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Yvette Gubguban 3093515


Dear Yvette:

You allegedly committed violations of the PH Employee Handbook, to wit:

We received a report of you being an outlier for ACW (after call work)
manual for the month of October 2021 with a total of 36.30 hours
accumulated. Any misuse of ACW manual status may be construed as
call avoidance

1. This call you took last October 31st is about the Restaurant
regarding a printer issue. You were able to inform the Restaurant
employee that you will create a ticket and do basic
troubleshooting. It shows on the screenshot below that you went
on ACW Manual for 6 mins which is unnecessary. It could have
been better if the RX was on the line while creating the ticket to
avoid the ACW manual.

2. On this call you went on ACW Manual around 1:23 am and
went on avail 1:27 am (4 mins). Though you reported in slack the
same as the 1st call it could have been better if we multitasked
during the resolution part and avoided ACW for that long.

3. On this call Oct 30, 2021, the Restaurant called to inform you
about the unavailability of an item but the customer still ordered
them. Called the customer for an alternative as a resolution. You
went on ACW 12:41 up until 12:46 which is unnecessary ( 5
minutes in total ).

The above-mentioned alleged acts, if proven true, may constitute a violation under the
following sections:

Professionalism, which states that:

“Consistent with the TaskUs Global Code of Conduct, teammates are expected to
observe the highest ethical principles in performing their job duties and to avoid
impropriety or even the appearance thereof. All teammates should act with the highest
degree of mutual respect, Linkhonesty and integrity in dealing with”

XxxInsubordinationxxX, which states that:

“Teammates must conduct themselves with utmost integrity at all times. Any case of
theft, deceit, willful disrespect of authority and display of menacing behavior by a
Teammate will be dealt with accordingly. Teammates must secure their personal
property at work; they must demonstrate trustworthiness in dealing with their
colleagues; and they must follow lawful and reasonable direction from their supervisors.”

Quality Customer Service, which states that:

Our exponential growth can be attributed to the great customer service we provide. We
offer responsive and innovative solutions. As we continue to grow, we remain
uncompromising in our goal to be excellent. Teammates must consistently be in their A

Integrity, which states that:

Teammates have a shared responsibility to preserve TaskUs’ reputation for integrity. We
must not risk this reputation and must adhere to the highest standard of honesty in
dealing with clients. Misrepresentation and any improper use or access of client
information for personal gain are strictly prohibited. We consider any attempt to cheat
and steal from our clients a serious offense. Xxx.

Ownership Mentality, which states that:

“Teammates are expected to be ambassadors of TaskUs. Part of this role is to ensure
that we take care of the Company’s reputation and industry”

Campaign Specific Policy, which states that:

Which you acknowledged last August 2 2021:

Above-mentioned alleged acts also constitute a just cause for termination under Article
297 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended, as the same constitutes
Serious Misconduct or Willful disobedience by the employee of the lawful
orders of his employer or representative in connection with his work; Gross
and Habitual neglect by the employee of his duties; Fraud or Willful breach
by the employee of the trust reposed in him by his employer or duly
authorized representatives; and other analogous causes.

You are hereby given five (5) calendar days from receipt of this Notice to explain in
writing why you should not be held liable for non-conformance to this/these standards
of behavior. Send your written explanation to your Team Manager & Operations Manager
and cc You may attach in your reply any documentation
as you may deem necessary. Failure to reply within the given period shall be considered
as a waiver on your part of the opportunity to present your side and we shall thereafter
proceed to render a decision based on the available evidence we have on hand. This
may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Kindly give this matter your priority attention.

Yours truly,

______________________________ _____________________________

Dianne David Kc Bernardo Cruz

Team Leader Operations Manager

Noted by:
Received by:

Yvette Gubguban

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