The Monthly Moose: May 2011

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The Monthly Moose

The magazine in English by ISU at UiO

In This Issue:
Norwegians In Spain p.11
Moods Of Norway p.12
Russeknuter p.17
And More...

Vol.3 Issue 9 — May 2011

Dear Reader,
Sadly, this se-
EDITORIAL Where’s the Moose?
mester is com-
ing to an end. At the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year,
But, dear reader, The Monthly Moose was recognized by SiO and the
please don’t let it University of Oslo as the best student publication
come to a sad end. Or a bad end. Or any of those at UiO. As we left the ceremony, we were continu-
dead, bitter or sticky ends. If anything, I wish the ously asked where people could find our magazine.
end of this semester to be a happy one. Excited, we promised our new-found fans that we
would be bringing The Moose to stands all over
That might seem like a challenge if you are leav- Blindern – as soon as the Technical Department
ing Norway. After all, with the exception of those granted us permission.
few-but-not-forgotten exchange students living out
Unfortunately, that permission never came. We
the two-in-one-room hell, most of you have had
purchased stands, and while these found their way
the taste of Norwegian welfare and hospitality. All
to Chateau Neuf, Sogn, and Kringsjå, only one was
of you have most certainly made friends “with the
permitted on Blindern. When we asked for permis-
world” and hopefully with some of the locals, in
sion to leave stands at other locations on Blindern,
addition to learning how to pronounce “y” and we met a variety of resistance. First, we were told
how to dress for the Norwegian winter. You’ve per- that UiO was trying to be a green university, a goal
haps traveled in Norway and beyond and you have which our small magazine, with its 500 copies per
maybe even acquired a strong opinion on brunost. month, would undermine while somehow Universi-
This month will see a lot of heart-touching fare- tas and other papers do not. Later, we were told we
well parties, hectic cramming for exams and face- do not fit into the existing bureaucratic framework.
book status updates commenting on “my last visit When we asked for clarification, we were told that,
to Rema 1000” or “my last can of Bare Øl” etc. since we are not affiliated with a particular faculty
However, May is not all about sorrow. In Norway,
and lack a long history of publication, there is no
process in existence which would allow us to re-
it’s about the grill season, soft ice cream and the
ceive permission to have stands anywhere else on
ever cherished coming of the Sun. Thumb through
Blindern. Essentially, our request is condemned to
our pages and get acquainted with the ludicrous
languish in Norwegian Bureaucratic Hell, trapped
festivities of the school leavers, called the “Russ”,
by the whim of an inflexible department which re-
see our 17th of May special and don’t forget to visit
fuses to communicate with us directly.
the Idé Festival organized by the anniversary com-
mittee at UiO. However, we refuse to give up. With the support
and assistance of Student Parliament, the Welfare
To those that are staying, like myself, I’d like to di- Council, SiO Studentliv, and Radio Nova’s Fredag-
rect an ardent pleas encouraging them to become snytt, The Monthly Moose has been working to raise
active students and improve the diversity of stu- our concerns regarding this issue to those who
dent life at UiO: become buddies, volunteer in stu- have the power to change it. Recently, Student Par-
dent pubs, run for the elections in the International liament gave The Monthly Moose permission to uti-
Students’ Union, become a part of this magazine... lize their stands on Blindern, however, the Techni-
cal Department later informed the Student Parlia-
Unfortunately, I am not a person for such ardent ment that they do not have the right to share their
speeches. But hey, you could still walk with The stands with us. As the school year ends and UiO
Moose of Norway. gears up for its 200th anniversary celebration, The
Monthly Moose – heralded in the autumn as a sign
Hope you have had a fantastic time with us of an international university, seems doomed to
2 \\ Editor's Note

ELGskverdig hilsen, remain out of sight. Integration may pose its chal-
Marija lenges, but at UiO, nothing seems more difficult
than changing a few lines in the regulations.

The Monthly Moose — Villa Eika, Blindern 0314 Oslo, P.O. Box 1088.
Chief Editor: Marija Cabuskina — Writers: Aisha Abdel Dayem, Aleesha Nathan, Amy Armstro
Katie Harris, Leah Grambo, Lindsay Burkhart, Mariam Nodia, Marija Cabuskina, Michael J.Pima, Miles Wa
Proof Readers: Aleesha Nathan, Amy Armstrong, Anita Iyer, Andrew Beck, Katie Harris, Leah Gram
Aleesha Nathan, Amy Armstrong, Heidi Bacquet, Irine Osepashvili, John Modin, Lindsay Burkhart, Petter M
— Layout: John Modin, Marija Cabuskina, Rebecca Plath, Summer Choi.
4 Universitas
6 Famous Norwegians
7 Eurovision Blues
8 Creative Contest: Prose
10 Creative Contest: Poetry
11 Norwegians in Spain
12 Moods of Norway
13 Cooking All’Italiana
16 Survey: Russ Memories
17 “Russ” for Dummies
18 Norsk on Air
19 Poem
20 Moose Reviews
22 Arne Næss
23 Labour Day
24 UiO 200
25 What’s on
26 Learn Norwegian: May 17th
27 Moose Comic 23
Contents // 3

ong, Anita Iyer, Francesco Spinali, Heidi Bacquet, Hrafnhildur Hauksdóttir, John Modin, Jon-Magne Jonassen,
alser, Rebecca Plath, Sehee Park, Sunshine, T.B.Saheer, Zhenya Bakin — Copy Editor: Anita Iyer —
mbo, Lindsay Burkhart — Graphic Content Editor: John Modin — Visual Content:
Mejlænder, Rebecca Plath, Summer Choi, Yali Zhang— Cover Design: John Modin, Irine Osepashvili
Thus Spoke
Universitas is Norway’s biggest stu-
dent newspaper, and has 35 issues
per year , with 17,000 copies print-
ed of each issue. It is available
all over Blindern free of charge
for students. Here’s a short sum-
mary of some of the headlines hit-
ting Universitas over the past few

April 6
Energy Chaos Continues Party Crashers
Previously, it was estimated that around 9.700 Liberal List (Liberallista) and Left Alliance (Venst-
tenants were impacted by the faulty energy mea- realliansen) hold the record for worst attendance
suring routines that resulted in doubled energy at Student Parliament meetings in 2010-2011
bills in Kringsjå. Now it looks like 25,000 tenants – with 44% absence. These are especially bad sta-
are involved, each very slightly. The reason for it tistics, considering that Left Alliance is a majority
is that, until 2009, the electricity was included in party, with 6 representatives. The reasons are jobs,
the overall rent and the energy bill was distributed studies abroad and termination of studies. Parlia-
evenly among all student villages. This means that ment members from the Realist List and Humani-
even students in Bjølsen paid perhaps a crown ties list (HF) are the most diligent, with absence
each to compensate for the faulty measurements rates of 9 and 8%.
in Kringsjå. SiO is very willing to refund the Kring-
sjå tenants with tenancy periods after 2010, the Law Bus Cut in Half
year when bills were tied to specific buildings, but Juss-Buss, a project by law students aimed at
is refusing to pay the compensation for the years giving free legal advice to the most economically
before 2010. Welfare Council leader, M. Nystrand challenged, is in danger of collapsing due to lack
agrees, but stipulates that SiO should develop an of financing. Last year, SiO cut the financing in
easy, widely announced and non-bureaucratic so- half, while providing a small amount of compensa-
lution for the tenants eligible for compensation. tion after the fact. After the restructuring of SiO,
Juss-Buss had to apply to another SiO organ, Kul-
Norwegian Championship for Student Companies turstyret. Unfortunately, Kulturstyret based its
Oslo was represented by only one student compa- decision on the last year’s allotment. Juss-buss is
ny (SB) during the Norwegian Championship. The going to complain and reapply, while still trying to
joint venture of students from HiO and BI, Sørhus cope with a deficit after this year’s cuts.
Andersen, came up with producing healthy knek-
kebrød. The winner of the competition, Atech, who April 13
came up with a solution for cleansing the pump Kopinor Threatens Free Education
water on ships, will get to participate in the Euro- Kopinor, a mediator between authors of copy-
pean Championship in Madrid. Student Company righted material and clients, such as educational
(SB) is a pedagogical program, where students can institutions, is being accused of threatening the
get hands-on skills in establishing, running and fi- principle of free education in Norway. The Kopinor
nalizing a company. All SB have a life-span of one electronic book supply project, still under devel-
year, after which the students can decide to regis- opment, would automatically give every student
ter as a regular company. registered for the course the full electronic read-
ing list regardless of whether the student wants
Oslo Municipal Elections: Most Students Can’t Vote it or not. This eliminates other possibilities, e.g.
4 \\ Universitas

In order to vote in the municipal elections in a city borrowing books from friends or libraries, buying
you live in, you have to register in the city. Sta- used books or reading other relevant literature in-
tistics show that only 32% of Norwegian students stead. Kopinor states that the e-book bill will be
in Oslo will be able to vote in municipal elections submitted to universities, but A.K.Nymoen, leader
in Oslo in September. While student politicians of Norwegian Student Union (NSO) anticipates
say that this under-representation among student that the universities will push these charges to
voters influences the choices of politicians in pow- students.
er, politicians themselves, like K. Vinje, say that
education and research will always be prioritized, Study Environment is Endangered
no matter how many students vote. Student Parliament leader, A.Sterri criticized the
meetings of the Study Environment Committee, solution will be more expensive for both the stu-
which consists of four Student Parliament rep- dents and the state.
resentatives and four representatives from UiO
administration. The administration half turned a May 4
deaf ear to the students’ proposals to increase fi- Health Fusion
nancing of the buddy program, Norwegian cours- Due the fusion of SiO and OAS into the new SiO,
es for international students, and to earmark five the regulations pertaining to the student health
million for student supervising. All four student care system had to be amended. Now the fusion
representatives abstained from voting, which will is complete, and it looks like the students who
result in those proposals getting lower priority. previously belonged to SiO will not notice a lot of
While vice-rector R.Hennum says that the com- change. On the other hand, the students who be-
mittee is working as it should, the student half is longed to OAS will lose some of the benefits they
thinking of resigning in protest. previously enjoyed, such as free dental care and
the possibility to register with and be reimbursed
SiO Energy: Oversize Me for costs with private doctors. However, they will
SiO energy prices have been higher than the av- also get a special student health care center, where
erage prices on Nordpool, Norway’s energy stock SiO will provide services.
exchange, for three years. T.Angell from Bergen
Energi, partner of SiO, explains that this is due to Cheaper Daily Bread
the strategy of binding prices in order to safeguard The SiO canteen department is working on de-
students from large-scale fluctuations in prices. creasing the price of the daily meal to reach the
Housing director of SiO, T. Olstad states that the desired 25 NOK. The daily meal in the canteen is
bound prices have been more efficient in saving subsidized by selling food at more expensive “mar-
students money than following the market prices ket” prices in SiO concept cafees, like Frida and
would have been. Fredrik. Now SiO is planning to open a bakery to
try to subsidize even more.
Competition is King
The student political organization of the Conser-
vative Party of Norway (Høyre) came up with a
proposal to let private banks give out study loans
with the state as the guarantor. Students think
that competition will stimulate the present orga-
nization, Lånekassa, to improve its service. Let-
ting private banks in the sphere will also help stu-
dents earn a good credit history for future loans
and relieve Lånekassa from too many applicants
clogging up the system. Education Minister, T.
Aasland, disapproves of the idea, stating that this

Gallery Tate Neuf

A new student gallery kicks off in Chateau Neuf
with an interactive exhibition on graffiti and a
hip-hop concert in May. In the long run, Galleri
Neuf will be the place where art collections of DNS
(Norwegian Student Society) can be revealed to
the public. Moreover, every student artist can ap-
Universitas // 5

ply to get his or her works exhibited.

Russian Invasion
The amount of international students from Rus-
sia has increased 75% since 2009. With 1219 stu-
dents this year, Russia is the largest ”exporter” of
international students to Norway. This might be
due to encreases in tuition fees in other Western
countries, and also due to many new scholarship
programs. 75% of Russian students are women,
compared with 60% stu- ordinate to these culture centers lose
dents in UiO as a whole. their right to apply to Kulturstyret.

Denied a Vote Have a Tenner!

Elections for the temporary In connection with the 200 year anni-
Student Parliament, which versary celebration for UiO, the Uni-
will asume work during the versity and The Bank of Norway have
period when HiO (Univer- issued an 10 NOK coin with a special
sity Colledge of Oslo) and design. The tenner, which is coined in
and HiA (University Colledge of Akershus) are in millions of copies, has a picture of an antique col-
the process of fusion, will be indirect. This means umn on its front, designed by Enzo Finger.
that the student parliament representatives will
be voted in by previously elected student delegates. Blindern: Share Your Thoughts
How do you see Blindern? As a Soviet suburb?
News for Student Media Modernist Mecca? Concrete Jungle? A creative
The Welfare Council (VT) has revised the list of de- competition launched by UiO and the National
mands that have to be met before a student me- Museum of Art and Architecture invites everyone
dia project applies for funding. Earlier, all larger to share their impressions of Blindern. All submis-
student media could apply directly to VT, now the sions (prose, poetry, visual art, comics etc.) are
media that do not cover all or most of Oslo’s 26 welcome, and the winner gets an i Pad 2. The dead-
education institutions will have to apply to Kul- line for submissions is August 12th, the shortlist-
turstyret, along with the smaller media and other ed contributions will be exhibited in the National
student organizations. The student culture cen- Museum in October, and the winner will be cho-
ters like DNS (in Chateau Neuf) and SBIO (from sen by the public. More information available at
the Norwegian Business School) can only apply
directly to VT, and the organizations that are sub-
Text: Marija Cabuskina, Photos: Summer Choi
Have you ever been standing in the check-out line at Kiwi or
Rema, idly scanning the newspaper headlines or glossy
pictures in the tabloids and wondered who all those
people are? If so, you're not alone! Join the
Moose as we continue to examine some of
those names and faces appearing in Nor-
wegian media, and learn more about
just what it takes to make
the headlines in Norway.

Paradise Hotel:
Granting Norwegians Tabloid “Fame” Since 2009
Norway is famed for its natural beauty, program where the young and moderately
6 \\ Famous Norwegians

and as summer approaches, tourists will attractive compete to form partnerships

flock to the country to see the majestic and survive weekly eliminations in the
fjords and experience the famed midnight hopes of fame, glory, an exciting adventure,
sun. However, Norway’s vast expanses of and the chance to win 300,000 kr.
nature mask the fact that Norway is actually
very small. With a population of around Often referred to as “skandalehotelet” [the
5 million, coupled with a high demand scandal hotel], the program is somewhat
for celebrity news, the bar for celebrity- infamous for the sexual exploits and inane
status in Norway appears to be quite low. commentary of its contestants, who are filmed
around the clock. Now in its third year, the
Nothing demonstrates this better than program has been fodder for the tabloids since
the obsession Norwegian tabloids (and the beginning. This year has been no different,
the occasional paper) has for reality TV. as contestants both past and present have
Of particular interest is Paradise Hotel, a been in the headlines for the past few months.
While all Paradise contestants are guaranteed the prize for most bizarre goes to aspiring FrP
a few moments of Paradise-related fame, some [The Progress Party] politician Mads Kristoffer
are naturally more prominent than others. Borch Michalsen, whose political position,
This year’s batch of contestants includes the coupled with his embrace of nudity, willingness
emotional student and competitive poker to perform handstands in the shower, and
player Maren Edvarsen Kaallhovd, who has other bizarre antics have dominated headlines
been interviewed about everything from her over the past few weeks. Moose readers
grief over her mother’s sudden death to rumors interested in learning more about the show
circulating that she is dating the Norwegian can skim any Norwegian tabloid, or watch full
skier Petter Northug. Another contestant, episodes at While understanding
Niklas Vindel, who is back as a contestant Norwegian may be helpful, those who don’t
for the second year running, has boasted to follow Norwegian can rest assured that they
the tabloids about his more than 200 sexual are not missing anything worth hearing.
partners, while fellow contestant Marius
Text :Anita Iyer
Hagen has been profiled as the first openly
homosexual individual to compete. However, Sources:,

Eurovision Blues
not really into watching sport on TV get a great
opportunity to root for our own country, or the
one that has the cutest singer, the contestant who
ay is my favourite month of has the funniest outfit or the worst haircut…
the year, by far. The apple trees are in bloom,
the days are sunny, bright, and not too warm Before I got acquainted with my gay friends in the
and you can still believe your own illusive annual old country, watching the Eurovision Song Contest
goal to lose 10 kilos and become fit as a fiddle was a guilty pleasure. I wouldn’t have been caught
before September. But first and foremost May is dead watching it, but that didn’t mean I didn’t
the month of the Eurovision Song Contest. This play the songs on full blast in the garage and sing
year, I am sorry to say, I am not looking forward my heart out when I was alone, or thought I was…
to it. Without my gay friends, who taught me to My parents’ neighbor still meets me with a grin
appreciate the contest, the whole affair seems kind every time I go to visit them. Those old enough
of pointless. A Eurovision night without them is to remember that there used to be a country on
like being a motherless child at Christmas. the world map called Yugoslavia and have, at one
time or another, had to stay at home to wait for
Some people are still under the illusion that the a phone call(!), might have a fading memory of
contest is about music. Far from it! It is a mere different times in the contest. One where all the
bonus. Much like April 1st is the only day where contributing nations performed their entries
you are expected to tell a lie or two, the whole in their own mother tongue. Fascinating times
spectacle of Eurovision is an arena for otherwise for language lovers. There is nothing quite like
perfectly polite and respectful people to have their passionately singing your lungs out to a song
own ruthless critique Olympics where everything when you haven’t got the faintest idea of what it
from a contestant’s shaky voice to a boob job gone is about.
wrong is scrutinized. And those of us who are
Eurovision // 7

Coming out of the closet as a Eurovision-liker, if

not a lover, was a relief. Perhaps one of the least
stupid things I have done so far. But right now
I suffer from the Eurovision blues, where the
sight of fake eyelashes, glitter and glam make me
Text: Hrafnhildur Hauksdóttir
Life Looks Better in Spring
Just before going to bed, I was checking Facebook.
The Monthly Moose
What I did not know then was that one message
would change my life forever. Prose Competition
Congratulations to Sunshine, this issue’s
But some changes help you to become a better person best and only entrant for his brave ef-
and to improve your life. So it was in my case. I want fort!
to share my story, which happened in reality in the
last months, and it proves that sometimes you can me or any of these people. I gave up and decided
benefit when you do not listen to your heart and are to continue living my life with just one brother,
willing to make trade-offs with yourself. If I had not always answering those asking how many
done this, I would never have discovered my real self. siblings I have by saying that we are only two.
Later I received a sign that he regretted the
I grew up with my mother, step-father and a younger decision he made. But I was not ready for it. It
brother, who appeared when I was ten. I did not have went too far for me. I had a brother; I had lived
any contact with my biological father at all. There my life well until then, so I saw no reason to
were times he disturbed the peace in our family, but change it. Nevertheless, sometimes I thought a
I learned not to care about it. I also do not remember lot about this and paid special attention to the
him well. In my memory, he was a bad person, who fact that I always used to have friends who were
tried to destroy the lives of quite a few people. If only older than me. That was like a long cold winter
he knew that I started studies in Poland and ended for me.
up in Norway. If only he knew the about people who
surrounded me and accepted me as I am. If only he One Wednesday in the middle of Winter 2011,
knew about my closest relatives – my mother, my I came back from work and a meeting to my
brother... But he did not care at all about this. Anyway, place at Sogn, but before going to sleep I opened
the events that happened in my early childhood did my Facebook account. I was so astonished to
not need to happen at all. receive a message: “Hi Miłosz! If you have the
possibility, please give me your phone number.
My biological father had a son from his first marriage, The best would be your mobile number, and
which he also abandoned. Their fate was different than information about the time when you are
mine, but I did not keep in touch with these people. available. I would like to call and talk. There are
I do not even remember when I was informed about situations in our lives when contact between us
the existence of my half-brother. My mother gave me can be significant, and perhaps some situations
the chance to become familiar with my roots, and I which can give an impulse for new and better
became more aware of how complicated the situation ones. My warm regards! Michał (then came
was. She also married once again, with a man who the same surname which I have, and his e-mail
was also divorced. He already had children that were address).”
grown, and my mother had me. Later they had a son
– my younger brother. So it meant that I had two I was very upset. Actually, I cannot even
brothers, but they were not related to each other. I felt describe the feeling I had in my soul; it was
bad about this situation. Mum took me several times rather like a snowstorm, like a blizzard with
to places where the family of my biological father lived extreme snowfall or a large avalanche. In one
and let me meet my uncles and aunts from that side. minute, I recalled all the bad memories I had
But I always wanted to know the guy who was my half- from my childhood. I could not eat, not because
brother. I did not want to, but because of pain I felt in
my throat. I was not able to sleep because of
I felt pretty alone without any siblings until the age thousands of thoughts running through my
8 \\ Story contribution

of 10. Later Radek, the younger one, filled all the head. And at work, I was not able to be polite
emptiness in my heart. I remember that I used all my with customers, however I worked as if I had
energy on him and stopped being sad, however some a double dose of energy. Bad results occurred
years later, I tried to contact my older brother. That quickly. I got cold and nervous; I was sick
period was like a long winter for me – so cold and because of this situation. It sounded like
hard. The reason was not the lack of siblings, but the something irrational, but I also did not know
awareness that there was someone close who I did not that it could happen to me. I informed my
know, that I still felt emptiness, like the trees missing family of the message.
leaves. That is why I decided to look for my older
brother. I tried several times, but I failed. This was First, I tried the patience of my mother and
a time when social networking was not so common, brother. I told them that I had no will to contact
and the best channel was to use the help of people a guy who forsook 25 years of brotherhood
who knew the both of us (in this case – the family of just because he had some random idea. But
my biological father). I tried contacting him through they did not support my cold-hearted idea,
family and agencies and was considering TV as well, telling me that I was out of my mind with
but one message stopped my efforts. I was informed such a statement. According to their opinion,
that Michał, the older one, was not willing to contact everybody should have a chance to be listened
to and the most influential opinion should go
to my brother. My other brother asked what if still couldn’t understand why. The only explanation
my older brother discovered he had an illness is that adult people see problems in matters which
and needed genetic material. Would I feel good are easily solved by children, who in general have no
knowing that I refused someone a chance to live troubles with talking to others, making trade-offs and
longer? Of course, we did not know the reason forgetting bad issues quickly.
why he contacted me, but such a possibility
had to be seriously taken into account. In My younger brother came to Norway to visit me,
extreme situations, people can rapidly change and we went together to the North to see the Aurora
their minds, and others, who do not experience Borealis. It was a cold winter then, however the spring
this, should simply understand. However, we would come soon. I have found a song online with the
know that it is not that simple. My family still title Life Looks Better in Spring. I sent it to my older
suffered from the death of our father – Radek’s brother, and he was happy to hear it. Even the lyrics
biological one and my stepfather. I knew how were about the relationship between man and woman;
dramatic his death was, so the fear that my in this context, it fit well and emanated a lot of spring
resignation could refuse someone the right to optimism. Almost every day, I received messages that
live longer was all over my mind. my brother is sure that the better spring is about
to come. We also arranged several conversations on
However, my answer was impolite. I wrote: Skype that included my younger brother who was
“(my telephone number first) That was a bucket willing to “incorporate” the older one into our family.
of cold water. I am very curious what kind of We had so much fun with a special sign code invented
situations push people to get in touch after by Radek and me one spring when we were much
nearly a quarter of a century.” Later I explained younger guys. The older one felt the magic too.
my plans: my younger brother was coming
to visit me in the following days, and we had And, of course, we had to plan a face-to-face meeting.
planned a trip together so any conversation had For the first meeting, we decided to choose a place
to be postponed. I really wanted to highlight somewhere in Europe – not in Norway and not in
the fact that I had a brother because I knew that Poland. We decided to meet just us two, to switch off
he never experienced such a relation. Quickly, our mobiles and enjoy the time together. We chose
I received an answer. The older one explained Berlin, Germany. How funny it was when we realized
that probably it is not a good time for any longer that the hotel we booked was named “Winter’s Hotel,”
conversation and that he is not surprised with and the time when we would meet was the Spring
my reaction. He let me decide everything but Solstice – the end of winter and the first days of Spring.
said he was also willing to listen to me in case I The symbolism of all these elements was amazing for
wanted to talk to him. In addition, he informed us, and we started wondering if it was just by accident.
me of one fact: our biological father had died! We met in Berlin. The weather heralded the upcoming
That was too much for me; just in seven months, spring. A lot of sunshine gave us a better mood, and
I had lost my stepfather, my grandfather, and the morning dew made the air so fresh. But the most
my biological father (but it was actually no loss wonderful element of our spring was the first hug, the
for me), and my older brother appeared. What first look straight into each other’s face, the first kiss
is more, I was graduating from my studies of brothers and the giving of gifts for him and his wife,
soon. However, I knew that I would not escape who had supported him and let him in. It was just a
these family matters. We would have to meet in short time for us, but we had some common plans
court, so it was actually a better idea to get to because we needed them. We have also continued our
know each other before the last winter storm contact and have not stopped sending springy sunny
came. As a result, we decided to speak on Skype messages. We also know that Spring is followed by
the next day. Summer, and we do not think about the other seasons
That one simple conversation changed because the hope of Spring helps us to catch the hope
Story contribution // 9

everything. One hour transformed my entire of eternity, which we desire so much, which is always
attitude. First, I felt weak when I saw the on our mind. In one recent day, I also asked him for an
video; it was like a mirror for me. Later, we address in case I traveled somewhere and wanted to
exchanged some basic information. I knew one send a postcard. However, the same day I wrote a ten-
version, and he knew another, but soon the page letter to him and his wife, and I enclosed a twig
puzzle started to make sense. In one hour, we with buds – as a symbol of awakening Spring.
understood the reality that surrounded us. It Our story is like one taken from a book, but it is real
was like the approaching spring. We exchanged and true. The only shift that occurred is that now
telephone numbers, and from that day, there we closed part one and will write the next chapter
was not a single day when we did not exchange together. We just changed the type of narration from
at least one text message. The more we talked the third into first person. No one will disturb the
together, the more we understood why reality strengthening of our relationship, and we are sure
was so cruel to us. But the most frightening that life looks better in Spring.
fact was that those three people, my biological
father and his siblings, did not let us meet Text: Sunshine
on purpose. They wanted to exclude us from
their lives, wishing for some benefit, but we
under the polluted urban sky, When I scratch the deep
Monthly floating in a light – black floor
striking your mind in the pupils of your gaze,
Poetry Contest
The Monthly Moose wishes to like a swift touch of bliss I have found the open door
thank the readers for con- to the soft root of your
tributions. The winner of the
competition is Jon-Magne You might see me maze
Jonassen for his poem “A Trai- while scorching in merciless flames –
tor’s Lament”
unable to burn away my acts: When my nails your pale
A Traitors Lament paint your door with pure blood skin shreds
by Jon-Magne Jonassen at every spring equinox as the misty night is done,
I have sought the diamond
I can’ t give you anything In the light of the turning sun, threads
but a little piece of a puzzle look for the field bought with my that throughout your stone
that’ s been lying within me treachery – globe run
like a seed – collect the very last of my tears,
first sowed let it float down your fingertip When I, from my park
when my gardener and glisten there like a diamond leaf – bench, rise
in the beginning listen to the broken tones as it melts with the shifting of the
heard the west wind when you touch it with strings of light –
painting green ribbons of grass, compassion a granite head before my
coming from the sea eyes
to deliver salty semen * that the sunshine paints
to the shores The first rays of morning light with white
silently illuminate your forehead,
I can’ t give you nothing and the curtain loses its face
but my eyes staring at a cherry when the breeze stumbles ashore
blossom in uncertainty of where to blow –
that I thought would return just like a crane after a long nights flight
every time a purple light above a sea of silky waves,
shone at the gate of dusk – singing of a redeemer
just to see that
on the branch (without title)
a butterfly had taken its place by Jon-Magne Jonassen
10 \\ Poem Contest

I can’ t give you anything When I lift the white glass veil
but the truth of my departure, off the crestline of your sea,
to the wet and gloomy soil – I can see the canvas sail
moaning from treacherous kisses that has sunken like a key
beneath my naked soles
When I cut your close-formed lips
* with a scissor pair of stars,
If silver is your secret colour, too, I taste the cold and scalding sips
feel my presence sometime, of the lava lakes on Mars Picture: Miguel Arcangel Fraticelli
I desperately. *** BON VOYAGE OMEGA
by Aisha Abdel Dayem by John Modin by Michael J.Pima

I desperately wash my hands with snow Now the we share this pain Open is my window
when I have no choice. At least it is WE again The heater is a widow
Gloves obey my
I desperately eat snow when I’m thirsty. command
Its the worst kind of hook
(To eat when thirsty is confusing, Get off my hand
you’ll find in any book
indeed.) Big coat to the basement
about fishing
Stylish one to my closet
I desperately let my hand run over
or love Nose running no more
snow when I think of the hair on your
Sunshine the natural
neck, remember it’s fuzziness. I’ll never
understand why I found that so soothing. The only way is to rip it out,
and let blood flow Miss me now hey ground
The snow is dirty now. And fading. That’s how it feels to let you go Vanishing ice all around
Greenish taking a stance
I desperately. Closer, not a distance
my love
Bon voyage omega
Yet strong like Umaga.
They’re invading the has been raised to worship writer, chose to state in his novel
South! than an actual place. Take an Syden: “It is neither OK, amusing
by Heidi Bacquet advertisement for low prices or correct that Norwegian (and
in “Syden”: don’t expect this to Swedish) tourists behave like
The smell of dried palm tree include Greece or anything. As an simple mind idiots.” Starting on
leaves melting through the appalling matter of fact, Greece the plane on their departure, viva
sidewalk, the smudgy voice of is only called Greece up here. el Tax Free, the act of drinking all
sellers on the nearest beach, day long at the beach bar while
selling their soul to make ends Originally, wealthy adults began drowning their bodies into Monoi
meet… Their voices and the to test the waters in Majorca oil, just to make their skin look
flip-flop emanating from some from 1959, the rule being to like a living barbecue ceremony,
random Norwegian tourists’ leave their children at home; has become a sacred dogma. At
sandals, choked by some spiral today’s family trips were only least they won’t need a budget
bound waves, yes, today the wind popularized in the 1980s. From for one-time use barbecues.
has decided to spread its wings. the start, immersing into this
appealing charter tourist world In 2003, FrP, the Norwegian
Norwegians in Spain // 11

Whoever noticed a flaw in this was enough for your entourage Progress Party established a
idyllic description should be to perceive you as a cool local branch in Costa Rica for
attributed a special reward person. Well, I guess that the the 23 000 Norwegians, many of
(let’s say a cookie), for this, my multifunction use of white socks them retired, living there parts
friends, is a critical moment. and beer cans as floaters in case of the year (summer houses are
Escorting their dazzling white you got trapped in that hypnotic common) or permanently. In
sport socks around the playa, wave mentioned earlier (boy, is it 2008, Ap, the Labour Party did
there are estimated to be one windy out here) is a synonym of the same. Insurance, pension,
million Norwegians invading coolness. It’s all about recycling.language problems (brilliant),
the “South”, or “Syden” each and education are part of the
year. Their favorite charter tour So what are their main activities? issues. Still don’t get the title?
destinations are principally Sightseeing? Spiritual or artistic
limited to Benidorm (Alicante, uplifting? Sorry to disappoint To all the Norwegians out here
Spain), Las Palmas (Grand you. Another essential concept whom this may concern, don’t
Canaria, Canary Islands) and is the one of “DFL” (Dritings Før take this personally. We still love
Majorca. The South is more Lunsj) meaning “Wasted Before you, and wish you a nice trip to
a concept every Norwegian Lunch”. Are Kalvø, a Norwegian the South this summer.
The Moodiest of Norwegian Designs

If you think Oslo is tiny, try going to Stryn – Since their tremendous start in 2005, Moods has
a village tucked in a fjord on the West coast of been quenching its thirst for creative ideas in the
Norway. You will be sure to find a tractor, a cow well of Norwegian culture, which has yet to show
and a designer store of what might be labeled as signs of getting dry. In 2006, they presented their
Norway’s most bizarre fashion company: Moods first collection of glasses, featuring a Norwegian
waffle recipe on the wiping cloth, which struck a
of Norway. nostalgic note among the guests of the venue, the
Founded by two exchange students in a slightly Grünerløkka elderly center.
intoxicated state while in Hawaii, Moods of In 2009, they launched Cocktail Travels, soaked in
Norway delivers “happy clothes for happy people” references to Thor Heyerdahl’s voyage on Kon-Tiki
as their logo states. The men behind the plan, and Nansen’s polar conquests with Olav Heyerdahl
Simen Staalnacke and Peder Børresen, frown at and a polar explorer, Monica Kristensen, as
other companies’ extensive use of advertisement; models. In the same year, they made a tribute to
the only ad they ever paid for was a printed the 50 year anniversary of oil discovery off the
announcement in a Stryn newspaper which coast of Norway. The explanatory text in English
allegedly cost 750 NOK. Marketing managers by read: “In 1969 Norway won the ’World’s Luckiest
education and fashion designers at heart, Simen Nation’ lottery. Norway discovered Ekofisk, one of
and Peder find other ways of attracting attention. world’s largest oil fields. This collection is homage
It all started with a pink boat. While the founders to Ekofisk and the hard-working women and men
swear to God that this was a cozy way to get to a that have contributed to the fact that Norway is
festival in Kristiansand and not a PR gimmick, a the richest kid in class,” followed by the motto
cold-blooded observer would state that intended “Enjoy responsibly!” This year the collection takes
or not, the trick worked. The lavishly painted boat us back to the world of Norwegian fairy tales where
was replaced by a tractor, when, in 2008, Moods trolls, enchanted princesses and magical tractors
launched a suit collection with tractor-shaped cuff abound.
links and a mysterious inscription “234.243” on If you feel like tractors are the new Mercedes,
the sleeves. Later they conceded that the collection and if you want to witness pink silky men’s suits
was made to commemorate the centennial of the stating that they are made “in Europe by really,
12 \\ Moods of Norway

coming of the first tractor to Norway, and the really pretty blonde girls,” visit the Moods of
inscription pointed to the number of tractors in Norway flagship store at Hegdehaugsveien.
Norway. Since then, the tractor has become a logo
of the company and a brightly coloured life-sized Rumour has it that tractor shaped waffles are
tractor is a must have item in every Moods store. served for free on Saturdays. If you want to make
your own though, be prepared to pay a thousand
Other instances of messing with statistics include crowns.
a graph showing the popularity of the name “Ola”
among Norwegian newborns on what is known to Who said the truly Norwegian experience
Norwegians as “olabukse” [Ola’s pants] or simply is cheap?
“jeans”. Another jeans model, Spanderbuksa, Text:Marija Cabuskina
features excessively deep pockets and a graph Photo: Ole Musken, courtesy of Moods of Norway
showing oil prices in Norway. The name in itself
is a pun, coming from an expression “å ha på seg
spanderbukse” - to be excessively generous.
Cooking all’italiana
ble slices while dressing them with oil and salt.
Verdure grigliate a fette Please note that both sides must be grilled in the
Text:Francesco Spinali same way.
Photo: John Modin
When the food is ready, you can also dress it with
Hi again Monthly Moose friends! I am Francesco a bit of vinegar and oregano.
and this is our last issue for the current semester. Just remember to be careful with the
At this time I will be giving you a recipe for veg- fire! (Not like in the picture)
etables, which is very enjoyable in the spring and
summer. This often means sun, blue sky, relaxing
….and also barbecue. So my suggestion is to bar-
becue some vegetables, for example aubergine,
tomato and pepper. As with most of my recipes
and suggestions, this food and kind of cooking is
very common and well appreciated in my home
place, Sicily.

First, it’s very important that you must be able

to light the grill and prepare it for grilling, while
respecting the rules of safety and using common

When it is ready, you need to have three large au-

bergines, a half kilo of tomatoes and a few pep-
Barbecue // 13

pers. After they have been washed, the vegeta-

bles can be sliced, being cautious as you cut. If
you would like to eat a larger portion or serve to
friends, it could be smart to buy more in addi-

You can also toast some bread slices, like my pre- I would like to thank all Monthly Moose friends
vious recipe “Bruschette al pomodoro”. When and readers for this semester and hope to see you
the grill is at a good temperature, grill the vegeta- in autumn edition. Enjoy the summer!














Who’s behind The Moose?


For this semester’s last issue we decided to drop the veil sur-
rounding The Monthly Moose and us, its contributors. The
public has to know its heroes!
Lindsay Mitch


Katie Melvin

Amy Andrew



Schuyler ...AKA Tapsie

Heather Nicole
Sanie Ha-ha

Blayne Doreth



Aleksandra Kjersti

I really
Russetida - Sweet Memories
ago. I wdo not rememb
friends orked a lot as er much, it wa
Spain. Band I were sa a student bec s so long For this month’s su
attendin ut yeah, we hving for a roadause my Roger Sol rvey, The Monthly
old cars g a couple of oad a really go trip to Professor berg, Moose asked people
with so red and desig fficial events, od time, as a sec in Norwegian w
and SiO if they had an orking at UiO
russeknme red clothes ning our own painting ond lan
guage y memories from
quite diffuter. Back the and a red hat outfits the notorious russet
self-ma erent than ton russ time wa for the
iden. Despite the
fact that some of
cozy. Tode, unorganize day. It was a lo s really the interviewees
more ta day, russ are d and somehowt more shied away or clai
their ob lented in findinmore organize more didn’t remember an ed that they
tech. Busessive interes g ways of fina d and
bourgeo t all russ are st in parties andncing
of excessive alcoho hing because
l consumption
isie! till abou h
t shockinigh (which happens even
g the among the most
dignified of us), we
still managed to
extract some respon
ses, with a little
help of truth serum
ska and tickle torture.
a Wapin
with great Ew ssor in Norweg
russeti da y P r o fe ng u a g e
I look backI would go straigh arly in the as a second la
on m y t from m
fondness. uting Aftenposten eh friends in
job distrib driving around wit d creating
morning tohonking the horn anof pride in Guri Ve
our truck, There was a sense ussedress)
a ruckus. to wear our outfit (r we liked
Intern stad, Head
ationa o
being able together as long as edible to l Educaf
and being estioning. It is incr tolerate
A mem
o tion
without qu how much one can ysically In ord r y from my
er to russet
remember is young, both ph a fun drunk sa id
when one lly, and it was y own sour, c ve money, ?
red w he w
and menta oint when
I had m ine m ap, home-m e
reference p There ade b a de
were y my
children. Vinmo m any s m o m .
Unni Irmelin Kvam, no tr
I was studying music, and one year there day (1 polet back ikes in
was a spectacular election of the russe- Communication 98
comm 0) so it w in the
president. There was a candidate from our Advisor for UiO 200 on an
d as rat
department dressed in a weird ‘70s outfit, ce alco actually lega r
and he perched on a gym ball and hopped Fredi hol at l to
StudeknØren Refsn
around with “Carmina Burana” as back-
t, Head es
ground music. And so he was elected as
russe-president, but he wasn’t actually of SiO , I was a russ
my ru in Åle sund
a russ! But everyone fell for the gim- sset
mick. That’s how the music department partyi id was a gre in 2002, an
ng, ed at mix d
showed that russ was just nonsense. We newsp itorial wor ture of
were against russetid because we had to for th aper, k for
be serious; the entrance exams to the conser- contin exams and crammina
vatory were just around the corner. My b ue my caree attempts g
e r t
from st and wo in football o
russet .
me an iden i t memor..
r s
Responses compiled by: Marija Cabuskina, Re- partici d m y frie s t he y
n effort
becca Plath, Lindsay Burkhart for Ålepating in T ds spent o s
nberg, russek sund’s russ reasure Hunn
Mike Furstein SiO .
elo r out fo nuter, but We got a fe t
russeknuter, and I Couns
I wasn’t too big on most extraverted Student Life
r a vic we we w
Hunt. to n
Unfor r y in the Tre t all
probably wasn’t theemor y is probably tunate
ly, we asure
Russ. The biggest m : our russebuss I was an ed
not the most positive sand on our way paper. In r of a Russ news- Rolf A
broke down in Lille had to sell the were muc ose days, there Counseloersen,
16 \\ Russetida

from Stavanger so weth another bus. h fewer

Russek- r,
bus and hitchhike wiI went 24 hours nuter than
For one russeknute, other featured a was more th owadays since it
without sleep, and anmember the de- But I was o n 30 years ago.
toy car, but I don’t ret 60 kilos back in ne of those
did not e who
tails. I weighed abou ’t have survived the ng
too much. age in Russ
the day so I wouldn ” knute. W
alternative e were a bit
“drink a crate of beer didn’t party becaus
too much. e we
russ to cut the legs off your uniform.
Russ travel throughout the country in
Text and photos by Aleesha Nathan russebusser or russebiller. These are
the buses or vans that groups of russ
Spring has finally arrived, and as you will buy and paint in their respective
are out enjoying the sunshine, you may colour. They are decorated with
have noticed teenagers in bright red pictures and slogans and given names
pants walking around on their hands such as pussy wagon or Fritz’s Rolling
and knees, camping out and drinking Basement.
beer on a roundabout or handing
out business cards to primary school The russ are best (and worst) known for
children. Some of you may be confused, the series of challenges they partake
while the rest begin to shudder at the in. A new list of these is posted every
thought of yet another Russ season. For year, but some old favourites make
those new to this tradition, read on to regular appearances. They range from
learn what it means to be a school leaver ones proscribing good behaviour,
in Norway. dares that seek revenge on schools
and teachers, bizarre tasks and sexual
Russ is a tradition as old as Norway The russ: a male and a challenges. For each task that a russ
itself. It dates back to the 1700s, before female species completes, they are given a knot to tie
institutions such as UiO existed in the into their graduation cap.
country, and students would travel to Denmark
to study. To be admitted into these universities, Examples of challenges include:
students were required to pass their Examen - Spending the night at a teacher’s house
Artium. After they had sat for the exams, they were without them realising it
given a cap with horns on it to wear around, giving - Walking a fish around on a dog leash
older students the chance to ridicule them until - Eating a Big Mac in two bites
examination results were released. Students who - Fitting as many people as possible into a
passed their exams were allowed to remove the phone booth
horns from their cap, symbolising their wisdom. - Drinking 24 bottles of beer in 24 hours
- Having sex with a different person each
In 2011, the tradition continues, although a little day of the Russ period
differently. It has morphed into one big party, - Having sex in a tree
starting around late April and continuing all the
way until the 17th of May. On the final day, the russ Being with the same partner or not drinking
are given their own graduation caps and parade as alcohol throughout the period is definitely frowned
part of the Norwegian National Day celebrations. upon and will earn you a piece of chain or a soft
drink cap for your cap. Performing 50 challenges
The russ are easily spotted because of their bright earns you the title of elite russ. If that takes too
overalls or jumpsuits. Most students will be long, the same title and respect can be gained by
dressed in red gear. Economics students will wear walking naked in front of your entire school or for
blue overalls. A very small number can also be seen the extremely daring, down Karl Johans Gate.
in black or green if they come from vocational or Get to know a russ personally by asking one for
agricultural schools. The first rule of russ is to never his or her russekort. All russ carry around a stack
wash the pants. No matter how much beer, mud, of business cards to trade with each other. Each
or vomit gets on them during the partying, that card bears a photo of the russ along with his or
same pair of overalls must be worn every single her nickname and affiliated group, a fake address
What is "russ"? // 17

day. Washing them grants permission for fellow and phone number. Most cards will also have a
joke or tagline. Our favourite was “p.s. Santa Claus
doesn’t exist.”
So by now, Moose readers, you should be less
confused about what the youth of Norway are up
to in May. For more russ, catch the film Hjelp, Vi
Er Russ in cinemas now or look for the book The
Norwegian Way compiled by photographer Jørn
Tomter after spending five years photographing
the celebrations. Just remember, if while walking
through a forest in May you hear rustling coming
from the trees, don’t look up.
You’re not a russ without a buss!
Norsk on Air to set you on the
right track. So you
are there. You read
Upon Arrival your book, do your
Imagine you are an exchange student exercises at home,
at UiO (any other Norwegian institu- and enjoy the men-
tion will pass, no problem); or better a torship in the class-
MA scholar; maybe a PhD smartass. You room. As they say, it
just came to Norway, the cold land of is crucial to start on
mysterious skåls and wild nature, the right foot from
to go through educational turmoil; the very beginning.
and you are excited about your year Keeping this in
or two (or Lord knows, maybe more, mind, you actually
keep your fingers and toes crossed!) in try both feet and
the country. even open your mouth (along with eyes and ears)
so as not to miss a single word. Ahhhhh. Such a
People are cheerfully smiling to you on every cor- professional teacher…
ner and speak decent English. The social pressure
looks low, precipitation level – acceptable, and With Mouth Open
your uni program – very promising. After the first As time passes you start noticing that your in-
several days only you feel endless tranquility and structor loves the sound of his/her own voice bet-
gratitude, and no question, you want to pay back ter than yours. No surprise here, but the professor
the luxuries the country offers. So every time you just can’t stop! Recommendations are given right
do your shopping you start beaming well before and left at supersonic speed. Now everyone knows
the teller notices you and “1000 taak” is ready that they need to work hard on grammar. Atten-
to fall from your lips. To go further, you sign up tion should be paid to pronunciation. Obligatory
and pay (kr 15,000 per semester) for the language tasks are obligatory. Compulsory attendance is
course in Norwegian in hope that professional compulsory....
guidance, together with new friends, will improve
your speaking skills quite well, and what is more Wait a minute! Aren’t you a big baby to avoid tru-
important, fast. isms? Since you’ve learnt a language or two so far,
I guess, you know what works for you outside of
Ready to Rock the classroom. And I know what works inside. It’s
A summer crash course for newbies in Norwegian actual work! Here I can only hypothesize that most
went ok; you have learnt a good deal of the lan- teachers are disciples of Krashen’s Input Theory
guage and now you know what MVH is. By the or apologists for audiolingualism. Or both. Oth-
way, you start writing the acronym in your regular erwise, why would they show a 45-minute movie,
mail, even to your parents, which delights them followed by no discussion? Or tell half-an-hour
enormously. And now, a new stage - Level Two. anecdotes about life in Nord-Norge? A good busi-
The first class, Ahhhh. You are ready to go through ness could be the creation of Teacher Radio mono-
wonderlands of real-life Bergen-sounding dialogs logues.
and you are looking for guidance. Your teacher, a
friendly looking person, chose not to speak Eng- Substitute an instructor with a radio show and
lish to you. Snap! He / she confesses that loves the save on salaries! Or the other way around: record
18 \\ Norsk on Air

language and instructs you about your work-to-be. your teacher’s voice and sell as JegTjuns podcasts
Snap-snap! The book you have downloaded from “Beginner Norwegian”
the net is still warm from the printer and in its A4
format perfectly matches the lesson plan that has Time and Frames
been circulated as a hard copy. Another sigh... Ah- Yet another example: language lab. This inner sanc-
hhhh. How well-organized are the teachers here! tum. This unexplored world of pilot headphones
and colored buttons. Just being there breaks all
A week flies in daydreaming. You listen carefully language barriers and heals dyslexia, if any. What
to your language instructors, and surprisingly, are you supposed to do in a language lab? Right,
you understand them. Not every word, of course, send messages into the microphone working on
but the message. This is just enough. Just enough your pronunciation. Boring phonetic drills, ex-
hausting repetition and singing i-e-a-o-u… But to mar practice. Go home! ” Sounds vague and covers
make this happen you have to actually start articu- actually covers 4 real hours. But how about details?
lating with your headset on. Can you guess how Why teacher’s books mention 3-minute activities?
much time, on average, a student speaks into the Warm-ups? Ice-breakers? Do teachers think that
mic? Between 9 and 11 minutes out of 45! Timing their presence in the classroom is enough for lin-
in Norway is thing in itself, and I do not mean the guistic success?
recent time change. I mean punctuality of teachers
and public transport (no irony in both cases). And A teacher myself, I understand that no instructor
I mean student-talking time, which occasionally should be blamed for students’ motivation or lack
equals only 5 (!) minutes during a 3-hour class! No of progress, as so many factors are at steak here.
doubt, learners differ in styles, but isn’t it a teach-
Students’ aptitude, time spent on homework and,
er’s job to facilitate the “educational process” and eventually, motives differ enormously. However,
to provide students with opportunities to speak? in-class activities and thorough planning lie solely
How about role games? Group work? Debates? on the instructor. I strongly believe that everyone
Discussions? caught in prolix teaching should be shown a base-
ball bat and sent to a retraining course. Otherwise
Oh-oh! Yet another point. Pictures! Personally, I such classes are only a waste of students’ time and
am not sure if all teachers normally think why text- money as they combine farce with low efficiency.
books have color illustrations these days. Do you Picture: Irine Osepashvili
know? Right, on the one hand, to push the sales; Text: Zhenya Bakin
but on the other– to stimulate the learner: attract
attention, raise interest, build up motivation. So When you find yourself surrounded by a
why do you use pictures from your textbook mere- language you don’t know
ly for self-entertainment and peer-discussions in by Miles Walser
your mother tongue during the break? By the way: Listen.
syllabus designers normally do want these visu-
als to be employed in the classroom, so different Sing your alphabet silently.
learner styles are taken into consideration. Pub- Pull your earlobes towards whoever is speaking
lishers normally write about this in their teacher’s
books; you can check. and wrap them around their sentences.
Notice the way each syllable tickles your skin.
Mythology vs Methodology
Teaching approaches and methodologies come and Don’t feel frustrated,
go; teachers, however, stay. Most focus on gram-
feel humbled.
mar, which brings a semblance of hard work. Some
speak about vocabulary, without actually teach-
ing it (Here I do not mean translation as such but
When you start to feel words
rather tasks and activities which make a student
use certain discourse). Very few, unfortunately, crawling their way out from your gut,
go beyond “Read and learn” or “Just talk” lessons.
pushing against the back of your teeth,
This is particularly annoying with so much lit-
erature available both from the Internet and the run into the woods and
bookshops. Loads of volumes are written about
task-based learning, supported by contemporary
Norsk on Air // 19

research in second language acquisition and aimed Shout your middle name, your favorite color,
at fast and motivating learning. Where are these
communicative meaningful tasks in Norwegian the first time your ever felt terrified.
classroom? Why should students stick to mechan- Remember that your heart already knows a
ical grammar-oriented exercises? language.

Personally I have seen in action 5 teachers of Nor-

wegian, and spent two semesters with two of them. If you feel yourself quieting into invisibility,
I have an impression that when getting ready for
breathe. Listen.
the lesson, instructors barely plan lessons: “Lan-
guage lab. Error correction. Students’ talk. Gram- You have not disappeared.
Castaway On The Moon.

FILM This is the

nizes that he should
Text by Sehee Park live his life on this is-
land, there is a girl in
one of the riverside
Moose R
capital apartment buildings. be rescued at last? This movie
of Korea, She has not ventured out of her has been imported from Korea,
Seoul. A room for years. Actually, she has and Norwegian cinema released
man failed suffered from communication it in Oslo. As you watch, trace
to get a with people, and has lived like the way the castaways realize
job and a hermit in her apartment. The the pleasure of communication
got kicked two of them are castaways who through the funny episodes and
to the gate seem to have lost their way in elements in the movie. The char-
by his girl- life and in modern society in the acters’ actions are so cute, and
friend because of his incompe- capital city, Seoul. it gives the audience pleasure to
tence and his incurrence of card observe their interaction. This
debt. After that, he tried to com- This movie is the story of the ab-
Korean movie raises some ques-
mit suicide by jumping into the sence of communication in our
tions: Who has lost the way to
Han River. However, to die is not society. One day, the girl catches
communicate in society? Do we
easy for him. When he wakes up, sight of a man living alone on an
want to communicate honestly?
he finds himself lying on strange island through her camera and
Do we see the essence of each
ground, covered with sand. He starts to observe him. Then, the
other when we communicate?
is on an island in middle of the two castaways begin to commu-
river in Seoul! While he recog- nicate with each other. Can they

merchant who travelled in Poly- After that, Heyerdahl organized

nesia during World War I, influ- many other expeditions. He was
enced the whole life of Heyerdahl. the initiator of the archaeologi-
He got interested in Polynesian cal excavations on Easter Island
history and culture and in 1937- where the colossal statues of
38 participated in an expedition unknown origin were discov-
to Polynesia that aimed to study ered. Furthermore, Thor Hey-
the development of the fauna erdahl launched the famous Ra
on the once deserted island. In expedition in 1969-1970 whose
this period, Heyderdahl came to objective was to prove that the
the conclusion that the oldest Ancient Egyptian seafarers were
capable of crossing the Atlantic
The Kon-Tiki Museum migrants to Polynesia were not
Ocean by reed boats. Heyerdahl
Text:Mariam Nodia Asians but South Americans that
reached the islands by balsawood proved his theory in 1970 with
MUSEUM Photo: Yali Zhang rafts. the expedition Ra II. The crew
Do you love traveling? Do you of the papyrus boat consisted
have the spirit of an explorer? Thor Heyerdahl is best known for of eight people, representing
Do you never get tired of reading his Kon-Tiki expedition. The lead- the different nationalities. They
books or watching films about ing scientists’ view prior to his managed to cover approximately
exotic places and ancient cultures expedition was that the Native 6100 kilometres from Morocco
of the world? Are you adventur- Americans were not capable of to Barbados in 57 days.
ous? If so, then the Kon-Tiki Mu- sailing through the Pacific Ocean
20 \\ Moose Reviews

seum is a place you should defi- in their primitive vessels. The In the Kon-Tiki Museum, visi-
nitely visit. The museum is situ- Norwegian explorer disagreed tors have an opportunity to see
ated on Bygdøy and illustrates and decided to demonstrate that not only the original Kon-Tiki
the life and expeditions of Thor the Native Americans could have and Ra II boats but also different
Heyerdahl (1914-2002) – one of migrated to Polynesia. For this exhibitions illustrating the find-
the most famous Norwegian sci- reason, he built a balsawood raft ings from the excavations on The
entists and adventurers. that was called Kon-Tiki after the Easter Island, examples of Fauna
Inca sun God. The crew of the and material culture of Polyne-
Thor Heyerdahl studied at the raft consisted of six people. They sia, etc.
University of Oslo, specializing sailed almost eight thousand kil- Sources:
in biology and geography. Mak- ometres in one hundred and one

ing the acquaintance of Bjarne days and managed to reach the
Kroepelien, a Norwegian wine Raroia Atoll from Chile. tory/expolorers/heyerdahl/
Reviews in Norwegian with a
laid-back pop style,
head-bobbing but not
rockin’. Huskeglemme
Gloria Flames
Text & photo:Lindsay Burkhart

Songs to Welcome in has more slow songs
Summer than upbeat ones
and includes songs
Text: Leah Grambo
MUSIC like Hold på en
If you’re looking Venn [Hang on to a
for a souvenir from Friend] and Døden
Norway that reminds [Death] where they
you of the good times seem to share their
you’ve had here, it life experience with
doesn’t get much their audience.
more Norwegian Their song Jeg Lager
than a CD from Mat [I’m Making
the band Delillos. Food] is a personal
Celebrating their 25th favorite! If nothing
year as a band, they are else, you absolutely
constantly popping out albums must have a listen via iTunes or
and have been mainstream Spotify to the single that started The increasing temperatures
since 1993. Huskeglemme (2009) their fame, Neste Sommer. Happy and longer days are not the
captures their classic style with summer listening! only signs of spring and the
a new set of songs. Delillos sings coming summer. One can
Friday Waffle at The particularly luxurious, an extra also notice the awakening of
Grand Cafe 60 kroner gets you a glass of Oslo’s nightlife, as people re-
Text & photo: Aleesha Nathan champagne. treat from parks to pubs as the
evenings wane on. On the east
The ambience during the Friday side, another sign of spring is
waffle event is slightly different the opening of Gloria Flames´
than what would usually be roof terrace with heat lamps
expected at the cafe. The pop- and hanging colored lights to
dance music that is synonymous brighten the atmosphere and
with a Moods of Norway show curb any chill that may remain.
is played and the wait staff are Located just across from Grøn-
C AF É dressed in shades of bright pink lands torg, Gloria Flames sup-
and turquoise. ports the Indie Rock scene with
The Grand Cafe. A place associated The place is full of a lot more known and unknown bands
with class, charm, tradition, young people than usual, with playing weekly at no charge
elegance and tractor waffles? several tables of UiO students or a very minimal cost. The
menu consists of a very scant
On the first Friday of every snatching up a good deal. pizza, soup and salad, but the
month, the very spot where At first, we weren’t sure what The selection of beers makes up for
Ibsen himself frequented daily is Grand’s regulars would think of it, with Hansa on tap, along
taken over by another Norwegian the event. Half a dozen women, with bottled Newcastle, Tiger
icon – The Moods of Norway. The sitting at what was probably their and Heineken, to name a few.
Moose Reviews // 21

usual midday menu of the cafe is usual table, dressed to the nines, While the price range is rather
supplemented by a very exciting, complete with extravagant hats average, it is the atmosphere
all you can eat waffle buffet. looked a bit confused about what that provides a good setting
was going on. for conversation over your
65 kroner buys you a plate off choice of drink. Open until
which, for two hours, you are able However, after a couple glasses 2 am on Tuesday to Thursday
to eat as many exclusive Moods of of champagne and some and 3 am on Fridays and Sat-
Norway tractor shaped waffles as delicious waffles, they seemed urdays, Gloria will provide you
your heart (and stomach) desires. to be enjoying the change of with the right amount of edge
A table is also set up, piled with atmosphere. Perhaps even Ibsen and good vibes only found in
an assortment of jams, cheeses himself would have enjoyed some an urban summer.
and cream to complement your tractor-shaped fun once in a
waffles. For anyone feeling while.
Arne Næss:
Philosopher, Professor, Environmentalist
“The smaller we come to feel ourselves compared to the mountain, the nearer we come to
participation in its greatness. I do not know why this is so.”-Arne Næss

T here is no doubt that Norway

holds a stunning beauty that
is unique to this country. There
have been many great thinkers
and nature lovers that have come
from Norway, but Arne Næss
(1912-2009) has been, arguably,
the most influential. Naess was a
true Norwegian in every sense- a
mountaineer, philosopher and
activist with a strong sense of
ecological responsibility. Arne
Næss taught philosophy at the
University of Oslo for 30 years,
and made a large impact on the
academic community.

hen he started teaching at the age of 27, action to change the course of environmental deg-
he was the youngest professor to ever radation. Næss proclaimed that “thoughts are not
teach at the University of Oslo. His en- enough, we need to have with us the whole range
thusiasm brought zest to the philosophy depart- of emotion and action,” a message that has been
ment, as he was always up to something. One day, echoed by many of today’s environmental leaders.
Næss accidentally locked himself out of his sixth
floor office in Niels Treschows Hus at Blindern, Arne Næss was never one to shy away from direct
but the opportunistic and fearless Næss decided action. In fact, in 1970, along with 300 other dem-
to climb the building and access his office through onstrators, he chained himself to rocks at the base
the open window! Needless to say, his name is part of Mardalfossen, one of the tallest waterfalls in
of UiO history. Norway. This act of courage was done in protest to
a proposed dam.
Næss brought Norwegian environmental sensi-
bility to the global scene with his theory of Deep A self-proclaimed “short-range pessimist, long-
Ecology, which reframes the term “environment.” range optimist,” Næss believed that the earth had
Deep Ecology involves seeing humans as part of tough times to get through before things would
the environment, as integral puzzle pieces and not get better. He predicted that by the 23rd century,
external actors. A central tenant of the philosophy the human population would be under control and
was protecting the planet, not only for the sake of that mankind would have a much more intimate
humans but “to keep ecosystems healthy for their relationship with the world. Arne Næss’ ideal for
own sake.” ecological harmony is certainly one to look to-
wards for a brighter future.
22 \\ Arne Næss

Næss did not believe that environmental problems Text: Katie Harris
Photo: Petter Mejlænder
could be solved within the existing capitalist soci-
ety and called for a shift in mindset of how each Petter Mejlænder has written a number of books and ar-
of us sees the world. He claimed that it was our ticles about Arne Næss (for instance, Den lille filosofen
responsibility to expand our compassion towards and Nærkontakt). He has also provided his photogra-
phy for the exhibition ”Arne Næss – the smiling philoso-
non-humans and acknowledge the inherent worth pher” in various places in Norway, including the Univer-
of other beings. Influenced by both Mahatma sity of Oslo. In Summer 2011 his photo exhibition will
Gandhi and Rachel Carson, Arne Næss balanced be opened at the University of Tromsø and in the culture
the holistic philosophy with an immediate call for center Bølgen in Larvik (from June 22nd). More infor-
mation on Mejlænder’s webpage:
May Day in Oslo
Norway, along with some 80 other countries,
celebrates Labor Day on May 1st. The holiday,
also known as International Workers’ Day
or May Day, honors the working class,
memorializing their past struggles, sacrifices
and achievements. The day symbolizes identity
and cohesion for labor unions, members of left-
wing movements and feminist organizations.
May Day became an official, annual event and speeches by the leader of AUF (Arbeidernes
in 1891 at the second congress of Second UngdomsFylking) in Oslo and the head of Oslo’s
International, an organization of socialist “No to Nuclear Weapons.” Then the socialist
and workers political parties. The congress choir sang “voices of the revolution” and “praise
chose May 1st in commemoration of the 1886 of dialectics” and candidates from the Labor
Haymarket Massacre in Chicago. The rally that and Socialist Parties spoke. Representing the
preceded the chaos started in support of workers international community, Tran Van Tuc, head of
striking for the eight hour work day, but turned Vietnam Federation of Labor, and Solveig Igesund,
into a riot when an unknown person threw Chairman of the Norwegian People’s Aid Youth
a pipe bomb at the line of police monitoring delivered speeches. The gathering ended with the
the protest. Eight police officers and many singing of International, the labor movement song.
civilians died in the bomb blast and resulting
gun fire. In response, the international labor Following the rally, a parade marched out
and left-wing political movements set aside the of Youngstorget and down Karl Johan. The
day to remember past violence and celebrate procession reflected the vast array of organizations
progress, martyring the victims of Haymarket and opinions currently residing in Oslo. I stood
and similar clashes between workers and the next to a woman who repeatedly chanted “Norge
authorities that denied them their rights. ut av Libya” whenever a political group passed.
A few vintage fire trucks drove down the street,
In Norway, May Day became a public holiday in followed by the firefighter’s union. Other unions,
1947, but unofficially, Norwegians celebrated including the construction workers and janitors,
the day since the 1890s, pushing for the eight brought their own music corps, which included
hour work day. An original slogan read “8 hours men and women of all ages. People waved
work, 8 hours of freedom, 8 hours Palestinian flags in support of the
rest.” Nowadays, Norwegians, who campaign, and labor movements
have some of the best working and representing minority groups and
living conditions, stand in solidarity foreign nation carried their banners
with those struggling for political high. Other banners showed off a
and economic rights across the yellow hammer and sickle, the sign
globe. Each year, the Socialist Left of the Communist movement, and
and Worker’s Party run a campaign I noticed another which read “Nei
to raise money and awareness for a til EU.” Red flags, the main icon of
particular group; this year’s campaign the labor movement, symbolizing
focused on Palestinian refugees living the blood of struggle and the
in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. glory of victory, lined the square.

I headed over to Youngstorget on May All in all, May Day in Oslo goes
1st, where crowds gathered to listen beyond simply honoring the hard
May Day // 23

to speeches, choirs and bands, all work of the working class. It brings
rallying in solidarity. The main slogans workers, politicians, activists and
of 2011 promoted “strengthening the their supporters together for a day to
welfare,” saying “no to privatization,” rally in celebration of past triumphs
and voting “red-green” (worker’s and in observance of future struggles.
rights and the environment). The
program for the day started with a Text and Photo: Amy Armstrong
performance by the Oslo Wind band
Happy 200, UiO! a lunch and games, in traditional
Norwegian style, arranged by
of May, let the 200 committee
make one more suggestion;
Text:Lindsay Burkhart
Pictures: UiO 200 ISU, ESN, and DNS, beginning at the Teknisk Museum’s exhibi-
13.30 at Chateu Neuf. To finish tion, Mind Gap. This exhibit,
From the glowing 200 on the off the day, a ball featuring tradi- opened from the 17th of April
side of Sophus Bugge to webpage tional Norwegian dance will take and on, is featuring American
links, carpets and posters, it is place at 18.14 to 20.11 with place artist Robert Wilson and his
difficult to not notice that UiO for everyone at Universitetsplass reflection on the brain and its
is celebrating 200 years as Nor- along Karl Johan. senses. From fish and rats to
way’s oldest and most renowned forest and mirrors, visitors are
Another date to remember is the
university. The month of May is given the chance to test their
21st of May, which is the first of
no exception. Beginning on the senses and experience the
four idéfestivals taking place at
3 rdof May, the University’s jube- mystery of the mind and how
the University. The theme for
lium 10 kroner coin will come into it functions. This event is a
the day is Climate change with a
circulation. These coins, given commemeration to UiO’s years
mix of creative debates, activities,
out by Norges Bank, are not only of work and success in the area
food and Grand Prix to top it all
a symbol of UiO’s 200 year an- of brain research and is yet
off. Starting at 12.00, there are
niversary, but also the establish- another reason to get out and
events that have been created for
ment of higher education at a celebrate the birthday of our
young and old alike, with a kids’
University level in Norway. The one day Alma Mater. Happy
university featuring a chemistry
circulation will be commenced 200 years UiO!
show and kids’ lab along with es-
when ten coins are given to each presso hour and an item exchage UIO 200 EVENTS
18-20 May, Georg Sverdrups: Visions for
of the eight deans at the various (bring your never used books and Teaching and Teacher Education, Inerna-
Universities in Norway. clothes) for the adults. Debates
tional Conference.

Further evidence of the 200 year are not just featuring the already
celebration can be witnessed be- heard recycling pitch but creative
thoughts on climate change in 21 May, Blindern:
hind the physics building at Tørte- Idea festival 2011
berg where a generous 18,000 red the fashion industry, how climate on Climate change
tulips have begun to bud in the change should effect our methods
shape of a large 200. The display is of education and the relations- The festival is packed with events like
indication of the commitment of hip Google and business have to concerts, films, lectures, debates and
workshops. Some of the highlights:
SiO kindergarten kids and fami- our climate as a global society. A
variety of these debates will also 12-17 Frederikke square: Death of a Sea
lies that put their hands to work Monster documentary
in the end of September with be spotlighting a variety of well
12-17 outside Villa Eika: Barter market
soon obvious results. known international speakers, - take something you do not need and
such as Google representative, exchange it for something else!
If you were hoping for a break in Benjamin Kott, Educater Richard 13:15-14:00, Georg Sverdrups, aud. 1
the festivities, you will be disap- Kane and Representative from CLIMATE CHANGE LEADERSHIP FOR
pointed. Norway’s national holi- the Finnish Parliment, Oras Tyn- TRANSFORMATION, a debate on sus-
tainable leadership.
day will also be celebrated with kkynen. Norway will also be offe-
style as NRK will be broadcasting 13:30-16:30, Halvor Blinderens plass
ring a collage of both University Academic climate rally held on electric
live for the first time from the and State representatives, along cars.
University garden from 7:30 on. with renowned author Jostein 14:15-15:00, Georg Sverdrups, aud.
For those interested in joining, Gaarder and Statoil’s brave spoke- 1 WHAT HAPPENED TO CLIMATE
UiO will also be taking part in CHANGE?, a lecture by Mike Hulme, is a
sperson Hege Marie Nordheim. Professor of Climate Change at the Uni-
the parade that marches annually versity of East Anglia (UEA)
through Stortorget at 11.30, rep- The day is sure to put your head 15:15 - 16:00, Helga Engs hus, aud. 2
resenting both national and in- and heart to the test and into CHANGE THE CLIMATE OF EDUCA-
ternational representatives alike. motion and with any energy you TION, a lecture by Richard Kahn (Anti-
och, LA)
The festivities will continue with may have left for this fine month
16:15 - 17:00, Helga Engs hus, aud. 1
24 \\ UiO 200


lecture by Benjamin Kott, a Clean En-
ergy Advocacy Manager in Google.
16:15 - 17:00 Helga Engs hus, aud. 2
ENT? by Robyn Eckersly (Melbourne) /
Oras Tynkkynen (Finnish Parliament)
16:15 - 17:00 Georg Morgenstiernes hus
What´s on in Oslo? by Rebecca Plath


May 15
St. Hallvard’s
Oslo Ladegård

Special event:
Norway’s National Day
18 19 20 21 22
Documentary Night Oslo city center (Karl Special event:
“Kon-Tiki” Johans gate, Royal Idé Festivalen: Climate Island hopping
Blindern, Helga Engs Palace) Kuba (18-20)Continental Market Student Jazz Jam Concert: Katie Melua University of Oslo, in the Oslo Fjord
Hus www.utdanningsetat- Youngstorget Chateau Neuf, BokCaféen Oslo Spektrum Blindern Vippetangen

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Special event: Hiking and rappelling at
Exhibition: Jumana Kolsåstoppen
Emil Abboud - Smug- Kolsåstoppen, Bærum
gling Lemons
Oslo Kunstforening 25. - 29.
www.oslokunst- The Norwegian Storytelling Festival Champions League Final Dramatikkens Hus screening
Guited tour (No.): 24. - 26. Sentrum Scene
Død og Pine! KGB Dance & Ballet 25. - 30.
Akershus festning, 30th Anniversary Stand Up Festival 2011 Photo exhibition 2011 Free concert: Busi 28. - 29.
Kronprinsens krut- Performance Latter, Saras Telt and Josefines Albin Upp Galleri & Ncube Band Fleamarket – Loppemaked Bogstad Day
tårn Bærum Kulturhus Vertshus Kunstkafé Belleville, Soria Moria Vindern School Bogstad Gård

30 31 June 1 2 3
Koèju – Live Club Ses-
4 5
Boat service: Summer evening cruise sions, Blå Hafslund
Rådhusbrygge environmental 3. - 5. festival
Snake and lizard 1. - 5. Oslo Environmental National Music Day Oslo Frognerparken,
Rock Talk feeding Beer and Food Festival Farmer’s Market Festival (Musikkfest) Monolith
John DEE Oslo Reptile Park Grünerløkka, Kubapark Bogstadveien Oslo city center Oslo city center www.hafslund. no/festival

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bislett Games
Bislett Stadium Exhibition: Idas life
http://www.dia- Museum of Natural History
Fotball: Norway - 9. - 13.
Guided tour (No.): Art Lithuania Norwegian Wood Rock 10. - 12. Club Classic
in the Parliament Ullevål Stadium Release concert: Erik de Torres Festival Grünerløkka Days Concert: Ryan Adams Café Kaos
Parliament www.ullevaal-stadion. John DEE Frognerbadet Grünerløkka Folketeateret www.cafekaos. no no

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Nordmarka Forest
Sognsvann - Kikut
Guided tour (No.):
Kjenn din by Færder Regatta Idé Festivalen: Diversity
Start: Stovner senter Aker Brygge UiO, Blindern
v/ Fossum kirke Exhibition:
www.oslobymuseum. 17. - 26. 18. - 19. Erling Neby’s
no Oslo Gay Pride (Skeive Oslo Medieval Festival Collection
Opera: Rigoletto Concert: Judas Priest Concert: Bon Jovi Concert: Korn dager) Middelalderparken Onstad Kunst-
Opera house Oslo Oslo Spektrum Ullevål Stadium Youngstorget Oslo city center www.oslomiddelalderfes- senter www.oslospektrum

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
What's On? // 25

Midsummer’s Eve Celebra-

tion Concert: Foo Fighters
Concert: Sanja Ilic/ Balkanika Brass Norsk Folkemuseum Telenor Arena
Orchestra Celebrate
Rockefeller Høvikodden 24. - 26. Congo’s inde- Bicycle race: pendence day.
Concert: George 22. - 25. 23. - 26. Styrkeprøven Historical
Clinton Culinary train journey Oslo Live Festival Oslo Water Games Trondheim-Oslo Extrema Outdoor Festival Museum
Rockefeller Oslo S Akershus festning, Kontraskjæret Bjørvika Arena Trondheim-Oslo Island Kalvøya www.khm. www.oslolivefestival.noContact

27 28 29 30
Exhibition: Absolute
Concert: Chicago Museum of Contempo-
Sentrum Scene rary Art Guided tour: Royal Castle Concert: Bob Dylan
www.chicagotheband. www.nasjonalmu- Royal Castle Oslo Spektrum
ELGINT0110: The Moose Norwegian Course
Learn Norwegian on your own, with a little help from The Moose.

Lesson 7: Vårhelligdager – Spring holidays Text and picture: Rebecca Plath

Påske [Easter], with all its particularities, has just end-

ed, but the next weeks are full of some great Norwe-
gian helligdager [holidays].

On the 1st of May, there was the “Arbeidernes inter-

nasjonale kampdag.” May Day, celebrated in many
countries around the world, is a day of political dem-
onstrations and celebrations organized by different
groups, like unions, socialists or anarchists (also Inter-
national Workers’ Day or Labor Day).

The entire country is looking forward to søttende mai

[17th of May]. On the Grunnlovsdagen [Constitu-
tional Day], the whole nation celebrates the drafting of
the Norwegian Constitution in 1814 in the little town
north of Oslo called Eidsvoll. On this day, everybody is It’s really a fantastic day! Hipp hipp hurra!
happy for different reasons: This time of the year is full of hellidager in Norway. The
first one in June is Kristi Himmelfart, and no, it is
• Children are happy because they do not have to not related to any release of gas but to the Christian
go to school.Instead all day long they can have as belief of ascension of the resurrected Jesus. Since Him-
much pølse [hot dog], iskrem [ice cream], røm- melfart is celebrated exactly 39 days after Påske, it al-
megrøt [sour cream porridge] and brus [soda] ways falls on a Thursday. This year it is the 2nd of June.
as they want — until they become sick… School 50 days after Påske, the 12th and 13th of June, there
children in Oslo go in a long barnetog [parade] is Pinse, which is Pentecost/Whitsunday and Monday.
through the city to the Royal Palace, either play- These Christian holidays commemorate the descent of
ing in the korps [marching band] or waving flags. the Holy Spirit upon the Disciples of Christ after the
Afterwards there are leker [games] at the schools, resurrection.
e.g. sekkeløp [hopping in a potato sack], potetløp
[running while holding a spoon with a potato] and
stiltegang [trying to walk on stilts].
Illustrated Idiom
• The russ [high school graduates] are happy because
this day is the highlight of their several-weeks-
long-party. They form their own russetog and also
walk/stumble/crawl in front of the Palace dressed
in their red, blue, green or black russedress [over-
26 \\ Learn Norwegian!

alls] and hats with russeknuter, making lots of

noise with whistles.
• The adults are happy because they do not have to
work that day. Instead they dress up in their bu-
nads [traditional dresses and costumes] and listen Do you sometimes think suitcase, and do you
to a 17.-mai-tale, a very special genre of speech. have humor in your underpants?
In Norwegian, these idioms make perfect sense.
Of course, I also have to mention the Norwegian nas-
“Å tenke koffert” means to interpret a neutral
jonalsang [national anthem] here, because you can
utterance in terms of sexual or other taboo sub-
hear it everywhere this day. Not very surprisingly, it is
jects. If the utterances are humorous, it is also
called Ja, Vi Elsker Dette Landet, which means “Yes,
called underbuksehumor [underpants humor].
We Love This Country.” Can it be more obvious than
this? And this is exactly what 17th of May is about: a
Text: Rebecca Plath Picture: Marija Cabuskina
very patriotic day, where all Norwegians express their
pride and happiness that they are Norwegian.
Follow the adventures of a
mascot Moose working in one
of Oslo’s souvenir shops.

Moose Comic by Irina Osepashvili

Moose Comic // 27
Started in September 2008, The Monthly Moose is the only events at the university and the outside world. We also
student magazine at UiO published entirely in English. bring the "voice" of international students to the corri-
It is printed in 500 copies each month and available in dors of power, by delivering The Moose directly to signifi-
paper format at Frederikke, Sogn and Kringsjå post box cant administrative staff at UiO and SiO.
buildings, Amatøren, the Kringsjå pub, International Cof-
fee Hour and Chateau Neuf. We do our best to integrate In September 2010 The Monthly Moose was awarded the
non-Norwegian speaking students into the fabric of stu- "Best Publication Award" by SiO and UiO for its integra-
dent life at UiO by sharing information about significant tive and informative efforts.
28 \\ Moose Comic

The Monthly Moose was sent to print on May 11th.

The next issue comes out in the beginning of the next semester. © The Monthly Moose 2011
Have a great summer holiday!.

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