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Serino, Kinneth G.

Instructor; Ms. Rhea Mae L. Detalla
Date; January, 21 2022

Activity 2

A. Come up with your own listing on how technology can be a blessing or a

curse to mankind. Feel free to give examples drawn from life, not only from
inside the classroom. Use the table provided for you.

Technology as Boon Technology as Bane

 Instruments  Manufacturing technology
include the guitar, violin,
mandolin, cello, harp, viola,  Gadgets ( mobile phones)
banjo, and double bass

 Tools  The TV makes learner a mere

Bolt, Nail, Screwdriver, Bradawl, spectator not an active
Handsaw, Nut, Screw, Wrench, participant in the drama of life.
Backsaw, Mallet, Hammer,
Adjustable wrench, Coping saw  The use of the Internet to do
character assassination of
 Machines people whom we hardly like.
wide range of vehicles, such as
automobiles, boats, and
airplanes; appliances in the
home and office, including
computers, building air handling
and water handling systems; as
well as farm machinery,
machine tools and factory
automation systems and robots.
B. Explain the meaning of the given quotation.

“All our technological progress, our very civilization, is like the axe in the hand of
the pathological criminal”
 This means that doing the right thing at the right moment for the right
cause helps to improve society. However, things can also be done to
destroy it. Technology is an axe in the hand of a criminal to carry out his
terrible intentions. It aids him in charting his course toward his objectives.
It's a danger that technology can't just be utilized for good. It can also be
used for harm. There are still problems in technology, such as printer
jamming, internet outages, and phone calls being dropped. Why, despite all
of these problems, do people still rely on technology so heavily? Turkle
discusses people's desire for a robotic relationship rather than a truly
human one.

C. Can Technology take the place of the teacher in the classroom?

~ For me there is no way that technology can take place for the teacher in
the classroom, although technology has greatly aided learning, it has not
totally replaced the function of the instructor. A teacher's use of technology
is only an enhancement. It can assist in the learning process, but it cannot
take the place of a teacher. No matter how advanced or smart a computer
program is, it cannot replace teachers. Technology cannot come close to the
knowledge and life experience a teacher brings. And teaching is not all
about facts and figures. A more plausible situation would be one in which
technology becomes a trusted ally for teachers, assisting them in carrying
out their duties more effectively. Great instructors will not be replaced by
technology, but in the hands of great teachers, it can be transformative.

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