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Vibration Concepts

P Chandramouli
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

January 21/22, 2020

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1 Review: Forced vibration response

2 Modal Truncation
Mode Acceleration Methods
Modal Truncation Augmentation

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Review: Forced vibration response

Overview for Harmonic Excitation

We want to solve Mẍ + Cẋ + Kx = FejΩt

This equation can be from simple lumped parameter modeling
Could be based on finite element model
Usually matrix C is not explicitly assembled
The steps involved are as follows
Solve eigenvalue problem KX = ω 2 MX
Generates natural frequencies ωi and corresponding mode shape
Form modal matrix Ψ = [X1 X2 · · · Xn ]

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Review: Forced vibration response

Modal Superposition

We will assume proportional damping so C is not explicitly

This will enable the modal matrix Ψ to diagonalize damping
matrix too
Transform to modal coordinates using x(t) = Ψy(t)
ΨT MΨÿ + ΨT CΨẏ + ΨT KΨy = ΨT FejΩt
Several SDOF equations result due to orthogonality of mode
shapes with M and K
ÿi + 2ξi ωi ẏi + ωi2 yi = gi ejΩt ; i = 1, 2, · · · , N

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Review: Forced vibration response

Modal Superposition 2

Steady-state solution yi (t) = Yi ej(Ωt+φi )

Yi is the amplitude and φi the phase of response with respect to
From this go back to the physical co-ordinates x(t)
Yi ejφi Xi ejΩt
x(t) =
The magnitude of complex scalar Yi ejφi is contribution of ith
mode to the response x(t)
Modal Participation Factor is |Yi |2 / i |Yi |2
|Yi | reduces approximately as ω12 for Ω  ωi
Tends to zero as Ω  ωi

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Review: Forced vibration response

Example: Two DOF system

Consider the 2 DOF system with

m = 10 kg, k = 1 × 105 N/m and
c = 40 Ns/m
Natural Frequencies:
√ ω1 = 100 rad/s
and ω2 = 100 3 rad/s
Modal damping ξ1 = 0.02 and
ξ2 = 0.035
Mode shape vectors are φ1 = √120 [1 1]T
and φ2 = √120 [−1 1]T

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Review: Forced vibration response

Modal Response: Real Part

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Review: Forced vibration response

Modal Response: Imaginary Part

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Review: Forced vibration response

Modal Participation Factors

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Review: Forced vibration response

Physical Response: Amplitude

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Review: Forced vibration response

Physical Response: Phase

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Need for Mode Truncation

We generally cannot solve MDOF problems using all the modes

Suppose we have a FE model with 60,000 DOF
Computationally expensive to extract all modes
Errors in modes/frequencies for higher modes
Not essential to do so for large DOF systems
Usually excitation frequency is bounded
Ωmin ≤ Ω ≤ Ωmax
For modes with ωi  Ωmax contribution ≈ ωi2
Tends to zero for increasing i

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Mode Truncation

The contribution to response decreases for higher frequency

Error introduced by modal truncation is usually small
Errors in response
Errors in spatial representation of excitations
General guideline is to include only modes with natural
frequencies less than 2Ωmax or 2.5Ωmax
Let us now look at an example

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods


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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Natural Frequencies and Mode shapes

Natural frequencies in rad/s are

7.2, 13.6, 18.1, 37.2, 65.7, 
66.1, 74.7and 81.9 
−0.0000586 0.6882350

 −0.1546987
 
 
  −0.0002579
   0.0448676 
 
−0.2227714 0.0041270 0
φ1 = −0.2192865 ; φ4 = −0.0000007 ; φ7 = −0.0044866

 −0.1617804 
 −0.0412759 
 0.0006569 

  −0.0225693
  −0.0002931
 
−0.0144225 0.3517796 0.0000087

Excitation range: 2-25 rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Modal Participation Factors


Modal Response Amplitude


Mode 1
10−3 Mode 2
Mode 3
Mode 4
Mode 5

0 5 10 15 20 25
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Physical Response: Full vs. Truncated

x1: All modes
x1: First 4 modes
x2: All modes
Response Amplitude x2: First 4 modes



0 5 10 15 20 25
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Physical Response: Full vs. Truncated

x3: All modes
x3: First 4 modes
x6: All modes
Response Amplitude x6: First 4 modes



0 5 10 15 20 25
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Mode Acceleration method

The modes left out create error in low frequency prediction

Effect is quasi-static since their natural frequencies are quite
high in relation to low frequency excitation
We now describe the method of Hansteen and Bell (1979) for
On the accuracy of mode superposition analysis in structural
dynamics, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 7,

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

MAM Procedure

x(t) = Ψr yr (t)+ Ψd yd (t)

The red colored part is the contribution from left out modes Ψd
The relation between the physical and modal force vectors
F(t) = MΨg(t) = MΨr gr (t) + MΨd gd (t)
Let first term be Fr (t) and second Fd (t)
Proposal was to add a static correction due to the second part
of the load
x(t) = Ψr yr (t) + K−1 Fd (t)
Fd (t) = {I − MΨr ΨTr }F(t)

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods


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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Natural Frequencies and Mode shapes

Natural frequencies in rad/s are

7.2, 13.6, 18.1, 37.2, 65.7, 
66.1, 74.7and 81.9 
−0.0000586 0.6882350

 −0.1546987
 
 
  −0.0002579
   0.0448676 
 
−0.2227714 0.0041270 0
φ1 = −0.2192865 ; φ4 = −0.0000007 ; φ7 = −0.0044866

 −0.1617804 
 −0.0412759 
 0.0006569 

  −0.0225693
  −0.0002931
 
−0.0144225 0.3517796 0.0000087

Excitation range: 2-25 rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Mass 1 response
x1: All modes
x1: First 4 modes
x1: HB MAM
Response Amplitude


0 5 10 15 20 25
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Mass 1 response: Zoomed View

x1: All modes
x1: First 4 modes
x1: HB MAM

Response Amplitude

16 18 20 22 24
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Mass 3 response
x3: All modes
x3: First 4 modes
x3: HB MAM
Response Amplitude


0 5 10 15 20 25
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Mass 3 response: Zoomed View

x3: Full model
x3: 4 Mode Truncation
x3: HB MAM

Response Amplitude

16 18 20 22 24
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Cornwell-Craig-Johnson Version of MAM

We begin with the full modal response vector

y(t) = Ω−1 g(t) − 2ξω ẏ − ÿ

 2
ω1 ... 0 2ξ1 ω1 . . . 0
  
 .. .. .. ; 2ξω =  .. . . .. 
Ω= . . .   . . . 
0 . . . ωN2 0 . . . 2ξN ωN
We now convert to the physical co-ordinates
x(t) = ΨΩ−1 g(t) − 2ξω ẏ − ÿ

For the second term we truncate to only the used modes

x(t) = ΨΩ−1 g(t) − Ψm Ω−1

m 2ξω ẏm + ÿm

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Cornwell-Craig-Johnson Version of MAM

Using the fact that g(t) = ΨT F(t)

x(t) = ΨΩ−1 ΨT F(t) − Ψm Ω−1

m 2ξω ẏm + ÿm

This can be written as

x(t) = K−1 F(t) − Ψm Ω−1

m 2ξω ẏm + ÿm
The first term represents the static response due to the
excitation load vector
The second part is the dynamic effect of the retained modes

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods


A pure displacement based form

x(t) = K−1 F(t) − Ψm Ω−1

m gm (t) − Ωym (t)

x(t) = Ψm ym (t) + K−1 F(t) − Ψm Ω−1

m gm (t)
In this form the Hansteen and Bell is equivalent to the Cornwell,
Craig and Johnson form (1983)
On the applications of mode-acceleration methods to structural
engineering problems, Earthquake Engineering & Structural
Dynamics, 11, 679-688

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Mass 1 response
x1: All modes
x1: First 4 modes
Response Amplitude

5 10 15 20 25
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Mass 1 response: Zoomed View

x1: All modes
x1: First 4 modes

Response Amplitude

16 18 20 22 24
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Mass 3 response
x3: All modes
x3: First 4 modes
Response Amplitude


5 10 15 20 25
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Mode Acceleration Methods

Mass 3 response: Zoomed View

x3: All modes
x3: First 4 modes

Response Amplitude

16 18 20 22 24
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Mode Truncation Augmentation

Retained eigenvectors do not represent the spatial loading

pattern adequately
Usually chosen based on the frequency content associated with
Several methods exist for taking care of this
Mode Acceleration that we have discussed so far
For base excitation Missing Mass method is used
Residual Stiffness method for random excitation
Here we are proposing an augmentation of the truncated modal
Vectors to be derived from the spatial pattern of loads

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

MTA Explained

We will assume that the force vector can be written as shown

F(t) = F0 f (t) ; F0 represents spatial variation of load
Time dependence assumed to be the same for simplicity
Now the transformed equations in modal domain become
ÿi + 2ξi ωi ẏi + ωi2 yi = gi f (t); i = 1, 2, . . . , m
m  N with N being the total physical DOF
g = [gr gd ]T = ΨT F0
gd not used in solution construction

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

The load represented by gr is given by
F0r = MΨr gr
Residual force not represented by modal forces is
F0d = F0 − MΨr gr = I − MΨr ΨTr F0

We had this earlier in the Hansteen & Bell formulation

We now obtain the static response to this load
Solve KZs = F0d
Form augmented stiffness & mass matrices
Ka = ZTs KZs ; Ma = ZTs MZs

Solve the eigenvalue problem Ka Q = ωR2 Ma Q

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation


In our 8 DOF example case Zs is a vector of size N × 1

If we have p loading patterns then Zs is a matrix of size N × p
Ka and Ma are of size p × p
We have p eigenvectors Qk each of size p × 1 for each
eigenvalue ωRk
The p augmented vectors are now simply
ΓR = Zs Q
The augmented modal matrix becomes
h i
Ψa = Ψr ΓR

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation


A modal transformation is now done with augmented modal

matrix Ψa
The set of equations will be as follows
ÿi + 2ξi ωi ẏi + ωi2 yi = gi f (t); i = 1, 2, . . . , m
2 y = g f (t)
ÿj + 2ξRj ωRj ẏj + ωRj j j

j = m + 1, m + 2, . . . , m + p
Decoupling as ΓR orthogonal to Ψr Orthog

ωRj is higher than the retained frequencies ωi

Response now simply obtained as x(t) = Ψa y(t)

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Mass 1 response
x1: Full model
x1: 4 Mode Truncation
x1: MTA
Response Amplitude

0 5 10 15 20 25
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Mass 1 response: Zoomed View

x1: Full model
x1: 4 Mode Truncation
x1: MTA

Response Amplitude

16 18 20 22 24
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

MAM vs MTA: Zoomed View

x1: Full model
x1: 4 Mode Truncation
x1: MTA
x1: Mode Acceleration
Response Amplitude

22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25
Excitation Frequency, rad/s

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

We have seen two different mode acceleration methods
These are equivalent to each other and work well in improving
The MTA adds a set of eigenvectors using residual load
Equivalent to including higher modes
If the damping and inertia term for the augmented set is zero
then MTA becomes MAM
If no modes are included and only MT vectors are generated
Unit loads at selected locations
Leads to Guyan Reduction

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Orthogonality Proof

To show ΨTr KZs Q = 0

Using KZs = F0d we have
ΨTr F0d Q = ΨTr I − MΨr ΨTr F0 Q

This becomes ΨTr F0 Q − ΨTr ΨTr MΨr F0 Q

The boxed part is I
This implies that ΨTr KZs Q = 0
Hence Ψr is orthogonal to Zs Q
Go Back

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Large System

Courtesy: Back

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Large System

Taken From: D. de Klerk et al., 2008, “General Framework for Dynamic Substructuring: History, Review, and Classification of
Techniques,” AIAA Journal, vol. 46, pp. 1169-1181. Back

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Mass Matrix

 
M1 0 0 0 0
 0 M2 0 0 0 
 
 
 0
M= 0 M3 0 0 

 0 0 0 M4 0 

0 0 0 0 M5

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Stiffness Matrix

 
K1 + K3 −K1 0 −K3 0
 −K1 K1 + K2 −K2 0 0
 

 
 0 −K 2 K 2 + K 5 + K 6 0 −K 5 

 −K3 0 0 K3 + K4 −K4 

0 0 −K5 −K4 K4 + K 5

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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes

Natural frequencies in Hz
1.50, 4.51, 5.02, 7.82 and 9.67
First 3 mode shapes
     




−0.3287 −0.4551 −0.4650

 
 
 
 
 

 
 
 
 
 

X1 = −0.2310 ; X2 = −0.0355 X3 = −0.3642

 −0.4415


 0.5158 

   0.5145 
  −0.2327
 


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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Constraint Modes for S2


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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

Compare Mode Shapes

First 3 mode shapes

     




−0.3287 −0.4551 −0.4650

 
 
 
 
 

 
 
 
 
 

X1 = −0.2310 ; X2 = −0.0355 X3 = −0.3642
−0.4415 −0.0366
     

 0.5158 

   0.5145 
  −0.2327
 


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Modal Truncation Modal Truncation Augmentation

After transformation

First 3 mode shapes

     




−0.3287 −0.4551 −0.4650

 
 
 
 
 

 
 
 
 
 

X1 = −0.2310 ; X2 = −0.0355 X3 = −0.3642
−0.4415 −0.0366
     

 0.5158 

   0.5145 
  −0.2327
 


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