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21st Century LiteratureFrom the

Philippines and the World

Quarter 2 – Module 1: Writing a Close Analysis and
Critical Interpretation of Literary Texts Applying a
Reading Approach

Villegas, Jerome Floyd S.

H. E. 12 - D
Ms. Kristienne Jane Sarto
You declare you see me dimly
through a glass which will not shine,
though I stand before you boldly,
trim in rank and marking time.
You do own to hear me faintly
as a whisper out of range,
while my drums beat out the message
and the rhythms never change

Equality, and I will be free.

Equality, and I will be free.

You announce my ways are wanton,

that I fly from man to man,
but if I'm just a shadow to you,
could you ever understand ?

We have lived a painful history,

we know the shameful past,
but I keep on marching forward,
and you keep on coming last.

Equality, and I will be free.

Equality, and I will be free.

Take the blinders from your vision,

take the padding from your ears,
and confess you've heard me crying,
and admit you've seen my tears.

Hear the tempo so compelling,

hear the blood throb in my veins. By Maya Angelou
Yes, my drums are beating nightly,
and the rhythms never change.

Equality, and I will be free.

Equality, and I will be free.

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Maya Angelou is an African-American poet who
utilizes her poetry to thoughtfully portray how black people
view those events in her poem "Equality." The poems
demonstrate how victims of racial discrimination that leads of
lack confidence in their ability to face the futures but for Maya
Angelou, she spoke it through poem and fight address about
the matter. The author views people's experiences with
inequalities as a desire to achieve equality and freedom,
pushing us all to be fair, equal, and respectful of others' rights.
The lives of black people, white people, gender are matter.
Take the time to listen to what they're saying and rectify the
disparities in their treatment. "Equality, and I will be free" is
the focus or cover of all the lines in the poem, encouraging
everyone to recognize racial and gender concerns and to
remove their blindfolds to see the beauty of unity between
men and women, or white and black people. Give importance
to them, show respect to what they have to say, and treat
everyone equally.

Discrimination, racial injustice, and inequality are all

addressed in the poem. It addresses the issue of lowering a
person's rank of rights, as if they are characterized as being of
an unintelligent race by people who do not understand
equality and are unequal based on their standards. A poem that
people who are, regardless of how other people feel, and the
words are not listened to because they appear differently in the
person's eyes. Since they had closed it and refused to
acknowledge their existence in society and belonging to the
world, the voice would never reach them. Discriminated
against people have no future as a matter of the fact that they
are trapped in a cage of isolation, constraint, and prejudice.
Inequalities treat them as if they are torturing them and
wishing to be free. Even if the poem states that they have lived
through a traumatic history, there is always someone who tries
to discourage black people from believing they are feeling
inferior, given that they have developed racial rhetoric.

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It's worth noting that the words beginning with "I, We" refer to
the individuals who have been affected by inequality, and that
the author, Maya Angelou, is mixed-race. There are further
lines in the poem that use the word "you" to suggest those who
are feeling inferior and violating others' rights. It concludes
that "I, We" are afro-Americans who are demanding equal
treatment with American citizens "You." The problem is can
and can not recognizing and addressing inequalities. In the
event that poetry is to recognize the treatment of people
because people's lives matter and set them free, along the lines
of the poem, "Equality, and I Will Be Free," my thoughts on the
matter are to acknowledge the inequalities and treat them
equally and fairly.
The message is delivered by the author of the poems
using metaphoric interpretations that create strong imagery
that goes beyond literal meanings. Additionally, it expresses
emotions through metaphors that have an impact on the
readers with each line. Despite the fact that it gives beauty,
abstract thinking, and intrigue to the poem. All of the readers
got the message of the poem. As a result, inequalities will
always exist; all we need to do is realize what we need to
visualize in order to avoid stepping on other people's rights.
That is what the author is attempting to express, and the
poem's message is that living in freedom is something that we
all value equally.

According to Karl Marx, "The World Isn't Fair." We are

born with unique characteristics, skins, and personality that
humans develop in order to fit into society, yet equality is
never realized. Despite the fact that the situation with regard
to inequality has improved significantly in recent years, those
who are affected by inequalities are not seeking retaliation
from us. I am influenced by the thought that we must consider
and comprehend injustice. Changing our perception of
equality and treating it fairly is based on acknowledging its
basic dignity.

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Equality and freedom are not luxuries to
lightly cast aside. Without them, order
cannot long endure before approaching
depths beyond imagining.

- Alan Moore
(The movie of V for Vendetta)

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