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20 – 21
Republic of the Philippines
Blance, Vinzon Dave A. BSTM 2
Nueva Vizcaya


Case Study
Room for Improvement

Monique Kazer spends quite a bit of time on the road in her

job as a salesperson for a company specializing in audiovisual
equipment for convention hotels and centers. She works long hours,
often dines late at night, and returns to her lodging place late,
sometimes after midnight. Monique has asthma and is very sensitive
to cigarette smoke, so she always requests a non-smoking room at
her hotel or motel. Several weeks ago, tired after visiting three
convention hotels, in Newark, Jersey City, and Hoboken, in one day,
Monique arrived a few minutes after midnight at the Hospitality Inn,
where she had a guaranteed reservation. The Hospitality Inn was a
unit of the major chain with which her firm did business because of
the deep discounts offered. She checked in and headed for Room
315, looking forward to a hot shower and good night’s sleep;
tomorrow was going to be even busier. As always, she checked the
door for a no-smoking sign. When she entered, the smell of
cigarettes, or possibly cigars, mixed with air-freshener spray, almost
made her sick. She began to cough, and her throat started to close
up. She quickly backed out, shut the door, and returned to the front
desk. At least she didn’t have to wait in line at that time of night, thank
goodness for that. Desk agent Hyun Cho had a magazine open on
the area beneath the counter that she used as her desk, but she was
not reading it because— as Monique saw it—she was obviously
talking to a friend on the phone. She glanced at Monique a couple of
times but continued to talk on the phone, making it clear that Monique
would have to wait her turn. Ordinarily, Monique would have waited a
few moments, but tonight she was not in the mood so she employed
her last-ditch technique for gaining attention in such a situation: She
reached over the counter, took the phone out of Cho’s hand, and
hung it up.

The service encounter went downhill from there. Monique

didn’t even give a red-faced Hyun Cho a chance to mention the
phone hang-up: “I made a reservation for a non-smoking room, and
you people put me in a room full of smoking fumes. Just change my
room and we’ll let it go at that.” Cho was a fairly conscientious night
desk agent, and she had actually been talking with her babysitter, but
she was still steaming from having the phone taken from her in mid-
sentence. Hyun said nothing, checked the hotel records with a
glance, and then said to Monique: “That is a non-smoking room!”
IM – THC5 – FIRST SEM. 20 – 21
Republic of the Philippines
Blance, Vinzon Dave A. BSTM 2
Nueva Vizcaya

“Check again, Ms … (looking at her name tag)…. Cho. The room
smells like a pre-war stag party.” “I don’t care if it smells like hell
warmed over. I don’t need to check again, Ms…. (looking at the
registration card)…. Ka-Zer. I can read and I know my rooms and I
can tell you that Room 315 is for non-smokers.” She concluded
triumphantly, “We changed it over last week!” Monique whispered the
first curse she had uttered in a year or two, and then said, “Just move
me to a non-smoking room that has been a nonsmoking room as long
as you have been open.” “No, problem, Ms. KaZer. (pause) Usually.
But tonight, I’m sorry, we’re filled up.” Monique tried to have the room
fee canceled, but Hyun refused. “If you don’t show up until after
midnight, it’s actually the next day. No cancellations or refunds under
any circumstances after midnight.” She played her hole card:
“Company policy.” Then she added, “You ought to do something
about that cough.” Monique left—tired, defeated, and still coughing—
and headed out into the night to find another room, if she could. If
not, there was always the back seat of the rented Crown Vic.
1. How would you have handled this situation if you were Monique
- It is hard to say that if I were her I would calmly approach the
front desk for it, since with the mentioned situations it would
trigger almost anybody. If I were to be in her shoes, a better
solution might be urgently asking Hyun Cho to attend to her
and let him check the room itself for proof if possible. It is
never Monique’s fault, she is sensitive to cigarettes and she
should be assisted properly. If they are all fully booked, then
they should assist and help Monique find another hotel or inn
to go to, they are at fault and they should know that they have
the responsibility to make up for it, because being in the
hospitality industry, convenience of the clients should be the
first thing in mind.
2. How would you have handled this situation if you were Hyun
- Hyun Cho is the front desk clerk and it is clear that he did not
do his job right in that situation, a client should always be his
priority and in Monique’s situation, she’s coughing already,
with that Hyun Cho should have handled her first and assisted
her to what he could do to help her and not be emotionally
triggered just because his conversation with their babysitter
was interrupted. Assisting a client is always their first priority
in normal circumstances, but he did not do his job right, so he
should make up for it by helping Monique further, one thing in
mind is that assisting her to get a room in another inn or hotel
if that is possible, since it is mentioned that their rooms are all
3. What devices described in the chapter might system planners
have used to prevent this service failure, and how might they
have used them?
IM – THC5 – FIRST SEM. 20 – 21
Republic of the Philippines
Blance, Vinzon Dave A. BSTM 2
Nueva Vizcaya

- There should be devices to monitor service experience,
CCTVs and other video devices, screen recording programs
and other automated devices that prevents misconduct and
maltreatment. These would be used to monitor the front desk
clerk and also other stations, not just through a single media
that might miss other details but through different sensors that
would help to monitor their performance.


Firm-Up Task 1
1. Discuss the methods on how to acquire guest opinions of service
effectiveness using various methods
- Live  Online Assistance
One of the most common ways to gather feedback from your
consumers is through live chat. It is straightforward and
simple to use. If your consumer need a quick response from
your support team, the simplest option for him or her to speak
with it without problems is through live chat.

You may use it to learn about the most common issues your
customers experience with the product. They are also more
likely to stay on your website if they talk to your staff on live
chat since your team can assist them in finding what they
need. As a result, employ live chat as customer feedback

- Surveys and Polls

One of the simplest methods to get client feedback is to
create polls and surveys. If it becomes too dull, you may
utilize SurveyAnyplace to produce interesting and amusing
content with client feedback questions.

Surveys often take only a few minutes to complete and are

not time-consuming. They let you to conveniently collect
information and input from your clients, which may be critical
to the development of your product.

- Keep an eye out for feedback on other websites.

There are websites that are packed with consumer
evaluations, comments, and queries. They also provide
detailed comments on a certain product. Capterra and GetApp
are two of the greatest websites of this sort. Such websites
are a veritable library of software and tools for a wide range of

- Examine On-Site Activity

IM – THC5 – FIRST SEM. 20 – 21
Republic of the Philippines
Blance, Vinzon Dave A. BSTM 2
Nueva Vizcaya

Do you aware that evaluating website activity may give you
with a wide range of feedback? "How is it even possible?" you
may question. And, indeed, it is.

Once you've gathered all of the data and statistics on the

various sorts of activity on your website, you'll be able to
determine where your clients (and potential customers) spend
the most time. And if you check at the FAQ area, you'll find
out what they're having the most trouble with and what the
most often searched keyword, issue, or feature is.

- E-mails
In the form of a newsletter, you may utilize e-mail to solicit
consumer feedback. It's a good idea to send out a survey or
poll on your product every now and then. Don't forget to
respond to all of your customers' e-mails. Staying in touch
with them and assisting in the resolution of current issues
offers you insight into what the main issue is and what needs
to be changed.

- Request an Opinion
Simply ask your consumers for their thoughts if you have the
opportunity. Whether it's in the course of a casual discussion,
an e-mail exchange, or simply out of curiosity. Be truthful, and
let them know you care about them and want to provide them
with the finest version of your product possible. They will
enjoy it and will be motivated to supply you with feedback as a

2. Discuss how to achieve continuous improvement in the

experience provided to guest

- Gathering of information
Customers are the best source of information on what can be
improved across the experience they receive, which may seem
apparent. As a result, businesses must implement feedback
mechanisms ranging from focus groups to surveys. It is also
critical not to disregard the information they provide while
interacting with you. Email, web self-service, and social media
may all be used to acquire valuable information. Are there any
topics that come up regularly and need to be addressed?
Combine this data with more traditional research to determine
where clients want you to improve.

- Identifying possibilities
Companies must search for areas where they may innovate,
dramatically changing how they operate to generate value and
benefit consumers, in addition to enhancing existing procedures.
For current customers, this might mean prioritizing and focusing
IM – THC5 – FIRST SEM. 20 – 21
Republic of the Philippines
Blance, Vinzon Dave A. BSTM 2
Nueva Vizcaya

on the improvements that will have the greatest impact on loyalty.
To reach new consumers, businesses could consider new
channels of communication or streamlining the customer process
to remove hurdles that prevent individuals from purchasing.

- Planning
Once an opportunity has been discovered, careful preparation is
required to assure that the project will produce the desired
benefits. Because the client journey typically spans numerous
departments, you must ensure that everyone is active and
invested in the project. Have you put in place the necessary
resources (both financial and technological) to achieve your
goals? Is the project in line with your brand's and fundamental
values, as well as what customers want? How long will it take —
and how long will customers be willing to wait?

- Monitoring
Few projects deliver all of their benefits from day one. Therefore,
companies need to put in place measurement and monitoring to
capture before and after improvements on an ongoing basis.
What has changed in the first week, month or quarter? Are there
areas where targets are not being met, and if so what can be
done to change this? By using the measurement of metrics such
as service quality, customer retention, satisfaction, value and Net
Promoter Score (NPS), companies can see exactly how a project
has improved the customer experience.

- Improvement
Companies must constantly enhance current experiences in
addition to offering new innovations. This entails listening to both
consumers and frontline personnel to discover pain areas in the
trip and determining how to overcome them. It might be as easy
as updating the content on a website page to make it more
obvious or discovering faster ways to respond to emails. All of
these remedial steps, while little in and of itself, might be the
difference between losing and maintaining a customer.

- Delivery
Even the best-planned customer experience enhancements will
fail if they are not executed properly. Do the adjustments have a
positive impact on customers, and do they improve the
experience as expected? Is there any impact on other aspects of
the experience, or does it raise the burden of frontline agents,
putting more demands on their time? Monitor how the
implementation of a new project affects key aspects of your
organization, and be willing to make modifications to meet any
problems that develop.
IM – THC5 – FIRST SEM. 20 – 21
Republic of the Philippines
Blance, Vinzon Dave A. BSTM 2
Nueva Vizcaya

- The requirement for continuous customer experience
enhancement implies that the process must be managed
successfully, or else it will fail to achieve what consumers
expect. Companies must adopt a framework to do this or risk
falling behind their competitors in an increasingly competitive

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