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(The Teacher and the School Curriculum)



Direction: This part of the module will just elicit your prior knowledge about what you need to
learn. Hence, before you proceed it is good to reflect on what foundational knowledge you
already possess so that this can bridge gaps (if there are) between what you already know and
what you want to know and learn. Thus, a sentence or two would be enough evidence that you
know something about the succeeding lessons. Please write legibly. Your answers is not scored.


-It can be both written and unwritten. It is what the school is attempting to teach, which
might include social behaviors as well as content and thinking skills.


-It refers to any program, interaction, course or other experience in which learning
takes place, whether it occurs in traditional academic settings or non-traditional settings.


-Teaching before is the teacher is strict and the only one whose speaking inside the
classroom, while teaching now is the teacher let the students explore in their own and learn
through experience.


Guide Questions:

1. Describe the ideal school of the author in the essay.

-The school takes care of the growth of child's physical, mental and moral.

2. Does the ideal school being described in the essay similar to the school where you have
attended or attending to?

-Yes. Because the school that I'm curently attending reached my standard as a student,
it is peaceful and nature-friendly.

3. What are other aspects would you like to add to the descriptions of the author about an
ideal school?

-The school should choose teachers who seem to understand timid and temperament

4. What type of curriculum should be practiced in order to be an ideal one?

-Progressive curriculum should be practiced in order to be an ideal one. It prepares

students for life, both inside and outside of the school, both for the present day and a truly
unknown future.


My Own Definition of Curriculum

Curriculum is where teachers serve as the guidance of every students. Teachers give
different kinds of activities or reports to their students and guide them the right way on how to
finish those tasks they had given. Curriculum can also be a course that students decide to take
first before entering college.


Direction: I have here some instances of curriculum. Distinguish them as to traditional or

pogressive. Write on the column where each belong.

Use of books experiences learning activities

Military training paper and pencil test outlined topics

Traditional Progressive

Paper and pencil test Military Training

Use of Books Experiences

Outlined topics Learning Activities

Guide Questions:

1. Describe how the learners are seated?

-The learners are seated in rows and clustered, and the other learners seats face the

2. Describe the role of the teacher.

-The role of the teacher is to teach the learners in ways like strictly teaching them and
are always responsible to his/her class. Some teachers go to the classroom unprepared but

3. Describe he learning modes used.

-They use books, paper and pencils, learning materials and etc.

4. Which of these depicts a traditional curriculum an which of these depicts another?

-The first picture depicts a traditional curriculum because it's only the teacher whose
standing, and the second picture as the progressive curriculum because the teachers allow their
students to explore and learn on their own but with the guide of the teachers.

Direction: Here are some tasks which measure your gained knowledge about the concepts of
traditonal and progressive curriculum. Answer the questions honestly and substantially.

1. Describe how your teachers deliver the crriculum prescribed by the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED). Justify your answer.

-The teachers deliver their curriculum clearly, my opinion as a student who had been
studying for one year until now. I can catch up with the activities and reports my teachers had
assigned to me to do, because they give me instructions and guide me on how to pass my tasks
on time. But due to this pandemic, teachers nowadays are busy-like-bees. I understand their
situation because they are also coping with this new learning curriculum.

2. How do you see yourself as a curricularist (a teacher delivering the K+12 curriculum) in the

-I see myself as an understanding but strict teacher in the future. Strict at times of
teaching students inside the school premises rather inside the classroom assigned to me.
Understanding in cases of important emergencies regarding my students personal life and etc.

3. Do you think that the failure of a learner is because of how his/her teacher delivered the

-In this case, I'm in between the failure of a learner because of the teacher and the
failure of a learner because of his/her own wrong doings. I said this because there are instances
that teachers are the causes why students can't understand and learn well because of their lack
of knowledge about their students life and etc. There are instances students themselves ruined
their own skills and knowledge, its either they stop schooling because of wrong peers or they
can't concentrate studying because they've been to a traumatic situation. No one is at fault,
you just have to make things right.

4. Imagine yourself teaching in school now. How would you describe your ideal school?
Expound your answer with clear descriptions.

-My ideal school where I will teach should be nature-friendly. Shoud be far from noises
and nuisance situations. Should always cater students needs and comply to their "shout-outs"
and whims. The school should not be far enough from the community, so that the students
have no problem in traveling. The school should provide a refreshing place for students when
they want to relax their mind. The teachers should not just teach students but also serve them
like a mother/father figure, what I mean is teachers should guide their students in everything or
every way they can help, because they've been marked as the second parents of their students.


Direction: Read the blog and answer the questions that follow.

Guide Questions:

1. How did the author describe his ideal curriculum?

-The author describe his ideal curriculum by laying out the must-nots and the musts of
the curriculum.

2. Which of the must-nots and must do you similarly observe in your school?

-The must-nots I observe in my school is teachers sometimes observe favoritism inside

or outside the classroom. The musts I observe at school is that the school offers a best courses
for college students and the teachers are competent and have good qualities.

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