and Warren 654-4262.
27, at 7:00 p.m., at Holy Re- FIRST UNITED Street. The Sanctuary is hand-
deemer Church. Security, METHODIST CHURCH See FAITH, Page 12
icapped accessible and child care
grounds set up, equipment, tents, West Pittston is available during Worship
foods, games, entertainment, Sunday, May 15 - 10 a.m. Wor-
raffle, donations, so on and so on
will be discussed.
The Corpus Christi Youth
ship; 11:15 a.m. Sunday School;
5 p.m. Salvation Army Service
Monday, May 16 - 7 p.m. Boy
Choir will be singing the nation- Scouts 105 Church Drive You tru sted m e
al anthem at SWB Yankee Stadi- Wednesday, May 18 - 10 a.m. Glendale/Pittston Township
um in Moosic on Sunday, July Mommy and Me; 5 p.m. strings Sunday Service 10:45 a.m. to defend ou r
24, for the 1:05 p.m. game, SWB and wings; 7 p.m. choir, UMW cou ntry ...
Yankees vs. Syracuse Chiefs. It bus trip.
HARDING CHURCH OF tru stm e to do
is also “Kids Run Day.” Follow- Thursday, May 19 - 7 p.m.
ing the game all children 12 and Weight Watchers
CHRIST w ha t’s rig ht
under are invited to run the Saturday, May 21 - Chicken RR 1 Box 187A, Falls for ou r
Sunday services: 10:00 a.m.
bases. To reserve your seat, barbeque
Sunday School and 11:00 a.m. S chool D istrict!
please take a form (found in the Church Service.
vestibules of the churches) fill it FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Call 388-6534 www.harding- I’m ask ing all W yom ing
out and return it to the rectory. CHURCH A rea votersto give m e
All children are welcome to join 14 Broad Street Pittston th isopportu nity to serve
the Youth Choir, just fill out a Sunday Worship 9:15 a.m. asw ell asask ing for
registration form (found in the with Rev. William N. Lukesh. HOLY MOTHER OF you rcontinu ed su pport
vestibules of the churches). SORROWS PNCC
Recipientof form y ru nning m ates
Altar & Rosary Mother/ 212 Wyoming Avenue, Dupont
Daughter Breakfast will be held FIRST UNITED Fr. Zbigniew Dawid, Pastor
• 2 Bronze Stars“V”
• 3 Pu rple H earts
Nick D eA ng elo
on Sunday, May 15, following PRESBYTERIAN Sunday Masses: 8:00 a.m. • 25 A erial M issions a nd Toni Va lenti
the 7:30 a.m. Mass in ICC hall. West Pittston Traditional Mass; 10:00 a.m. • Vietnam Conflict

Donation is $10.00 adults and Celebrating First Holy Commu- Paid for by WA Concerned Candidates
The Session of the First United
$5.00 children 12 and under. Presbyterian Church of West nion Mass
Parish website is www.cor- Pittston announces the following Daily Mass: 9:00 a.m. Mon- schedule: day thru Saturday; 7:00p.m. on
Sunday, May15 - 9:30 a.m. Wednesday May devotions
Sunday School; 10:30 a.m. Wor- Sunday, May 22 - Graduation
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Mass at 10:30 a.m.
Rev. James H. Breese, pastor,

First Baptist Church, Water
Street, Pittston
Sunday 9:30 a.m. Worship and
praise service/Children’s Sunday
school, adult/teen Sunday school
immediately following service.
Wed. 7:15 p.m. Bible Study: T o m yR ep u blica n friends,
The Tabernacle itha sbeen a p lea su re
For more information, please
contact the church at 654-0283. serving yo u the p a st2 yea rs. Iw o u ld like to
co ntinu e to serve yo u so Im a yco ntinu e to do
the w o rk tha tIha ve do ne in the p a st, su ch a s
p a ving o u rto w n streets, co ntinu e to o ffer
free ga rba ge, p a id sew erfees, p a id a m bu la nce
FRESHWATER feesa nd co ntinu e to p a yW .V.S .A . 2 qu a rters.
AND Ia m a sking yo u to w rite m yna m e in the M a y
PONDFISH p rim a ryo n M a y17 .
Great Selection
of Corals and Inverts T ha nk Yo u ,

S teve R ina ldi

Our Coral Frags
Start at $5.00

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335 Union St., Luzerne, Pa. • 570-287-4097 Monday Closed ~ Tues-Weds 10-6 ~ Thurs-Fri-Sat. 10-8 ~ Sun. 12 Noon-5
SUNDAY DISPATCH, SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2011 Tune into Catholic Radio 750 anniversary of ordination to the
AM. The radio studio is located Holy Priesthood next Sunday,
in the seminary building and is May 22, with a Mass of Thanks-
broadcast daily from dawn to giving at 2:00 p.m. in St. Rocco’s
dusk. For more information Church, Pittston, followed by a
about this station, contact Ed stand-up reception at St. Antho-
Niewinski at 287-4670. ny’s Parish Center, Exeter. All
48th World Day of Prayer for are welcome to join Fr. Dan in
Vocations is this weekend his special day. No tickets are
throughout the world. Oblate vo- needed, reservations are appre-
cation director, Fr. Paul McDon- ciated by calling the seminary
nell, OSJ, will speak at all Mass- office at 654-7542.
es next weekend at Holy Annun- Annual Triduum and Feast of
ciation Parish, Hazleton. The St. Joseph Marello, Founder of
parish has been staffed by the the Oblates of St. Joseph, will be
Oblate Fathers since July 2009. held Memorial Day weekend
The eighth grade students of from May 26 – 30 in the semi-
St. Mary’s Assumption School, nary chapel. The Triduum (May
Pittston, will make their retreat 26-28) will include Mass every
at our seminary next Friday, May evening at 7:00 p.m., followed by
20th. special prayers to St. Joseph Ma-
Father Daniel L. Schwebs,
OSJ will be celebrating his 25th See FAITH, Page 13

The annual spring concert of the Catholic Choral Society of Scranton will be presented on Friday
evening, May 20, at 7:30 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Church, 801 Taylor Avenue, Scranton. The
guest performers for this concert will be the Scranton Preparatory School Student Choir under the
direction of Daniel Marx. A second performance will be presented on Sunday evening, May 22, at 7
p.m. at St. Ignatius Church, 339 North Maple Street, Kingston where the Choral Society will host as
guest performers the Good Shepherd ± Gate of Heaven Select Choir under the direction of Thomas Stazione would like to welcome our newest stylist
J. Hanlon. Members arranging the concert include: seated, Carol Fick, Moscow; Nancy Flannery,
Kingston; Sheila O'Brien, Dunmore. Standing, Director Ann Manganiello, Exeter; Lena Baur, Shaver-
town; Brenda Grunza, Nicholson, CCS co-president; Dr. Tom Rittenhouse, Clarks Summit, CCS co-
president. Accompanist for the CCS is Jean Shields. Tickets are available from society members or
by calling 587-2753; tickets are also available at the door; adults $10, under 12 free, seniors and stu-
dents $8.
formerly from a Clarks Summit Salon.

With this ad receive

Faith at 7:00 p.m.
Celebrate Recovery Ministry,
Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.
Office hours are Monday –
Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.,
evenings and weekends by ap- $5.00 off a Haircut or
Continued from Page 11

Church of Avoca is pleased to OBLATES OF ST. JOSEPH

pointment. Office phone num-
ber is 654-7542. $10.00 off a Color Service
Every Wednesday Mass is cel- With Ronnie
welcome new interim pastor Highway 315, Pittston ebrated at 7:00 p.m. in conjunc-
Rev. Barbara Shaw Jenkins. Masses are held daily in the tion with the Novena to St. Jo-
The Langcliffe Church is seminary chapel at 7:00 a.m. seph & St. Joseph Marello. No-
We are also featuring Coppola Keratin
handicap accessible and Sunday (Monday – Friday) and on Sat- vena prayers and the blessing of Treatments starting at $175.00.
School/Nursery is provided for urday mornings at 8:00 a.m. the first-class relic of St. Joseph Call today to schedule your appointment
young children during worship. There are no weekend Masses. Marello, Founder of the Oblates
The Langcliffe Church is
pleased to continue with our care
Confessions are heard daily
from 9:00 a.m. – noon and from
of Saint Joseph Congregation,
immediately follow the Mass.
packages for soldiers. To date
over 40 packages have been sent
3:00 – 6:00 p.m. All are welcome to participate. 919 S. M A I N S T R E E T • O L D F O R G E
to our soldiers serving our coun-
try overseas.

608 Rocky Glen Road, Moosic
Pastor: Doug Jensen 457-6020
Saturday Evening Bible Study
at 6:00 p.m. Saturday Evening
Worship at 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning Sunday
School for all ages at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship at

10:45 a.m.
Prayer Meeting, Wednesdays


weekend May 27-29, with mass- 3:45 p.m. and by appointment ern United States. In solidarity You are requested to return the
es every evening at 7 p.m. in the A planning meeting for adult and charity, Bishop Bambera has forms as soon as possible.
chapel. The Feast will be cele- volunteers for this summer’s Va- authorized a special collection in The Pittston Catholic Youth
Continued from Page 12
brated with a special mass at 7 cation Bible School will be held all parishes of the Diocese of Group meets on Sunday eve-
p.m. Monday, May 30. on Wednesday, May 18, at 7:00 Scranton for the people affected nings from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at
rello. Preaching this year’s Tri- Shrubbery along head stones p.m. in the Religious Education by the tornados to be taken up at the Oblates of St. Joseph Semi-
duum will be Father Mariusz in the cemetery should not be as Center of Our Lady of the Eu- all Masses of obligation on the nary. Please check out their web-
Beczek, OSJ, a native of Poland high as the stone itself. If you charist Parish. If you cannot at- weekend of May 21-22, 2011. site at http://www.pittstoncath-
and currently serving the Oblate want shrubbery removed contact tend the meeting but would like Funds from the Tornado Recov-
CA province as rector of the the- the rectory at 654-2914, 654- to help, call Maurita Bartnikow- ery Collection will be used to The address for the parish
ologate in Oxnard, CA. 6902. Cemetery clean up is in ski (655-0158) for more infor- support the efforts of the webpage is: www.eucharist-pitt-
The Feast of St. Joseph Marel- progress for Memorial Day. mation. Vacation Bible School USCCB and Catholic Charities You will find links to
lo will be celebrated on Monday, Memorial Day Services, Sun- will be held June 27 - July 1, 9 USA, the national office for lo- the Schedule for Liturgical Min-
May 30 (Memorial Day) with a day May 29, Rosary at 3 p.m. St. a.m. - noon. cal Catholic Charities agencies isters, our weekly bulletins,
solemn Mass at 7:00 p.m., cele- Rocco’s Cemetery. Monday, Parish Meetings: and affiliates nationwide. monthly calendars, upcoming
brated by Bishop John M. May 30, 10 a.m. in St. Rocco’s Wednesday, May 18, at 7:00 The Ministry Schedule is post- events and additional informa-
Dougherty, D.D., retired Auxil- Cemetery. p.m. – VBS Planning Meeting ed on the parish webpage. In ad- tion.
iary Bishop of Scranton. Oblate Mt Carmel/St. Rocco Golf Thursday, May 19, at 7:00 p.m. dition, preference forms for July On the first Friday of each
Fathers will serve as concele- Tournament will be held on Sun- – Prayer Shawl Ministry through September have been
brants and an outdoor reception day, June 12, at the Wilkes-Barre Monday, May 23, at 7:00 p.m. mailed to all active ministers. See FAITH, Page 18
will follow on the seminary Municipal Golf Course in Bear – Parish Advisory Council
grounds, hosted by the laity of Creek. Registration forms are Scripture Study classes WILL
the Josephite-Marellian Associ- available at the rectory and back NOT be held this Tuesday due to Democrats & Republicans
ation. The public is invited to this of St. Rocco’s/ Mt Carmel the Diocesan Clergy Confer-
special celebration honoring the On May 17th Elect
Church. ence.
Oblate Founder.
Check out more information
Pittston Regional Youth
Group meetings Oblate Semina-
The Parish Mass Intention
Book is open through August 30,
Larry Dellegrotto
about the seminary and the Ob- ry Sunday 6:30 p.m. Call 654- 2011. Please call or come into the Exeter Borough Council
lates of St. Joseph locally and 7542 for more information. office with your Mass Intention “A New Voice”
worldwide by turning to their Mt. Carmel 11th annual raffle Requests.
website: www.oblates-stjo- 27 Years Business Experience
with Grand Prize your choice In recent days, Archbishop $20,000.00 or 2011 Chevrolet Timothy Dolan of New York, Graduate of Penn State University
Malibu. Winner will be drawn on President of the United States Completed Three Municipal Government Courses
OUR LADY OF Sunday July 17. Purchase your Conference of Catholic Bishops Open, Honest & Transparent Government
MT. CARMEL tickets or request ticket to sell. (USCCB), approved a special I would consider it a privilege to be given the
ST. ROCCOS Seller of winning ticket wins Tornado Recovery Collection
$500. Fill out order and return to for the parishes, dioceses, re-
opportunity to serve the residents of Exeter Borough.
Altar and Rosary Society an-
nounce the annual Mother’s parish office or call 654-6902 or gions, provinces and states af- Learn more about the candidate at
Communion Breakfast/program Frank Sciabacucchi655-6125. fected by the recent widespread
tornado damage in the southeast-
to be held on Sunday, May 15, in
the parish banquet hall immedi- OUR LADY OF THE
ately following the 8 a.m. Mass. EUCHARIST PARISH
This year’s speaker is Sister. Jo- 535 N Main Street , Pittston,
sephine Palmieri M.P.F. Mrs. PA 18640 A New Holland T1510 or T1520
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Baseball team moms, ‘unsung heroes’

Say no to
As a policy we don’t endorse candi-
dates, but we can endorse a concept and
anti-nepotism is one we both endorse and
Two slates of school board candidates,
one from Pittston Area and one from
Wyoming Area, are running campaigns
which include no-nepotisim pledges.
On the Pittston Area no-nepotism slate
are Rich Gorzkowski, Bob Lampman and
Tony Tuttle.
On the Wyoming Area slate are Estelle
Campenni, Tom Cason, Beth Gober-
Mangan and Carl Yorina.
Both slates say adopting a no nepotism
policy would be their first order of busi-
A cynic might say, that’s easy to say
now when the present boards are talking
about not replacing retiring faculty and West Pittston’s George Miller believes all mom’s are “unsung heroes” … especially when it comes to sports.
staff because there is no money for new Miller says, “Moms do everything for the program and the boys and get no recognition. They put together a program for Meet the
hires. Warriors with all the trimmings. They make sure their boys have clean uniforms for every game. You know what baseball does to
And a cynic might say, it’s too late, es- white uniforms? Moms make sure the boys have Gatorade and water during games. They maintain the concession stan and go
pecially on the West Side where the around with the 50-50 tickets, a thankless job. They prepare those late, late suppers and nurse those aches and pains.”
school board went on a nepotisim binge So, Miller organized a post-Mother’s Day gathering for all the varsity players’ moms and took this photo.
over the past few years. First row, Denise Harris, Juleann Klepadlo, Tracey Carey, Tina Drahus and Karen Nowicki. Second row, Georgia Bone, Michelle
And a cynic might say that Campenni is McDermott, Mary Ann Murphy, Brenda Maloney and Susan Karazia. Third row, Sandra Grove and Toni Joy Granteed.
being a bit hypocritical here in that she

Josette Fedor ‘reigned’ in 1985

voted yes for some of the Wyoming Area
nepotisim hires.
Even given all that, we say better late
than never. We can’t understand why anti-
nepotisim wasn’t always the policy. Josette Fedor, is pictured with her since-
Defenders of nepotisim will say the re- deceased father Joseph Fedor in a photo
lated teachers or staff hired were the most taken on May 4, 1985, the day she was se-
qualified applicants and that being the lected Little Miss Cherry Blossom.
case why should they be discriminated Josette Fedor Curtis, graduated from
against because of to whom they are relat- Wyoming Area High School in 1997 and
ed? from the United States Naval Academy in
We’ve got three responses to that. 2001 with a BS in chemistry and minor in
One, people in the districts who have Spanish. Upon completion of Naval
close relatives they know are likely to be Flight Officer training in Pensacola, Flor-
applicants for school district jobs should ida, Josette transferred to Whidbey Island,
not run for school boards. Washington, where she has stayed since
Two, if the related applicants are really arriving in 2002.
that qualified, they should be able to find Josette completed two deployments
jobs elsewhere. aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln and has
And three, in our opinion nepotisim been an instructor at the Electronic Attack
hires are just not ethical. Weapons School for the past 3.5 years.
The thought of school board members She met her husband Jack, a Navy pilot, in
meeting in back rooms and striking you- 2003 they married in 2005 and reside in
vote-for-him and we’ll-vote-for-her deals Anacortes, Washington, with their two
makes us cringe. rescue mutts. Their first child, a son, is
And to be frank, and please note we’re due in September 2011.
not acussing anybody of anything, but , in Josette congratulates and thanks the
our opinion, it is a very slippery slope Cherry Blossom Festival for 40 years of
from back room dealing like that to back enriching our community and celebrating
room dealing where it seems okay to ac- West Pittston’s unique springtime beauty.

cept an envelope. Better to stay on the

high road all the way around.



Valenti and DeAngelo


A cynic’s primary election guide respond to letter

Ready for the most important election in Lu- anything above T-ball. This is in response to Frank proud of our accomplishments.
zerne County in a generation, lifetime, half- Vote for candidates you know personally. Or Casarella’s letter which appeared WA is ranked in the top 15% of
century as Tuesday’s Primary has been de- vote for candidates you don’t know from Dweezil in your paper last week. He said public schools throughout the
scribed? Zappa. he’s had enough. We agree with Commonwealth of PA and one
Really, it’s all that? Vote for candidates who don’t need the money. him that Wyoming Area resi- of the top districts in Luzerne
The most important elections in Luzerne Or vote for candidates who will live on $8,000 a dents have been taxed to the lim- County for high student achieve-
County in a generation, lifetime, half-century year. it, and, we are sensitive to this is- ment and low per pupil costs.
were the ones where Ciavarella, Conahan, Toole Vote for candidates who hold white-collar sue. Unlike Mr. Casarella, how- Mr. Casarella, we’ve had
and Skrepenak were elected in the first place. office jobs. ever, we voted no for a tax in- enough of you and your personal
Tuesday’s election is the safest in a generation, Or vote for candidates with dirt under their crease in the June 2010 budget attacks against us and the dis-
lifetime, half-century. fingernails. meeting. trict.
It’s said the safest time to fly is after a major Vote for cute candidates (Michelle Bednar) or He also states that contracts To the voters of the WA school
accident when airlines, the FAA, airports and all young, hip candidates (Casey Evans.) are approved without being dis- district we humbly asked for
are hyper-vigilant. What about school board, who shall we vote tributed to the board, which is your vote and support for us and
Well, the safest time to vote is after a major for there? untrue. All personnel contracts our running mate, Jerry Stofko,
political crack-up when all the candidates are How about candidates who won’t hire their are thoroughly discussed in ex- on Election Day, Tuesday, May
hyper-pure. relatives or the relatives of other board members? ecutive sessions and distributed 17.
This may sound naïve but at this point it’s safe HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA. to all board members before a Toni Valenti
to say that none of the judicial candidates or Crash, bang (Writer falls on floor in fit of public vote is taken. Nick DeAngelo
county council candidates will be accepting new laughter.) We stand on our record and are
suits, sunny vacations, 80-inch flat screens or I got it – orphans. Let’s vote for school board
stuffed envelopes once elected.
It’s almost like we can’t screw this one up no
matter whom we elect.
candidates who grew up in orphanages without
any siblings. Heck fire, let’s make it a law that
only orphans without siblings can be candidates
WA candidates pledge
All the judicial candidates are so full of hon-
esty, integrity, and trustworthiness they won’t be
able to button their robes.
for school board.
Which puts me in mind of the time Wyoming
Area hired a School Police Officer who was so
a no nepotism policy
They have spent so much time inside mahoga- important they gave him uppercase letters and
ny-paneled courtrooms they need vitamin D who just happened to be the brother of school Wyoming Area residents, we taxpayers holding their breath
injections. director Dave Alberigi. write you today to discuss what and the students hoping that the
All the county council candidates are such Wyoming Area never had a police force of its direction the Wyoming Area possible cuts in programs do not
non-political, non-connected, down-to-earth very own before Dave Alberigi was elected, but School District will take after the impact their education and activ-
regular Joe six-packs you couldn’t bribe them then the minute he was elected WA had to have May 17 election. The decisions ities.
with a backhoe. its very own police force. we make, through the votes we In this election, you have a
A front loader, maybe, but not a backhoe. And, damn, if Alberigi’s brother Chris Alberigi cast on May 17, will impact both choice and the team of Estelle
But seriously folks, what kind of judges and of all the cops in the world wasn’t the best qual- students and taxpayers of Campenni, Tom Cason, Beth
councilpersons should we vote for? ified to be the WA policeman. I mean, what are Wyoming Area for years to Gober-Mangan and Carl Yorina
Judge answer: Smart ones, if you can figure the chances? come. is the choice. If elected, the first
out who they are, whose rulings and decisions WA even has its own police car. Here’s what They say that a politician wor- order of business will be to adopt
won’t be overturned on appeals to higher courts, was said about the cop car from a daily newspa- ries about the next election while a no nepotism policy. The policy
because rulings and decisions overturned by per story about a school board meeting: “The a statesman worries about the will mirror the policy abolished
higher courts cost time. new vehicle will enable him to patrol potential next generation. For too long, we by the current majority during
And time is money. trouble spots on and near school grounds where have seen our elected school their first meeting in 2005. It will
And we ain’t got none. students smoke or speed on their way in and out board members concern them- plainly state that no close relative
Which is good. of school property.” selves more with securing jobs of a sitting board member will be
No money means a hard cap on the number of Wow, students smoke or speed on their way in within the district for their fam- hired.
cronies and relatives the judges and councilper- and out of school property. Who knew? What if ily members while forgetting Our team also consists of one
sons we elect can hire. they smoke and speed? What if they smoke, about the future and stability of college professor, a Honeywell
And what kind of county council candidates speed and text? What if they smoke, speed, text our district. technician with 20 years experi-
should we vote for? and throw gum out the window? What if they Our great district has been the ence, a chemist for Schott Glass,
Answer: Blowin’ in the Wind. smoke, speed, text, throw gum out the window, headline in countless television and an electrical engineer. To-
But here are some suggestions: play Kanye West at 250 decibels and you can see news reports and newspaper co- gether we have six children cur-
Vote for candidates from the county’s major their underwear? lumns detailing the rampant nep- rently attending Wyoming Area
population centers. Then what? otism at Wyoming Area. Wyom- Schools. When elected, we look
Or vote for candidates from rural villages so We’re going to need a bloody WA SWAT team. ing Area deserves far better than forward to working with the
far from the county seat Magellan couldn’t find to be the punch line for local po- teachers, support staff and ad-
it. Thar’s Gold litical jokes. ministrators toward the common
Vote for experienced politicians. There’s a radio commercial about buying gold Unfortunately, Wyoming Area goal of financial stability and
Or vote for candidates who have never held as an investment. In it a financial expert predicts now finds itself at a crossroads. taxpayer accountability. The an-
any office above homeroom VP. the price of gold may double. Poor financial restraint, nepo- swer to our current problems will
Vote for candidates with private sector man- If that’s the case why does anyone want to sell tism, and overstaffing coupled not be solved by making villains

agerial experience. it now? with the governor’s education

Or vote for candidates who never managed cuts have left the Wyoming Area See NEPOTISM, Page 34
Mary R. Ehret, MS, RD, LDN
Haley Taffera Kennedy Penn State Cooperative Extension

Once upon a time Celebrate cherries

Spring has sprung and the summer outdoor festivals are kicking off
In a land far, far away, there enough for me, and check to security. this weekend with the West Pittston Cherry Blossom Festival. Cele-
lived a young woman who… make sure that no other copy is Her realism and sharp social brate the festival by learning more about cherries.
in better shape than the one I commentary, comic twists, de- Cherries are a wonderful fruit packed with antioxidants and a must
When I was a child so many have chosen. scriptive scenes, and sparks of eat food for anyone who wants to boost their bodies’ sustenance.
of the fairy tale story books be- I need the perfect fit, the per- romance captivate me and I find The American Dietetic Association (ADA) recommends varying
gan this way. fect get away, the perfect tool to myself at home when immersed the color of your foods on a daily basis. Foods should be as colorful as
Within the first few lines the challenge my mind, heart, and in her thick dialogue and wan- the spring flowers, including greens, blues, whites and tan, orange
distant, enchanted land would spirit. dering the English moors. and of course reds. These colors come from the natural pigments
be painted vividly within the I’ve been reading a lot lately, Currently, however, and you found in plants and represent wonderful natural ways of boosting our
imagination and a fair maiden, too. may laugh if you like as I’m ri- bodies’ nutrition. A diet rich in a variety of foods including plants
handsome prince, and wicked I usually go through spurts diculously late to join the craze helps to prevent and treat a variety of disease states. According to
queen or sorcerer introduced, where I will read one book after and also because of the target ADA, produce rich in the color of red like cherries may help maintain
setting the plot of good versus another for a few weeks and audience and material, I am a healthy heart by reducing inflammation, good vision, and immuni-
evil. It is within such tales that then take quite a bit of time off. reading the Harry Potter series ty and may reduce cancer risks by their strong presence of antiox-
my love of reading, books, the Right now though, I’ve been on by J.K. Rowling (I watched one idants. Here are some examples:
written word, and the influence a binge, gorging myself on book of the movies based on these Fruits: cherries, cranberries, pomegranate, red/pink grape fruit,
they have on the reader began to after book after book, never books and my interest was red grapes and watermelon
bloom. stopping for more than a day or piqued). Vegetables: beets, red onions, red peppers, red potatoes, rhubarb
From an early age I devoured two to rest my eyes or mind. A total of seven fantasy nov- and tomatoes
books. I would get my hands on I’m addicted to the escape, to els, Harry Potter chronicles the The American Institute for Cancer Research also reports on the
one and have a hard time putting the thrill, to the difference of adventures of an adolescent value of eating a variety of colored foods including red cherries. They
it down until I read it all the way places and faces. wizard and his friends dueling state that “studies suggest the phytochemical anthocyanin, are cred-
through, cover to cover. On more than one occasion, battle with an evil dark wizard. I ited with giving cherries their notable red hue, have been recognized
I loved getting lost in the at least once a year, I will reread don’t really know what it is for its antioxidant power.” They go on to recommend when cooking
words, finding myself in a for- my favorites: The Chronicles of about these books other than the or eating cherries, to eat the skin, which contains many of the cherry’s
eign world I could explore, Narnia by C.S. Lewis, and Jane brilliant mixture of adventure, protective substances. The same rule applies to many other vegeta-
among strangers that I was only Austen’s novels, namely Pride drama, and mystery that has me bles and fruits such as potatoes, pears and apples.
too eager to learn about and be- and Prejudice and Persuasion. fascinated, but I will regret What other bennies do cherries give our bodies? The AICR also
friend, and refusing to leave un- I discovered Narnia and the when I’ve finished them. states that they “are an excellent source of beta carotene, a precursor
til I had my fill. great lion Aslan (the central fig- Besides fiction and fantasy, to vitamin A. The tart version of these bite-size fruits actually has
I love the effect a good book ure in the books) when I was a though, I also enjoy humo nearly 20 times more vitamin A than strawberries and blueberries.
has on the imagination, causing child and quickly began to wor- books and short essays, autobio- And as an extra bonus, cherries are a good source of vitamins C and E
it to pirouette in new directions ship the magical realm and the graphical pieces and, more often for healthy collagen development and immunity. They even provide
and expand in electrifying ways; talking animals that inhabited it. than not, classic novels by au- an extra boost of fiber, potassium and iron.”
and on the heart, forcing it to The second book of the series, thors such as Mark Twain, F. So when you are walking around the cherry festival this year, think
leave a charmed impression and The Lion, the Witch and the Scott Fitzgerald, Charlotte of the fruit in addition to the beauty of the blossoms.
a fondness of memory within. Wardrobe, has always been my Bronte, Ernest Hemingway, Meanwhile, add cherries to your grocery list. Fresh or frozen both
And I love the way a book can most beloved as it was the first Emily Bronte, and Charles come without added sugars. Be mindful of dried and canned by
propel you into a newer, more book, to my recollection, that I Dickens. checking the label to see if sugar has been added.
profound understanding of who could actually see playing in my The classics, for whatever Try this salsa recipe from the AICR.
you are at your core, shedding mind while I was reading it. reason, comfort me and mes-
light on thoughts and emotions, My imagination still bursts to merize me in odd, hypnotic Cherry Salsa
convictions and morals, wishes life at the mere sight of the icon- ways. 4 Tomatillos, chopped
and dreams, expectations and ic cover, a faun carrying an um- Someone once said, “Books 1 Tbsp. water
realities of yourself that you brella and parcels in a snowy are the quietest and most con- 3 small scallions, green and white parts separated, thinly sliced
may never before realized. wood near a lamppost. stant of friends; they are the 1 tsp lemon juice
I love everything about books; Jane Austen and her novels most accessible and wisest of 1 cup dark sweet cherries (frozen or fresh), pitted, chopped*
the smell, the look, the feel, the came to me when I was a teen- counselors, and the most patient 1 pinch of ground black pepper or 1/8 tsp Tabasco sauce
weight. ager and young woman. of teachers.” In nonstick skillet, heat tomatillos with 1 tbsp. of water for approxi-
Everything about them is al- Pride and Prejudice was a I couldn’t agree more, nor mately 3 minutes.
luring and tantalizing. reading assignment in my high could I find a pastime more en- Add scallion whites and cook one minute. Add lemon juice, cher-
Truth be told, when I go to school English class, and as I joyable or a love more steadfast ries and pepper and cook additional minute. Remove from heat; add
purchase a book it is a process was studying English Writing in than that of a good book. I’ve scallion greens.
in and of itself. college, Jane’s literature was a traveled to so many foreign Refrigerate for at least one hour.
I examine the spine, pages, mainstay. lands, met so many intriguing If using with poultry or fish, bring to room temperature or reheat
and font, weigh the pros and Jane Austen highlighted the people, learned so many won- before serving.
cons of hard cover versus paper- circumstances and environment derful facts because of them
back, read a few pages to deter- which required the dependence that, more often than not, I long Mary R. Ehret, M.S., R.D., L.D.N., is with Penn State Cooperative

mine whether or not the style of women on marriage to secure to be buried behind a good Extension, Luzerne County, 16 Luzerne Ave., West Pittston, Pa., 18643.
and topic is right and interesting social standing and economic book. (570) 825-1701/602-0600. Fax (570) 825-1709.
Jimmy Foxx here in ’62 for new ball park


Question #1
In May 1952, John
Saltis of Pittston was
Peeking second major league player to hit 500
career home runs, after Babe Ruth. Joe
Ostrowski, West Wyoming, pitched in
colony. The play based on a rather
pompous newspaperman and critic, ran
for 739 performances on Broadway.
a very busy fellow
working in his lucra-
tive side business
into the past the Major Leagues for 5 seasons and
finished with a 23-25 record and 15
saves. He pitched two scoreless innings
Nathan Lane starred in the recent film
version in 2000.
Nan McCarthy, Thomas F Kelly,
repairing something in the Yankees’ 1951 World Series victo- business administrator of Pittston Area,
With Judy Minsavage ry. Zita Curry, Mary Grace Lancoski,
mostly everyone owns.
What was it? Tito Fabrizio of Pittston was also a Phyllis Urban, Barbara Kapish, An-
hero in attendance. He spent many hours drea Ridolfi, Julie Duzen, Liz Bryk
1962 – 49 Years Ago of his time operating the heavy equip- and Joseph Kennedy, lauded Mary
1952 – 59 Years Ago In his Hunting and Fishing column ment used in the construction of the new Hart, Rose McAndrew and Margaret
The Hughestown school board and appearing in Sunday Dispatch, John stadium and was in large part responsib- McHale, teachers at the Grove Street
PTA were at odds over a minstrel show Koval stated, “Over 7 million pleasure le for the successful grand opening. Elementary School who retired in 1972.
that went awry. The school dancing and fishing boats are in use by 36 mil-
instructor in charge of the show’s rou- lions water enthusiasts, fishermen and
tines found himself in the middle of a water skiers.” 1972 – 39 Years Ago 1992 – 9 Years Ago
controversy after someone complained On a trip to Zambor’s sports store, Three Pittstonians were on hand at Al “Ace” Brogna of Hughestown was
about an off-color skit performed at the John noticed a large stock of V-bottom ceremonies launching the nuclear air- named the Middle Atlantic Conference
show. The instructor took offense to the 14 footers and several “Jon Boats” giv- craft carrier Nimitz at Newport News, Northeast Section Coach of the Year as
complaints, did not show for the second ing Pittston area fishermen ample ways Virginia. Along with Congressman Dan coach of the King’s College Monarch
performance and refused to continue to to fish the areas beautiful lakes, rivers Flood were the Chief Clerk of the baseball team.
give dance instructions at the school. and streams. A Jon Boat is flat-bot- House of Representatives Defense Ap- The Monarch’s compiled a 14-13 sea-
Parents brought up the matter at a tomed aluminum or wood boat with one, propriations Committee John Garrity, son in 1992 and had taken the MAC
school board meeting and appealed to two, or three bench seats used for hunt- of Port Griffith, his wife the former Northeast and North titles for the first
board members to try to get the dancing ing as well as fishing. The hull of a Jon Mary Marek of Dupont, and Michael time.
instructor back. boat is nearly flat limiting the use of the Clark, who was the legislative assistant The King’s College baseball program
Walter Tetlak, proprietor of the Sugar boat to calmer waters. They are easy to to Congressman Flood. has been in existence since the college
Bowl in Dupont, wanted to give young maintain, and can be upgraded to handle The group met with Navy Secretary opened in 1946-47.
talented boys and girls a chance to ex- a motor. John Warner and Admiral Hyman If you see two very sturdy blue spruce
hibit their abilities so he held an amateur Family members and friends Earl Rickover, the father of the atomic pow- trees along side St. Rocco’s Church, they
contest and invited the area children to Bechtold, Eddie Strubeck and Sam ered submarine the Nautilus. According were planted in 1992 by the Pittston City
compete. First place went to the Danny Abate were disappointed. They had to its web site, “the Nimitz measures Shade Tree commission members Ger-
Kaye Trio of Duryea composed of Da- traveled to Olean, New York, to see Erie more than 18 stories high from keel to trude Manganero, Maria Capolarella
niel Kobal, Bernard Balchune and Sailors pitcher Wes Mugford and out- masthead and has a total length of 1,092 Montante and Sam Miceli along with
Eugene Kennedy; second place went to fielder Bernie Richards perform, but feet. Carrying a full compliment of St. Rocco’s Girl Scouts, Katie Doran,
the Dupont Silver Notes a trio consist- upon arriving at the ballpark, they read a 5,800 officers and crew and 85 combat Grace Colarusso, Jamie Smith,
ing of Don Mitchell, Robert Kishel sign posted “Rain, No Game Today”. aircraft, its enormous 4.5 acre flight Brianne Weitz, Danielle McDermott,
and Joseph Phillips. Judges for the Relief pitcher Mugford and leadoff deck serves as the launching pad for the Maria Augello and Marla Costanzo.
competition were Irene Kulick, Franc- batter Richards were local baseball stars supersonic jets of Carrier Air Wing 11.” The trees were planted to commemorate
es Kalmanowicz, Frances Yanchury who went on to join the Sailors in the General Chester W. Nimitz became Earth and Arbor Days as well as the
and Mary Pennachioli. New York-Pennsylvania League. Ac- one of the first submarine commanders; 80th anniversary of Girl Scouts. Accord-
The Pittston Red Devils, managed by cording to the team web site, The Sail- he built the submarine base at Pearl ing to the official Girl Scout web site,
“Streaky” Dardes, were one of the ors team affiliation in 1962 was with the Harbor, Hawaii. During the aftermath of Girl Scouts of the USA has a member-
teams to beat in the Suburban League Minnesota Twins. the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, he ship of over 3.2 million girls and adults,
match-ups. The outstanding batting Formed in 1891, the team switched assumed command of the Pacific Fleet. more than 50 million women in the U.S.
display of Lenny Meckalavage helped leagues many times throughout its histo- When it came to fighting the war, Ni- today are Girl Scout alumnae.
win the team’s first two outings. West ry. Based in Erie, the Sailors left after mitz said, “It is the function of the Navy
Wyoming, which also claimed two vic- 1993 when their ballpark, Ainsworth to carry the war to the enemy so that it is
tories, planned to cool Meckalavage’s Field fell into disrepair. They settled in not fought on U.S. soil.” Answer #1
bat with pitching-catcher combo Billy Fishkill, New York, as the Hudson Val- To see photos of the launching of the John Saltis in a business he started
Krosky and Danny “Biff” Forlenza. ley Renegades. Nimitz go to with Andrew Kizis of Port Griffith,
The West Wyoming High School The Junction Athletic Club baseball chives/02/68.htm. sharpened and repaired lawnmowers.
presented a unique “I Am an American team, member of the Suburban League Gene Santarelli, drama coach and Saltis a World War II Air Force veteran
Day” program. Louis Greco supplied dedicated a new stadium located in the director at the Wyoming Area High began his business in 1945, saw steady
soil samples from 48 states to be mixed Upper Pittston Flats. Three local sports School, was a stickler for detail as his growth and found himself working on
together at the program. On display were heroes and one from Maryland were on theatre group prepared to put on the approximately 175 to 200 mowers every
letters from the 48 governors. Scheduled hand to celebrate the event. Gene Gau- George S.Kaufman-Moss Hart play spring. An employee of American Chain
to speak was Dr. J.B. Matthews, author rilia, Duryea, of the Boston Celtics, “The Man Who Came to Dinner.” At- and Cable in Duryea, John used the
of the American Legion articles against played under coach Arnold “Red” tempting to catch the flavor of the late most up-to-date sharpener to do the job.
subversive activities in the U.S. Auerbach during the 1960s. The Celtics 1930s, crew members Joyce Borzik, The lawnmower was invented in 1830.
Arizona, the 48th state, was admitted conquered the NBA 11 times in 13 sea- Martin Marcy, Joey Bahl, Ninarose For a detailed history of the lawnmower
to the Union on February 14, 1912. On 3 sons. “Fritz” Dorish, Swoyersville, was Dana, Debbie Brown, Teresa Ma- go to www.oldlawnmowerclub.
January 1959, Alaska became the 49th a right-handed pitcher over all or parts cLean, Joe Tomashefski, Michele
State. Hawaii became the 50th state of ten seasons (1947–1956) with the Mulvey and Gerry Newman set about Anything we tell our kids about life is
admitted to the Union on August 21, Boston Red Sox, St. Louis Browns/ making costumes and building a set a place marker until they figure it out
Baltimore Orioles and Chicago White for themselves.

1959. complete with a mummy case with

Sox. Jimmy Foxx, Maryland, was the Egyptian hieroglyphics and a cockroach - Robert Brault
Faith 30. The Rectory Office will be
closed on Monday, May 30 in ob-
servance of the Memorial Day
Weekday Masses: Monday
through Saturday at 7:00 a.m.
Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-
10 a.m. on Sunday, May 22.
All parents anticipating Bap-
tism of their first child are re-
The Closet accepts donations
new and gently used. For infor-
mation call the parish office.
Continued from Page 13
Holiday. day 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. quired to attend baptismal in- The Pittston Catholic Youth
Mark your calendar for the Sa- Every Monday at 7:00 p.m. struction. The next session will Group will meet on Sunday eve-
month Communion is brought to cred Heart “Picnics of Picnics” Mass with Novena prayers to the be held Tuesday, June 7, in the nings at the Oblates of St. Joseph
those who are unable to partici- to be held on August 4, 5 and 6. Miraculous Medal and Mother parish center 7:30 to 8:30. Seminary, Laflin at 6:30 p.m.
pate in Sunday Mass because of Cabrini. Confessions before If you are looking for help The group is under the direction
age or health. The Sacrament of Mass. coping with the recent loss of a of Father Phil, Father Paul and
the Anointing of the Sick is cele- ST. ANTHONY’S Every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. loved one consider joining St. Jeff McCabe.
brated with anyone seriously ill, Memorial Avenue, Exeter Mass with Novena prayers to St. John the Evangelist’s Bereave- For more information call Fa-
anticipating a serious operation, Next Sunday, May 22, at 10:30 Anthony of Padua. Confessions ment Support Group. The group ther Paul 654-7542 or email osj-
or quite elderly. a.m. Mass, all our children and before Mass. will begin meeting on May 17
their parents and grandparents Every Wednesday after the and continue meeting on Tues-
will be honored. The junior choir 7:00 and 11:00 a.m. Mass, Nove- day evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
PRINCE OF PEACE PARISH and senior choir will participate. ST JOHN’S LUTHERAN
na prayers to Saint Joseph and St. in the parish center dining room.
Old Forge The Christian Mothers Socie- Joseph Marello. For more information call the 9 Wood St., Pittston
St. Mary’s Church, Lawrence ty will hold their final meeting as Weekend Masses: on Saturday parish office. Today is a communion Sunday
Street, Saturday Vigil 4 p.m. Christian Mothers Society of St. at 4:30 p.m., on Sunday at 7:30 The Greater Pittston Food Pastor - John Castellani
Sunday, Mass 8 and 10 a.m. Anthony of Padua Church on and 10:30 a.m. and at 7:00 p.m. Pantry is sponsored by the Care Organist - Marcia Colleran
St. Lawrence’s Church, Main Tuesday, May 24, at 5:30 p.m. at (the last Mass in the valley). and Concern Committee of St. Lay Reader - Sharleen Palimia
Street, Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m. Valenti’s Restaurant. All mem- Confessions are heard on Satur- John the Evangelist Parish. If Acolyte - John Peterson
Sunday Mass 11:15 a.m. bers and guests are invited to at- day at 3:30 p.m. and before you are in need of food please 9:30 a.m. Service today. Sun-
tend. Cost for the dinner is $ Masses. call 654-9923. Distribution of day School at 10:30 am
SACRED HEART OF JESUS 20.00. The deadline for reserva- The Eucharistic Adoration is food is by appointment only. Panda Mania....Where is GOD
tions is May 17. Call Rose Preb- held every day from 11:30 a.m. to The Free Health Clinic is open wild about you.... is the theme
Lackawanna Ave., Dupont ola at 388-2462, Charlotte Na- for this year Vacation Bible
The weekly mass schedule is 6:30 p.m. followed by the Bene- every Wednesday from 5:30 in
ples at 510-6956 or Marion Piza- diction with the Blessed Sacra- the former Seton Catholic High School August 1-5.
Monday through Friday at 7:00 no at 654-0906. Eye glasses and postage
a.m., Saturday at 7:30 a.m. and ment. School, and on first come first
On Sunday, May 29, we will serve basis. stamps are continually being col-
4:00p.m. and Sunday at 8:30 welcome the parishioners of St. lected. You can place them in the
a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Pediatric Health Clinic is open
John the Baptist Church in Exe- ST. JOHN THE on the first and third Wednesday marked containers in the rear of
The Rosary will be recited ter to our Church. A special EVANGELIST PARISH the Church. Eye glasses are be-
each day in May before the first COMMUNITY of the month. Registration is
Mass will be celebrated at 2:00 held in the Seton building from ing collected by the Lutheran
Mass. p.m. at St. John the Baptist Pittston Hour. These will be sent to St.
The Women’s Society of Sa- 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Bring your
Church. After the Mass, a proc- Holy Name Society meeting Louis where they will be distrib-
cred Heart will receive as a child’s immunizations records.
ession with the Blessed Sacra- will be held on Sunday, May 15, uted to foreign countries where
group at the 10:30 a.m. Mass to- Greater Pittston Kids Closet is
ment and the statue of St. John at11a.m. in the parish center din- there are needed.
day. Light refreshments will be open Wednesday from 9 to 11
the Baptist will take place. ing room.
served in the church hall follow- a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. and on
Weather permitting, the proces- Closing Mass for CCD will be
ing the Mass. Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. See FAITH, Page 19
sion will start from St. John the
The Dupont VFW Post 4909 Baptist Church, Cedar St., to

Continue the Progress

Veterans will conduct their an- Lincoln St., across Wyoming
nual Poppy Sale before and after Ave. to St. Anthony’s Church on
all masses the weekend of May Memorial St. A short prayer ser-
21 and 22 vice with the Benediction of the
The Building and Grounds Blessed Sacrament will follow
Committee will meet in the low- the procession. After Benedic-
er level of the rectory on Thurs- tion, everyone is invited to St.
day, May 19 at 7:00 p.m.

Anthony’s Parish Center to so-
There will be an 8:30 a.m. cialize, and refreshments will be
mass celebrated at the Cemetery served.
Chapel on Memorial Day, May



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SAINT MONICA’S CHURCH ST. MARY’S PARISH es now has a page on Facebook. sion Committee; 7 p.m. AA
363 West 8th Street, West 200 Stephenson Street, Du- Anyone who is interested in Meeting
Wyoming, PA 18644 ryea renting St. Mary’s School for Wednesday, May 18 - 6:30
Continued from Page 18 Office Hours - 9:00 a.m. to Rev. Richard Wosiak - Pastor child care, parties, or other use- p.m. Choir Rehearsal
4:30 p.m., Mon. – Fri. Phone: (570)-457-2291 ful activities is invited to call the Saturday, May 21 -Working at
Postage stamps are always for Phone: 570-693-1991 rectory at 457-3412 to learn St. Vincent DePaul Soup Kitch-
missions. One pound of can- Email: more about this opportunity. en
celed stamps brings a bible to Web site: www.stmonicanepa- SAINT MARY’S/SS PETER Daily Masses: During May at
someone over seas who needs it. AND PAUL’S CHURCHES SS. Peter and Paul’s Church,
Please save at least 1/4 inch 715 Hawthorne St./1000 Main 1000 Main St., at 8 a.m. TRINITY EPISCOPAL
Father Leo J. McKernan, Pas- CHURCH
around the stamp when trim- tor St., Avoca Eucharistic Adoration: Tues-
ming days from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Spring Street and Montgom-
Pastor Father Leo J. McKer-
Our recycling program is start- at SS. Peter and Paul’s Church. ery Avenue, West Pittston
ing up. Please drop aluminum St. Mary’s Church will have its Miraculous Medal Novena: Parish Mission: “To live and
The annual St. Joseph’s Me-
cans (crushed if possible), Cop- annual St. Mary’s Classic golf Wednesday following the 7 p.m. build holy community.”
morial Day mass will be cele-
per etc. in the back of the church tournament today at Pine Hills Mass All welcome: Worldwide An-
brated at St. Joseph’s Cemetery
lot. Country Club, Taylor. This Weekends Masses: Saturday glican Communion: “We believe
on May 30 at 10:30 a.m. weather
year’s tournament will be played at 4 p.m. at SS. Peter and Paul’s in one holy, Catholic apostolic
permitting or at OLOS site if
in memory of Judge Thomas Church and at 5:30 p.m. at St. church.”
ST. JOHN’S P.M. CHURCH necessary.
Gibbons. Mary’s Church; Sunday at 8 and Web of information and links
316 Main St., Avoca The Rosary of the Blessed Vir-
The implementation team will 11:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Church at www.trinityepiscopalchurch-
Sunday Service 10:00 a.m. gin Mary and the Chaplet of Di-
meet Tuesday, May 17 at 7 p.m. and at 10 a.m. at SS. Peter and and www.dio-
Tuesday Bible Study 6:00- vine Mercy are recited each a.m.
in St. Mary’s Rectory, 715 Haw- Paul’s Church
7:30 p.m. before the 7 a.m. Mass.
thorne St. Confession: Saturdays 3-3:45 Sunday Holy Eucharist: 11
St. Monica’s Blessed Mother
There will be a parish picnic p.m. at SS. Peter and Paul’s a.m. every Sunday.
Sodality is currently restarting.
meeting Tuesday, May 17 at 7 Church; anytime upon request Holy Days as announced.
ST. MARIA GORETTI Girls 3rd through 12 grades who
p.m. in St. Mary’s School audi- by calling 457-3412. Monday—Day of Prayer:
Laflin Road, Laflin are interested in joining are
torium, 742 Spring St. Prayer Chain: 457-5867 Noon Prayer 12:00 to 12:15 p.m.
There will be a Festival Meet- asked to call Sandy Nardell at
The women’s guild will have Open to the public. Special in-
ing on Monday, May 23, at 7:00 693-0416 or email srnar-
their annual Communion lun- tentions are welcome.
p.m. in the Church Hall. All are dell!
cheon Sunday, May 22 at 12:30 SECOND PRESBYTERIAN Food Pantry: May item needed
welcome to attend. The commit- Listen to JMJ Catholic Radio CHURCH
p.m. in St. Mary’s School audi- is cereal.
tee would like a donation of a gas on 7.50 am
torium. 143 Parsonage Street, Pittston Prayernetwork. Open To Pub-
grill as a prize for the Basket of There will be a worship com- The Session of the Second lic. Daily prayer for those with
Cheer Booth. Chairmen are SAINT PETER’S mittee meeting Monday, May 23 Presbyterian Church, 143 Par- needs requesting prayerful sup-
needed for various stands. Please EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Rectory. sonage Street, Pittston, announc- port. Start Prayernetwork at par-
call the Parish Office if you are CHURCH The social concerns commit- es the following schedule: ish office 654-3261.
interested. They are also looking 100 Rock Street, Hughestown tee will meet Tuesday, May 24 at Sunday, May15 - 9:30 a.m. Youth Program: 10:45 a.m. ev-
for soda donations. 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Rectory. Sunday School; 11 a.m. Worship
The public is invited to St. Ma- Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday The contemporary music Tuesday, May 17 - 6:30 Mis-

ria Goretti Church on Wednes- See FAITH, Page 20

School and Confirmation Class group will participate in the Sat-

day, May 25, at 5:30 p.m. for the

10:00 a.m. Worship service urday, May 28 5:30 p.m. Mass at

Sacrament of Anointing and the June 12 Concert - Rev. Mitch-

St. Mary’s Church.
Eucharist. Rev. David Betts will

ell and our organist Michael So- The finance council will meet
be main celebrant. You are invit- wa Tuesday, May 31 at 7 p.m. in St.
ed to bring a “Pot Luck” contri- June 15 - Strawberry Social Mary’s Rectory.
bution of your choice to the Par-
ish Center before the service
Become a fan today! St. Ma-
ry’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s Church-
where the congregation will re-
treat for a meal and fellowship
following the service.
St. Vincent de Paul Kitchen
Valley Tennis & Swim Club
and Family Food Pantry is in
great demand. They would like
parishioners to consider the do-
nation of Peanut Butter for a few Family/Friend
end F
un P
weeks. They have expressed

their gratitude for the continued
generosity of our parishioners
for the poor. POOL
The former St. Mark’s Church
property at 90 Main Street, Jen- (4 People*)
kins Twp., Inkerman, is now up
for sale. This is the vacant lot that
Swim Only
contained St. Mark’s Church and Membership
*One of the primary
parking lot. Please contact the
Parish Office at 655-8956 be-
cardholders must be present
with any three (3) guests.
tween 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.,
Guests can change daily.
“A Vietnam veteran who
Monday through Friday, if you
are interested in purchasing the
More than 4 People -
Add $99 Per Person is accessible AND
ll Road,
211 Harris Hill d
property. accountable!”

Shavertown 570-696-2769
287901 Pa id fo r by the ca ndida te .

Faith Oblates to honor founder’s
SUNDAY DISPATCH, SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2011 $100. Reservations at 654-3261.
Music Together Classes: Fun
and music for infants and chil-

feast day with triduum

Continued from Page 19
dren through age five accompa-
nied by a parent or caregiver.
ery Sunday. Visit
Weekday special events and for details or call 654-3261.
service projects as announced. Trinity’s Giant Neighborhood
Faith Forum for Adults: En- Yard Sales. Every First Saturday The Oblates of St. Joseph reli- Joseph priests serving in the
richment for adults seeking spir- through October. Reserve space gious community will honor Diocese of Scranton. An outdoor
itual renewal and opportunities in advance by telephoning the their Founder, St. Joseph Marel- reception will follow the Mass
for ministry and volunteerism. parish office at 654-3261. All lo, with a Triduum on Memorial on the seminary grounds. All are
Parish Life Events Team: Bi- day vendor space only $10. Day weekend, May 27-28-29, in invited to participate in the Tri-
monthly first Sundays. Lunch items such as chili-dogs, their seminary chapel, located duum preparation and feast day.
Parish Council: Every second wimpies and baked goods avail- on Route 315, Laflin. Masses St. Joseph Marello (1844-
Sunday. able throughout the day. Average will be held each evening at 7:00 1895) lived and exercised his
Women of Trinity: Every third of 30+ vendors every First Sat- p.m., followed by special prayers priestly and episcopal ministry
Sunday. WOT Ministry Invita- urday and hundreds of custom- to St. Joseph Marello and the in- in the Piedmont region of Italy.
tion. The Women of Trinity have ers visiting! We do the advertis- dividual blessing of the first- He founded the Congregation of
undertaken a ministry to help ing. You make the sales! class relic. Preaching this year’s the Oblates of St. Joseph in 1878
support Good Shepherd Episco- Triduum is Oblate Father Mari- in the city of Asti and died as
pal Church of Scranton in their usz Beczek of the OSJ California Bishop of Acqui on May 30,
outreach to the homeless of the UNITED METHODIST province, where he serves as for- 1895.
region. Each month after enjoy- CHURCH mation director at St. Joseph Ma- Blessed John Paul II beatified
ing a home cooked meal at Good Corner of Broad & Church rello’s House of Theological St. Joseph Marello Marello in 1993 in his native city
Shepherd all who have needs Sts., Pittston Studies, Oxnard, CA. Ordained of Asti and then canonized him a
may “shop” for necessities like Rev. Dr. Michael Turner priest in 1998, Father Beczek is a saint in 2001 in St. Peter’s Bas-
clothing, shoes, toiletries in a Sunday Worship Service 9:30 native of Poland and currently solemn Mass scheduled for 7:00 ilica (Vatican City). The Oblates
store-like setting in the church’s a.m. serves on the faculty of theology p.m. in the seminary chapel. of St. Joseph have been serving
refurbished basement of donated Children’s Sunday School: at St. John’s Seminary in Cama- Principal celebrant and homilist the Diocese of Scranton since
items. 9:30 a.m. rillo. will be Most Rev. John M. 1929 and are also working in 10
The Women of Trinity has Holy Communion: 1st Sunday The Feast of St. Joseph Marel- Dougherty, D.D., retired auxilia- different countries around the
supported this ministry by re- each month lo will be celebrated on Monday, ry bishop of Scranton. Concele- world.
cently delivering donations of Choir Rehearsal: Thursday’s May 30th (Memorial Day) with a brating will be the Oblates of St.
clothing, new undergarments at 7 p.m. unless told otherwise
and socks and toiletries to the United Methodist Women:
Scranton church. Second Monday unless told oth- age service. Children in Grades 4 the bulletin board if your child/
Party and Banquet Space. erwise Confirmation: We will be and up are eligible for these children will be attending these
Newly renovated banquet room Website starting Confirmation Classes classes. Parents are asked to sign classes. Tentative date for Con-
and kitchen. All Day Rental Phone 655-4340 leave mess- on Sunday, May 15, following the registration sheet posted on firmation is Sunday, June 19.

Call 602-FOOD (3663)

Perfect For

ONLY er Person

e ats • 3 & Butter
• 3 M • Rolls
ta s
• Pas r Product Set Up
e d
• Pap eliver an

Diane Raineri, Owner

W e D
Greater Pittston YMCA family picnic slated May 29


Celebrate Memorial Day Pittston YMCA board and Fund
Development committee.
“Help Change a Life” campaign,
stop by or mail a donation to The
North Main Street, Pittston, PA
18640. Make checks payable to
To make a contribution to the Greater Pittston YMCA, 10 The Greater Pittston YMCA
with the YMCA
The Y is inviting members and
the Greater Pittston community
to its inaugural Campaign Me-
morial Day Picnic on Sunday,
May 29, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at
the Pittston Township Pavilion
on Bryden St. in Pittston Town-
cookout for participants as well
as a variety of activities and
games. An Apple Pie Tasting
Contest will kick-off the event
followed by a Watermelon Eat-
ing Contest for youths. Adults
and children alike can enjoy the
CH IL D R E N D E P E N D S O N You!
Joe K e lly – PittstonCity firefighter andfounder of

determ ination needed to get u s throu gh

ship. Proceeds from the event day participating in pick-up bas- theregions first Firesetter program w orkingw ith

TEA M PA TRIO T has the ex p erience and

will support the YMCA’s 2011 ketball and baseball games, childrenandadolescents,now theprem iereprogram in
Annual Campaign – “Help horseshoes, and a water balloon
Change a Life.” toss.
The Y’s Annual Campaign is Contributions for the picnic Ton y Gua r ig lia – 4 years experienceonPittston

these u ncertain tim es.

run each spring by the non-profit are $10 for an individual and $25
organization. The goal of this for families. Contributions are A reaSchoolB oard. Students of PittstonA reaw ereoneof
year’s campaign – headed by being taken at the YMCA Front only tw odistricts inLuzerneCounty toachieveannual
Chairman Rev. Paul A. McDon- Desk or can be mailed to the yearly progress inallareas of PSSA
nell – is $50,000. Money raised YMCA.
is used to support youth pro- The annual campaign kicked
grams and family and youth off on Monday, May 2, with an Joh n D . B oon e - Desert Storm navy veteran.
scholarships at the YMCA. evening of elegant dining at B udgetingexperienceas anAvocacouncilm anw ithonly O NE
The Pittston YMCA’s focus is Brutico’s Restaurant in Old tax increaseinhis 18 years oncouncil.
on youth development, healthy Forge. The May 2 dinner was the
living and social responsibility. first in a series of fundraising
The May 29 picnic will offer a events planned by the Greater Joh n Ca se y D on a h ue – FinancialA dvisor w ith
MorganStanley Sm ithB arney. Helpedgainhundreds of
thousands ingrants for youthsoccer andvolunteer
Celebrate dance at firefighters as aboardm em ber andofficer.

Malsky’s Downtown Ch a r le s A. Scia n d r a – Corporateturnaround

specialist. Charliehas a30 year history of takingproblem

Arts next Friday

situations andcorrectingthem .
O n Tu esd a y,M a y 1 7 ,p lea se v ote forthe q u a lified tea m tha tw ill
p rov id e the b ested u ca tion,in the sa festenv ironm ent,in the m ost
At Gina Malsky’s Downtown ists renting space in the building. fisca lly p ru d entm a nner.
Arts in Wilkes-Barre dancing Malsky teaches ballet there.
isn’t just dancing, it’s an art form.
On Friday – that’s next Friday,
Downtown Arts has also been
used for weddings, plays, photo
V ote Tea m Pa triot
May 20 – Downtown Arts is shoots, business meetings, cock- Lea d ership • V ision • Action

hosting a Celebration of Dance. tail parties, and bridal showers. Paid for by Team Patriot
The event begins at 7 p.m. with
special guest performers includ-
ing the Dance Theatre of Wilkes-
Barre, Misericordia Dancers, Fred Mecadon
Commitment • Service • Closings
and Without Walls Dance Com-
pany, Jamie Verazin, and Kate
Artist Kevin McGroaty, who is
the sponsor of the event, will
have an art display.
Realty, Inc.
Kim Reilly, REALTOR
OFFICE (570) 829-6200
FAX (570) 829-6878
It’s free and open to the public 1550 Highway 315, Suite 100 CELL (570) 466-3338
and a reception will follow. RKIMBERLY0661@YAHOO.COM
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-7194
Downtown Arts is at 47 North
Franklin Street in Wilkes-Barre
in the former First United Meth-
odist Church.
Malsky, from West Pittston,
Call Me If You Are Buying Or Selling... Or Just Call Me.
I Can Answer Your Real Estate Questions.
OFFICE (570) 829-6200
Realty, Inc.
1550 Highway 315,
Suite 100
Wilkes-Barre, PA
bought the church in August of 18702-7194
FAX (570) 829-6878

2009. She has more than 20 art-
CELL (570) 817-5792
Briefs: WA Class of ’78 plans informal reunion May 21
Continued from Page 9
School class of 1961 will hold a Grandparents Conference Coalition, will provide the wel-
(crochet hook and yarn) and will be held on Monday, May 19, meeting on Tuesday, May 24, at The Fifth Annual Grandpar- come and Rabbi Larry Kaplan,
learn to make simple projects. at 2 p.m. at Savo’s Pizzeria. All 6:30 at Tony’s Pizza, City Line ents Raising Grandchildren Temple Israel will give Final Re-
Open to ages 12 and up. retirees are welcome. Plaza. All class members are in- Conference “Knowing Where to marks.
Pittston Area Memorial Li- vited to attend. Turn” will be held on Friday, Registration deadline is Fri-
brary is located at 47 Broad If anyone has information on June 3 from 7:45 a.m. to 1:30 day, May 27. Invitations are be-
Street, Pittston. Hours are Mon- AFSCME Meeting the following people contact ing mailed and sent electronical-
p.m. at Genetti’s Hotel and Con-
days and Thursdays, noon to 8 AFSCME Chapter 13 retirees Joan at 654-1590 or email ference Center, Wilkes-Barre. ly by various members of the
p.m.; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and of Luzerne County will meet on jbtlr@aol.comBarbara Fee, Ger- This Conference is being pre- NEPA Intergenerational Coali-
Fridays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Satur- May 19 at 2 p.m. at the Luzerne aldine Segeda, David Walker, sented through the auspices of tion. To register, contact Annette
days, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Phone county Park Recreation Build- Lorraine Gobish or Joseph the NEPA Intergenerational Grella, Area Agency on Aging,
number is 654-9565 or visit us ing, 2001 Wyoming Avenue, Dziedzic. Coalition along with several 1-800-252-1512 or 570-822-1159
on the Web at www.pittstonlibra- Forty Fort, located next to the sponsors. x 2459. Email agreela@ag- Forty Fort Airport hanger. Issues The Conference Sponsors in-
PA Class of 1981
concerning COLA, Medicare, clude the following: AARP – The Conference is free to the
Medicaid, Social Security, prop- Pittston Area class of 1981 will public; however, reservations are
Education Task Force be holding a reunion meeting - Pennsylvania Office, Area
erty tax relief, retirement bene- Agency on Aging for Luzerne/ required. For Conference infor-
The regular monthly meeting fits, can be affected. cookout on Saturday, May 28, at
Wyoming Counties, Loftus-Ver- mation, please contact Howard J.
of the Local Right to Education 3:30 p.m. at the home of Sandy
gari and Associates, Inc., Milton Grossman, AICP, Executive Di-
Task Force of Luzerne/Wyom- Russo-Schwartz, 12 Friend
Hershey School, the Luzerne rector, Jewish Family Service of
ing Counties for the month of Street, Pittston.
WA Class of ‘78 Foundation, an Anonymous Greater Wilkes-Barre at 823-
May will be held at Luzerne In- Classmates that plan on at-
Frank Tierney and friends are Friend, as well as a sponsorship 5137 or email grossmanhj@ya-
termediate Unit 18, Room 112. tending are asked to please email
planning an informal reunion for in memory of Lillian and Tho-
368 Tioga Avenue, Kingston, on or
May 18, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Wyoming Area’s Class of 1978 Sandy directly via Facebook. mas Foy, loving grandparents by
Executive Committee from 12 to on May 21, at Rodano’s in PSVP for the class reunion are daughter Roxanne Foy.
Wilkes-Barre. The Conference will feature Open House
1 p.m. due by June 1 with payment of
To RSVP or for more informa- Keynote Speaker Amy Goyer, Northmoreland Twp. Vol. Fire
$35 per person due no later than
tion please contact Frank Tier- AARP Grandparenting Expert, Dept. will host an open house
Coast Guard Vets July 1.
ney; who is Senior Vice President of June 4 from 11a.m. to 4 p.m. at
NEPA Coast Guard Vets As- Send payments to Patty Cap-
Paula Smith Opel atpop- Outreach their hall on Demonds Rd. in
soc. will conduct their monthly itano-Kachinsky, 508 McCullen
el@epix.netor 570-675-4722; or The Conference will also in- Centermoreland. Bingo, refresh-
meeting on May 18 at 6:30 p.m. Street, Duryea Pa 18642. The
Patricia Bilder Forry atrjfor- clude workshops on various im- ments and activities for all.
at Costello’s Restaurant in Ed- 30th class reunion will be held
ry@comcast.netor 717-695- on Saturday, September 10, 2011 portant aspects related to Grand-
wardsville. Any Coast Guard 3236. parents Raising Grandchildren.
Vets interested in joining should from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Firelite
Banquet Hall Dupont. Howard J. Grossman, Chair of
contact Neil Morrison at 288- the NEPA Intergenerational See BRIEFS, Page 23
6817. Jenkins Class of ‘61

IAA Dinner Dance

Jenkins Township High 342-4115 • • 587-5155
The May monthly dinner/
meeting of the Italian American
Association of Luzerne County
will be held on Thursday, May LAW
19, at Genetti Hotel and Conven- By Since 1950
Dominick P.
tion Center, Wilkes-Barre. Ar- Pannunzio, Esq.
rival time is 6 p.m. with dinner A Massachusetts Appeals Court ruled that the
served at 6:30. The cost is $26 publisher does not have to pay an author who
admitted that her best-selling memoir about
per person. Music for dancing by surviving the Holocaust with the help of wolves
Danny Argo and Friends to was a sham the $22.5 million awarded to her
by a jury, but still owes $10 million to the ghost
10:15. Reservation deadline is writer, who was unaware of the hoax.
Friday, May 13. For reservations ***
Before last year’s federal elections, eleven states
and membership information, and three other jurisdictions failed to transmit
please call Judy Deice at 654- absentee ballots to service members, their
families and other overseas citizens at least 45
7600 or Louise Castellani at days before the election, as required by a new
654-6454. President, Herman Federal law, called the Military and Overseas
Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act.
Castellani will preside. ***
A New Jersey Appellate Division court has said
that the acts of installing a public folder, down-
loading child pornography files and then storing
then in a place where others could find and
ILGWU Meeting download them equals distribution, even if no
The ILGWU retiree meeting actual distribution was intended. 512 S KEYSER AVE
A California appeals court says parents can sue
to force public schools to provide state-mandated Keyser Terrace – Desirable newer 2 bedroom CLARKS SUMMIT $199,000
BEE CLEAN physical education. Elementary schools are
required by the state to offer 200 minutes of
2.5 bath end unit town home. Too many up- Charming 4 bedroom home with an L-
POWERWASH & LANDSCAPING physical education every 10 days. The minutes grades and amenities to list! MLS #11-986 shaped porch, new roof/electric/water heat-
• Clean Ups • Trees double for middle and high schools. More than Dir: From intersection of Luzerne St & Key- er, updated kitchen and huge back yard.
half of California’s school districts failed to meet
• Mulch • Lawns • Pavers the state requirement. ser Ave go South on Keyser approx 2 blocks MLS #11-920

• Retaining Walls • Concrete Brought to you as a paid public service by to right at entrance of Keyser Terrace, take Dir: From Grove St turn right on Miles to left
the Law Offices of Dominick P. Pannunzio,
1st right and continue to townhome on left. on Powell, home on right.
457-1840 294 Main Street, Dupont, 655-5541
Briefs: Reggae for Robert dinner-dance slated August 6


Continued from Page 22

friends who sponsored these The event is sponsored by The Convention Center Wilkes- and 2 women; ages 30 to 50.
San Cataldo Picnic children.” Earthly Angels Autism Fund. Barre. Show dates are July 29, 30, 31
The Festa San Cataldo Annual Last summer, 34 children This event is open to the pub- and August 5 & 6. Any ques-
Picnic will be held on Saturday, from the Wilkes-Barre area went lic. The cost for members is $27 tions, call Chas at 371-9269.
June 4, at the Dupont Park & Pa- to a weeklong camp where they PA Class of 1986 and non-members is $31.
vilion 2 p.m. thru dusk. played sports, swam, explored Pittston Area Class of 1986 The doors will open at 5:45
Buffet catered by Castaldi’s the outdoors and made crafts. will hold a 25th reunion week- p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Submissions
Music & Entertainment by Mil- Children ages 7-17 can have the end. Music is provided by “After To submit items for publica-
lennium. Games, prizes and fun opportunity to attend The Salva- The following events are set: Hours.” tion in the Meetings & Briefs
for all ages. tion Army camp at Camp Ladore Friday September 23, tailgate For reservations please call listings in the Sunday Dispatch,
Full members: $15; social & in Waymart. party at PAHS 7-9 p.m. and Sat- Glen at 586-5359 or Herman at mail or drop off at the Dispatch
non-members: $20; children 6 The camp is owned and oper- urday, September 24, network- 570.654.6454. office, 109 New St., Pittston, PA
thru 12: $12.50; infants thru 5: no ated by The Salvation Army and ing at Good Fellos in Pittston Herman Castellani will pre- 18640 or email to sd@psdis-
charge. consists of 1,200 acres of land from 7-11 p.m. side.
Call 655-1551 to purchase surrounding a 265 acre lake. Formal invitations will soon Follow the same procedure to
tickets, or, mail a check or mon- Programs contribute to the follow. Phoenix Auditions submit photos and write-ups for
ey order payable to San Cataldo spiritual, educational, social, and Please submit your current the Your Space feature which
Auditions for “My Husband’s runs regularly on the editorial
Society, to: Carla Saporito (or recreational needs of every mailing information to Janine
Wild Desires”, a comedy about a page, page 14. When submitting
Pete Scarantino), 143 Tompkins camp. Kubasko-Starinsky
business executive who has photos by email, please attach a
Street, Pittston, PA 18640. Transportation is provided to ( or Ro-
problems in the bedroom with jpeg version of the photo. We
and from camp. Scholarships are maine Gillow- Astolfi (rtes-
his long-term wife, are at Phoe- prefer a resolution of 300 dpi.
based on need, with proper pa-
nix PAC, 409/411 Main St, Du- To request a Dispatch photog-
Golf Tournament perwork completed two weeks
ryea, on May 23 & 25 at 7:00 rapher for your event, call Becky
Valley Lodge No. 499 of West before camp.
Night at the Races
p.m. Klem at 602-0177.
Pittston is having a Charity Golf “School will be ending soon,”
Roles are available for 3 men
Tournament Saturday, June 25, Richwine points out. “For some The Pittston Little League Par-
at Mill Race in Benton with a kids, going to Camp Ladore is ents Auxiliary is presenting the

the highlight of the whole sum- An Authentic Italian
1:00 p.m. shotgun start. Fifth Annual Night at the Races. MEAT MARKET &
Captain and Crew format. mer.” It will be held on Saturday, May FINE FOOD STORE
Everyone is welcome. Parents interested in sending
their children to summer camp
21, at the Jenkins Township Fire 114-116 S. MAIN ST., PITTSTON • 654-4616 - 654-4617
Cost is $85 per golfer $340 per Hall.
team which includes a round of should register at The Salvation Doors open at 6:00 pm. Races We Deliver – WE ACCEPT FOOD STAMPS — HOME OF BELLA BASKETS
golf, cart, refreshments and din- Army, 17 S. Pennsylvania Ave- start at 7:00 pm. HOT FOODS TO GO
ner. nue, Wilkes-Barre. Horses are $10.00 each, which SYMPATHY PLATTERS
Hole sponsors are sought. For more information, contact includes admission, food, and CATERING
The Salvation Army at 570-824- GROUND
Respond to Valley Lodge
#499, 318 Linden Street West 8741.
Horses can be purchased at the SIRLOIN (10 LB. BAG)2.59
1.39 LB.

Pittston, Pa. 18643 by June 1.

Make checks payable to Valley Reggae for Robert
door, or in advance by calling
Sandy at 883-1294 or Carrie at
1.99 LB.

Lodge #499. Reggae for Robert VI, a night
to donate, dine and dance for the


Salvation Army Camp
benefit of autism awareness and
support will be held on Saturday, Big Band Society CHOPS OR ROAST 3.49 LB. CHICKEN CUTLETS
3.99 LB.


The Salvation Army is now
taking applications for their
August 6, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
at Our Lady of Mount Carmel
The Big Band Society of
Northeastern Pa will hold its SPARE RIBS 4.99 CHICKETTA ROAST
3.69 LB.


weeklong, summer camp pro-
gram at Camp Ladore. Summer
Parish Center, William St., Pitt-
next Dinner Dance on Friday,
June 3, at Genetti’s Hotel and TIP 3.99
3.69 LB.


camp dates are June 22-27, July
8-16, and August 3-8.
The evening features open bar,
cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, dinner SIRLOIN STEAK
2.99 LB.


“It’s an experience not to be
missed,” observes Wilkes-Barre
and dancing.
There are also dozens of give- OR T-BONE STEAK
3.99 LB.
Salvation Army Captain Patty
Live music will be provided by STEAK
8.99 LB. ROAST
3.99 LB.

“Time spent at camp can be a the band “Them Again.” Unique Cake Creations ANGUS STRIP STEAK LB. BONELESS CHUCK ROAST LB.
life-changing experience for Tickets are limited to 200 and Tired of the same old cake? Homemade Deli Hot Foods To Go
kids. We are so grateful to our will be available soon. Let us create a Truly Incredible Cake
That will excite all your senses!
$6.99 LB.
work her magic
Session I: Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24 Candy Platters, Homemade Lonza, Dried Sausage, Soppersatta & Prosciutto
Session II: Monday, Aug. 15-Fri., Aug. 19 Baskets and a We have a large variety of Italian Goods, Pasta Bowls to Expresso Pots, etc. The best variety of Italian
Specialty Food in the Northeast: Panatone, Torrone Pizzeles, Homemade Cookies, Prosciutto, Sopresatta,
8:30 am - 3:00 pm wide variety of Homemade Lonza Dried Sausage, Salami, Super Chubs. We have Fresh Baked Bread and Rolls, Italian Cheese,
Imported Pasta, Homemade Ravioli, Gnocchi and Pasta, Farm Fresh Produce, Fresh Made Salads Daily!
$185 Includes Camp T-shirt, Gourmet Apples Accepting Mastercard...Visa...Discover...American Express

Basketball & Lunch Daily also available

HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 8-6 • Sat. 8-5 • Fax Us Your Order 654-0901

Visit, click on athletics, then icon for Summer Camps for more information
or to register on line or contact Carl Danzig at 941-7252
of Pittston Twp.
Fill out and deliver
Look On The Following Pages For or mail entry to:
These Advertiser’s Weekly Ads The Sunday Dispatch
Dining Guide
109 New Street
• CASTLE INN • ERNIE G’S • PARENTE’S RIVER VIEW Name:____________________
• CENTER CITY CAFE • FIRE & ICE PIZZERIA Address:___________________
& GRILLE • JUNIOR’S MEDITERRANEAN • TIPSY TURTLE City:______________________
GRILL & BAR State:______________________
To Advertise In The Dining Guide Call: Zip:_______________________

Karen Fiscus • 829-7291 Steve Morris • 829-7290 Phone:____________________

This Week’s Dining Guide Feature:

6 oz. FILET MIGNON – $27.99
36 STEAMED CLAMS – $7.99
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& Oven Warmed Bread Sticks
Fish & Chips, Shrimp & Chips, Clam Strips
& Chips or Chicken & Chips


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NEW MENU ITEMS ••Buffalo Bites • Garlic Parm Wings

It’s The Place To Be Cheesesteak Pizza • Cobb Salad
And Meet Friends! COUPON SPECIAL
When you buy 12 cuts at the regular price. Price
When you buy 12 cuts at the regular price. Price
does not include sales tax. Cannot be used with does not include sales tax. Cannot be used with
other specials. Good for our Red Pizza only. other specials. Good for our Red Pizza only.
NA 189 Susquehanna Ave, L EXPIRES 5/31/10 EXPIRES 5/31/10

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These pizza specials do not include White Pizza, Broccoli Pizza or Fresh Tomato & Garlic Pizza.

The Seafood Is Fresh

The Servers Brazilian Churrascaria
Are Just Friendly Tues, Wed, Thurs,
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Special Deal!!!
FREE Dessert on
There’s a lot happening at Cooper’s Seafood House. Fri & Sat 5-10pm Your Birthday!
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wings are hot.The oysters are chilling – they’re so cool. Plus Brazilian Cuisine!
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Scranton, PA 18508
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(Served 4-7pm • 7 days a week)
Soup of the day • Your choice of Meatloaf, Chicken Tender
Parmesan, Chicken Alfredo, Icelandic Italian Haddock or
Honey Dipped Chicken and Strawberry Parfait
1022 Main St. • Avoca, PA 18641 • 570-457-1600 (each served w/veg. & your choice of potato or pasta)
Lunch Specials from 11am to 2pm Audience Participation

Week of 5-16-11 Murder Mystery • June 5 VOTED #1 SHOW IN LUZERNE COUNTY

“A delightful place to unwind with someone special – a place to enjoy an
Monday excellent meal that does not demand a king’s ransom.”
- The Anonymous Gourmet
8 inch Italian Hoagie/Chip - $5.00
Tuesday 7 A.M.-3 P.M.
Chili Dog/Chips/Soda - $4.00 WED., THUR., FRI., SAT.
7 A.M.-8 P.M.

Porketta Sandwich/Chips/Soda - $5.00 “The Best Breakfast Around”
• Overstuffed Omelets • Huge Frittatas
Thursday • Fluffy Buttermilk Pancakes • Hand Dipped FrenchToast Available All Day
8 inch Sausage, Onion and Pepper Hoagie - $5.00
Wednesday Special - 2 Hot Dogs for $1.99
Thursday Special - 2 Pork BBQ for $3.99
8 inch Tuna Hoagie/Chips/Soda - $5.00
F Lunch
L h Delivery
D li iis available
il bl with
ith a $20
00 minimum
i i purchase
h Saturday Special - All You Can Eat Pasta $7.99
Upcoming Entertainment Voted “Best Value”...”Most Affordable”... and Favorite Restaurant” by our loyal customers
Saturday - May 21st - 9pm - Phyllis Hopkins Band
509 Exeter Ave., West Pittston

Saturday - June 6th - 9pm - Lee Strumski & John Shemo - Formerly of Strawberry Jam
Check Weekly for upcoming Entertainment Events!

Mike McGlynn a candidate Zangre running

for Luzerne County Council for city council
Michael McGlynn, 44, life- serves.
long resident of Luzerne County, Once elected McGlynn antici- Barb Zangre, 54, is a candi- manager, city clerk and other
announced his candidacy for a pates making Luzerne County a date for Pittston City council. city council members to create a
seat on the Luzerne County place where people would like to She describes herself as a Pro- successful plan that will not bur-
Council. live, work, and play. gressive Democratic Candidate. den the taxpayer, but instead
The son of John “Hoppy” McGlynn plans for the County Zangre was born and raised in generate city revenue.
McGlynn, Sr. and the late Mer- are to establish fiscal account- Missouri, where her father and “Our city needs to take a deep-
cedes Gillis McGlynn, he is mar- ability, transparency and earning grandfather were mayors, but er look into the problems in the
ried for 22 years to Ethel Rainey the trust of Luzerne County citi- she has a passion for Pittston Mill Street area, and the suffer-
VanLouvender McGlynn, and zens, working with management where she has lived since 2003. ing of our citizens there,” she
they are proud parents of two and its employees to make Lu- Her grandfather was also the said.
children, Michael Jr. and Mat- zerne County run more efficient. first president of the AFL-CIO Although Zangre is active on a
thew. He would like to reopen in Kansas City. She was raised in statewide and national level to
A graduate of Pittston Area Moonlake utilizing the existing a Scouting family and was first implement positive change, her
High School and employed as a facilities and make improve- class Girl Scout. political aspirations now and in
Licensed Laboratory Operator ments to the park. Given that background she the future are only for Pittston
for the Lower Lackawanna Val- Not only, would McGlynn like says she stands up for union City. She is also a member of the
ley Sanitary Authority, Michael to expand on parks and recre- rights, the rights of working fam- Lithuanian Club, the American
McGlynn furthered his educa- Michael McGlynn ation throughout the county for ilies and parks and recreation is- Legion Auxiliary , Citizens in
tion at Penn State University and all to enjoy, but would like to be sues. Barb feels since she has re- Action, and Pets for Pawsitive
Career Technology Center. the voice for assisting the elderly sided in Pittston our parks and Change , Democracy in Ameri-
A member of the Teamsters, preparing bids for services and in their hardships of being on a quality of life have been over- ca, and works with many state-
Local 229, AFL-CIO, the West goods. McGlynn also establish- fixed income by trying to keep looked. She also attends parks wide and national groups to pro-
Side Social Club in Avoca, and ed ordinances, resolutions, and taxes down. and recreation seminars provid- tect our freedoms and quality of
National Hot Rod Association. assisted in obtaining grants for McGlynn’s vision for the fu- ed by PA’s Parks Association and life.
McGlynn is an active member of improvements within the bor- ture of Luzerne County is to at- works with the Susquehanna Zangre is a waitress at Terry’s
Nativity of Our Lord Parish for- ough of Duryea. tract more businesses to the area Rails and Trails program. Diner and a house cleaner in
merly Holy Rosary of Duryea. McGlynn believes that this ex- so the younger generations will She believes the time has Glenmaura. She has three adult
As a member of Duryea Bor- perience and his ability to work want to stay in Luzerne County come for the restoration and re- children and five grandchildren
ough Council for the past 6 with others will make him the and raise their children. vitalization of Pittston. Zangre ages one month to eight years.
years, McGlynn has experience councilman that Luzerne Coun- believes success comes from Zangre is a parishioner at St.
with budgets, union contracts, ty Residence expects and de- unity, creating coalitions and John the Evangelist Church and
cooperation and looks forward a volunteer at the church’s sum-

Hood seeks re-election

to working with our new city mer bazaar.

to West Pittston Council Bohn a candidate

John C. Hood, son of Louise
Hood, West Pittston and the late
zerne County Community Col-
lege where he studied Criminal
for WP Council
Bill Bohn is a candidate for serves on the Finance Commit-
Mayor John E. Hood, is seeking Justice. council in West Pittston Bor- tee. In 1991 he was appointed to
election to his fourth term on He is currently employed by ough. Bill was born and raised in the West Pittston Planning Com-
West Pittston Borough Council. the Wyoming Valley Sanitary West Pittston where he lives with mission and served there until he
He has been serving on the Bor- Authority in the Operations De- his wife Patricia and sons David was appointed to the West Pitt-
ough Council since 1998 after partment. and William. ston Zoning Board where he is
the passing of his father to fill a John is a lifetime member and Bill graduated from West Pitt- now the Chairman. In August
vacant seat on the borough coun- Assistant Chief of the West Pitt- ston High School and Penn State 2000 he was appointed by the
cil, and was successful in seek- ston Hose Company No. 1. He University where he obtained a West Pittston Council to be a
ing his re-election in 1999, 2003 also serves on the Board of Di- BS degree in Civil Engineering. member of the West Pittston
and 2007. rectors and Relief Board for the He is a licensed Professional En- Flood Mitigation Planning Com-
During this time, John serves West Pittston Hose Company gineer. He worked for PennDOT mittee.
on the Public Safety Committee No. 1. as a Civil Engineer for 32 years Bill is a Life member of the
and Public Works Committee. John is also a volunteer ambu- and is currently employed by Mi- American Society of Civil Engi-
He has also served on the Parks lance driver for the West Pittston chael Baker, Jr. Engineering neers. He is a Life member of
and Recreation Committee. Ambulance Association. John Company as a consultant inspec- West Pittston Hose Co. #1 and is
John is a life-long resident and resides with his wife, the former tor on PennDOT highway and a member of its Board of Direc-

property owner of West Pittston. Vicki Janczewski and their 7 bridge construction projects. tors. He is also the Treasurer of
He is a graduate of Wyoming Ar- John C. Hood year old son John Hood, II ("JJ"). Bill is a member of the First
ea High School and attended Lu- United Methodist Church and See BOHN, Page 31
Kitchen Open
Nightly Till Midnight
PIZZA - PASTA TAKE - OUT AVAILABLE R eserve some chocolate chips, nuts

and ALE HOUSE or raisins from your cookie dough
Different Specials Features Daily mix. As you draw near to the end of
Mon. MEXICAN MADNESS Thurs. STEAK & POTATO NITE the batch, add the mix-ins and stir in
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Tues. BONLESS BITE NITE Fri. PIZZA NITE cookies short on the treats and all
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BREAKFAST SPECIAL served 6 to 11 a.m. 2 EGGS
YOUR CHOICE: $1.99, $2.99 OR $3.99 & TOAST
1.25 Texas
Hot Dogs 99¢
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the 22 S. Main St., Pittston • 654-9161
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Turtl Wilkes-Barre
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New Allstate office opens; insurance, financial services

Allstate Insurance Company is proud to announce the opening of a new office. With over 11 years of insurance experience, cy – including Charles Kulick, a
Robert Herron, an exclusive 35-year veteran of the insurance
agent for Allstate Insurance and financial services industries
Company, brings a wealth of – is ready to consult with you to
knowledge to this new agency meet all of your financial needs.
located at 1849 Highway 315 in “We provide extraordinary
Pittston. services,” says Herron. “People
“I am excited about opening are treated the way they want to
my own business,” Herron says. be treated.”
“It is a full-service agency, offer- The Herron Allstate Insurance
ing a complete line of insurance Agency is open from 9 a.m. to 6
and financial products and ser- p.m. Monday and Friday, 9 a.m.
vices to the community.” to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday,
The agency sells auto, proper- and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
ty, life, annuities and financial Saturday, and Sunday by ap-
services. The licensed staff of pointment. You can contact the
Herron Allstate Insurance Agen- agency at 602-3737.

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And the Beat Goes On Music line-up is listed


Ryan O'Malley
for summer’s Northeast Fair
Shawn Klush brings back his Elvis tribute; Dakota also scheduled
Now that May is here, in just Each band will play for ap- tainment. camping area provides an oppor- And the beat goes on…
over a month the Northeast Fair proximately 40 minutes and will Headlining this year’s festival tunity to unwind while grilling,
will open its gates for everyone be judged by both the crowd and will be Grateful Dead founders drinking and making new Ryan O’Malley is the music
to come enjoy the food, music, a panel of judges who will be Phil Lesh and Bobby Weir with friends throughout the weekend. journalist for The Sunday Dis-
rides and everything else that has from various media and music their semi-new vehicle Furthur. The best part of All Good? patch and a correspondent for
helped bring the crowds in over outlets. While past incarnations of All Four days, two stages, over The Weekender. He may be reac-
the last seven years. Judging criteria will consist of Good have focused heavily on forty bands and about 20,000 hed at musicjournalman@hot-
While most people go for the vocals, music, stage presence the Dead and extended family, new friends for less than $200.
luxury of paying one price for and overall performance. While this years’ lineup includes only If you’re a music fan, do your-
the food and rides, the Fair also some of the votes will come from Furthur and Dark Star Orchestra. self a favor and make your sum-
offers entertainment and music the judges, the remaining votes Notwithstanding, All Good will mer All Good.
on a nightly basis. will come from the crowd. Each also be hosting a slew of other For more information and to
Focusing on the music, this audience member will get to cast artists who will hopefully give order tickets, please visit
year the Fair offers a good varie- one vote for their favorite act of fans a view into some other
ty of acts to please anyone in at- the evening. genres of music, including jam
tendance. All ballots will be counted and band veterans moe., the elec-
On Wednesday, June 22, Pitt- added into the final results. tronic fusion of STS9, the bluesy
ston resident and the only Elvis
tribute artist sanctioned by Elvis
Plain and simple, the more
people you bring, the better your
Warren Haynes Band, Pretty
Lights, the John Butler Trio, All Don’t just watch a movie, experience it!
All Stadium Seating and Dolby Surround Sound
Presley Enterprises, Shawn chances. Keller Williams, and, in its clos- Exterior ALL FEATURES NOW PRESENTED IN DIGITAL FORMAT
Klush, will return for another Any acts interested in joining est appearance to Northeast Pa.
packed show. the Original Music Showcase all year, newly reformed 90’s Work **Bridesmaids - R - 135 Min. (1:45),
(4:30), 7:15, 10:00
On Thursday, June 23, Bobbie may contact me at musicjournal- warhorses, Primus.
Lynch and Danny V. will repli- Registra- Along with all the music, Robert LaSota **Priest - PG13 - 100 Min. (2:00), (4:10),
7:30, 9:45
cate the duel piano playing of El- tion is on a first come, first serve which will be happening on two GENERAL CONTRACTOR
ton John and Billy Joel from basis. stages without any breaks, All PA Lic. #PA 002952 ***Priest 3D - PG13 - 100 Min. (1:40),
Licensed & Insured (3:50), 7:00, 9:10
their legendary “Face to Face” Good offers plenty of other ac-
Summer Music
tivities for people who are expe- YOUR Thor - PG13 - 120 Min. (2:00), (4:35), 7:35,
Kicking off the weekend on riencing musical overload. 10:05
Friday, two of our areas most be- With the summer months Throughout the acres and COMPLETE ***Thor 3D - PG13 - 120 Min. (1:30),
loved live acts – Cabinet and quickly approaching, vacation acres of land, there are multiple
MiZ – will both play full sets on planning is inevitable. While vendors, arts and crafts and con- ROOFING (2:25), (4:00), (5:05), 7:05, 7:55, 9:35
**Jumping the Broom - PG13 - 120 Min.
the main stage.
On Saturday, Dakota, the full
many people are planning trips
to whatever beach or amusement
cession stands to keep any festiv-
al-goer happy.
CONTRACTOR (2:20), (5:00), 7:40, 10:05
Something Borrowed - PG13 - 120 Min.
band, will reunite for a night of parks they prefer, there are many And, with All Good wanting to • Gutters • Windows (1:50), (4:20), 7:10, 9:40
classics from the group and may- other options to choose for those focus on being a family-friendly • Vinyl Siding •Fast Five DBox Motion Seating - PG13 -
be even a few cuts from Bill Kel- of us who want to veer away from festival, there will be a children’s
ly and Jerry Hludzik’s old band,
The Buoys.
the norm.
For example, the summer
area where parents can bring
their little ones to get away from
654-2607 140 Min. (1:55), (4:50), 7:35, 10:20
Fast Five - PG13 - 140 Min. (1:30), (1:55),
This leaves us with opening months also mark the beginning all the craziness. Cell 881-8654 (4:20), (4:50), 7:10, 7:35, 9:55, 10:20
of festival season for music fans Prom - PG - 110 Min. (2:00), 7:15
night, Tuesday, June 21.
For the fourth consecutive across the country.
If that’s not enough, the huge
Free Estimates Water for Elephants - PG13 - 125 Min.
year, the Fair will be hosting the Although higher priced festiv- (2:05), (4:40), 7:30, 10:00
Original Music Showcase, als like Bonnaroo and the Gath- Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy
which will run from 5 to 10:30 ering of the Vibes have become NOW OPEN Family - PG13 - 110 Min. (4:25), 9:35
p.m. on the main stage. staples for music enthusiasts, Award Winning BBQ Smoked On-site Daily Rio - PG - 100 Min. (2:10), (4:20), 7:20,
Like the name implies, the there is a smaller, four-day fes-
evening will feature nothing but tival in northern West Virginia Randu’s Bar-B-Que 9:30
Insidious - PG13 - 110 Min. (4:40), 7:25,
original material from artists in where people can dance, party EAT IN — TAKE OUT CARRY-OUT PARTY PANS 9:55 (No 4:40 show on Sat. May 14)
our area. and let loose.
Keeping with the fair’s focus Going on its fifteenth year, the 570-970-8003 Hoodwinked Too! - PG - 95 Min. (1:40)
on family entertainment, the All Good Music Festival and Slow Smoked BBQ w/Our Homemade Sauce on the Side UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS
MET: Live in HD - Die Walkurie
Original Music Showcase will Campout will take place at Mar- Open WEDNESDAY-SATURDAY 11am-8pm Saturday May 14 - 12:00pm
not feature any emo or death vin’s Mountaintop in Mason- SUNDAY (Order pick-up) All Showtimes Include Pre-Feature Content
metal music as part of the eve- town, West Virginia, from July (Parenthesis Denotes Bargain Matinees)
ning. 14 to 17. See Menu @ Avoid the lines: Advance tickets available from

There will undoubtedly be a Nestled in the rolling hills of a See specials @ “R” Rating Policy
Parents and/or Guardians (ages 21 & Older) must accompany

few acts who play a bit harder, privately-owned farm, All Good all children under age 17 to an R Rated Feature.
*No passes accepted to these features. **No restricted

but nothing too overwhelming. offers 655 acres of musical free- 1306 N. River Road, Plains Pa discount tickets or passes accepted to these features.
***$2.50 Additional Charge for 3D Attractions.***
dom, along with two stages of al-

Likewise, profanity or obscene 1 Mile N. of Exit #3 Rt. 309 No passes, rain checks, discount tickets accepted to these features

lyrics will not be tolerated. most around-the-clock enter- 825.4444 •

May is National Barbeque Month • 3 Hrs. Free Parking At Participating Park & Locks with Theatre Validation
•Free Parking at Midtown Lot Leaving After 8pm and All Day Saturday & Sunday.
Big birthday for a Little League

60th anniversary opening day for Pittston Little League today

Just four years later the hits. Earl Betchold also hit a
league’s all-star team, managed home run and Pat Walker had
by Jim Barrett, reached the three singles.
Pennsylvania State Champion- Pittston was eliminated in the
ship finals in Williamsport, a second game losing 5-0 to Mor-
single elimination tournament of ristown and being held to just
the four best teams in the state. one hit, a single by Bernie Ri-
To raise money for the trip 100 chards. The consolation game
volunteers canvassed the city’s against Oil City was rained out.
neighborhoods and raised The league sent another all-
$1,000. About 200 fans made the star team to Williamsport for the
trip to Williamsport, including state finals in 1963. They lost,
Mary Orr, who was considered too, but won the consolation
the team’s no. 1 fan. game behind a perfect game by
The first game in William- Charlie Turco.
sport was against a Pittsburgh Players should report today at
team. The game was tied 0-0 into 12:45 p.m. for the 60th Anniver-
the last inning, when Pittston sary Opening Day celebration.
scored six times. Festivities include a parade,
Pittston’s Wes Mugford led off opening ceremonies, basket raf-
the last inning with a long home- fle, bake sale, plus an expanded
run and was the winning pitcher menu at the concession stand.
in the 6-0 win. He gave up two


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The 1955 team that went to the state finals following one of their victories. CONSULTATION For More Information:

By Jack Smiles
Associate Editor
the same in Pittston. The West
Pittston men scoffed saying,
Moose Lodge, Knights of Co-
lumbus, Lions Club, VFW, Tony NEUROPATHY CENTER
“you’ll never get it done.” Narvid’s Oldsmobile Dealer- 250 Pierce St., Suite 108, Kingston
Today is opening day at the That was all Leppert needed to ship, and Steve Joyce. (570) 287-5560
Pittston Little League and it is hear. He took it on as a challenge Michele Holincheck CRNP
the 60th anniversary of the first and worked tirelessly to create a
opening day. league in Pittston and succeeded.
ost Com
The league was chartered in Both the Pittston and West Pitt- The M Dental Our S e and Enjo
le taff
1951. The genesis for the league ston Little League began in ’51. or tab le Part o and Becom
was a challenge issued to Bill Comf nce Possib f Our
The original field was the r i e Famil e
Leppert, the Pittston police offi- Expe y
same one that the league used
cer, who was the driving force through 2009. Now it is a minor We W entis t
Home ill Send Yo ight D
behind the creation of the league league and tee-ball field adja-
With u The R ake All
and its first president. cent to the new field that was A Sm Can M erence
ile! iff
The story goes that Leppert opened last year and named for The D
was talking to some men in West Bill Leppert.
Pittston who were forming a Lit-
Dr. Gary Nataupsky

Helping Leppert was league

tle League there. He liked the Riverside Commons, 575 Pierce St., Suite 201, Kingston
secretary Phil Bartoli. There 570-331-8100 •
idea and said he was going to do were six teams sponsored by the
P R I M A R Y E L E C T I O N 2 0 11

Julie Aulisio a candidate for Old Forge School Board

Julie Aulisio is an incumbent furthering his studies at the Uni- Julie has served as seamstress improve the educational experi-
candidate for school director in versity of Pennsylvania in Phila- and fashion consultant to many ence for all children. We need to
the Old Forge School District. delphia; he is a faculty librarian customers in the Northeast area. find creative ways to cut costs
She and her husband as well as at the University of Scranton. “Our business has always been a and maintain standards so that
their four children are all gradu- Daughter Georgette is de- strong supporter of all extracur- our students are equipped for the
ates of Old Forge High School. ceased. ricular activities for the area 21st century workplace.”
Denise, a graduate of Blooms- Her family has operated Lease schools,” she said. “My goal as She is a member of Prince of
burg University, is employed at Dry Cleaners for over 40 years. your candidate is to continue to Peace Parish.
the University of Scranton.
Meredeth, a cum laude gradu-
ate of Marywood University and
Fashion Institute of Technology,
is employed by Universal Re-
cords in New York City.
George Jr., a graduate of
Bloomsburg University, re-
ceived a Master of Library and
Information Science degree Julie Aulisio
from Drexel University, and is

Morgan a candidate
for Exeter Council
John Morgan is a candidate for
retention to Exeter Borough
Council. Morgan is the son of
George and Lucille Morgan of
Sullivan Park, Exeter.
His wife of seven years, Mi-
chelle, is a second grade teacher
at Wyoming Area and they have
two sons, John, 7, and Jacob, 4.
John is a life-long resident of
Exeter and active in the commu-
nity as president of Cherrywood
Estates, a coach and fund raising
chairman of the Exeter Lions
Little League, chairman of the
St. Anthony’s Golf Tournament
and an active member of the
Wyoming Area Football Alumni
John is a 1993 graduate of
Wyoming Area and has an asso- John Morgan
ciate’s degree form LCCC and a
Bachelor in Physical Activity
from Marywood. ough’s website and purchase of
Morgan was appointed to the two new police cars.
council last year and he is proud His major priorities are public
of serving with the other coun- safety and securing funding for
cilpersons and his accomplish- pumps for Hick’s Creek to alle-
ments while serving on council viate flooding there a long-
such as the launch of the bor- standing problem.

Bohn ni Association and a member of

the Penn State Wrestling Club.
He is a former member of the
Continued from Page 26 Troop Committee of Boy Scout
the West Pittston Fireman’s Re- Troop 352 and a former Presi-

lief Association. He is a Life dent of the Warrior Wrestling


member of the Penn State Alum- Club of Wyoming Area.

Chamber of Commerce gathers for 91st ann

oyce Insurance was named
Small Business of the Year
at the Greater Pittston
Chamber of Commerce’s 91st
Anniversary Dinner Meeting
Wednesday at St. Anthony’s
Center, Exeter.
John Joyce accepted the award
from Ann Sorick, representing
2009 winner Blue Ribbon Dairy.
Some 250 guests dined caba-
ret-style on food prepared by
Dente Catering and enjoyed a
video of several 1982 television
commercials that were part of a
“Pittston Proud” campaign.
Atty. Michael Vough, general
chairman of the dinner, wel-
comed the gathering and intro-
duced Ed Ackerman, Sunday
Dispatch editor, who served as
toastmaster. Former State Rep.
Tom Tigue served as principal
speaker, filling in for Rep. Mike The head table at the Greater Pittston Chamber of Commerce 91st annual dinner meeting. Seated, left to right, Charles Adonizio, presi-
Carroll who was detained in dent; former state Rep. Tom Tigue, guest speaker; John Joyce, representing Small Business of the Year Joyce insurance; and Joe
Harrisburg. Chamber President Durkin, immediate past president. Standing, Atty. Michael Vough, general chairman; Ed Ackerman, toastmaster; Rosemary Dessoye,
Charles Adonizio delivered a executive vice president of the Chamber; Pat Stella, third vice president; and Jerry Champi, second vice president. Absent for photo
was Atty. Joseph Burke, first vice president, and Mark Nobile, treasurer.
positive and optimistic report on
the year’s activities.

General Chairperson Atty. Michael Vough offers welcoming re-


Kristie Adonizio, right, and her grandmother Helen Adonizio of Pittston partake of the Italian bar at

the Greater Pittston Chamber of Commerce 91st anniversary dinner meeting in Exeter on Wednes-
The Adonizio family, from left: Charles, Chad, Kristie, and Karen.
day night.
niversary Dinner


Greater Pittston Chamber of Commerce President Charles Adonizio
gives his report.
John Joyce accepts the 2011 Small Business Award on behalf of the Joyce Insurance Group.

Atty. Frank Nocito, left, is greeted by Shirley Bartos as Brandi Bartush 2009 Small Business Award recipient Ann Sorick, right, introduces the 2011 recipient as former state
looks on. representative and substitute principal speaker Tom Tigue looks on.


Anna Joyce and Bill Joyce at the Greater Pittston Chamber of Com- Attys. Jeff and John Kulick, left, chat with Pittston City Treasurer Kathy Cunard.
merce dinner meeting cocktail hour.

Questions endorsement Americans died for

of county council candidates your privilege to vote
A vote is a privilege that you tion bureau and then at election
I read the Times Leader en- have made with regard to on go- Based upon my public record are given when you turn 18. It go to a school or borough build-
dorsed County Council candi- ing county problems. of constructive letters to the edi- was not a right a long time ago. ing in your area. When you ar-
dates and was surprised that I I also provided them with a tor, opinions expressed on local Many Americans died and rive you will sign your name in a
was not among those endorsed. copy of the letter I received from talk radio and my many appear- fought to earn you this right. ledger, then enter to area to a
I find that frustrating but not the International City/County ances at county public meetings, When you vote you should re- electronic voting machine. You
surprising. Manger’s Association (ICMA)in I’m at a loss in trying to under- member that your vote is impor- view the screen that represents
Apparently the Times Leader which they advised me that I had stand why candidates who lack tant and that it does make a dif- your choice and hit the area that
has some sort of problem with met their criteria of a Profession- my experience and qualifica- ference. Your vote may be the de- is used to represent your choice
me, and if that’s the case, why did al Municipal Manager. tions would receive the Times cider whether one candidate will for whatever office or position.
the Times Leader waste their No other candidate has that Leader endorsement. Confusing win office or the other. So You review your choices and hit
time and mine with an inter- designation and no other candi- and frustrating. choose your selection wisely and enter to record your vote. You ex-
view? date has attended the number of My work history, public ser- learn the truth and as many facts it the area for the next person to
I appeared at the endorsement meetings over the years that I vice and many suggestions ad- as you can about him/her. vote. No one will know who you
interview prepared to answer any have. dressing county problems are Did you know that one vote voted for but you. This is called a
question the interview board The fact is that other than available on my web site. saved Andrew Johnson from im- secret ballot.
could ask and thought I present- Commissioner Urban and for- I urge county voters to visit my peachment and elected Adolph I hope you have seen what I
ed myself well. mer Commissioner Ed Bromin- web site and judge for yourself. Hitler leader of Germany. These mean when I say that your vote
I also provided each member ski, I don’t believe that even one examples make you think about counts and I hope you know that
of the interview board with a of those endorsed ever offered a Wil Toole who you’re choosing. your vote can make a world of a
folder containing suggestions I solution to any county problem. Candidate County Council Modern voting is conducted difference.
by first, registering to vote which Charles Urban

Asks voters to keep you can do at your county elec-

WA deficit in mind 13-year-old letter writer asks:

does Patriotism still matter?
In order to preserve the educa-
tion at Wyoming Area and “hold
2011 comes to a close, the cur-
rent deficit is soon to reach over
the line on taxes”, we must turn three million dollars. If we do not
all our efforts towards better ma- focus on the deficit, this will In our world today, does patri- fought in the war, whom we all the United States of America,
naging the finances of our dis- cause the district’s educational otism still matter? I believe so. owe our gratitude to. and I’m proud of it.” Why else
trict. programs to be cut drastically Without patriotism our country Without patriotism in our would we fly the flag if we didn’t
During the primary campaign and our school taxes to be con- would be in ruins. hearts today, we wouldn’t care care about patriotism for our
of 2009, I went from door to door siderably increased. First off, if no one cared about about or celebrate July 4. country?
throughout the Wyoming Area As we go to the polls, keep in patriotism anymore, who would Also to this day, in schools As you can see, to this very
School District talking to many mind to vote to resolve the def- fight in our wars? Anyone who is across the country, students and day people still have patriotism
people about the rapidly growing icit and develop a fiscal plan for away at war cares a great deal teachers still recite the Pledge of in their hearts.
one million dollar budget defi- the future. about patriotism. After all, the Allegiance each and every To love and support; care
cit. It was their gravest concern. Michael A. Aufiere definition of patriotism is sup- morning. about and defend one’s country;
As the primary campaign of porting and defending one’s Fa- In most schools, students and fight for freedom and independ-
therland. teachers listen as the National ence; this is patriotism.

Nepotism We will work with all employees Secondly, every year on July 4, Anthem is played throughout the I believe that patriotism still
to show the taxpayer that we do everyone across the nation joins school as well. This just proves matters in the world today; not
care if the burden is too much. their family and friends to cele- that patriotism still matters, oth- only in our country, but for many
We pledge that we will never dis- brate the birth of our country. On erwise we would not do this ev- other countries as well. Any
Continued from Page 15
honor ourselves in your eyes or that day, we officially won our ery day. country can be proud to fly their
out of the Wyoming Area em- the eyes of our children by for- freedom and independence for If patriotism did not matter in country’s flag, or to fight in their
ployees to whom we entrust our getting that we have an awesome our country. Without patriotism, our society today, we wouldn’t country’s armies. Patriotism
most precious children each day. responsibility to the children of we wouldn’t have gained our have a reason to fly our flag. does indeed still matter greatly.
Only with hard work and some Wyoming Area. freedom that we have today. When we fly our flag, we are ba- Amanda Doran
belt tightening can we solve this Thank you for you time and at- It is all those brave souls that sically saying, “I am a citizen of 13 years old
most difficult problem. tention to our fresh views and
As candidates, we pledge to
you that we will remove the dirt
The A+ Team
Griffith supports DeLuca for judge
of old time politics that has over- Estelle Campenni
shadowed our greatness as a dis- This year Luzerne County vot- crucial in this May’s Primary tion that occurred at all levels of
Tom Cason ers will choose six new judges election. government, starting with our
trict as of late. We pledge to show Beth Gober-Mangan

the media and public that nepo- that will replace sixty percent of Recently, our County has
Carl Yorina the court. Voter participation is made national news for corrup-
tism is dead at Wyoming Area. See GRIFFITH, Page 35
Greater Pittston Lithuanian Club elects officers


The Greater Pittston Lithuanian Social & Beneficial Club recently installed its officers for 2011. Dis-
trict Magistrate Fred Pierantoni ad ministered the oaths of office to the club officers.
Seated, left to right, Rich McNeil, Board of Directors; Ed Maleski, President; John McClosky, Vice-
President; District Magistrate Fred Pierantoni; Ron Mortimer, Recording Secretary.
Griffith er’s Office was striving to ac-
complish for the residents of Lu-
zerne County, which is to be an
Standing, Jim Collins, Board of Directors; John Kovaleski, Treasurer; Scott Skescavage, Board of Continued from Page 34
accountable, transparent, and ef-
Directors; Dave Kizis, Board of Directors; and Adam Montville, Board of Directors. ficient government.
In a subsequent meeting, Jeff Jacobs was elected Financial Secretary to fill a vacancy for 2011. courts. It is time for us to make I have come to admire his in-
history by carefully examining tegrity, courage, and meticulous
the credentials of all the candi- manner. I have noticed that his
dates that will appear on the bal- legal decisions are not affected
PITTSTON SENIOR CENTER lot in May. by relationships, politics, or per-
The Controller’s Office, has sonal agenda but are based on
Open house special dinner Wednesday been very instrumental in uncov-
ering this corruption and also in-
the laws of the Third Class
County Code. He enforces the
stituting policy and procedure to law as it is written. I recognize
A summer golf league is now necessary for the class by calling der. Donations from participants help move Luzerne County from
forming at the Pittston Senior the center. are gratefully accepted and this as a necessary quality of a
the dark days of the past to the Judge.
Citizens Center. Golfing will be Reservations are open for Hol- needed in order to expand this shining light of the future. As
at Four Seasons Golf Course in lywood Casino, Wednesday, Au- program. If there is one thing that has
County Controller, I have had the become clear to me about the
Exeter for fifteen weeks fol- gust 17, Bloomsburg Fair, Mon- Menu for the week: pleasure of working closely with
lowed by a golf banquet at the day, September 26 and Ameri- Monday - Country fried steak, character of Vito DeLuca it is
Luzerne County Chief Solicitor that he stands for what he be-
end of the season. Golfing began can Music Theater, Thursday, scalloped potatoes, steamed Vito DeLuca on many issues.
on Thursday, May 5. December 1. For further infor- green beans, whole wheat dinner lieves is the right thing for the
Over the past two years he has people of Luzerne County, based
Clarence Briggs, former club mation or to reserve a seat con- roll, crackers, orange juice tartar done a great deal to help the
champion at Four Seasons will tact Connie Andrews at sauce, tapioca pudding, marga- in the facts of the law of the
Controller’s Office expose County Code regardless of the
be overseeing and organizing 655.5561. rine, milk and coffee wrong-doing and improve the
this group. To register or for fur- Reservations are open for a 5 Tuesday - Spaghetti (whole consequences. He is precisely
working of county government. what Luzerne County needs in a
ther information, contact Connie day four night trip to Wildwood, wheat), and meatballs, Caesar The more we worked together,
Andrews at 655-5561. This is a New Jersey on September 11 to salad/dressing, Italian bread, Judge.
the more evident it became that Walter Griffith
mixed league. 15. Price is $395includes trans- parmesan cheese, whole pear, he has the same vision for Lu-
Wednesday, May 18, an Open portation, three night oceanfront margarine, milk, coffee Luzerne County Controller
zerne County that the Controll-
House Special Dinner will be accommodations in Wildwood Wednesday - Open House
held at noon. Bring someone to one night at the Tropicana Casi- Special Lunch: Pot roast, oven
the center today and show them no Resort with revue show if brown potatoes, three bean salad,
around or if you have never been available, 8 meals, visits to Cape dinner roll, chocolate cake
to the center, why not join us on May, Smithville,an afternoon Thursday - Honey roast ham, The Local Guys With The National Buys
this special day? Dinner reserva- pizza party, an ice cream social baked beans, boiled potatoes,
tions must be made at least one and three nights of entertain- corn bread, crackers, fruit & yo-
day in advance. Asking donation ment. A $150 deposit is required gurt parfait, margarine, milk and
for dinner is $2. to reserve your seat. coffee.
A Stars and Stripes wreath Senior Citizens Centers spon- Friday - Hamburger, sautéed
making class will be held on sored by the Area Agency on onions, potato salad, corn
Thursday, May 26, at 1 p.m. Cost Aging for Luzerne and Wyom- chowder, whole wheat bun,
of the class is 410 which covers ing counties offer hot noon crackers, ketchup, mustard, TV & APPLIANCES

supplies that are needed to com- meals, Monday through Friday birthday cake, margarine, milk,
Kingston • 287-9631 Exeter • 655-8801

plete the wreath. Registration is to people 60 years of age or ol- coffee.


PA senior raises $7,050 for free health clinic

Pittston Area senior, Letitia Project requirement. The event was held at the Pittston Area principal; Joyce Salvo, NHS ad- John the Evangelist, Sharon and
Warunek, recently held an Irish collected $7,050.00 on behalf of High School featuring the Emer- visor; Patricia Warunek (moth- Dr. Michael Imbrogno, volun-
step dance benefit, with the aide the Pediatric Health Clinic of the ald Isle Step Dancing troupe er); Miranda Warunek (sister), teers of the Care and Concern
of her sister Miranda,to fulfill Care and Concern Free Clinic, which Letitia is a member. Msg. John Bendik, St. John the Free Clinic; and John Haas, PA
her National Honor Society Pittston. Shown in the photo, left to Evangelist; Letitia Warunek; principal.
(NHS), Independent Service The dance, including a raffle, right: Authur Savokinas, PA Deacon James Cortegerone, St.

Sanitary authority David A. Scalzo, D.P.M., P.C.

monthly report Certified by the American
Board of Podiatric Surgery
We Make
The Lower Lackawanna Val-
ley Sanitary Authority (LLVSA)
The total number of inspec-
tions to CSO’s was 111. Complimentary Whirlpool Session
has 14 combined sewer over-
flows (CSO), which are located
The total flow treated by the
LLVSA for April was147.6 mil-
with all routine nailcare
at various locations on its inter- lion gallons, an average of 4.9 • Foot & Ankle Surgery • Plantar Warts
ceptor system. million gallons per day. • Diabetic Foot Care/Shoes • Ingrown Nails
These CSO structures are de- The Authority also disposed • Heel Pain • Corns & Calluses
signed to discharge untreated of 506 wet tons of bio-solids for • Bunion Repair • Reconstructive Procedures
Dr. David A. Scalzo
waste water into receiving water- the month. • Hammer Toe Correction • Ankle Arthroscopy
ways during heavy rainfall peri- The LLVSA submits a month- New for 2011 • Arthritic Foot Care • Sports Related Injury
ods. ly CSO report to the Pennsylva- CryoPen • Endoscopic Heel Surgery
In April, the total number of nia Department of Environmen- Advanced
discharges from these structures tal Protection (PADEP) as part of Treatment Onsite Ultrasound used for diagnosing multiple
was 33. The total number of gal- its Discharge Monitoring Report for Dr. Nicole M. Branning
foot problems including:
lons discharged from CSO’s was (DMR). Plantar Warts. Plantar Fasciitis • Neuromas • Tendonitis
2,587,928. CALL TODAY! Inflammatory Arthritis
New Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus
To advertise Call Today for a Consultation
Day, Evening and Weekend Appointments Available
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269 Wyoming Ave, Kingston (570) 287-1175

Bar on Oak, located on Oak Street (where else?) in Pittston Township.

‘Bar on Oak’ offers a wide variety of music and fun

By Melissa Hoover Route 315. for newcomers how to dance to just to name a few. Marranca also opens his doors
Dispatch Correspondent Well you are in luck. Bar On the newest country hits. Tuesday Bar On Oak offers a variety of to charitable fundraisers for the
Oak, which is located on Oak St. night offers comedy performers tastes for all patrons to enjoy on a local community to even meet
Summer time is approaching. in Pittston, has plenty to offer with available seating at the wrap night out on the town. and greets with local political
The weather is finally agreeing your warm weather needs. around bar, or at the set of tables The highlight for Marranca’s events.
with the seasons. Gas prices are Pat Marranca, owner of Bar located throughout the establish- business is the upcoming live Bar On Oak offers daily happy
skyrocketing. Many people want On Oak, has been busy booking ment. Thursday and Friday performance of the Mahoney hour specials from 5-7 p.m. dur-
to shed their winter wardrobe local acts of all types. For the nights provide live shows on Brothers scheduled to rock the ing the week and 8-10 p.m. on
and throw on those nice pair of past year, this hip redesigned their concert style stage set up night on Friday, June 10, starting Saturdays with a small bar menu
heels or that new button down business has been pulling in acts with full theater like lighting. at 7 p.m. This performance is offering selections from pizza to
shirt to head out for a night of fun that redefine this small town at- The music that blasts out on guaranteed to rock your night buffalo bites and fries.
with music and perhaps a little mosphere into a big concert bar these nights include acts like Pop with renditions of Elvis Presley’s “I couldn’t do all this without
dancing. scene that is usually found in the Rox, Lipstyk, Iron Cowboy, The hits to the triumphant musical my employees from the bartend-
You’re thinking about a great city life. This place has it all. Cadillacs, 40lb Head, Souled career of The Beatles with full ers to the doormen,” Marranca
fun night club without the con- The dance floor is tremen- Out, Kartune, Dawgs, Stingray, wardrobe changing between the said. “But my greatest inspira-
gestion of hundreds of people dously huge enough to fit pa- Changes, Jenne Zano, Group De acts to make you feel like you are tion was my mother. She loved to
and without the long drive to trons of all desires. Bar On Oak jour, and even Picture Perfect, transported back in time. come here. It was her get away.”
Scranton or Wilkes-Barre. A offers line dancing every
short drive perhaps right off of Wednesday night with an in-
Interstate 81 or a cruise off of structor at hand to demonstrate

Pat Marranca, owner of Bar on Oak, has been busy booking local A large dance floor is one of the many features of Bar on Oak.
acts of all types
In the towns


Avoca chiropractor offers gardening tips for our backs
It’s finally beginning to look a
lot like springtime in Avoca! I AVOCA
Implementation Team
St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s
Patriotic Concert
The congregation of the Lang-
don’t know about all of you, but Churches’ implementation team cliffe Presbyterian Church will
the warmer weather and sun- 457-3351
will meet Tuesday, May 17 at 7 host a patriotic concert Sunday,
shine filled days last week has
p.m. in St. Mary’s Rectory, 715 May 29 at 6 p.m. at the church,
me eager to get outside and plant Hawthorne St. 1001 Main St.
my garden. quently to prevent pressure on year’s tournament will be played The concert will include vari-
Since I suffer from lower back any one knee. in memory of Judge Thomas ous artists from the area, bagpipe
problems, gardening can be a 6. When lifting an object: Take Gibbons. Picnic Meeting
music, and poetic readings by
challenge for me. a wide stance, get as close as St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s veterans who served during vari-
Lucky for us, Avoca chiro- possible to the item to be lifted, Churches’ will have a parish pic- ous wartimes. Refreshments will
bend with your legs, test the Yard Waste nic meeting Tuesday, May 17 at 7
practor Dr. Margaret Ace Brez- be served following the perform-
nay of Breznay Family Chiro- item’s weight a little and then lift Avoca Borough will have a p.m. in St. Mary’s School audi- ances.
practic offered me10 great tips to it with your head up and lower yard waste collection Tuesday, torium, 742 Spring St. A free will offering will be ac-
help take the strain off all of our back arched. If the item you are May 17 weather permitting. In
cepted with the proceeds bene-
backs and help us to enjoy some trying to lift is too heavy for you, addition to collecting grass clip-
Women’s Guild fitting the long term care unit of
fun in the sun. ask for help. Do not put yourself pings and leaves, the borough
St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s the Veterans Administration
1. Buy ergonomic tools and at risk. workers will also collect other
Churches’ women’s guild will Hospital in Wilkes-Barre and the
handles: To choose the right size 7. When setting an object yard waste including shrubs,
have their annual Communion congregation’s “Remember Our
grip for you, make a circle with down: Remember to set it down hedge clippings, and tree limbs.
luncheon Sunday, May 22 at Military” program which ships
your thumb and index finger and between your knees and bend Please note that grass clippings,
12:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s School care packages to our service men
insert the handle in it. By doing with your legs. leaves, and brush must be placed
auditorium, 742 Spring St. and women.
this, you will choose tools with 8. Always keep garden path- in separate containers.
handles perfect for your hands. ways as clear as possible to avoid The tree limbs should not ex-
A proper grip will decrease con- trips and falls. ceed three feet in length and one- Worship Committee Finance Council
tact stress and minimize muscle 9. When mowing the lawn: half inch in diameter. St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s
and tendon strain making gar- Remember that riding mowers Please note that rocks, stones, Churches’ will have a worship Churches’ finance council will
dening easier. put more stress on your lower dirt, and animal waste are not ac- committee meeting Monday, meet Tuesday, May 31 at 7 p.m.
2. Keep your tools in good back. If you can, alternate be- ceptable forms of yard waste and May 23 at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s in St. Mary’s Rectory, 715 Haw-
shape: By keeping your garden- tween the riding and the push will not be collected. Rectory, 715 Hawthorne St. thorne St.
ing tools sharp, you will be able mower to give your back a little A maximum of three open
to dig well and exert less pres- rest. containers, not exceeding 30
10. Remember, the best time to pounds, will be allowed per col- Social Concerns Until Next Time
sure on your hands and body.
3. Shoveling: While standing garden is early in the morning lection. St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s That’s about it for this week! If
before you begin digging, take a and later in the day. Avoid work- Please do not put your collec- Churches’ social concerns com- you would like something to ap-
wide stance, bend your knees, ing outside between 11 a.m. and 1 tion items in plastic bags. They mittee will meet Tuesday, May pear in next Sunday’s edition of
keep your abs tight, alternate p.m. as much as possible be- will not be collected. 24 at 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Recto- the Avoca News, please e-mail
your grip, and pivot. Be sure to cause of the strength of ultravio- Collection items should be ry, 715 Hawthorne St. or call me with your information
avoid over loading your shovel, let rays at this time. placed curbside by 8 a.m. on the by Thursday at noon.
pitchfork, or wheelbarrow and Don’t forget to wear your sun- collection date. Please note due You can e-mail me at avoca-
Musical Mass
only work with weight you can screen. to the large volume of yard waste or call
and grass, the collection may St. Mary’s/SS. Peter and Paul’s me at 457-3351. Please be sure to
handle comfortably. Churches’ contemporary music
4. Raking: Alternate frequent- Golf Tournament take two or three days to com- include your name and phone
plete. group will participate in the Sat- number with any correspond-
ly between right and left handed St. Mary’s Church will have its urday, May 28 5:30 p.m. Mass at
stances to decrease muscle fa- Please leave your items curb- ence in case I need to reach you.
annual St. Mary’s Classic golf side. They will be collected. St. Mary’s Church, 715 Haw-
tigue. Have a great week!
tournament today at Pine Hills thorne St.
5. Kneeling: Switch sides fre- Country Club, Taylor. This

Pittston Twp. Fire Department fund drive concluding

The members of the Pittston
Township Volunteer Fire De- PITTSTON TOWNSHIP NEWS In addition, each business in the
township is asked to make a con-
quest envelope in the mail, call
654-2503, and one will be sent to
partment announced that the An- tribution based on the size of the you.
nual Fund Drive is concluding es. The Annual Fund Drive is a protective clothing, and breath- business. The firefighters ask for your
for this year. means by which the department ing apparatus. Residents and businesses that support, and thank all who help
The fire department provides seeks financial assistance with The members of the fire de- have not contributed to this with the goal of providing qual-
24-hour per day firefighting and the maintenance of the depart- partment ask that each house- year’s drive are still able to make ity fire and rescue services to all

rescue services to residents of ment’s firefighting and commu- hold in the Township contribute their returns by May 20. If you in Pittston Township.
the Township and to its business- nication equipment, as well as $25 or more to this year’s drive. have not received a donation re-
Council to prioritize road repair work in borough

Council Mark Kowalczyk dis-

cussed the results of the survey DUPONT
Memorial Day Masses
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
Cemetery Flags
VFW Post 4909; American
regarding the needed road repair will celebrate a Memorial Day Legion Post 857 and American
at Tuesday’s Council meeting. 654-0897 Mass at the Cemetery Chapel on Veterans Post will place flags on
He along with the members of
Monday, May 30, at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 18, at Holy
council as well as Borough Man- Holy Mother of Sorrows will Mother of Sorrows cemetery at
ager Patty MacDonald will look at the VFW Post Home. Office Hours
celebrated their Memorial Mass 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at Sa-
at the roads in most need. Dupont Municipal offices will at their parish cemetery on Mon- cred Heart of Jesus cemetery. All
Kowalczyk said he will ex- be closed for Election Day. The day, May 30, at 9:00am. members are asked to meet at the
plain where he would like to do Bowlers Banquet Public Works Department will VFW Post Home at 5:30.
the patch repairs as discussed at Dupont Bowlers banquet to be be working on Tuesday, May 17.
held today, Sunday, May 15, at VFW Meeting
the meeting. This will enable
3:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount The V.F.W. Post #4909 will Party in the Park
borough officials to pinpoint an Flea Market
exact cost as well as prioritize re- Carmel Parish Center in Pittston. hold their next meeting on Mon- Dupont Borough annual Party
pairs that are needed. A multi-family flea market be- day, June 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the in the Park is scheduled for Au-
ing held on Saturday, May 21, post home. Many items of im- gust 13. Anyone interested in
Election Day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Polish portance will be discussed and providing entertainment or do-
Sportsmen’s Club Tuesday is Election Day: Vot- Club parking on Hillside Ave in nations for the Chinese auction,
reports given. Commander John
The Elm Street Sportsmen’s ing will take place at the munici- Dupont Phillips will preside. The Home food and refreshments is asked
Club will meet today, Sunday, pal Building on Chestnut Street. Association meeting will follow. to contact the borough office at
May 15, at the Club House in Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. Food, refreshments and camara- 655-6216. This will enable the
Suscon beginning at 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. First time voters re- Polish Hymn Fest
derie will occur after both meet- committee to set the time of the
John Lizak will preside. member to bring photo ID. As part of a yearlong celebra- ings. event along with other activities.
tion of the centennial anniver- Any ideas for a theme or for this
sary of their church, Visitation of year’s T-shirts please feel free to
PACC Meets Today Bulk Pickups the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish
The Polish American Citizens Dupont Borough advises resi- Poppy Sale let us know.
will host a Polish Hymn Fest on
Club of Elm Street Dupont will dents if they are planning a clea- Sunday, May 22. The centennial The Dupont VFW Post 4909
hold their regular monthly meet- nup to do so by the end of May. event featuring Polish ethnic mu- Veterans will conduct their an-
ing at 2 p.m. today, Sunday May There will be no bulk pickups af- nual Poppy Sale before and after Basketball Clinic
sic will be held in St Mary’s Vis-
15, at the Club home. Refresh- ter May. Residents are asked to itation Church, 619 Dundaff St., all Masses at Sacred Heart of Je- Boys basketball clinic will be
ments will be served after the put all small items in purple or Dickson City, beginning at 3:00 sus Church and Holy Mother of held at Holy Redeemer High
meeting. blue Dupont borough bags, all p.m. All are invited to share in Sorrows the weekend of May 21 School in Wilkes-Barre for boys
other disposal of larger items ex- the rich heritage of the Polish and 22. The VFW thanks you for in grades 4 through 9 on June 23,
cluding metal will be by resi- hymns. your generosity in the past and 24, and 25. Fee is $60.00 per
Homecoming Meeting
dents renting a dumpster. The A reception will be held in the hopes you will continue to help player. Call Coach Mark Belen-
The Dupont Schools Home- borough will no longer provide this worthy cause. ski at 570-262-9562 for more in-
coming Committee will meet to- school auditorium following the
trucks for large cleanup projects. hymn fest. formation and to register.
day, Sunday, May15, at 2:00 p.m.
See DUPONT, Page 41

An Easter Egg Hunt was held at the Dupont Little League on Holy Saturday. These are the bike winners as well as the Dupont Lion members. Every year this is put on for
the community, from money raised from projects held curing the year. The Dupont Lions had about 400 kids attend this year.
Sons of the American Legion & Auxiliary pizza sale Friday


I love picking up pizza for din-
ner on Fridays. And if you do DURYEA
Duryea Borough Building, 315
Main St., from 1-3 p.m. Any resi-
will have a presentation on home
services and care giving for the
too, support our veterans as well dent who has questions or needs elderly. Senior citizens and care-
as your taste buds this Friday at 457-3351 assistance from the senator is in- givers are invited to attend.
the Duryea American Legion’s vited to attend.
pizza sale.
The Sons of the American Le- 329 Main St. The election of post tend pack nights when the regu- Wildcats Signups
gion (S.A.L.S), Squadron 585, officers will take place at this lar yearly program begins in Sep- Field Cleanup The Duryea Wildcats will
in conjunction with the Ameri- time. The board of directors tember. Boys in grades 1-3 will The Duryea Wildcats will have an early sign-up session
can Legion Ladies Auxiliary to meeting will take place follow- join the Tiger, Wolf, and Bear have field cleanup day Saturday, May 25 and June 8 from 5:30-
Post 585, will have an Old Forge ing the post meeting. Dens respectively. May 21 at 9 a.m. at the field, cor- 7:30 p.m. at the Duryea Wildcats
style pizza sale Friday, May 20 at Boys in grades 4-5 will enter ner of Kramer and Shaft Streets. field, corner of Kramer and
the post home, 329 Main St. The the Webelos Den which prepares All coaches and advisors are Shaft Streets.
Sons of the Legion them to enter Boy Scouts. If you
cost is $10 per tray. Toppings are asked to attend. All participants must submit
extra. The Sons of the American Le- are unable to attend this sign-up their birth certificate, two proofs
To place your order, please call gion (S.A.L.S.), Squadron 585, session, Cubmaster Dorothy of residency, a photo, and med-
will meet today at 3 p.m. at the Little League
the post home at 457-4242 by Collins will also have a sign-up ical clearance from a doctor to
post home, 329 Main St. The session at each monthly pack The Duryea Little League will play. The registration fee is $60
May 19.
nomination of officers will take night during the summer. Pack have its monthly meeting Sun- and 20 tickets for a single family
place at this time. The offices nights take place the third Mon- day, May 22 at 7 p.m. at the Du- and $60 and 25 tickets for a fam-
available for nomination are day of the month at 7 p.m. at Sa- ryea V.F.W. Post 1227, 492 Ste- ily of two or more.
Happy Birthday phenson St.
commander, senior vice-com- cred Heart Hall. Returning players who have
Happy belated birthday to mander, junior vice-commander, For more information contact not returned their uniforms are
Paul Echalk who celebrated his historian, and sergeant at arms. Ann Edwards at 457-8402. Class of ‘62 asked to do so at this time. For
special day on May 7. Any S.A.L.S member in good
The Duryea High School class more information, please e-mail
standing may run for these offic- Wildcatsmommy05@veri-
of 1962, which was the school’s
Thank You Note es. Sewer Authority
final graduating class, will have
The members of the American The Duryea Borough Sewer a reunion planning meeting The Duryea Wildcats will
Legion Brennan Regan Post 585 Authority will be closed Tues- Tuesday, May 24 at 7 p.m. at the have their monthly meeting
thank the community for making Cub Scout Signup day, May 17 due to Election Day. Tuesday, June 14 at 6 p.m. at the
American Legion Brennan Re-
their annual ziti dinner a great Duryea Cub Scout Pack 375 The office will be open Wednes- gan Post 585, 329 Main St. All Duryea Wildcats field, corner of
success. Your continuous sup- will have a sign-up night Mon- day, May 18 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. interested class members are Kramer and Shaft Streets.
port helps our veterans, commu- day, May 16 at 6:30 p.m. at Sa- Regular office hours will resume urged to attend. Anyone with
nity, and country. God bless cred Heart Hall, 529 Stephenson Thursday, May 19 operating contact information for the fol-
St., followed by pack night at 7 Until Next Time
America. from 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30- lowing classmates is asked to
p.m. Membership is open to boys 3:30 p.m. That’s about it for this week! If
call Bill Aruscavage at 457-
entering Kindergarten through you would like something to ap-
Legion Meeting 0526: Kenneth Haste, Eileen
fifth grade. Registration is $16 pear in next Sunday’s edition of
The members of the American Senator Blake MacRae, Lucille Hunter, Neil
per year. Boys entering Kinder- the Duryea News, please e-mail
Legion Brennan Regan Post 585 On Thursday, May 19, a repre- Pascoe, and Joan Marie Foster.
garten in September will join the or call me with your information
will have its monthly meeting to- Lions Pride Den which meets sentative from the office of state by Thursday at noon. You can e-
day at 1 p.m. at the post home, once a month. They will also at- Senator John Blake will at the mail me at duryeahappen-
Senior Outreach or call me at
The Area on Aging will have

Dupont stronger roots. It also reduces the ner-up of the event. For further 457-3351. Please be sure to in-
its monthly outreach program clude your name and phone
need to water your lawn. information or to enter a team Wednesday, May 25 at 1 p.m. at
please contact Rob Lopata at number with any correspond-
the Duryea Municipal Building, ence in case I need to reach you.
S.H. Committee 883-0185 as entrants are limited.
Continued from Page 40 315 Main St. A representative Have a great week!
Sacred Heart of Jesus Build- from Brightstar Home Services
Collecting DVDs ing and Grounds Committee will
Sarah Snyder, a student at Ho- meet in the lower level of the rec- Service Schedule
ly Redeemer High School, is
currently working on her Girl
Scout Silver Award. She is col-
lecting adult and children DVDs
tory on Thursday, May 19, at 7
Softball Tourney
Dupont service schedule for
the week of May 15 is as follows:
Monday, May 16 - Purple re-
fuses bags
201 Foote Avenue, Duryea
to send to the head trauma unit at The 5th Annual Dupont Soft- Tuesday, May 17 - Ashes, yard FREE DELIVERY! CALL 457-8881
John Heinz Rehab Hospital and ball Tournament has been sched- waste. OPEN DAILY: 6 a.m.-7 p.m. • Saturday & Sunday ‘til 5 p.m.
also the pediatric unit at Mercy uled for July 15-17 at the Dupont Wednesday, May 18 – Recy- Boneless Chuck Roast .......................$2.99 lb
Hospital. There will be a box in Little League Field. All proceeds cling cans and bottles Lean Stewing Beef ............................ $2.99 lb.
the back of the Sacred Heart of from this tournament will bene-
fit the Dupont Little League, the
Fresh Cut Minute Steaks.................... $3.99 lb.
Jesus Church and also at the Du-
pont Municipal Building to drop Dupont Lions Club and other lo-
Got News? Lean Beef Patties .............................. $2.99 lb.
the DVD’s off in. cal charities. If you have an article which Sausage Patties (Hot-Mild-Garlic)...... $2.99 lb.
The games are set to begin on you would like to submit you can Smoked Bacon.................................. $4.99 lb.
send the information to du-
Friday, July 15, at 7 p.m. and con- or by FRESH & SMOKED KIELBASI
Eco-tip tinue all day Saturday, July 16,
before concluding on Sunday, calling 654-0897.Send your Oval Spiced Ham..............................$3.99 lb.
Here is Joey Jones Eco-tip of news items by Wednesday eve-
July 17. Entry fee for each team Slicing Pepperoni..............................$4.99 lb.

the week: If you keep your grass ning. Please include a contact
at least 3 inches high, it will grow will be $150 with prizes being
phone number.
Baby Swiss Cheese ...........................$4.99 lb.
awarded to the winner and run-
Memorial Day parade and ceremony plans finalized
The annual West Pittston/Exe- ity fee for concession stand staff- Wyoming Ave, Exeter 18643.
ter Memorial Day Parade will
take place on Monday, May 30
A birth certificate is required,
This project does not benefit
the Boy Scouts of America in
beginning at 11:30 a.m. at the Tony Callaio a photo of the child to be regis- any way and all money raised
corners of Linden Street and 654-5358 tered, 2 documents to prove resi- will be used to the local commu-
Wyoming Avenue in West Pitt- dency (ex: utility bills, driver’s li- nity.
ston. The parade will march and children’s games available at DePrimo is requesting all resi- cense), and a Medical clearance
down Wyoming Avenue and the 40th Annual West Pittston dents to display their American to participate in football or
conclude at the St. Cecilia’s Cherry Blossom Festival that flag during the month of May as cheerleading. Book/Bake Sale
Church parking lot where a brief, concludes today. Festival hours well as parade day in respect for A Book/Bake Sale is sched-
but poignant ceremony will take are noon to 6:00 p.m. Veterans that have served our uled for June 24-25 on the
country. Donations Needed grounds around the West Pitt-
place. Everyone is encouraged to
attend the ceremony. Conner Mangan, a Life Scout ston Library. There will be books
Vettes for Vets in Boy Scout Troop 302 is cur- on sale for every age category,
This year’s feature speaker Rams Signups
will be John Lemmond, a retired A fundraiser for the West Pitt- rently working on the rank of Ea- from EZ Read and beginning
Navy Master Chief. ston American Legion, Post 542, The West Pittston Rams Junior gle Scout. To fulfill one of the re- readers to children’s, juvenile,
Organizers are asking citizens 1st Lt. Jeffrey DePrimo, will take Cheerleading and Football Asso- quirements for this rank, he must Young Adult, and fiction and
to stand and support the men and place on Sunday, June 12 from ciation Announces 2011 season complete a community service nonfiction.
women who have served and 12-noon until 3:00 p.m. at West registration dates at the Moose project. His goal is to replace the Book prices start at 25 cents
currently serve our country that Side Auto, (Valero Gas Station), Lodge, 425 Exeter Avenue on “Welcome to West Pittston” sign and there will be plenty of books
allows us to be free. 401 Wyoming Avenue. Registra- May 24, June 9, 23 and 30, and on the corner of Erie and Wyom- at this price. Selections include
Paci’s Band will be on hand to tion is $ 10.00 which includes July 7 from 6:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. ing avenues. The new sign will mysteries, drama, art, politics,
perform taps and there will also food and beverage. for residents of West Pittston, be constructed of an eco friendly cooking, travel, gardening, his-
be a selection by the Wyoming Register early to insure a good Harding, Falls & Exeter Town- and durable composite. New tory, biographies, and auto biog-
Area Band and the Ceol-Mor spot. For more information con- ship from ages 5 to 14 years. landscaping will also be added. raphies, all arranged by topic and
Bag Pipes. tact Ron Gitkos at 654-2261. Children will be placed in age- This project will cost approxi- some by author.
designated teams fees due at reg- mately $3,000 and even the The bake sale will feature all
istration smallest donation will help homemade baked goods from
Blossom Festival Display the Flag Fees are: $60.00 registration achieve Conner’s goal. Checks breads, to cake, cookies, and
There are plenty refreshments, The West Pittston American fee, $10.00. The cost for a foot- can be made out to Boy Scout pies.
arts and crafts, entertainment Legion Post 542 1st Lt. Jeffrey ball jersey is $30.00, if needed. Troop 302 and sent to 1250
There is a $25 refundable activ- See WEST PITTSTON, Page 43

West Wyoming once again named a ‘Tree City USA’

West Wyoming Borough was ny #2 with the assistance of Girl
recognized as a Tree City USA Scout Troop 3941 will be spon-
for the second year at last week’s soring a community yard sale at
council meeting. the fire department grounds on
The borough’s Shade Tree Saturday, May 28, at the fire
Commission under the direction company grounds on Stites
of Mary Pat Appel has been ac- Street. The community is invited
tive planting trees throughout the to take part by selling your un-
municipality. wanted items at the sale.
The Tree City USA program is A 10 foot by 10 foot space will
sponsored by the Arbor Day only cost $10. Larger spaces will
Foundation in cooperation with be available by request. Half of
the USDA Forest Service and the all profits from this fundraiser
National Association of State will be donated to Girl Scout
Foresters. Mayor Joseph Herbert Troop 3941.
issued a proclamation establish- To reserve a spot, call 570-
ing May 9 as Arbor Day in West 287-1182 and leave a message, or
Wyoming. The borough cele- you can also fax to the same
brated by planting a tree donated number. Someone from the fire
by the Shission Family in Char- department will get back to you.
ney Park. Rain date will be Sunday, May West Wyoming Borough was recognized as a Tree City USA for the second year. First row, left to
29. right, Vinnie Catrone, Urban Forester, West Wyoming Council members, Gil Atherholt, Eileen Cipria-
Trash Collection ni, Gary Stavish, Dan Gadomski, Dan Grescavage. Second row, Mayor Joe Herbert, Council mem-
There will be no trash collec- Yard Waste bers Len Tarreto and Geno Leoni.
tion on Monday, May 30, Memo- West Wyoming Borough has
rial Day. Trash will be collected begun yard waste pick-ups on Section up to 8th Street but not left at their residence for large Visit the West Wyoming Web-
on Tuesday, May 31. Yard waste Thursdays. Every other week including 8th Street This sched- volume. Residents are advised if site at
will be collected on Friday, June one-half the town will be collect- ule of alternating weeks will their yard waste container If any residents are interested in
3. ed until the beginning of Novem- continue until November. weighs more than 40 lbs the receiving a monthly e-newsletter
ber. The schedule will be as fol- Residents can call the Bor- haulers will not collect it. from the borough, please visit

Community Yard Sale lows: May 26, 8th Street to the ough building to arrange to drop the website for more details.
West Wyoming Hose Compa- Exeter Line; May 19, Atherton off waste or request the truck be Website
Annual Coyne Memorial Softball tourney is today


The 3rd Annual Joseph F.
Coyne III Memorial Softball EXETER
tourney is today beginning at
8:30 a.m. at the Exeter Little 287-3349
League Fields (behind St. Ceci-
lia’s Church). Events include
kid’s activities such as Pat Ward, Eagle Project Exeter Website
balloon artist and clown and Conner Mangan, a Life Scout The new Exeter Borough web-
Penguins mascot Tux, and face in Boy Scout Troop 302, is work- site up and running, you can visit
painting between 1- 4p.m. ing on the rank of Eagle Scout. it
Over the past two years the To fulfill one of the requirements
event has raised more than for this rank, he must complete a
Refuse Stickers
$11,000 for two families in need. community service project. His
The recipient this year is 3-year- goal is to replace the “Welcome The refuse stickers are now in
old Anthony Lydon. Anthony is to West Pittston” sign on the cor- the penalty stage. Anyone in the
the son of the former Tanya ner of Erie and Wyoming Ave- borough who has not purchased
Nawrocki of Duryea. The soft- nues. The new sign will be con- a sticker will be cited by the po-
lice department. It is mandatory Exeter Cub Scout Pack 310 visited the Pa. Game Commission
ball game’s proceeds will benefit structed of an eco friendly and
to purchase a refuse sticker. The office in Dallas. Wildlife Conservation Officer Phil White spoke to
Anthony and his family. durable composite. the boys about the importance of conserving Pa. Game lands and
He will also beautify the area cost is now $250 plus a fine.
the wildlife that livse there and how a conservation officer does
around the sign with new land- Residents are reminded that
his job. The boys were most interested in Officer White's explana-
Exeter Park Drive scaping. the recycling containers are not tion about how a Conservation Officer traps and relocates a bear.
This project will cost approxi- to be used for yard waste. Only The Webelos scouts used this tour and the information they
The Exeter Park Volunteer glass, plastic, aluminum and tin
Hose Co. mail drive will be start- mately $3000 and even the learned to earn the Naturalist activity pin and the younger boys
smallest donation will help him are to be placed in the round con- learned about endangered animals and the importance of leaving
ing this week. Residents are tainers, and newspaper and junk
achieve his goal. Checks can be wildlife in the wild. Those pictured in photo include first row:
asked to check their mail boxes mail in the square containers. Elijah Maniero, Nicholas Giardina, Michael Tkach and Michael
and if you did not receive a mail- made out to Boy Scout Troop
302 and sent to 1250 Wyoming Yard waste is to be placed in an Karsko. Second row Officer Philip White, Isaac Maniero, Shane
er please contact the Exeter Park open garbage can or other con- Sonday and Billy Wallace.
Hose Co at 570-362-0355 or you Ave, Exeter 18643.
This project does not benefit tainer. Yard waste will not be tak-
can email exeterparkhose- en if it is in a bag. welcomes all children and their Baptist Church. After the Mass, and a member the Boy Scouts of America in
any way and all money raised Residents are reminded that parents and grandparents to at- a procession with the Blessed
will bring a mailer to you. garbage must be in a bag and tend this mass. The junior choir Sacrament and the statue of St.
This is Exeter Park’s major will be used to enhance the local
community. placed in a can to keep the ani- and senior choir will participate. John the Baptist will take place.
fund raiser for the year. mals away from it. The trash The Christian Mothers Socie- Weather permitting, the proces-
This year’s mailer will include haulers will not pick up bags that ty will hold their final meeting as sion will start from St. John the
a schematic of the new fire vehi- Street Sweeping have been ripped open. Resi- Christian Mothers Society of St. Baptist Church, Cedar St., to
cle. The purchase of this new ve- The Exeter Borough Police dents are also reminded that even Anthony of Padua Church on Lincoln St., across Wyoming
hicle was made possible through Department in conjunction with though the waste haulers start at Tuesday, May 24, at 5:30 p.m. at Ave. to St. Anthony’s Church on
a federal grant. The additional Exeter Borough wish to an- 5 a.m. (note new time) they may Valenti’s Restaurant. All mem- Memorial St.
cost of building and equipping nounce street sweeping has be- not pick up your garbage until bers and guests are invited to at- A short prayer service with the
this new truck will be covered by gun. Street sweeping will occur later in the day depending on tend. Cost for the dinner is $ 20. Benediction of the Blessed Sac-
the sale of a property on School- on the first Friday of each month where you live. The deadline for reservations is rament will follow the proces-
ey St. and by generous donations from June to November. Resi- Any questions call 654-3011 May 17. Call Rose Prebola at sion. After Benediction, every-
from members. dents along Wyoming Avenue ext #2. Hours are Monday thru 388-2462, Charlotte Naples at one is invited to St. Anthony’s
The officers and members of should make note of this change. Friday from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. 510-6956 or Marion Pizano at Parish Center to socialize, and
Exeter Park Volunteer Hose Co. All vehicles parked along 654-0906. Thank you. refreshments will be served.
thank all the residents and busi- Wyoming Avenue during this pe- On Sunday, May 29, the parish Members of St. John the Baptist
nesses of Exeter for their help, riod are subject to parking cita- welcomes the parishioners of St. Church and St. Anthony’s
pledges and support of fund rais- St. Anthony’s
tions. Next Sunday at10:30 a.m. is John the Baptist Church in Exe- Church are invited to participate
ers throughout the years. ter. A special Mass will be cele- in this special ceremony.
the Children’s Mass. The parish
brated at 2 p.m. at St. John the

West Pittston their recycled materials to the

Public Works garage each Satur-
Library Programs
Adult Programs
Beginner Knitting Class: Ses-
sion 2: Mondays, thru 5/23,
brary: 5/24, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Photography Workshop:
day morning from 8:00 a.m. un- Beginner Yoga: Tuesdays & 6:00-8:00 p.m. Learning to See: Discovering the
Continued from Page 42
til noon. Thursdays,thru 5/31, 8:30-9:30 The Friends of the Library Possibilities for Creative Vision:
a.m. - $7.00 drop-in; discounted meet once a month at the Li- 5/21, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. -
Yard Waste punch passes available. Classes brary. Call the Library for infor- $40.00.
Montgomery Avenue to Erie Tax Reminder mation about their upcoming Children’s Programs
are held in the former American
Street will be picked up on Mon- Taxes due are currently in face Legion Building at 316 Linden meetings. Weekly Story Time: Every
days while Montgomery Avenue value amount until June 8. Tax St. next to the Montgomery Ave. Financial Courses: Estate Friday, 1:00 p.m.
to Susquehanna Avenue will be office hours are: Tuesday and Elementary School. Planning 101: 5/17, 6:00-7:00 One Book Every Young Child:
picked up on Tuesdays. Please Wednesday, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.; West Pittston Library Book p.m. 5/18, 6:30 p.m.
place yard waste in open con- Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to noon or by Club: First Tuesday of Each Resume Workshop for Educa- Some events require registra-
tainers for pick up. Yard waste in appointment by called 655-3801. Month, 6:45 p.m. tion Applicants: One-on-One tion. Stop by or call the library at
plastic bags will not be picked If you are requesting a receipt, Resume & Cover Letter Review: 654-9847 to sign up.

Basic Computer Classes: Ses-

up. please send a self-addressed, sion 2: Thursdays, thru 5/26, 5/18 & 5/25, 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Residents can also bring all of stamped envelope. 6:30-7:30 p.m. - $35.00. Intro to Ebooks and the Li-
Classic car show May 22 at the Swetland Homestead
The Inaugural Luzerne Coun- Library” to the Wyoming Free household).
ty Historical Society Classic Car
Show will be held May 22, at the
THE WYOMINGS Library, 358 Wyoming Avenue,
Wyoming, PA 18644. Entries
Checks can be made out to “St.
Monica Parish.” Call the Parish
Swetland Homestead. Registra- EILEEN CIPRIANI must be submitted by Friday Office for further information at
tion is $15 per vehicle, with all 287-3349 May 20. Three prizes will be 693-1991.
proceeds benefiting the Histori- awarded. The winner will ride in Lillian Dominici is coordina-
cal Society. tournament is a major fundraiser serve Retired. He is a veteran of the Wyoming-West Wyoming tor for the School. Volunteers are
Trophies will be awarded to that benefits non-profit service Viet-Nam, Gulf War, Operation Parade on May 30. also needed to make Vacation
the Top 25 vehicles plus Best of organizations throughout the Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Bible School a success. Teens
Show and Executive Director’s Wyoming Valley. Support from and has received a number of (and pre-teens) in grades 6-12
local businesses is solicited. military decorations and awards. Book Sale
Choice. Dash plaques will go to are encouraged to volunteer. Par-
the first 100 entrees. The Grand Marshal is Frank The Wyoming Free Library ents must sign consent for under
There will be 50/50 raffle , Napkora, U.S. Army Veteran. will hold a book sale on May 21, 18.
Memorial Day Father Leo J McKernan from St. from 12 to 4 p.m. The library is
food, music, and the Swetland A meeting of the Women of St.
Homestead will be open for The Memorial Day’s events Monica’s will be taking care of accepting donated items for the Monica’s Parish will be held on
tours. Registration is from 9 a.m. begin with a ceremony at the War spiritual needs. sale. No school books or ency- Monday, May 16, at 7 p.m. in the
- noon, judging 12:30-2:30 p.m., Monument in front of the VFW After the ceremony at the clopedias will be accepted. Church Hall. All women of the
trophies awarded at 3 p.m. Mus- in Wyoming Post 396 at 8 a.m. Wyoming Cemetery, the Amer- Raffle tickets will be available parish are invited.
cle cars, tuners, classics, race Memorial Day morning. Follow- ican Legion and West Wyoming throughout the month of May for The Women’s Group is under
cars, bikes, choppers, and trucks ing this, a service will be held at Borough will cosponsor a coo- a Basket Give Away which will re-organization.
are welcome. If it has wheels it’s the War Memorial at 8th street kout under the pavilion at Dailey be held at the close of the sale. St. Monica’s Parish is sponsor-
welcome. and Shoemaker Avenue in West Park. This is open to all who Call the library at 693-1364 for ing a trip to the Lackawanna
Wyoming. The service will be- wish to come. more details. County Stadium on Saturday, Ju-
gin at 8:30 a.m. and be conduct- When you replace your worn, ly 9, to see the chruch choirs sing
Senior Citizens ed by both the American Legion torn or faded American flag, the National Anthem prior to the
and the VFW. save it and drop it off at the West St. Monica’s Parish Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Yankees
The Wyoming/ West Wyom-
The parade line-up will begin Wyoming Borough town hall. It Vacation Bible School is a hosting the Rochester Redwings
ing Senior Citizens will meet,
at 8:45 a.m. at Dailey Memorial will be disposed of with dignity week of fun and learning about game. Tickets will go on sale to-
Tuesday, May 17, 1:30 p.m. at St.
Park, located on Shoemaker by Post 904 on June 14, Flag Day. God for grades Pre-K (must be day, May 8, after all the Masses
Monica meeting center with
Avenue in West Wyoming with starting kindergarten in 2011) and cost $11, which is presale,
Frank Perfinski presiding. Serv-
the parade beginning at 9:15 a.m. through 5. On the final day, the group rates. Call Tom Tomsak at
ers are Olga Mizin, Theresa
After the parade participants Little Miss Library children invite parents and fam- 237-2188 for more information.
Kennedy and Joann Kawasny.
and spectators are invited to the The Wyoming Free Library is ilies to a performance. Guardian of the Redeemer,
Plans are progressing for the
Wyoming Cemetery for a short conducting a Little Miss Library The 2011theme is Pandamania Catholic men’s fellowship, will
annual picnic to be held on July
program ending with a rifle sa- contest. Applicants must be (Where God is wild about you!) meet at St. Monica’s rectory at 8
19 at the Shoemaker Ave. pavil-
lute by American Legion Post Wyoming or West Wyoming res- Dates: Monday, June 20, to a.m. on May 28. All are wel-
ion. New members are always
904 West Wyoming and a fly idents between the ages of 5 and Friday, June 24, from 8:45 a.m. come.
welcome. There will be bingo
over. 8. They should send or drop off a to 1 p.m. at OLOS Hall at St. The group will normally meet
played and there will be refresh-
The guest ceremonial speaker photograph with name, address Monica’s Parish. The cost is $20 on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of
ments served.
will be Master Gunnery Ser- and telephone number and a par- per child ($15 per child if more the month.
Parking is plentiful and for the
geant Frank Carden, USMC Re- agraph entitled “Why I Love the than three children in the same They meet for about an hour
for a time of prayer, scripture
sharing and discussion to streng-
Fireman’s Relief then our Catholic faith.
The regular meeting of the For more information call Fr.
Wyoming Fireman’s Relief As- Mckernan at 693-1991 or Dr.
sociation will be held on Sunday, Lou Guarnieri at 288-9998.
May 15, at 1:30 p.m. at Hose Co There are men involved from a
#2 Third Street. President Joe number of local parishes.
Kopko will preside. Guardian of the Redeemer
men’s prayer breakfast at St.
Monica’s (OLOS hall) at 8:30
Car Wash a.m. till 10 a.m. There will be
The Boy Scouts of Troop 366 breakfast, prayer and praise with
will hold a car wash to raise music and a speaker.
money for summer camp at Di- All men are welcome and it
leo’s garage on Wyoming Ave. might be good to bring sons if
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is they are 12 or older.
$5 tickets can be purchase from
any scout or just show up that
That’s all for this week; re-
member if anyone has any
Golf Tournament Wyoming news or special
The Rotary Club of Wyoming events, such as birthdays or anni-
will holding its annual Charity Cub Scout Pack 366 Bear and Tiger dens toured the Forty-Fort Airport on Saturday, May 7. Shown in
versaries, I would like to hear
Golf Tournament on Thursday, front of a vintage World War II Navy airplane which is housed at the airport are left to right: kneeling,
from you. You can contact me at

Tiger Scout Hunter Lawall and Bear ScoutJoseph Sanfilippo; standing: Mr. Vince Aleo, historian of
June 9, at Wilkes-Barre Golf the airport,Bear Scouts, Robert Semyon, Joseph Chiampi, George Sharkey, Joseph Mazza, and tour 287-3349, Fax 287-3349 oreci-
Course in Bear Creek. The golf guide, Ron Gitkos.


Bressler no-hits Coughlin
PA junior close to perfect in 10-0, five-inning victory
By Rick Notari
Dispatch Staff

Pittston Area junior Chuck Bressler

tossed his first career no-hitter as the Pa-
triots blanked Coughlin, 10-0, in five-in-
nings in a Wyoming Valley Conference
Division I-East game on Thursday after-
noon at the Buck Harris Athletic Com-
plex in Hughestown.
Bressler faced just one batter above the
minimum as he struck out five and did not
allow a walk. The only Crusader player to
reach base did so on a fielding error.
The Patriots gave Bressler an early 3-0
lead as senior catcher Ron Musto blasted
a three-run homer to plate PJ Bone and
Tyler Loftus.
Pittston Area then added one in the
fourth inning and six in the fifth to end the
game in the mercy rule.
Brian Delaney smacked three hits to
lead the PA offense. He also scored a run.
RJ Emmett added two hits and an RBI,
and Anthony Schwab scored two runs and
produced an RBI single. Matt Antal also Pittston Area third baseman Anthony Schwab, left, tags out Hazleton Area's T.J. Chirico on Tuesday afternoon during the Patri-
ots win over the Cougars.

Colarusso gives WA seniors walk-off win

Senior first baseman delivered go-ahead hit in 5-4 victory over WVW
By Matt Petrini ternoon in a Wyoming Valley Con-
Dispatch Correspondent ference Division I-West game. The
victory was the fourth in five games
Wyoming Area’s Kyle Colarusso for Wyoming Area.
knew he wanted a highlight-reel hit “This is the second time this sea-
to cap off his senior campaign. So son that Colarusso has come through
with several parents looking on with for us,” said WA skipped Chick An-
digital and videos cameras clenched drewscavage in reference to Colarus-
to their hands in hopes of capturing a so’s walk-off homer against Hazle-
great ending, Colarusso gave the ton.
home crowd a signature shot that But Colarusso wasn’t the only se-
will last a lifetime. nior to come up big for the Warriors.
The senior f irst baseman smashed Senior catcher Kody Nowicki –
a 2-1 fastball to drive home the go- who has also played some third base
ahead run in the bottom of the sixth and outf ield this season for WA – set
to give the Warriors a 5-4 victory the table for Colarusso. Nowicki
over Wyoming Valley West on Senior

Wyoming Area pitcher Ron Klepadlo throws to first to pick off a Valley West base started the sixth with a sharp single
runner during the Warriors victory. Parents Day at the Atlas Sports Com-
PHOTO BY BILL TARUTIS plex in West Pittston on Monday af- See WARRIORS, Page 51

Richards leads Warriors to upset win

Senior rallies WA with 38 assists in 3-1 victory over LL
By Rick Notari 25-20 losses.
Dispatch Staff Tony Richards had nine as-
sists, three kills and two
Wyoming Area posted a blocks to lead Wyoming Ar-
big victory with a 3-1 win ea. Cody Gates six kills and
over Lake-Lehman in a WVC four blocks for the Warriors.
Volleyball match on Tuesday
afternoon in the Back Moun- Standings
tain. WVC
The Warriors fell behind Holy Redeemer..........14-0
1-0 after a 25-20 loss in the North Pocono.............13-1
f irst game of its back with Abington Heights ......12-2
the favored Black Knights. Coughlin ....................11-3
But Tony Richards led a big Crestwood .................10-4
rally with 38 assists as Nanticoke ..................10-5
Wyoming Area came back to Tunkhannock ...............9-5
win the next three games, Lake-Lehman ..............9-6
25-22, 26-24, and 25-13. Dallas .........................7-6
Larry Popovich added 20 Delaware Valley ..........4-9
kills for the Warriors, and Wyoming Area ............4-9
Cody Gates chipped in with Meyers ........................5-8
13 kills and eight blocks. Valley West ...............5-10
Hazleton ....................4-10
WA 0, Holy Redeemer 3 West Side Tech..........2-12
Wyoming Area gave Hanover .....................0-13
Wyoming Valley Conference Berwick .....................0-14
volleyball champion Holy
Redeemer all it could handle This week’s schedule
in a 3-0 loss to the Royals on Thursday
Thursday afternoon at WA v. Hanover
Wyoming Area High School
in Exeter.
The Warriors lost the first
game 25-9, but battled in the
f inal two games in 25-18 and Wyoming Area's Donny Flannelly gets a dig against a Nanticoke Area serve last week.

The s k y is f a llin g!
The s k y is f a llin g!
O nMay 17,VO TE for theteam that believes that our students benefit from sports program s and
extracurricular activities at PittstonA reaandw illSTRIVEtom aintainthem .
Joe K e lly • Tony Gua rig lia • JohnD.B oon e L EADERS HIP,

JohnCasey D on a h ue • Charles A.Scia n d ra V IS ION , AC TION


WA's Larry Popovich goes for the block against Nanticoke.


Talerico leads PA to win over Coughlin

Wyoming Area upsets Dallas as Holtz tosses two-hitter
Freshman pitcher Alyssa Ta-
lerico scattered eight hits and
struck out four to lead Pittston
Area to a 5-2 win over Coughlin
on Wednesday afternoon in a
Wyoming Valley Conference Di-
vision I East game at the Bucky
Harris Sports Complex in Hugh-
Talerico did not walk a batter
and did not allow an earned run
as PA won its second game of the
Kelly Keener and Antoinette
Scialpi provided the offense for
the Lady Patriots. Both went 2-
for-3 with two RBI.
Katie George added two hits
for Pittston Area.
PA 1, Nanticoke 12
Pittston Area managed just
three hits in a 12-1, five-inning
loss to Nanticoke in a Wyoming
Valley Conference Division I-
East game on Monday afternoon
at the Bucky Harris Sports Com-
plex in Hughestown.
Marissa Nardone doubled and
drove in a run for the Lady Patri-
WA 4, Dallas 0
Wyoming Area pulled off a
major upset as it knocked off
WVC Division I West-leading
Dallas, 4-0, on Thursday behind
Above, Wyoming Area second baseman Nicole Turner, right, can't find the handle as Valley West's Vanessa Peterson dives back safely
the pitching of sophomore Alex
on Monday afternoon. Below left, WA's Kayla Kross gets a bunt down for the Lady Warriors. Below right, Old Forge's Andi Alsalahat
gets ready to take a lead at second base against Carbondale.
while scattering five walks in
shutting down the Lady Mounts
offense. She also struck out six as
the Lady Warriors defense
played flawlessly behind her.
Freshman Nicole Turner led
the WA offense with two hits,
while also scoring two runs.
Serra Degnan added a single
and a run scored, and Kayla
Korss chipped in with an RBI
WA 3, Valley West 2
Freshman Nicole Cumbo
picked up her first win as Wyom-
ing Area edged Wyoming Valley
West, 3-2, in a Wyoming Valley
Conference Division 1-West
game on Monday afternoon at
the Atlas Sports Complex in

See BLUE DEVILS, Page 56


Lanza, Kutcha lead Lady Patriots

Wyoming Area boys win big over Northwest, Lehman
By Rick Notari much deeper and earned more
Dispatch Staff points via second- and third-
place finishes.
GIRLS Michelle Golden led the way
PA 76, Tunkhannock 74 for WA with two victories in the
Pittston Area won only five 1600m and 3200m distance
individual events but swept the runs. Golden posted a season-
relay raises and earned enough best 5:34.3 in the 1600m, and a
points through second and third 12:57.9 in the 3200m.
place finishes to edge Tunkhan- Samantha Shiner added a win
nock, 76-74, in a WVC Divi- in the Long Jump, and placed
sion I meet at Charley Trippi second in the 800m, and third in
Stadium on Tuesday afternoon the Triple Jump for the Lady
in Yatesville. Warriors.
Olivia Lanza won both the Melissa Cruz won the 200m
100m and 300m Hurdles, and Dash for WA with a time of
Kaitlyn Kutcha won the 400m 27.9, and Sara Radzwilka fin-
and 800m races to pace the La- ished second. Radzwilka added
dy Patriots individually. Lanza a win in the 400m for WA with a
and Kutcha were also part of time of 1:01.6.
two winning PA relay teams. Sidney Engleman won the
Lanza teamed with Bianca Discus for Wyoming Area with
Bolton, Madeline Dworak and a toss of 95-10, and finished
Catherine Lombardo to win the third in the Shot Put.
1600m Relay in a time of Emily Shemanski won the
4:26.7, and Kutcha teamed with 100m Dash in a time of 13.6,
Danielle Fereck, Bolton and and placed second in the 100m
Lombardo to win the 3200m re- Hurdles.
lay in a time of 10:48. Dworak
added second-place finishes in WA 80, Lake-Lehman 65
the 100m and 300m Hurdles Wyoming Area bounced back
events. from its loss to Northwest with
Lombardo added two second- an 80-65 victory over Lake-
place finishes for the Lady Pa- Lehman on Wednesday after-
triots in the 1600m and 3200m noon in the Back Mountain.
distance races. Sam Shiner led the way for
Rachel Scanlon added a vic- the Lady Warriors with three
tory in the Long Jump for Pitt- victories. Shiner won the 100m
ston Area with a leap of 15-5. and 200m sprints, and added a
She also added a second-place third win in the Long Jump. She
finish in the Triple Jump, and a also placed third in the Triple
third-place finished in the Above, Pittston Area's Olivia Lanza wins the 100, Hurdles against Tunkhannock on Tuesday. Below, Jump.
1600m. Wyoming Area's Kayla Bardzel makes it over the High Jump bar against Lake-Lehman. Michelle Golden and Jenna
The teams of Taylor Powers, PHOTOS BY CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK Skrinak each added two wins
Ashley Menichini, Howrasha for Wyoming Area. Golden
Bryan and Samantha Hurtt won the 800m and 3200m
claimed the 400m Relay in a races, and Skrinak took the top
time of 56.4. Bryan also added spot in the Shot Pit and Javelin
a second-place finish in the events.
High Jump, and Powers earned Sara Radzwilka won the
a third-place in the 100. 1600m run for the Lady War-
riors, and Melissa Cruz took the
WA 60, Northwest 88 400m Dash.
Wyoming Area lost a tough
WVC Division II meet with
Northwest, 88-60, on Tuesday WA 96, Northwest 49
afternoon in a meet at Jake So- Wyoming Area won 10 events
beski Memorial Stadium in and took second in nine more as
West Pittston. they demolished Northwest,
96-49, in an important WVC

The Lady Warriors managed

eight victories during the meet,
but the Lady Rangers were See BOUIE, Page 52

Yatesville Bocce honors legendary Fosco Santi

Opening night was special be-
cause we had the entire Santi
family on hand to see Nida Santi
roll the first ball of the season in
memory of her late husband the
legendary Fosco Santi.
In the first week of the season
only two teams posted wins in all
three of their matches, Blandina
Apartments and Bassler Equip-
ment. The men of Wyoming are
Jim Blandina, Mark Millington,
Gene Cardoni and Joe Zambetti
Jr. The Bassler boys are Phil
Bosha, Joe Zambetti Sr., Henry
Korpusik and Harold Kiesinger.
It looks like the Zambetti fam-
ily is undefeated.
Teams .................W-L Points
Blandina Apartments...3-0 36
Bassler Equipment.......3-0 36
Dyller Law Firm...........2-1 30
Cuz’s Bar & Grill .........2-1 23
KWIK ’N EZ Market ...1-1 20
JetSurge Power Cleaning1-113
Atlas Realty..................1-2 25
Robert’s Repairs ...........0-2 14
Old Forge Chiropractic.0-3 11
Above, Al DeAngelis gets some air on his toss as the Yatesville Bocce league opened up the 2011 season.

At top, Jimmy Blandina, left, and Doc Campanella, right, man the Nida Santi threw out the ceremonial first ball of the 2011 season. Mrs. Santi is the widow of the

grill for some sausage and peppers, hamburgers and steak sand- league's best, Fosco Santi, who passed away this past winter. She is surrounded by the league's
wiches. Above, Hank Rhodegerio gets low during his approach. officers, left to right, Guy DePascale, Sr., vice president; Phil Bosha, public relations; Doc Campanel-
la, treasurer; and Tony Reino.

Greater Pittston YMCA offering lifeguard classes

The Greater Pittston YMCA will be offering Life- PA Football Boosters meeting Tuesday are donated to a scholarship in Brian Cashmere’s
guarding class May 20, 21 and 22. The class starts at 6 The Pittston Area Football Booster Club will hold name, which is given annually to a senior from Pitt-
p.m. Friday, and 8 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. For more its monthly meeting on Tuesday at the Cefalo Center. ston Area High School to assist in their college tuition.
information please call 655-2255 or email Judy Des- Parents of all players are urged to attend. The entry fee is $100 per person which includes
soye Rostkowski, Aquatic Director at JRostkow- cart, green fee, and dinner provided afterwards at Blue WA Ice Hockey sets registration Ridge, as well as entry into several prize giveaways.
The Wyoming Area Ice Hockey Association will The format will be captain and crew, and there will be
Dushok Memorial hoop game on Tuesday hold its 2011-2012 registration for incoming 7th thru a shotgun start at 1:30 p.m.
The annual Mark Dushok Memorial basketball 12 grade students residing within the Wyoming Area Anyone wishing to sponsor a hole can do so for a
tournament will be held on Tuesday from 7 – 10 p.m. School District on May 27, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at minimum donation of $100. The Golf Tournament
at the Wyoming Area Secondary Center gym. the Coal Street Ice Rink in Wilkes-Barre. A $100 de- Committee will also be accepting gift certificates or
The game will pit elementary faculty/staff against posit will be required at the time of registration. other prizes from any local business interested in do-
Secondary Center faculty/staff. Admission is $2 for For more information contact Dawn Thomas at me- nating. All donors will be listed on the golf tourna-
students and $3 for adults. There will be plenty of ment flyer to be handed out that day to all golfers, as
prizes consisting of 50/50 drawing, raffle baskets and well as subsequent newspaper write ups.
a half-court shoot-out. WA Ice Hockey coach letters due This year will be the first year that the Brian Cashm-
Refreshments will be sold. All proceeds will go to- The Wyoming Area Ice Hockey Club is accepting ere Scholarship will be awarded, and the award will be
wards the Mark Dushok Wyoming Area Key Club letters of intent for volunteer varsity and JV coaching given to the recipient during the dinner after the tour-
Scholarship. positions. Letter must include USA Hockey CEP# and nament. Anyone interested in playing in the tourna-
LVL. Send resume to: WAIHA, P.O. Box 4341, Wyom- ment, sponsoring a hole, or donating to the scholar-
WA Dodgeball tourney set for Saturday ing, PA 18644. ship fund, please call Scott 570-466-2627 or Tim 215-
A dodgeball tournament will be held Saturday from 298-4495 for more details.
9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Wyoming Area Gym to benefit four- YMCA sets aquatic programs
year old Charles Seiger who is afflicted with Down The Greater Pittston YMCA is offering a full slate HSL opening day set
Syndrome and Hirschsprung’s Disease. The event is of aquatic programs for this summer. The Hughestown Girls’ Softball League will host
hosted by the school’s SADD club. Charles is the son Including in the programs are swim lessons for par- opening day on Saturday, May 21 at 11 a.m. The parade
of Wyoming Area 8th grade English teacher Jennifer ents/children, preschool, beginner, intermediate and will start with line up at church parking lot on center
Seiger. advanced; summer swim team for children ages 4-19 and Rock Street then proceed to the field. All girls are
Charles has undergone 18 surgeries and will have with competitions from June to August; adult pro- to be in full uniform and to meet their coaches at the
two more this summer. His medical specialists are out- grams of water aerobics, water walking, arthritis class, lot. All bake goods are to be at stand about 10:30 a.m.
side the area and most of his surgeries are performed master swim team and triathlete training; birthday Any family who has not received information on
at CHOPP in Philadelphia. parties; and free swim times. events for the season, please see your daughter’s team
The dodgeball tournament will feature coaches, For more information, call Judy Dessoye Rostkow- parent. Starting this week team parents/staff meeting
teachers, and students from grades 7-12. Gift baskets, ski, aquatic director, at 655-2255, ext. 106 or by email will be every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Any questions call
gift certificates, 50/50 and other prizes will be raffled at Don Sr. at 655-0879 or Joanne at 313 0321.
off. We all so have opening for new girls to join please
There is no admission to come to the event, but do- Duryea LL meeting May 22 see Joann or Lori at the stand during the week 6 -7 pm.
nations of any kind will be accepted at the door. The Duryea Little League will hold its monthly
If you would like to donate any baskets or other meeting Sunday, May 22 at 7 p.m. at the Duryea VFW. WA Diamond Club selling tickets
items, please contact Jessica Budzak at 655-2856 ext. The Wyoming Area Diamond Club is selling tickets
2150. Pittston LL opens today for the June 3 game of the Scranton Wilkes-Barre Yan-
Pittston Little League will be holding Opening Day kees. The game is at the PNC Field with the first pitch
JTLL meeting tonight to kickoff it’s 60th year of Little League baseball in the at 7 p.m. The tickets are $12.50 each, which includes
Jenkins Township Little League will hold its month- city today at 1 p.m. Players should report to the Little your entrance into the game, upper level seat, game
ly meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the field house. All League field at 12:45 p.m. for a parade, followed by day program, limited edition hat, and a Voucher to
Managers must attend this meeting. opening ceremonies. Wendy’s for a value meal. To purchase tickets contact
There will be a basket raffle, bake sale, plus an ex- Joe Bellino at 654-0730 or 817-1267 after 5 p.m. First
Waleski Baskeball Camp accepting registrations panded menu at the concession stand. The community come first served, supplies are limited. All proceeds
Registrations are being accepted for the Stan Wa- is invited. Any questions, please email Pittstonlittle- go to the Wyoming Area Baseball program.
leski Basketball Camp to be held at the St. Joseph’s or call Ken at 883-1294 or Kim at
Oblates Gym in Laflin from July 12-30 for boys and 883-5640. Jr. Patriots registering
girls in grades K through 8. The Pittston Jr. Patriots will hold registration on
The camp stresses skills, fundamentals, competi- PA Baseball Boosters offering SWB tickets May 15 from 12 to 2 p.m. Registration is free if you sell
tions, team play and fun with all players receiving a The Pittston Area Baseball Booster Club is offering lottery tickets. Any child 7 to 14 in the Pittston Area
camp t-shirt and certificate. a ticket special for the SWB Yankees and Toledo Mud School District can register to play football or cheer.
For camp info, call Coach Stan Waleski at 457-1206 Hens baseball game at PNC Field on Friday, June 3. There will be a meeting following for coaches and
or Coach Charles LoBrutto at 654-8030. Camp info is Join the boosters for the game and get a game ticket, officers.
also available at or by e-mailing stan- Wendy’s Value Meal voucher, a limited edition hat and a game day program for only $12. It’s a $35 value. WWWE Panthers registering
All the players in the Pittston Area program have The Wyoming-West Wyoming-Exeter Panthers
WASPA meeting Monday order forms. Contact a player or call Joe Bone at 654- Football/Cheerleading Association will hold registra-
The Wyoming Area Softball Parents Association 6734 or 650-2309. tion for the 2011 season on the following dates and
will conduct a meeting on Monday at 7:30 p.m. at times: May 15, 1-4 p.m.; June 12, 12-3 p.m.; and June
Sabatini’s Pizza, Exeter. Topic of discussion will be Cashmere Golf Tourney set 26, 12-3 p.m.
the upcoming banquet. Parents of players from 7th The Brian Cashmere Memorial Golf Tournament Registrations will be at the Panther Field house on

thru 12th grade are urged to attend. will be held at Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club in Moun- Cedar Street in Exeter. Cost is $60 for an individual
taintop on June 4. All proceeds from the tournament and $75 for a family.
Warriors streaking as District 2 Class 3A playoffs loom


Continued from Page 45
to center before stealing sec- allowing just three earned
ond and third base with Co- runs while walking three and
larusso at the plate. striking out three.
“Nowicki stealing second The Spartans increased
and third base was huge,” their lead in the top half of
said Andrewscavage. “He the fourth on an RBI single
took third on his own. He is by Tyler Potoski giving Val-
just a heads up good baseball ley West a 2-0 advantage.
player.” Wyoming Area f inally got
The Warriors defense suf- the bats going in the home
fered an early let down to half of the fourth when Chris
start the top of the f irst. Af- Murphy doubled to lead off
ter Valley West lead off hitter the inning and scored on a
Steve Dosiak reached on an triple by Randy McDermott
error, Wyoming Area starter to get the Warriors within
Ron Klepadlo issued a walk 2-1.
to Tyler Shillabeer. Dosiak One batter later, PJ Bone’s
then swiping third base as RBI ground out scored
Nowicki’s throw sailed past McDermott to knot the score
Ryan Carey at third allowing at 2-2. Colarusso then reac-
Dosiak to trot home for the hed on an inf ield error, and
games first run. after a passed ball moved the
Klepadlo settled in after runners up one base, pinch-
that, retiring the f inal three hitter Dylan Maloney lifted a
batters to prevent any further sacrif ice fly to plate Bone
Wyoming Area's PJ Bone is safe at home plate as the ball eludes the Valley West catcher at the Atlas damage. The senior pitched
Sports Complex in West Pittston. 5.1 innings of f ive-hit ball,

Patriots lead WVC 1E

Continued from Page 45
PA 10, Hazleton 4
drove in two runs with a single in Pittston Area exploded for
the sixth. eight runs in the bottom of the
fifth to take a 10-4 win over Ha-
PA 2, Nanticoke 1
zleton in a Wyoming Valley
Smashing the ball all season Conference Division I-East
long, Pittston Area needed a sol- game that was completed from
id effort from its pitching staff on earlier in the season on Monday
Monday afternoon in a 2-1 win afternoon at the Bucky Harris
over Nanticoke in a Wyoming Sports Complex in Hughestown.
Valley Conference Division I- The game was suspended in
East game on the road in Nanti- the top of the first back in mid
coke. April as rain stopped play after
James Castellino and Kyle the Cougars loaded the bases
Callahan combined on a one-hit- against starter James Castellino.
ter as the Patriot pitchers allowed Hazleton cashed in on that op-
just five base runners all day. portunity when the game re-
Castellino pitched 5.1 innings sumed and plated those runners
to pick up the win as the senior in the top of the first against Jor-
scattered four walks and a single dan Bone who started the restart
in allowing only a fifth inning in relief. Bone would allow just
run. one more run in 6.2 innings of
Callahan came on in relief and work, striking out eight while
did not allow a base runner in 2.1 scattering seven hits and one
innings of work for Pittston Area walk.
to earn the save. Bone also did damage to the
Brian Delaney smacked two Cougars at the plate, with a 2-
hits and drove in a run for PA, for-2 day with 2 RBI.
and Matt Antal added an RBI Josh Savakinus also continued
single for the Patriots. his torrid hitting with two hits
Senior shortstop Josh Savaki- and two RBI to go with two runs
nus was held without a hit for the scored. Matt Antal added two
first time this season as Pittston hits, and RJ Emmett drove in
Area managed just four singles. three runs for Pittston Area.

Brian Delaney slides safely at home during a big fifth inning for Pittston Area against Hazleton Area
Ron Musto collected the other Evan Hahn added a double for as Josh Savakinus watches.
hit for the Patriots. the Patriots. PHOTO BY BILL TARUTIS
Bouie dominating
sprints for Warriors
Continued from Page 48
Dave McLean added a victo-
Division II meet on Tuesday af- ry for PA in the 800m run, and
ternoon at Jake Sobeski Stadi- finished second in the 1600m
um in West Pittston. race.
Ahmad Bouie led the War- John Poli added a win in the
riors with three individual vic- Shot Put, Dave Gallo won the
tories, claiming the top spot in Discus, and Steve Sklanka won
the 100m, 200m, and 400m the High Jump for Pittston Ar-
sprints. Bouie ran an 11.3 in the ea.
100m, a 23.1 in the 200m, and a Cody Rydzy earned three
season-best 52.4 in the 400m. second-place finishes in the
Eric Eramo added a win in 110m and 300m Hurdles, and
the High Jump, and second- in the Triple Jump.
place finishes in the 110m Hur-
dles, 300m Hurdles, and Pole Girls’ Standings
Vault for WA. WVC Division I
Chris Hromek won the Dallas .............................7-0
1600m in a time of 4:57, and Hazleton..........................6-1
finished third in the Triple Valley West.....................5-2
Jump for the Warriors, and Ju- Crestwood ......................4-3
lian Campenni won the Discus Pittston Area ..................3-4
with a throw of 127-7, and fin- Tunkhannock ..................2-5 Michael DiMaggio throws the javelin for Pittston Area against Tunkhannock.
ished second in the Shot Put. Berwick ..........................1-6
Mitchell Payne won the Shot Coughlin.........................0-7
Put for WA with a throw of
40-9, and Justin Smith won the WVC Division II
Javelin with a throw of 135-2. Holy Redeemer...............7-0
Northwest .......................5-2
WA 99, Lake-Lehman 50 Hanover ..........................5-2
Ahmad Bouie won three Wyoming Area ...............4-3
events for the second straight Meyers............................4-3
meet as Wyoming Area easily Lake-Lehman .................2-5
got past Lake-Lehman, 99-50, Nanticoke........................1-6
in a WVC Division II meet on GAR ...............................0-7
Wednesday in the Back Moun-
Boys’ Standings
Bouie won the 100m, 200m, WVC Division I
and 400m sprints, setting sea- Tunkhannock ..................7-0
son-best times in the 200m and Pittston Area ..................5-2
400m. Hazleton .........................5-2
Chris Hromek added a victo- Berwick ..........................4-3
ry in the 1600m run for the Dallas .............................4-3 Alyssa Talerico throws the discus for Pittston Area Gabrielle Alberigi throws discus for Wyoming
Warriors, and also finished Coughlin.........................2-5 during the Lady Patriots win over Tunkhannock. Area.
third in the 800m. Cody Valley West .....................1-6
Schmitz won the Pole Vault for Crestwood ......................0-7
WA with a vault of 10-6. He al-
so finished second in the 100m. WVC Division II
Nick Bartoli won the Discus Holy Redeemer...............7-0
with a throw of 124-8, and Ju- Wyoming Area................6-1
lian Campenni won the Shot Meyers............................4-3
Put with a toss of 41-1. Hanover ..........................4-3
Northwest .......................2-5
PA 54, Tunkhannock 99 Nanticoke .......................2-5
Tunkhannock gave Pittston GAR ...............................2-5
Area its second loss of the sea- Lake-Lehman..................1-6
son, a 99-54, defeat as the un-
defeated Tigers clinched the This week’s schedule
WVC Division I title on Tues- Monday
day afternoon at Charley Trip- District 2 Class 3A
pi Stadium in Yatesville. Championships at
Ron D’Eliseo won two Scranton Memorial Stadium
events for the Patriots, taking
the top spot in the 110m Hur- Tuesday
District 2 Class 2A

dles and the 300m Hurdles.

D’Eliseo also finished third in Championships at Ron D'Eliseo wins the 110m Hurdles for Pittston Ahmad Bouie wins the 200m in 22.5 for WA
the 100m Dash. Scranton Memorial Stadium Area against Tunkhannock. against Lake-Lehman.

Lady Patriots miss out on opportunities

PA out shoots Sem by big margin, but fall 2-1 to Lady Blue Knights
By Matt Page “We will work on finishing,”
Dispatch Correspondent said Tieso. “All in all the girls
played a nice game. I’m proud of
Pittston Area took the field on their effort.”
Tuesday hoping to celebrate with PA held a 21-8 shot advantage
their senior captains Sara Kielbasa and a 17-6 advantage in shots on
and Kaylene Sutkowski with a vic- goal.
tory. However, Wyoming Semina- Jordan Cumbo made five saves
ry was able to upset the Lady Patri- in net for Pittston Area.
ots 2-1 in a Division 2A game at
the Bucky Harris Sports Complex PA 2, Honesdale 4
in Hughestown on Senior Parents Pittston Area’s playoff hopes
Day. weredashedina4-2losstoHones-
The scoring opportunities came dale on Friday afternoon in Wayne
quick and often for the Lady Patri- County. The Lady Patriots now
ots as they attacked the goal with need North Pocono to lose to
17 shots. But Pittston Area could Meyers (8-2-1) and MMI Prep (0-
not manage to beat the keeper on 11) to qualify for the District 2
several good looks. Tournament.
“We just could not find the back Liz Mikitish and Sara Ruby
of the net,” said Coach Nicole Tie- scored goals for PA, and Danielle
so. “We need to make the most of Fereck was credited with an assist.
all of our opportunities and unfor- Jordan Cumbo stopped five
tunately today we were not able shots in goal for the Lady Patriots.
It looked as if PA was going to WA 0, Tunkhannock 2
get on the board early when Wyoming Area was held score-
Wyoming Seminary was whistled less in a 2-0 loss to Tunkhannock
for a handball in the penalty box, on Tuesday afternoon in a Wyom-
leading to a penalty kick. Liz Mik- ing Valley Conference Division
itish stepped up but sailed the ball 2B match at the Tenth Street Soc-
over the net in what was a sign of cer Field in Wyoming.
things to come for the Lady Patri- The Lady Warriors out shot the
ots. Lady Tigers, 26-12, but could not
Though PA was attacking the find the back of the net against
Above, Pittston Area's Gabby Vaxmonsky, right, and Wyoming Seminary's Catherine Clements chase
Lady Blue Knights defense con- Tunkhannock keeper Spencer
down the ball Tuesday afternoon in Hughestown. Below left, PA's Liz Mikitish, left, battles Wyoming
stantly, Sem was the first one to get Seminary's Catherine Clements for the ball. Below right, Kaylene Sutkowski heads the ball upfield
on the board just nine minutes into during the Lady Patriots 2-1 loss to Seminary. Megan Yurek and Caitlin Vitale
the game. Down by one, the Lady combined for 12 saves in net for
Patriots poured on the pressure. Wyoming Area.
The ever-dangerous Sara Ruby Dispatch Staff Writer Rick No-
broke through the defense and was tari contributed to this report.
one-on-one with the goalie, but the
keeper was able to make a sliding Standings
save to prevent the goal. WVC Division 2-A
Less than one minute later, Mik- Honesdale.............................9-2
itish ripped a shot off a free kick North Pocono ....................6-4-1
but it was deflected away by the Pittston Area......................6-6-1
wall set up in front of the goal. Fi- Wyoming Seminary..........5-7-1
nally, with less than14 minutes left Hanover .............................4-7-1
in the half, Ruby took the ball in
the box and played it past the keep-
er to Danielle Fereck, who chipped WVC Division 2-B
it into the net to tie the game at 1-1 Meyers ...............................8-2-1
The second half looked just like Tunkhannock.....................7-2-1
the first as the Lady Patriots would Wyoming Area..................6-5-1
create numerous good chances on- GAR...................................3-8-1
ly to have them denied by the Sem MMI Prep............................0-11
This week’s schedule
be heading to overtime, Wyoming Tuesday

Seminary was able to break the tie WA at Honesdale

and steal a 2-1 victory.
Blue Devils drop big game to VV
Continued from Page 51
tinelli lead off the bottom of tossing f ive innings of f ive-
and give Wyoming Area a the first with a single and hit ball. The sophomore also
3-2 lead. moved to second on an error struck out f ive without issu-
The Warriors added to its by the left f ielder. Michael ing a walk. Ian Nemetz
lead on an RBI double by Long then drove home Mar- pitched the sixth, striking
Trent Grove which scored tinelli with a ground-rule out the three hitters he faced.
Colarusso for a 4-2 advan- double down the left f ield
tage after the fourth. line. Dispatch Staff Writer Rick
But Valley West answered Valley View (11-1) answer- Notari contributed to this re-
quickly with a run in the ed in the top of the third after port.
f ifth and a run in the sixth to Goodall issued two walks be-
even the score at 4-4 before fore a single knotted the
Colarusso’s big hit in the game at 1-1. Two pitches lat- WVC Division I East
Warriors half of the sixth. er, Brian Lalli drilled a fast- Pittston Area .............10-3
Maloney was the benef ici- ball over the centerf ield Holy Redeemer ...........8-5
ary of Colarusso’s RBI sin- fence to give the Cougars a Hazleton .....................8-6
gle, earning the win on the 4-1 lead. Coughlin .....................5-8
mound in relief after work- The Blue Devils came Crestwood..................2-11
ing 1.2 innings of one-hit re- right back with two in their Nanticoke ..................2-12
lief. The junior lefty fanned half of the inning as Long
two and walked one. singled home Martinelli who WVC Division I West
tripled to lead off the third. Tunkhannock ..............11-1
WA 5, Dallas 2 Long then moved to second Valley West .................9-4
A streaking Wyoming Area on a single by Connor Fultz Dallas .........................7-5
baseball team won its fifth and to third on a fly ball by Wyoming Area ............6-7
game in six tries as it Dom Avvisato. Dave Argust Berwick ......................3-9
avenged an early-season loss drove in long with a sac fly
to Dallas with a 5-2 win on to short right field, and Old LL Division II
Thursday afternoon in the Forge trailed just 4-3. Valley View................11-1
Back Mountain. But VV added a run in the Old Forge....................9-3
Dylan Maloney went the fourth, and another in the Riverside.....................7-4
distance, striking out nine sixth to take a 6-3 lead as Mid Valley ..................7-5
while allowing just one Old Forge managed just two Dunmore .....................5-6
earned run to pick up the win singles in the next four in- Lakeland .....................4-8
for the Warriors. The junior nings. Holy Cross ..................3-7
lefty also helped his own Long finished with three Carbondale ................0-12
cause with a double and a hits for the Blue Devils, and This week’s schedule
run scored. Martinelli and Fultz each
Chris Murphy – who has Monday
chipped in with two.
hit in eight of the nine games PA v. Holy Redeemer
he has played in since return- OF 15, Carbondale 2 WA at Berwick
ing from an injury in late Gary Puckett smashed OF at Mid Valley
April – led the WA offense three hits to lead Old Forge
with a triple and a home run. to a 15-2, six-inning win over Wednesday
PJ Bone also smacked two Carbondale in a Lackawanna PA v. Crestwood
hits and drove in two runs, League Division II game on OF at Riverside
while Kody Nowicki collect- Monday afternoon at the
ed an RBI double for the Cerra Sports Complex in the
Warriors. Pioneer City.
Ryan Carey added an RBI Puckett singled, doubled
single for Wyoming Area and tripled and also drove in
(6-7). a run as the Blue Devils
pounded out 12 hits in their
OF 3, Valley View 6 second double-digit victory
Tony Goodall allowed just of the season over the Char- Pictured above, Old Forge's
three hits in seven innings of Tony Goodall fires a pitch to
gers. the plate against Valley VIew on
work, but the Old Forge se- Dom Avvisato added a Thursday. At right, Old Forge
nior struggled with his con- two-run double, and Michael shortstop Connor Fultz fields a
trol in walking f ive and hit- Long singled, doubled, grounder before getting the out
ting four batters as the Blue scored two runs and stole at first base.
Devils dropped a 6-3 deci- two bases for Old Forge
sion to Valley View in a (9-2). Dave Argust chipped
Lackawanna League Divi- in with two singles, two runs
sion II game between the top scored and an RBI, and Ma-
teams in the standings at rio Martinelli added two hits
Pagnotti Park on Thursday and two stolen bases for the

afternoon. Blue Devils.

Old Forge (9-3) took an Derek Drasba picked up PHOTOS BY RICK NOTARI
early 1-0 lead as Mario Mar- the victory for Old Forge,

Pittston Area Hoop Boosters golf tourney set

On June 4, the Pittston Area Basketball Booster Club males. For more information, call the West Pittston Bor- grade.
will host a captain-and-crew golf tournament at Four ough Office at 570-655-7782. Dates and times are as follows:
Seasons Golf Club with an 8 a.m. shot gun start. Pre-K - 1st Grade, weeks of June 27th and July 25th, 9
Fee for the tournament will be $65 a person which will WA grid parents meeting Thursday a.m.-12 p.m.
include cart, green fee and old fashioned cook out at Four Wyoming Area Football Parents Association is having 2nd-3rd Grades, weeks of July 11th and August 1st, 9
Seasons after golf. To sponsor a hole for $50 or to register its monthly meeting Thursday at 7 p.m. It will be held in a.m.- 3 p.m.
a team for the tournament call Carl at 883-7220 or 954- room #129 at the high school. All parents/guardians of 4th - 6th Grades, weeks of July 18th and August 8th, 9
3067. Deadline to register is June 1. players in grades 7-12th for the upcoming football season a.m.- 3 p.m.
are encouraged to attend. Any questions, you may call All 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. camps include swimming at Valley
West Pittston Run set WAFPA President, Dan Resciniti at 814-5803. Tennis & Swim Club. Early registration discounts if you
The 34th Annual West Pittston Anthracite Run for the register by June1. For more information contact the Rock
Coal four-mile run/fun walk has been set for June 4. Rock Rec slates Summer Camps Rec Center at (570) 696-2769 or
Registration will begin that day at 7:30 a.m. at the West The Rock Rec Center, 340 Carverton Road, is now ac-
Pittston Borough Building. The Fun Walk Course is two cepting registrations for Summer Camp, including Wres- Rock Rec wrestling camp set
miles with the Run Course a four-mile loop around the tling, Basketball, Cheerleading and Tennis. Camps run The Rock Recreation Center is offering a wrestling
perimeter of West Pittston. Streets will be traffic con- June 20 through August 12. camp that will run from June 20-23. The camp will be
trolled and miles will be marked. The start and finish will For more information check our website www.rockre- from Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. The cost
be at the borough building. The course is relatively flat or call (570) 696-2769. is $250 which includes lunch and swimming for leisure
with some hills. Cost of the event is $15 if you pre-regis- at the Valley Tennis and Swim Club.
ter by May 30, and $18 after May 30. Rock Rec hosting hoops camp Camp will be instructed by Rocky Bonomo and Brian
Trophies and prizes will be given to the Top 3 Male and The Rock Rec Center, 340 Carverton Road, will be Morrow. For more information please call us at 570-696-
Female runners in the overall and each age group. There holding its 9th annual Summer Basketball Camp. The 2769.
are 11 age groups for males and 10 age groups for fe- camps are open to girls and boys Pre-K through 6th


Wright, Homza combine on no-hitter as Exeter rolls

Greater Pittston LL the Exeter Phillies shut out Jack’s up the win. cott and Noah Strucke added two Dupont VFW 11, Marcum 10
Exeter Phillies 5 Collision of West Pittston, 5-0. hits each for K of C. Dupont VFW earned a walk-
WP Cenera’s Auto 1 Wright and Homza also led Exeter Yankees 10, Jake Hogan and Jeff Simon off win in a thrilling 11-10 victo-
The Exeter Parini Phillies the offense with three hits each. W/WW Marcum Motors 3 each singled for West Pittston. ry over Wyoming/West Wyom-
opened its season with a 5-1 win Ryan Wrubel, Mike Wall and Kyle Musto and Nick Ath- ing Marcum Motors.
over West Pittston Cenera’s Au- Morgan Coolbaugh all provided mann combined to strike out 11 Pitt. K of C 12, JT Giants 5 Kevin Krawczyk allowed just
to. timely hits for the Phillies. hitters as the Exeter Yankees beat Holden Prescott and John Bra- two hits and two runs in four in-
Steve Homza, Matt Wright Wyoming/West Wyoming Mar- dy combined for 11 strikeouts as nings of relief to pick up the win.
and Sam Giordano combined to Exeter Phillies 4, Diamond 3 cum Motors, 10-3. the Pittston City Knights of Co- Walter Coles had three hits
pitch a two-hitter. Wright and Ryan Shuleski belted three Musto added a home run, and lumbus beat the Jenkins Twp. and three RBI for VFW, and
Giordano also paced the Phils at hits as the Exeter Phillies edged Athmann doubled for the Yan- Giants, 12-5. Prescott earned the Chris Merithew smacked a two-
the plate with a single and double Wyoming/West Wyoming Dia- kees. Adam Buczynski also dou- win while Brady picked up the run home run.
each. mond Manufacturing, 4-3. bled for Exeter. save. Tanner Williams had a hit, a
Matt Wright and Steve Homza Hunter Booth and Pat Mitchell run scored, and a run batted in for
Exeter Phils 7, PT Phillies 2 combined for the win on the hill. Exeter Yankees 5, had three hits each to pace the Marcum Motors.
Matt Wright and Steve Homza Pittston K of C 3 Knights at the plate. Dylan Spur-
scattered three hits as the Exeter Exeter Phils 4, Pitt. Legion 2 Jake Wiesner struck out eight lin added two hits. JT Phillies 12,
Phillies beat the Pittston Twp. Ryan Shuleski fanned 10 bat- batters to lead the Exeter Yan- Matt Havrilla, Jon Winters and W/WW Legion 2
Phillies, 7-2. ters in five innings of one-hit kees to a 5-3 win over Pittston Nick Prociak each had a hit for Dominic Stella singled twice
Homza led the Phils at the pitching to lead the Exeter Phil- City Knights of Columbus. the Giants. and picked up the win on the
plate with a single and double. lies to a 4-2 win over Pittston Kyle Musto and Adam Buc- mound as Jenkins Twp. Milazzo
City American Legion. zynski doubled for the Yankees, Diamond 5, A/D VFW 1 Phillies beat Wyoming/West
Exeter Phils 3, Pittston 1 Matt Wright earned the save and CJ Rome added an RBI sin- Brandon Charney hit his first Wyoming American Legion,
The hitting of Steve Homza, by pitching the sixth. gle. Little League home run at Flack 12-2.
Sam Giordano, Matt Wright, Alex Ambruso and John Joey June added an RBI single Field to lead Wyoming/West Steve Shamnoski homed and
John McNeil and Josh Quick led McNeil came up with hits for the for Pittston. Wyoming Diamond Manufac- singled, and Nick Allardyce
the Exeter Phillies to a 3-1 win Phillies. turing to a 5-2 win over Avoca/ smacked three hits for the Phil-
over the Pittston City Knights of Pittston K of C 5, Dupont VFW. lies. Ryan Zelonis chipped in
Columbus. Exeter Phils 8, JT Phillies 3 WP West Side Auto 1 Cole Keating and Alex Gon- with two hits, and Eddie Tava-
Wright and Homza combined Sam Giordano smacked a dou- Hunter Booth had three hits to zales combined for the win on glione added a double.
to earn the victory on the mound. ble and two singles to lead the lead Pittston City Knights of Co- the mound, and Matt Hindmarsh Hitting for West Wyoming
Exeter Phillies to an 8-3 win over lumbus to a 5-1 win over West and Dakota Thomas each picked were Alex Hawk and Joe Skrip
Exeter Phils 5, the Jenkins Twp. Phillies. Pittston West Side Auto. up singles for Diamond. with doubles.
WP Jack’s Collision 0 Matt Wright also added three Justin Fitzpatrick earned the Kevin Krawczyk had three hits

Matt Wright and Steve Homza hits for the Phillies and com- pitching win, and Dylan Spurlin for VFW See LITTLE, Page 57
combined to pitch a no-hitter as bined with Steve Homza to pick picked up the save. Holden Pres-
Blue Devils struggling on offense during losing streak
Continued from Page 47

West Pittston. half of the first when Andi Alsalahat reac-

Cumbo went the distance, striking out hed on an error with one out. But Lynn
five and walking two while allowing just struck out the next two hitters to end the
three hits. threat.
Serra Degnan went 2-for-2 with a run Then in the third, Alsalahat singled with
scored to lead the Lady Warriors offense. two outs before stealing second with Ni-
Riley Thomas added a triple for WA, cole Marianelli at the plate. Marianelli
and Lexi Coolbaugh, Adrianne Przybyla, sharply grounded back to Lynn who was
and Nicole Turner drove in the Lady War- just able to reach above her head to snag
riors runs. the ball and retire Marianelli at first to end
the inning.
WA 2, Holy Redeemer 3 In the fifth, Jess Casey drew a one-out
Andrianne Przybyla smacked two hits, walk and stole second base with pinch-hit-
including a double, but it was not enough ter Michelle Giacometti at the plate. Gia-
as Wyoming Area lost 3-2 to Holy Re- cometti eventually drew a walk, but Casey
deemer in a Wyoming Valley Conference was thrown out trying to steal third on the
Division I Crossover on Tuesday after- ball four pitch. One batter later, Lynn got
noon at the Atlas Sports Complex in West Taylor Nemetz to fly out to end the inning.
Pittston. Carbondale finally got to Old Forge
Nicole Turner and Melissa Eipper each starter Kim Regan in the bottom of the
added two hits for the Lady Warriors. fifth after a leadoff walk to Kristi Brunza.
Alex Holtz pitched four solid innings of Two batters later, Lynn doubled her home
shutout relief, allowing just three hits and for a 1-0 lead.
a walk while striking out two. The Chargerettes added five runs in the
sixth to pull away as the CA bats came to
OF 0, Valley View 4 life with three hits, including a three-run,
The Old Forge offense continued to inside-the-park homer by Brunza.
struggle as the Blue Devils managed just The Blue Devils scored in the top of the
two hits in a 4-0 loss to Valley View in a seventh when Dana Bilski reached on a
Lackawanna League Division II game on walk, moved to both second and third on
Thursday night at the Old Forge Miles wild pitches, and scored on an RBI-triple
Street Community Park. Above, Wyoming Area shortstop Serra Degnan fields a ground ball against Valley by Jess Casey.
Andi Alsalahat led off the bottom of the West. Below, Old Forge's Kim Regan fires a pitch to the plate against Carbondale.
first with a single to right field and moved Standings
to second when Nicole Marianelli was hit WVC Division I East
on the left arm with a pitch from Gina Nanticoke .......................................13-0
Chieffalo. But the Blue Devils stranded Hazleton .........................................11-2
their top two hitters without even moving Crestwood........................................7-6
them over a base. Coughlin ..........................................4-9
Old Forge had opportunities in the sec- Holy Redeemer...............................2-11
ond and third but stranded both Jess Casey Pittston Area...................................2-11
and Marianelli at first base when the se-
niors drew walks in each respective in- WVC Division I West
ning. Dallas ...............................................9-3
Valley View scored two in the top of the Tunkhannock ...................................9-3
second to take a 2-0 lead, and added an- Berwick............................................7-5
other in the top of the third before getting Wyoming Area ................................4-9
an insurance run in the top of the seventh. Valley West.....................................2-11
Meanwhile, the Blue Devils could not
get anything going despite Alsalahat Lackawanna Division II
drawing a walk in the fifth, and Chelsea Valley View....................................12-0
Cadwalder leading off the sixth with a Riverside ..........................................8-4
double to right. Lakeland ..........................................7-5
Marianelli pitched all seven innings for Carbondale.......................................6-6
Old Forge, working her way out of jams in Dunmore..........................................6-6
every inning. In her third start of the sea- Holy Cross .......................................4-8
son, Marianelli scattered 10 hits and six Old Forge .........................................3-9
walks while stranding 11 runners on base. Mid Valley......................................2-10

OF 1, Carbondale 6 This week’s schedule

Old Forge had a few opportunities to Monday
scratch out runs against Carbondale ace PA at Holy Redeemer
Mackenzie Lynn. But in the end, the Lack- WA at Berwick
awanna League’s most dominant pitcher OF at Mid Valley
was too much to overcome in a 6-1 loss to
the Chargerettes in a Division II game on Wednesday

Monday night in Carbondale. PA at Crestwood

The Blue Devils had a runner on in their OF at Riverside

Josh Savakinus Chris Hromek Tony Goodall

PA Baseball WA Track OF Baseball

To say Pittston Area’s Josh Savakinus is tearing the cov- The first time Wyoming Area’s Chris Hromek stepped Old Forge’s Tony Goodall is known on the baseball dia-
er off the baseball would be the understatement of the sea- on the runway for the Triple Jump this season, the War- mond for his pitching a defense. And while the crafty
son. But that is exactly what the senior shortstop is doing riors didn’t know what to expect. Now they know. righty earned another victory on the mound last week, it
for the Patriots. Hromek finished first with a jump of 37’3 in an 80-70 was his bat that did some talking in a win over Lakeland.
Savakinus was 7-for-10 in three games for PA last week win over Hanover, and also won the 800m and 1600m as Goodall drove in three runs on a homer and a double as
with eight RBI and five runs scored. WA took an important WVC Division II win. the Blue Devils rallied for a win over the Chiefs to remain
For his effort, Josh has been named The Sunday Dis- For his efforts, Chris has been named The Sunday Dis- on the heels of first-place Valley View.
patch Pittston Area Athlete of the Week for the week May patch Wyoming Area Athlete of the Week for the week For his effort, Tony has been named The Sunday Dis-
2-8. May 2-8. patch Old Forge Athlete of the Week for the week May 2-8.
Savakinus is hitting .594 on the season with 21 RBI and Hromek has won the 1600m four times coming into Goodall also picked up a complete-game win against
21runs scored. He also has five homers, five doubles and a this week’s action, and has added a win the 800m, and a Holy Cross, allowing just one earned run while scattering
triple among his 22 hits on the season. another win in the Triple Jump. six hits and two walks. He struck out four Crusaders.
Posters of Josh can be seen at Tony’s Pizza in Pittston, Posters of Chris can be seen at Januzzi’s Pizza in Posters of Tony can be seen at Revello’s Pizza in Old
and Smart Designs and Graphics in Wyoming, sponsors of Wyoming, and Smart Designs and Graphics, Wyoming, Forge, and Smart Designs and Graphics in Wyoming,
the Pittston Area Athlete of the Week. sponsors of the Wyoming Area Athlete of the Week. sponsors of the Old Forge Athlete of the Week.

Little League scores INDUSTRIAL GOLF

Continued from Page 55

Nina Cencetti struck out 11 in for Dupont.
Stevens fires 35 to
Old Forge LL
Mariotti’s 10, Rossi’s 4
six innings to pick up the win.
She also added two hits for the
Dominique Quaglia struck out
five in three innings to earn the
win, and Silinskie struck out
spark Industrial leaders
Ben Grochowski smashed
four hits, including a grand slam, three in three innings of relief.
as Mariotti Lumber beat Rossi’s Dupont 3, Taylor 4 Vicky Steinetz added a home Harry Stevens fired a sparkling Pete Lokuta and Sean Fortney shot
Dupont Bow Clinic’s Domin- run for the Bow Clinic. 1-over par 35 and Rob Belza kicked 42s for Hoffman.
Market, 10-4.
ique Quaglia and Nina Cencetti in with a 37 to spark Stevens Finan- Ted Matthews shot a 37 and Bob
Shane Smith struck out seven
combined to strike out 10 hitters JT Tony’s Pizza 4, cial to a 3-0 win over the Red Mill Lampman a 40 to lead O’Connor
for the win, and Nasir Harris and and remain atop the standings as Plumbing to a 3-0 win over AS
Matt Mariotti each had two hits in a tough 4-3 loss to Taylor. Nanticoke 3
Megan Purcell went1-for-2 for Taryn Ashby went 3-for-3 the only unbeaten team in Industri- Powers and Sons Plumbing and
for the Lumbermen. al League action at Emanon Golf Heating Supplies. Jack Vasil shot
Patrick Donovan had two hits Dupont. with a double and triple to lead
Club. 40 for Powers.
for Rossi’s. Jenkins Twp. Tony’s Pizza to a
Mike Lazevnick shot a 37 and In the night’s final action, Selen-
Dupont 15, Solfanelli 6 4-3 win over the Nanticoke Ea- Jim Giordina a 42 to pace Red Mill. ski Insurance took three points
Greater Pittston Softball Four players had two hits each gles. Ashley Machine kept pace with from the slumping PJ Adonizio Fu-
Dupont 4, Prestige 3 as the Dupont Bow Clinic beat Taylor Baloga struck out 11 in Stevens, trailing by only a 1/2 point, neral Home team. Jim Breck led
Vicky Steinetz smacked three Solfanelli Funeral Home, 15-6. six innings to earn the win, and as a result of their 3-0 win over the winners with a 36 followed by

hits to lead Dupont Bow Clinic Megan Purcell, Raechel Ko- Mindina Lieback and Domin- Hoffman Electric. Joe Coleman 39s shot by Tom Jorda and Wes
to a 4-3 win over Prestige World chanowski, Mary Silinskie and ique Quaglia each added two hits and Allan Brown led Ashley with Stelevich. Jack Linskey found his
Wide. Mia Barbieri each had two hits for the winners. identical 2-over par scores of 36. game and shot 35 for Adonizio.
Milton C. White Friend A. Rosener
May 12, 2011 May 12, 2011

Milton C. parents, Ralph and Lottie Friend A. Rosener, 94, for- AAONMS, and the Irem Brass Michael and C.J. Sullivan; step-
White, 53, of White; and maternal grand- merly of Pittston, died May 12, Band. grandchildren, Christy, Mary,
Tunkhan- parents, Kenneth and Elea- 2011 in Memorial Hospital He was also preceded in death Lacey and Jamie; step-great-
nock, died nor Hoover. Skilled Nursing Facility, Towan- by his wife Violet Rosener on grandchildren, Brandon, Cearra,
May 12, 2011, He is survived by his da. May 17, 1979; brothers Robert Kaden and Macria.
after a long brothers, Kenny and wife, He was born, in West Pittston, and Louis Rosener; and sister, The funeral will be held Mon-
battle with Patty, of Tunkhannock, and March 5, 1917, son of the late Bertha Fadden. day morning at 10 a.m. the Ho-
cancer. Randy and wife, Bridget, of Friend E. and Ruth Nicholson He is survived by his son, Ri- well-Lussi Funeral Home, 509
He was born on October Tunkhannock; niece Heath- Rosener. He graduated from chard "Dick" Rosener and his Wyoming Avenue, West Pitt-
28, 1957, in Pittston, a son of er; nephew Tyler; and great- Pittston High School. He was wife; Joanne, Johnson City, NY; ston. The Rev. John Castellani
Milton R. and Eleanor Hoov- niece Emma. employed by Pyrofax Gas, West daughter, Catherine Bellanca, and The Rev. Jira Albers will of-
er White of Tunkhannock. He Funeral services will be Pittston, Hess Oil, and prior to Towanda; grandchildren, Ri- ficiate. Interment Mountain
was a 1976 graduate of Tunk- held Monday at 9 a.m. from his retirement in 1997 he was chard Rosener and his wife; Ja- View Burial Park. Friends may
hannock High School, and he the Sheldon-Kukuchka Fu- employed as a Bus Driver for nine, Oneonta, NY; Sherry Sulli- call at the funeral home Sunday
has worked for the Tunkhan- neral Home Inc., 73 W. Tioga Martz Trailways, Wilkes Barre. van and her husband, Colonel from 4-7 p.m.
nock Township road crew for St., Tunkhannock, with Pas- He was a member of St. John’s Christopher Sullivan, Dothan, Memorial donations may be
the past 30 years. He was a tor Lorie Robinson officiat- Lutheran Church, Pittston. A AL; Deborah Philippi and her sent to St. John’s Lutheran
member of the NRA, Rocky ing. Interment Perrins Marsh member of St. John’s Lodge # husband; Jim, Rome; great- Church, Wood Street, Pittston,
Mountain Elk Foundation, Cemetery. Friends and fam- 233 F.&A.M., Pittston, Scranton grandchildren, Michael Wal- 18640 or the charity of the do-
Moose Lodge 1276,Elks ily may call Sunday from 4 to Consistory, Irem Temple litsch, Cole and Brooke Rosener, nor’s choice.
Club, Ducks Unlimited, Wild 6 p.m. at the funeral home.
Turkey Foundation and a for- Memorial donations can be Paul A. Durko
mer member of the Factory- made to the Damon S. Young
ville Sportsman Club. He al- Memorial Scholarship, c/o May 7, 2011
so enjoyed volunteering for Peoples Neighborhood Bank,
the Damon S. Young Memo- Tioga Street, Tunkhannock, Paul A. Durko, formerly of employed for 30 years by Toby- children David and Christopher
rial Races, named for a very 18657; or to a charity of the Duryea, died May 7, 2011 at the hanna Army Depot, retiring in Durko; brother John Durko; sev-
close family friend who also donor’s choice. Online con- Golden Living Center where he 2001. He was passionately patri- eral nieces and nephews.
lost his battle with cancer. dolences may be sent to the had been a resident since No- otic, attending military shows Funeral services were held
He was also preceded in family at www.sheldonku- vember 2010. and collecting military memora- May 11 from Kiesinger Funeral
death by his paternal grand- He was born in Brooklyn, NY bilia with friend, Richard Miller. Services, Duryea, with mass of
on September 6, 1936 to the late He was active with Boy Scouts Christian Burial at SS Peter and
Joseph and Helen Durko. He was of America, serving as an assist- Paul Church, Avoca. Interment
Barbara J. Chronowski a member of SS Peter and Paul ant Scout Master from 1988 to parish cemetery.
Church, Avoca, and was a gradu- 1994. Memorial contributions may
May 13, 2011 ate of Fell Township High He was also preceded in death be made to the Am Vets Honor
School, class of 1953. He was a by brother, Robert Durko. Guard, 410 Main St., Dupont,
Barbara J. husband, Matthew, of West
Korean War veteran, having He is survived by his wife of 18641.
Chronowski, Wyoming, Linda Ruggere and
served with the US Marine Corp. 49 years, Margaret (Branden- Online condolences may be
74, of West her husband, Mark, of Wilkes-
from 1953 to 1956 and the US burg) Durko; sons, Paul and his made towww.kiesingerfuneral-
Wyoming, Barre, and Kristine Supey and
Army from 1956 to his honor- wife Paula Durko, and David and
died May 13, her husband, Sam, of West
able discharge in 1962. He was his wife Alison Durko; grand-
2011, at the Wyoming; 14 grandchildren,
Wilkes-Barre Jessica, Matthew, David, Ni-
General Hospital. cholas, Joey, Erica, Billy, Ge- Leo E. Giovagnoli
Born in West Wyoming, on orge, Alex, Tristan, Kaitlyn,
May 6, 1937, she was a daugh- Anna, Sammy and Samara; May 13, 2011
ter of the late Kenneth and great-grandson Billy; several
Leo E. Gio- retired from the PA Department Aftin, Kimberly, Tyler and Dy-
Mary English Wheeler. She nieces and nephews.
vagnoli, 79, of of Transportation. He was a lan; brother, Vito “Ray” Giovag-
was a member of St. Monica’s Funeral will be held Mon-
Duryea, for- member of St. Maria Goretti noli and his wife, Gloria, of Old
Parish/St. Joseph’s Church, day at 10:30 a.m. from the An-
merly of the Church, Laflin, and was an Forge; sister, Diane Isopi and her
West Wyoming, and she was thony Recupero Funeral
Keystone Sec- award-winning winemaker who husband, Alfred, of Camp Hill;
formerly employed at the Home, 406 Susquehanna Ave.,
tion of Wilkes- took great pride in celebrating sister-in-law Margie Giovagnoli
Wilkes-Barre General Hospi- West Pittston, with a Mass of
Barre, died his Italian heritage by cooking of Laflin; nieces, nephews and
tal. Christian Burial at 11 a.m. in
May 13, 2011, at Kindred Hospi- and entertaining for his family. cousins.
She was also preceded in St. Joseph’s Church, Wyom-
tal, Wilkes-Barre. He was also preceded in death Funeral will be held Tuesday
death by brothers, Robert and ing. Interment Mt. Olivet
Born in Wilkes-Barre, he was by a brother, Joseph; and a great- at 9:15 a.m. from the Bernard J.
Ken. Cemetery, Carverton. Friends
a son of the late Americo and granddaughter, Hailey. Piontek Funeral Home, 204
Surviving are her husband may call Sunday from 3 to 7
Louise Panatieri Giovagnoli. He Surviving are a son Leo Gio- Main St., Duryea, with a Mass of
of 52 years, George Chronow- p.m. at the funeral home.
attended Plains High School. He vagnoli and his wife, Lisa, of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St.
ski; sons, George and his wife, In lieu of flowers, memorial
served in the U.S. Army during Oneonta, NY; daughters, Lita Maria Goretti Church, Laflin,
Caroline, of Falls, David and contributions may be made to
the Korean Conflict, and was an Felkowski, and her husband, with Msgr. Neil J. Van Loon offi-
his wife, Patricia, of Exeter, Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St.,
area coal miner for a number of Scott, with whom he resided, and ciating. Entombment St. Mary’s
and Thomas and his wife, Forty Fort, 18704; or the

years. He was formerly employ- Donna Fowler of Wyoming; nine Cemetery, Hanover Township.
Robin, of Coatesville; daugh- Kingston Senior Citizens
ed by Pagnotti, Old Forge, Bel- grandchildren, Nicholas, Bian- Friends may call Monday from 5
ters, Jeanie Granteed and her Center.
trami Enterprises, Eckley, and ca,, Bobby, Christina, Anthony, to 8 p.m.


Leocadia T. Ludden Joan Z. Lewis
May 9, 2011 May 7, 2011

Leocadia “Kay” Turant Lud- She is survived by her daugh- Joan Zawois- than a fuss be made about her, same undaunted spirit after be-
den, 92, died Monday, May 9, ter and son-in-law, Ann Marie ki Lewis, a folk perform "good deeds" in her coming ill with cancer two years
2011, at the Masonicare Health and John Marriott of Walling- children’s sto- honor, and then tell her about ago. She provided child care for
Center in Wallingford, CT, after ford, CT; her son Paul Ludden of ryteller whose them. Good deeds in honor of her youngest two grandchildren,
an extended illness. She was the Arizona; granddaughter Patricia battle with pan- "Joannie from Pringle" have but also making sure to fulfill as
wife of 53 years of the late Ge- of Waterbury, CT; grandson and creatic cancer been documented in all 50 states, many lifelong dreams as possi-
rard Ludden. his wife, John and Lori; great- sparked good and on all seven continents, in- ble, including the chance to meet
Born in Pittston on January grandchildren, Jack and Julia of deeds on all seven continents, cluding Antarctica, by the family her favorite team - the UCONN
24, 1919, a daughter of the late Killingworth, CT; and her died Saturday, May 7, 2011, at of famous mountaineer Sir Ed- Women’s Basketball team - and
Joseph and Felicia Skiladz Tu- grandchildren in Pennsylvania, her daughter Jocelyn’s home in mund Hillary. Joan crossed watch them practice.
rant, she had been a Pennsylva- Gerard, Donna, Paul, Jeremy, Charlottesville, VA. many items off her "bucket list" Her facility for friendship last-
nia resident for many years until Josh, Corey and Gregory Lud- Born in Pringle, Joan was a and lived to add new ones, in- ed until the end, and is reflected
moving to Connecticut several den. proud graduate of St. Hedwig’s cluding a ride in a hot air balloon, in her website on the Caring
years ago. She was a parishioner Funeral services will be held Elementary School. She cheered a trip to New York City, to stay at Bridge that kept friends and fam-
of SS. Peter & Paul Church in Monday directly at SS. Peter & at Pringle High, and graduated her beloved Waldorf Hotel, and ily connected during her brave
Wallingford, CT, and former par- Paul Church, Wallingford, CT from Larksville High School at visit the set of the television but characteristically upbeat bat-
ishioner of St. Mary’s Assump- where a Mass of Christian Burial 16. A great reader, Joan was show "The View," and watching tle with cancer. The site,
tion Church in Pittston. She will be celebrated. A graveside known as "Kid Dictionary." She her grandson Leo Coltrane Ki-
worked in several garment facto- service will be held in Mountain graduated from Wilkes College vell row at St. Joseph’s Prep. joanniefrompringle, has re-
ries in the Pittston area and rep- View Cemetery in Harding on with a degree in education, and Most famously, this past March, ceived more than 25,000 hits, or
resented her co-workers as shop Monday at 3 p.m. taught at schools in Pennsylva- she traveled to Philadelphia, Pa., visits. She spent her last year
steward for the International La- In lieu of flowers, gifts in her nia, New Jersey, and Connecti- to watch the UCONN Women’s helping to care for her youngest
dies Garment Workers Union. memory may be sent to SS. Peter cut, including St. John the Evan- Basketball team play in the grandchildren. The youngest,
She was also preceded in death and Paul Rosary Garden, 139 N. gelist School, Pittston. She and NCAA Tournament. When the Amy Elizabeth, was born five
by her son Gerard Ludden Jr.; her Orchard St., Wallingford, CT her husband, Attorney Michael J. team heard of this last wish, they months after Joan became ill.
brothers, Bernard, John, Joseph 06492. Visit www.walling- Lewis Jr., raised their family on invited her to a private team prac- Joan was determined to survive
and Anthony Turant; and her sis- to leave on online Park Place, Kingston. Joan was tice. After they beat Duke, Coach until the baby was born and lived
ters, Julia Perry and Joann Pepe. condolence. deeply engaged in politics, and Gene Auriemma credited their long enough to teach her to walk.
the community, including the win to Joan’s pep talk to the team. She was preceded in death by
League of Women Voters, the There was extensive news cover- her parents, John and Eva Za-
George M. Mikuchonis Democratic Women’s Commit- age of this final trip, and she has woiski; her sister Evelyn Chuki-
tee, the PTA, the Park Place As- been the topic of inspirational nas; and her brother, John "Jack"
May 8, 2011 sociation, Lawyers Wives, and speeches and Sunday sermons in Zawoiski.
Literacy Volunteers. churches from Bedford, N.Y., to She is survived by her five
George Michael Mikucho- death by his wife, Marion Oh
In 1980 Joan moved to Con- Gladwyne, Pa. Joan maintained children, Dr. Michael J. Lewis
nis, 78, died May 8, 2011 at his Mikuchonis, a son, Mike Mi-
necticut, and began a career as a a lifelong interest in literacy, (Susan Glassman), Judy Lewis
residence. kuchonis, two sisters, Rosem-
children’s storyteller. She was re- sports, and world events until her (Tim Cheney), Jacqueline Le-
He was born April 14, 1933, ary Kuzmitsky and Millie Da-
nowned for her children’s story death. She was commenting ac- wis, Esq. (Sheldon Kivell), Jane
in Exeter, to the late Stanley noski, and two brothers, John
hours, especially her babies pro- tively on the political situation in Lewis Lamb, Esq. (Peter Lamb),
and Wanda (Lavin) Mikucho- and Joseph Yanchowsky.
grams, with their emphasis on Afghanistan three days before and Jocelyn Lewis (Dr. Scott
nis. He was raised in Exeter Survivors include his sons
educating new mothers. Joan her death. Joan was an extraordi- Paulson); six grandchildren,
and attended school there until George, Bobby, and Michael;
firmly believed that mothers narily generous person, with a Kate, Colin, and Nora Cheney;
his graduation from high one daughter, Dana Long; a
should speak to their children as deep love of family, and a prodi- Leo Coltrane Kivell; and Owen
school. He was also a member sister, Eleanor Gdovin and five
though they were adults, and gious gift for friendship. She was and Amy Paulson; her sister Do-
of St. Casmir’s of Pittston. He grandchildren.
read to them from birth. Joan den mother to her own and her lores Kosisher; and numerous
served in the U. S. Army for 24 Arrangements for Mr. Miku-
worked at both the Wallingford children’s extended network of nieces, nephews and cousins.
years and during that time he chonis are under the direction
and Meriden Libraries. Upon her friends, her home being "party A Mass of Christian Burial
served in the Korean and Viet- of Crawford-Bowers Funeral
retirement, she moved to Char- central" for dinner parties, and was held May 11 in St. Ignatius
nam conflicts. He retired with Home. You may express your
lottesville, Va., in 2008 to care annual costume parties in King- Church, Kingston. Interment St.
the rank of Chief Warrant Of- condolences at www.craw-
for her newborn grandson, Owen ston, Connecticut, and Philadel- Hedwig’s Cemetery, Larksville.
ficer 3 and was the recipient of
Michael Paulson. Joan was diag- phia. Joan was an exceptionally Memorial donations may be
two Bronze Service Stars, Visitation is scheduled for
nosed with end-stage pancreatic hardy spirit who did not let ad- made to the Joan Z. Lewis Fund,
Bronze Star Medal with one today from 6-8 p.m. at Craw-
cancer in September 2009, and versity get her down. When her Wallingford Public Library, 200
oak leaf cluster, the Vietnam ford-Bowers Funeral Home,
was expected to die within leg was shattered in an accident N. Main St., Wallingford, CT, or
Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Killeen, Texas. Graveside ser-
weeks. Instead, she survived 20 shortly before her 60th birthday, anywhere else it might do some
as well as numerous other vices will be held Monday at 2
months, and sparked good deeds she told dubious doctors she good. Good deeds may also be
commendations. p.m. at Central Texas State
across the world. When she be- would dance the polka at her par- posted on the Caring Bridge
He was also preceded in Veterans Cemetery.
came ill, Joan asked that, rather ty - and she did. She showed the website.

Subscribe to the Dispatch. Call 829-5000.

Louise Ezzo Lorreta A. Dempsey
May 7, 2011 May 3, 2011

Louise Ezzo, al Ladies’ Garment Workers Lorreta A. Hospital and Garden State Hos- ters Helen Stancavage, Tulsa,
97, of Old Union. Dempsey, 72, pital, Marlton, NJ. Prior to retire- OK; and Ann Marie Price, and
Forge and for- She was also preceded in death of Mt. Laurel, ment, she had been employed by her husband Roy Seneca, NY;
merly of Pitt- by a daughter, Johanna Novabil- NJ, died May 3, Virtua Rehabilitation Center, nieces, nephews and cousins.
ston, died May ski; a grandson, John Novabil- 2011 at home, Lumberton, NJ for almost 20 She was also preceded in death
7, 2011, in the ski; and numerous brothers and surrounded by years. She was a member of St. brothers, William and Henry
Wesley Vil- sisters. her family. She John Neumann Church, Mt. (Hank) Ostrowski; sister, Ele-
lage, Jenkins Township, where Surviving are a daughter, Ma- was the widow of Charles Laurel, NJ, and a member and naor Rindos; and infant sister,
she had been a resident since No- rie Polaski and husband, Joseph, Dempsey, who died March 27, past president of its Altar and Anna Mae; stepfather Joseph
vember. She was the widow of Old Forge; two grandsons, Jo- 2011. They were married 49 Rosary Society. Chrobak, and stepbrother, John
John Ezzo, who died in 1999. seph Polaski, Old Forge, and Dr. years. She is survived by a daughter, Chrobak.
Born in the Old Boston section Bernard Novabilski and wife, Born in Avoca on Jan. 14, Lisa Hand, and her husband, Jo- A Mass of Christian Burial
of Pittston, a daughter of the late Dr. Paula, Collegeville; and a 1939, she was a daughter of the seph, of Moorestown, NJ; a son, was held May 6 at St. John Neu-
Joseph and Virginia Ambrosino great-grandson, Joseph Chris- late Edward Ostrowski and He- Charles (Chuck) Dempsey, of mann Church, Mt. Laurel. Inter-
DeMark, she was a graduate of topher Polaski, Old Forge; nieces len Draus Ostrowski Chrobak. Mt. Laurel, NJ; grandsons Rob- ment Brig. Gen. William C.
Jenkins High School. She was and nephews. She was a graduate of Avoca ert and Thomas Hand, Moores- Doyle Veterans Memorial Cem-
employed in the area garment in- The funeral was held May 10 High School and a1960 graduate town; sisters, Rose Jacek and etery, Arneytown, North Hanov-
dustry as a seamstress, particu- from the Ferri Funeral Home, of Thomas Jefferson University, husband Bernard, Avoca; Fran- er Twp., NJ. Funeral arrange-
larly at Old Forge Blouse. She Old Forge, with a Mass of Chris- Philadelphia, with a Registered cis Anthony, and husband Rob- ments by the Lankenau and Uan
was a parishioner of St. Mary of tian Burial in St. Mary of the As- Nursing degree. She had been ert, Glen Lyon; sister-in-law Ma- Newenhizen Funeral Home,
the Assumption Church at sumption Church at Prince of employed by Thomas Jefferson rion Ostrowski, Avoca; step-sis- Moorsetown, NJ.
Prince of Peace Parish, Old Peace Parish, Old Forge. Inter-
Forge, where in the past she vol- ment St. John the Baptist Ceme- Dorothy Kraynak
unteered much of her time to tery, Exeter. To leave an online
clean. She also held membership condolence, visit www.ferrifun- May 11, 2011
in the Old Forge Senior Citizens
Association and the Internation- Dorothy "Do- Citizens. She was a member of cho, West Wyoming; and Agnes
ra"Kraynak,84, Our Lady of Sorrows Church of Stavish, West Wyoming; brother,
of West Wyom- St. Monica’s Parish and the Chris- Andrew Yurcho, California; nu-
Gloria N. Allegrucci ing, died May tian Mothers of Our Lady of Sor- merous nieces and nephews.
11, 2011, in the rows. Funeral services will be held
May 12, 2011 Wilkes-Barre Also preceding her in death Monday at 9 a.m. from the Met-
General Hospi- were her sisters Mary Yakupcin, calfe and Shaver Funeral Home,
Gloria Nardone Allegrucci, Allegrucci; grandchildren, Am- tal surrounded by her family. Margaret Nerozzi, Anna Kobolar- 504 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming,
88, of Old Forge, died May 12, ber and Eric Allegrucci; nieces, Born in West Wyoming, she cik, Helen Lukesh, Elizabeth with a Mass of Christian Burial at
2011, in Community Medical nephews and cousins. was a daughter of the late Andrew Stultz, and Johanna Batory. 9:30 a.m. in Our Lady of Sorrows
Center. She was the widow of El- The funeral will be Monday at and Mary Michaels Yurcho. She Surviving are her husband, Ge- Church of St. Monica’s Parish,
mo Allegrucci. 9:30 a.m. from the Victor M. was a 1944 graduate of West orge, with whom she would have West Wyoming. Interment Mount
Born and raised in Yatesville, Ferri Funeral Home, 522 Fallon Wyoming High School. She was celebrated 62 years of marriage on Olivet Cemetery, Carverton.
she was a daughter of the late Jo- St., Old Forge, with Mass at 10 employed in the garment industry July 2; daughter Elaine Hudak and Friends may call Sunday from 4 to
seph and Mary Rubbico Nar- a.m. in St. Lawrence O’Toole for many years and later worked her husband, Joseph, Dallas; 7 p.m. at the funeral home. The
done. Church at Prince of Peace Parish, until her retirement for the Wyom- daughter Carol Buffington, West Christian Mothers are asked to
She was also preceded in death Old Forge. Interment Marcy ing Area School District. She was Wyoming; grandchildren, Joseph meet in the funeral home at 5:45
by brothers, Frank, Dominick, Cemetery, Duryea. Friends may also actively involved in the and Jason Hudak; sisters Theresa p.m. Sunday to conduct a prayer
Joseph, John, and Sam Nardone; call Sunday from 5 to 8 p.m. Vis- Wyoming-West Wyoming Senior Monteforte, Pittston; Rose Yur- service.
and sisters, Margaret DeLucca it to
and Angeline Colarusso. leave condolences.
Surviving are a son, Wayne Bernice A. Musto
March 23, 2011

Obituary Policy Bernice Ann

(Balent) Mus-
ate of Exeter High School. She
was married to John Musto,
Zawierucha, Suscon; step-sons,
John, Tony and Dominic, all of
The Sunday Dispatch publishes obituaries of local individuals to, 62, died Barefoot Bay, FL, formerly of Pittston; mother, Eugenia Balent,
who reside, formerly resided or have family living in the Greater March 23, 2011 Pittston Township. She was for- Wyoming; brothers, Michael,
Pittston area. at William merly employed by Owens-Illi- Sanborn, NY, and David, Exeter;
Obituaries should be submitted by 12 p.m. Saturday to ensure Childs Hospice nois, Topps Chewing Gum and sisters, Regina Manganiello,
publication in the same week’s edition. House, Palm Laura Fashions. Most recently, Exeter, and Karen Mercincavage,
Email is preferred for submission, but fax or handwritten entries Bay, FL, surrounded by her fam- she was employed as a data proc- Plains Township; several grand-
will be acceptable with a contact name and phone number. Entries ily after a courageous battle with essor in the marketing industry in children, nieces and nephews.
not including a contact name and telephone number will not be cancer. Florida. A memorial service was held
published. She was born on February 6, She was also preceded in death May 14 at St. John the Evangelist
Email obituaries to; Fax obituaries to 1949, in Pittston. She was a by her son, Donald Redington Jr. Church, Pittston.
570.602.0183; or mail them to109 New St., Pittston, PA18640. For daughter of the late Michael J. Also surviving, in addition to Memorial contributions may
Balent, Exeter, and Eugenia Ba- her husband, John, are her daugh- be made to William Childs Hos-

more information call the obituary desk at 570.602.0170, or to

place a memorial ad call 570.602.0168. lent, formerly of Exeter, now of ter, Dawn (Kinsey) Redington, pice House, 381 Medplex Park-
Wyoming. She was a1966 gradu- Duryea; step-daughter, Jennifer way, Palm Bay, FL 32907.


John D. Roberts, Jr. Charlton Kase Jr.
May 15, 2011 May 7, 2011

Mr. John Da- where he also served as the He was also preceded in death Charlton Fire Department. He attended Lu-
vid Roberts Jr., school’s first athletic director. He by his wife, Mary Murawski Ro- "Fred" Kase Jr., zerne County Community Col-
93, formerly of was a member of the United berts, who passed away in 2005, 66, of Kingston, lege Fire Science Program and
Duryea, died Brick Methodist Church, Du- and brothers, Wesley, Edgar, died May 7, had been certified as an EMT, be-
May 8, 2011 at ryea. He was a member of the Milton and Raymond; and sis- 2011, surround- coming a first responder for the
Hospice Com- VFW Post 1227, Duryea. He was ters, Margaret and Letitia. ed by his family Kingston Firemen’s Community
munity Care, an avid golfer, having belonged Surviving are son, Joseph Ro- and friends af- Ambulance. He had been certi-
Dunmore, surrounded by his to both Fox Hill Country Club berts and his wife, Jacklyn, of ter a six-year-battle against can- fied by the State of Pennsylvania
family. and Emanon Country Club. He Taylor; grandson, Michael, of cer. at various levels of training and as
Born in Old Forge, he was the also had the distinction of play- Taylor; granddaughter Alyson, Born January 22, 1945, he was a Pennsylvania State Fire Instruc-
son of the late John and Margaret ing basketball against the Har- of Taylor; nieces and nephews. a son of the late Charlton F. Kase tor, assisting in certifying area
Roberts Sr. He was a graduate of lem Globetrotters and playing Funeral services were held Sr., and Zeta Byle Kase. He was a firefighters at several regional
Duyrea High School, the Uni- baseball against many famous May 11 at the Piontek Funeral lifetime resident of Kingston. He certification sites. In 1982, the
versity of Scranton and New athletes, such as Phil Rizzuto Home, Duryea, with the Rev. graduated from Kingston High Columbian Volunteer Fire De-
York University. He served in the and Walter Alston. He also Shambora officiating. Interment School in 1962 and attended Penn partment recognized him with
U.S. Army during World War II. served as an usher at the Lacka- Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Carverton. State University and Luzerne "Fireman of the Year" award. In
He was a former teacher in the wanna County Stadium in his County Community College. He April 2004, Kingston Municipal-
Pittston Area School District, later year. served in the U.S. Air Force and ity presented a "proclamation" to
was stationed in Texas, MI; Oki- Fred in recognition of his co-ef-
William J. Slusark nawa, and Florida until his honor- fort with fellow firefighter Kevin
able discharge in 1968. He was a O’Dell in rescuing a fire victim
May 9, 2011 member of the Church of Christ from his third floor residence on
Uniting, Kingston, serving on Winola Avenue, Kingston. He al-
William J. He was also preceded in brothers Henry Slusarczyk, various boards, and was a former so served his community as a
Slusark, 77, death by his wife, the former Avoca, and Stanley Sluzark, member of the choir and, along member of Kingston Municipal-
of Old Forge, Delores (Belcavitch) Slusark, Iowa; his sister Jean McClos- with his wife, directed the United ity Civil Service Commission
died May 9, who passed away in 2005; key, Florida; 10 grandchil- Youth Fellowship. He was em- from 2005 until his passing.
2011, at the and many brothers and sis- dren, two great-grandchil- ployed as a technician by Bell At- He is survived by his wife of 42
VNA Hospice ters. dren, and several nieces and lantic, Bell of Pennsylvania, and years, Sandra Mihoch Kase, for-
CMC Hospi- He is survived by his sons, nephews. Verizon, retiring after 35 years of merly of Plymouth; children and
tal, Scranton. William and his wife, Barba- Funeral services were held service. He was also a member of grandchildren, Shelby Watchilla
He was born in Avoca on ra, Throop; John and his wife, May 12 from Kiesinger Fu- the Columbian Volunteer Fire and husband Jim, and their
July 25, 1933. He was a mem- Simonetta, Naples, Italy; and neral Services, Duryea, with Department, and attained "life daughters, Emma and Zetta Lily,
ber of Nativity of Our Lord Joseph and his wife, Elaine, a Mass of Christian Burial at membership" status. During the Kingston; Scott Kase and Melissa
Parish, Duryea. He was a Duryea; his daughters, Kath- Holy Rosary Church, Duryea. years had held many offices and Kern, and their children, Scott
graduate of Avoca High ryn and her husband, John Interment parish cemetery. served in various capacities, in- and Rosalyn Kase, and Noah
School, and retired from the Ferraro, Browndale, and Ma- Online condolences may be cluding past president of the Kern, Kingston; Lesley O’Boyle
Hillcrest Lamp & Shade ry and her husband, Joseph made to www.kiesingerfun- Kingston Firemen’s Community and husband Michael, and their
Company, Old Forge. D’Amico, Pittston Township; Ambulance; president, vice presi- sons, Calvin and Peyton, Jenkins
dent, and secretary of the Dorran- Township; and Matthew Kase, at
Frank J. Rodella ceton Firemen’s Relief Associ- home.
ation and president and vice presi- Funeral services were held
May 6, 2011 dent of the Columbian Volunteer May 14 at Church of Christ Unit-
Fire Department. He was a mem- ing, Kingston. Interment Fern
Frank John with a Master’s in Early Child- well. ber and past secretary of the West Knoll Burial Park, Dallas.
Rodella, 64, of hood Education in 1979. He He is survived by his wife of Side Mutual Aid Association. He Memorial donations may be
Wilkes-Barre, was a member of St. Nicholas 35 years, Karen (Lilly) Rodel- also was proud to serve on the sent to the "Charlton F. Kase Jr.,
died unexpect- Church, where he was active in la; his daughters, Anne and Building Committee for the new Memorial Scholarship Fund, Fire
edly at home many committees. He was a Jane; his son Paul; his sister, Central Fire Station on Wyoming Science Program" c/o Columbian
on May 6, teacher for 20 years in the Judy Wheeler of Hampton, NJ; Avenue. He was active in all fire- Volunteer Fire Department, 600
2011. Western Wayne School Dis- his brother, Peter Rodella of fighting aspects of the Depart- Wyoming Ave., Kingston.
He was born May 9, 1947, in trict, and was currently em- Del Ray, FL; and their families. ment as well, having served as
Hoboken, NJ, a son to the late ployed by the Men’s Wear- A celebration of life was held lieutenant and captain before be-

Th e Villa Foglia
Hugo and Lillian Rodella. He house in Pittston as a dry clean- May 9 from McLaughlin’s, ing appointed assistant chief by
attended Bergenfield High er. Through the activities of his Wilkes-Barre, with funeral the late Mayor Charles Bankes in
School, where he was known as children, he became a support- Mass in the Church of St. Ni- 1976, serving in that office until R estau ran t an d C aterin g
"Roach," and was on the varsi- er of the arts in his community, cholas. Interment St. Nicholas December 31, 2006. Since his ini- “ Fea tu ring Th e Bestin Ita lia n/Am erica n Cu isine”
ty wrestling team and won the where he was known affection- Cemetery, Shavertown. tiation in 1963, he attained more
title of Senior District Cham- ately among friends as "Papa Memorial donations may be than 800 hours of fire training Pa sta • Ch icken
pion in 1965. He attended Ro." He assisted with ticket made to St. Nicholas Church from the Pennsylvania State Fire Sea food • Vea l
Wilkes College, where he sales for Gaslight Theatre, and Building Fund, 226 S. Wash- Academy, Luzerne County Com- Stea ks • Sa la ds
graduated with a degree in his- attended productions at The ington St., Wilkes-Barre, munity College, Harrisburg Area Pizza • Finger Foods
Ca tering for a ny event.
tory in 1970. He was married to Little Theatre of Wilkes-Barre, 18701-2897. Permanent mess- Community College, The Penn- Ca ll for B erea vem entL u nch eon info.
his wife, Karen, in 1975. He KISS Theatre, and King’s The- ages and memories may be sylvania Department of Health,

Prou dly Serving th e W yom ing Va lley For Over 40 Yea rs


continued his education at Ma- atre. He was a strong supporter shared with Frank’s family at not to mention the classes provid- H ou rs:Tu esda y-Sa tu rda y from 4:30 p.m .
1 1 33 W yo m in g A ven u e,E xeter • 654-1 20 6
rywood College and graduated of his son’s band, Paulsko, as ed at the Columbian Volunteer
Fannie M. Steinson Jerome T. Vinciarelli
May 2, 2011 May 7, 2011

Fannie M. husband, Chuck, Wyoming; and Jerome (Jerry) T. Vinciarelli service for many years. He was ville; nieces Jessica, Nicole
Steinson, 80, of Jessica Danko and her husband, Sr, 56, died, May 7, 2011. a former Plains Little League Sott and a nephew Zachery
Mountain Top, Dennis, Wapwallopen; her great- Born in the Keystone section coach and had coached a Dis- Sott.
died May 12, grandchildren, Kelsey, Charlie, of Plains Township, on De- trict 16 Championship Team. He had requested to have no
2011, at Keys- Macee, Tanner, Natalee, Mada- cember 6, 1954, he was the son He was also a former coach for viewing and to be remembered
tone Garden Es- lyn, and Fisher, several brothers, of the late Baldino and Ruth a Plains Yankee Mini-Football for his kindness and generos-
tates, Larks- sisters, nieces and nephews. McDaniels Vinciarelli. He was team and also had earned a ity to all, whenever he was
ville. The Funeral Service will be a graduate of Plains Memorial black belt in karate. called upon. A private memo-
Born in New London, CT, she held Monday at 1 p.m. at the High School, Class of 1972. Surviving are his wife of 32 rial service will be held at a
was a daughter of the late Wallace McCune Funeral Home, 80 S. He was self-employed in home years, the former Karen L. later date.
and Harriet (Palm) Scott. Mountain Blvd., Mountain Top. coal delivery sales and asphalt Sott; sons Jerome Jr. and Jo- Condolences and memorial
She was also preceded in death Interment Memorial Shrine Park, paving. He was a member of nathan, all at home; daughter donations may be sent to the
by her husband, James H. Stein- Dallas. Relatives and friends are St. Maria Goretti Church, La- Santina Deno and her husband Vinciarelli family, 54 Liddon
son Jr.; and her son Peter Steinson. invited to call from Monday from flin, and had a newfound inter- Rick, Pittston; mother-in-law Street, Wilkes-Barre, 18705.
She is survived by her sons 10 a.m. until the time of service at est in the Living Hope Bible Mary Sott, Wilkes-Barre; Arrangements are by Yanaitis
James H. Steinson III and George the funeral home. Church, Plains. He was an ac- brother-in-law Richard Sott Funeral Home, Plains.ww-
Steinson and his wife, Wendy, all In lieu of flowers, the family tive volunteer in community and his wife Janet, Swoyers-
of Mountain Top; her grandchil- would appreciate memorial dona-
dren, James H. Steinson IV and tions be made to the Alzheimer’s Walter W. Umla
his wife, Jennifer, Sitka, Alaska; Chapter, 57 N. Franklin St.,
Shannon Banashefski and her Wilkes-Barre, 18701. May 12, 2011

Dr. Frank J. Dombroski, D.D.S. Walter W. Umla, 70, of Pitt- He was a member of Pennsyl- vice will follow at 10 a.m. in
ston, died May 12, 2011, at the vania Music Educators Associ- The Episcopal Church of St.
May 7, 2011 United Methodist Homes, Wes- ation, Music Educators Nation- Clement and St. Peter, 70 Lock-
ley Village Campus, Jenkins al Conference, Pennsylvania hart St., Wilkes-Barre. Inter-
Dr. Frank ciety, of which he was past presi- Township. Association of School Retirees, ment Denison Cemetery,
John Dombros- dent. He was a 3rd Degree mem- Born in Mountain Top, on and the America Guild of Orga- Swoyersville. Friends may call
ki, D.D.S., 71, ber of the Knight of Columbus, March 9, 1941, he was a son of nists. He was an accompanist Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. at the
of West Wyom- Assumpta Council 3987, Lu- the late Walter J. and Dorothy for the Choral Society of funeral home.
ing, died May 7, zerne, and was a past member of Koons Umla. He was a gradu- Northeast Pennsylvania. He In lieu of flowers, memorial
2011 at the Par- the Wyoming/West Wyoming Li- ate of Fairview High School, was a member of The Presby- donations may be made to the
tridge-Tippett ons Club. He was a member of the Mountain Top, and a graduate terian Church of Mountain Top. charity of the donor’s choice.
Nursing Facility of the Wesley Fox Hill Country Club and also of Wilkes College, class of He was also preceded in
Village Campus, Jenkins Town- the Wyoming Valley Country 1962. He earned a bachelor of death by a brother, Donald Um-
ship, after a prolonged battle with Club. In Loving M em ory O f
science degree in music educa- la.
Parkinson’s Disease. His wife of
46 years is the former Barbara A.
He is also survived by his sons,
Frank Dombroski and his wife,
tion from Wilkes College and Surviving are his wife, the K a th y
Shermo. Meg, of Noblesville, IN; Mark
proceeded to teach vocal music
for 34 years in the Wilkes-
former Mildred Nicholls, Pitt-
ston; children, Richard W. Um- Pa lm er
Born on July 17, 1939, in the Dombroski, of Warren, PA; Jo- Barre Area School District, re- la and wife Aslynn, Reister- 5/20/53 -1/12/11
Upper Askam section of Hanover seph Dombroski, of Wyoming; tiring in 1996. He formerly town, MD; Susan E. Irwin and
Township, he was the first son of and Timothy Dombroski, of West served the congregations of husband Richard, Harveys
the late Frank S. and Antoinette Wyoming; his grandchildren, Westmoor Church of Christ, Lake; and David R. Umla, Al-
(Piontkowski) Dombroski. A Katherine, Nicholas and Mary Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, lentown; grandsons, Brayden
graduate of Hanover Area High Dombroski; his brother, Robert both of Kingston, and West- and triplets Caleb, Keaton and
School, he later went on to further Dombroski, and his wife, Carol, minster Presbyterian Church, Eli Umla.
his education at Wilkes College of McFarland, Wisconsin; numer- Wilkes-Barre, as organist and Funeral services will be held
and Temple University Dental ous nieces, nephews and cousins. choir director. He was the orga- Monday at 9:30 a.m. from the
School, where he graduated in Funeral was held May11at 9:30 nist-choirmaster of the Episco- Harold C. Snowdon Home for
1963. A U.S. Army veteran, he a.m. from the Wroblewski Funer- pal Church of Saint Clement Funerals, 420 Wyoming Ave.,
honorably served his country dur- al Home, Forty Fort, followed by and Saint Peter, Wilkes-Barre. Kingston, with a funeral ser-
ing the Vietnam War. Throughout a Mass of Christian Burial in Holy K at...
H appy Birth day
his time in the service, he held the Trinity Church, Swoyersville. In- If rosesgrow in H eaven Lord
rank of captain and was stationed
out of Fort Riley, KS, during the
years of 1963 to 1966. He was a
terment St. Mary’s Cemetery, Ha-
nover Township. To send an on-
line condolence, visit www.wro-
Get Jazzy #1 Physician Appro√ed
please pick a b u nch form e.
Place th em in m y sister’sarm s
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member of Holy Trinity Church. PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS Im issh er.
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His first dental assignment was in Memorial contributions may SCOOTERS • STAIR GLIDES • HOSPITAL BEDS • RAMPS place a k issu pon h erch eek
Factoryville in 1966. Later, he be made Frank’s memory to The Grab Bars and h old h erforaw h ile.
started his own dental practice in Michael J. Fox Foundation for Rem em b ering h eriseasy
Wyoming in 1968, and later relo- Parkinson’s Research, Church Ido itevery day.
Bu tth ere’san ach e w ith in
cated his practice to Forty Fort. Street Station, P.O. Box 780, NY, m y h eartth atw ill never
He held membership with the NY 10008-0780, or to Holy Trin- go aw ay.

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American Dental Society, the ity Church, 116 Hughes Street, FLEXIBLE MOBILITY Inc.

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Pennsylvania Dental Society and Swoyersville, 18704.

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the Luzerne County Dental So- 824-6620 • 1-800-214-9566



Eugene W. Wasickanin William L. Zeller, Sr.
May 5, 2011 May 10, 2011

Eugene ski and her husband, Joseph, of William L. employed in security at the Sun- ert, Trucksville; Darlene Lulo,
(Washington) West Wyoming; nephews, Eric Zeller Sr., 87, shine Market. Moosic; and Lisa Castanaro and
Wasickanin, Shymanski and his wife, Holly, formerly of Also preceding him in death her husband, Mike, Falls; 28
70, of Shick- of West Wyoming, and Chris Pittston, died was his wife, the former Betty grandchildren; numerous great-
shinny and Edi- Shymanski and his wife, Lisa, of May 10, 2011, Gleim Zeller; and sons Larry and great-great-grandchildren;
son, NJ, died Dillsburg; great-niece, Erin Shy- in the Highland and George Zeller. brothers, Larry Zeller, Palmyra;
May 5, 2011. manski; great-nephew, Kyle Manor Nursing Surviving are children Karen Lewis Zeller, Myerstown; Jim-
He was the son of the late An- Shymanski. and Convalescent Center, Exeter. Gruber and her husband, Bill, my Zeller, Mulberry, FL; sister,
drew and Frances (Washington) Visitation services were held Born in Newsmantown, he Fredericksburg; Sharon Shultz Dolores Hummel, Millbach;
Wasickanin. May 10 at the S.J. Grontkowski was a son of the late William and and her husband, Russ, King- nieces and nephews.
He was also preceded in death Funeral Home, Plymouth. Inter- Hattie Mae Meiser Zeller. He ston; William Zeller Jr., Leba- Funeral services were held
by his brothers, Bernard and Ed- ment St. Mary’s Maternity Cem- was a graduate of Millcreek non; Jeff Zeller and his wife, Au- May 14 in the Metcalfe and
ward. etery, West Wyoming. Township High School, class of drey, Inkerman; Cyndi Andros- Shaver Funeral Home, Wyom-
Surviving are his sisters, Visit www.sjgrontkowskifun- 1942, Newmanstown. He was a cavage and her husband, Char- ing, with the Rev. Frank Chorba,
Theresa, of Shickshinny and to submit condo- U.S. Army veteran of World War les, Inkerman; Marlene of the Apostolic Faith Tabernac-
Edison, NJ, Madeline Shyman- lences. II. Prior to his retirement, he was Garringer and her husband, Rob- le Church, officiating. .

Thomas M. Wall Paul E. Wasilius

May 11, 2011 May 11, 2011

Thomas M. Bruce; and one daughter, Mari- Paul E. Wasi- a position with General Electric. and Ann Johnson of Wyalusing.
Wall, 48, of na, at home; four brothers, Roger lius, 66, of He retired in July of 2004 after 30 A Celebration of Life was held
West Scranton, Wall and wife Donna, Pittston; Plains Town- years with the company. May 13 from McLaughlin’s,
died May 11, Jack Wall and wife Debbie, Pitt- ship, died May He is survived by his wife, the Wilkes-Barre, with Funeral Mass
2011, in the ston; Dan Wall and companion 11, 2011, at his former Patricia Woodruff; daugh- in the Church of Ss. Peter & Paul,
Hospice Unit Beth Hobbs, Avoca; and David home. ters,Joyceandherhusband,Joseph Plains Township. Interment St.
of the Scranton Wall, Pittston; four sisters, Mary Born June 3, Shonk, of Wilkes-Barre; Brigette Mary’s Cemetery, Hanover Town-
Regional Hospital. He and his Kay Wall, Pittston; Sherri Bou- 1944, in Nanticoke, he was a son of and her husband, Peter Moska, of ship.
wife, the former Robin "Nikkie" selli and husband Michael, the late Edward and Florence Ri- Pittston; and Cynthia Wasilius of Memorial donations may be
Walsh, celebrated their13th wed- Scranton; Debbie Wall and com- chards Wasilius. He was a 1962 Lancaster; grandchildren, Aman- made to Paralyzed Veterans of
ding anniversary May 31, 2010. panion Jerry Stanton, Spring- graduate of E.L. Meyers High da and Chrissy Shonk, Samantha America, 7 Mill Brook Dr., Wil-
Born in Pittston, he was a son brook Township; and Anita Sal- SchoolandservedintheU.S.Navy and Paul Moska, and Tiffanie and ton, NH 03086. Permanent mess-
of Aldina Brunetti Wall, of Pitt- itis and husband Jerry, Duryea; during the Vietnam Era. He was Peter Moska; brother, Edwin Wa- ages and memories can be shared
ston, and the late Joseph Wall. nieces, nephews, great-nieces, employed by the Bendix Corpora- silius of Trucksville; and sisters, withPaul’sfamilyatwww.celebra-
He was educated in Pittston great-nephews, aunts, uncles and tion for several years before taking PatriciaTannerofPlainsTownship
schools and was a graduate of cousins.
Pittston Area High School. Prior The funeral was held May 14
to his disability, he was employed from the Carl J. Savino Funeral
Janet M. Callan
by the New York Bronze Co. of Home, West Scranton, by Pastor May 6, 2011
Taylor. He was a member of Be- Joseph Santos of the Bethel Bap-
thel Baptist Church of West tist Church, West Scranton. In- Janet Marie Callan, of Du- York. from 2 to 3 p.m. at the Bernard
Scranton. terment Cathedral Cemetery. ryea, died May 6, 2011, at Geis- Surviving are her husband, J. Piontek Funeral Home, 204
He was also preceded in death Memorial contributions may inger Wyoming Valley Medi- George Callan; sons, Billy, Main St., Duryea. Interment
by two brothers, Ronald and Jo- be made to Amedisys Hospice cal Center, Plains Township. Larry, Karl and Tony Smith, Marcy Cemetery, Duryea.
seph. Services, Ste. No. 301, Plains Born in Brooklyn, NY, she and Buddy Callan; daughters,
Also surviving are one son, Township, 18705. was a daughter of the late Ar- Lillian and Kathy Smith, and
nold and Julia Poughfluski Na- Debbie Krouse; grandchildren;
hadil. Prior to her retirement, great-grandchildren. In Loving M em ory
Anthony R. Trotta she was employed by the Fred Viewing for family and Of
Astair Dance Studio, New friends will be held Monday
May 9, 2011

Anthony R. Trotta, 90, of Old Frank Trotta.

Forge, died May 9, 2011, in Moses
Taylor Hospital. He was the hus-
band of the former Carmella
Surviving are daughter, Angela
Thomas; son, Anthony A. Trotta;
grandchildren; sisters, Mary Lu-
Szu lew ski
Dante, who died in 1991. He
served as Mayor of the Borough
gin, Fina Borini, and Gemma
Trotta; nieces and nephews; and
5/15/26 -
of Old Forge from 1990 to 1994.
Born in Old Forge, he was a son
longtime companion, Vivian Au-
gustine. Funeral Home, Inc. 5/18/06
of the late Ralph and Angeline The funeral was held May 13 211 LUZERNE AVENUE 451 N. MAIN STREET Sadly M issed b y,
Genell Trotta. from the Ferri Funeral Home, Old WEST PITTSTON, PA WILKES-BARRE, PA

He was also preceded in death Forge, with Mass in St. Mary’s

Helena A. Morris, Supervisor H. Merritt Hughes, Supervisor W ife,Ch ildren

(570) 654-3471 (570) 823-6511

by sister, Mattie Venturi; and Church at Prince of Peace Parish. and Grandch ildren

brothers, Ralph, Michael, and Interment Old Forge Cemetery.



Social Section

Brides .................................1
Schools ...........................2-8


Mr. and Mrs. Pat Vernisi

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Collier Martin McGlynn and Kathleen Nese

United in Marriage Engaged to Wed United in Marriage

ristin Forlenza and Pat Vernisi were married October 23,
elissa Shinko and Jeremy Collier were united in mar- r. and Mrs. Robert C. Nese, Duryea, PA, are pleased to 2010 by Father Phillip Massetti at Our Lady of Mount
riage by the Rev. Joseph Sibilano on May 15, 2010 at St. announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of Carmel Church, Pittston.
Anthony’s Church, West Pittston. their daughter, Kathleen Maria Nese, to Martin Joseph The bride is the daughter of Marie and Vito Forlenza of Pitt-
The bride is the daughter of Robert and Joan Shinko, Harding. McGlynn, son of Anne Marie McGlynn and the late James ston. She is the granddaughter of Mary Forlenza and the late Al-
She is the granddaughter of Stanley Morkavage, Hughestown McGlynn Jr., Wilkes-Barre, PA. bert Forlenza of Pittston and the late Antoinette and Charles
and the late June Morkavage, Catherine Shinko and Paul Shinko. The bride-to-be is the granddaughter of Theresa Nese and the Mauceri of Old Forge. The groom is the son of Carla and Rocco
The groom is the son of Marion Collier, Gouldsboro. He is the late Joseph Nese Sr., Old Forge PA, and Rita Burns and the late Vernisi of King of Prussia, PA. He is the grandson of the late
grandson of the late Mabel and Ed Collier. Joseph D Burns, Avoca, PA. Clara and Giovanni Vernisi, Italy and the late Natalina and Pas-
The bride was given in marriage by her father. Melissa chose The prospective groom is the grandson of the late Helen and quale Gagliardi, Havertown, PA.
her sister Brianna Shinko, as maid of honor. She chose her best James McGlynn Sr., Wilkes-Barre, PA and the late Helen and The bride was given in marriage by her father. She chose her
friend Amanda Zupko, as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Louis Passetti, Ashley, PA. friend and sister of the groom Diana Gulick, as matron of honor.
Francesca Pirrello, cousin of the bride and Samantha Shinko, sis- Kathleen graduated from Pittston Area High School in 2001. Bridesmaids were Claudia Forlenza and Jamie Forlenza, sisters-
ter-in-law of the bride. The groom chose his friend Ray Knight as She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from in-law of the bride, Amber Garner and Maria Turco, friends of the
his best man. Groomsmen were Matt Collier, brother of the East Stroudsburg University in 2005. She is perusing her master’s bride; and Nicole Vernisi, sister-in-law of the groom. Flower girls
groom, Robert Shinko, brother of the bride and Doug Zupko, degree in social work at Marywood University. She is employed were Isabella Forlenza and Madison Vernisi, nieces of the couple.
friend of the bride and groom. at Luzerne County Children and Youth Services, Wilkes-Barre, The groom chose his brothers Rocco Vernisi, Jr and Paul Verni-
An evening cocktail hour and reception was held at the Regal PA. She is also employed at Smokey Bones restaurant in Wilkes- si as best men. Groomsmen were Michael Forlenza and Vito For-
Room, Olyphant. A rehearsal dinner was given by the mother of Barre, PA. lenza, brothers of the bride. Michael Gulick, brother-in-law of the
the groom at Grotto Pizza, Wilkes-Barre. The bride was honored Martin graduated from G.A.R. Memorial High School in 2002. groom and Brendan Bell, cousin of the groom. The groom’s ne-
with a bridal shower given by her mother and bridal party at the He is employed at Cintas in Drums, PA. phew, Roman Vernisi, served asring bearer.
Wyoming Hose Company #2. A July wedding is planned at Saint Mary’s Church, Avoca, Pa. Scriptural readings were narrated by Lisa Bell, aunt of the
The bride is a 2001 graduate of Wyoming Area High School groom, Lou Gagliardi, uncle of the groom; and Ryan Kolbmann,
and a 2005 graduate of Luzerne County Community College friend of the groom. Gifts were offered by Mary and Charles Sca-
where she earned as A.A.S. degree in Surgical Technology. Me- rantino, godparents of the bride. Musical selections were per-
lissa is employed at Community Medical Center, Scranton as a formed by Diana Ranieli, vocalist; Judy Samartzis, organist; Jack
Certified Sterile Processing Technician. Martin, trumpet soloist and Lynn Hurst, violinist.
The groom is a 1996 graduate of Scranton High School and a A bridal shower was hosted by the mother and grandmother of
2001 graduate of Penn State University where he earned a B.S. the bride at Fox Hill Country Club, Exeter. The parents of the
degree in Electrical Engineering. Jeremy is employed at Mercer groom hosted a rehearsal dinner at La Cucina Restaurant, Dun-
Sales and Service, Clarks Summit as a Service Technician. more. Following Father Massetti’s beautiful ceremony, the couple
Following a honeymoon to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, was joined by friends and family at an evening reception hosted
the couple resides in Dunmore. by the bride’s parents at the Lackawanna Station Hotel, Scranton.
Welcome to the Party Band provided dinner music and evening
The couple are 2001graduates of Penn State University. Kristin
received a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Biobehavioral Health.
She is employed by Independence Blue Cross in Philadelphia as a
Senior Public Health Educator. The groom received a Bachelor’s
of Science degree from the Smeal College of Business in Man-
agement Science and Information Systems. He is employed by
Broder Brothers, Company in Philadelphia s a Network Engi-
Following a honeymoon in Riviera Maya, Mexico, the couple
resides in Philadelphia, PA.

Haley Anita Karboski

Celebrates Christening
en and Nicole Karboski are pleased to announce the
Christening of their daughter Haley Anita Karboski on
March 20, 2011 at Holy Rosary Church in Duryea, Penn-
Haley’s grandparents are Joseph and Eileen Balchune and Leo-
Ed and Claire Gromelski nard and the late Anita Karboski. Godparents of Haley are Joseph
Balchune Jr. and Robin Chernouskas.
50th Anniversary
d and Claire Gromelski of Duryea will celebrated their
50th wedding anniversary, Friday, May 20.
They were married May 20 1961 in Sacred Heart of Je-
Old Forge H.S. to Owen Alberto Costa

New Arrival
hold art show
sus Church by the Rev. Francis Merkel. They were attended by
Jack Morris (deceased), Joseph Komensky, Joseph Barlik, Do-

rothy Keeler Hastie, Clara Nardone Scavo, Pat Struzzeri Ralston
(deceased), and Mary Jo Komensky Schmaltz. ason and Melissa Costa, Old Bridge, New Jersey, proudly
Mrs. Gromelski is the daughter of the late Andrew and Marga- announce the birth if their son, Owen Alberto Costa. Luke
The students of Old Forge aged to attend the reception and
ret Bauman Komensky. Mr. Gromelski is the son of the late Ed- was born at Centra State Medical Center in Freehold, New
High School will be exhibiting talk to the artists about their
mund and Matilda Gawrys Gromelski. Prior to retirement he was Jersey on Wednesday, April 27 at11:16 p.m. He weighed 5 pounds
their artwork at the New Visions work. Refreshments will be
Branch manager of G.A.B. Robbins Insurance Adjusters. Gallery at 201 Vine Street in served. The reception will also 8 ounces and was 19 inches long.
The couple has three children, Ed and wife Annette, Jim and Scranton from May 24 to May feature live student musical per- Owen’s grandparents are Anthony and Celia Lacina, West
wife Lisa, Janice and husband Frank. They have eight grandchil- 29, with an artist reception on formances and poetry readings. Wyoming and Carlos and Luisa Costa, Millstone Township, New
dren, Eddie, Andrew and Elizabeth Krista, Matthew and Morgan, Friday, May 27 from 6-9 p.m. The gallery is open 12-6 p.m. Jersey. Owen has a big brother, Luke Anthony, who is two years
Justin and Jonathon Tonte. Family and friends are encour- Tuesday-Sunday. old.


Pittston and Wyoming Areas join together for mock accident


Students learn big lesson Wyoming Area went there to Wyoming Area. Several police
By: Kathleen Prest view the accident. cars, ambulances, firefighters, of Life” were used to free the in an accident, so school offi- sponders coming to the acci-
On Thursday May 5, Pittston Students from both clubs and the county coroner were students from the vehicles. The cials agreed to hold this before dent. Pictured at bottom left is
Area’s Stand Tall Club and participated by being painted there, as well as a life flight students got a firsthand view of prom to make students aware Pittston Area senior Katie
Wyoming Area’s S.A.D.D. up to look like they had really helicopter, responding as if it what would really happen in of the dangers of driving under Joyce reacting to news of the
Club joined together to present been in the accident with fake had been a real crash would the case of a severe accident. the influence. accident. At bottom right is
a mock accident. It was held at cuts and bruises. Eleven stu- have been. Each year around prom sea- All photos were taken by "accident victim" Billy Ardo-
the Pittston Area Senior High dents were involved, five from Juniors and seniors gathered son, many teen lives are taken John Lombardo, a senior at PA. line (senior) is taken to an am-
School and students from Pittston Area and six from around to watch as the “Jaws because they had been involved Top photos show first re- bulance.

Miseri speech-language pathology student organization receives awards

The Misericordia University nold, Beaver, Pa.; Marissa Cir-
National Student Speech-Lan- rilla, Rutherford, N.J.
guage and Hearing Association Second row: Kelsey Davis,
Chapter (NSSLHA) received Clarks Summit, Pa.; Kayla Dar-
the NSSLHA Membership cey, Hillsdale, N.J.; Sarah Col-
Award and Chapter of the Year lins, Stowe, Pa.; Debbie Kortze,
Award at the 2011 Pennsylvania Bernville, Pa.; Hazley Williams,
Speech-Language and Hearing Bloomsburg, Pa.; Gina Grant,
Association convention in Pitts- National Park, N.J.; Kim Walsh,
burgh, Pa. Laflin, Pa.; Katie Gabriele,
The MU chapter received the Plains Township, Pa.; Abby
Membership Award for having Mitchell, Hughestown, Pa.
the most active student mem- Third row, Brianne Lavelle,
bers. Misericordia’s NSSLHA Ridgefield, N.J.; Brianna
Chapter has 143 active mem- McLaughlin, Dallas, Pa.; Claire
bers, an increase of nine mem- Cellary, Gloversville, N.Y.; Jil-
bers for one year ago. lian Dunn, Ashley, Pa.; Katie
The Chapter of the Year Kugler, Wyoming, Pa.; Ashley
Award was presented to MU’s Zimmerman, East Stroudsburg,
student organization based on Pa.; Nicole Weaver, Gap, Pa.
members’ exceptional service. Fourth row, Amanda Under-
Students in the organization, for singer, Flordia, N.Y.; Hillary
example, raised money and do- Hoover, Trucksville, Pa.; Lori
nated 100 comfort blankets in Cimino, assistant professor of
support of children in Ecuador; speech-language pathology;
educated high school students Kristen Mixon, Garden City,
about the field of speech-lan- N.Y.; Sarah Castaldi, Scranton,
guage pathology; administered Pa.; Amanda Tomaselli, Trucks-
preschool speech-language and ville, Pa.; Meghan Kenney,
hearing screenings; provided Woodbury, Conn.; Laura Ben-
hearing screenings at a Senior nett, Dingmans Ferry, Pa.; Cas-
Expo; made care package for events. secretary; and Jill Cline, Heller- Year Award at the recent Penn- Pa.; Kristin Hoffman, Douglass- sie Foy, Southbury, Conn.; Sa-
troops overseas; and raised Officers for the Misericordia town, Pa., treasurer. sylvania Speech-Language- ville, Pa.; Haley Ellis, Bangor, rah Nelson, Morris Plains, N.J.;
money in support of a rain wa- University NSSLHA Chapter The Misericordia University Hearing Association convention Pa.; Ambria Andrasi, Shick- Emily Stokes, Dillsburg, Pa.
ter harvesting project in the vil- are Mary Kate Baran, Bethle- National Student Speech-Lan- in Pittsburgh, Pa. Members of shinny, Pa.; Mary Kate Baran, Fifth row, Kim Hartman, Dal-
lage of Aangre Kond, Taluka hem, president; Ambria Andra- guage and Hearing Association NSSLHA, first row from left, Bethlehem, Pa.; Jill Cline, Hel- las, Pa.; Frank Nutt, Montgom-
Mahad, India. Overall, the chap- si, Shickshinny, Pa.; vice presi- Chapter received the Member- are Katie Lawlor, Hillsdale, lertown, Pa.; Victoria Florman, ery, N.Y.; and Sara Petersen,
ter participated in 21 service dent; Haley Ellis, Bangor, Pa., ship Award and Chapter of the N.J.; Abigail Bomboy, Dallas, Prospect, Conn.; Heather Ar- Beachwood, N.J.

Holy Redeemer High School

names Diocesan Scholars
Four Holy Redeemer High School students have been selected as Diocesan Scholars, enabling them
to take college level courses at King’s College this summer. Students selected are juniors who have
demonstrated maturity of character, academic excellence, and leadership potential. The program is
sponsored by the Diocese of Scranton.
Students may take college courses as electives during the summer, fall, and/or spring semesters,
earning credits toward both high school and college graduation.
Holy Redeemer Diocesan Scholars, seated from left: Allison Muth, Wilkes-Barre; Stephanie Amen-
dola, Mountaintop. Standing: Mrs. Anita Sirak, principal; Elsbeth Turcan, Exeter; Rachel Simon,
Hughestown; Mr. Robert Musso, director of guidance.


Kelli Davis Happy Birthday! Benjamin Aaron San-

guedolce celebrated his
Kelli Sharon Davis, first birthday, May 12. He
daughter of Mike and Stop by or mail your birthday photo to: is the son of A.J. and Amy
Wendy Davis, Dupont, Sanguedolce, Exeter.
celebrated her fifth birth- The Sunday Dispatch Ben is the grandson of
day Saturday, May 14. 109 New Street Matt and Virginia Szum-
Maternal grandparents Pittston, PA 18640 ski, Dupont and Sam and
are Michael and Aileen
Rose Sanguedolce, Hugh-
Bigar, Clarks Summit. Pictures can run in black and white for $2 or color for $10.
Paternal grandparents are estown. He is the great
Deadline is Wednesday at 5 p.m., but space is limited, so pictures grandson of Josie and the
Bill and the late Sharon will be published on a first-come, first-served basis. Any ques-
Davis, Dupont. Maternal late John Endres, Avoca,
tions, please call 602-0168. the late Chester and Eve-
great grandmother is Jane
Courtright, Clarks Sum- Checks can be made payable to The Sunday Dispatch. lyn Szumski, Dupont, An-
mit. gelo and Adele Grieco,
Kelli will be graduating Pittston Twp and the late
from Humpty Dumpty brated his first Leonard and Jennie San-
Kollege and attending birthday on Friday, guedolce, Pittston.
Pittston Area Kindergar- May 13. They are Benjamin has a brother,
ten in the Fall. Kelli has a the sons of John and Jack, three years old. A
brother, Timmy and a sis- Jennifer Tetlak of Benjamin Sanguedolce party is being held to mark the
ter, Samantha Space. Dupont. occasion.
Grandparents are
Frank and Laura
Maura Milewski Guasto, Pittston Sophie Brooke
and Jack and Ma- Middleton, daughter
Maura Elizabeth Mile- rion Tetlak, Du- of Brooks and Kim
wski celebrated her first pont. Great grand- Middleton, West Pitt-
birthday on May 11. She mother is Ann Tet-
ston, celebrated her
is the daughter of Steven lak, Dupont.
Frankie and Joh- first birthday May 4.
and Sarah Milewski, Sophie is the
Duryea. no have an older
brother Christian, granddaughter of
Grandparents are Tho- Michael and Betty
mas and Cathy Wasko, seven years old,
who is also pictured Ann Capizzi, West
Port Griffith and Eugene Pittston; Larry and
and AnnMarie Mile- Rosemary Slifer, Jim
Parties were held
wski, Dupont. She is the to mark their spe- Thorpe; and great
great granddaughter of cial days granddaughter of
Mildred Wasko Nissen,
Pittston and Margaret Tetlak brothers Frankie is a student at Ben
Franklin Kindergarten Center
Mae McCue, Pittston
Milewski, Dupont. celebrate birthdays and plays tee ball for the Avoca/ Sophie is pictured
A party will be held Dupont Little League with her big sister,
to mark the occasion. Frankie (standing in photo) Johno enjoys Elmo and Isabel, who received
celebrated his sixth birthday on spending time with his big First Holy Commu-
Thursday, May 5. Johno cele- brothers Sophie Middleton nion on May 7.

Abigail Kolessar
Abigail Rose Ko-
lessar will turn 10, to- Intermediate Center holds spring band concert
morrow, May 16. She
is the daughter of
Mike and Cathy Ko-
Her grandparents
are Jude and Cathe-
rine Trzcinski, Tom
Kolessar and the late
RoseMary Kolessar.
Abigail is a fourth
grade student at
Wyoming Area Ca-
tholic. Abigail has a
sister Nicole and
brother Michael.

Alex Macaluso
Alex Macaluso, son of
Kevin and Charlene Ma-
caluso, Pittston celebrat-
ed his sixth birthday on
Friday, May 13.
Maternal grandpar-
ents are Leo McGarry,
Inkerman and the late
Ruthie McGarry. Pater-
nal grandparents are
Charles and Gloria Ma-
caluso, Pittston. On Thursday, May 12, the Pitt- ranged from a standard march to Johnson, Emily Cox, Megan Row three: Mr. Eric Sperazza,
Alex is in kindergarten ston Area Intermediate Center rock and roll. Florio, and Sela Simko. Row Jesse Thorne, Emily McKeel,
and has a brother Mat- Band held its Spring Band Con- Pictured are the Intermediate two: Brianna Armitage, Sarah Scarlet Alexander, Ryanna
thew, eight years old. cert. The show consisted of full Center soloists from left to right. Pontier, Jimmie Dillon, Evan El- Hickey, Patrick Dawid, Hannah
band, advanced band, honors In row one are Joseph Jones, ko, Meghan Smith, Alexandria Robbins,Anjelica Singer, and
band, and soloists, and the music Matthew Costello, Brianna Bartoli, and Emily Cruthers. Lydia Ameen.

Cookie Corner students visit Pittston Memorial Library

sitting left to right are Blake El- nowski, Natalia DeSena and shown in the background. Class-
ick, Tyler Sciandra, Tristan Vis- Matthew Rutkoski. Last row room teacher is Mrs. Joan Ur-
neski and Christian Abromov- standing: Brennan Smith, Owen ban: assistants are Mrs. Doris
age. Kneeling second row: Savi- Klaproth, Mario Belza, Renee Conant and Mrs. Theresa Guzik.
no Sabatini, Emily Kostik, Haddock, Anthony DeLucca, There are a limited number of
The morning four-year-old to the class along with a felt growth charts for each child Phaedra Erzar, Juliana Gonzales Colby Walsh and Cole Bradley openings for the fall in this age
Nursery School class visited the board activity. The tour included concluded the tour. Transporta- and Sarah Gallagher. Standing: Pictured at right is the group group along with the three-year-
Pittston Library. Mrs. Lisa Mus- an explanation of the book-drop. tion was provided by a school Brady Mullin, Max Bowen, Mi- shown enjoying a snack and old class. Interested parents are
to coordinated the program A snack was provided by the li- bus. chael Janosky, Nina Callahan, drink provided by the library. asked to call the school for more
which included reading a story brary and the distribution of Pictured at left in the first row, Nina Barrouk, Alexis Roma- Parents acting as chaperones are information.


Holy Rosary ‘Buddies’ celebrate the Easter Season with activities

Since the Easter season lasts National History Day
for fifty days in our church cal- Congratulations
endar (until June 12), our pre- Congratulations to our stu-
school class has plenty of time dents from our sixth grade who
to celebrate the season. They re- competed this week at the Na-
cently dyed Easter eggs with tional History Day state level
their “Buddies” from the sixth competition. The students spent
grade. Both classes had fun both two days presenting their pro-
dying the eggs and developing jects at Millersville University
friendships with each other. The and had a wonderful time. Our
dying of the eggs was the start thanks to their parents for their
of the most Holy Week in the support and to our junior high
church. The Pre-K class has just history teacher, Miss Mary
completed learning the Stations Smee, for all the time and ener-
of the Cross along with making gy spent preparing them for this
their own Station book, and the competition.
eighth grade students re-enacted
the Living Stations. Race for Education
Shown in the picture are stu- Thanks to our Race for Edu-
dents from Mrs. Simkulak’s cation committee for the won- picked up on Friday, May 20 af- change in schedule. Gift certif-
tatives of United Healthcare Labels & Box Tops
Pre-K class and Mrs. Casey’s derful event this past week. Stu- ter noon in the school auditori- icates will be filled on Wednes-
Community Plan and Williams Campbell’s Soup labels and
sixth grade. dents from preschool to eighth Transco-Pipeline to our school.
um. day, May 25 instead of Thurs- Box Tops for Education are be-
grade had a great time. Special The Bridge Foundation, through day, May 27. Please send in or- ing collected at Holy Rosary
Confirmation Information thanks to chairperson Ruth Beach Party/ Dance
the support of these companies, ders that week on Tuesday. The School. These programs enable
We ask God’s blessings on our Nawrocki. The race is an enor- The annual Holy Rosary regular schedule will resume the
will present donations of over us to provide educational re-
Nativity of Our Lord parishion- mous undertaking and we ap- School “End of Year” school following week. Two new stores
$32,000 in scholarship money sources that may be unafforda-
ers and school students who will preciate her time and effort event will be held on Friday, have been added to the preorder
to families in Luzerne and ble through our regular budget.
receive the sacrament of Confir- May 20. Holy Rosary School list – Crazy 8 and Talbot’s. Both
Lackawanna counties through They offer exciting merchandise
mation on Thursday, May 19, Holy Redeemer System Golf families with students in pre- are available in $25.00 denom-
Pennsylvania’s Educational Im- like computers, software, sports
2011 in Holy Rosary Church. As Tournament school through fourth grade will inations. If you wish to order
provement Tax Credit (EITC) equipment, reference materials,
they approach this most impor- Best wishes to the Holy Re- enjoy a beach party from 5:00 to them, write them on your form
program. We are honored to science and art items, even mu-
tant day, we thank all those who deemer System Golf Committee 7:00 in the school auditorium. until the updated forms are
welcome also Representative sical instruments. Please contin-
brought them to this day. as they “tee off ” tomorrow at The dance for students in grades available. For St. Mary’s As-
Mike Carroll, Senator John ue your support of these pro-
There will be a mandatory Blue Ridge Trail Golf Club in five through eight will be held sumption families who are at-
Blake and Senator John Yudi- grams by sending in your labels
practice for all candidates who Mountaintop. We are grateful from 7:30 to 9:30. The cost is tending Holy Rosary in 2011-
chak and we thank them for to the school office or by plac-
will be receiving the sacrament for their work in support of Ca- $3.00 per person and $10.00 for 2012 school year – voucher
their support of this most impor- ing them in the church vesti-
of Confirmation in Nativity of tholic education in the Holy Re- a family of four. Thanks to all forms are available in your
tant program. They will join bule.
Our Lord parish on May 19. The deemer System. You scored a who worked so hard to make school office.
Mrs. Mary Tigue, our Assistant If you have any questions,
practice will be held on Mon- “hole in one” for us, and we this event the fun time it will be.
Superintendent, and representa- Please return them to your please contact the school’s of-
day, May 16 from 6:30 to 8:00. thank you. tives from several of our dioce- school office by Tuesday and fice. Also, please check labels
Candidates should report to the Gift Certificates
san elementary schools at the they will be filled on Thursday for expiration dates. They can
school auditorium. Robes will Welcome Bridge Education presentation ceremony. Gift certificate orders will be and returned to your school for be sent in immediately and
be distributed and last minute Foundation filled this week in the Holy Ros- distribution Thursday afternoon. processed before they expire;
reminders will be given to the On Tuesday, we welcome Geranium Pickup ary Church Hall on Thursday If you have any questions, you there is no need to wait until you
students. members of the Bridge Educa- Geranium orders may be from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. The fol- may contact Teresa at 457-9001. accumulate a quantity.
tional Foundation and represen- lowing week, there will be a

Old Forge fifth graders raising money for pediatric cancer

The Old Forge fifth grade stu- schools from around the world to Our fifth grade students will
dents are participating in some- raise awareness and money for be holding a one day lemonade
thing very special to them. This pediatric cancer research. It is a stand during recess to raise funds
project celebrates the idea that two week project that kicked off on May 18 during recess (11:15 - will be volunteering to read a grades. Our students will be weeks and ending with a Wrap-
just one kid can make a differ- with an interactive video confer- 1:30). Fifth grade students will book written by Alex and her blogging with other school par- Up Celebration Video confer-
ence. Old Forge is joining ence on Friday, May 6. be entering a poster contest and parents to all of the elementary ticipants throughout the two ence on May 20 at 11:00 a.m.

Wyoming Seminary presents annual Student Farewell Recital

The Wyoming Seminary Up- ners. The concert will feature 13 South Korea; James Curtis, per- oul, South Korea; Johnny Cul- Misericordia and Wilkes Uni- Weill, Vieuxtemps, Moore,
per School Fine and Performing student musicians performing cussion, Dallas; Danielle Sekel, ver, tenor, Newark, N.J.; Jezza versity will accompany the stu- Monti, Alan, Severn and Wil-
Arts Department will present the classical and vocal music and is alto and xylophone, Harding; Malik, tenor, Shavertown; Josh- dents. son.
annual Farewell Recital on Fri- free and open to the public. Constanze Huenting, violin, ua McLucas, bass, Chambers- The students will perform This performance is the final
day, May 27 at 4:00 p.m. in the The students are Molly Allen, Rhede, Germany; Meghan Hou- burg; and Jonathan Vojtko, bass, classical compositions and event of the 2010-11 Wyoming
Great Hall of Wyoming Semina- soprano, Mountain Top; Jacob rigan, soprano, Mountain Top; Wyoming. songs from Broadway musicals, Seminary Performing Arts Se-
ry, 228 Wyoming Avenue, King- Baker, baritone, Shavertown; Yun Ji Ro, violin, Daegu, South Tsukasa Mizuguchi Waltich, featuring composers such as ries. For more information call
ston, just north of Kingston Cor- Eujean Cheong, violin, Seoul, Korea; Sun Ho Lee, piano, Se- professor of music at College Mozart, Haydn, Donaudy, Kraft, 270-2190.

Holy Redeemer student participates in State Honors Chorus

Monica Theroux, a junior at Holy Re-
deemer High School, was one of 240 vocal-
ists in the state to participate in the 2011
PMEA (Pennsylvania Music educators As-
sociation) Honors Chorus at Lancaster Bible
Students are selected to participate based
on competitions held throughout the school and make your
year. Monica also participated in district and dream of a
regional chorus festivals. The daughter of Dr. great smile a
John and Mary Theroux, she is a resident of
reality with
The Honors Chorus is held in conjunction
with the PMEA’s annual music in-service
conference. Guest conductor for the public
concert was Dr. Christopher Kiver, choral di-
rector from Penn State University.
Standing is Monica Theroux. At the piano For more information
or to schedule a
is Ann Manganello, chorus director, Holy complimentary
Redeemer High School. consultation call us at

Find us on

Get your virtual smile makeover at

210 Carverton Road, Trucksville


School menus for the week Breakfast available daily - As- ed hoagies and wraps. Soup, Applesauce Cubs. Alternate entrée Cheese es, mixed fruit.
of May 16 sorted whole grain cereals w/ This weeks specials: High and Tuesday – Pizza & Ice Cream sandwich or PBJ or 4 oz yogurt Tuesday- A. Chicken Fajita w/
toast, breakfast pizza, buttered Middle Schools- Wednesday – Spaghetti, Meat- and Animal Crackers all w/ lettuce, tomato, salsa, sour
Pittston Area toast. Pizza balls, Roll, Applesauce choice of string cheese or sun- cream. B. Buffalo chicken sub.
Kindergarten, Primary and Middle and High Schools Monday -Hot chicken wing Thursday – Chicken Tenders, flower seeds. Breakfast: Bagel C. Ham and cheese hoagie w/let-
Intermediate Center Monday –Pork BBQ hoagie, Tuesday and Thursday -Pep- Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Green w/jelly, cereal, juice, milk tuce, tomato. D. Rib-a-que,
Monday –Sloppy Joe on bun, broccoli, peaches, low fat milk peroni Beans, Roll, Peaches Thursday -Chicken fryz/dip- cheeseburger or chicken patty
or cheeseburger on bun, baked Tuesday–Chicken or beef taco Wednesday -Fresh tomato Friday – Grilled Cheese pin sauce, bread mashed pota- on bun. Sides:Fresh veggies,
fries, pears, low fat milk. Break- salad, baked chips, wheat bread, white pizza toes/gravy, garden green peas, ranch dip, tortilla chips/salsa,
fast: French toast sticks 100% corn, mixed fruit, low fat milk. Friday -Hot chicken wing Wyoming Area jigglin Jell-O. Alternate Cheese peaches.
fruit juice, low fat milk Wednesday –Macaroni & Elementary
Weekly specials: High School sandwich or PBJ or 4 oz yogurt Wednesday -A. Nacho’s
Tuesday –Cheese steak hoagie cheese, bread slice, stewed to- - Panini Monday-Penne pasta w/meat- and Animal Crackers all w/ Grade w/beef taco, double
or hot dog on bun, corn, pineap- matoes, pears, low fat milk balls or pasta w/butter all w/
Monday -steak and cheese choice of string cheese or sun- cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa
ple, low fat milk. Breakfast: Thursday –Hot turkey sand- Tuesday -Hot chicken & string cheese, bread, tossed sal- flower seeds. Breakfast-Bagel and sour cream. B. Parmesan
Ham, egg and cheese on bagel wich with gravy, stuffing, car- cheese ad/dressing, Minute Maid Juice muffin, cereal, fruit juice, milk chicken wrap w/cheese, lettuce,
100% fruit juice, low fat milk rots, mandarin oranges, low fat Bar. Alternate Cheese sandwich
Wednesday -Ham and cheese Friday -Fresh cheese pizza or tomato. C. White French bread
Wednesday –Macaroni & milk Thursday -Hot chicken &or PBJ or 4 oz yogurt and Ani- pepperoni pizza, tossed salad/ pizza. D. Rib-a-que, cheeseburg-
cheese or grilled cheese sand- Friday –Pierogie pizza, green cheese mal Crackers all w/choice of dressing, tortilla chips/salsa, er or chicken patty on bun.
wich, green beans, peaches, low beans, pineapple tidbits, low fat string cheese or sunflower seeds
Friday - Turkey and cheddar diced pears, Curious George Sides: Green beans, spiral fries,
fat milk. Breakfast: Pancakes milk Breakfast-New warm honey
Monday -Egg & cheese on ba- Fruit snack,. Alternate Cheese applesauce.
with syrup 100% fruit juice, low Daily at High School - Favor- bun, cereal, fruit juice, milk
gel or French toast sticks with sandwich or PBJ or 4 oz yogurt Thursday - A. Baked chicken
fat milk. ites - Plain Pizza. - syrup Tuesday-Cheeseburger on bun and Animal Crackers all w/ fryz, bread. B. Mash potato bowl
Thursday –Rib-a-que on bun Grill Specials - Cheeseburg- or chicken patty on bun, side of
Tuesday -Sausage & cheese choice of string cheese or sun- w/chicken, corn, gravy, cheese,
or chicken patty on bun, mashed ers, Buffalo chicken patties, Pa- pierogies, pickle slices, peaches.
on English muffin or scrambled flower seeds. Breakfast-French w/biscuit. C. Hot pork sandwich.
potatoes & gravy, mandarin or- nini Sandwiches, grilled chicken eggs with toast Alternate Cheese sandwich or toast w/syrup, cereal, fruit juice, D. Rib-a-que, cheeseburger or
anges, low fat milk, Breakfast: patties and chicken fajita PBJ or 4 oz yogurt and Animal
Wednesday - Pancakes with milk chicken patty on bun. Sides:
Scrambled eggs & toast 100% Deli Specials: Salad assorted Crackers all w/choice of string
syrup or egg, bacon and cheese Secondary Center Mashed potatoes/gravy, garden
fruit juice, low fat milk "made to order" hoagies and on bagel. cheese or sunflower seeds Mondaya. Penne pasta w/ green peas, jigglin Jell-O.
Friday -Pasta with meat sauce, wraps. Breakfast-Scrambled eggs w/
Thursday – Breakfast pizza or meatballs or butter cheese, Friday -A. Cheese or peppero-
or fish patty on bun, peas, fruit Daily at Middle School - Fa- egg and cheese on bagel bacon, whole wheat toast, fruit bread. B. Santa Fe salad w/ ni pizza. B. Grilled cheese sand-
medley, low fat milk vorites - Plain Pizza; juice, milk
Friday –Waffles with syrup or grilled chicken, tortilla strips & wich, taco soup. C. Spicy chick-
Weekly choices -Turkey wrap, Grill Specials - Cheeseburg- ham and cheese on bagel Wednesday -BBQ rib-a-que, Santa-Fe ranch dressing. C. Veal en snack-wrap. D. Rib-a-que,
Chicken Caesar Salad, tuna ers, hot dogs, Buffalo chicken or grilled cheese sandwich, car- parm side pasta. D. Rib-a-que, cheeseburger or chicken patty
sandwich ,Ham and cheese hoa- patties, grilled chicken patties St. Mary’s Assumption rots, celery, broccoli/dip, tomato cheeseburger or chicken patty on bun. Sides: Tossed salad
gie. and chicken fajita. Monday –Turkey & Cheese soup, saltine crackers, cinnamon on bun. Sides: A CD - tossed sal- /dressing, baked colossal fries,
plain pizza available daily. Deli Specials - salads, assort- Sandwich, Chicken Noodle applesauce, Cinnamon Teddy ad/dressing B&D potato wedg- diced pears.

WA Secondary Center to conduct emergency evacuation drill

Wyoming Area Secondary cy Evacuation drill on Wednes- advised: emergency vehicles Center and the high school Streets in West Pittston. Students Streets for the drill. Rain date
Center will conduct an Emergen- day, May 18 at 9 a.m. Please be will be present at the Secondary sports fields on Second and Erie will be using Memorial and Erie will be Thursday, May 19.

Wyoming Area High School announces third marking honor roll

Mr. Vito Quaglia, Principal of Amy Lynn Alder, Madeleine gail Thornton, Brittney Win- cawley Brown, Alyssa Cajka, Lopatka, Alexa Malloy, Lauren Mark O’Hara, Salvatore Polit-
Wyoming Area High School, Ambruso, Julia Banas, Marcys- sock, Brian Wisowaty, Gared Karisa Calvitti, Ryan Carey, Jes- Maloney, Evan Musto, Abby Moran, Evan Rider, Amber Rod-
announces the students who sa Brown, Cecelia Chisdock, Zaboski. sica Dauber, David Dorbad, Orth, Nina Owen, Maria Pellic- da, Courtney Sadowski, Jared
qualified for the Honor Roll for Carlane Costello, Juliana De- Tenth Grade, High Honors Alex Ellsworth, Holly Ference, cia, Carmen Randazzo, Julianna Saporito, Emily Shemanski, Er-
the second marking period end- Nardi, Joshua Donvito, Emily John Bankus, Gabrielle Bo- Alaina Gercak, Michelle Gitkos, Scappaticci, Zachary Scrobola, ic Smith, Stephanie Spudis, Ka-
ing April 19, 2011. The following Endres, Destini Esposito, Chas- han, Victoria Brown, Gregory Michelle Golden, Debra Gross, Nikki Sellitto, Zachary Syp- tie Tibus, Erik Walkowiak, Tyler
policy adopted by the Wyoming lyn Facciponti, Dominick For- Cajka, Michael Carey, Andrew Linnae Homza, Ronald Klepa- niewski, Johnathan Urban, Wrubel, Jacob Wysocki, Eliza-
Area Board of School Directors lenza, Abigail Gibbs, Sergey Coco, Nicholas Esposito, Casey dlo, Kayla Kross, Sarah Mack, Shaun Vazquez, Olivia White, beth Zekas, Jordan Zezza.
will be utilized as the criteria for Gnilopyat, Nikolas Gushka, Kasisky, Kaitlyn Kross, Zachary Brianna Mikolaichik, Amy No- Samantha Williams. Eleventh Grade, Honors
selection of the high school hon- Tanner Johnson, Olivia Katulka, Lanunziata, Brittany Lemardy, vak, Jessica Olejnik, Alecia Pa- Ninth Grade, Honors Alexandra Amico, Christina
or roll. Amber Kuharchik, Zoe Laporte, Maria Marianacci, Andrew nuski, Samantha Scott, Tia Britney Benkoski, Amanda Argenio, Nicholas Bartoli, Mor-
HIGH HONORS: A student Geneva Laviska, Anthony Len- Morrison, Dylan Pegg, Abby Spagnuolo, Kevin Thornton, Bialy, Kyle Borton, Stephanie gan Bilbow, Amber Bolton, Kyle
must receive a quality point av- kaitis, Maria Marcum, John Raieski, Angela Raieski, Stormy Caitlin Vitale, Alyssa Zekoski. Brown, Brian Buckman, Cody Brogan, Sarah Crake, Alyssa
erage of 3.75 or higher. Marianacci, Melissa Mazzitelli, Ruiz, Brittani Shearer, Leslie Seventh Grade, Honors Colarusso, Sally Deluca, Jaclyn Crawford, Michael Gentile,
HONORS: A student must re- Justin Palovchak, Victoria Pen- Shumlas, Rachael Stark, Wil- Robert Acacio, Mackenzie DeNardi, Jonathan Gamble, Ju- Kimberly Golden, Naomi Hand-
ceive a quality point of 3.50 or nington, Mia Ashley Perrino, liam Weiss, IV, Devaney Wood. Bilbow, Ryan Burton, Ian Chan- lia Gober, Jamie Hannis, Kathe- zelek, Jordan Johnston, Michael
higher. Rachel Polacheck, Jude Polit- Eleventh Grade, High Hon- dler, Kareemah Condry, Mat- rine Harrison, Matthew Hine, Kohut, III, Leah Laneski, Kyle
Seventh Grade, High Hon- Moran, Carrie Pozaic, Emma ors thew Dovidas, Blaise Erzar, Mi- Steven Huntz, Ariana Keller, Lanunziata, Emily Letoski,
ors Ramage, Sara Romanowski, Johanna Abend, Trevor Alder, kayla Klimas, Lindsey Klinges, Raelana Scaltz, Keegan Tho- Kaitlin Maguire, Gianna Mar-
Joseph Buczynski, Matthew Lauren Sokirka, Haley Stack- John Barcelon, David Bonomo, Klaryssa Kolbeck, Maria Mar- mas, Christopher Wall. ranca, Brionna Murray, Daniel
Carlson, Brian Cumbo, Erin house, Brittany Thomas, Fran- Duyen Bui, Mark Dymond, Alli- stell, Megan Mattioli, Victoria Tenth Grade, Honors Newhart, James Pennington,
Donnelly, Katharyn Dymond, cesca Trottini, Peter Urban II, son Golden, William Gray, III, Mattioli, Heather Nametko, Jay Gabrielle Alberigi, Kelly Bau- Brina Platt, James Rose, Jr.,
Alexis Harris, Laura Heinzl- Emily Wolfgang, Jeremy Zezza. Jessica Hollister, Keri Irace, Neely, Austin Rought, Amber man, Mariah Bellanco, Megan Hanna Shelley, Aaron Steve, Ri-
meir, Samantha Holcomb, Kel- Ninth Grade, High Honors Theresa Kelly, Serena Kozokas, Salvo, Jennie Skursky, Kelly Sy- Bonomo, Valerie Bott, Marissa ley Thomas, Kristy Voychuk,
sey Kasisky, Hannah Klaproth, Drew Bednarski, Emily Bel- Emily Lukasavage, Nick Maz- pulski, Nico Vasquez, Daniela Charney, Glynnis Cowley, Serra Erin Weida.
Zachary Lagrue, Ashley Lamo- lanco, Mallory Bohan, Tyler zone, Megan Potoski, Sara Vigueras, Claudia Waltz, Eric Degnan, Nicholas Dominick, Twelfth Grade, Honors
reaux, Cassandra Lockhart, Mi- Marie Bonita, Nicole Cumbo, Radzwilka, Adam Romanowski, Whyte. Alexandria Dougherty, Nikki Kayla Bardzel, Robert Brzo-
chael Murphy, Ryan Murphy, Morgan DeAngelo, Lisa Guido, James Scrobola, Jonathan Scro- Eighth Grade, Honors Giordano, Michael Harding, Ni- zowski, Brittany Bubblo, Dustin
Lauren Perry, Victoria Remley, Audrey Hiedacavage, Michaela bola, Samantha Shiner, Brittany Sierra Beyer, Mariah Brons- cholas Heck, Katelyn Higgins, Harris, Maria Kelly, Matthew
Anthony Shaver, Stephanie So- Jurchak, Sara Justave, Courtney Smetana, Jacqueline Stash, burg, Danielle Bulger, Kenneth Timothy Holden, Rebecca John- Kolbeck, Kaithlyn Oravitz,
kach, Rachel Solano, Jessica Melvin, Brittney Michael, Aus- Martine Tonnesen, Louis Vullo. Burkhardt, Marc Chervenitski, son, Ashley Klein, Christina Kourtny Schwerdtman, Julia So-
Sorick, Krystina Stanczyk, Mor- tin Shission, Leo Skoronski, Twelfth Grade, High Hon- Jr., Steven Dauber, Cordell Klinges, Emily Kneeream, lomon, Rachel Taylor, Stacie
gan Tarnalicki, Anna Thomas, Katherine Sokirka, Danielle ors Gresh, Madison Hindmarsh, Alexander Krispin, Rachel Terran, Michael Tomaszewski,
Nicole Wright, Megan Wysocki. Spagnuolo, Gabrielle Spagnuo- Andrew Ambruso, Jillian Bal- Hannah Johnston, Nicole Koles- Leandri, Jessica Martin, Megan Amber Trantham, Lauren Wy-
Eighth Grade, High Honors lo, Mari Elizabeth Taggart, Abi- berchak, Caitlin Bernoskie, Ma- sar, Caitlyn Kraynak, Zachary Milunic, Nicholas O’Brien, socki, Stanley Yanik.

JFK’s playground committee collecting pennies for upgrades

Field Trips school redeems them. Please Smencils are available in the The playground committee is school with your child. Thank website at www.wyominga-
First grade field trip to the keep saving your Box Tops and school office. Anyone interested collecting spare change to help you for your support. and click on JFK for
Bloomsburg Children’s Museum thank you for your support. please see Ms. Rachelle. upgrade our playground. You more PTO information. Click on
can help out by sending in any Website Mr. Pollard’s name to view PTO
will take place on May 20. Smencils Pennies for the Playground spare change you may have into Please visit the Wyoming Area information.
Second grade field trip to the
DaVinci Center will take place

Real Estate Briefs

on May 19.
Third grade field trip to Lake
Tobias will take place onMay
–– Prepared by The Times Leader Advertising Department
Tools for Schools
Please register your cards for ATLAS REALTY MAKES DONATION
the Tools for Schools program.
Once you sign up, everything
you purchase at Price Chopper PITTSTON AREA STAR
with your AdvantEdgeCard
earns points to help our school. The former Stauffer Heights star was disassembled
Every dollar you spend earns a
point for our school, which helps and relocated to the grounds of Pittston Area High
us earn free equipment. You can School and restored by members of the Pittston
also register your SureSave cards Area Honor Society. In order to assist in the fund-
to earn rewards for our school.
Tyson Chicken A+ Program:
ing of the project, the realtors of Atlas Realty do-
Clip and save labels from partici- nated a portion of their commission from sales in
pating Tyson products earns us the Pittston Area School District.
24 cents for each label. We will
announce a date for collecting Pictured are John Haas (Principal), Joyce Salve (National Honor Society Advisor), An-
the labels in the future. thony Guariglia, Vincent Riggi, David McLean, John Lombardo, and John Poli, Honor
Society members being presented with a check from Charles Adonizio, Atlas Realty Bro-
Box Tops ker along with Realtors Tom Salvaggio, Colleen Turant, Joseph Caprari, Michele Reap,
Please remember to save your Keri Best, Fred Mecadon, Melissa Hudzinski, Phil Semenza, Nancy Bohn, Terry Guasto,
Box Tops for Education. Each Angie Dessoye and Luann Sperrazza. Absent from photo: Bill Williams, Glen Gubitose,
one is worth 10 cents when our Julio Caprari, and Kim Reilly.


Pittston Area students compete in Engineering Olympics

Wilkes University conducted school over, she said she would lives in Pittston. Christina found
its second annual Engineering make better decisions when it PSSA’s to be the most challeng-
Olympics on April 8. Students came time to choosing certain ing part of high school. Christina
from 10 area high schools com- friends. Her favorite teachers are can be seen usually hanging out
peted in this event. Pittston Area Mrs. Pietras and Mr. Richards. with her best friend, Justine Mill-
students, Charles Bressler and Caitlin’s plans for after gradua- er. Her favorite teacher is Mr.
Anthony Schwab were awarded tion are to attend college and Sean Walsh. In one word, Chris-
third place for their Launcher pursue a career in Occupational tina describes her high school
Design Project. Pictured from Therapy. Caitlin describes her experience as “fun”. She looks
left to right are Anthony Schwab, high school experience as "eye- forward to having a family as a
Mr. Tom Joyce, Pittston Area opening." adult and becoming a dental hy-
Physics teacher and Charles Brian Pernot is the son of gienist.
Bressler. Steve and Lisa Pernot and was Kyle Magda, currently lives
born on May 13, 1992. He cur- in DuPont and was born to Mi-
Senior Interviews rently resides in DuPont. Brian chael and Luann Magda on
Caitlin Hunter, currently liv- enjoys listening to the band Rush March 23, 1993.Kyle can usually
ing in Suscon, was born on May and if he could teach any class he be seen with his many friends
30, 1993 to Maureen and Greg would teach Machine Shop at the while enjoying tacos or even
Hunter. Caitlin is usually always Wilkes-Barre Area Carfeer and maybe watching Major League.
seen with her two best friends, Technical Center. Kyle’s idol is Jim Valvano. The
Mariah Curtis and Sarah Mor- Christina Musto is the most challenging part of high
reale. Caitlin is know for always daughter of Theresa and Antho- school for Kyle was getting up in
saying "what doesn’t kill you on- ny Musto. She was born on Sep- the morning. He is involved in nalism Club, and National Hon- ing in Communications/Journal- his high school experience as
ly makes you stronger." tember 14, 1992 and currently bowling, Upward Bound, Jour- or Society. Kyle plans on major- ism. In one word, Kyle describes “interesting”.
If Caitlin could start high

Montgomery Avenue Elementary holds annual art show

Montgomery Avenue Elemen- May Events School’s closed: May 30.

tary held their annual Art Show Third grade field trip: May 11
on Wednesday, May 4 at the First Grade Field Trip proximately 9 a.m. and will be students will be leaving the ers.
Early dismissals: May 12, 13
school. and 27 On Friday, May 20, the PTO returning approximately 3 p.m. buildings at approximately 8:45
Pictured are various snapshots will be conducting a field trip for a.m. and will return to school at Early Dismissals
First grade field trip: May 20
of students and their artwork. Al- Mrs. DeMichele’s and Mrs. Bar- Third Grade Field Trip approximately 3 p.m. Proper Due to Act 80 Days, there will
Jr. Deputy Graduation: May
so pictured is the substitute art 25 toli’s first grade students to the On Wednesday, May 11 the clothing should be worn, as it be early dismissals on Thursday,
teacher Miss Wenner and some Kindergarten celebration pic- Kirby Center to see "The Science PTO will be conducting a field gets a little cold when you go May 12 and Friday May 13 at
of her students who just present- tures: May 25 of Magic" and the Butler Street trip for Mrs. Vanness and Mrs. down into the mines. Bring a noon for all elementary students
ed her with flowers. Fourth grade field trip: May 26 Park, Wyoming. The students Dragwa’s third grade students to jacket or sweatshirt, sweatpants, in grades K-6 in the Wyoming
Fifth grade dance: May 26 will be leaving the building at ap- the Lackawanna Coal Mine. The and comfortable shoes or sneak- Area School District.

Community readers read to students at PA Primary Center

Community Readers read teer readers who represented row: Emily Dering, Olivia Ho-
aloud to students at the Pri- business and professional men gan, Tyler Copp, Logan Gravi-
mary Center on April 27. each and women from the communi- na, Elizabeth Casey. Third row: Mrs. McAndrew, Principal. Foersch, Gabriella Saraka, Jor- nald McDonald, Rosemary
reader left the book read aloud ty. Mayor Dorothy Yazurlo, Ja- At right are second grade dyn Drager, Emily Horenski. Dessoye, Matt Carmody, PA
for the classroom library. Mrs. At left are first grade stu- clynn Klush, Becky Antal, Do- students. First row left to right: Third row: Joseph Boylan, At- State Police Officer Sandy Van
Rosemary Dessoye, Executive dents. First row left to right: lores D’Elia, Laura Musto Ka- Alexys Borthwick, Adryanna torney Fred A. Pierantoni, III, Luvender, Mrs. McAndrew,
Vice-President of the Greater Ozzie Dombrowski, Zachary palka. Fourth row: Lori Davis Cary, Brooke Bulford, Adam Terry Tracy, Barbara Pirrella- Principal, Nancy Dessoye. Ab-
Pittston Chamber of Com- Carey, Jack Albert, Richard Ronide Louis-Hypolite, Ronald Felinski. Second row: Rachel Sico, Tina Fisher, William F. sent from the photo, Kim Wy-
merce, coordinated the volun- Bowen, Jesse Fran. Second McDonald, Nicole DePhillips, DeLeo, Justin Bryk, Hannah Burke, Esq. Fourth row: Ro- sokinski.


Annual community outreach and scholarship celebration at WA

The second annual Communi- preciation to the many civic session. Last year over 300 peo- and Scholarship Celebration re- their recipients financially. It al- tions.
ty Outreach and Scholarship Cel- groups, individuals, families, ple attended and the comments minds the invited guests to be as so gives the donors and recip- Wyoming Area looks forward
ebration will be held on Thurs- etc. who have donated scholar- from all those in attendance was prompt as possible for the pic- ients and their parents a chance to to continuing this tradition of
day, May 26 in the high school ships and awards to our graduat- extremely positive. This year we tures. It you have a conflict and talk to each other and learn more recognizing and thanking the do-
cafeteria. Doors will open at 5:30 ing seniors for many years. are expecting a similar size did not note it on your reply form, about each other especially the nors of these scholarships who
and pictures will begin to be tak- The evening offers donor crowd. Seven new scholarships please call Mrs. Rabel with our plans the seniors have for their have been doing this for many
en at that time. The program will members and recipients and their have been donated since we be- concern(s) and a committee future. The response to the schol- many years. Wyoming Area also
begin at 7 p.m. after which more families the opportunity to meet, gan this program, four of them member will contact you. The arship applications was out- wants to honor the seniors recip-
pictures will be taken. Light re- get acquainted and share stories this year. We hope the communi- purpose of the celebration is to standing. Over 300 applications ients for their outstanding
freshments will be served after with each other. In the past it was ty will continue to be generous to honor the graduating seniors were received for the scholar- achievements that merit these
the program. The celebration of- rare that the donors and recip- our students. who are receiving scholarships ships. Many of the scholarships awards as well as their parents for
fers the opportunity for the com- ients got to see each other at all or The committee for the second and to show appreciation to the received over15 applications and their example, support and guid-
munity to extend its sincere ap- for only a few minutes for a photo annual Community Outreach donors who are willing to reward some received up to 30 applica- ance.

Wyoming Area presenting seventh annual Career Day on May 19

Wyoming Area will host the Quaglia, high school principal, Wyoming Area graduates return over 25 recent Wyoming Area tion and will offer a different per- Motivation followed by Attorney
seventh annual Career Day for will offer short remarks. Ed Ack- for this part of the day. Lunch graduates who will offer com- spective than those who went di- Michael Ferrence, a young blind
juniors on Thursday, May 19 at erman will deliver the keynote will feature a mini college fair ments about the college experi- rectly to college. lawyer who has spoken the past
St. Anthony’s Center. Mr. Ray- address to kick off the day. with seven local colleges availa- ence. Some of the graduates Father Paul McDonnell and several years at this program and
mond Bernardi, superintendent, The juniors will attend four ca- ble. A college panel will follow went into the armed service or Joseph DeLucca, both Wyoming has always been very well re-
will welcome the juniors and Mr. reer sessions from 9 to 11. Many after lunch which will feature into the job market after gradua- Area graduates, will speak on ceived.

Tenth Street announces dates for end of school dances

Talent Show May 24: Fourth grade goes to Field Day Chorus Concert End of Year Dance Yearbook ads have come
Talent show will be May 19 at WB/Scranton Yankees game Field Day will be Friday, June The elementary chorus con- Third through fifth will have home. The money raised is used
the High School auditorium at May 25: Sixth grade goes to 3. Kindergarten through fifth cert is set for June 8 at the High an end of the year dance on May to offset the cost of the yearbook.
6:30 p.m. Come see all of 10th Camp Orchard Hill will be in the morning and sixth School. It is for second through 27 from 5:45 to 7:45 p.m. Sixth Please return them as the due
Street’s talent. May 26: Fifth grade goes to grade will be in the afternoon. fourth grades. Join us in appre- grade will have an end of the year date has passed.
Knoebels Lots of help is needed for this ciating the student’s hard work. dance on June 2 from 5:45 to
Field Trip Dates June 8: Second grade goes to Last Day of School
event. Tuesday, June 7 is the rain Thank you to Mrs. Sperrazza for 7:45 p.m.
May 18: Kindergarten goes to Butterfly Museum in Jim Thorpe date. presenting this for the parents. The last day of school will now
The Lands at Hillside Please return all paperwork. Yearbooks be June 15.

PA Kindergarten Center reminds parents to save box tops

Registration May 23 through May 26 at the 31 to be eligible. Registration call 654-0503. Mills Box Tops for Education lo- tops over the summer. Please cut
Pittston Area Kindergarten Kindergarten Center in Dupont. packets are available for pickup gos for the 2010-2011 school the box tops and put in bundles
registration for the2011-12 Registration hours are 9 a.m. to at the Primary and Intermediate Box Tops year. We are asked parents to of 50 before you send them to
11 a.m. or 1 to 3 p.m. The child Centers daily between 8 a.m. and The Kindergarten Center is please begin collecting these box your child’s teacher.
school year will take place on must be five years old by August 4 p.m. If you have any questions going to be collecting General

Pittston Area High School student win AmVets essay contest

PA students AMVETS earned a trip to Valley Forge in class. He placed third in the
winners November for placing first in state.
By: Ali Quinn nationals. Michael’s teacher, Mr. The students were not the only
Some Pittston Area high Sean Walsh, was overjoyed people to win at Pittston Area.
school students were recently when he found out about Mi- Mr. Joe Walsh was nominated
told that they had won the 2011 chael’s accomplishments. He for the "Outstanding Educator
AMVETS essay contest and had said the essay contest was a Award" and won. He said he was
a winner in each grade. Also, the great way for students to show happy and shocked when he
high school was honored by what they have inside of them found out he had won because
having one of their social studies and what they think. he did not know that he had been
teachers selected as an outstand- Kristi Naylor is a student of nominated.
ing teacher. Mrs. Samantha Distasio’s Photo Caption: Left-right: Mr.
This year’s essay topic was American Cultures class. Kristi Joe Walsh, Matt Carroll (sopho-
“Why Is It Important To Vote?”. was surprised when Mr. Haas more winner), high school vice-
The winners were freshman Mi- told her that her essay placed principal Mr. Art Savakinas,
chael Schwab, sophomore Matt second in the state. She said "I Vince Riggi (senior winner),
Carroll, junior Kristi Naylor, was surprised because I honestly Mr. Sal Carroll, Kristi Naylor
and senior Vince Riggi. did not think my essay was that (junior winner), Mrs. Samantha
Michael Schwab is a student good." Distasio, Michael Schwab
in Mr. Sean Walsh’s Political Matt Carroll is a student of (freshman winner), Mr. Sean
Science and Economics class. school principal Mr. John Haas most fell over when Mr. Haas happen if we didn’t vote?" He Mr. Joe Walsh’s World Cultures Walsh, high school principal Mr.
He placed first place in the state told him he won first place in told me." also included that it is important class. He placed first in the state. John Haas, and social studies
and first place in nationals. Mi- both the state and nationals that In Michael’s essay he included to vote for small things just as Vince Riggi is a student of Mr. deaprtment chair Mr. Mike Full-
chael was so shocked when high he said "I’m not even lying, I al- the question of "What would well as big things. Michael has Sal Carroll’s AP Psychology er.

Trooper Satkowski visits students at Wyoming Area Catholic

Trooper William Satkowski beverages, drinking and driving, solo, Nicholas Skrzysowski, Er- chick, Isabella Romani, Abigail and Rebecca Prociak William Satkowski, Lauren Al-
from the Wyoming Barracks vis- and ways alcohol affects the ic Fritz, Jack Patterson, and John Burge, Emily Johnson, Nicole At right are eighth grade stu- drich, Madonna Mantione,
ited seventh and eighth grade body. For the 8th grade presenta- Paul D’Amato. Row two: Aly- Telford, Mrs. Lucille Procopio, dents. Row one: Nick Anderson, Jordan Fritz, Vicky Sidari,
students from Wyoming Area tion Troooper Satkowski dem- son Manley, Brandon Richards, principal and Tessa Margavage. David Staskiel, Tyler Egan, Eric Megan Donnelly, Carina Forte,
Catholic. He spoke to them on onstrated the use of a radar gun Juliana Buonsante, Jennifer Row four: Trooper William Sat- Curtis, and Zachary Voitek. Ana Rogers, Erica Oakshunas,
topics related to under-age and how it applies to Physics. Loughney, Alexa Blandina, and kowski, Justin Januszko, Ste- Row two: Peter Kulick, Mark Holly Green, Megan Moran, Mi-
drinking, including the conse- At left are seventh grade stu- Matthew Clemow. Row three: phen Hannon, Nick Allardyce, Cantafio, Justin renfer, and Ian chaelene Mecadon and Katie
quences of possessing alcoholic dents. Row one: Christian Coas- Devin Rajza, Emily Kolojej- Nikita Li, Alexia Mazzarella, Madigan. Row three: Trooper Stonikinis.

Email school news and photos to



connected to us. As we advance Monday, May 16. rium at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, The SADD dodgeball tourna-
Warrior News or progress into the future, our
past leans with us. It follows us English Trip
May 18. A second concert will
take place on May 22 at 2 p.m.
ment will take place in the Sec-
ondary Center gym from 8:30
as a part of who we are, yet still The AP English trip to New All are welcome to attend. Come a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on May 21. Stu-
remains as a separate entity. At York City will be held on Tues- out and support the singers of dents must organize their teams
By Debbie Gross this time in our lives, we get so day, May 17. Wyoming Area School District. and have their entry fee in ASAP.
caught up in saying goodbyes
Blood Drive Career Day Yearbooks
and holding onto what will soon
become the past. It is important A blood drive will take place The junior class annual Career There are a limited number of
Senior Sentiments in the Secondary Center multi- Day will take place at St. Antho-
to realize that we are not losing yearbooks available. See Mrs.
Senior projects are now behind us, and less than three weeks re- purpose room from 8 a.m. to 1 ny’s on Thursday, May 19. Stu-
anything by moving on from Lynch as soon as possible if you
main in this, our final year of high school. While looking for in- p.m. on Tuesday, May 17. Stu- dents are reminded to dress in
spiration for this week’s article, I stumbled across a piece of my pasthigh school. A part of ourselves are interested in purchasing one.
dents are reminded to get their formal attire for this all-day Anyone with a yearbook balance
that I dubbed quite applicable to this time of year: a folded sheet of will forever be rooted in our past,
permission slips signed by all event.
paper given to me by an old best friend two years ago, on the day of until our lives come full circle. must be paid by June 1 or you
teachers whose classes they will
his graduation. (Thank you, Michael Coco.) The paper contained a But I’ll let John Donne close this Football Meeting will not graduate on stage. Ad-
be missing.
poem by John Donne, penned in the year 1611, called “A Valediction: article, as I feel he truly says it A meeting for parents of the vertising is still being accepted
Forbidding Mourning.” best at the end of his poem: Mark Dushok Scholarship football team will be held in until June 1.
While this poem was written from Donne to his wife as an assur- “Such wilt thou be to me, who Basketball Game Room 129 at 7pm on May 19.
must, like the other foot, Quote of the Week
ance that the couple’s love would stand the test of distance, I took The Mark Dushok Scholar-
from it another meaning. The author describes his relationship with a obliquely run; Thy firmness ship basketball game will be held Talent Show Those who face that which is
conceit, comparing himself and his wife to the two legs of a drafting makes my circle just, and makes in the Secondary Center gym at 7 The Tenth Street Elementary actually before them, unbur-
compass. When one moves away from the other, the first leans toward me end where I begun.” p.m. on May 17. All are welcome talent show will be held in the dened by the past, undistracted
the second, though remains fixed in its place. This translates as a and encouraged to attend. Wyoming Area Secondary Cen- by the future, these are they who
beautiful metaphor for the graduating senior, or anyone moving onto History Trip ter auditorium from 6pm to 9pm live, who make the best use of
‘bigger and better’ places in his or her life. The AP American Govern- Chorus Concert on May 19. their lives; these are those who
You see, at any given moment, we are fixed in the present time. But ment and AP U.S. History trip to A chorus concert will be held have found the secret of content-
our past, which serves as the other leg of our compass, is always Washington, D.C. will be held on in the Secondary Center audito- Dodgeball Tournament ment. --Alban Goodier

May Crowning celebrated at St. Mary’s Assumption School

The eighth grade class from grade Group Communion Children may wear SMA t-
St. Mary’s Assumption School Friday, May 27: Field Day shirt with long shorts or capri’s
in Pittston celebrated its annual Wednesday, June 8: Possible (for girls) no short shorts for
May Crowning on Thursday, 7th Grade trip to Gettysburg Mass. Sneakers or sandals are
May 5. The class prepared the both fine. Mass will begin at
celebration with the help of Musical 9:30 a.m.
Mrs. Ann Marie Walsh, eighth Members of St. Mary’s As-
grade teacher. Fr. Paul McDon- sumption School grades 5 – 8 Vouchers
nell, OSJ presided over the would like to invite everyone to Holy Rosary School sent
Prayer Service. This ceremony their Spring Musical entitled voucher packets to us last week.
honors our Blessed Mother, “The Granny Awards.” This If you need one please contact
Mary during the month of May. musical will be held on Mon- the office. They run their pro-
Pictured left to right are Mrs. day, May 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the gram very similar to ours. You
Mary Jane Kozick, principal, former Seton Catholic Auditori- can send your completed order
Fr. Paul McDonnell, OSJ, um. Members of the eighth forms into the St. Mary’s office
Christian Palmasani, Michael grade make up the musical’s by Tuesday morning; Mrs.
Conlon statue-bearers, Megan cast. Fifth though seventh Hintze will pick them up and
Harding, May Queen, Mrs. Ann grades will make up the chorus. take them to Holy Rosary
Marie Walsh, 8th grade teacher, A donation of $5.00 per family where they will be filled on
and Lisa Abaunza, attendant. will be used to defray the cost Thursday morning. They will
of the performance. Please have then be returned to St. Mary’s
Mass the children at the auditorium on Thursday afternoon to be
Our next school Mass will be draising balances MUST be Mother/Son Bowling Event May 16th. no later than 6:15 pm. sent home with your child. If
on Thursday, May 26 at 10:30 paid in full as soon as possible. The Mother/Son Bowling you would rather come to Holy
am. Second grade is preparing Very important: Please return Class Trips/Event Schedule Save the Date Rosary to purchase your vouch-
event will take place on Sunday,
the celebration; this will be our
your Facts Management Paper May 22nd. The event will be Thursday, May 19: Fourth and Thursday, June 2: 6:00 p.m. ers in person they can be pur-
annual Group Communion. Fr. to St. Mary’s Assumption from 12:00 until 2:00 p.m. at fifth grades go to Philadelphia Mass and Reception for all cur- chased Thursday mornings in
Maloney will be our celebrant. School signed and dated as Modern Bowling Lanes in Friday, May 20: Sixth and rent and past families and alum- the church hall from 8:00 -
All parents and families are in-
soon as possible. This will in- Wyoming. The cost is $10.00 seventh grades go to Camden ni of St. Mary’s Assumption 10:00 a.m. Please make checks
vited to join us. sure that the tuition process will per person, which will include Aquarium & Battleship New School. payable to Holy Rosary. We will
continue to run smoothly and two games of bowling, shoe Jersey Sunday, June 12: SMA Fam- try to contact some of the other
Finance Office the paperwork will be forward- Tuesday, May 24: Kindergar- ily Fun Day (location to be an- schools to see what their proce-
rental, pizza and a soda. Checks
Final voucher credits have ed to your new school within can be made out to St. Mary’s ten and first grade go to the nounced). dures are for their voucher pro-
been posted and a final state- the system. Assumption School. Reserva- Crayola Factory Wednesday, June 15: Knoe- gram. I will let you know as the
ments were sent home. All fun- tions must be in by Monday, Thursday, May 26: Second bels Day, Last day of school. information becomes available.

Students at WA Catholic compete in forensics competition

On April 8, 2011, the Wyom- Honors, Sixth Grade: Taylor Challenger’s Round
ing Area Catholic Junior Varsity Chronowski, Nicole Cirelli, Sa- 1st Place – Jeffrey Johnson – 4
Forensic Team competed in the rah Cragle, Matthew Loeffler, ½ Wins
Regional Forensic Final Compe- Audrey Oakschunas, Zachary 2nd Place – James Cunning-
tition at Gate of Heaven School Patterson, Madelyn Pavlico, ham – 4 Wins
in Dallas. Pictured are the stu- Amy Snatayana, Sarah Satkow- Congratulations to all chess
dents who achieved Honorable ski, Steven Ulichney club members. Trophies and cer-
Mention certificates for their Honors, Seventh Grade: Abi- tificates will be presented on
performances. gail Burge, Matthew Clemow, May 17, 2011 at the annual Royal
Pictured in the first row are Christian Coassolo, Noah Heck, Bishops Awards night.
John Morris Charles Kulick for Justin Januszko, Emily Johnson,
oral interpretation of their play Alyson Manley, Jack Patterson, Field Trips
"Your Money Cheerfully Re- Rebecca Prociak May 20: The Science of Magic
funded" Honors, Eighth Grade: Lauren at Kirby Center, second and third
Second row: Brenna Satkow- Aldrich, Nicholas Anderson, Er- grades
ski and Marissa Moran for their ic Curtis, Carina Forte, Jordan May 20: Northeast Radiation
oral interpretation of the play Fritz, Holly Green, Madonna Oncology Center, Dunmore,
"Breaking up." Mrs. Josephine Mantione, Michalene Mecadon, seventh grade
Toomey is the coach for the Ju- Erica Oakschunas, Justin Ren- May 24: “Seussical” at Scran-
nior Varsity Forensic Team. fer, Alexander Rowan, Kathe- ton Cultural Center, Pre-K, Kin-
Congratulations to all the stu- rine Stonikinis, Zachary Voitek dergarten and first grades
dents on the Varsity and Junior May 26: Eighth grade trip to
Varsity Team who participated in Chess Club Baltimore
the Spring Forensic Finals. Final Rankings 2011 Royal
Bishops Chess Club Tourna- Cross Country
Dates to Remember ment: May 21: Cross Country Con-
May 16: Diocesan Golf Tour- Championship Round ference Meet at Baptist Bible
nament, Blue Ridge Trail Golf May 20: Awards Banquet, High Honors, Sixth Grade: jejchick, Jennifer Loughney, 1st Place - Eric Fritz – 4 Wins College
Club 6:00p.m. at Fox Hill Allison Burge, Rachael Co- Alexia Mazzarella, Brandon Ri- 3rd Place – Brenna Satkowski
May 17: Chess Awards Party, chran, Molly Holmes, James Ko- chards, Isabella Romani – 2 ½ Wins Labels
6:30 p.m. Honor Roll sik, Marissa Moran, Vanessa High Honors, Eighth Grade: 4th Place – Zachary Patterson Please keep sending in Camp-
May 19: First Communion Lit- Mrs. Lucille Procopio, princi- Musto, Madelyn Ross, Brenna Mary Pat Blaskiewicz, Gaetano – 2 Wins bell Soup Labels and Box Tops
urgy at 1:00 p.m. pal at Wyoming Area Catholic Satkowski Buonsante, Peter Kulick, Ian Contender’s Round for Education. The containers
May 19: Math Testing announces the third quarter hon- High Honors, Seventh Grade: Madigan, Megan Moran, Ana- 2nd Place – Emily Johnson – 4 for the labels are in the main hall-
Grades 5-8 or roll for 2010 -2011. Juliana Buonsante, Emily Kolo- marie Rogers, Victoria Sidari Wins way.

Wyoming Valley Montessori students

collect socks to aid Japan
The students of the Wyoming Valley Montessori School on West Market Street in Kingston as a part of their community outreach
collected new pairs of socks for victims of the terrible natural disaster in Japan. A large number of socks were collected and individually
bagged to provide the simplest of comfort to those who have lost so much. The Wyoming Valley Montessori School’s students and parents
each month participate in a community project to help those who are in need.
Pictured are some students with the “Socks for Japan” collection. From left to right in front row are Benen Griffith of Kingston and Clara
Burgos of Harveys Lake. In back row are Kevin Basalyga of Dallas, Grazia Saporito of Pittston, Kevin McNulty of Kingston, Clare
DellaValle of Shavertown, and Dennis Puhalla, Head of School.
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ANNOUNCEMENTS Silver beauty, 1
‘26 FORD
Two door hard top.
307 Motor. Needs HD DUMP TRUCK 3700 miles, new

2WD, automatic. rear tire, undertail Only 17k miles.
Owner, Museum work. Comes with
kit, cover. Price Fully loaded.
110 Lost quality. 4,900 additional 400 small Only 12,000 miles.
Vehicle in like negotiable $7,600 Excellent condi-
miles, 6 speed. All block & many parts.
310 Attorney new condition. 570-852-9072 tion. Factory &
possible options Panel Delivery $3,500. Serious

ALL JUNK CARS $19,000. extended war- Champagne

including Naviga- inquires only.
Services tion, Power top.
100 point
(570) 836-2574 570-288-4322 ranty. $17,995 exterior,
New, paid $62,000
Concours quality 442 RVs & Campers (570) 690-2806 leather interior,
Free Bankruptcy restoration. Red
Consultation Must sell $45,900 with black fend-
power windows


570-299-9370 ers. Never Driven. & locks, 4 wheel TJ, Black with grey
Payment plans.
ŠCCALL ANYTIME Carol Baltimore
570-822-1959 CHRYSLER ‘06
0 miles on
Very Good
BUCKET VAN CLASSIC with cap. 1 owner,
drive. $4,850.
Call for
condition and
interior. 4 cylinder,
5-speed manual
RARE! Triton V8. 2 speed garage kept, very transmission. CD
Low miles!
boom; 92,000miles;
$9999 or best price.
Super Lite Fifth
Wheel. LCD/DVD good condition.
Many extras includ-
known issues.
player, hardtop, full
doors, sound bar.
$38,000 flat screen TV, fire-
ŠCCA$H PAID for all legal matters Light green, 18,000
miles, loaded,
$7500. FIRM
Great condition. Call place, heated mat- ing lift & back seat.
29 MPG gas.
4” Skyjacker
Suspension lift with
Attorney Ron Wilson 570-675-3384 or tress, ceiling fan,
Ask for Lee
ON THE SPOT 570-822-2345 leather, wood trim,
570574-7002 Hide-a-Bed sofa, $4,000
or best offer
steering stabilizer.
Like new BF
2002 BMW 745i LINEUP outside speakers &
570-222-4960 (570) 868-0944 Goodrich 35’s with
380 Travel leave message 430 Heavy grill, 2 sliders,
Full size spare. Only
The Flagship of
the Fleet
aluminum wheels,
water purifier, Looking for the right deal 85,000 miles.
June 20, 21 and 22
CHRYSLER `02 New - $87,000
Midnight Emerald
awning, microwave
oven, tinted safety
on an automobile?
Turn to classified.
(570) 301-7221
with beige leather glass windows, It’s a showroom in print!
(Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday) interior. 61K miles. A yard or garage sale Brand new 2010
tandem axle, 4 raised panel fridge
Classified’s got JEEP `02 GRAND
Inferno Red, flame Mint condition. in classified & many acces-
Catch the Yankees
take on the Reds at design. Chrome Loaded. Garage
is the best way
wheel electric
brakes, 20’ long sories & options. the directions! CHEROKEE LAREDO
The Great American wheels. 47,000 Kept. Navigation Excellent condition,
Bicha-Poo wearing tocleanoutyourclosets! total, 7 x 16 oak
Ballpark in Cincin- miles, one owner. Stunning, $22,500.
purple collar with deck, fold up ramps
Must Sell! You’re in bussiness 570-868-6986
tags. Comes to nati, Ohio
Trip Includes:
Looks and runs
great. New inspec- $20,000
with classified!
with knees, remov-
able fenders for 1500 LARAMIE MARK 3 Special Edition.
Maroon, Fully
“Molly”. Last seen
*Round trip bus tion. $5,800 $18,600
oversized loads, SUNLINE `06 SOLARIS 82,000 miles, auto-
around Francis loaded. Leather
transportation Call (570) 472-1854 powder coat paint matic, chrome step
Slocum State Park Travel Trailer. 29’, seats. TV/DVD,
*Beer, soda & food for rust protection, up and mirrors &
CHRYSLER `07 300
4/30. If found, mint condition, 1 navigation, sun roof
Please call on the bus
*Great box level WANTED 2 5/16 hitch slide out a/c-heat.
leather interior.
Good Condition.
plus many other
570-639-0909 or
570-814-9123 seats to two games
(Mon & Tues night)
55,600 miles, auto-
matic, 4 door, anti- ALANTE
2 Door
Any Condition!
coupler, tongue
jack, side pockets,
brake away switch,
Stove, microwave,
fridge, shower
inside & out. Many
Drums Area.
extras. 3rd seat .
Only 1,900 Miles.
Brand New.
Triple black, eco-
nomical 6 cylinder.
*Hotel accommoda- lock brakes, air con- Courteous, Fast 401-524-9763 4x4 select drive.
Convertible battery, 7 pole more extras. Asking $37,000
135 Legals/ tions at the Millenni- ditioning, air bags, Professional Buyer. RV plugs, title & CD, remote door
all power, AM/FM Exquisite Candy Reduced. $13,500. (570) 328-0850
Public Notices um Hotel. Just three
radio, CD player, Apple Red black Licensed & Bonded more!! Priced for Call 570-842-6735 opener, power win-

blocks from stadium soft top. 13,000 quick sale. $2,995 dows & locks,
new new brakes. 1-800-850-3656 Automatic, front
ESTATE NOTICE and walking dis- original miles. All 386-334-7448 cruise, tilt wheel.
tance from Cincin- $10,900. wheel drive, 4 door, 108k highway miles.
DECEDENT’S available options, Wilkes-Barre DUMP TRUCK
Notice is hereby
nati Zoo and other
downtown attrac-
including gold FORD `52 Wanna make your
22 ft. 3 rear bunks,
center bathroom,
anti-lock brakes, air
bags, power locks, Refurbished, rebuilt Garage kept. Super
clean inside and out.
given that Letters of
Administration have
Price: $350
Mach I, 40th
alloy wheels.
Garage Kept. 1
COUNTRY SEDAN car go fast? Place
an ad in Classified!
kitchen, sofa bed.
Air, Fully self con-
engine, transmis-
sion replaced. No rust. Sale price
$6,895. Scranton.
owner. Final power seats, cruise Rear-end removed
been granted in the Call 570-287-9701 ANNIVERSARY EDITION Model Year. CUSTOM LINE 570-829-7130. tained. Sleeps 6. and relubed. Brand 570-466-2771
for more info. New tires, fridge control, AM/FM
following Estate. All V8, Auto, 1,200 Gorgeous STATION WAGON new 10’ dump. PA
awning. $4500. radio, CD player,
persons indebted to miles, all options, V8, automatic, state inspected.
said Estate are show room condi-
8 passenger,
439 Motorcycles 215-322-9845 rear defroster, rear
$12,900/best offer.
$31,000 windshield wiper,
required to make tion. Call for info. 3rd seat, good 570-594-1496
payment, and those
having claim or
Asking $24,995
Serious inquiries
$27,900 condition, 2nd
owner. $9,500. HARLEY DAVIDSON TRAVEL TRAILER 33 ft tinted windows,
new starter, just
LINE UP 177,102 miles, auto-
Rear queen master inspected, $3,900.
demands to pres- only. 570-636-3151 570-579-3517
From an Exotic,
ent the same with-
` 06 SOFTTAIL bedroom, Walk 570-594-4992.
A GREAT DEAL... matic, four wheel
drive, 4 door, anti-
Private Collection
FORD `66
thru bathroom. Call after 4:30 p.m.
out delay to the
FORD `07 MUSTANG Call 570-650-0278
Center kitchen +
IN CLASSIFIED! lock brakes, air con-
Administrator dinette bed. Front ditioning, air bags,
named. 63,000 highway Mustang Coupe.
ESTATE OF MARI- miles, silver, runs Pearl white, pony
Dark gray metallic,
extra large living
room + sofa bed. JEEP `07 power locks, power
windows, power
great, $11,500.
FORD `99 E250
ON BOYD, a/k/a interior. Pristine
negotiable. new rr tire & Big View windows. mirrors, power
MARION E. BOYD, condition. 26K
570-479-2482 miles. $17,000 or brakes, many Air, awning, sleeps seats, cruise con-
SL 500
a/k/a MARION extras. $10,900 Wheelchair Van
ELIZABETH 409 Autos under best offer. 6, very clean, will
78,250 miles. Fully 4x4, stick shift, soft
trol, AM/FM radio,
BOYD, late of
Avoca, PA (Died
$5000 FORD `07 Convertible, with
(570) 817-6768 (570) 592-4982 deliver. Located in
Benton, Pa. $4,900.
serviced, new bat-
tery, tires & rods.
top. Red exterior,
well maintained,
cassette player, CD
changer, leather

removable hard 215-694-7497 interior, sun roof,
March 28, 2011).
MUSTANG GT top, dark Blue, HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘10 Seats 6 or 3 wheel- garage kept. 11,500
rear defroster, rear
Glenn A. Boyd, camel interior, chairs. Braun Millen- miles, one owner. windshield wiper,
Premium package,
Administrator; Ger-
ard M. Karam, silver, black leather Summer Driving SPORTSTER 1200 451 Trucks/ nium lift
remote. Walk up
with AC, CD player,
cruise control.
new Passed inspec-
Attorney, 321
Spruce Street, Suite
DEVILLE SEDAN interior, 5 speed
manual. 20,000
Only, Garage Kept.
Very Good
Condition, No
61,000 original
miles, garage kept,
Custom Paint.
SUVs/Vans door. Front & rear
A/C. Power locks &
Tow package with
cargo carrier.
tion, new battery.
(570) 868-1100
201, Scranton, 94,000 miles, miles. $18,900 triple black, leather Only driven under windows. Excellent Excellent condition.
(570) 868-3832 Accidents. Classy 10 miles!! Asking Call after 2:00 p.m.
PA 18503 automatic, front Car. Price interior, carriage condition. $9,500. $18,700
roof, factory wire $8,900 or best 570-237-6375 Call 570-822-9680
GERARD M. wheel drive, 4 Reduced!
door, air condi- $13,995 wheels, loaded,
excellent condition.
offer. For info,
call 570-864-2543 RENDEZVOUSFully
CX 468 Auto Parts 468 Auto Parts SUZUKI `07 XL-7
ESTATE tioning, air bags,
all power, cruise
Red with black
or trade for
SUV or other.
$5,500. Call
Mike 570-237-7660
or 215-379-1375 AWD,
loaded, 1 owner,
56,000 miles,
ESTATE NOTICE top. 6,500 miles. 18,000 miles. 6 all-wheel drive,
MAZDA `88 RX-7
control, leather


NOTICE is hereby One Owner. Selling your cylinder. New 4 door, air condi-
given that Letters interior, $3,300. Excellent Condi- Camper? inspection, tires tioning, all power,
Testamentary have 570-394-9004 tion. $18,500 CONVERTIBLE & brakes. Like CD player, leather
Place an ad and 1 owner, garage
been granted in the find a new owner. new, inside & out. interior, tinted
kept, 65k original
$300 and Up
Estate of PATRICK $16,900. Call windows, custom
late of the Borough
Say it HERE
in the Classifieds!
HYUNDAI `04 570-829-7130 miles, black with
grey leather interior, HSoft
ARLEY DAVIDSON ‘80 (570) 540-0975 wheels, $13,000
Call 570-829-8753
of Avoca, who died 570-829-7130 TIBURON GT PONTIAC ‘69 FIREBIRD 400 all original & never riding FLH.
King of the High- $125 extra if driven, Before 5:00 p.m.
April 16, 2011. seen snow. $8,900.
All persons indebt-
ed to said Estate 412 Autos for Sale
Blue, 5 speed
manual, CD, Air, CONVERTIBLE
Blue/white top &
Call 570-237-5119 way! Mint original
unrestored CHEVR0LET`02 pulled or pushed in. TRUCKS FOR SALE
factory alarm,
white interior. antique show
are requested to
NOBODY Pays More
power windows & winner. Factory Ford, GMC,
make payment and locks. 38K. Recent document-
spot lights, wide International-Prices
ed frame-off
`74 450 SE
those having claims $7,500 negotiable. CONVERSION starting at $2,295.
white tires,
to present the Call 570-540-6236 restoration. Over
biggest Harley VAN Box Truck, Cab &
same, without $31,000 invested.
SOLID CAR! built. Never Loaded. Low Chassis available.
delay, to the will sell $21,500. Monday thru Saturday 6 am-9 pm
Interior perfect, needs inspection, miles. Excellent Call U-haul


Executrix, 570-335-3127
PATRICIA WANTED! exterior very good. permanent condition. Sunday 8 am - 68 pm 570-822-5536


Runs great! New registration. $18,900
and her Attorneys.
Good Condition.
53,000 miles.
AWD, Full Power,
ALL Great convertible,
black top, 6 speed
tires, 68K original
$5,500 FIRM.
457 Wanted to Buy 457 Wanted to Buy 457 Wanted to Buy
Changer, Blue JUNK manual transmis-
sion, carbon fiber
Ask for Lee Q-LINK LEGACY `09 CHEVROLET `05 Auto Auto Auto

490 NORTH Tooth, XM Radio, 250 automatic. Gun
dash, leather interi-
Leather Interior
& Sunroof
CARS! or, front & rear
trunk, fast & agile. MERCEDES-BENZ `73 metal gray. MP3
player. $3,000. Black/Grey. 18,000
We Buy Scrap Metal
$20,000 $18,000 or best Great first motorcy- miles. Well

150 Special Notices

(570) 814-8398
Call after 9:30 a.m.
offer. Call
450SL with cle. 570-696-1156 equipped. Includes
On-Star, tow pack- $$$$ ALL KINDS $$$$
Convertible age, roof rack,
removable hard top, running boards,
BEN’S AUTO SALES power windows, AM remote starter,

We can give your
infant love and
security, you can
RT 309 W-B Twp.
Near Wegman’s
/FM radio with cas-
sette player, CD
player, automatic, 4
CRUISER extended warranty.
help make us a
09 Impala LS $11,995
new tires. Cham-
family. Expenses
paid. Please call 08Taurus SEL $12,995
MAZDA `04 RX-8 SUBARU `02 pagne exterior; Ital-
ian red leather inte- CHEVROLET `09 FREE CONTAINER SERVICE
Denise & Howard 09JEEP PATRIOT $12,995 rior inside. Garage CONDITION Small quantities to 1,000’s of tons accepted
1-877-676-1660. 08 DODGE RAM $12,995
04 BLAZER 4X4 $7,995
Hunter Green,
80,000 miles. IMPREZAmileage,
WRX kept, excellent con-
dition. $31,000. Call
Windshield, Bags,
ADOPT: Adoring 04FREESTAR 60K $6,995 New brakes & 825-6272 Pipes, White Low mileage, 15000
Mom, Dad, Big rotors. New 57,000 miles, 5 miles, automatic, CALL DMS SHREDDING, INC
Full Notary Service speed, all-wheel walls,Garage Kept.
alignment. Two all-wheel drive, 4 570-346-7673
Brother would like Tags & Title Transfers drive, 4 door, anti- 6K Miles $5,200
to share a lifetime new rear tires. (570) 430-0357 door, anti-lock
No accidents. lock brakes, air brakes, air condi- 570-819-3339
BMW `07 328xi
of hugs & kisses
conditioning, air
in our loving home PRICE REDUCED tioning, air bags, Your Scrap Metal is worth $$$
$8,000 or best bags, power locks, power locks, power
with a newborn.
Please Call
Black with black
offer. For more power windows, DRASTICALLY windows, power Call Today!
Lynda & Dennis
interior. Heated
seats. Back up & information, call
(570) 332-4213
This model only Less
1000CC1,000 mirrors, cruise con-
trol, AM/FM radio,
navigation sys- AM/FM radio, CD
Expenses Paid tems. New tires & changer, rear
produced in 1967 miles. Team colors cassette player, CD 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/ 542 Logistics/
& 1968. All player, keyless
Transportation Transportation Transportation
brakes. Sunroof.
Garage kept. Many MERCEDES `95 SL 500 defroster, new Blitz
Stainless Exhaust,
original 45,000
miles, Color
with matching hel-
met & jacket. Fend- entry, rear
froster, rear wind-
Convertible. Low er eliminator kit.
with a Classified Ad. extras! 46,000
mileage. Hard top AEM Cold Air Burgundy, cloth shield wiper, tinted
Miles. Scorpion exhaust.
570-829-7130 included. Leather Intake, TURBOXS & vinyl interior, $6,000. windows. $17,500.
Asking $19,500. Blowoff Valve &
interior. Excellent 350 rocket Call Dave after 5 (570) 954-9333
570-825-8888 or Boost Control. engine, 2nd Call after 9:00 a.m.
PAYING $500 626-297-0155 condition, fully pm 570-825-0394
loaded. $11,000. $10,500. owner. Fender
Call Anytime!
Call 619-884-2266
or 570-696-1271
(201) 704-8640
Call before
skirts, always
garaged. Trophy YAMAHA `04 V-STAR CHEVY `05 EQUINOX
DRIVEN IN BMW `93 325 IC 7:30 pm winner at shows. 1100 Custom. 5800 LT (premium pack-
age), 3.4L, 47,000
Full size 4 wheel
drive trucks
Metallic Green
Serious inquiries
only, $7,500.

miles. All wheel
drive, power moon-
Exterior & Tan T-top, 5 speed. extras, must sell. roof, windows, locks
for heavy equip- Interior, 5 Speed AM/FM/CD, AC, $4,900. Call & seats. Leather
ment, backhoes, Transmission, Loaded, automatic, 570-301-3433 interior, 6 cd chang-
Heated Seats. 2nd
power antenna.
421 Boats & er, rear folding XLC Services, LLC (Logistics) is
dump trucks, AC, heated leather New tires. No rust. seeking experienced forklift
bull dozers
Owner, 66k Miles.
Excellent Condition,
seats, 4 door.
$4,700 Great condition.
Marinas YAMAHA `97 VIRAGO seats, keyless entry,
onstar, roof rack, operators & Inexperienced candidates
TRUCK SALES Garage Kept, Call 570-388-6535 750cc. 8,000 miles, running boards,
with great employment history to

570-760-2035 Excellent Gas (570) 708-0269 saddlebags, wind- garage kept.
work at their Mehoopany, PA
542-2277 Mileage. Carfax
MERCEDES-BENZ `05 after 6:00PM shield, back rest, $14,750.

6am to 8pm available. Price Black & Pearl, 570-362-1910 location. The following skills are
reduced $7,995
240C Excellent Condition.

415 Autos-Antique necessary for these positions:
or trade for SUV or
& Classic
Must See. Asking
CHEVY `94 GLADIATOR • High School Diploma/GED

other. Beautiful / 4Matic, V6 - Gray, $2,499. Call after 4.
CUSTOMERS... Fun Car. 570-823-9376 Custom Van. 67K • Computer Skills
77K highway miles,
Save money each Fiberglass miles. Interior has
month on your resi-
570-388-6669 Excellent condition,
dealer serviced. Sun CADILLAC `80 COUPE boat with oak wood trim, car- • Valid Driver’s License
• Criminal Background Check
dential or business peting, storage
electricity and help
the environment by AWD, 6 cylinder, Sil-
roof, heated seats.
$15,500. Call
Excellent condition,
trailer. Out-
board propul-
areas, TV, rear seat
convertible to dou-
• Pass Pre-employment Drug Screen
& Physical
switching to GREEN ver, 52,600 miles, sion. Includes: ble bed, curtains.
$3,000 located in • Part-time position for experienced
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
energy. Nothing to sunroof, heated Seats 7. Power win-
buy, same reliable
energy, no con-
seats, Bose sound
system, 6 CD
570-454-1945 or
2 motors
YAMAHA ‘07 650 V-STAR dows & seats. Cus-
tom lighting on ceil-
driver only.
All full-time positions come with the Tunkhannock
Clubman. Black & 561-573-4114 Matted black finish.
tracts,cancel any- changer, satellite White. Sunroof. 30K “Lark II series” Mint condition. New ing. New exhaust following benefits:
time, no cancella- radio, Onstar, park- system. New rear
tion fees, receive
one bill.
ing assist, remote
keyless entry, elec-
miles. Leather inte-
rior, fully loaded. 6 CHEVROLET `68 C10 PRICE
serviced & tires. Recently
inspected. Excellent
medical, 8 paid holidays, 401k after
1 year, and paid vacation. Pay increase
speed. Excellent New 350 motor and ready to ride. Wind-
For details call toll tronic keyless igni- condition. 40 MPG. new transmission. $2,400 shield & sissy bar. condition. $4,200 or based on skill development.
free 855-256-4454 tion, & more! $20,500. Call REDUCED TO NEGOTIABLE Low miles & garage best offer. Call Interested Applicants can Apply Online!

lynnbythelake@ $17,600 570-262-8811 $5,000 FIRM kept. $4800. or best 570-655-0530 570-881-2775 (570) 906-1771
570-417-3940 or Call 888-382-4078
offer. 570-762-5158
451 Trucks/ 533 Installation/ 548 Medical/Health 708 Antiques & 716 Building 744 Furniture & 754 Machinery & 758 Miscellaneous 776 Sporting Goods 815 Dogs
SUVs/Vans Maintenance/ Collectibles Materials Accessories Equipment
Gazelle Exercise
MENT. 12 fly rods
• Home Health
Stolid state 2 piece
stereo phonograph
white, very good
condition $15.
Four piece solid oak
bedroom set pur-
eywell commercial.
Never used,
Machine. Used
twice. Assembled.
and reels, 12 spin-
ning rods and reels.
• Certified Nurse $125. Lexmark color $10-$50 each. Call
& eight track stereo Anderson window- chased at Ashley includes replace-
Action Lift, Inc., Aides tape player with 36”w X 38”H double Furniture approxi- ment filters, $600 printer. New in box. for details.
located in Pittston, Call Bayada Nurses speakers. Albums & hung, grills & screen mately 4 years ago negotiable. PRES- $20. Magnavox VCR 570-693-0212

PA, is the exclusive 570-883-5600 tapes available. $50 included, very good for $2,800. In excel- SURE WASHER, with all hook ups &
5 speed, four GOLF CLUBS: Dri-
dealership for 570-735-6167 condition. $75. or lent condition, like Generac, runs but remote. $25.
wheel drive, new ver. Cleveland Hi-
Crown and TCM best offer. Interior new. $900. Call needs pump, pres- AM/FM/Cassette
Matching Fiber- 554 Production/ YEARBOOKS: Bore XLS 9.0 draw.
forklifts for NEPA. Door - 24 X 80 after 4 p.m. sure wand and noz- CD player. $30.
glass cap, $16,000 $25 (4) various driv-
We are seeking a Operations Coughlin H.S. 1926,
stained. Pre Hung. 570-466-3169 zles. $100 nego- Sharp surround

(570)472-9091 1928, 1932, 1937, ers $10. each.
full time forklift $15. Bi Fold Doors tiable. SNOWBLOW- sound speakers.
Call after 4:30 p.m. 570-735-4824
mechanic to trou-
bleshoot, repair and PRESS OPERATOR 1940, 1961, 1963,
1942, 1943, 1944,
60” stained. $30.
Door Slab - 18” $10.
CHAIR. Large reclin-
er. Dark maroon,
ER. Toro, needs
work, $100 nego-
Set of 5. $20.
Call Jamie HELMETS one XL
diagnose Crown & Candidate must 1949. G.A.R. H.S. soft leather. Like tiable. 905-0497 570-822-8957
1934, 1935, 1936,
new. $200
red, Surround ATV ENHANCE
other makes of lift have HS Diploma/ helmet $50. One
TRACTOR trucks. Good written GED & a good work 1937, 1945, 1946, DOOR. 36”x80” 570-457-3541 TROLLING MOTOR:
Goodrich Radial XXL Camo-Surround
& verbal communi- history. Equipment 1951, 1955, 1956, solid wood, 6 panel. Electric. Minn Kota CLASSIFIED
COFFEE TABLE AND Long Trail P225/ ATV helmet $50.
cation skills, as well 1957, 1961, 1965, Exterior or interior. Turbo 32lbs thrust.
experience and One large black AD ONLINE
TRAILERS 1966, 1970, 1980, END TABLE: Oak $35. Boat Trailer 70R16. $100
as customer care knowledge of Natural oak finish, vector sport ATV
1985, 2005, 2006. with glass top Mover. $10. Car 570-675-0248
skills are necessary. hydraulic machines right or left with helmet $25.
FREIGHTLINER Meyers H.S. 1935, excellent condition Buffer $10. Call 829-7130
A valid driver’s is a must. Benefits hardware. $200. TRAILER HITCH with 570-735-7742
’97 MIDROOF 1936, 1937, 1938, $40.00. 570-825-7251
license & the ability include Health, Paid Call 570-735-8730 hardware, fits 2005-
475 CAT & 10 1942, 1943, 1944, 570-208-3888 Place your pet ad
to safely operate lift Holidays/Vacation & or 570-332-8094 2008 Escape, Mer- GET THE WORD OUT
1945, 1946, 1960, and provide us your
speed transmission. trucks are required. 401K. Please call Al
1974, 1975, 1976, DOOR. Interior
COMPUTER DESK, 756 Medical cury Mariner, Mazda with a Classified Ad.
email address
$12,000 Previous forklift at 570-822-6880. corner, excellent Tribute $110 or best
1977. Kingston H.S. swing door with 15 Equipment 570-829-7130
mechanical experi- condition, gray/light offer. 570-466-1214
glass panes from
ence or technical
school graduate will
To place your 1938, 1939, 1940,
1944, 1948, 1949. top to bottom.
oak color $75.
This will create a
seller account
430 Detroit, Super be considered. We ad call...829-7130 Plymouth H.S. 1930,
1931, 1932, 1933,
Mounting hardware
includes. 80x31 1/2.
box. Diesel, $75.
Regulation size with
net. Folds up in mid-
online and login
10 transmission. offer an excellent DAY BED white SAW, Black & Deck- information will be
Asking $15,000. wage and benefits
package, as well as
TOOLMAKER/ 1938, 1943, 1944,
1959, 1960.
Make offer
wicker Henry Link
with trundle, desk,
$400. 570-947-1451
LIFT CHAIR / reclin-
er circular, $18,
CLOCK, wall, 31 day,
dle, on wheels. Very
emailed to you from
Hanover H.S. 1951,
‘88 FRUEHAUF 45’ 401K Retirement chair, mirror, night 1970’s.$30, TOOL “The World of Pets
1952, 1953, 1954, DOORS: (2) sliding er. Medium size. 570-574-8766
with sides. All Savings Plan, paid stand, 6 draw BOX, small, $20 Unleashed”
1960. West Pittston closet doors, 24x80 Good condition.
aluminum, spread holidays, paid vaca- Full time 2nd shift dresser, removable $250. Call 570-735-1589 POOL TABLE:
H.S. Annual 1925, wood with natural You can then use
axle. $6,500. tion & much more. position. Requires a bookcase, ward- 570-357-8025 Coin-Operated/
1926, 1927, 1928, finish $40. DOOR (1) VACUUM Bissell your account to
Apply by e-mail high degree of robe, magazine Bar Size. Slate top.
1931, 1932, 1959. 30x80 natural finish. wide cleaning path, enhance your online
2 storage trailers. mermar@ knowledge of the stand $500. or call POWER CHAIR - Good Condition
Luzerne H.S. 1951, $40. Excellent con- all attachments, ad. Post up to 6
570-814-4790, toolmakers craft for individual prices Jazzy Select, $450. 570-947-1451
1952, 1956, 1957, dition. 675-4383 powerforce, bag- captioned photos
Fax (570)603-2880 and ability to use all 570-498-0977 $700 or best offer
or visit facility to fill shop tools and 1959. Berwick H.S. GLASS DOOR. 3 ALSO, regular less turbo, 12 amps of your pet
out an application: machines. Experi- 1952, 1953, 1956, way glass door for
DESK with bottom wheelchair, with MZX1MUM $45. One 780 Televisions/ Expand your text to
Action Lift, Inc. ence in setup and 1957, 1958, 1960, bath tub. $25
bookshelf, wood extra weight sup- portable Pronto 2 in Accessories include more
1 Memco Drive 1967, 1968, 1969 with glass shelf and port. $100. Call for 1 Electrolux with information, include
operating CNC, 570-331-8183
Pittston, PA 18640 ,1970. Lehman H.S. inside light fixture, more details charger & stand TELEVISION. your contact
milling center and/or
1973, 1974, 1976, top and bottom 570-829-2411 $20. 570-735-8730 25”Nice cabinet, information such
wire EDM equip-
1978, 1980. Nanti- 720 Cemetery components can be or 570-332-8094 working. FREE
460 HANDYPERSON/ ment. Programming
is a plus. Job coke Area H.S.
1976, 2008. Dallas
Plots/Lots stacked or used
side by side, excel-
Jazzy. With leg sup-
as e-mail, address
phone number and
AUTOMOTIVE requires working to 762 Musical or website.

Part time. Must be
close tolerances
and from prints. We
H.S. 1966, 1967,
1968. Bishop Hoban
lent. $60. Call
ports. Red, comes
with charger. May Instruments
RCA TV with Stand.
H.S. 1972, 1973, need a new battery. $30. Call
DIRECTORY reliable, organized, offer an excellent
salary and benefit 1974, 1975. West DESK, Computer $350.00. CLARINETTE 42, 570-357-8025
detailed and likes corner desk solid state 3 piece,
dogs. Lazy person package. Submit Side Central 570-331-0632 TELEVISION:
Catholic H.S. 1965 - Gray,light oak, stereo, phono &
468 Auto Parts need not apply. resume to: excellent condition. Toshiba. 56 inch Hi
Call 570-709-2481 Michael Holcomb
1974, 1980, 1981.
Westmoreland H.S. MEMORIAL SHRINE $75 570-868-6018
Golden Companion
eight track stereo
tape player with Def, DLP Projection
Model 56MX195.
538 Janitorial/
Manufacturing Co.
PO Box 4174
1952, 1953 - 1954
tables. $15
Scooter, Runs good,
needs batteries
speakers. Albums &
tapes available. $50 Stand included.
Needs Lamp Bulb
CALL US! Cleaning Wyoming, PA 18644 1973, 1974, 1975, 6 Plots Available
May be Separated Please Call
$50. 570-283-0272 (570) 735-6167
AKC Registered.
Family Raised.
1976 Pittston H.S.
TO JUNK 1936, 1951, 1954, Rose Lawn Section 570-357-8025 WHEELCHAIR.
Pride, electric. (no
GUITAR. Nearly
new. 6 string Elec-
570-443-7527 Call 570-510-6428
Healthcare Services $450 each
YOUR CAR Group is seeking an
1963 Pittston Hospi-
tal School of Nurs- 570-654-1596
HUTCH: Solid Oak.
Excellent condition
batteries) $200 tric acoustic. $90 TV: Sony 27”
Trinitron color $75.
Charlie 333-4604
BEST PRICES ing, J.O.Y. of 1957, $200.00. Solid Oak Mintek DVD Player
IN THE AREA 1959 West Pittston sideboard, excellent WHEELCHAIR. Trac- $15 570-829-4776
766 Office
1955, 1956, 1960
condition $200.00.
Solid Oak table, six
er IV by Invacare.
Heavy duty, extra Equipment 784 Tools
Free Anytime
600 Hazleton H.S. 1938,
1939, 1940, 1941,
(6) chairs, Good
condition. $150.00.
wide, 450 lbs seat,
18” deep x 24” wide
570-301-3602 The responsibilities
FINANCIAL 1942, 1943, 1945, ST. NICHOLAS’ 570-829-4025 back 18” high. $400
PRINTER, Fax, Copi- BUFFER Coleman
CEMETERY, er, Scanner. 4 in 1 Powermate new in
would include: 1948, 1949, 1950, cash only. HP Series 2200. AKC RARE Red &
1953, 1954, 1955, 570-288-9936
• Managing a staff 610 Business 1956, 1957, 1959, 6 Plots. Can be quality, table 36x60 Excellent condition & Decker 1.5 hp. white, 1 female,
of professional between 10am-9pm $50. 570-675-4383 shots & wormed,
housekeepers and
Opportunities 1960, 1961, 1962, divided. Near with 4 heavy duty $20 each.
$450 each. Call
Entrance. $550 chairs. Excellent 570-288-9940
1964 Hazle Twp H.S.
laundry personnel
1951, 1952 each. Call $165. 878-2849 758 Miscellaneous 770 Photo STEEL CABINETS
• Daily payroll
570-825-4721 570-675-9991
Equipment 22”d x 19”w x 34”h.
• Budget
management To place your AB CIRCLE PRO
$75. 2 sliding bearing
• Recruitment &
training of all
710 Appliances 726 Clothing ad Call Toll Free 570-735-4824 BACK UP CAMERA
12 volt, used $50.
drawers. 1 door.
Excellent for work-
frontline staff JAN-PRO DRYER. GE Electric. JACKET: boys gen- 1-800-427-8649 BACK PACK. Hiking, 570-675-7024 bench. Very strong

503 Accounting/
Benefits would
include health, den-
White, 6 cycle,
heavy duty. Excel-
uine Italian stone
leather jacket, size KITCHEN SET.
Wood, oval, brown
navy canvas, $40,
Pic n’ Play, for child. MANFROTTO
and rigid. $60. each.
tal and life insur- OF NEPA 14. $25. 868-6018 $40. 570-675-4383 CABINET - old white Home raised. 1st
Finance lent condition. $130. table, good shape. Model 681B. Excel- metal cabinet with 1 shots & wormed.
ance; vacation and 570-881-2384 $125. 570-970-6651
Be Your Own JACKETS. Leather. lent condition. $50 drawer & 1 door. Short & longhair.
BOOKKEEPER 401K. For immedi-
ate consideration, Boss Work Full or
Part time
FREEZER. Standup,
runs but needs door
Boys black size 14.
Genuine Italian LIVING ROOM SET.
or best offer.
36”x20”x16”. $35.
$400 each. Call
Local bookkeeping please fax resume 3 piece. Couch and 53 gallon.
company hiring to: 1-800-423-9001 Accounts available seals, $25. DRYER, stone. $25 each.
2 chairs. Covered
full time full-charge or e-mail NOW throughout
Wilkes Barre,
will dry but needs
new heater ele-
and rarely used.
condition $195. 772 Pools & Spas 786 Toys & Games LINEUP
bookkeeper. joseph.mcdonald@ $100. ROCKER,
Send resume and Scranton,
and Hazleton.
ment. $25
WOMEN’S size 3X -
4x clothing including platform, $25
salary requirements After 5 735-8542 for above ground
to acctg2002@ Find Your Ideal
Employee! Place an
We guarantee
$5,000 to
LOVE SEAT, wicker,
BATHROOM SINK pool. Purchased last
like new,
training INCLASSIFIED! SET: Gerber white year for $180. Sell
ad and end the $200,000 tags. $5 for new
and $2 for slightly with cushions. porcelain bathroom for $100. Optional
wheels. TABLE,
Fisher Price 3 in 1,
506 Administrative/ search! in annual billing.
used. Great for White, good condi- sink with mirror and conversion kit $15. $25, 570-675-7873 A yard or garage sale
570-829-7130 Small investment tion. $60. After 3pm
Clerical ask for an employ- We’re ready - gifts. Size 20W
(570) 655-3197
medicine cabinet.
Matching set. $80.
in classified
mauve evening
ment specialist Are you?
dress for $10. Excel- PATIO FURNITURE.
570-331-8183 POOL: 15’ metal Pool, hockey, bas- is the best way
Dental Office For more info frame pool, with lad-
lent condition. Call ketball, etc. Approx- tocleanoutyourclosets!
SECRETARY/ 542 Logistics/
Call 570-824-5774
between 10 am &
9pm. 570-288-9936
Square glass top
table, 6 chairs,
BLU TOOTH used 12
volt $50. 12 volt
der, filter pump and
more, 42” high.
imate 4 X 6 - $45.
570-868-6018 You’re in bussiness
Transportation cushions. Good travel cooler $35. 12 Used 1 year. $170. with classified!
RECEPTIONIST 630 Money To Loan
condition. $125 volt refrigerator (570) 655-4915 GAME TABLE SET.
4 days/week plus
1/2 day Saturday.
Equipment &
$35. Jack LaLanne
power juicer $50. SWIMMING POOL:
24ft round, 4ft
10 in 1. Pool, hockey
basketball, etc.
FREE: Welsh Terri-
er, 4 year old male,
“We can erase 60 Day Warranty Sharp SF 7320 copy Approximately 4x6 neutered, house-
Old Forge area.
Dental office experi- DRIVER/WAREHOUSE your bad credit -
100% GUARAN-
Monday-Friday Software and White in color-
Needs umbrella-
machine. $150
deep. Plains. YOU
dismantle and
$45. 570-868-6018 broken. Also, 8 year
old chocolate lab,
ence only need 8:00PM-5:00PM COMPUTER: Good Shape-Please remove. Pump/filter
Apply at TEED.” Attorneys LITTLE TIKES. Work housebroken, obe-
apply. Call 562-0816 Huttig Building Saturday HP Compaq make an offer BUMPER rear not included. $350. bench with some
for the Federal dience titles. Mov-
Products 8:00AM-11:00AM DC7700 Dual Core $150.00. chrome 88-98 570-823-2958 tools, Dollhouse
DENTAL Trade Commission ing due to my
350 Lasley Ave. say they’ve never Gateway Tower. 3.4GHZ 570-824-1180 Chevy/GMC fullsize with furniture and health.
Hanover Twp, PA Shopping Center CPU. 1.25GB DDR2 pickup. Mint condi- dolls, Slide. $10 570-596-2326
seen a legitimate ROCKER with 774 Restaurant
RECEPTIONIST Driver needed for
credit repair opera-
tion. No one can
Kingston, PA
(570) 819-1966
Ram. Windows 7.
Delivery. $85.
Ottoman. $75 or
best offer.
tion $200. Tailgate
88-98 cChevy full-
size pickup, no rust
each 570-474-0154

Full Time errands, part time.

legally remove 570-474-0614
or dents. Good con-
788 Stereo/TV/
accurate and timely
Carpenter Dental, Call 570-406-7052.
information from
SOFA, Floral. 81”, 3 dition. $75. Call RESTAURANT Electronics
1086 Wyoming Ave, options, with Business Slimline, EQUIPMENT,
your credit report. cushions, no holes, after 3pm 655-3197
Forty Fort 18704,
Attention: HR Dept. DRIVERS
CDL Class B
It’s a process that
starts with you and
turntable, excellent
condition. $40.
$250, $100. TABle and 6
chairs w/leaf. $300
CLEATS, Armour
8x12 walk in
cooler $2300;
Or Fax to 714-5184. REFRIGERATOR, DELL Latitude, $250 size 11, $25. Softball Great! $25.
Or Email to
license with tanker
involves time and a
conscious effort to
small college size,
good condition $40/
DELL Inspiron, $175
Call for details.
cleats, Nike, size 9
$20, Truck cap
8x8x10 walk
in freezer $3800;
570-829-3473 & LAB PUPPIES
Clean record. Many pay your debts. SWIVEL ROCKER: Pizza oven with TELEVISION: Sony Yellow $300. Black 570-675-4383 570-862-2236 Excellent condition, $275, Boiler, oil, $250. Labs are 8
shifts available. Learn about manag- stones $2000; 65” Projection TV.
mauve $30.00 . $100, Traffic signals, Stainless steel weeks old. Wormed
Probable overnight ing credit and debt REFRIGERATOR DESK. Computer Excellent Condition.
509 Building/ stay away from at ftc. gov/credit. A Kenmore, almond, Desk $50. Call 735- 570-287-1913 $50, 570-760-4830 kitchen hood $250 or best offer 570-836-1090
Construction/ home. Lodging and message from The 21.6 cu. ft. with ice 8730 or 332-8094 VANITY - Older DECORATING $3000; Stainless and you can come
Skilled Trades per diem included. Times Leader and maker & filtered
iPAD: Barely used. makeup vanity with ITEMS. Large steel pizza oven and get it!
Competitive salary. the FTC. water $300. assortment of sun- hood $4000; 570-287-7162
Still under warranty. plate gold mirror. 1
Call 610-310-3606 570-868-6018 flower. $.50 to $10. bread pan rack
Comes with case, door and drawer on TV - Sony Trinitron.
570-301-8515 $100; 2 soup
DRIVERS and charger. each side. 48”L x 27”(D) with remote.
REFRIGERATOR. warmers for $100;
18”D x 21”H. Excel- ITALIAN MASTIFF/
NEEDED Fanelli Brothers Frigidaire, side by $650.00. DESK, Brown, $25 2 door sandwich Excellent shape.
570-760-7801 lent shape. $190. $85. 570-735-5916. CANE CORSO
Trucking has side, Black. $125. INSERT, Fireplace prep table $500.
570-735-5916 PUPPIES
established new DRYER,GE propane, cast iron, decora- All equipment is
Call 570-654-5775 $75,Washer, tive. $100 EXERCISE Ready to go. All
and increased driv-
732 Exercise YOUTH FURNITURE sold as is. For 794 Video Game Shots & Wormed.
SET: Double bed, BIKE $25. All nego- more info, call
er pay package and
700 Systems/Games
CONSTRUCTION an increased sign
on bonus. Due to MERCHANDISE
duty, $50
Equipment two bookshelves,
two side tables and
tiable. 905-0497 570-847-0873
$500 or best offer.
Call (570) 991-5457
Looking for a per- BICYCLES: Boys 20 DISHES. 2 sets of PS2 GAMES: Call Of
son skilled in resi- additional business, dresser. IKEA pine. RESTAURANT Duty 3 Special Edi-
Find Something? in Pacific DS2, 6 china, Service for
dential and com- Fanelli Bros. Truck- Email for pics: EQUIPMENT, tion $12. Call Of Duty
Lose Something? Speed. $30. Boys 12. $100. Yellow set,
mercial construc- ing Co. is adding 702 Air Get it back where it 20 in Magna Excitor,
service for 8, $40 Somerset Dough World At War Final
both regional and $400.
tion. Must be self
local drivers to our
Conditioners belongs 21 speeds. $40 570-603-9820
570-824-2571 Sheeter, Model Fronts $15. Guitar
motivated and with a Lost/Found ad! 570-868-6018 CAR-100. Only Hero $10. Hitman 2
capable of working
Pottsville, PA termi-
nal operation. Dri-
Whirlpool, 6000
EXERCISE BIKE, Vita 746 Garage Sales/
Line up a place to live 1 available. $1,500
Call for more info
$10. Dance Dance
Revolution Extreme
Please send your vers are home most
nights throughout
Kenmore, Almond.
Master with odome-
Estate Sales/ in classified! 570-498-3616 2 $12. Tekken Tag 2 females, 3 males
8 weeks old. $500
resume or work cient. $80. ter and speedome- Tournament (some
experience to the week. Drivers (570) 868-6018 21.6 cf, ice maker, ter, $30. WEIGHT Flea Markets tric, built in heater,
RESTAURANT scratches works (570) 371-3035
YTCarpenter@ must have 2-3 filtered water. BENCH, barbell with EQUIPMENT, fine) $5.
years of OTR expe- Excellent condition. $300, TRAVEL YORKIE PUPPIES: 60lbs in weights. SOMERSET TURN PLAYSTATION
rience, acceptable 708 Antiques & $300. AIR CONDI- $30 570-824-0591
CASE, Golf club,
OVER MACHINE - GAMES: Spongebob Two puppies. Free
MVR and pass a Collectibles TIONER. Whirlpool, $10.WIRING, 250” to good home. Con-
model SPM45, Squarepants Super-
527 Food Services/ criminal background 6000 BTU, energy EXERCISE roll 12/3, $50
$500; ALSO, Bunn sponge $10. Tony act: tiltonmichael81
MACHINE. Cross 570-675-7024
Hospitality check. AUTO PARTS. 1930- efficient. $80
Bow Legend. Very
Pour Over Coffee Hawks Pro Skater
The new pay pack- 1931 Model “A” Ford 570-868-6018 AVOCA GARAGE SALE Machine, Model # (some scratches
HOTEL age offers: Parts for sale. Many good condition. STF15, $225 works fine) $5. 840 Pet Services
BEST WESTERN • .38 cpm for parts, too many to Sacrifice $200. For more info, call Crash Bandicoot 2
Frigidaire. White. tioner, 5000 BTU,
qualified drivers list. Call for list. 570-788-2388 570-498-3616 Cortex Strikes Back DREAM KATCHR
Large. Freezer up $40. Convection
• $1,500 sign on $1000 for all. (some scratches
• Paid vacations and
Leave message.
top. Very Clean, fair-
ly new, in good
Treadmill - Proform.
kero, HTA 23k, $50
TV/DVD combo 20” works fine) $5.
is now offering Pony
Hiring the following working condition. 570-639-7270 $40. 570-868-6655 Day Camp. Booking
holidays RESTAURANT Kitchen (Windows now for June and
Part Time positions: BASEBALL CARDS. $250 negotiable. HEADBOARD: Black
• Health/Dental/ EQUIPMENT, Vista, XP or MAC) July dates. For rates
‘63, ‘64, ‘71 Topps Call 570-283-6943 738 Floor Care lacquer with gold
HOUSEKEEPERS Vision Insurance
• 401K Plan
$8-$15, Moving
must sell. Call for
Leave Message
Equipment Gedding St., Park
St. & Skytop Dr.
trim. $10. 20 inch
Haier TV. Great con-
MIXER, 20 quart
$15. Excellent Con-
dition unless noted.
and reservations
contact Alice at:
Valid drivers license. Contact Gary Potter REFRIGERATOR: mixer, Model Cash or PayPal. 570-579-4473/
details. 313-5214 dition. $18. Costume
VACUUM CLEANER Saturday, May 21st Take $85 for all.
at 570-544-3140
Ext 156 or visit us COKE COOLER. FRIGIDARE BAGS – Electrolux
Canister 4 Ply
8:00AM to 3:00PM
Furniture, clothes,
jewelry, all kinds
$1.00 each. Cos-
AE-20, with timer
and guard, $1300. 570-735-2661
at 1298 Keystone Classic gas station ALSO, Bev Air 2

DAY TIME BUSPERSONS Blvd., Pottsville, PA model from 40’-50’s

Westinghouse com-
PROFESSIONAL Generic 10ct $10,
Upright 4 Ply Gener-
toy & much more.
Don’t Miss This One
tume crystal butter-
fly watch brand new
door refrigerator/
sandwich prep
796 Wanted to Buy and Canine good
citizen class. Start-
DRIVERS pressor. Good con-
Stainless Steel 27.8
ic 10 Ct $10, Upright Rain Date 5/28. $5. 570-235-4928 table, Model
Merchandise ing 5/21/11. Call
3 door. Top of the
COOKS NOW HIRING dition. $295,
offers considered.
all line purchase
09/2010 for $2500
Non Generic 8 Ct
$10 570-868-6018 752 Landscaping &
LAMPS. stand up SP48-12, $1300.
Call 570-498-3616 BUYING SPORT CARDS
Mary 570-332-4095
$25 each. ‘89
Jake 570-829-7859
asking $1800.00.
570-313-1328 744 Furniture &
Gardening Chevy S10 truck
bedliner. $40,
for more details. Pay Cash for
baseball, football,
845 Pet Supplies
Best pay. Will train
Weekends &
if necessary. 1972 Topps Jonny STOVE. Almond. Accessories CHIPPER, shredder, SPOILER, for ‘00 776 Sporting Goods basketball, hockey FISH TANK. 30 gal.
Holidays a must. mulcher, bagger. Chevy Cavalier. $10, & non-sports. Sets, with 3 tier wooden
Pace Transportation Unitas-Crisp and Gas. Good condi-
Apply in person. BAR. Hardwood, Craftsman 5 HP. 3 CARB, 4 barrel from BACKBOARD, singles & wax. stand. Includes light,
570-883-9797 MT-Picture Perfect tion. $50. 592-2549
No phone calls. rock maple, liquor cutting stages. Very running Chevy Basketball, fiber- 570-212-0398 lid, filter, heater and
Off Route 115 cabinet w/lock, cop- good condition. motor. $50/ TV, GE, glass with rim and some decorations.
Drivers - CDL-A: 570-824-1180
Wilkes-Barre Local Dedicated 712 Baby Items per insert top, 2 $325. 675-4383 28”, works good, net. $25. $125. 570-762-1015
route! Home every FOOTBALL CARDS. barstools, 4 1/2’ needs remote. $90 570-824-0591
Shopping for a night! Great Pay, Philadelphia Eagles. CRIB, convertible, long. Excellent like
loped grey edging
BICYCLE. Boy’s 20”
127 cards, $10. Col- complete. $350 or new condition, great
new apartment? Benefits!
lege Teams, 148 best offer for entertaining. 24” straight and 17” MAKEUP MIRROR: Pacific DS2, 6
Classified lets Estenson Logistics. curved. total 40 +/- Conair, two sided, speed. $30. Boy’s
Apply: cards, $10. MUST 570-474-0614 Must see, awe-
you compare costs - SELL 570-313-5214 some, smoke free pieces. Grey $1.00. lighted, 4 modes on 20” Magna Excitor,
without hassle 1-866-336-9642
TODDLER BED: home. $600 570-735-4186 pedestal. $25. firm. 21 speed. $40 800 REPTILE TANK. 10
LP’S, 78’S, 45’S Lightning McQueen 570-675-0248 570-868-6018 gallon, wire mesh
or worry! From 40’S, 50’S, bed includes bed-
570-693-0884 LAWNMOWER PETS & ANIMALS lid, heat lamp, cave
Get moving FRONT-LOAD AND 60’S & 70’S
$1 each. 829-2411
ding (fitted sheet
top sheet pillow-
(4 pieces) including
Craftsman /Honda
motor includes bag,
reduced to $2 each
blue marble with
and pond. $20
with classified! 810 Cats
ROLL-OFF DRIVERS case and comforter) headboard, night- self propelled, runs or 22 for $35. beige & blue case,
Looking for Work?
NEON SIGN - Elec- no mattress $60.00 stand, mirror and good $150. after STAND, VHS, $5. $30. 570-829-4776
Minimum 2 years tric, Camel sign, 30 3pm 655-3197 Cash or paypal CAT. Calico female.
570-905-1777 dresser, oak. full BOWLING BALL: Needs home ASAP.
Tell Employers with
experience, full time years old, $200. 570-735-2661
& great benefits. size. $450.00. TORO MOWER: NEW 16 pound Very loving, spayed,
Apply in person. 570-829-2411 570-262-0938
Apply in person at 714 Bridal Items e-Cycler Cordless RELIGIOUS ITEMS - Brunswick Groove litter trained. Can
Knights Inn
310 Route 315
Solomon Container
Washington. 1936-
ROCKER. Maple. 6
months old. $30
Electric, Top Rated
Cordless, 10 months
Hand made
Rosaries, $5. Pope
Blue/burgundy. This
ball is new in the
live indoors only.
Can only keep for 1
a Classified Ad.
Pittston, PA 18640
495 Stanton St.
D, 37-D, 39-D. $70
DLE, $25
, 570-592-2549
570-824-2571 old. $299.
Call 570-262-1131
John Paul II Memori-
blia. 570-829-2411
box $15.00.
more week. Please
call 570-762-1015 570-829-7130


Front Wheel Drive, Auto., Air,

Pwr. Locks, Side Air Bags,
16” Steel Wheels, Roof Rails,
Pwr. Windows, Keyless Entry with
Remote, Safety Canopy, Cargo Cover


All Wheel Drive, Automatic, Pwr. Locks, 16” Steel All Wheel Drive, XLT, Safety Canopy, CD, Side Impact Air
Wheels, Pwr. Windows, Air, Keyless Entry with Bags, Pwr. Driver’s Seat, Auto., PW, PDL, Air, Fog Lamps,
Privacy Glass, Roof Rack, Keyless Entry, 16” Alum.
Remote, Safety Canopy, Side Air Bags Wheels, Rear Cargo Convenience Pkg., Sirius
Satellite Radio,
FOR Mos.


Mos. *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease
21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11. Mos.


Automatic, Advanced Trac Auto., Air, Pwr. Mirrors, Advance
Trac with Electronic Stability Control, Side
with Electronic Stability Control, Curtains, AM/FM/CD, Pwr. Door Locks,
Side Curtains, AM/FM/CD, Pwr. Tilt Wheel, SYNC, Sport Appearance
Door Locks, Air, Remote Keyless Pkg., Rear Spoiler, Cruise Control,
15” Alum. Wheels, Winter Pkg.,
Entry, Tilt Wheel, Pwr. Mirrors Heated Seats, Keyless Entry w/Keypad

72 24 *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease
Mos. Mos. 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11.


Remote Keyless Entry, Air, Auto., CD, Anti-Theft Sys., Side Curtain Air Bags,
16” Steel Wheels, Tilt Wheel AC, Instrument
AM/FM/CD, Pwr. Locks, Side Cluster, Message Center, PW, PL, Keyless Entry,
Curtain Air Bags, Anti-Theft Pwr. Side Mirrors, Convenience Pkg., Cruise
Sys., Side Impact Air Bags, Control, Map Light, Fog Lamps, Perimeter Alarm,
Message Center, MyKey MyFord, SYNC, Sirius Satellite Radio, MyKey

72 24 *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease
Mos. Mos. 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11.

Auto., AM/FM/CD, Tilt Wheel, PW, PDL, Pwr. Seat, 3.7L V6, Auto., Air, AM/FM/CD, Mos. All Wheel Drive, SEL, Auto., ABS, V6, Remote Keyless Entry with
Keypad, Rear Spoiler, Anti-Theft Sys., CD, Personal Safety Sys., Safety
Safety Pkg., Side Impact Air Bags, Anti-Theft Sys., 1st & Cloth Seat, Cruise Control, Canopy, Side Impact Air Bags, Sirius Satellite Radio, Cruise, Dual
2nd Air Curtains, Sirius Satellite Radio, 40/20/40 Split Seat, Electronic Climate Control, Convenience
Group, PW, Auto. Headlamps, Pwr.
Keyless Entry, Message Center, XL Plus Pkg., Seat, Reverse Sensing, PDL,
SYNC XL Decor 18” Alum. Wheels, MyKey,
Group, ABS MyFord LCD Display


72 72
Mos. Mos.
24 *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied 72 24 *Tax and tags extra. Security deposit waived. All factory rebates applied
Mos. **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment, Mos. Mos. **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months payment,
$595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11. $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. Sale ends 5/31/11.

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*Tax and tags extra. Security Deposit waived. All factory rebates applied **Lease payments based on 24 month lease 21,000 allowable miles. First months
payment, $595 Bank Fee, and $2,500 down payment (cash or trade) due at delivery. See salesperson for details. All payments subject to credit approval by the primary lending source, Tier 0 rate.
Special APR financing cannot be combined with Ford cash rebate. “BUY FOR” prices are based on 72 month at $18.30 per month per $1000 financed with $2,500 down (cash or trade). Photos of
vehicles are for illustration purposes only. Coccia Ford is not responsible for any typographical errors. No Security Deposit Necessary. See dealer for details. Sale ends MAY 31, 2011.



180 models 20 MPG or Better 

46 models 30 MPG or Better  

7 models 40 MPG or Better  


STK: K11833A 2003 Hyundai.... Elantra......... 4dr Sdn GLS Manual ......................... 39,969 MILES $8,989 STK: P15243 2008 Nissan....... Altima ......... 4dr Sdn V6 CVT 3.5 SE ......................36,106 MILES $21,499
STK: P14809B 2006 Mercury ... Milan ........... 4dr Sdn 2.3 ........................................ 68,535 MILES $9,989 STK: B9041A 2006 MB............. C-Class ........ 4dr Luxury Sdn 3.0L 4MATIC............. 52,454 MILES $21,499
STK: K11889A 2005 Hyundai.... Elantra......... 4dr Sdn GT Auto................................ 69,910 MILES $9,995 STK: CP15266 2008 Chrysler.... T&C ............. 4dr Wgn Touring................................39,080 MILES $21,499
STK: H26380A 2002 Mitsubishi Montero Spor t 4dr 4WD XLS..................................... 59,367 MILES $10,489 STK: DP15265 2009 Dodge....... Journey....... AWD 4dr SXT ....................................34,365 MILES $21,499
STK: L11157A 2003 Chevrolet . Monte Carlo 2dr Cpe LS ......................................... 52,039 MILES $10,989 STK: J4543A 2007 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Limited ...............................52,552 MILES $21,875
STK: K11898A 2004 Hyundai.... Santa Fe...... 4dr GLS 4WD Auto 2.7L V6............... 85,649 MILES $11,489 STK: T27642A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX.......................................35,013 MILES $21,900
STK: M7824A 2008 Ford........... Focus........... 2dr Cpe S........................................... 45,966 MILES $11,989 STK: H26263A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L....................................31,772 MILES $21,979
STK: CH5396A 2006 VW............. New Beetle . 2dr 2.5L Manual ................................ 40,542 MILES $11,995 STK: P15164 2007 Cadillac..... DTS ............. 4dr Sdn Luxury I................................. 31,363 MILES $21,995
STK: T27950A 2007 Chrysler.... PT Cruiser ... 4dr Wgn Touring................................ 24,802 MILES $12,989 STK: CP15175 2010 Chrysler.... T&C ............. 4dr Wgn Touring................................17,933 MILES $21,995
STK: H26310A 2005 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4dr Laredo 4WD ................................ 70,722 MILES $12,995 STK: H25980A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX.......................................32,684 MILES $21,995
STK: K11906A 2008 Chevrolet . HHR ............. FWD 4dr LT........................................ 53,997 MILES $13,489 STK: H26326A 2007 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EXL .....................................51,202 MILES $21,995
STK: C3411B 2002 Ford........... Ranger ........ 4dr Supercab 4.0L XLT FX4 4WD ...... 47,594 MILES $13,489 STK: T27123A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd..............26,864 MILES $21,995
STK: DP15253 2005 Hyundai.... Santa Fe...... 4dr GLS 4WD 3.5L Auto .................... 49,819 MILES $13,989 STK: H25661A 2009 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr V6 Auto EX-L ...............................28,975 MILES $21,995
STK: H25638A 2007 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 44,326 MILES $14,100 STK: TP15236 2008 Toyota....... CamryHybrid 4dr Sdn ..............................................18,465 MILES $21,995
STK: H26362A 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Man LX........................................ 74,285 MILES $14,489 STK: A10687A 2007 Acura........ RDX ............. AWD 4dr............................................46,680 MILES $21,999
STK: CH5394A 2006 Ford........... Mustang...... 2dr Cpe Standard .............................. 46,467 MILES $14,489 STK: H26295A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX.......................................32,049 MILES $22,275
STK: H26363B 2010 Ford........... Focus........... 2dr Cpe SE......................................... 39,233 MILES $14,489 STK: DP15246 2010 Dodge....... GrandCaravan 4dr Wgn SXT .....................................26,204 MILES $22,479
STK: T27451A 2007 Toyota....... Avalon......... 4dr Sdn XL ......................................... 42,738 MILES $14,800 STK: A10766A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Limited ......................34,442 MILES $22,479
STK: A10764A 2009 Ford........... Fusion ......... 4dr Sdn I4 SE FWD............................ 42,427 MILES $14,989 STK: K11794A 2008 Jeep .......... Commander 4WD 4dr Limited ...............................60,084 MILES $22,499
STK: K11632B 2004 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4dr Auto............................................. 65,594 MILES $14,989 STK: JP15256 2008 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................42,709 MILES $22,499
STK: H26441A 2007 Honda....... Civic ............ 2dr AT EX........................................... 15,556 MILES $14,999 STK: B9055A 2007 Toyota....... FJ Cruiser.... 4WD 4dr Auto ...................................42,948 MILES $22,595
STK: H26053A 2007 Honda....... Element....... 4WD 4dr AT EX.................................. 56,262 MILES $15,200 STK: H25556A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................34,157 MILES $22,895
STK: B9027B 2007 Jeep .......... Compass..... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 59,732 MILES $15,489 STK: H26123A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................38,604 MILES $22,900
STK: CH5398A 2008 Chrysler.... Sebring ....... 4dr Sdn Touring FWD ........................ 18,008 MILES $15,999 STK: T27703A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................45,038 MILES $22,995
STK: H25899A 2007 Nissan....... Xterra .......... 4WD 4dr Auto S ................................ 65,037 MILES $16,489 STK: H26324A 2008 Honda....... Odyssey ...... 5dr EX ................................................14,805 MILES $22,995
STK: J4484A 2007 Honda....... Civic ............ 2dr AT EX........................................... 35,244 MILES $16,499 STK: AP15205 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto .....................................29,753 MILES $22,999
STK: KP15216 2010 Hyundai.... Sonata......... ........................................................... 26,861 MILES $16,995 STK: T27867A 2010 Ford........... Escape......... 4WD 4dr XLT .....................................30,966 MILES $22,999
STK: H26096A 2009 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................ 15,617 MILES $16,999 STK: DP15200 2010 Dodge....... Dakota......... 4WD Crew Cab Bighorn/Lonestar..... 13,123 MILES $23,400
STK: P15214 2008 Nissan....... Altima ......... ........................................................... 37,675 MILES $17,095 STK: H26332A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX.......................................7,690 MILES $23,479
STK: T27498A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 12,394 MILES $17,395 STK: H26377A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................50,648 MILES $23,499
STK: TP15235 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 32,059 MILES $17,395 STK: D0282A 2006 Dodge....... Ram 2500.... 4dr Mega Cab 160.5 4WD SLT.......... 61,835 MILES $23,499
STK: J4558A 2004 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 Ext Cab 143.5” WB 4WD LS ............. 79,104 MILES $17,489 STK: H26115A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX-L....................................54,276 MILES $23,499
STK: H25664A 2008 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto EX ....................................... 45,456 MILES $17,499 STK: CP15249 2010 Chrysler.... T&C ............. 4dr Wgn Touring................................24,665 MILES $23,499
STK: K11916A 2008 Hyundai.... Sonata......... 4dr Sdn V6 Auto SE........................... 29,542 MILES $17,979 STK: J4551A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr SE.......................................51,573 MILES $23,499
STK: T27987A 2010 Honda....... Civic ............ 2dr Auto LX........................................ 19,143 MILES $17,979 STK: DP15178 2010 Dodge....... Dakota......... 4WD Crew Cab Bighorn/Lonestar..... 12,321 MILES $23,595
STK: M7758A 2008 Mitsubishi Outlander.... 4WD 4dr XLS..................................... 40,232 MILES $17,995 STK: BP15068 2008 MB............. E-Class ........ 4dr Sdn Sport 3.5L 4MATIC...............29,145 MILES $23,995
STK: TP15207 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 23,755 MILES $17,995 STK: T27376A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra 4WD Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT SR5.................62,285 MILES $23,995
STK: T27788A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 23,987 MILES $17,995 STK: T27738A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra 4WD Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT Grade.............. 41,984 MILES $24,600
STK: D0194A 2008 Mitsubishi Endeavor .... AWD 4dr LS....................................... 41,089 MILES $17,995 STK: P15179 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT.....................21,185 MILES $24,995
STK: J4567A 2007 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................ 47,201 MILES $17,995 STK: T27976A 2009 Nissan....... Frontier ....... 4WD Crew Cab SWB Auto SE .......... 19,582 MILES $24,995
STK: A10725A 2008 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 39,412 MILES $17,999 STK: A10664A 2007 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................42,416 MILES $24,999
STK: H26118A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX ................................... 20,651 MILES $18,295 STK: H26099A 2008 Honda....... Ridgeline..... 4WD Crew Cab RTL w/Lthr...............20,439 MILES $25,995
STK: T27677A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Limited ...................... 56,948 MILES $18,295 STK: L11033B 2008 Cadillac..... SRX ............. AWD 4dr V6 ......................................35,319 MILES $25,995
STK: H26325B 2009 Honda....... Civic ............ 4dr Auto LX........................................ 22,078 MILES $18,499 STK: L11140A 2007 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................18,908 MILES $25,995
STK: KP15262 2010 Hyundai.... Elantra......... ........................................................... 17,927 MILES $18,499 STK: B8782B 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LS ....................6,691 MILES $25,995
STK: J4539A 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 28,610 MILES $18,795 STK: L11148B 2006 Lexus ........ IS 350 .......... 4dr Sport Sdn Auto............................46,809 MILES $26,479
STK: T27196A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl ................................... 68,325 MILES $18,989 STK: L11174B 2007 Lexus ........ IS 250 .......... 4dr Sport Sdn Auto AWD..................46,239 MILES $26,499
STK: L11063A 2006 Lexus ........ ES 330 ......... 4dr Sdn .............................................. 54,703 MILES $18,995 STK: A10740A 2007 Infiniti ....... G35.............. 4dr Auto G35x AWD..........................24,760 MILES $26,499
STK: JP15132 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 29,605 MILES $18,995 STK: T27626A 2010 Dodge....... Ram 1500.... 4WD Quad Cab 140.5” SLT ...............37,344 MILES $26,995
STK: H26246A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr LX ....................................... 28,571 MILES $18,995 STK: A10695A 2008 Lincoln...... MKX ............ AWD 4dr............................................31,903 MILES $26,995
STK: H26177A 2008 Mercury ... Mariner ....... 4WD 4dr V6....................................... 23,676 MILES $18,995 STK: T27392A 2010 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd..............9,438 MILES $26,995
STK: P15213 2008 Nissan....... Altima ......... ........................................................... 35,986 MILES $18,995 STK: K11896A 2009 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX.......................................27,032 MILES $27,479
STK: T27622A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 24,930 MILES $18,995 STK: L11203A 2010 Toyota....... Avalon......... 4dr Sdn Limited .................................24,654 MILES $27,499
STK: T27346A 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 34,098 MILES $18,995 STK: H26453A 2009 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 134.0” Work Truck *Ltd Avail*....11,684 MILES $27,499
STK: J4513A 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 27,749 MILES $18,995 STK: H26106A 2008 Ford........... SD F-250 ...... 4WD SuperCab 158” FX4..................51,841 MILES $27,499
STK: T27979A 2006 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4dr Base 4-cyl 4WD .......................... 39,878 MILES $18,995 STK: A10548A 2009 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LTZ................... 34,286 MILES $27,995
STK: J4502A 2007 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Limited ............................... 46,140 MILES $18,999 STK: T27895A 2008 Lincoln...... MKX ............ AWD 4dr............................................29,326 MILES $27,995
STK: T27602B 2005 Ford........... F-150............ Supercab 133” XLT 4WD................... 69,185 MILES $18,999 STK: T27694A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra 4WD Dbl 5.7L V8 6-Spd AT Grade.............. 35,571 MILES $27,995
STK: T27158B 2009 Toyota....... Camry ......... 4dr Sdn I4 Auto LE............................. 47,026 MILES $18,999 STK: L11034A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................31,761 MILES $28,479
STK: H26455A 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 38,583 MILES $18,999 STK: H24986A 2008 Honda....... Odyssey ...... 5dr EX-L w/RES .................................33,322 MILES $28,479
STK: T27984A 2008 Chevrolet . Impala ......... 4dr Sdn LTZ........................................ 45,302 MILES $18,999 STK: AP15259 2009 Acura........ TSX ............. ...........................................................44,097 MILES $28,479
STK: H25760A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX ................................... 21,693 MILES $19,095 STK: AP15258 2008 Acura........ TL ................ ...........................................................25,908 MILES $28,479
STK: H26122A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX-L PZEV ....................... 24,073 MILES $19,195 STK: L11127A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................26,270 MILES $28,979
STK: H26370A 2008 Toyota....... Prius ............ 5dr HB................................................ 34,843 MILES $19,479 STK: L11108A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................15,751 MILES $28,995
STK: T27415A 2009 Dodge....... Journey....... AWD 4dr SXT .................................... 53,116 MILES $19,499 STK: L11156A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................29,967 MILES $29,479
STK: DP15244 2010 Dodge....... Avenger ...... 4dr Sdn SXT....................................... 17,470 MILES $19,499 STK: T27909A 2008 Chevrolet . Slvrado2500HD 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT w/1LT.......... 19,269 MILES $29,499
STK: DP15245 2010 Dodge....... Avenger ...... 4dr Sdn SXT....................................... 18,141 MILES $19,499 STK: H26381A 2010 Ford........... F-150............ 4WD SuperCab 145” STX .................6,866 MILES $29,499
STK: KP15261 2010 Hyundai.... Sonata......... ........................................................... 22,548 MILES $19,499 STK: L11175A 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................33,950 MILES $29,499
STK: H25977A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 47,834 MILES $19,795 STK: H26120A 2010 Nissan....... Pathfinder ... 4WD 4dr V6 LE ..................................9,592 MILES $29,995
STK: H26104A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 35,158 MILES $19,895 STK: T27776A 2008 Toyota....... Sienna......... 5dr 7-Pass Van XLE Ltd AWD............38,265 MILES $29,995
STK: H26073A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr V6 Auto EX-L ............................... 32,845 MILES $19,965 STK: LP15225 2008 Lexus ........ ES 350 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................22,761 MILES $29,995
STK: H26162A 2009 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto LX.................................... 11,925 MILES $19,979 STK: T27531A 2010 Toyota....... Highlander.. 4WD 4dr V6 Base..............................15,950 MILES $29,995
STK: T27878A 2005 Toyota....... Highlander.. 4dr V6 4WD Limited w/3rd Row....... 64,266 MILES $19,989 STK: A10768A 2008 GMC.......... Acadia ......... AWD 4dr SLT1...................................29,863 MILES $29,995
STK: T27706A 2008 Toyota....... Tundra 4WD Dbl 4.7L V8 5-Spd AT SR5................. 71,440 MILES $19,995 STK: JP15232 2011 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................15,821 MILES $30,495
STK: CP15135 2007 Chrysler.... 300-Series... 4dr Sdn 300C RWD ........................... 39,233 MILES $19,995 STK: S0675A 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Crew Cab 143.5” LS.................4,275 MILES $30,499
STK: H25934B 2008 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................ 37,770 MILES $19,995 STK: BP15057A 2008 Volvo......... XC70............ 4dr Wgn w/Snrf ................................34,206 MILES $30,499
STK: H26183B 2010 Honda....... Element....... 4WD 5dr Auto LX .............................. 21,274 MILES $19,995 STK: JP15248 2011 Jeep .......... GrandChero 4WD 4dr Laredo ................................14,422 MILES $30,979
STK: T27805A 2008 GMC.......... Envoy .......... 4WD 4dr SLE1 ................................... 44,468 MILES $19,995 STK: T27983A 2010 Toyota....... Sienna......... 5dr 7-Pass Van XLE FWD .................. 21,439 MILES $31,479
STK: H26328A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 19,479 MILES $19,995 STK: M7813A 2010 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT.....................13,714 MILES $31,499
STK: H25563A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 27,940 MILES $19,995 STK: C3432A 2008 Cadillac..... SRX ............. AWD 4dr V6 ......................................29,357 MILES $31,499
STK: A10710B 2004 Toyota....... 4Runner ...... 4dr SR5 V8 Auto 4WD....................... 50,988 MILES $19,995 STK: BS0325 2010 MB............. C-Class ........ 4dr Sdn 3.0L Sport 4MATIC...............13,001 MILES $31,895
STK: H26353A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT.................... 19,811 MILES $19,995 STK: T27569A 2011 Chevrolet . Silverado1500 4WD Ext Cab 143.5” LT.....................1,932 MILES $31,995
STK: T27985A 2007 Toyota....... Sienna......... 5dr 7-Passenger Van LE AWD........... 54,187 MILES $19,999 STK: L11017A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................30,245 MILES $31,995
STK: BS0324A 2006 MB............. C-Class ........ 4dr Luxury Sdn 3.0L 4MATIC............. 67,649 MILES $19,999 STK: L11126A 2008 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................30,174 MILES $31,995
STK: H26184A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX....................................... 30,341 MILES $20,295 STK: AP15239 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto Type-S .........................21,301 MILES $31,995
STK: T27960A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT Ltd.............. 45,750 MILES $20,479 STK: T27961A 2010 Toyota....... Highlander.. 4WD 4dr V6 SE.................................. 18,492 MILES $32,195
STK: L11180A 2005 Lexus ........ ES 330 ......... 4dr Sdn .............................................. 44,762 MILES $20,489 STK: A10750A 2007 Acura........ MDX ............ 4WD 4dr Sport Pkg............................42,029 MILES $32,479
STK: H25961A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 46,876 MILES $20,499 STK: AP15242 2008 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn Auto Type-S .........................38,182 MILES $32,479
STK: T27075A 2009 VW............. Routan ........ 4dr Wgn SE ....................................... 21,595 MILES $20,499 STK: A10755A 2009 Nissan....... Murano ....... AWD 4dr LE.......................................16,333 MILES $33,499
STK: KP15215 2011 Hyundai.... Sonata......... 4dr Sdn 2.4L Auto GLS ...................... 14,767 MILES $20,499 STK: H26402A 2008 Acura........ MDX ............ 4WD 4dr Tech Pkg.............................36,667 MILES $33,979
STK: H26340A 2006 Lexus ........ ES 330 ......... 4dr Sdn .............................................. 50,341 MILES $20,499 STK: L11125A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................24,613 MILES $34,479
STK: BP15177A 2007 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L.................................... 44,842 MILES $20,499 STK: AP15260 2009 Acura........ TL ................ 4dr Sdn 2WD Tech ............................34,321 MILES $34,479
STK: T27791A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl Sport.......................... 47,276 MILES $20,499 STK: L11178A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................34,832 MILES $34,979
STK: H26233A 2008 Ford........... Mustang...... 2dr Conv Deluxe ................................ 33,367 MILES $20,499 STK: BP15119 2008 MB............. R-Class ........ 4dr 3.5L 4MATIC................................25,472 MILES $34,995
STK: H26065B 2008 Hyundai.... Santa Fe...... AWD 4dr Auto GLS ........................... 48,539 MILES $20,499 STK: L11186A 2009 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................30,806 MILES $34,995
STK: JP15250 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 29,691 MILES $20,499 STK: TP15218 2010 Audi .......... A5 ................ 2dr Cpe Man quattro 2.0L Premium Plus ..31,765 MILES $35,499
STK: T27946A 2008 Mazda....... MX-5 Miata. 2dr Conv PRHT Auto Touring............. 19,680 MILES $20,499 STK: BP15102 2007 MB............. GL-Class ...... 4MATIC 4dr 4.7L................................29,502 MILES $35,995
STK: P15254 2009 Subaru...... Impreza ....... ........................................................... 35,279 MILES $20,499 STK: BP15153 2008 MB............. M-Class ....... 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................25,172 MILES $35,995
STK: T27682A 2008 Honda....... Element....... 4WD 5dr Auto EX .............................. 57,462 MILES $20,499 STK: BP15121 2008 MB............. R-Class ........ 4dr 3.5L 4MATIC................................31,982 MILES $36,479
STK: J4562A 2009 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 36,052 MILES $20,499 STK: BP15152 2008 MB............. M-Class ....... 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................24,282 MILES $36,995
STK: K11924A 2008 Honda....... Accord......... 4dr I4 Auto EX-L ................................ 42,487 MILES $20,499 STK: C3390A 2009 BMW......... X3 ................ AWD 4dr 30i......................................11,080 MILES $37,499
STK: M7823A 2008 Honda....... Element....... 4WD 5dr Auto EX .............................. 41,915 MILES $20,499 STK: T27847A 2010 Toyota....... 4Runner ...... 4WD 4dr V6 Limited..........................15,603 MILES $38,995
STK: J4420A 2008 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr EX-L w/Navi....................... 48,864 MILES $20,900 STK: A10688A 2008 Lexus ........ GX 470 ........ 4WD 4dr ............................................19,709 MILES $39,950
STK: AP15222A 2010 Honda....... CR-V ............ 4WD 5dr LX ....................................... 10,326 MILES $20,979 STK: P15127 2008 Cadillac..... Escalade...... AWD 4dr............................................32,520 MILES $39,995
STK: H26186A 2007 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr EX....................................... 39,473 MILES $20,995 STK: L11183A 2007 Lexus ........ LS 460 ......... 4dr Sdn ..............................................26,277 MILES $40,479
STK: K11830A 2006 Toyota....... Avalon......... 4dr Sdn Limited ................................. 56,998 MILES $20,995 STK: BP14656 2008 MB............. E-Class ........ 4dr Sdn Luxury 3.5L 4MATIC............. 35,036 MILES $41,479
STK: T27820A 2007 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr V6 Limited.......................... 47,581 MILES $20,995 STK: T27671A 2008 Toyota....... Sequoia....... 4WD 4dr LV8 6-Spd AT Ltd................15,288 MILES $42,495
STK: H26389A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr VP....................................... 35,088 MILES $20,995 STK: L11205A 2010 Lexus ........ RX 350......... AWD 4dr............................................5,905 MILES $43,479
STK: T27892A 2008 Ford........... Escape......... 4WD 4dr V6 Auto XLT ....................... 23,870 MILES $20,999 STK: L10953B 2010 MB............. R-Class ........ 4MATIC 4dr 3.5L................................14,493 MILES $44,995
STK: JP15255 2008 Jeep .......... Liberty......... 4WD 4dr Sport .................................. 32,636 MILES $20,999 STK: H26002A 2010 BMW......... X5 ................ AWD 4dr 30i......................................21,554 MILES $45,995
STK: H25917A 2008 Toyota....... RAV4 ........... 4WD 4dr 4-cyl 4-Spd AT.................... 41,865 MILES $20,999 STK: LP15237 2009 Lexus ........ LS 460 ......... 4dr Sdn AWD ....................................25,773 MILES $49,479
STK: H25918A 2008 Honda....... Pilot ............. 4WD 4dr VP....................................... 32,721 MILES $21,479 STK: B9034A 2010 MB............. GL-Class ...... 4MATIC 4dr 5.5L................................14,023 MILES $77,479

Call 1.866.356.9383
14 Brands Pre-Owned Superstore

MotorWorld Drive, Just Off Interstate 81, Wilkes-Barre


551 Other 551 Other 551 Other 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale
Earn Extra Cash 900
Stylish Bi-Level, 3
bedrooms, granite,
stainless appli-

For Just A Few

ances, heated in
ground pool.
$219,900 Call
906 Homes for Sale 570-655-8034

Hours A Day.
623 Hooven St. 3 bedroom, 1 bath,

Anonymous Tip Line

Having trouble
paying your mort-
Picture perfect 2
story with 3 bed-
JENKINS TWP./ semi modern
kitchen with stove
gage? Falling
1-888-796-5519 behind on your
rooms, 1 1/2 mod-
ern baths, brand INKERMAN and fridge. Nice
yard, one car

payments? You 45 Main St.
new kitchen with garage.
may get mail from
center island and Priced to sell.
Luzerne County Sheriff’s Office people who promise
stainless steel MLS 11-1298
to forestall your
stove, dishwasher $59,900 401 Shoemaker St.
foreclosure for a fee
and microwave. Call Lu-Ann MAY 14 & 15
in advance. Report
Tiger wood hard- 570-602-9280 1:00PM TO 4:00PM
them to the Federal
548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health Trade Commission,
wood flooring $120,000
throughout the first 80’ X 120’ LOT
the nation’s con-
floor. New carpet- 3 bedrooms, 1 bath
sumer protection
ing on 2nd floor, all
The Meadows Nursing agency. Call 1-877-
3 bedrooms have Own this home for
Large eat in
kitchen, living room,
FTC-HELP or click
and Rehabilitation Center
(No Collections) Positions Available
on A mes-
sage from The
closets. Walk up
attic, gas heat, 2
car detached
less than $400 a
month! Large 3
bedroom home with
PITTSTON family room, 2 car
detached garage,
newer roof, vinyl
Times Leader and

garage. For addi- formal dining room, siding, replacement
the FTC.

Available routes:
tion information and off street parking windows. Front &

photos, email: back porches.
www.atlas and large yard. For
more information INCLUDES: Gas range, washing
Laflin/Hudston 7-3 Shift MLS 11-1413 and photos, log
onto www.atlas
machine, gas dryer,
Part Time (5-9 days bi-weekly) $145,210 (2) A/C units &
$920 Monthly Profit + Tips with benefits
Call Lu-Ann
MLS#09-2449 Diamond in the
window treatments
225 daily papers / 240 Sunday papers 11-7 Shift $64,900
Call Charles
rough. 3/4 bed-
rooms, 1 1/4 baths, Shopping for a
Chamberlain Street, Driftwood Drive, Hilldale Drive, Part Time (5-9 days bi-weekly) ATLAS fenced yard. A little
new apartment?
with benefits TLC & you have
Jason Drive, Lombardo Drive Single family home
a great starter or Classified lets
CNA’s can apply on line at: for sale in quiet investment proper- you compare costs -
Duryea neighborhood-
Beautiful 2400 Sq.
DURYEA Mountaintop
ty. Don't miss this
without hassle
or worry!
$560 Monthly Profit + Tips * Individualized orientation program. Ft. with 6 bedroom, $17,500
Get moving
149 daily papers / 141 Sunday papers
* Competitive starting rates
* Vacation, Holiday and Personal Days
2 full baths, 2 story
home, fully air con-
ditioned, oil & gas
Unbelievable VALUE!
14 Oaklawn Ave,
MLS# 10-3939
Call Patricia
Liberty Realty
with classified!
Adams Street, Blackberry Lane, Cherry Street,
Columbia Street, Cranberry Terr., Evans Street
* Tuition Reimbursement
* Health insurance and Pension Plan
heat, renovated
kitchen, full unfin-
Mountain top PA
18707 cape cod, 3
438 Tripp St
ished basement, 2 bedrooms, 2 bath-
* Child Day Care on premises rooms, dining room,
enclosed porches,

Dallas Meadows Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 15 x 20 deck with office/study, family
Sellers assist 9K room, finished
55 West Center Hill Road, Dallas PA 18612 power awning toward closing.
cover – generous basement, .38 acre,
$400 Monthly Profit + Tips
size lot, off street
parking, first floor
Three bedroom
ranch home,
deck. At Your Ser-
vice Realty Inc. Lisa SWEET VALLEY
92 daily papers / 144 Sunday papers washer & dryer.
All appliances
completely reno-
vated (tile, hard-
Poholek $85,450
Call (570)902-9983
Post Office Road
10 year old 3 bed-
Baldwin Avenue, E. Center Hill Road, Claude Street, included.
wood, granite, room, 2.5 bath
Midland Drive, Saginaw Street There’s No Place JUST REDUCED
carpet, roof,
Stainless appli-
Ranch home with 2
car plus garage, full
Like the Jewish Home… $168,000 ances) two basement. Open
Call 570-421-0587 baths, Dining
West Pittston The Jewish Home of Eastern PA, a leader in
long-term care, has an immediate need to fill the
use “Dupont Home”
floor plan, modern
kitchen, gas fire-
place, wall to wall
$760 Monthly Profit + Tips following positions:
in email subject
Room, Laundry,
Garage, office, HANOVER SECTION carpet. Large deck
& shed on 3.7 acres
183 daily papers / 186 Sunday papers • RN Supervisor 3rd shift rec room, utility
room, lot is
Ranch. 3 bedrooms,
2 bathrooms. Dou- Asking $225,000
o 3-5 years long term care experience preferred Call (570) 466-5921 SUNDAY
Exeter Ave., Ann Street, Clear Spring Ct., o BSN and Supervisory experience preferred
75x150. Over ble car detached
garage, approxi- or (570) 417-4741 1:00PM-3:00PM
2,500 sq ft of liv-
Ledgeview Drive, Susquehanna Ave., York Ave. • RN Unit Manager ing space, fin- mately .35 acres, Collect cash, not dust!
Completely remod-
deck. All season eled home with
ished basement. Clean out your
Parsons o Proven management and leadership skills
o Experience working with dementia residents
Call Jim
sunroom, hardwood
floors, oak kitchen,
basement, garage
or attic and call the
everything new.
New kitchen, baths,
bedrooms, tile
helpful large private back-
$965 Monthly Profit + Tips o BSN required
yard, pool, potting
shed. $145,000
Classified depart-
ment today at 570-
floors, hardwoods,
granite countertops,
194 daily papers / 222 Sunday papers o 3-5 years long term care experience strongly LINE UP 829-7130! all new stainless
Call 570-760-1891
preferred steel appliances,
Wyoming Street, Auburn Street, West Chestnut Street, A GREAT DEAL... before 3:00 p.m. to
set an appointment WEST WYOMING refrigerator, stove,
Outstanding benefit package available including
East Elm Street, John Street BUILDING FOR SALE IN CLASSIFIED! microwave, dish-
fully paid family health insurance. Every
other weekend and rotating holidays required. 921 N. Main St.,
Looking for the right deal
on an automobile?
Let the Community
Place your Classified
148 Stites Street
washer, free stand-
ing shower, tub for
two, huge deck,
If you are a compassionate, professional RN Turn to classified.
To find a route near you and start who can help enhance the lives of our residents,
Off-street parking. It’s a showroom in print!
large yard, excellent
earning extra cash, call Rosemary at please apply by sending your resume to the 4000 sq ft. Classified’s got $154,900 (835.00 /

email address below or apply in person at: Building has 2 fur-

the directions! WILKES-BARRE $74,500 30years/ 5%)

nished apart- 650 sq. ft. 570-654-1490
The Jewish Home of Eastern PA
1101 Vine Street, Scranton, PA 18510
ments, work shop,
front showroom, FORTY FORT
Small ranch home. 2
Large Modern Bi
On corner lot with
2 car garage.
2 bedrooms, 1 bath,
Telephone: (570) 344-6177 ext. 140 garage & nice bedroom, full base- wood floors, 2 story walk up attic & full
Fax: (570) 344-9610 back yard. Call ment, new roof. addition. Deck, heated basement,
(570) 498-3670 Large carport. Very garage, large hardwood floors
Email: low utility bills. 1 mile
to set up an fenced yard. Quiet with three season
The Jewish Home of Eastern PA is an appointment from Route 81. Ask- neighborhood. Extra room. Freshly paint-
Equal Opportunity Employer. $255,000 ing $40,000. Call amenities. $190,000 ed & move in condi-
Nick 570-702-4077 Call 570-814-5948 tion. 570-446-3254

906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale









$166,900 $154,900 $129,900 REDUCED TO $109,900 $219,900

3 bedroom end unit townhome in very good Private setting newer ranch home on gorgeous Four bedroom ranch home with hardwood 3 bedrooms with master on 1st floor with Forget the hassle, we did the building for you!
condition, 2 1/2 baths, gas heat, central air, lot with large deck, Pergo floors, finished LL. floors, large room sizes, gas heat & central 1/2 bath, laundry on 1st floor, all new Interior is designed with convenience in mind,
open foyer, located in KOZ zone no prop tax AC garage and carport. Nice home, corner lot, siding, shingles, windows, water heater, hardwood floors, gas fireplace, central A/C,
until 2014. MLS#10-4346 large unfinished basement. MLS#11-1209 kitchen & bathrooms. MLS#11-73 modern kitchen with granite and SS applianc-
Call Luann 602-9280 Call Julio 592-3966 Call Charlie 829-6200 VM 101 Call Tom 262-7716 es, patio in back. 2 car garage. MLS#10-3676
Dir: North on Keyser Ave to Keyser Terrace turn Dir: Rt. 92 to left onto Terrace Ave., right on Dir: Main St. turn West on Oak St. 3 block to Dir: Main St. to McAlpine, Left on Packer, Call Colleen 237-0415
left at main ent, 1st left home is last on left. Crest left on Johnson St. Home on Right Dir: Pittston Bypass to Gain St, House on Right













$94,900 $92,900 $279,900 $269,900 $198,900

Stately brick home with modern kitchen Nice starter home with 7 rooms, 3 Enjoy the serenity of country living in this beauti- Tucked away with great views of the wind- Stately brick ranch in private location, large
and bath, 3 bedrooms, private yard & bedrooms, 1 1/4 baths, 1 car garage & ful two story home on 2.23 acres. Surrounded by mills, yet close enough to all major highways!
4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, large open basement room sizes, fireplace, central air, extra lot
deck, newer roof, furnace & windows. carport. Lots of off street parking, nice nature the property has it’s own private driveway,
with walk-out to yard is insulated and ready to included in sale. MLS#10-3512
Off street parking! MLS#10-1182 shed and great yard. MLS#11-559 great entertaining inside and out! 3 car garage, be finished. MLS#10-4060
Call Julio 592-3966 Call Tom 262-7716 plus 2 car detached, a must see! MLS#11-831 Call Charlie 829-63200 VM 101
Call Colleen 237-0415
Dir: Wyoming Ave Exeter near Penn Ave Dir: Wyoming Ave to Left on 8th St., Past Call Nancy 237-0752 or Melissa 237-6384 Dir: Rt. 315 to light at Laflin Rd., left on Haver- Dir: From Highway 315, turn at St. Joe’s Ob-
Intersection Shoemaker Ave., Home on Left. Dir: Follow Rt. 92 to corner of Lockville Rd. ford, left on Peachwood to left on Hickorywood lates, follow to left on Pittston Ave see sign.




2 2-






$145,210 NEW PRICE $219,900 REDUCED TO $174,900 REDUCED TO $139,900 $112,000

Picture perfect 2 story 3 bedroom home with 1 In excellent condition. Extra large rooms Beautiful ranch home with 2 car garage and Great 3 bedroom Cape Cod with Charm Three bedroom home, freshly painted
1/2 modern baths, new kitchen with center is- with great features. 2 full & 2 half baths, finished basement on almost 1 acre near Fran-
land, stainless steel appliances, new hardwood & Character, 1 3/4 baths, nice yard. with modern kitchen and bath with tile
huge enclosed porch, built in BBQ, large cis Slocum State Park. Clean as a whistle, no
flooring on 1st floor, new carpeting on 2nd, gas MLS#10-342 floor, off street parking. MLS#11-1278
heat 2 car garage.
yard. MLS#10-2817 wear and tear on this one. MLS#11-370
Call Charlie 829-6200 VM101 Call Charlie 829-6200 VM101 Call Nancy 237-0752 or Melissa 237-6384 Call Luann 602-9280
Call Luann 602-9280
Dir: North on Main St. Pittston, right on Parson- Dir: Pittston By-pass to Oak St., right on Dir: Mt. Olivet Road, Turn onto Sickler Rd., Dir: Wyoming Ave. to Susquehanna Ave. Dir: Pittston By-pass to Oak St., right on
age, left on Foote, left on Hooven Ford, left on Parnell Right on Circle Dr., Home on Left. to Dennison Ford, left on Parnell. Home on right.
906 Homes for Sale 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 944 Commercial 953 Houses for Rent 953 Houses for Rent 1204 Painting &
Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Properties Wallpaper
2 bedroom, 2 bath
Prospect Street A.B.C. Professional
Affordable EXETER
home in beautiful
rural setting next to
Remodeled single
family home. 3 large
36 Yrs Experience
Newly built 3 Friedman Farms. bedrooms. Extra We Specialize In
bedroom home. $675. per month New Construction
$1,100 monthly. Call room. 2 baths.

3 BEDROOM, 1.5
lst floor. Convenient
For appointment &
further information
570-822-2992 Living room, dining
room, family room,
Wildflower Village
Like NEW!. 3 bed-
bath, laundry area,
new carpets/floor-
location. 2 bed-
room, living room,
call 570-237-6070
Retreat. 3 bed-
All Insurance
room, 1.5 bath, liv- $625 + security.
Must meet
ing room, large din-
ing, quiet area, modern kitchen, 950 Half Doubles room home. 2 201-647-7674 Apartments
Wyoming Valley $625/mo + heat wall to wall carpet. baths. Hardwood Interior/Exterior
ing/kitchen area, and electric. 2 BED- Washer/dryer
Habitat for patio. $695/mo pus ROOM, 2nd floor, hookups. Large EDWARDSVILLE floors. 1
attached garage. 3
971 Vacation &
Spray,Brush, Rolls
utilities. No Pets
570-696-4393 A GREAT PLACE!!! off street parking,
large living space.
fenced yard. Heat,
hot water, lease,
Recently remodeled
large Victorian half
car detached
garage. Pool, hot
Resort Properties Cabinet Refinish-
LIKE NEW!! $425/mo + utilities.
No pets or smoking
security & refer-
ences. No Pets.
3 bed-
tup & appliances
included. $950 +
Power Washing
Inquire at
2 bedroom
apartment in
in either.
$585/per month,
Call (570)822-4302
basement. Private
yard. Porch swing.
utilities. Available
Immediately. Call
HICKORY GROVE Deck Specialist
Handy Man
great neighbor-
hood. 2nd floor.
Washer dryer
hookup. $700. Call
Larry Neer
Includes new 570-237-0124 Camp sites
909 Income & 570-606-9638
Commercial FORTY FORT kitchen (with new West River St.
Large 2, 3, & 4

stove, dishwash- Shaded. Show-
2nd floor luxury bedroom apart- Say it HERE
er & microwave) ers, flush toilets,
Properties in the Classifieds!
apartment on & bath w/washer ments. Heat & hot Newly renovated. 2 water & electric.
Wyoming Ave. 2 dryer hookup. water included. Bal- 570-829-7130
bedroom. Base- Lake fishing,

bedroom, 1 bath.
Large eat-in
kitchen, modern
throughout with
Walking Distance to
the Casino!! 2 bed-
cony. Off street
parking. Washer
dyer hookup. Pets
ment, attic, yard.
$500 + utilities,
canoeing, biking
& golf. 944 Commercial 944 Commercial
NIT ULTI AMILY ceramic tile in room, 1 bath, living
2 Buildings. appliances, washer/ kitchen and bath. room, kitchen, off OK. $855 - $950.
security & lease. 20 minutes from Properties Properties
Call 570-287-5491 Wilkes-Barre.
4 Car garage. dryer included. $695/mo + utili- street parking. Call 570-237-0124 570-639-5478
Prime location with
over 6,000 sf.
Central air, gas
heat, carport.
ties and security.
No Pets, refer-
$600/month +
utilities, security & KINGSTON or 570-371-9770
3 New furnaces in Available June 1st. ences required. references. Call Spacious 3 bed-
Looking for that
last 2 years.
New roof in ‘08.
$695 + utilities.
Call 570-574-9500
Call Scott
(570) 823-2431
Classic Properties
Nikki Callahan
room, 1 1/2 baths.
large eat-in kitchen, special place WILKES-BARRE
Separate utilities. Ext. 137 718-4959 Ext. 1306 carpeted, finished called home? PROVINCIAL TOWER - S. MAIN
Close to churches, AMERICA
WYOMING attic, parking, no
pets. $675 + utili- Classified will address Great Commercial Store Front,
parks & town.
Fully rented -
Charming 2 bed- 2 bedroom apt.
Clean & efficient 1st
floor 1 bedroom.
ties, security, lease.
46 Zerby Ave
Your needs.
Open the door
& Inside Suites Available
Steps from New Intermodal Hub
over $25,000!! FORTY FORT - Includes stove, leave message with classified!
room, 2nd floor Heat, water, stove
fridge, sewer &
Sunday 1pm-3pm & Public Parking
$169,000 OBO & fridge included.
Lease with option
570-563-1261 DUPLEX. UNIQUE
apartment, features
a fireplace, built-in Near bus stop. garbage. Laundry
facilities. Private
to buy, completely
WILDWOOD CREST Starting at $650
Cook’s kitchen with
bookcases, large $500/mo.
setting. Security & 3 bedroom, 1 bath remodeled, mint,
Ocean front, on utilities included
living room, dining No smoking or turn key condition,
built-ins, formal din- references. No half double, Freshly the Beach. 1 bed-
ing room, front/rear
room, eat-in kitchen, pets. Security &
pets, non smoking. cleaned & painted.
3 bedrooms, 1.5
room Condo, pool.
FREE RENT - Call For Details Today!
2 Unit through
enclosed porches,
custom window
sun room & much
more! $525 + utili-
ties. Available
required. Call
(570) 592-2902
$495/month. Call
(570) 466-4176 or
Tenant pays all utili-
ties including sewer.
baths, large
closets, with
hardwoods, carpet
5/6-6/23 $1,250/
week. 06/24 - 9/9 570-829-1573
coverings. TWO (570) 388-6468 $1,550/week
8 Unit apartments June 1. Please call $550 plus security. & tile floors, new
YEAR SAME RENT, kitchen and baths, 570-693-3525
for sale in the 570-714-8568 Call (570) 332-5723
NO PETS/SMOK- 944 Commercial gas heat, shed,
Greter Pittston
area. Call
KINGSTON Available May 15th Properties Doyouneedmorespace? large yard. 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/
APPLICATION 1 bedroom, 2nd $134,000, seller Unfurnished Unfurnished
WALNUT ST. floor, modern bath,
water included. No
A yard or garage sale
in classified
will pay closing
costs, $5000 down
912 Lots & Acreage 570-288-1422 bright, 1st pets. $400/month
is the best way and monthly
floor, 2 bedrooms,
elevator, carpet-
+ security. Call
Rte. 315
2,000 SF tocleanoutyourclosets!
JENKINS TOWNSHIP ed, Security Office / Retail
You’re in bussiness
WALSH 1000 Immediate Occupancy!!
New Section in system. Garage. Next to Gymboree
Extra storage & 4,500 SF Office with classified! REAL ESTATE SERVICE
Highland Hills,
Charles Place cable TV included. Handicap equipped. Showroom, 570-654-1490
Laundry facilities. Large 2 bedroom. Warehouse
Four 1+ acre lots Heat & hot water Includes electric lift, Loading Dock LINE UP 61 E. Northampton St.
available. Call LYNNWOOD SECTION furnished. Fine
oversized doors,
large sit in shower.
4 Acres touching
I81 will build to suit.
A GREAT DEAL... 1129 Gutter Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
570-498-9244 2 bedroom, wash-
Convenient to bus Appliances. Heat, Call 570-829-1206 IN CLASSIFIED! Repair & Cleaning • Affordable Senior Apartments
er/dryer, refrigera-
& stores. No hot water & much Looking for the right deal
tor, dishwasher, gas
stove, central a/c,
off-street parking.
pets. References.
Security. Lease.
more. Available
immediately. Refer- COMMERCIAL SPACE on an automobile? GUTTER 2 GO, INC.
PA#067136- Fully
• Income Eligibility Required
• Utilities Included! • Low cable rates;
Turn to classified.
• New appliances; laundry on site;
Newly painted. No smokers ences requested.
Licensed & Insured.
Front porch. Utilities please. $840. Call (570) 417-3299 It’s a showroom in print! We install custom • Activities!
by tenant. No smok- 570-287-0900 620 Market St. Classified’s got
WILKES-BARRE 55 Loomis St seamless rain • Curb side Public Transportation
ing or pets. Newly Renovated the directions! gutters & leaf
$575/month Prime Space.
3 bedroom, wall
protection systems. Please call 570-825-8594
Call (570) 331-3475
leave message Mayflower 1,250 sq. ft.,
Near Kingston
to wall carpet,
full basement &
bedrooms, 1 1/2
TDD/TTY 800-654-5984
Crossing attic, stove,
Corners. Great bath single. 1st floor
JENKINS TWP./PITTSTON Apartments location for retail or
fridge & water
included. No laundry. Many 570-561-2328
2nd floor, newly extras. All new, NEWPORT TWP.
pets. $630
938 Apartments/ renovated, 2 bed-
business office.
1135 Hauling &
Furnished rooms, carpet, nice 570.822.3968 Easy Access and plus security inside and out. Rent
2nd floor apart- 570-814-1356 Trucking
yard, easy parking. parking. Call Cliff financing available. ST. STANISLAUS APARTMENTS
WILKES-BARRE Small Pets okay. ment in beautiful - Light & bright 570-760-3427 570-817-0601
Charming, Victorian
Heat/Water includ-
ed. $650/month.
home. For lease,
available immedi-
open floor plans
3 bedroom, fully
Leave message
with phone number
A.S.A.P Hauling
Estate Cleanouts,
141 Old Newport Rd., Newport Twp.
2 bedroom 3rd floor Credit check & ref- ately, 2 bed- Attics, Cellars, Affordable, Accessible 1, 2 & 3
equipped kitchen,
apartment. 70% fur-
nished. 34 West
Ross St. View at
erences required.
Cell (917) 753-8192
rooms, 1 bath-
room, all appli-
appliances included
- Pets welcome* WAREHOUSE
SPACE living, dining, w/d
hookup. Yard, no
Garages, Fire &
Flood Damage.
Free Estimates,
Bedroom Apartments ances provided, - Close to everything Starting at pets. Sewer, Lexington Village Same Day Income Eligibility* Required.
washer/dryer on - 24 hour emergency garbage, cable,
Most utilities includ- $300.00/month.
First month free. partial heat includ-
Nanticoke, PA Service! Rents: $455-$656 plus electric
ed with rent. His- premises, off- maintenance Many ranch style 570-822-4582
ed. $665 per (*Maximum Incomes vary according to household size)
toric building is non street parking, no 570-829-0897 homes. 2 bedrooms
smoking and pet
- Short term month. First and 2 Free Months With
pets. Living room leases available PLAINS TWP last month’s rent. 1198 Mower • High Efficiency Heat/Air Conditioning
free. Base rent:
$700. Security & Ref- KINGSTON dining room, and
basement with Call TODAY For
OFF RTE. 315
Security and refer-
ences required.
A 2 Year Lease
$795 + electric Maintenance • Newer Appliances • Laundry Rooms
Call Vince:
required. 143 E. Bennett St.
High end, ultra mod- plenty of storage. AVAILABILITY!! 1200 & 700 SF 570-954-0655 SQUARE FOOT RE MAN- Lawn Mower & • Community Room • Private Parking
570-762-1453 ern, fireplace, bar &
fully equipped kit-
$1,000/mo. Call
570-709-2481 www.mayflower
Office Available.
Fast and Affordable
• Rent Includes Water, Sewer & Refuse
941 Apartments/ chen. BBQ deck, off 570-760-1513
178 Charles St
866-873-0478 repairs of all types For more info or to apply, please call:
street parking, cen-

and brands of
Need to rent that Available Now! 570-733-2010
Unfurnished tral air, powder Vacation property? 2 bedroom, 1.5 equipment. Pickup
Certain Restrictions
room, huge master
Place an ad and bath, Townhouse & Delivery Available. TDD: 800-654-5984
3 rooms, wall to wall
bedroom. 2nd floor,
washer & dryer, get started!
1750 & 3200 SF
Retail / Office
style. No Section 8.
$550/month + utili-
MONARCH RENTALS Call 570-730-5147
Pittston, PA
Great, Convenient
double sink design- ties. References & 3 bedrooms,
carpeting, appli- Space Available
er bathroom . 3rd security required. all appliances Apply Today!
ances, coin-op laun- 570-829-1206
floor 2nd bedroom Call 570-301-2785 provided.
dry, off street park- or office & powder Call 570-822-7039
ing, security. No room $775 + utili-
pets. $410/month ties. (570) 881-4993 Looking for the right deal
(570) 655-1606 on an automobile?

3 rooms & bath, It’s a showroom in print!

Large, partially fur- wall to wall carpet, Classified’s got
nished 1 bedroom, stove, washer, Exterior Home Improvements By
the directions!
all utilities included. dryer hook-up, gas
$750 / month. Call
2 bedroom, second
heat. $350/month +
utilities & security. WILKES-BARRE
General Contractor
No pets. 264 Academy St
floor, off street
DALLAS 570-288-2617 2 bedrooms, newly
parking, stove & renovated building.
Ceramic Tile Work - Kitchens
1-800-273-7130 for Local Pros

2 apartments Washer & dryer. Locally Owned & Operated Since 1987
Modern 1st floor 2 No Pets. $600/per month - Bathrooms - Garages
bedroom apartment
& large 2nd floor 3
Includes water
1st floor, 1 bedroom.
Heat, water,
includes heat, hot
water and parking. - Replacement Windows • Windows • Storm Doors
bedroom apart-
ment. Washer &
(570) 779-1684 garbage & sewage
included. Off street
570-328-9896 - New Homes - Additions - Doors - • Siding • Vinyl Railings
dryer. Gas heat. Off
Looking to buy a
home? parking. All appli- 570-855-4744 Complete Remodeling • Enclosures • Roofing
street parking. No
pets. $600 - $690. Place an ad here
and let the
ances included.
$530 + security. FREE Estimates - Insured • Fiberglass Doors • And More
Call Joe
570-881-2517 sellers know!
Call 570-406-5221
457-8145 or 655-0777 FREE ESTIMATES
NANTICOKE Quality Works at Affordable Prices
Short term or KINGSTON 353 East Ridge St
1 person apartment. WILKES-BARRE 570.654.4220
month to month as 72 E. W alnut St. 1st floor. Heat, Available June 1st
needed. 2 bed- 2nd floor, located in water, sewage & Large 2 bedroom,
room, completely quiet neighborhood. garbage included. 2nd floor. deck, ROOFING
furnished apartment Kitchen, living All appliances & screened porch, FENCING
in beautiful area. room, dining room, parking. $540/ gas heat. No pets.
Includes all appli- sun room, bath- month. Call $500/month + utili-
ances, utilities,
cookware, dishes
etc. Carport includ-
room. 2 large and 1
small bedrooms,
lots of closets, built
570-301-3170 ties, security &
references. Call
570-881-8979 or
Northeast Custom Fence member
SINCE 1976
ed. $800 month.
in linen, built in
hutch, hardwood
20 Years Experience & Central PA

and carpeted
4 Room/2 bedroom,
floors, fireplace,
storage room, yard,
wall to wall carpet, new stove. Heat Apartments for 1 & 2 bedroom We also do Black Top Seal Coating!
appliances, wash- and hot water incl. Rent. 2nd floor, apartments.


er/dryer hookup, off Available May 1. 1 washer, dryer hook Laundry facility. Off
ups, heat & water street parking avail-
street parking,
security, no pets.
yr. lease + security
$900/month included. No pets. able. Starting at LAWN CARE
$470.570-655-1606 570-406-1411 Call 570-654-2433 $440. 570-332-5723

906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale
Lawns cut, shrubs pruned, small
landscaping projects & odd jobs.

570-654-1557 • Flat Roofs • Shingles • Siding • Replacement Windows

Judy Rice Free Estimates - Licensed & Insured
The Dispatch


age Landscap 655-6710 PA-005521
a rden Vill i ng

Overnight Junket to
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wn Ser vices, Inc. Atlantic City’s
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Tuesday, May 10 & 11
Shrub Trimming • Grass Cutting • Mulching Complementary room, transportation
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215 Wyoming Ave., W. Pittston $25 per person.
Stately brick residence with quality and character! Formal liv. rm., formal din. rm. to Robert Smith-Owner Al Lispi: 570-814-3137
fit the entire family, custom eat-in kitchen w/sub zero refrig., 2-3 bdrms including 570-602-LAWN • 570-602-5296 or 570-823-9578
the Master Suite, 2 1/2 baths, central air and 2 car garage!! Virtually live here for West Pittston
pennies...3 apts off set the mortgage! Contact Judy Rice for your tour. $389,900

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