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Series - 3
HR Staff Matters
Dec 2020
State Bank Institute of Learning
& Development, Panchkula

Prepared by
Ms. Preeti Sharma
Chief Manager (Faculty)
From the DGM & CDO’s desk…

Dear Colleagues,
After a roller Coaster 2020, 2021 has begun on a good note with
commencement of vaccination against the pandemic. We bankers as corona
warriors have been instrumental in quicker recovery of the economy on the
path of prosperity. I trust that 2021 would be better year for all of us.

In the above background, I am pleased to present the current issue of GYAN

GANGA Series-3 publication. The issue has been aptly named “Magalogue”
as it discusses, inter alia, two important issues of leave rules and
professional dress code.

Our bank has proactively taken initiatives to enable our colleagues establish
a work-life balance. The introduction of bereavement leave, special Covid-19
leave, sabbatical leave, etc. shows concerns of the bank towards a dedicated
workforce and implies that in the ups and downs of life they are not alone but
they have a caring employer beside them!!!

I have great faith in your abilities, intelligence and concern for the Bank
which tempt me to believe that you will use your leave entitlement judiciously
and in accordance with the laid down instructions. I also appreciate the way
you professionally dress at your work-place in accordance with the banks
attire circular instructions. It enhances the brand value of SBI as well as the
customer experience.

After going through the contents of “Magalogue”, I am sanguine that this

publication which describes our leave rules, professional dress code,
‘Sanjeevani’ staff grievance redressal system and enlightens our colleagues
with the related FAQ’s should be able to answer your related queries. We
know that newer situations keep arising and it’s humane to stumble at some
point. I have faith that team SBILD Panchkula will be more than happy to hear
from you and glad to assist you to answer your further queries.

My best wishes to Ms. Preeti Sharma, Chief Manager (Faculty) in her

endeavours and hope that such initiatives would continue on an ongoing
basis by SBILD, Panchkula.

Beckoning you to nicer times,

Manoj Kumar Sinha

From the director’s desk…

“Our code of conduct is definitive; it is not negotiable”

-Thomas S Monson
Dear Colleagues,

I feel pleased in offering this edition of our GYAN GANGA series of

publications “Magalogue”. This edition is a compilation of leave rules and FAQ’s
related thereto.

A need was felt to let the staff members be aware of the leave facilities they are
entitled to, FAQ’s regarding some exceptional situations have also been included to
achieve this. The leave cannot be taken as a matter of right rather; it is to be availed
in accordance with the conduct rules. Daily publications contributed by us on Circle
“What’s New” page have been compiled along with the FAQ’s for the benefit of all
staff members PAN India. I appreciate my faculty member Ms. Preeti Sharma, for her
sincere efforts and at the same time I adore her intent to help our colleagues
understand the SOP to be followed while availing various types of leave.

We look forward for valuable feedback from our seniors and colleagues for further
enrichment of our Gyan Ganga publications.

Wishing you success in all your endeavours!

Pradeep Kaushal
From the writer…

“Treat your employees to THE RIGHT, so that they don’t use your internet to search for a
-Mark Zuckerberg

Dear Colleagues,

It gives me immense pleasure to present this edition of “Magalogue” ~ the

third in series of our Gyan Ganga initiative. This edition truly coincides with the
pro-active concern of our organisation for their employees.

Despite this devastating pandemic situation, our HR department has been a

pioneer in providing the best of facilities to our colleagues who were
affected by Covid-19. Special leave, monetary compensation, work from
home facility and other facilities were provided. Special care was extended
to our female colleagues on family way; those at higher health risk, and also
the ones who are differently.

This edition of Magalogue is a small effort to help our colleagues understand

their leave rules and clarify their doubts regarding various types of leave. This
is a compilation of Gyan Ganga Series 3-published in January 2021 on Circle
“What’s new”. The response was overwhelming, and I have been receiving
regular queries since its publication. This gives me immense pleasure and
satisfaction that this small effort has helped a number of colleagues resolve
their long pending leave approval, specially the EOL on loss of pay.

I heartily thank DGM & CDO-Chandigarh Circle, Director SBILD and my team
members at SBILD for their consistent support in my endeavour.

Preeti Sharma
Chief Manager (Faculty),
SBILD, Panchkula

GYAN GANGA (Series -3)

(FAQ’s on HR matters)

An employee shall be eligible for casual leave on full

emoluments for 12 working days in a year. Casual
leave not availed of in a particular year may be
suffixed or prefixed to sick leave in the following
three years. In case an officer does not avail himself
of the un-availed casual leave in the following three
years, it will automatically lapse.

FAQ’s on Casual Leave

Q1. Can casual leave be availed for any number of days?
A1-Casual leave cannot be availed for more than 4 days at any one time. But the
inspecting official on continuous mobile duty have no such ceiling.

Q2. Can Casual leave be suffixed or prefixed with any kind of leave?

A2-Casual leave shall not be granted in combination with any other kind of leave. But
it may be prefixed or suffixed to or combined with Sundays / holidays. Public
holidays, Sundays and 2nd/ 4th Saturdays falling within the period of casual leave
shall not be treated as part of casual leave.

Q3.Are retiring officials eligible for full 12 casual leave, irrespective of the
month of retirement?
A3. Yes, an officer will be eligible for 12 days' casual leave in the year of his
retirement. Casual leave will not be restricted to one day for every month of service
left in the year of retirement.

Q4. Is medical certificate required to be submitted (in case of award staff), if

casual leave is availed on grounds of sickness?

A4.Yes, casual leave may be taken on grounds of sickness without production of

medical certificate, provided the total period of sickness does not exceed4 days.

Q5. Will Casual leave lapse, if not availed in the Financial Year?
A5. Officers-Casual leave not availed of in a particular year may be suffixed or
prefixed to sick leave in the following three years. In case an officer does not avail
himself of the un-availed casual leave in the following three years, it will
automatically lapse.
Award Staff-Casual leave not availed of by an employee in a financial year shall be
convertible into sick leave on full pay and such sick leave in lieu of unavailed casual
leave shall be over and above the maximum period provided under sick leave. There
is no upper limit in regard to the accumulation of unavailed casual leave as sick

An employee shall be eligible for privilege leave on
full emoluments, computed at one day for every
eleven days of service on duty, provided that at the
commencement of service, no privilege leave may be
availed of before completion of 11 months of service
on duty. To reckon ‘service on duty' the following
types of leave taken should be deducted (1) Privilege
leave (2) Sick leave (3) Extra-ordinary leave on loss of
pay (4) Special leave in respect of sportsmen. Credit
shall be afforded to the privilege leave accounts of the
employees on 1st April every year in respect of leave
earned during the previous year

Probationary Officers/Direct recruits in other

specialist grades are not eligible for privilege leave
before completion of 11 months of service

FAQ’s on Privilege Leave

Q1. When is the application for sanction of privilege leave to be submitted?
A1. Privilege Leave should be applied not less than 15 days before the proposed
date of commencement of such leave.
Q2. Is there some limitation period for officers to avail privilege leave?
A2. The maximum period of privilege leave admissible to an officer at any one time
shall be four calendar months.
Q3. Is there any limitation for accrual of privilege leave?
A3. Yes, Privilege Leave may be accumulated up to not more than 270 days except
where leave has been applied and it has been refused. However, encashment of
Privilege Leave shall be restricted up to a maximum of 240 days.
Q4. Is there any Income Tax liability on encashment of privilege leave on
A4. If an officer has accumulated 240 days of earned leave to his credit, while
encashing the same he will at present get tax exemption for salary equivalent of 240
days subject to a ceiling of Rs.3,00,000/- (Three lacs) in case of officers on
superannuation or otherwise in terms of Section 10 (10AA) (ii) of the Income Tax
Act, 1961 as modified by Government of India from time to time.
Q5. If privilege leave has been extended due to exigencies at workplace (and
exceeds the permissible accumulation limit), by what time is may be availed?
A5. The portion of Privilege Leave that is allowed to be carried over should
necessarily be availed as early as possible, say within 3 months, of the following
year; and in extreme emergent situations such carry over of leave may be extended
up to a period of 6 months.

An employee shall be eligible for 30 days of sick leave
for each completed year of service subject to a
maximum of 18 months during the entire service.
Such leave can be accumulated up to 540 days during
the entire service and may be availed of only on
production of medical certificate by a medical
practitioner acceptable to the Bank or, at the Bank's
discretion, nominated by it at its cost. In the first year
of service, an employee will be granted sick leave on
pro-rata basis. In respect of the period of sick leave,
an employee shall be eligible to receive one half of the
full emoluments. Provided that if he/she so desires,
the Bank may permit him to draw full emoluments,
in respect of any portion of the sick leave granted to
him, twice the amount of such period on full
emoluments being debited against his sick leave

FAQ’s on Sick Leave

Q1.Does the 30 day sick leave for “each completed year of service take into
account the leave taken during the year?
A1. The expression ‘completed year of service' would include the period spent on
duty as well as on leave, including extraordinary leave.
Q2.Is the maximum sick leave limited to 18 months in the entire service?
A2.No,where an employee has put in a service of 24 years, he shall be eligible to
additional sick leave at the rate of one month for each year of service in excess of 24
years subject to a maximum of 3 months of additional sick leave. But the maximum
capping is 21 months for the entire service.
Q3.For award staff unavailed casual leave is credited as sick leave. What is the
maximum limit for accumulation of such sick leave?
A3.There is no upper limit in regard to the accumulation of unavailed casual leave as
sick leave. Casual Leave converted into Sick Leave may also be availed without
production of medical certificate for 4 days at a time once in a year or two days at a
time, twice a year.
Q4.Is fitness certificate mandatory if an employee join the duty after availing
sick leave?
A4. In the interest of the affected employee and his colleagues, a certificate of fitness
may be insisted upon, by the sanctioning authority, if the employee was suffering
from infectious/contagious diseases such as small pox, tuberculosis, etc. or when
the period of leave on medical grounds exceeds a fortnight.
Q5.What is special sick leave?
A5. Special Sick Leave up to 30 days is granted to an employee once during his/her
entire period of service for donation of kidney/ organ. This leave can be combined
with any other type of leave except Casual Leave. Holidays/Sundays coming in
between are included while counting the number of days availed.

Study leave may be granted to Bank's Officers for the
purpose of pursuing higher studies in India or abroad in a
subject which has close and direct relevance to the Bank's
various functions and which will be useful for his/ her future
career in the Bank. The assessment regarding this aspect by
the competent authority will be final and is not open to any
Study leave shall be counted or not counted as service for
the purpose of seniority, sanction of increments etc. at the
discretion of Managing Director. However, officers will have
to give an undertaking agreeing to the condition that they
will not be considered for promotion during the period of
study leave

FAQ’s on Study Leave

Q1.Who is eligible for study leave?
A1.Officers who have completed 5 years of service and completed all the mandatory
assignments for the next promotion. They should have more than 5 year's residual
service left after return from study leave.
Q2.What is the maximum duration of study leave?
A2.The period of study can be between 12 and 36 months based on the duration of
the course as advised by the University/ College/Institute which the officer is joining.
Q3.How many times study leave can be availed?
A3.An official will be eligible to be granted leave only on one occasion during his
entire service.
Q4. What are the emoluments payable during study leave?
A4. Officers may draw 50% salary during the leave period, the balance 50% being
paid in three equal instalments, on successful completion of the study and on
resuming duty, the first instalment one year after resumption of duties, the second
two years after resumption and the third after three years. If the study is not
successfully completed, the balance 50% will not be payable.
Q5.Does the officer need to execute any bond?
A5.Yes, the bond amount is fixed at Rs 7.50 lac for those availing of study leave upto
1 year, Rs. 10.00 lacs for those availing of the leave for more than 1 year and upto 2
years and Rs 15.00 lacs for those availing of leave for more than 2 years and upto 3

Maternity leave, which shall be on substantive pay, shall be
granted to a female officer for a period not exceeding 6
months on any one occasion and 12 months during the entire
period of her service. Leave may also be granted in case of
miscarriage/abortion/MTP, within the overall period of 12
months. Leave may also be granted in case of hysterectomy
up to a maximum of 60 days, within the overall period of 12
FAQ’s on Maternity Leave
Q1. Is the employee entitled for full salary during the period of maternity
A1. Yes, an employee on maternity leave shall be entitled to full emoluments for the
period of leave.
Q2. Is the employee entitled to all 4 in 1 perks?
A2.The employee is eligible for all perks other than conveyance allowance/fuel
Q3. Is maternity leave sanctioned in case of adoption of child?
A3. Yes, leave is also granted once during service to a childless female officer for
legally adopting a child who is below one year of age for a maximum period of six
months. Leave will be granted for adoption of only one child, through a proper legal
process and the employee should produce the adoption-deed to the Bank for
sanctioning such leave. The leave shall also be available to biological mother in
cases where the child is born through surrogacy.
Q4. Can maternity leave combined with any other leave in continuation?
A4. Maternity leave may be combined with leave of any other kind in continuation of
the former only if the request is supported by sufficient medical certificate.
Q5. Are contractual/part-time employees eligible for maternity leave?
A5.Yes, contractual/part-time employees eligible for maternity leave up to a
maximum period of six months at a time, if the request is supported by sufficient
medical certificate. Employee shall be entitled to full emoluments for the period of
maternity leave.

With effect from the 1st June 2015, male employees with
less than two surviving children shall be eligible for 15 days
Paternity Leave during his wife’s confinement. This leave
may be combined with any other kind of leave except Casual
Leave. The leave may be availed upto 15 days before or upto
6 months from the date of delivery of the child
FAQ’s on Paternity Leave
Q1. Can paternity leave be availed in breaks?
A1. No, Paternity Leave should be availed at a stretch and cannot be broken.
Q2. Is there any provision for extension of Paternity leave, if not availed in the
stipulated timelines?
A2. No, paternity leave if not availed within the period specified, will lapse.
Q3. Are the Holidays included in the period of Paternity leave?
A3. Holidays/Sundays coming in between should be included while counting the
number of days availed.
Q4. What are the maximum number of occasions to avail paternity leave?
A4. Male employees with less than two surviving children may avail Paternity Leave
w.e.f. 01.06.2015.
Q5. Can an employee on probation avail Paternity leave?
A5. Yes, there is no such restriction for availing paternity leave.

Bereavement Leave
Bereavement Leave is a paid leave granted to an employee
on loss of family member. This kind of leave allows
employees to spend time with their families in their hour of
crisis and grief. On death of an immediate relative an
employee is required to make arrangements for and attend
the funeral and other rituals. The employee also needs some
time to cope with the loss of a family member. This leave is
for a maximum period of ‘Seven Days’ at each instance.
FAQ’s on Bereavement Leave
Q1. What is the definition of ‘’Family member’ for the purpose of
Bereavement Leave?
A1. The expression ‘family’ of an employee shall be limited to spouse,
children, parents and parents-in-law, irrespective of being dependent or not.
Q2. Will the intervening holidays be included in the seven-day period?
A2. Yes, the intervening holidays will form part of the Bereavement Leave.
Q3. Is there any limitation to avail bereavement leave?
A3. The entire period of Bereavement Leave will have to be completed ‘at a
Single Instance’ ‘within a maximum period of Fifteen Days’ from the date of
demise of family member. The leave, if not taken within the stipulated period,
will lapse.
Q4. Are contractual/Part time employee eligible for bereavement leave?
A4. It will be available to all categories of Permanent Employees/ Officers/
Permanent Part Time Medical Officers and employees on contract basis.
Q5. Who is the competent authority to sanction this leave?
A5. Competent Authority to sanction Bereavement Leave will be same as that
of granting Privilege Leave.

Sabbatical Leave to the Women Employees

Women employees shall be eligible for sabbatical leave

up to 2 years during their entire career for reasons
such as medical ground, care of family members or
children, higher studies, visit to spouse. The sabbatical
leave shall be without pay, salary, allowances,
perquisites and any other consequential monetary and
non-monetary benefits. No increment shall be earned
during the sabbatical leave and the employee will re-
join at the same stage of pay as was existing at the time
of her availing the sabbatical leave. The period of leave
will not be counted for the service eligibility.
Accordingly, it will be on loss of seniority and will not
be counted for pension, promotion and other benefits.
Her place of posting may change at the time of re-
joining. The sabbatical leave shall be taken for at least 3
months at a time and the leave shall not be taken more
than once in a financial year. The women employees on
sabbatical leave may be considered for promotion,
provided they fulfil the eligibility criteria for the next
FAQ’s on Sabbatical leave to women employees
Q1. Are contractual/Part time employee eligible for sabbatical leave?
A1. Sabbatical Leave will not be available to part time employees/ Contractual
employees/ Management Trainees and permanent part time medical officers.
Q2. Whether request of an employee who is on sabbatical leave (already
sanctioned), to continue/ extend his/ her sabbatical leave further for
period less than 3 months or more than 3months during the same year
to be considered for sanction?
A2. Yes, the leave can be extended/ continued subject to prior approval of the
competent authority, before expiry of the current sanctioned period and
fulfilment of extant provisions in these regards and this will be counted as one
occasion, at the discretion of the sanctioning authority.

Q3. In case of resignation during Sabbatical Leave, whether the

concerned staff/ official have tore-join duties or resignation can be
processed while they are on leave?
A3. No request for resignation/ voluntary retirement will be considered by the
Bank until the officer joins his/ her duties after/ before expiry of sanctioned
sabbatical leave.

Q4. Whether Sabbatical Leave once sanctioned/ availed of, can be

converted into Maternity Leave, Medical Leave or any other kind of leave
A4Sabbatical Leave once sanctioned, though can be cancelled but cannot be
allowed to be converted into any other kind of leave, thereby requiring
restoration of financial, seniority and promotional benefits.

Q5. Whether Probationary Officers/ Trainee Officers in the Bank are

eligible for Sabbatical Leave during their probation period?
A5. In case of Officers, only confirmed officers in the Bank shall be eligible for
the facility of Sabbatical Leave. in case of Trainee Officers, period of service in
Clerical Cadre may be treated as service period for the purpose of eligibility of
minimum of 5 years of service for Sabbatical Leave. However, they will be
eligible for Sabbatical Leave only after their confirmation.

Sabbatical Leave to Single Men Employees and

differently abled employees and employees who
have differently abled dependents

A differently abled employee and also an employee having

differently-abled dependents viz. children and/or spouse (even
though they are not financially dependent) shall be eligible for
sabbatical leave up to 2 years during his/her entire career for
the reason of self-care or taking care of children and/or
spouse. Sabbatical Leave will also be available to the Single
man employee of the Bank for taking care of children and/or
aged parents. “Single men” will mean male employees in the
Bank who are un-married, widower or divorced. The sabbatical
leave shall be without pay, salary, allowances, perquisites and
any other consequential monetary and non-monetary benefits.
No increment shall be earned during the sabbatical leave and
the employee will re-join at the same stage of pay as was
existing at the time of her availing the sabbatical leave. The
period of leave will not be counted for the service eligibility.
Accordingly, it will be on loss of seniority and will not be
counted for pension, promotion and other benefits. Her place
of posting may change at the time of re-joining. The sabbatical
leave shall be taken for at least 3 months at a time and the
leave shall not be taken more than once in a financial year.

FAQ’s on Sabbatical leave to Single Men Employees and

differently abled employees
Q1.Whether the facilities of Bank’s Quarters/Leased accommodation be
available during sabbatical leave?
A1. Women / Single-men employees (with children and/or aged parents),
staying in Bank’s Quarters / Leased Accommodation, going on sabbatical leave
may be allowed to retain such accommodation at Bank’s cost. However, where
sabbatical leave has been sanctioned under spouse joining facility the
concerned employees will have to either vacate such accommodation or
alternatively have to bear commercial rent for Bank’s Quarter / lease rental for
leased accommodation. This benefit shall be extended to the employees, only
after furnishing an undertaking to the effect that in the event of resigning from
Bank’s service within one year from the date of re-joining his/her duties.

Q2. Whether the facility of medical reimbursement be available during

sabbatical leave?
A2. Women / Single-men employees (with children and/or aged parents) who
are on sabbatical leave may be extended the benefits of reimbursement of
medical expenses in respect of self and/or family members as available while
in service except in those cases where the leave is granted for joining spouse
posted abroad.

Q3. What will be the source of repayment of statutory deductions when no

salary is paid?
A3. The employee concerned will continue to pay the income tax and
repayment instalments, falling due during the period of sabbatical leave for
any loan / advances granted to him by the Bank from own sources.
Q4.What are the inclusions in “Differently abled”?
A4. The word ‘differently abled’ would include blind or low vision, hearing
impairment, locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy, leprosy cured, mental
retardation, mental illness and multiple disabilities.


(Award Staff)
Extra ordinary leave may be granted to an employee when no
ordinary leave is due to him. Except in exceptional
circumstances, the duration of extra ordinary leave shall not
exceed 90 days on any one occasion and 360 days during the
entire period of his service (a maximum of 24 months as
amended vide CDO/P&HRD-IR/25/2015-16 DTD 25.06.2015). In
very special circumstances, the Chief General Manager may
condone absence of an employee beyond 360 days. The
extraordinary leave may be sanctioned in the given
a) An employee’s own sickness
b) Sickness of employee’s wife or children
c) For appearing in the examination
d) For pursing higher studies
e) Any other reason beyond the control of the employee, the
discretion for which will be entirely with the sanctioning

Extraordinary leave on loss of pay does not normally count for

increment, seniority etc. No pay and allowances are
admissible during the period of extraordinary leave and the
period spent on such leave does not count for increments. The
Bank may grant extraordinary leave in combination with or in
continuation of leave of any other kind admissible to the
employee except casual leave.

FAQ’s on Extra Ordinary leave on Loss of pay to award

Q1.Who is the competent authority to condone the absence of an employee
beyond the maximum permissible extraordinary leave of 360 days?
A1. The Chief General Manager of Circle in respect of employees working in a
Circle and the Chief General Manager (HR) in respect of employees working in
Corporate Centre establishments can condone the absence of an employee
beyond 360 days, on merits of each case and on justifiable grounds.

Q2. Is any discretion, for restoration of seniority available for EOL availed up
to 360 days?
A2.The Chief General Manager, in the case of an employee working in the
Circle and the Chief General Manager (HR) in the case of an employee working
in corporate centre and its establishments, are the competent authorities to
restore seniority and count the period of extra ordinary leave on loss of pay for
increment, seniority, etc. up to 360 days in the following circumstances.
a) Employees own sickness b) Employee’s own studies
But such period will not be counted for pension in any case.
Q3. Can EOL be availed in combination with any other leave?
A4.YES, EOL may granted in combination with or in continuation of leave of any
other kind admissible to the employee except casual leave.
Q4.What is the sanctioning structure for EOL?


(Supervisory Staff)
An officer shall be eligible for extraordinary leave on loss of
pay for not more than 360 days during the entire period of
service. Such leave may not be availed of except for sufficient
reasons for more than 90 days at a time. Provided that in very
special circumstances, the competent authority may grant
extraordinary leave on loss of pay to an officer up to a total
period of 720 days. Such leave will not count for pension,
increment, etc. and the seniority of the officer will also be
affected to the extent of such leave granted to him except in
the cases where the absence is condoned.
Extra-ordinary leave may be sanctioned in the following
circumstances: -
a) An officer's own sickness;
b) Sickness of officer's wife or children;
c) For appearing in examinations;
d) For prosecuting higher studies in the cases of those who
are not eligible for study leave;
e) Any other reason beyond the control of the officer, the
discretion for which will lie entirely with the sanctioning
EOL to officers to join their spouses posted abroad may be
extended to officers whose spouses are working in other
public sector banks, RBI and GOI departments only for a
maximum period of two years

FAQ’s on EOL on Loss of pay to supervisory staff

Q1. Is EOL on loss of pay sanctioned to join spouse posted abroad, who is
working in private sector Banks and Private Companies?
A 1. No, EOL on loss of pay is sanctioned only where spouses are working in
other public sector banks, RBI and GOI departments.
Q2. Is there a possibility to sanction EOL on loss of pay, if an employee has
Privilege leave to his credit?
A2. Extraordinary leave on loss of pay may be granted to an official only when
no privilege leave is due to him and when, having regard to his length of
service, sick leave is not considered justified by the authority empowered to
grant leave.

Q3. Is there a provision for sanction of EOL on loss of pay beyond 720 days?
A3. The period for condonation of absence beyond 720 days may be
considered by Group Executive/DMD & CDO, Mumbai.
Q4. What is the sanctioning structure for EOL?

Q5. Is there any provision for restoration of seniority?


(Supervisory Staff)

An officer may be granted Special Casual Leave and any

Special Leave by the competent authority in accordance with
the Guidelines issued in this regard under OSR 37(A), in the
given circumstances:

a. In the event of Serious Injury suffered in Duty

b. Outstanding Performance in Various Cultural Activities
(30 days in a year)
c. Blood Donation
d. Working for St. John Ambulance Brigade
e. Disabled ex-servicemen for visiting artificial limb centre
(15 days in a calendar year)
f. Family planning operations
g. For joining auxiliary police organizations
h. For exercising franchise during general/ bye-elections
to Lok Sabha /State assembly
i. For sportsmen employees
j. To all physically/orthopaedically handicapped employees
(4 days in a year)

FAQ’s on Special Casual/Duty Leave to supervisory

Q1. Who is the competent authority to sanction special casual leave in case
of serious injury suffered during duty?
Ans 1. When an officer meets with an accident during the course of his normal
duties and approaches for grant of special leave for the period of
incapacitation/hospitalization, the controlling authority will refer such case
with detailed reasons and recommendations to the Chief General Manager
who is empowered to grant special leave as advised by the Bank's authorized
Medical Officer
Q2. Other than mentioned Special Casual leave, are there other situations
too, where special Casual Leave can be sanctioned?
A2. With effect from 01/11/2020, Special Casual Leave may be granted to an
employee on occasions when the branch where the employee is working or
the place where the employee is residing is affected by curfew, riots,
prohibitory orders, natural calamities, floods, etc.

Q3. In case of special casual leave for cultural activities, is there any
maximum ceiling?
A3. An individual employee may be granted such non-cumulative leave upto 7
days at any one instance and not more than 30 days in a year. Maximum
entitlement of an employee during his/her career will be 300 days. The event
should be recognized one at National/Regional level and official invitation from
the organizers should be received. The employees will not be eligible for any
other monetary benefit or time-off for practice.
Q4. What is the leave period for special casual leave for family planning
A4. Special casual leave not exceeding 6 working days to male employees who
undergo sterilization operation (Vasectomy) and 14 working days to female
employees who undergo puerperal or non-puerperal tubectomy operation.
Special casual leave up to 7 days to male employees whose wives undergo
non-puerperal tubectomy operation subject to the production of medical
certificate from the doctor who per-formed the operation to the effect that
the presence of the employee is essential
Q5. Will special leave granted to exercise franchise during elections, include
journey period?
A5. No, the individual employee may be granted special casual leave for full or
part of the day of polling if his branch /office does not happen to be closed on
the particular day to enable him to exercise his franchise after obtaining an
undertaking. But no special leave shall be granted for the period of journey
between the place of posting to the place where the election is being held and

(Award Staff)

Special Leave may be sanctioned by the competent authority in

the given circumstances:

a. For Blood donation

b. For family Planning Scheme
c. To office-bearers of Union / Association
d. To join auxiliary police organization
e. For training in St. John Ambulance
f. Election work
g. For exercising franchise in an election
h. Curfew in residential area
i. Natural calamities or civil commotion or any other cause
beyond the control of the Bank.
j. When curfew is imposed for a part of the working hours
k. Curfew in residential area
l. For civil defence work
m.Disabled ex-servicemen
n. Rural Service leave

FAQ’s on Special Leave to award staff

Q1. Other than mentioned Special Casual leave, are there other situations
too, where special Casual Leave can be sanctioned?
A1. With effect from 01/11/2020, 4 days Special Casual leave shall be
granted to all physically/orthopedically handicapped employees each

Q2. What are the provisions for special leave to Disabled ex-servicemen?
A2. Special casual leave upto a maximum of 15 days in a financial year
including transit time both ways, may be granted to the disabled ex-
servicemen employees of the Bank to enable them to appear before the
Medical Resurvey Board for assessing their disability pension or to go to the
Artificial Limbs Centres for replacement of the artificial limb(s). Such leave may
be granted only on production of Medical discharge certificate from the
authorities concerned. Such special leave will be sanctioned by the DGM

Q3. What is the leave period for special casual leave for family planning
A4. Special casual leave not exceeding 6 working days to male employees who
undergo sterilization operation (Vasectomy) and 14 working days to female
employees who undergo puerperal or non-puerperal tubectomy operation.
Special casual leave up to 7 days to male employees whose wives undergo
non-puerperal tubectomy operation subject to the production of medical
certificate from the doctor who per-formed the operation to the effect that
the presence of the employee is essential.

Q4. Is there a provision of compensatory leave for election work/duty?

A4. No. Employees who have been requisitioned for election duties by State
Authorities are required to perform their duties as citizens of the country and
as such there is no case for granting compensatory leave or any other facility in
lieu thereof.
Q5. Will special leave granted to exercise franchise during elections, include
journey period?
A5. No, the individual employee may be granted special casual leave for full or
part of the day of polling if his branch /office does not happen to be closed on
the particular day to enable him to exercise his franchise after obtaining an
undertaking. But no special leave shall be granted for the period of journey
between the place of posting to the place where the election is being held and

All staff members holding the Positions/ Posts termed as
‘Sensitive’ from vigilance point of view shall be covered under
the ‘Vacation Policy’. Staff on ‘Highly Sensitive Positions’ shall
be mandatorily covered under Vacation Policy. A list of such
Sensitive & Highly Sensitive Positions is contained in Circular
No. CDO/P&HRD-PM/87/2019-20 dated 17th March 2020.
All staff members in India handling transaction applications/
software relating to Forex transactions, Treasury operations,
Trade & Finance, having Financial Implications or Sensitive in
nature, such as C-Sig (SWIFT), Murex, Mfx (Mercury), Exim
Bills, Mbargo, Reuters, Bloomberg systems, Strabus,
Autobahn, NDS-OM, Barx, Forex360 etc. shall be covered
under the “Vacation Policy”.
Employees covered under the ‘Vacation Policy’ will be required
to be away from their regular work/ office for ten continuous
working days during a financial year.

FAQ’s on Vacation Policy

Q1. What kind of leave can be availed under Vacation policy?
A1. The absence under Vacation Policy may be of any kind including Sick Leave,
Un-availed Casual Leave (UCL) etc. Employees can avail privilege leave for
compliance under the ‘Vacation Policy’, the intervening Holidays/ Sundays/
2nd or 4th Saturdays, up to a maximum of 2 days, will not be debited from the
Privilege Leave account of the employee. This exemption will not be applicable
in case of any other leave such as Sick Leave.
Q2. Can the period of deputation/training be considered under vacation
A2. Yes, the Department may also have the option to depute staff in such
positions for training/ other assignments for similar period instead of advising
them to proceed on leave provided their IDs for CBS/ other applications/
software were de-activated during such period.

Q3. Are there any timelines to ensure compliance of the ‘Vacation Policy’?
A3. Respective Branch Head/ Departmental Head have to prepare plan and
take stock of leave schedules for compliance of the Vacation Policy latest by
30th June, for all the employees covered under the Vacation Policy under their
Area of administrative control. All leave for compliance of the Vacation Policy
for the FY shall be applied and sanctioned by 15th July. Minimum of 50%
compliance is to be ensured by 30th September and 100% compliance by 31st

Q4. Who is responsible for compliance of vacation policy?

A4. Branch Heads/ Departmental Heads are primarily responsible to ensure
compliance with the Vacation Policy, their Controllers will also be held
responsible for the non-compliance. Timeline as per the policy guidelines has
to be strictly adhered to. Non-compliance observed will attract penal action
against the Employee, Branch Head/ Departmental Head and Controllers.

Q5. Are there any exemptions permitted under the Vacation policy?
A5. No exemptions are permitted.


If an officer is called upon to work on a Sunday / holiday, he

should be granted compensatory off during the week following
the Sunday / holiday on which he has been required to work.
Such compensatory off is to be availed of, as far as possible,
by the officers who are eligible for casual leave.

It is not possible to grant compensatory off to a Branch

Manager / Accountant / Cash Officer (and other officers who
are ineligible for casual leave) for performance of any routine
duty on a Sunday / holiday in connection with the inspection of
sub-offices and / or godowns at the outstations, attending
dispatch of remittances, etc., leave in lieu of compensatory off
should be added to his privilege leave account subject to the
maximum permissible limit.

FAQ’s on Compensatory Leave

Q1. In case an employee is not able to avail the compensatory off in the
following week and the credit is to be awarded in privilege leave, do we need
to take any approval?
A1.Yes, in unavoidable circumstances, the facility of credit to privilege leave
account within the maximum permissible limit may be permitted to an official
who is eligible for casual leave but is not allowed to avail of the compensatory
off due to exigencies of services with the approval of the competent authority
which is as under:

Q2. Is there a provision of the compensatory leave to the Officers Engaged on

Contract (OEC)?
A2. Yes, if any OEC is called upon to work on a Sunday/holiday, he/she should
be granted compensatory off during the week following the Sunday/holiday on
which he/she has been required to work. The competent authority to sanction
the compensatory leave will be the authority for sanction of leave/ maternity
leave to the OEC i.e. the authority not below the rank of Deputy General
Manager under whose administrative control the contractual officer is posted.

Q3. Are officers, who are required to work on intervening Sundays/holidays

while on deputation, eligible for compensatory leave?
A3. Yes, officers who are required to work on intervening Sundays/holidays
while they are on deputation will also be granted compensatory holiday or
credit to leave account in addition to the halting allowance for which they are
Q4. Is compensatory leave available to officers attending seminars, etc. on
A4.No, compensatory holidays will not be granted to officers attending
seminars, etc. on Sundays/holidays as, on such occasions, they are not
entrusted with any routine duty, but are required to participate in such
seminars, etc. only to have their doubts and difficulties on various matters


a) An officer proceeding on leave shall hand over charge of
his post at the close of the last working day preceding the
date on which he proceeds on leave.
b) When an officer on leave returns to duty he shall
invariably report his return in writing to the authority
empowered to grant him leave.
c) Unless otherwise instructed, an officer on leave shall
return to duty at the place from where he proceeded on
d) Leave as admissible under the leave rules shall be
subject to sanction by the appropriate authority as
detailed hereunder:
 Casual Leave :BM/Head of Deptt. /Office
 Privilege Leave : BM/Head of Deptt. /Office
 Maternity Leave : BM/Head of Deptt. /Office
 Sick Leave : BM/Head of Deptt. /Office
 If the sick leave applied for in a calendar year is
more than sixty days, the Authority to consider
sanction of sick leave shall be the authority in
hierarchy not below the rank of an Assistant General
e) In case leave is availed on false grounds and thereafter
participation in agitations is observed during the period of
leave, it would be open for the Bank to cancel such leave
and not pay him salary for the period of leave.
f) An officer on leave may be recalled to duty by the
competent authority whenever the Bank deems fit to do
so; but if the officer is at that time out of station, he shall
be eligible to be paid the actual expenses incurred by him
and the members of his family for coming back to the
station, and if the officer and the members of his family
go back to the same station from which he was called, for
the return journey also.
g) An officer who has been sanctioned leave and leaves his
place of duty shall furnish to the Bank the address at
which he can be contacted while out of station.
h) An officer who overstays his leave, except in
circumstances beyond his control, shall not be entitled to
any salary or allowance for the period of his absence
without leave and shall also be liable to any of the
penalties specified in rule 67 of OSR.
i) Where an officer who has not submitted an application for
leave, or where an officer having submitted his
application was refused sanction of leave, absents
himself for a period of 90 or more consecutive days or
overstays the sanctioned leave by 90 or more
consecutive days notwithstanding the provisions of sub-
rule 40(2) of OSR, the Bank may, at any time thereafter,
give a notice to the officer at his last known address
available with the bank calling upon him to report for duty
within 30 days of the notice. If the officer does not report
for duty within the stipulated period, he may, by an order
of the Appointing Authority, be deemed to have voluntarily
vacated his employment on the expiry of the said period
set out in the notice.
j) An officer on leave shall not take service or accept
any employment which involves acceptance of
remuneration without obtaining the previous consent of
the authority which granted the leave.
k) No leave shall be granted to an officer under suspension.
l) Officers requisitioned for election duties by the State
authorities are required to perform their duties as
citizens of the country, and, as such, compensatory leave
or any other facility in lieu thereof will not be granted to
them. The liability on account of halting allowance,
travelling expenses, overtime, compensatory leave or any
other facility will not fall on the Bank.

“Leave Rules do not confer upon officers the right

to claim leave because it has been earned or is due.
When the exigencies of service so require,
discretion to refuse or revoke leave of any
description is reserved to the authority empowered
to grant it and an officer already on leave may
be recalled by the authority when it considers it
necessary in the interest of the Bank”

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