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Plane Waves: Reflection & Transmission

P Chandramouli

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

January 22, 2020

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1 Acoustic Horn

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Wave propagation in two media

What happens when a wave travelling in one medium encounters

boundary of another medium?
I Reflection back into first medium and transmission into second medium
To understand why let us look at an analogy
I A ball of mass m1 with initial velocity u1 hits another mass m2 initially
at rest
F Assume elastic collision
I The velocity of masses m1 and m2 after collision
u01 m1 −m2 u02 2m1
F RU = u1
= m1 +m2
; TU = u1
= m1 +m2

I Now let us look at some special cases

I What happens when m1 = m2 ?

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RU becomes zero and TU becomes 1

I If m1 represents first medium and m2 the second medium then there is
no reflection if the two media are identical
What happens if m2  m1 ?
I In this case TU becomes zero and RU = −1
I No transmission and only reflection
We have both reflection and transmission for other cases
I It is clear that the mass ratio m1 determines this
In a similar way when a wave meets a boundary of another medium
I Some characteristic property ratio dictates behaviour
I What property will become clear shortly

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1D Plane Wave

Recall from earlier the expression for acoustic pressure of a plane

I p(x, y, z, t) = Aei(kx x+ky y+kz z−ωt)
I Infinite medium with no boundaries or other sources
Now let us look at the special case of ky = kz = 0
I Then kx = k and wave propagation is only along the x direction
Let us also include the backward propagating wave
I Allows for reflection of waves at interface between two media

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1D Plane Wave - 2
The pressure expression then becomes
I p(x, t) = Aei(kx−ωt) + Be−i(kx+ωt)
Euler’s equation in 1D can be written as
I ρ0 ∂u
∂t = − ∂x

We assume that u(x, t) = Cei(kx−ωt) + De−i(kx+ωt)

Substitution in Euler’s equation yields
Aei(kx−ωt) − Be−i(kx+ωt)

I u(x, t) = ρ0 c

For forward and backward waves u = ±ρ0 c
I This ratio is called impedance
I ρ0 c is termed characteristic impedance
Now we examine what happens at the interface between two media
assuming 1D plane waves are propagating

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Transmission with 2 media

Plane wave at interface

I Normal incidence
I Densities and speeds of sound propagation
are different
I Frequency same which implies wave
number k different
Pressure and velocity in media 1
I p1 = pi eik1 x + pr e−ik1 x ; k1 = ω

I u1 = 1
ρ1 c1 {pi e
ik1 x
− pr e−ik1 x }
Pressure and velocity in media 2
I p2 = pt eik2 x ; k2 = c2
pt ik2 x
I u2 = ρ2 c2 e
I No backward wave as 2 of infinite extent

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Transmission with 2 media

Pressure continuity
I pr + pi = pt
Velocity continuity at interface
I u1 = u2 which leads to
pi −pr pt
ρ1 c1 = ρ2 c2

Pressure transmission coefficient

pt 2ρ2 c2
pi = ρ1 c1 +ρ2 c2

Pressure reflection coefficient

pr ρ2 c2 −ρ1 c1
pi = ρ1 c1 +ρ2 c2

Similarity with mass impact analogy

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Transmission with 2 media

ρ0 c plays the role of mass

I Characteristic Impedance
ρ 1 c1
Define H = ρ 2 c2

Pressure transmission coefficient

I T = 1+H

Pressure reflection coefficient

I R= 1+H

Key: Impedance ratio controls


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Intensity Ratios

Recall sound intensity is the product of pressure and particle velocity

I Represents sound power per unit area
For a plane wave then the incident/ reflected wave intensities will be
p2i p2r
I Ii = pi ui = ρ1 c1 ; Ir = pr ur = ρ1 c1
I Negative sign for 2nd term not shown but interpret as direction reversal
Similarly the transmitted wave intensity is
I It = pt ut = ρ2 c 2

Intensity transmission ratio

It p2 4H
I = H t2 =
Ii pi (1 + H)2

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Intensity Ratios - 2

Intensity reflection ratio

Ir p2 (1 − H)2
I = r2 =
Ii pi (1 + H)2

Ir It
Now clearly + =1
Ii Ii
I Conservation of energy/power
What happens when H  1 or H  1?
Ir Ir
I ≈ 1 and ≈0
Ii Ii
Impedance mismatch implies low sound transmission
I Fundamental principle used in noise control design
I Also true for vibration transmission

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Oblique Incidence

We now examine the case of wave incident

at an angle to interface
In this situation kx = k cos θ and
ky = k sin θ with kz = 0
Expression for plane wave in medium 1
I p1 (x, y) = pi ei(k1 cos θi x+k1 sin θi y)
+ pr ei(−k1 cos θr x+k1 sin θr y)
Plane wave in medium 2
I p2 (x, y) = pt ei(k2 cos θt x+k2 sin θ2 y)

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Oblique Incidence - 2

Continuity of pressure at x = 0
I pi eik1 sin θi y + pr eik1 sin θr y =
pt eik2 sin θt y
To be true for all y we require
I k1 sin θi = k1 sin θr = k2 sin θt
I sin θi = sin θr ; sin θi = sin θt
I First one implies θi = θr
I Second equation is Snell’s Law
Hence pi + pr = pt

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Oblique Incidence - 3

Continuity of normal component of particle

velocity at x = 0
I uix + urx = utx
cos θi ik1 sin θi y
I uix = r1 p i e

I urx = − cosr1θr pr eik1 sin θr y

cos θt ik2 sin θt y
I utx = r 2 pt e

This leads to the equation

r1 cos θt
I pi − pr = pt
r2 cos θi

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Oblique Incidence - 4

Eliminating pt from these one gets

r1 cos θt

pr 1− r2 cos θi
I = r1 cos θt

pi 1+ r2 cos θi

Called the Rayleigh Reflection Coefficient

The pressure transmission coefficient is
pt 2
I = r1 cos θt

pi 1+ r2 cos θi

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Oblique Incidence - 5

Recall that sin θt = sin θi
If c1 > c2 then θt exists
I θt < θi
If c1 < c2 then θt exists only if sin θi ≤ 1
I Limiting case θic = sin−1 ( cc12 )
I If θi ≤ θic then θt > θi
I If θi > θic then θt is not real
F Transmitted wave propagates in y direction parallel to boundary
F Amplitude decays perpendicular to the boundary

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Oblique Incidence - 6

Power transmission coefficient for θt real

4 rr21 cos θt
cos θi
I TΠ =
( rr21 + cos θt 2
cos θi )
r2 cos θt
I When r1 = cos θi power reflection coefficient is zero
1−( r1 )2
I This occurs when sin θI = ρ
1−( ρ1 )2

F Angle of intromission
I Can exist only if r1 < r2 and c2 < c1 or r1 > r2 and c2 > c1
I For the second case there is a critical angle and θc > θI

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Case 1: c2 < c1

Transmitted power ratio

Reflected power ratio
Magnitude, TΠ and RΠ

0.5 r2/r1 =1.1


0 25 50 75 100
Angle of incidence, deg

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Case 2: c2 > c1

Transmitted power ratio

Reflected power ratio
Magnitude, TΠ and RΠ

0.5 r2/r1 =0.9
θc = 65.5๐

0 25 50 75 100
Angle of incidence, deg

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Transmission through a finite fluid layer

Fluid layer of thickness L between two r1 r2 r3

fluids of infinite extent
Characteristic impedances are r1 , r2
and r3
p1 = pi1 eik1 x + pr1 e−ik1 x pr1 pr2
p2 = pt2 eik2 x + pr2 e−ik2 x
pi1 pt2
p3 = pt3 eik3 x
Instead of pressure and velocity
continuity being imposed individually at
each interface x=0 x=L
x0 = 0
I Impedance continuity imposed

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Transmission through a finite fluid layer - 2

r1 r2 r3

pi1 + pr1 r2 pt2 + pr2

= pr1 pr2
pi1 − pr1 r1 pt2 − pr2
pt2 eik2 L + pr2 e−ik2 L r3 pi1 pt2
ik L −ik L
pt2 e 2 − pr2 e 2 r2

x=0 x=L
x0 = 0

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Transmission through a finite fluid layer - 3
Pressure reflection coefficient
r1 r2 r1
1− cos(k2 L) − i − sin(k2 L)
r3 r r2
I R=    3 
r1 r2 r1
1+ cos(k2 L) − i + sin(k2 L)
r3 r3 r2
Intensity transmission coefficient
TI =
r3 r1 r22 r1 r3
2+ + cos2 (k2 L) + + 2 sin2 (k2 L)
r1 r3 r1 r3 r2
Special case of r1 = r3 makes the above expression
I TI =  2
1 r2 r1
1+ − sin2 (k2 L)
4 r1 r2

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Transmission through a finite fluid layer - 4

When r2  r1 the transmission intensity ratio becomes

I TI = r22
4+ r12
sin2 (k2 L)

For normal incidence many solids behave the same way as fluids
I One can visualize the fluid 2 to be a solid wall between two rooms
For solid walls r1 sin(k2 L)  2 at most frequencies
2r1 2r1 2
I TI = ( )2 ≈ ( )
r2 sin k2 L r2 k2 L
Consider 1 KHz wave through a concrete wall 0.1 m thick
I k2 L = 3100 = 0.203; sin k2 L = 0.201

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Transmission through a finite fluid layer - 5

r2 r1
For solid panels in water both r1 and r2 are comparable
I Approximation used for TI not applicable
For thin panels or low frequencies r1 sin(k2 L)  1
I TI ≈ 1
I Free-flooding domes of sonar transducers exploit this

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Transmission through thin partitions

Sound transmission through thin partition between two enclosures

I Office spaces
Partition motion normal to interface independent of angle of incidence
Thickness L such that k2 L  1 for most frequencies
Since fluids 1 and 3 are same we have from Snell’s law
I Wave transmitted into 3 has same direction as incident wave in 1
This implies that ui + ur = ut
The momentum part yields pi + pr − pt = iωρs ut cos θ
One can arrive at the following expression for the power transmission
I TΠ =  ωρs 2
1+ r1 cos θ

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Plane waves in a tube

First we derive the expression for the velocity

I ux (x, ω) = 1
ρ0 c (Ae
− Be−ikx )
Suppose one end of the tube is open and the other closed
I At closed end velocity is zero (say at x = L)
I At open end acoustic pressure is zero (say at x = 0)
This would lead to the following conditions
I A = −B
I A = Bei2kL
From this we get B(1 + ei2kL ) = 0
For non-trivial solution this means 1 + ei2kL = 0

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Tube with one end closed

1 + ei2kL = 0 can be written as

I 1 + cos(2kL) = 0 and sin(2kL) = 0
I This implies that 2kL = (2m − 1)π with m = 1, 2, · · ·

If we subsitute k = λ into the above expression
I L = (2m − 1) λ4
What does the above mean?
This implies that unless the length L is an odd multiple of 4 there is
no wave propagation
I These are called eigenvalues or natural frequencies of the tube

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Modes of the tube

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Plane waves in a tube

Suppose now that both ends of the tube are open

I At one open end pressure is zero (x = 0)
I At other open end pressure is zero (x = L)
This would lead to the following conditions
I A = −B
I A = −Bei2kL
From this we get B(1 − ei2kL ) = 0
For non-trivial solution this means 1 − ei2kL = 0

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Tube with both ends open

1 − ei2kL = 0 can be written as

I 1 − cos(2kL) = 0 and sin(2kL) = 0
I This implies that 2kL = 2mπ with m = 1, 2, · · ·

If we subsitute k = λ into the above expression
I L= m λ2
What does the above mean?
This implies that unless the length L is a multiple of 2 there is no
wave propagation
I These are called eigenvalues or natural frequencies of the tube
I Note that the fundamental wavelength in this case is twice the previous

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Modes of Open tube

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Horn: Governing Equation

Device to increase acoustic output

Wave equation in 1D is of the form
∂2p c2 ∂ ∂p
= S(x) ∂x {S(x) ∂x }

Effective horns have dx increase from
throat to mouth
I Horn shapes include hyperbola/ catenary/
exponential and conical

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Solution for exponential horn

We will consider exponential horn with S(x) = S0 e2βx

2β is Flare Constant
p(x, t) = e−βx {Aei(κx−ωt) + B −i(κx+ωt) }
β 2 − 12
I κ2 = ( ωc )2 − β 2 ; cp = ω
κ = c(1 − k2 )
Since the phase speed cp is a function of frequency the air inside the
horn is dispersive
Waves will not propagate if driving frequency below a cut-off found
from κ = 0
I fc = 2π

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Impedance of Horn

Impedance at any x is given by

ρ0 c 1 (κ−iβ)Aeiβx −(κ+iβ)Be−iβx
I Z(x) = S(x) k Aeiβx +Be−iβx
Amplitude of reflected wave small when krm > 3
ρ0 c
Then Z(0) = S0 k (κ − iβ)
Let us consider a horn with rt = 20 mm and rm = 400 mm and
L = 1.6 m
This corresponds to a flare constant of 2β = 3.7
βc 1.85×340
Cut-off frequency is fc = 2π = 2×π = 100 Hz

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Horn Impedance

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Why calculate impedance?

Sound intensity for plane wave

1 ∗
2 Re{p̄(ω)ux (ω)}

Now we have Z = ux which implies that p̄ = Zux
Hence the time-averaged sound intensity becomes 12 |ux |2 Re(Z)
In other words the sound power radiated is controlled by the real part
of the impedance (called resistance) and the mean square velocity of
the speaker diaphragm

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