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20 – 21
Republic of the Philippines
Blance, Vinzon Dave A. BSTM 2
Nueva Vizcaya



Case Study

Flint Hill Beef and Lamb

Just before graduating with a degree in hospitality

management, Sally Salkind interviewed with several hospitality
organizations. She was most impressed with Beef and Lamb, a
medium-sized restaurant chain founded by Bob Beef and Larry
She was particularly impressed that Bob and Larry had come to
campus to do the interviewing themselves. Sally got along well with
Bob and Larry. They invited her to corporate headquarters for further
interviews, and the impression she made on other Beef and Lamb
executives was exceeded only by the impression that they made on
her. On the second day of her interview series, she was surprised to
be offered a selection of several assistant manager positions in
different cities. She had relatives and friends in central North
Carolina, so she picked Flint Hill, NC, a growing community near
Charlotte. The week after her college graduation, she headed for Flint
Hill exuberant with optimism. Smith Hamilton, manager of the Flint
Hill Beef and Lamb, had only the day before been told that he was
being sent an assistant manager. When Sally entered the restaurant,
eager to begin the career that she had trained for, make a good
impression, and justify the faith that Larry and Bob had shown in her,
Smith Hamilton barely gave her the time of day. He told her he was
busy but said that she should “make herself useful.” Sally was quite
surprised to receive such a reception at the local level, since she had
been treated so beautifully by the company founders, but she
resolved not to be down about it. Sally spent her first day walking
around in the restaurant, meeting people, taking notes, asking
questions of employees and guests, and generally getting the lay of
the land. Since Smith Hamilton was too busy to talk to her on the
second day, she spent it in much the same way. By the end of the
week, with no help from Hamilton, Sally had gathered valuable
information, given it much thought, and saw numerous ways in which
the already successful operation of the restaurant could be improved.
The next day, she made her presentation to manager Smith
Hamilton. She was too excited to notice that he kept looking at his
watch. When she finished, he said: “Young lady, I have made money
with this Beef and Lamb restaurant every year since I have been
here. I have 18 years of experience in the business, and I’ve got this
IM – THC5 – FIRST SEM. 20 – 21
Republic of the Philippines
Blance, Vinzon Dave A. BSTM 2
Nueva Vizcaya

restaurant set up just like I want it. Sure, In ever went to college, but I
know the food business. All you have is book learning. These ideas
of yours might look good on a homework assignment, but they will
not work in Flint Hill, North Carolina. I don’t want all these ‘point of
sale’ machines you talk about; they aren’t worth the money. Neither
are any of your other ideas. Maybe you ought to interview with Beef
and Reef; your high faulting college notions might be just what that
outfits needs. Or you can stick with me and learn something about
the restaurant business.”
1. How did things go so wrong?
- Improper communication and the bad approach of Smith
Hamilton in having Sally in the business. He should have
done it nicely with words that will encourage more of Sally to
do good in things that she just learned and utilize everything
she got to be an asset of the business. The toxic superiority
that he exhibited made his words vague and might be too
much for Sally to deal with since she just got in. The thing is
that, the base of all these should be a good start in
communicating with people in the business, she did what she
can do and presented a report, Smith should have
acknowledged that since Sally took the effort and made work
out of his vague words.

2. Should Sally bear any part of the blame? Should the institution
where she received her training in hospitality bear some blame?
- No, Sally graduated and that is a fruit of her efforts, she
should never bear the blame since she made an effort to
understand and embed the lay of the land to her head. The
same thing goes with the institution that she trained with. The
blame should go with the improper handling that Smith
exhibited to an employee that just got in, he should show
Sally the ways and not make her be pressured from the vague
and too authoritative approach.
3. If you were Sally, what would you say to Smith Hamilton, and
what would you do? Would you “stick with him and learn
something about the restaurant business?
- Sticking with him might be the practical choice since Sally just
got in, but for me, I would negate the way Smith handled the
situation by telling him that this situation should be handled
more carefully and more intuitively and not with that approach
that he is going for which is exhibiting too much of his
superiority. I would tell him that he should make me learn the
ropes and not strangle me with that ropes that he handled for
those years that he mentioned. In any business there is no
prodigy that would know how everything flows right from the
start of his/her days, I would respect him more if he shows me
the ways where I should start thinking critically to “be of use”
IM – THC5 – FIRST SEM. 20 – 21
Republic of the Philippines
Blance, Vinzon Dave A. BSTM 2
Nueva Vizcaya

to the business and not with vague transitive commands that
he is playing with.


Firm-Up Task 1
1. Discuss how to locate problems and prevent their occurrences
and reoccurrence
- Examine the situation, review it, gather input from observers,
and decide what needs to be done. Include steps in the
following strategy/action plan. While reviewing, consider the
impact on the process/output. Identifying the true root cause
rather than symptoms, in my opinion, is the greatest method
to prevent relapses.

2. Explain how to use a cross –functional organizational design to

deliver a service product.

- A cross-functional team is one in which the members have

diverse skill sets yet work together to achieve a shared goal. It
frequently involves participants from various departments and
levels of the company, but it can also include players from
outside the institution. With this we could see a process that
runs through those members of the cross-functional
organizational design structure with specific flows of work
depending on how they approach certain tasks with the
utilization of the skill sets that each of the members has in
order to emphasize output and work quality.


Direction: Answer questions properly.

1. Which are more important, job-related skills or interpersonal skills?
- For me, there is always a sweet spot in between these
aspects, one is superior to the other since job-related skills
and interpersonal skills work in synergy to attain a good flow
of work. We need to balance these aspects inside any
IM – THC5 – FIRST SEM. 20 – 21
Republic of the Philippines
Blance, Vinzon Dave A. BSTM 2
Nueva Vizcaya

workplace that we have, not just to do better and connect
better with the workplace but also to avoid the lack of
presence in accordance to these aspects. These two play
important roles that greatly affects the performance that an
employee will be able to output, it is not that the job-related
skills could singlehandedly handle the work, since being an
employee means being part of an organization and you will
essentially need a good flow of connection and
communication inside the organization and vice versa.
2. Explain the delivery system how does it influence the success of a
- Customers rely on updates, which demonstrate to them that a
corporation is concerned about them obtaining their goods.
Consumers may schedule their day around deliveries, so
giving a time slot for delivery will ensure customers are happy
with their experience and will buy with you again.
- Service delivery may be described as any interaction with the
government in which consumers — citizens, residents, or
businesses – seek or supply data, handle their affairs, or
perform their tasks. These services must be provided in an
efficient, predictable, dependable, and customer-friendly way
which then will prove improvements through the increase of
positive feedbacks that will attract more customers because of
the quality that your business offers.

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