Airline Transport Pilot Oral Exam Guide

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Airline Transport Pilot Airline Transport Pilot ORAL EXAM GUIDE Aine Transport ile Oral Ear Cue Third Elion by Michael D. Heyes ‘vation Supplies & Academies, Ine 27005 2nd Place SE Newest, Washington 98059559, Goto wawaratycom/readefoegetp for further resources arsed wih hi book, Also, isi the ASA website olen at wwaaafhcomfestupdats to ind up- dates posted there due o FAA regulation eins that may ae this book (© 2002-2014 Aviation Supies& Acai, ne A ight reserved hid eon published 20.4. No pat ofthis book shall be reproduced, stored inary real pte, or tans rite by any means lcroig, mechanical xeropraphic,aucojvivl record, or terse, without wren permission fom the publisher, White every precaution hasbeen ake nthe preparation ofthis book, the publisher and Michael D. Hayes assume no esporsiity fr eorsor omission. Neither is any Habit assumed for sages resling fom the use ofthe information contained hercn. None of ‘he material inthis guide supersedes ay documents procedures o regulations Issued by the Federal Aviation Adminstration ASKOEGATP)EB Pub ISBN g78-6195416033 Print Book SBN 578619541567 Lc 2001055075 This pie decd to the many talented ters, pos ond fight inaction | hove had the opportunity to work wth ovr the yas. Ak, special thanks to Mork Hays and many ches who supplied the patience, encouogemert, and undestanding ecnrto cmplete the projec. —Mou. The ATP Ora Exam Guide ca comprehensive ue designed fr plat who ae volved in taining forthe Aine Transport Plt Certicate The ATP OEG wil also prove beneficial or those plots trasioning to turbine ala or who have Bean cepted and are preparing for entry into an inal taining course at an airine ound sek The Aine Transport it Prati Test Standards bok (FAAH-8085) species the subject areas in which inowedge must be demonstrated by the aplant be fore nsunce of an tine Transport Pit ceria with the ssrocted category ‘nd class tings The ATP Ora ram Guide contin question pertaining to those seas 25 wells othe areas of operations cial to fight safe, such a atonau Vial decon making, cew esurce management, ard wats urblence soiance, ‘Questions ard answers are owanized into six chapters. The Ast two chapters cover basic turbine scat theory, pevformance and limitations. The nest fur chapes include information on aitine operational procedures, aeronautical dec lon maling and crew resource management, regulations (Pars 6, 12, and 19) nd instument procedures, ‘At the end of his guide are wo appendices that contain questions and answers ‘hat might be asked ina typcl ating pe ide concerning aca systems and letations. Al questions and answers reference information spect ta Seecheraf 1900C ara hough systems wil ary om strato ara, thie articular sat is epresertative ofa typical turboprop ara found in many of today's regional alin ara ets and is usd so the plot can lee the base components and pines, which remain he same, None ofthe material inthe {ATP Onl Exom Guide supersedes ay aera manual procedue, or dcument bled fr the Beecher g00C aca. The ATP Onl Bam Guide maybe supplemented with other comprehensive study ‘materials as noted n parentheses afer each question, for example (AC 00-4). The sbbrevations fr thee matvials and thse tle are iced blow. Wn reference fs ven afer 2 question, the answer fer that question was esetched om nts ith sitline te, 21/35 aerator, and eaminer. Be sure to ue the net reer ences whan tevieing forthe test. soy check the ASA webst a wm asa com forthe latest updates to this book on ou “Tetbook Updates” page althe latest charger in EAA procedures andraultons that aft here questions wl be ist ether. facrerany [Deion ond Abrertone anne en i ei cd racer Pars [General Operating ard igh Far rg cFR Pan g5 aes [New re pending) Flight nd ty Limitations ona Res Requirement fr al Flightcew Members hacer parr ond cenit Helder Reeree at of Pgh Pepa [Gettin Ai Caries and Commercial, [Senin of Ave ot Aude Ahav 35.060 acrRPar ns oper Jacerso7 Feet MSL andor Mach Number Greer Than lovs [Operating Reqaem Dame Figo acre par as 7 | Geert ition Conbaed Fight nto Terain supplemental Operations couse [em [Coiation and Operations Rplons Hove seating Capacity of 2007 More Passngesor@ cenge itn Tap it Ceifeation Tang ha cFR part ras Maximum Prlond Cpa of 6000 Pounds o Perm Mors an ales Governing Pras on ord Such [nein of gh Education Rppliton or ail ace [Authority to Crt it Graduate fran Aine \Gpeting Requirements: Commer ond Or ye Trop ist Ceifete ith Reduced acre pares loemand Operation ond Rules Goveing Pons lronautica xperence Jon Boor Suh Acro [Gals for Ung PS Equipont fo FR Ex Acsooe Route nd Terminal Operations lAcooe [aration Weather Ne Coan Bata Operanal con [fics ofcng on Arc Cont and Rone Acooss Mointenone and Overhaul Protas ° ce and Antce Stems [avon Weather Sees Pers 97 and Sie Pl Fgh Schoo! noes lacoras Pree Dring Tai Operations lAcons Piet Windfear de * Iacorme [Pie Gute Fgh ig Conan lactase [aeonaucalOecon Mating Kown alae = 1 eC " JAFN [Airplone Flight Manual caer [a et Co e a ei opr RT TT lg Wer : [Ac soa8 | Minime for Takeoff, Landing, and Rollout ro [Aion Feciy Dirctny Lows ee pal RT on War ica rie nt Ger nda o | Minima for Approach Fig odo atin Meagan ce comma Gn te FG lows speon JAC toes | Crewmmembers and Flight Attendants [Stem (SIMS) hcaow Sarma Nona Ta [ovr i pod Wal UA Option — foe Faro [te pa i Pal a aa — — Fao i Waal a Fak - ao arya [it ine Fotr houon Stender Opting Proves for Fight Ock Fea tiaesss [finer Fing Honook ” |Crewmembers FAA H 80836 | Advanced Avionics Handbook Lown ao ws wd a ns Ps Puce iat ts Rodd rng Fas Ops: FAH 808395, [instrument Flying Handbook caw Cova Opal Co Fan aaByas [iets Handbook of AvonaaialRrovedge avisoense [a ar Ti cava [es Fo cava [ee ar Ti Fare Vessomant Paced: Randbook Far aos ng Cah Tne Sal “urine Rica Sytem A. Engine 1. Explain the bac operation ofa gut turbine engin, (FAA 80853), ‘The asc gs turbine engine conan four section: nak, compression, combus ion, and haus. To tart the engine, the crmpeessor Seton rotated by an eet starter on small engine oan sr driven starter on lage engines As compressor RDM accelerates, ii brought in trough the int dt, com pressed os hiph pressure, nd delivered to the combustion chambers. «Fl than ince bya fuel contrller through spray nozales and ignited by ster pls 14. The fuel/air iturin the combustion chambers then burned in 2 continous combustion process and produces a vety high temperature (4000"F, which heats thee massto ,600-2,4007 The mitue of hot a and gases expands ond is dete tothe turbine Blades, forsing the trtine ection to eos, which in turn dies the compressr by means ofa dec sha. £ Aor powering the ui scion, the highlocty ears ehaust eats the all ‘pe o exhaust section. Once the urine scton i poneed by gases rom the burner section, the starr is disengaged and the igniter are tuned of Combustion continues until the engines shut down by tring of he fuel sup cs 2. Detrb contifugsfow comprestr. (FAA H-808532) This compressor has an impeller surrounded by ple is driven at highspeed by rected tothe center ofthe imple. The sri then oced outward ential into 1 fst, here the pressure of the ait is increased. The pressurized airs then supplied to the combustion section. ng of difser vanes. The i turbine iis daw into the sr inlet and 5, Desc an asafow comprestr.(FAK-H-808532) This consists of wo main elements, art and stator. The rte, ring thigh speeds, has blades fed ona spindle that takes nar atthe compressor inet and impel it reanrard dough series of tapes paralleling the longitudinal ais fhe engine. The ation of the rotor increases the compression ofthe aia each stage, celerating it reward though several stages. With this increased vlc, energy is trancered from the compressor o he atin the form of velocity energy. The stator Blades act 05 users at each stage, partly converting high veloc to pressure. Each consecutive pir of rotor and stator bles conattstes a presute stage the greater the umber of stages, the higher the compression ati, Most engines ue from 101016 stages 4 What are the msn yes of gs turbine engines? FAAH 808532) 4 Ture the rst fundamental gas turbine engin. The elathely smal ‘otal aren results ina aml mass of accelerated through the core oa high ‘elociy: ne fans wiized Airis compressed ignited inthe combustion section, apd expelled athe er ofthe engine a high veloc to ve a urn, which n tum dives compressor Used on scat that flat high arpends and alt tudes. Inefiient and loud a waits 1b Tbefn—a gas turbine engine wih a duct enclosed ail fow fan athe font of ‘he engin, driven bythe engine's turbine section. A potion ofthe incoming ait crerng the engin x compressed and enters x combustion chamber; the other portion is aso compressed and bypasses the combustion section altogether. oth at joined together downers to produce drt In high bypass engines, the fnjbypass air produces most ofthe trust, approsiatey 80%, The two ‘ype of turbofan engine, low bypass ad high pss, refer tothe amount af sir bypassing the core. Turban engines ae 2 compromise between turbot and ‘ubeprop engines, resulting in bt highatiude performance than the tube ‘op, an bterowratude performance than the ioe Turboprop-—bascaly a turbojet engine that utlzesehaust gases to tn a ro llr. Two methods are wed) hgh loci exhaust gases turn a propelled ‘recive a compressor shaft and eduction goat bo: of 2) exhaust gases tum 2 power tubing, which s connected othe propel aa shaft and eduction gear box A turboprop engine moves large mass of aia low velit and isthe ea aplicaton for owatude and loner speed act 4. Tura lie a trboprop engine; hgh velocty exhaust gases tum a owe turbine connected to or via a shat ad reduction geatbox. Normally sed nhacopters where tuboshaf turns bath he msn and tartare 5: What re the basi component of urboprop angina? (FAK H So 32) The ypzl turboprop engine can be broken down into assembles fll: ‘The power section assembly with the major components of gas tubine engines (compressor, combustion chamber, tubing and exaust ection); The reduction ger or gearor sssembl—thore sections pect turboprop configurations The torquemeteraserbly, which ranarits the torque fm the engine to the euro ofthe eduction section nd The cesar drive housing asembhy 6. What dose Ni and Naini? (FAA 853) Nii the rotational speed ofthe gas generator’ ow presutecompressor[urine Inada compressor engine. Na ste tational speed ofthe ae generators high: pressure compressorturine ns dual compressor engine 2. Explain the Fanton oF torquemeter.(FAAH 808525) Turboprp/turboshat engines are designed to produce torque fo diving 2 pro pelle and power outpt is measured by a torquemetet The trquemetr measures power apled to the shat and is clbated in percentage units, fc pounds, Ps 2 What the min i ofthe difurerin turbine engine? (FAA B83 32) The difser isthe divergent section ofthe engine fer the compressor and before ‘he combustion section. thas the allimportntfnction of reducing high velocity compressor discharge arto a slower vl at ncteased pressure. This prepares the afr erty into the flame burning area of the combustion section ata lower velocity 20th! he flame of combustion can bum continuously 9: Define the term AIT (FAA 8853) Incerstage Turbine Temperature (ITT}—the temperature ofthe gases bewoen the high pressure are ow pressure ubine whee 1, What the dfn of shot tat” anda hung aa’? (FAA H 8083) Hot trt—thi i whe normal engine rotation occurs, bt with exaust temper ue exceeding prescribed lis sual caused by an excessively rich mitre in ‘he combustor. Fuel tthe engine must be terminated immedi to prevent en sine damage. Hung arts condition in which nore “iho occurs yt engine RPM re rain at ow value ater than increasing othe normal idle speeds fen ther sult ofinsuflnt power tthe engine rom the staat. The engine shoud be shut ov imadiate, ‘1. What are ignites? (FAA H 083-2) The typi ga turbine engine is equipped with “igniter” that provide a high eat Intensy spark used to ite the usr tre. Atypical gion sytem nce eo exis unit, to transformers, wo iniermedat gion leas, nd wo high tension leads. Asa sft factor, the ignition system is actually a dual system, de signed to fe wo ignite plugs. Tis pe ofigition system provides ahigh degree of reiabity under widely waning condtons of sktude, stoupheric pressure, temperature fel vaporization, and input voltae 12. What are thrust reverses? (FMA H 8085 30) In turboprop aca the reversible pitch propeller ate ar» tht reverse by Airing tort forward ntrbjetturbofan engines, 2 trust reverse is &dvie Installed nthe exhaust gas steam, usually somewhat to the rar ofthe nozzle The engine ehaust tion by an inverted cone, ha sphere, of other means of obstruction, which is res ae mechanically backed and dhetted inthe reveze dre placed in potion to reverse the flow of exhaust gases They signal reduce landing distances as well as bake ade and contibue to estended tee. There te wo ype, mechanical Blockage and aeredynanic, and they ae smetnes re fered toa dasha arcade, or ptal door ype thrust eer 13. What ar the two base types of turine engine Ibicton sytem? (FAA H 208532) {oth wet and dry-sump ubiation syrtems ae wed in gas tine engines. Most turbojet engines ae ofthe si ow conigution ard ue a dry-aump abition system. However, some turbine engines ar equipped with a combination ry and wet typ fabian year 14. What i the main difirence between wet: and dryeump Iban estes? (FAR 40852) ‘Wet sump engines sore the lbricatng onthe engine pope, while dysump engines use an eternal tank thts url mounted a the engine or somewhere Inthe ara structure nea the engine), 15: Howie the oil cooled ina turbine engine? FAH: 208559) To ensue proper temperature, ll is fouted though ether an alecocled or 2 ue cooled oi cooler, With milf heat exchanger, no nye hent removed or ‘he ol but the ues kept at proper temperature, thus eliatng the potenti fr ce formation within theft. 2B. Propeller 1. What proper governor? (FAH 408332) This "governs" propel RPM by sensing changes int and hyraualy hanging the propeller pitch to compensate forthe change in RPM, Turboprp aca use the types of governors to accomplish his 2. Primary governor—contos il pressure supplied t propel ub , Overspeed governor—hus the addtional tsk of protecting against propeller overspeed conltion by uma dining supply pressure «. Fuetopping governor—provides secondary protection aginst an overspend ‘condtion by esting fs fw tothe engine. 2 What bata ange FAH. 20835) The non govetning tl range aff the ie stop and fora ofthe “ever” i eles toa the "eta" rane. eta range the power levers contro oni prop pitch ad torque remsns constant In this range, 2 “beta vahe™ com ands the lowest poesble prope pitch fora specif power ever poston Beta range permits prop pitch tobe reduced to erothust stags for slowing and ta ing without a change to gn generator RP pos 4: Desribe a pial autofethe sytem. (FAA H 80853) ‘An autofeater system automatcl feathers a prope when engine power loss results in proper us drop toa preset value, Thi system is switcharmed for tee during takeoff and can function only when the power Ive is neato nthe sake postion. When an autfenther system senses an engin aire, wl au tomatcaly begin dumpieg olor the prope servo ofthe fale engine toe ale the propeller to go into a feathered condition wth assistance fom fathering springs and counterights. A vey important fate on turboprop ara, consid: ‘ing the sie ofthe propellers and the amount af dag they praduc inthe event of an engine fre, 4 Elin how a proper synehophaser/ynchronie syst uneins FAH 0833) 1 propeler sycheopharer/ynchronizer automaticaly equaizesrottonl speeds bath propels by comparing the conto engie's proper RPM,phase angle tothe slave engine's RPM phaae angle, lcrnialy adjusting the prop governor Fone engine theater in oder to keep the propeller RPM andor Blade phase ange tlaonship the sare. Grey reduces the raze level and vibration within the airplane and simintes the unpleasant best produce by unsynhronized pro. pelle operation. 5, What reduction gearbox? (FAA H-£08552) The increased brake horsepower output of gas tthine engines equies reduction caring 1 lit the proper rotation speed (lative tothe speed oF the power turbine) toa value at which ecient operations obtained. Whenever the speed of the blade tips approaches the speed of sound, the efceney af the propeller de creases pil. Electrical 1. Dereite same ofthe advantages and disadvantages of NiCad batatce. (AC oo) Nickel cadmiu bats te used frequent in tutoprp aera. They hae both some adrariages and disadvantages Advortoge Long sence life and exelent bit Can maintain sustained voltage unl lost completely discharged «Daler lege amounts ofcaent A. Short vecharge time fer heavy se Disdvontaget 1. Relaively expensive. Temperature serve «Thermal runawyprblem. 4: artery meron can prevent bate fm fully eharing 2 What thermal runaway? (AC 00535) Sasicaly, "thermal ransoay” isan uncontolable ce in battery temperatre that will ukimatey destoy the batter, This condtion can occur when a rice: cadmium batey is epeatd at above nota temperatues and i subjected to high charging uments associnted with constant voage charging As he temper ure ofthe bate inceases, the efi intemal resistance decreases ad higher cent frau fom the constant voltage charging source. The higher caren in ceases the btn temperature, which in tum result a even higher harping cu rents ad temperate. 3, Desc lead-acid batters, (FAA 808530) "common typeof batter ued in sal sical az wel ax some thine stra The cells ofthe bate are conmected in series. In dcharging, the chemical enegy stored inthe batter is changed o electrical energy in charging he elec en supped to the baler is changed to cher enegy al store, Each cl of ead sid batter normaly develope vols. Themost common esd rez oF 24 volt and are ated in amp hours. An amp hour equals» amp delivered ities for thou 4 Whatie a generator? (FAA H 808530) ‘ny device that consrts mechanical energy into lecticl energy by elect ‘magnetic induction. AC and OC generators ae the most common types: both operate by inducing an AC voltage ince varying the amount and decton ofthe magnet accuting hough he ei 5, Devebe the funtion of satan generator uni (FAA H 083 2) Many gs turbine aircraft are equipped with starter-generator systems that use a combination starter-geneator, which operates as starter motor to dive the en ne during staring, ten operates as x generator to supply the lec ssterm Power after the engine has eached a self sustaining peed 6. Describe generator contra urits (SCL. (FAA H. 808530) {GCUs are muliuctoneaccal components that provide cri stem con tel and potetve functions sch a. Votage replton - Overaotage protection «Load praling between goerators 4. Atoms ancelation of ta ycle «Reverse play protection What are inverters? (FAA #8085 30) Inverters are ued in some cat ystems to convert a potion of theaters DC power #9 AC power, which is used mainly or nstruments, rai, rar, lighting nd other acessories. Thee ate to pe of inverters, rtay and tat; they ae sully designed to supply current at a equeney of 400 cps. Sere are designed to provide mote than one voltage; for example, 26 volt AC in one wining and 15 volts in arate 8 Why do mest large siraf use AC power rather than DC power? (FAH 08350) ‘emai current ha lagey repel ect curent in commercial power 273 tems fors numberof rssons 2 ttean be tanamited overlong ditances more realy and mare economically than diet current, snce AC vltapes can be increased or decreased by means of transforma be Space and weight an be saved, since AC devices, especialy motos ate smal ard simpler than OC devices Inmost AC motors, no basher ae required so commutation trouble thigh alt tude is iminatd A Gc breakers operate atisfictory under load at high studs in an AC y= tom, wheres arcing itso ces in DC stom that cut breskre must be replaced frequently Most sipanes using 224! DC system have pei eulpment that equtes 3 cttain amount of gore AC cutet making i cesar to convert with in 9: Whatis an lca bus bar? (FAN H 0853) ‘common eletial sytem componert that interfaces power frm common source such a5» gonerator, toa vay of elec components connected tothe bus. Most transport atgory ara use multiple bus sytem, allowing fer 3 et tain degre of redundancy inthe event of alr of anyone component. 1. What re lca bus tie? (FAM H Bo 3) ‘bus tie isan eat! such that connects (rdisconnscts) diferent lactic buses us ties provide » means of glting » powered bur fom one that hat fied They can also reivect power to buses that have lost their primary power Whats a eter (FAH 808530) ‘A rece devie tht transforms aerating cute (AC) int dec curent {0C) by ting or regulating the direction of cent flow, Rectifiers provide 9 simple and ecient method of abtsining high vllge OC at lw amperage They can also bean exalt source of high amperage at low volage, depending onthe ype eciirused 12. Whats a dade (FA #808330) A twseclement elects device that allows cent t travel in one decton on Sometimes thought of an lctonic check valve 15 Whats a hot battery bus? (FAA 80853) ‘A elecical bus that ix deel connected tothe battery. Usually consing tems that might be needed in a complete electical system fase, such as emergeney lah, comuricaon adi, engine ee etngishing, ee 14, What i transformer? (FAK 808539) ‘transformer charges leis energy of «given voltage it lactrcalenergy at 2 Aire vag ee 15. Whats a lay? (FAH 808539) Relays, o rly suitches, ar electrical switches used fo remote contol of us carrying hesy carers. A rely is connected in the crt between the unit con twlled andthe meses source of power (or power bus bt) stat the cables car ‘ing hen curet wil be ae short ae posse Arley consist f co or sole noi, an ton col and bot fed and movable contac 16. What is slensid? (FM H S083 30) ‘hn eectromagnetaly operated switch wth & moveable core, Used to operate a variety of device including sicher, vate, and letomecharicl devices 1. hat ar cover yer of crit potion dvine) FAA H S083) 1 int reker—desgned to break the cc and stp the crent flow when he amet exceeds 2 prodetmined value be nea ssn of ta ‘ined capaci flows through it Installed in circuit so that ll the cute in that cuit pases trough usualy made of nally oti and bismuth Gren initara fase made of copper used primary to seconaze an ara orc wl met when caren neces of ts crf ter 18. Define the lowing eleccl system Woublshootng terms: short eit open ret (FAH 5085 30) A short cre a lowesistance path can be across the power source or be tween the sdes ofa crcl. usuall/ceaes high cet flow, which willbuen out or cuse damage tothe cat conductor or components ‘An open cic one that is ot complate or continous, D.Fuel 1. What re the componente of ypc fuel eatem? (FAA 2 32) 2. Fue anks—wirg and collector, surge vent, and dain olecranon intr connected bs Vent ster vents, sometimes heated, NACA air intake, vet vas, fot ent vales fame aretors « Pamps—hie pressure lw pressure lecic boos, and jet pumps 4. Voler—precsue a, check, emergency shut, cose shute, motive fw shit, ad fading shut vale. fe Fterelow- and hihrpressue fiers; sully incude a bypass sensor and sah Fa! bata olf heat exchange (ses hea For engine oo if ‘oe hea exchanger (uses het rom engine eed i) 6: Fut tempeturesersre—locted in ful Iie downstream ful heater Fue! quantity meazurementsptem-—capactance fuel quantity indeator sytem, fue quantity measuring ss (allows manual measurement of fuel quant), | uel contr! uismechancal(hyomechaical FCUS, FADECS (ul authoty Aigal engine contaleh EEC (sectronic engine conta, ECU (eecironie centr units). 2 Describe the diferent types offs pump fund on turboprop aera. (FAA: toss) 1 Wg pres punip—ueuly gine dren ger hp pump provides msn of {ut engi 1b Low pesrepump—sasully engine driven or motive ow Spe jt pur =u es main engine ven pump with fe & lctic boot pumpr—used fo engine sa, fuel croaefend, main et pur re, pressure dee 4.) pumesmotvefow ype pumps sed to kep color tanks at operational level ae wl provide constant fellow othe main pumps 2. Whatie afl conta unt (FAA H 808532) ‘fuel control units device used on gs turbine engines to frst determine and then mete the appropriate amount of fol required bythe engin fora ier set of ondtons. Thee conditions incude sch variables ax power Inver posion, en tine RPM, temperature end pressure Fue contol units can be died into two basic groups: (0) hyomecharcal and (2) electronic. The electronic fl canta fz ‘combination ofthe to basic groups. FADECS,EECS, and ECUs ae examples of tectonic fel control unis, 4-What are the two methods used o prevent ie erste fom Fring in the Fuel? (Faw H408333) ‘A engine fuel heat exchanger locate in the system pir to the engine the conte ven ful pump. Heat for the engine ol msintnns he fe Fu est exchanger vse hot bled al to maintain flat the comect 5. What ea callector tank ‘fuel tank within fel tank, ta iterl pat ofthe inboard tank at the lowest point (loses to aslo). The tank ensures 2 constant ful level and coninvous supply of fut the engine dung normal maneuvering. 6. Whatie jet pump? ‘type of hyraulc pump that operates solely by metive flow. The jet pump ties ‘he vert ect to cleat a low-pressure ae, which stars the mote Faw ation nd draws fl into the nes. Te venturi eflc ix enalche by passing high velocy, engine dven oleic pump fel tough a vertu Jet pumps ae for 0 varie of purposes: 1. Provides «constant fl owt the main pumps bs Maintains collar tanks at operational lve. Ace a secondary pumps forthe min pump 4. Fuel vapor olor fom fel tanks and fl contro uns 2. Whats motive Now? ‘flow created bythe suction of low pressure re crated bya vet {Describe the various ype fuel vets, [A NACA vent isan serodjnamicaly shaped vent installed on = wing to vet or cule internal fl ak pressure tothe outside aig used duet the very low drag characteristic and resistance fo structural cng. (NACA: National Adar Con rite for Aeronautics, which has since Been replaced by NASA) [Afar arrestor vent afl vent with awire mesh cuenta prevents accent ignition of fel vapors by lightning, hot exaust, ec, fom faiting fs! inthe tanks, ‘A env typeof vale in the el tank fa wing that equals intra f tank pressure with the outside air pressure. Also prevents fuel tark overpes sutton during fing operations 9: Describe the operation oul quantity measuring tks. Fue quantity measuring sticks provide a pit with a method te manually measure the fel quantity in each wing tank. This str usually consists of several hollow tubes ended ito the fl cll fom the Boom of ech tank, Within each of ‘hese hallow tubes is 2 sck tat canbe unlocked and lowered unl fe gine ppng out of the stk indicating the top of he sticks ator ast betow the fuel lovin the ark. More recent systems utilize magnetic “Apes sticks A magnet atthe tp ofeach sick, once unlocked, sgn zal with 2 magnetic fot within the ful tan hue indicating the fel ve! tin the tk, Hydraulic 1. Atypical hydraulic system conse of what basic components? (FAK H 83) 2 Main engin ven purps bs lec drat pam «Hydraulic resenirs 4. Vales—shto, check, dain «Varios fiers, senor, sitches and accumulators 2 Whatie a ydralcaccumultr? (FAA H $0833) ‘A device that stores hydraulic pressure, the basic components of which ae a pis ton and einder, with one side of he pston pressurized with mitogen and the ther sid by dul pressure. The trogen is compressed as hydraulic pressure 's applied. When hydeaule pressure requed, a valve Is opened allow Iy Araulic fui 0 flow. The hyralicines are pressurized ara rel ofthe pres sured trogen forcing hydrate uid ot ofthe accumulator. 3: Whats a hydra custr? (FAH 80835)) 1 device that utilizes yale pressure to move something mechanical. Somme tie used to stand an era the ar and pe |: What ie pump cavitation (FAA H80853)) This occurs whan ae inthe hydrulnes enters the hydraulic pump causing the pump to be unable to move hyrauc Pid, The pump eventually overeat and fale snc it depends o fad movement for cooling, This condition can occur for several reasons, such a the hydraulic ero fd level Bengt lam, o oa ing of he yea id 5, What re hydra iss? (FAA H Bots 31 Hida fires are hyromeshanica fow-contro vale installed in aircraft hy Aral nes, which ae designed to prevent excessive or compete ss fal hy- ral aid in the event of rupted hydraulic ine F. Landing Gear 1. What components ae use in a typical hyralle landing gar system? (FAH Rots) These inlode engine ven and electicl hydraulic pumps, acusing einer, selector vahes, sles, uplock,downlocks, sequence valves, emergency over ie conto, tubing, and ther conventional hydraulic components 2 Describe the operational equence of typical dra nding gar system. 1. tenon {A lector lvrin the cockpit lec commands the ger to erend IA solenoid valve diets hydalc pressure othe extension side of system i Sequencing valves old the landing gear in place unl the landing gear doors have opened With pea dots open, hale pressure caures uplock tobe rleazed and hyauic pressures applied tothe actuators to extend the goa. ‘Onc extended, dounlocks ae postined hyaulialy vi Landing gear poston switches provide inating system with information on rr postion vik Sequencing valves rect dru pressure close the landing gear doors, Reaction | Asrlectorlverinthe cockpit lecrcly ommands the ger to tac i: Landing gear position switches provide indicating sytem with information on 20 poston (tans) 1A solenoid valve diets hyralc pressure tothe eration side of tem, a Sequencing valves preven the landing ge for erating unl he landing ear doors have opened With gear doors now open, duc pressure i applied to the actuators toe tract the pea i Wheel rotations stopped by hyralic pressure routed othe brake system, vi Landing gear uploks are postoned i. Landing ge postion switches provide indicating ote with information on gee poston (up and locked, be Sequencing valves diet hydraulic pressure to close the landing gear doors, 3. How dos landing goat safety” sith anton (FAA 80833) ‘Also known as ground proximity swich of landing gear “aqua” stitch, thie sth is usually mounted in «back on one ofthe man gear shock sus and ‘echaniclyactusted via the landing gear torque links. The torque links spread apart or move togthe asthe shock strut piston extends or etats ints ind. When the st is compressed (ira on the ground), the torque inks ate dose together, causing the adjusting links to open the safety sutch During take, = the weight othe srr leaves the sus the stu and torque ins extend caus ing the adjusting inks to lose the salty sich. A ground is completed when the safety switch closes and the send then energizes, unlocking the selector valve 0 thatthe gear handle can be poston to raise the gear. Squat switches also provide signals to other vious scat ystems indicating whether the rafts in the ar or onthe grourd suchas pressurization, rose wheel steering, tus re 4: What ie aba an cideystem? (FAH 508530) ‘A yster in high parforance srr baking sytem that provides anid pro tection and subsequent maximum braking eficency. Ants system sensors ‘moniter and compare whee! rotation speed to the expected value ony uray ‘Once the sateen detects rotational vale les than moral ki conto valve removes some ofthe hydraulic pressure othe wheel, pemting the wheel to tate a litle aster and stop is siding. The more intense the ski 5, the more baling pessre is removed. The sd detection and contol ofeach whe com pletely independent ofthe others The whel skid intensity ix messured bythe mount of hel slow down $5 What the fanction re provided by an anki system? (FAA Y-808531) {Touchdown protectin this cit prevent the brakes fom being applied ding the landing approach, even f the Bake pedals are depressed. This preverts the hel fom being locked when they contact the rn. ais protectin thi cuit menitrs operation of he skid conta yt. automaticaly returns the brake syste to fll manual in ease of stem fale G. Pneumatic |. What ae come ofthe common components found in most preumaicsyetama? (FxaH 808559) 2 Rel alves—used in pneumatic systems to prevent damage. They at as pres ssrelimitng urits and prevent exces pressures fom bursting, nes and Blowing ou sel be Cone vler—cotrls the detion and amount of low. « Ockioera one direction fw contrl ve 1 Resrior-ate a ype of contl valve which educes the rat of sland the speed of operton ofan actuating unt. ‘2 What eee a (-AAH 808338) lcd aii taken fom any of the various pessre stages of a compressor. The ‘2c location ofthe bleed ports ofcourse, dependent onthe pressure ote perature reguied for 2 patcular job The ports ave small openings inthe com pressor ease adjacent tothe particular tage om which the is tobe bled hus, varying degrees of preesre or heat ae avaible simply by apping ints the appro priate stage fe, P25 0" P30 i) Aris often bdo the alo highest pes sure stage since a his pot, pressure and a temperature ate at a mauinum. AL times i may be necearary o col this high presse ai itis ued or cabin pres surtastion oF other purposes where excess hest would be uncomfortable or det rental the assert through 2 erigeration unit. |. Which syste use load si (ARH 808538) Bled iris utilized in a wide varity of ways depending onthe srr. Some ofthe ‘most common aplication ate: 2. Cabin preturzton heating, and cooing Dein and anthcing equipment «Power for running instrament 4: Pressurization of hyrauicreseris Aula dive uit ADU), {Contra booster sero ystrs. 1 Pheumatic staring of engines. 4 What re some operational con sytem The aaiabe amount of power produced by an engines reduced withthe use of ‘eed at, since i pressure and hes ave extracted from the compressor prior to combustion. lestions for irra equipped wih bled ir Resictions ae imposed conceming the use of bee air during takeofs and max: lina performance sation, such as yo-wounds. When use of bleed ar during tale ic necessary (Le, operation of dece of antice equipment in icing cond tions), comracion factors ate appled restricting taeof sped and wight Leas that develop inthe Bleed ar ducting can retin onboard res due tothe tremely igh operating temperatures, Bleed ai systrs use a systr of sensors o- cated along the various dct o ale plots of led leaks or vertempertire condition. 5: What cam APU? ‘hn “aay power unit sags turbine powered engine used to provide» supe mentary source of reumatic and cecticl power othe stra sual located in the ft fuselage and lated rom the cst ofthe aplane by rewallAn APU can be used smutancously wih or independently fom the ether aplane power sources, and are normaly ued to operate acral systems whe onthe ground However they may alo be used inflight asa souce of backup elect power for ‘he main gereraters, sel as peutic power far fight peessuration and at conditioning systems. H. Environmental 1. What ae the tuo most common secnling systems ule in turbine powered sir? (FARH808)3) ‘iceye machine. b.vaporeyele machine 2 Whats an sinyee machine (ACM? (FARH 885) Risa typeof coling sytem ved mainly in Inger turbine powered stra, con sisting ofan exparsion turbine (cooling turbine), an azo heat exchange, and ‘ales that control iflow through the sytem, The expansion tne incorporate ‘an impeller anda turbine on a common sha: High pressure a Flom the com pressor x roted through the turbine sector: a hea pastes trough the tur bine it oats the turbine and the paler. Aer the compressed a performs the ‘work ofuning the uring, it undergarpreszuteand temperature drop. eis hi temperature op that produces he cld sr used for i condoning 3: Discuss the operational ele ofa ypiel ACM. (FAH 80833) leds edt primary heat exchanger the bleed al passing trough the heat exchanger i cooled by ground air (ven by cooing fans) or ram air (ih) Heat exchanges are sila indesign to radiators. The cooled Bleed aes then outed to turbine driven compressor. The compressor compresses the cole si tsuting in an increas in temperature ‘he cmprested iris then rte to 2 secanday heat eachanger where the ai esn cooled, A water separator removes water vapor, which i then used to pro- vide ational cooling forte hea exchanges “The compressed dy srs then outed to dive 3 trine where ti leo expanded therefore cooled again (ner o°C at this poi. Depending onthe temperature selected, cold air smite with ht sit ina mising chamber and then supplied to the abinjcopt ares by recreation fans. 4 Whatis a vporcyee machine (VEM)?[FARH 8685) ‘ype of cooling system used most in smaller art, or aka wth a limted supply of bled sie (eral engines. VMs te similar in principle othe kitchen refigerstor oar condone in act. They use similar components and petting Principles, and in most cares deperd upon an electrical system for power. Tis system usualy has greater cooling capaciy than an airy system, and Ia ‘tion, can usualy be used for cooling on the ground when the engines ae not operating, Theze systems ae ako ured on several large transport category ype of rer 5; What re the mjor components of vapor cycle machine? (FAH 808531), The compressor, condenser, evaporator, and expansion vale, Other minor ems ray inclade the condenser fan, receiver (teigeated gas strap), drt, suze valve, and temperature controls, These ems are interconnected by appropriate tubing form closed loop in which the refigerated pa is rut during oper tion, 6. izcus the aprons cycle of ypc VOM. (FAA HB 5), Comgressr—increues the pressure of reigrte gts when In vapor for. Tis high pessute raises the condensation temperature ofthe gs ad produces the force necessary to create the gs tough the system, The compressor is dv center byan elecc motor iturin dive mechanism. . Condenser—reigeatd gs is pumped t the condenser for the nat step inthe cde. At the condenser, the gas goes though 2 heat exchanger where outside (ambient) sir removes eat fram it. When heat i removed from the High ressure gs, estate changes and it condenses to 8 laud elesing the het ‘he gas pcked up from the cabin aie « Racive-—From the condenser, th gud gas flows tothe receiver which acs 35 «reservoir the uid refrigerant The fli Tevel nthe eceiver aris with sy tem demands. During psc cooling pis, here wil be es iui than when ‘he oad is ight The prime function ofthe receiver sto ensure thatthe therme- static epansion vahe fs nat starved for rfiguant under heavy cooing lad conditions. 4. Eveportor—Some vaporcyle systoms use an evaporator oF subcode te duce the temperature ofthe quid refigean afer it aves the recivr. By coo lng the refigeart, premature vaporization (fashof) can be prevented. Mas ‘mum cooing takes place when the refigerant charges fam gui to 2 apse0us sate ir outed past the evaporator is cole ard veccated tothe ceabinjcoit areas 7. Detrib the funtion of hes xchange (FAAH 20853) ‘est exchanger i deve that ances heat beeen to dilfeen id, When ‘two fis of diferent temperatures come into conta, hea arse occ fom ‘he hotter to the cooker. Heat exchangers appl this principle of temperature co: trl in 2 variety of systems of turbine err, such asin fel haters, oil coolers td ae condoning syste |. Pressurization 1. What ae several Fneions that must be accomplished by «cabin pressuretion sytem? (FARE-SOBS39) mus be capable of maintaining a cabin pressure ate of approximately B..00| fae at the avra’s maimum designed cruising tude. The stem mus so be designed to preven rapid changes of abn aitude tat maybe uncomfortable oF Injrious to passengers and crew. The pressurization syste shoud permit 28 onahly ft exchange of som inside to ouside the abi, inorder to eliminate odors and remove stale a 2. What area are pressurized in most turbne powered sre? (FAAH E0859) In the pial pressurization system, the cabin, fight compartment, and baggage compariments incorporated int 3 stled unit capable of containing ir under 2 pressure higher than ouside atmospheric pressure 3. Describe in general terms how the cabin pressurization system fictions (ARH 08339) Dresured nie pumped its assed frag trough ve of engine bled ai Which provides altel constant volume of ala al attudes upto 2 designed ratimum, fir is leased fom the fueage by = device called an out vk Since a lative constant inflow of bleed aris provided tothe pressured tea, the fou vale by egultng the ree the major contralng element inthe pressurization system 4 Whatie a pressurization contol? (FAAH-Lo83 39) The presurizatoncontrler she source of conta signals forthe pressurization system, The contol automaticaly (or manual) controle the outow valves to maintain th dosed pressurization level and provides several adjustment krabe to obtain the desired typeof pressured condi, 5, Davee th varius pressurization controler nator. (FAA H 83) Cabin diferent! prsive gnuge—indcates the difference between Inside and outside pressre. This gauge shoud be monitored to ensure the cabin eno p> poaching the maximum allowable diferent pressure Cabin ameter andes cabin presste alte, Provides a check on syst performance; in some cates the cabin alimeterinicatr may be incorporated into the cabin diferent pressure gauge indicator, thus eliminating the need for Cabin ate fcimbo decent —indeates cabin rate ob, 6. What are oufow vos? (FAH £0851) The principal contol ofthe pressutzation system the outw vale. Cabin pes sure mainisned by manually or aomatialy regulating the amount of cain at verted overboard by the outflow ves), which is placed in a pressurized portion ofthe fselage, usually underneath the loner compatiants, The flow through an coutou valves determined by the degre of vale opening. dina conte by ‘am automatc system tat cn be et bythe ight crewmembers 17 Distt the epaaion of outflow vabes on the ground ad in the a 08330) In many area the outfow valves) wil be hed fly open on the ground by 3 landing gear operated switch, During fight, as aitude i gine, the vabe(s) close(s) saul to mabe a greater resin to the outlow of cabin ai. The cabin rateofimb or descent is determined bythe ate of closing oF opening of ‘he outow vale(). Dating cruising igh the cabin sade i rely elated to the degre of etfow vale opening (ra |. Deine “cabin diferent preesre” (AA H 808331) Cabin dire pressure f the rato Between inside and outside sr pressures and is a mensute ofthe nema stress on the fselage kin. the ferential pres sure bacomes too gre, structural damage tothe fuselage may occur 9. What are negative presturereifvahes? (FAA H 8} 31) ‘Al pressured air equi some form ofa negative pressure rel vale. Tis valve may ato be incorporated ino the ifn vale or ray bean individual ni ‘A common fom of negative pressure valves simple hinged fap onthe rear wal (resute dome} of he cabin. This valve opens when outse i pressure ie tester than eabin pressure. During pressured fight, the intra cabin pressure hols the Mop closed andthe negative pressure valve preverts cabin atu ltd. fom acidently going higher than the rer 1 What i a mp vale? (FAH 83.3) ‘Also kronn as 2 safety relif or manual depressrization valve. A mansaly oper sted valve for controling pressurization when all other means of contol have ‘ied, Perit apd depretsusaton dung es or am emergency descent What ae posvepreceureraiaf value? (FAN 685 3) ‘so noun as an automatic cabin pressure rel valve, these are used on al pes sued acta. May actualy be bl into the outflow vale or may be an ety separate nit The pressure abe automaticaly pens when the cabin difler: 5 pressure reaches a pest: J. Fite Protection 1. What ae the eubystems ofthe fre protection eyrem in mos le turbine en nearer (FAKH.£08551) 1. Fire detection system, Fe extinguishing sytem 2 What ae within an irra are normally provied wth fre detection andor fre ctingushing capa? (FAA 085 9) ‘Engin and ncaa Wheel wells (bake ies), «Gago and lavatory compartments. 4. Bled air dcting aes. 4: What ae the diferent par of strat fe detection sets in commen ue? (FAKH 408539) 4. Thermal utc tom —hesesenive units that complete lactic cuts aa certain temperature the temperature ies above ase value in any section of the cic, the thermal switch wl lose complting the ight cect to inate ‘he presence ofa fire or ovethent condition, bs Thamocouple stem-—depends upon ate of emperatte rise compares the rate of tementute rise ofan unprotected thermocouple to protected therm coupe fhe temperate rises rapid, the thermocouple produces a voltage et the terpertuediference between the two IfBah ar eated atthe same ‘at, no vag wil rex ard no warning signal gen. & Continousloop detector ssemalso called sensing system, peamits more complete coverage of fie hazard area than any spotiype temperature dec: tors. Coninuoutlop esters are versions ofthe thea sich sytem. They «ae ovhest systems with heat sensitive unis that complete elect cats at 1 cesin tempera, Thor ena ae of eat ie sens in 2 continuous loop system. 4 Whats the function of fire "T* handle? (FAA-80B331) ‘so known a8 fre-pul handle fre “T™ handle avery important handle found in a scat cockpit, uruly lated onthe intrrent pan, lt hilo fie control pane, The handle, when pulled, wil actuste micro sitches that energie sd dose various valies sch a the emergency fel hutffvahe, hydrate shut ‘fF valve, and engine bled vale, ling the handle wil alo arn fie ‘etnguishing agent, activate an lac eathting mechanism, and disconnect the iereator fom the electrical ystem A*T” handle may contain a fire warring ight foreach engine, located within the handle its, 5 How i fire extinguishing accomplished? (FAA H S08) 31) he pil fre xingushing portion of compat re protection sytem conte of emtsy scared cylinders or containers of eingushing ager fo exch engine nd nacele area. One type oflestallaion prondes fora container in ech of four pylons on a maltiengineacraf. The etinguiching agent container ix equineed with wo discharge valves operated by electrical discharged caridges. These to valves ar the main an the reserve canto that release and rout the agent tthe pod and pylon in which the containers locate, ot the ether engine onthe same wing. Ths Ype of two-shot, crosseed configuration permis the release of sc cond charge fre etnguishing agent the same engine if nother re break without ponding two containers foreach engin a, 6. Whatis“P05"? Protective Besthing Equipments ustd in the event of smoke and ve and protects ‘he ete head apd shuldets ofthe person wearing i Contsns an oxygen Bene ‘tor which makes it otal sfcontained unt, Requied by 14 CFR Par 21 sions K. lee Protection 1. What re several methods to prevent or cont ce oration om aera (FAH Rots) Termol—hetingsufaces using hot. 2 Eeicat—heating yee ean «.Preumetio—breakng up ce formations, uel by nfatable boot. 4. Aho of lohol spray. 2. How do dice bots work (FAAH-808539) Pneumatic decngsyters ure raber dec, called boots or shoe, attached to the lading ecg ofthe wing and stabilizers. The decers ae composed of seis ofinfatable abe, which daring operation, ae infated with rezurized sit and de fated in an aerating cycle. Tis inflation and deflation causes the fe to crack td bes of The ice Is then cand ny by the asteam. Dele tubes ar ie fated by an engine driven sie pump (vacuum pump), or by a bid from gas ur bine engine compressors. Thenfation sequence cond by ether a cena located distributor ave, or by solenoid operated valves located adjacent othe de eri ints 3: How do leading edge antic syst wok? (FMA H 80833) Thermal systems sed forthe purpose of preventing the formation ice use heat scar ducedspansiee along the inside ofthe leading edge ofthe sel ane di tubuted around its inner surface. There ae several methods usd to provide heat: a. These ince beding ht sr fom the turbine compreser, engine exhaust heat exchanges, and ram air heated bya combustion heater, Some acral 5s tems indude an automatic temperatate contol, in which temperature iz sin tained within a predetermined range by mining heated air wth cold ai Astor of valves ie provided in some instalation tenable certain pats of the antigay tem o be shut of Inthe event of an engin ils, thee vas alo permit sp Plhng the ete art-cing system with heated ir om one or move ofthe erin 4 What ester i ed for proper antici? (FAK. 32) Most turboprop aca utlize a "het prop” system which cnsist fan elecical every source, 2 resistance heating clement, system cons, and necessary wig. The heting elements ae mounted internally ox erally onthe propeller spinner and blades. Electra power rom the scat system is arsed tthe propeller hub though elec leads, which terminate isp rings and bushes, Flexblecannectrs ae used to tarsfer pone om the hub to the Had elements eng conto 's accomplished by converting electical energy to eat energy i the heating dement An autor ofeating cent in the lade clerments. 5 What methods are used to prevent ce fom frmi (asm ‘A engine inet antce syst presets ice rm fring inthe induction sytem vis methods suchas high pressure bleed a, and eacclly-estd elements a ome tra, hot exhaust se may be ulzed, These systems ate mounted on the engine nace iil ip, ¢ wel inthe oranda ofthe inert seprator (S- shaped dict). Some systems havea tier that automaticaly activates and desc ales the syste, hile ater systems are operations fom engine sao engine in the engine sir ine? shut down 6. Whatis an inet separator (AFM) ‘hn S-shaped duct in the induction system of «turboprop engine that separates incoming irom suspended patties fice, dt birds, te, by Fring the incor ing arto tum before entering the engine Since foreign objects are soi they tend to continue in stright re and moet ae separated by ina at these band point. 2. What ether srr cafe ate provided with ing rotation? What ype of ro: tection? (FAH 808531) Leading edges of vericl and hoizntl stabilizers pneumatic thermal Windshields, windows and radomes—elcti, alcoho Stallwaning uarsmitrs—electcal Pitt uber—electricl Angle of tack sensors Total ai temperture sensoe—elecrieal Fight conteis—preumati thea Lavatory draine—sleccal Landing gar—thermal L Flight Controls 1 What axe cumples of pimay and secondanfauiony fight conte? (an H08325) Primary—Riletonssleatre and rudder ‘Secondary Ausilon-—Tien tabs, balance abs, ser tabs, aps, spallers ard lad Ing edge devices 2 What ae i abe (FAAH 808531) ‘Trim abs tro the iran igh tht hey correc any tracy of the sera to move tomard an undesiable gh atitude. They cont ara balance so that ‘he acral maintains stright and evel fight without presate onthe conrl co um, control whe or adder pda, Movant afte ta inane diction causes 2 detection of the convo surface inthe opposite dco. Most ofthe ti abs installed om stra ate mechanically operated fom the cockpit through an ind vidual cable sytem some arf have tim abs operated by an elecicl acts, Trim abe are installed on elevators, riders, and aero. |: Whatie the funciona servo tab? (FAA £08531) ‘Servo tabs are very similar in operation and appearance to the tim tabs. Some times refered to as Mgt tabs, they ave used pinay onthe large man conto surfaces oad n moving the coniral surface and holding iin he deed poston. (Only the serve tab moves in response to movement ofthe cockpit conto. The force of the flow onthe serv tab then moves he primary conrlsufce eet forces needed to move the main contrlsurice when servo tabs are used 4 Whats the function ofleding edge Naps? (FAN H-83.) Leading edge fap aes extended fom and erace into the lading edge of ‘he wing, used pinion large high-speed icra When they are the “up (ceacte) postion, they ain withthe wings and serve spat the wing tall «edge When nthe “down” (exterded) position, the Haps pret on te hinge points dp to about a 45" "ange with the wir chord ine This increases the wing camber and changes the ation, providing geste if $5: What i flap asymm? Flap asymmetry iswhen the fap postion vais within apr of ps 6. What are ground epee (FAA £08551) ‘ound spllers ae it deceasing devices that ae exterded only afer thea ie onthe ground. They aris in braking ston 2. What are igh epi? (FAA Ho 9) Flight spoiler are airy wing ght contra surfaces, mounted onthe upper ut {ace ofeach wing hat operate in conjunction withthe alletons to provide lateral ceonrl A wing’ ight spoiler assets in Inteal contra by extending whenever the ler Is vtated up. When actuated as speed brakes, the spor parson beth wings size pth panel onthe “up” sleron win ‘he “down” alton sie, This provides speed brake operation ard lateral contr! simultaneous. Te purpose of the spol Is to itu the smth airfow ross he top ofthe so, thereby creating an increased aunt of dag anda de creased amount fon that aio |. What are speed rates? (FAAY-808531) Speed brakes, sometimes called dive aps oF dive bakes, Seve to slow an aera in fight. These brakes are used when descending at x step angle or when 2p: 1roching the runway fo a landing, Sped brakes are signet create dag wth ut acing 9.What are leading edge st? (FAA 808951) [alot is» movable contra surface attached to the lading edge of» wing. When the slat is ose ow angle-oFattack, high sped) it forms the landing edge of ‘he wing When nthe open poston (high angle ftack, arpa) he slate ‘ecended forward, creating a sot between the sat and the wing leading edge. This increases the wing carer and changes the ailow, providing grater lift ard allow ing the aircraft tobe controlled at srspeeds below the otherwise norma landing speed, 10. What are slots? (FAH 808530) [slo in the leading edge of» wing recs high-energy ait rom under the wing to the flow above the wing accelerating upper aifow. By accelerating the afow owe the wing aiflow separation wll be delayed to higher anges of tac, This slows the wing to contirue to develop lit at substan higher angle fata, What aesteilons (FAA 808539) Stabions ae smal winglike horizontal surfaces mounted on the af fxeage to Improve longtusial stabi of eplanes that have an exceptional wide center of ray ange 1: What ar tilt? (FANE 3), Smal vertical is mounted to the lower sides ofthe horizontal stabilizer tis, de signed to lnpove dvectiona stabi 1p. Whatis a vortex generator (FAH 2085) ‘voter generators complementary pi of smal low aspectaio (short span In telation to chor) aol mounted a opposite angles of tack to eachother and perpendiclr to the erchnamic surface they sere, The feof the generator develo lit and wth thee low aspect ato aso deel very strong ip vortices. These tp vortices cause at flow outward and inward in cela paths around ‘he ends ofthe sis. The vortices generated have the eft of drawing high ergy a fiom oust the boundary layer int the slower moving ar cose tthe shin ofthe serdar ure. 14, Describe the funtion of vertex generators tached tothe Following srr structure: wing, vertical tabla, horizontal tier (FAA H.8085)) 2. Wing upper suface)—deay the onset of drag divergence at high speeds and co aid in maintaling aleroneectiveness at high sped bs Vertical stabilizer (bth sides}—prevent flow separation over the ruder during exeme anges of yaw ater an engin oss at ery low speeds «Horizontal stabiize (upper and lower surface)—prevents flow separation over ‘he evatos at very ow speeds In suman, voter generators on wing sufaces improve highspeed chase teristics, while vortex generators on tail sufaces generally improve low-speed characteris 15: Why do some airaR have both inbourd and outboard ailerons? (FAA H 08535) Some jet transports have wo sets of alleons, a par of outboard low-speed lero and spat high peed inboard alerns, During louspeed Fgh alla | contro surfaces operate to provide msm stability, This includes al fur lens, Rap, and spol. At high speeds aps ate tated andthe outboard ‘ileronsaelcke ou of he aleon control sytem. (M. Warning and Emergency Systems 1. What am aural warning syst? (FAK H 8853), This stem alerts the Fight cw ofan unsafe contin. A typical transport it craf’s cual warring syste wl alert the pt with audio and voce signals of condtions Including: an abnormal takeoff condton, landing canton, press iztion condtion, mach speed codon, an engine or whed wl Fir, cls rom ‘he re el system et, These systems ate necessary othe safe operation ofthe most compler anspor aca 2 Discus the function ofan annuncitor sytem. (FAA H 085) Complex turbine act ae equiped with anrunciatr systems that alow a ile ‘monitor multiple atch systems in one centalized display. An annunciator paral provides indication tothe plot of system satus, abnormalities and emer ences. The pane is usualy central located in the cockpit and consis of tee ‘ype of rruncitrs: warning caution, ard advisor 4: What color are warning, cauton, and asso ligt, and what action i ragured iitaminated (FAH 80859) Woning—Red indicates an unsatisfactory condton; emergency requ nme Aste action Coaton Amber indeates « catlon/bordeine condition; usualy malfunction reguitng action a: soon a posible -AdsisyGroe: india 2 satisfactory or normal operation; no action equ 4 Whatis a aster eution ight? (FAA H 8085) Cerin sytem fares are immediatly indicted on an anruncitr panel onthe ‘main instrument panel: A*maser auton igh” and alight ingiating the fstng system fash "On" The easter ight may be rest to “OF, but the ndkating ight ‘vil emain “On” uni he ful i corrected oF the equipment concerned fs shut down By esting the master caution ght ready to warm ofa subsequent fut ven before coreton of then ul Apress totes ight is sable or testing the deat in this stam, 5: What the pupons of ck salar and sick pusher setae? (FAL H S083) (On aiplanes susceptible to deep stalls (some swept andjor tapered wing aie lanes, sophisticated tll warning systems sch a sick shakers and fick puch fs ae standard equipment. A stick shaker i an atl tll warring device tat vibrates the conrl cola, normaly ating sound 10) percent of he actual tall speed. A tick puseris a device that automaticaly apples an abrupt and age Fomvard ore onthe contrat colin when the sirplaneisneatng an ange of tack snore tal cold occ 1. Decarte the fncion of the flloning since equipment acronym: AHS, ‘ADC, PFD, MFD, FD, FMS, INS (FAA H808}-5) AHRSAtiude ond Heading Raference Sstem: composed ofthice ats sensors that provide heading attude, nd ya information fr acral. AHRS ate dsignd to replace tritioral mechanical gyroscope fight instruments ad provide supe reliably and aceuray, |ADC—Air Date Computer an sca computer that recaves and proceses ptt ressur, sac pressure, and temperate to clelate very pce aude, ind ated sirpend, tu atsped, vertical peed and ait temperatre PED—Pimary Flight Diply: a display that provides increased sitions aware ness to the plot by replacing the tational si instruments with an easyescan layout of horizon, sispeed, mong othe bey indications -MFD—Multi nso Display cock apay capable of presenting nfrmation (oaigation data, moving maps, ean awareness, etc) to the plot in tumetous configurable way oflen used in concer withthe PD. D-Fight Over an electronic fight computer tat ashes the navigation selections, signals, and aicra parameters, presented as steering instructions on the fight splay with command bars or crossbar forthe pilat o postion the nose tude, vertal sped, rend, tim, rate of ture, ofthe ara overflow. FA4S—Flght Management Sytem: computer sytem containing a detabace to sllow programming of routes, approaches, and departures that can supply navigation dat to the fight drctor/atoplot fom various sources. Calculates Fight dats such afl consumption, time remaining, posible range, and other vals INS—Inril Nvigatin Stems selcontalne navigation sytem using sensors to measure changes in motion of arr, acceleration and deceleration, airspeed tude, and heading to maintain cutent postion of avcaR. Aso cle “postion ecing” because an interption ofthe system requtes the pit Io inlize of rer the Deioning point of scat poston reference 2 Whats the funtion ofa magnetometer (FAA H S08} 6) ‘A magoatometer I device that measures the stength ofthe eth’ magnetic Feld to determine icra heading. It provides thie information digitally to the /AHRS, whic elas tt the PFD, 3. When powering up an srr wih FMS/RNAV uit installed how wil you ve the cia dates ofthe navigation database? (FAA S083 6) The efectve dates forthe navigation database ae typical shown on startup sczcen that is displayed asthe ystem cycles thou its statup softest. 4 How cen ae GPS databases required tobe updated? (FAA-H 808515) The navigation database is updated every 28 days, Obstacle databases may be up data every 55 das and train ond arport map databases ae update as neded 55 Doosan srr hove to remain stationary dung AHR system initiation? (Fawr go 6) Some AHRSs must be iniaized on the ground prior to departure. The ina lation procedure allows the sistem to establish a reference atte used as benchmark fr al faire atte changes. Other systems are capable of ni ration while axing as wl singh {Which standby fight instruments are normaly provided nan advanced avionics irra? (FAH 80836) very aircraft equipped with laconic ight instruments must aso contain amin nal set of backup/standby istuments, Usually convetonal round ial nt rents," they pclae an atte nictor, an epee indiaor, and an a 2: Fone splay ils (PED or MED), what information willbe presented on there sining ipl? (FAA Hos 6) In the event of display flr, some systems ofr a reversion c lay the primary fight instruments engine instuments onthe remaining operative lapay. 1 hon ply fire occurs what other yet components wil be ct? (armjpoH) In some systems, flr of displ wil alo rest in pati os of navigation, communication nd GPS capabiy 9. What pay information willbe afte when am ADC fallure secur? (FAA H 20856) Inoperative speed, aude, and vert sped indicts (ed Xs) on the PFD indicate theft of then dat computer 4, What display information wil be lot wien an ANRS flare occurs? (FAA 20836) ‘An inoperative ate indicator (eX) on «PFD indicates allure othe AHRS. ‘1: How wl os Fa magnetometer afc the AHRS operation? (FAA H 8083 5) Heading information wil belort, 12 Gives br decrption ofan automated fight contrl cyte ina technically sdvanced siren FAN 80855) Most automated fight contol ystems ae to diferent, but integrate systems Autopiot—zet of ero sctustor that doth cnt movement andthe conta cit cuits to make the serve actuators move the cortet amount forthe sled task manipulates heal ch, ann some case, he yaw coniro sufaces of the ir plane Fight iectorthe brain ofthe autoplt systar: whe most autopts can fy straight ard lee the addtional aks offing» elected couse (intercepting), charging attudes, ard tracking navigation sources wth coss winds, et. re ha le bythe fight ducer 13: Describe sever methods or disconnecting malfunctioning autplt (FAA 20836) 2 Autopllot disconnect switch (ypicaly mounted on contol yok) 1 de buttons. the autopilot canto panel « Girt breakers thatinterupt power tothe autopltvim systems. «4. Overpoeing the system by forcing the conto yoke nthe desied decin. 14, What i th Te lnfomation Seve (TSP (FAA H 8083 6) 715 captures trafic information tat appears om radar scapes at nearby ATC fc ies and broadcasts that information to appropriately equipped aera. Aca rust be equipped with » eansponder capable of resving TS broadeats TIS captle sires can obsere trafic information inthe cockpit ad resve tac dvs es or proumate ara. 15: Explain the liations «plot should be aware oF when using IS. (FAA: 20836,AIM 4497) TIS data i only transite from approach roast rom en oute (ARTCC) lites Sore approach rad sot equipped to send TIS information The ara must be within ange (aproxately so NM) and within line site ofthe TIS station to receive broadest. TIS doesnot respond to aia tht ae not transponder equiped, ara with transponder Gut, ose et of radar coverage 4.715 sone does not ensue safe separation in evry case 9 lies; no information i fates ae 16. Biey describe the Tern Awareness and Waring Systm (TAWS}. (FAH: 0836) TAWS uses the strat’ GPS nai tion signal and ier seems to compare the postion and tojetony ofthe icra agairst a more detailed tevin and obst cle dntabace This database ators to deta evry obstruction that could pose thet to an scat in Fight. Thee are so classes of ceted TAWS that ifr in the capaiies they provide tthe ilo: TAWS A and TAWS 8. 17. Whats ADS-92 (0/60) ‘Automatic Dependent Surlance Sosdeast (ADS 8) is + sureilance system in which an ara tobe detected i fied with cooperative equipment in he Frm of 1 dati ranamiter, The acral broadcasts ts GPS-detved postion and other Information such as poston, atte, and velocity over the data nk which is recived by groundbase transmiterreceive (vance fer processing and splay at an ATC fai nado, srr quipped with ADS-B IN capa can aso receive these broadcasts and dsl the information to improve the pi lot’ stustionl awareness of ther traf ADS is automatic because no eternal inteogatin i required, itis dependent because it relies on onboard positon sources and broadast vansmisson systems to provide suvelance infomation {ATC and ther users 1, Derzibe thre common pas of wether edo auipment sod in an ice (PAA H S083), 2 Actual onboatd radar or detecting and dling weather acty, be Ughiing detectors; and «Satelite or other source wether radar information that is uploaded tothe a cat fo an cutie sure, Performance A. Takeoff and Climb 1. Depending on the specie rule under which an silane was cried, what are ‘cxamples of ealeuaton that must be performed to determine the allowable takeoff weigh? (Order 8500.) 2. APM rasimum weight limitations (tructura}—talaof 2 fue landing Airport elevation and erpeature—departre pint destination, aerate Runway limit weight—accelerate stop distance, aceeat-go (one engine in operative, llenginestaeofditance 4. Takeo clin lint weights segment, second Segment, tanstton segment (Gide int hed ad out segments under ome es) Takeoff obstacle mit ight £ Eout cl iit and terain clearance weighs—al engines operative one er re nopertv, two engines inoperative Approach climb nt weight htanding ib i weigh | Destination landing distance weight i: Aternate landing distance weight 2What does he er talus iit weight” mean? (Order 85001) ‘he weight which the silane can cli at» spied minimum cmb raion ‘or speed miiarn climb at instil air though the segments ofthe takeoff flight path Clie performance fortune powered tansport category and com ute category airplanes is measured in tes of» gradient (percent of bight ined divided by distance aveled) in specified cin segments 5 What re several factor that determine the unable runway length aaah for ‘eof (Order 8900) The sable runway length may be shorter or longer than the acta uy length duet stopways,cleanways, and obstacle denance planes. 4 Whats there concerning required taeof distances fr transport or commuter catagory sca? (Order 8900) The equed tate distance i the longest of tee taboo distances: accelerate: stop, accelerating, and allengnes Since thea valu, llowabl takeofweight for any given runway is deteried by the most re Strive ofthe aplable distances, ae runny length i = Bed 5, Define the term acelrtetop take distance.” (Order 8900.) Theol distance equiedt perform the allowing ston: 0 With al engines operating a ako thst ccltate fom a standing star to ‘ve fergie flare) speed at whic he tical engines assumed t fal Make the rans from tkeof tht f idle thus, extn spies or other rag devices and apply whed bakes Decdaate and bing these ta fl to, 6 Define the term “accleate go then distance” (Order 89005) The acesleate go (with one engine inoperative) take distance the ttl dis tance requted 0 perform the following actions: 1: With all engines operating, accelerate fo Er speed withthe ighcrew's rco6- ion ofthe Fie at Vi With one engine inoperative, continue acseation ove speed a which tine the osegea eae ff the ground Cibo the speed runway rssing height (RCH) and ross it at V2 speed 17 Define the term Saltengines takeo distance (Orde 8900) Allengins theo distance the ttl distance required with allergies a talao ‘thus, toacdlerate to vor Va speed (appropiate tothe airplane type) and rotate and clin toa speci RCH 1. What the dfn of alanced ald length? (AC 10:62) The manny length (or uray pls larway andor atopy) whet, fr theo weight the engine out acaleate go distance equals the acaeat stop distance 9: Define the term real el length” (AC 120-62) The minimum eurway length or runway pls learnay andor stopmay)requied for specie ako weight This distance may be the longer ofthe balanced feld length, 15% ofthe alengin taka distance, cr eeabliched by other lntaons such 35 maintaining Vit be less than or equal tov 1. What factors shouldbe taken nt consideration when computing taka perfor. anes? (Order 89001), Aiport eleatin b Temperature «Dens attude weight «Flap selection uray slope 1 Wind condiions he Water and contamination of nwa 1 Tre speed and brake limits How docs sport elevation afloct ake performance? (Orde 8900) [Aiport elevation is accounted fr in taleof computations because the tue a peed (ground speed in nowind condition) for 2 gen taleo increases 3 at enaty decreases. AS spot elevation incenes, the tao rm requied before the sirplan eaches Vi, wor and Va speeds increases; the stopping distance fom Vi incenes; and greater sr distance i averse from if tothe spaced RCH because ofthe increased tue aspen atthe indicated Va speed 12. How dos temperature aft thoof performance? (Orde 8900.) ‘Asai temperature inceases, plane performance is adversely feted because of 1 reduction in ar density. Lass dence sr causes reduction in stainable take ‘hus and aerodynamic perormance 13: How doce deny situde afc theo performance? (Order 89003) Takeoff perormances usually depicted ia an AFM fr vatous elevations and te peratures. The ef f vations in barometric pressure isnot usually computed oF required bythe regulon. However, some aliplanes with pecicengive insta latins must have cortectons in alloable weight for lowerthanstandard bar metic pressure 14. How dos wight afc theo prarmance? (Order 8900.) Increasing takeoff wight increases the following 2. tor ar the pound un datnce required o reach he itoffpint 1b Te ar tance required to travel from the MR point to the speed runway The distance rquited to bring the ror to stop from Vs speed, andthe nary absorbed bythe brakes dung he stop 15: How does fap selection fet tao performance? (Orde 8900) The fect of selecting moce fap (thin the allows range duces v, Yio, and the required ground un ditance to reach lif All ofthese increase the ace! erate stop distance limi wight, the accleratego distance iit weight, andthe al engines operating limit weight. The addtional fap etension increases aeody rac dag and also decreases the cle gradient the aiplane can maintain pat the nd ofthe runway In he cae fx shor runway, itmay nt be posible to ake ff without the aps st atthe greatest extension allowed for ao nthe case of 2 Jong rummy, aa high elevation anda high amblent temperature, may oly be possible to climb tthe equied gradient withthe minimum allowable akeof fap 16. How dost amy slope ac tlao perfmance? (Order #3003) pil grades increase the ground run required to reach the pins at which v8 and Yor are attined, but they also improve stopping distance. When climbing cover an vil grade unvay youl oad more distance to reach the spciod RCH. The revere trae of dawnhil rades. Gradient corctions are computed for both runway length and ake speeds, and the average runay grader (determined by viding he dilerence in elevation ofthe two ends ofthe ray by the rey length) enol used

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