AcumaticaERP 6.0 Projects

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Acumatica ERP 6
| Contents | 2



Overview...................................................................................................... 5

Configuration Overview................................................................................7
Prerequisites and Preparation............................................................................................ 7
Configuration Flow..........................................................................................................10

Planning Projects....................................................................................... 14
Integration with Other Modules........................................................................................14
Account Groups in Projects............................................................................................. 16
Templates for Projects and Tasks..................................................................................... 18
User Access to Projects.................................................................................................. 19

Managing Pricing in Projects..................................................................... 21

Rate Tables: Usage and Configuration Examples................................................................ 21
To Configure a Rate Table............................................................................................... 25

Managing Allocation and Billing Rules....................................................... 28

Labor and Revenue Allocation..........................................................................................28
Project Billing................................................................................................................ 29

Managing Projects......................................................................................32
Projects and Project Tasks...............................................................................................32
Project Life Cycle........................................................................................................... 33
Approval of Projects and Project-Related Activities............................................................. 35
Calculation of Task Completion Percentage........................................................................ 36

Managing Project Budgets......................................................................... 38

Project Budgets..............................................................................................................38
Actual Quantity: Calculation Examples.............................................................................. 40

Projects Form Reference............................................................................ 43

Account Groups..............................................................................................................44
Allocation Rules..............................................................................................................45
Attributes...................................................................................................................... 52
Billing Rules...................................................................................................................53
Common Tasks...............................................................................................................55
Project Budget............................................................................................................... 58
Project Budget by Period................................................................................................ 60
Project Tasks................................................................................................................. 61
Project Template Tasks................................................................................................... 69
Project Templates........................................................................................................... 72
| Contents | 3

Project Transactions........................................................................................................77
Project Transactions........................................................................................................80
Projects Preferences....................................................................................................... 94
Rate Lookup Rules......................................................................................................... 97
Rate Tables....................................................................................................................99
Rate Tables.................................................................................................................. 101
Rate Types...................................................................................................................101
Release Transactions..................................................................................................... 102
Reverse Unbilled Transactions........................................................................................ 103
Run Allocations By Projects........................................................................................... 105
Run Allocations By Tasks............................................................................................... 106
Run Project Billing........................................................................................................ 107
Tasks by Employee....................................................................................................... 108
Validate Project Balances...............................................................................................110

Project Balance............................................................................................................ 112
Project Profitability....................................................................................................... 112
Projects....................................................................................................................... 113
Project Tasks................................................................................................................113
Employee Hours........................................................................................................... 113
Employee Hours By Project and Task.............................................................................. 114
Project Transactions...................................................................................................... 114

Appendix.................................................................................................. 115
Reports....................................................................................................................... 115
Report Form....................................................................................................... 115
Form Toolbar................................................................................................................120
Table Toolbar............................................................................................................... 122
Glossary...................................................................................................................... 125
Form Toolbar................................................................................................................143
Table Toolbar............................................................................................................... 145
Glossary...................................................................................................................... 148
| Copyright | 4


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Software Version: 6
Last updated: January 25, 2017
| Overview | 5

The Projects module helps you monitor and manage costs, revenues, and budget for projects. You
can define projects and specify their settings, including defining tasks and populating projects with
employees, resources, and equipment. By using the Projects module, you can manage projects of any
complexity across different project types and industries.
The Projects module is seamlessly integrated with other Acumatica ERP modules, so you can
automatically track project costs and budget and predict future revenue. Once you integrate the
Projects module with another Acumatica ERP module, you can associate any document posted in the
module with a specific project, which ensures that any project-related activity will be accounted for.
You can integrate the Projects module with the General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable,
Inventory, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, and Time and Expenses modules.
You can use the Projects module to maintain complete, structured information about projects, including
tracking their costs, budget, and expected revenues. In Acumatica ERP, a project is defined as a one-
time effort planned for execution within specific time and cost limits, and with an expected budget and
revenue. A project can consist of one task or multiple tasks, and you can associate individual projects
and tasks with workgroups.
The primary features of the Projects module are described briefly below and in more detail in other

Integration with Other Modules

Integration between the Projects module and other Acumatica ERP modules makes it possible to
maintain complete project information as the project-related data is entered into other modules:

• Integration with the Accounts Payable, Purchase Orders, and Inventory modules allows users to
track costs and re-invoice them with or without a premium. This integration includes the following

• Integration with the Accounts Receivable and Sales Orders modules makes it easy to
manage billing information.

• By using integration with the Time and Expenses module, managers can track labor costs
related to specific projects.

For more information, see Integration with Other Modules.

Labor Time and Cost Accounting

Acumatica ERP supports labor accounting through the attribution of labor hours to specific projects and
tasks within projects. To this end, the time that employees spend on projects is recorded in time cards.
The time-tracking information transparently flows in the Projects module.

Flexible Budget Tracking

You can easily compare actual project costs with the original and revised budgets. As a project
progresses, you can also continuously track budget execution, including whether actual costs match the
budget, and act appropriately by either adjusting expenditures or revising the budget. In Acumatica
ERP, you can also implement continuous budgeting.

Fixed-Price and Cost-Plus Projects

Acumatica ERP supports two types of projects: fixed-price and cost-based. With fixed-price projects, the
price for the project is defined at the beginning of the project and is not changed until the end of the
project. With cost-based projects, the final price of the project depends on the overall cost of fulfilling
| Overview | 6

the project, and the costs may be invoiced again with or without a premium. You can also run projects
with a cap.

Work in Progress Accounting

When maintaining project accounting in Acumatica ERP, you can track the work in progress performed
in the project. Work in progress (WIP) is the amount of work that was performed but not yet invoiced.
By using this functionality, you can use for billing only those project expenses that are relevant for
specific billing periods.

External and Internal Projects

By using the Projects module, you can manage both external and internal projects. Generally, the scope
of internal projects is limited to the physical and organizational boundaries of an organization; these
projects serve the needs of the organization and never produce any revenue. On the other hand, an
external project is revenue-driven, and the key objective is balancing costs and income to make sure
the organization remains profitable, while meeting project goals and maximizing customer satisfaction.

Flexible Rate Calculation

By using the flexible rate calculation engine in Acumatica ERP, you can implement complex pricing
and accrual models that require the consideration of a large number of parameters. With this project
management engine, you can differentiate rates, depending on project, task, account group, and
employee class. You can even define different rates for specific dates or date ranges.

Billable Revenue Tracking

You can track future revenues as a project progresses from task to task. By using Acumatica ERP, you
can accommodate complex pricing models with a high level of granularity.

Templates for Projects and Tasks

If your company routinely performs standardized projects (for instance, the building of standard
houses), you do not need to create these projects from scratch and each time go through the entire
procedure of defining a new project and its tasks. Instead, you can create templates for standard
projects and tasks and use them each time you start a new project. For details, see Templates for
Projects and Tasks.

Automated Project Billing and Invoicing

As a project progresses from milestone to milestone or when it is completed, you can define the project
to automatically generate billing information and generate invoices for customers. This saves time,
reduces errors, and helps you improve the cash flow in your organization.

User Access to Projects

Acumatica ERP provides you with the variety of options that can be used to set up user access to
specific projects and to project configuration tools. For more information, see User Access to Projects.
| Configuration Overview | 7

Configuration Overview
The Projects module supports and automates the process of managing the organization's projects in
four main areas:

• Collecting the project-related transactions (primarily expenses) as they are processed in other
Acumatica ERP modules

• Allocating the costs and calculating the burdens, overheads, and billable amounts

• Billing the customers for work performed for projects

• Reporting

This chapter describes the process of implementing the Projects module in Acumatica ERP and guides
you through the preparation steps and then through the actual implementation of the Projects module.

In This Chapter

• Prerequisites and Preparation

• Configuration Flow

Prerequisites and Preparation

This topic covers the prerequisites and preparatory steps needed before you begin configuring the
Projects module.

Prerequisites and Dependencies

1. The license for Acumatica ERP should include the Projects feature, and the feature should be
enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS.10.00.00) form. For details, see Enabling Features.

2. The initial system configuration must be completed and the General Ledger module must be
configured before you implement the Projects module. The Projects module can be tightly
integrated with many Acumatica ERP modules, including General Ledger, Accounts Payable,
Account Receivable, Inventory, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Time and Expenses, and
Customer Management. These modules do not require any change in their configuration
when Projects is implemented; however, the modules to be integrated with Projects should be
implemented first.

3. If you plan to track employee time spent on activities related to projects, make sure the Time
Reporting on Activities feature is included in your license and enabled on the Enable/Disable
Features (CS.10.00.00) form.

You should start the implementation of the Projects module with collecting and analyzing the necessary
information. Perform the following steps before you actually configure the Projects module; these steps
do not need to be done in the listed order and many can be done in parallel.
: Because this is the preparation phase of implementation, enter no data into the system at this time.

Item Description

Develop Each project in Acumatica ERP is assigned a unique project ID. Project identifiers
a naming can be comprised of segments with optional validation of each segment. Plan the
| Configuration Overview | 8

Item Description
convention for structure of the project ID based on the segmented key PROJECT: number of
projects and segments, length of segments, whether and how they should be validated, and
tasks whether auto-numbering should be used. Note that the PROJECT segmented key
is also used for project templates, so decide whether you want the identifiers of
projects to differ from the identifiers of templates. Prepare a list of valid entries
for segments that should be validated. Design a numbering sequence for an
auto-numbered segment, if one will be used.
Plan also the structure for the identifiers of tasks (the segmented key PROTASK).
: The task ID should be unique only within a project. Two different projects can
have tasks with the same identifier, and they will be different tasks. For this
reason, you should not use auto-numbering for task IDs.

For additional information, see Identifier Segmentation.

Define non- Once the Projects module is enabled, the system will require project IDs and
project code project task IDs for every transaction in all the integrated modules of Acumatica
ERP. This does not mean that each transaction must be linked to a project;
the user can enter the non-project code (which you define) for a transaction
that is not related to any project. For convenience, the non-project code should
be distinctly different from project IDs and should be short, such as the single
character X, which is used by default.

Define account The role of account groups in Projects is similar to the role of accounts in General
groups Ledger: All transaction processing and all reporting in Projects are done by
using account groups. When defining account groups, first identify the accounts
that will be used in project-related transactions. Accounts Receivable accounts
(accounts debited by project billing) and Accounts Payable accounts (accounts
credited by vendor bills) should be excluded.
For each identified group, write down the following:

• A short Description of the account group.

• The Type of account group: Asset, Liability, Income, Expense, or Off-

Balance. The type of the group should be the same as the type of General
Ledger accounts included in the group. An off-balance group cannot include
any General Ledger account.

• The list of GL Accounts associated with the group.

• The Account Group ID (which should comply with the ACCGROUP

segmented key).

For details, see Account Groups (PM.20.10.00).

Develop Plan the structure of identifiers to be used for account groups. The structure is
a naming defined by the ACCGROUP segmented key. The account group identifiers can
convention for mimic the GL account numbers or be text identifiers, such as BUDGET, REVENUE,
account groups and EXPENSE. If needed, the identifiers can be defined with multiple segments.
Use similar identifiers for similar account groups to be able to specify ranges of
account groups (arranged alphabetically) when defining allocation rules.

Plan labor items Labor items provide information on hourly rates, GL accounts, and tax categories
to be used to account for labor on projects.
: The GL accounts used for labor items should be mapped to appropriate account
groups; otherwise, the transactions related to labor on projects will not be visible
in the Projects module.
| Configuration Overview | 9

Item Description
Decide what different types of labor are involved with projects and how they
differ (thus, how their settings will differ). Decide how many labor items you will
need for these types of labor.

Create a list of Write down all non-stock items to denote services, miscellaneous expenditures
non-stock items that may be used for projects, and various types of labor. Select the GL accounts
to be used in to be used for those items and note that the accounts should be mapped to the
projects defined account groups. For details, see the Non-Stock Items (IN.20.20.00) form.

Define If you plan to use specific equipment for projects, write it down on the list.
equipment to be For each piece of equipment, specify runtime, suspend, and setup rates and
used for projects respective rate items. Also, write down the accounts (and subaccounts) to be
used to record costs of using the equipment for projects; map the accounts to
appropriate account groups.

Plan reason To issue a stock item from a warehouse for a project, you have to specify a
codes reason code that would provide appropriate accounts for the transaction. The
accounts specified for the reason codes should be mapped to appropriate account
groups. For details, see Reason Codes (CS.21.10.00).

Plan attributes Attributes can be used to store additional information about projects. You can
define the types of UI controls to be used for attributes and the lists of possible
values; you can even make them required elements on the forms. For more
information, see Attributes.

Plan on The Projects module can be integrated with the General Ledger, Accounts
integrating Payable, Accounts Receivable, Order Management, Purchase Orders, Organization
Projects with Structure, Inventory, Cash Management, and Customer Management modules.
other modules Integration with a specific module means that projects are visible in this module,
and the users can enter project-related transactions in this module.
Particular projects and their tasks can have their own (more narrow) visibility
: Whether or not the Projects module is integrated with the General Ledger and
Accounts Receivable modules, the system will post the Projects transactions to
the General Ledger module and generate Accounts Receivable invoices.

Define If you are going to track the time your employees work on specific projects
integration or bill customers for equipment involved in projects, integrate the Projects
with Time and module with the Time and Expenses module. With this integration, the Time and
Expenses Expenses module will initially release the employee and equipment time cards to
the Projects module; then, on allocation, the Projects module will post them to
General Ledger.

Decide whether Enabling the Time Reporting on Activities feature will allow you to track the work
you need to time and overtime your employees spend on the activities related to projects.
track time on This feature should be included in your license. Also, plan the activity types for
activities which you want to track time.

Create a list of Make sure that all the employees who will work for projects have employee and
employees who user accounts; also, make sure that their hourly rates are specified and the
will work for appropriate labor items are defined.

Design roles Design the roles you need for users who will configure rate tables, set up
allocation and billing rules, manage projects, and enter the data for projects.
| Configuration Overview | 10

Item Description

The steps below can be done later when you will be configuring project templates or creating
particular projects.

Define @Rates In Projects, @Rate is a parameter used in formulas of the allocation and billing
(Rate Tables) rules. Different rates can be applied to different transactions based on many
related factors, such as particular tasks or projects, account groups, equipment
used, inventory items involved, particular employees participating, and the
particular step of the allocation or billing. For example, you can charge customers
for consultant work differently depending on the particular consultant involved in
a project.

Do not confuse the term rate in rate tables with other rates in Acumatica ERP,
such as employee hourly rates or equipment run rates. In the context of rate
tables, rate is a number (@Rate) that you can use in allocation rules as a
multiplier, an addend, or a constant value. For instance, to implement a price
model that estimates the project price as total costs plus 10 percent, you can
define a @Rate of 1.1 in the appropriate rate table and calculate the project price
as the total cost multiplied by this rate.

For more information on rates, see Rate Tables: Usage and Configuration
Examples and To Configure a Rate Table.
Write down the rates to be used for different sets of factors.

Define earning You will need non-stock items to account for labor on projects. You can define
types earning types on a per-project basis.

Design allocation Allocation rules define how to:

• Re-allocate costs between account categories, tasks, and projects.

• Calculate burdens, overheads, unbilled, and unearned revenues.

• Select and group transactions for posting.

• Calculate billable amounts and generate Accounts Receivable invoices.

Analyze your business needs and practices and design your own allocation rules.
For further details, see Allocation Rules (PM.20.75.00).

Design billing Billing rules define how to bill the customers for work performed by your
rules company on specific projects. For further details, see Billing Rules (PM.20.70.00).

Consider Review the planned projects, group them by similar properties, and decide on
creating creating project templates. Review the project tasks, and write down a list of the
templates for tasks that are common for most projects (common tasks). Also, create the lists
projects and of tasks specific for each group of projects—you will include them in respective
tasks project templates.

Configuration Flow
This section will help you configure the Projects module in Acumatica ERP.

No. Action Description

1 Define the Use the Segmented Keys (CS.20.20.00) form in the Common Settings
structure module to define the segmentation of the following identifiers:

• Project ID (by using the PROJECT key)

| Configuration Overview | 11

No. Action Description

of Projects • Project Task ID (by using the PROTASK key)
• Account Group ID (by using the ACCGROUP key)

2 Enter segment Use the Segment Values (CS.20.30.00) form in the Common Settings
values for module to enter allowed values for segments of the project ID, task ID, and
validated account group ID that are configured as validated.

3 Define auto- Use the Numbering Sequences (CS.20.10.10) form in the Common Settings
numbering module to create or review numbering sequences to be used for batches
sequences and transactions originating in the Projects module. Acumatica ERP is
installed with the following predefined, ready-to-use numbering sequences:

• BATCH: Shared numbering sequence for batches of all modules,

ranging from 0000000001 to 9999999999

• PMTRAN: Numbering sequence for Projects transactions, ranging from

PM00000001 to PM99999999

You can use these sequences or design other ones to better fit your
organization's needs. If needed, create a sequence for the auto-numbering
segment of the PROJECT segmented key. For details, see Numbering

4 Specify Projects Use the Projects Preferences (PM.10.10.00) form to configure the Projects
preferences module. Specify the following settings:

• Batch Numbering Sequence

• Transaction Numbering Sequence

• Non-Project Code

• Automatically Post on Release: With this check box selected, a

Projects transaction is automatically posted to General Ledger after it
has been released.

• Automatically Release Allocation: With this check box selected,

a Projects allocation transaction is automatically released after it has
been generated. Because an unreleased allocation transaction can be
deleted or edited, which can cause inconsistency, we recommend that
you select this option.

• Visibility Settings: Select the check boxes for the modules where
the projects should be visible.

Also, select the sources for the expense account and expense subaccount
if you plan on integrating the Projects module with the Time and Expenses
module. Expense Account Source can be one of the following:

• Expense account of the Labor Item of the employee, or the Rate Item
of the equipment

• Expense account of the Employee or default account of the


• Default account of the Project

• Default account of the Task

Expense Subaccount can be combined segment by segment from:

| Configuration Overview | 12

No. Action Description

• The expense subaccount of the employee's labor class, or of the
equipment rate class (placeholder I)

• The expense subaccount of employee or default subaccount of

equipment (placeholder E)

• The default subaccount of the project (placeholder P)

• The default subaccount of the task (placeholder T)

5 Create account Use the Account Groups (PM.20.10.00) form to create the designed
groups account groups and map them to General Ledger accounts.

6 Create roles Create roles by using the User Roles (SM.20.10.05) form, and for roles,
assign the proper levels of access to the Projects forms.

7 Attributes Create attributes, which are defined on the Attributes (CS.20.50.00) form
of the Common Settings module. The definition of an attribute includes:

1. Attribute ID

2. Description

3. Control type: text, combo (selection from predefined list), check box
(yes/no), or date and time.

4. Required or optional

5. Entry mask to validate entry for text or combo.

6. Regular expression for advanced validation of entry in text or combo


7. List of valid values for combo only; each value has a description and
a sort order

Finally, create the lists of attributes on the respective forms:

• For account groups: Account Groups (PM.20.10.00) form

• For common tasks: Common Tasks (PM.20.80.30) form (when

common tasks will be created)

• For task templates: Project Template Tasks (PM.20.80.10) form

(when template tasks will be created)

8 Create rate types Use the Rate Types (PM.20.41.00) form to create rate types to be used
in the rate tables for different steps of allocation rules. For an example of
configuring a rate type, see To Configure a Rate Table.

9 Create rate tables Use the Rate Tables (PM.20.42.00) form to create empty rate tables.
Define rates in the rate tables by using the Rate Lookup Rules
(PM.20.50.00) and the Rate Tables (PM.20.60.00) forms. For details, see
To Configure a Rate Table.

10 Create sequences Use the Rate Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00) form to create sequences (that
is, lookup rules for factors defining the rates).

11 Fill in Rate Tables Use the Rate Tables (PM.20.60.00) form to enter current rates for all
defined combinations of factors.
: Rates are date-sensitive. You can define date ranges when one rate
supersedes another. However, for the purpose of implementation, all rates
| Configuration Overview | 13

No. Action Description

should have the start date as the first operational date of the Projects
module and a blank end date.

12 Create allocation Use the Allocation Rules (PM.20.75.00) form to create the rules for project
rules allocation.

13 Create billing Use the Billing Rules (PM.20.70.00) form to create the rules for project
rules billing.

14 Create project Use the Project Templates (PM.20.80.00) form to create project templates.

15 Create template Use the Project Template Tasks (PM.20.80.10) form to create template
tasks and tasks and the Common Tasks (PM.20.80.30) form to create common tasks.
common tasks
| Planning Projects | 14

Planning Projects
Projects represent a different way to manage corporate activity and account for it in the company.
Before you create and manage projects, you should plan how projects will be integrated with other
Acumatica ERP modules. With this integration, information about transactions related to projects can
transparently flow into the Projects module and be available for tracking budgets, costs, and future
revenues for projects as balances of appropriate account groups that are mapped to GL accounts.
If your organization plans to perform similar projects with similar tasks, you can expedite the process
of creating projects by using project and task templates. You can create any number of templates that
include all the boilerplate parameters for all types of projects and for all types of tasks.

In This Chapter

• Integration with Other Modules

• Account Groups in Projects

• Templates for Projects and Tasks

• User Access to Projects

Integration with Other Modules

You can seamlessly integrate the Projects module with other modules of Acumatica ERP. With this
integration, information about transactions related to projects can transparently flow into the Projects
module and be available for tracking budget, costs, and future revenue for projects.
You can integrate the Projects module with the following modules:

• General Ledger

• Accounts Payable

• Inventory

• Accounts Receivable

• Sales Orders

• Purchase Orders

• Time and Expenses

Visibility Settings
If you integrate the Projects module with other modules, the active projects defined in the Projects
module become visible in those modules. All data entry forms of any integrated module include two
additional elements—Project and Task. Each time you enter a transaction that relates to a specific
active project in the Projects module, you can associate the transaction with this project by selecting
the appropriate project and task.

Non-Project Code
The non-project code, which is specified on the Projects Preferences (PM.10.10.00) form, is a code that
you can use to indicate that specific transactions are not associated with any project. By default, this
code is X, but you can specify a different non-project code.
Once you activate the Projects module and integrate another Acumatica ERP module with it, users must
specify Project and Task values when they enter transactions on the data entry forms of that module.
| Planning Projects | 15

If a user does not want to associate a particular transaction with any project, the user must select the
non-project code as the Project. With this code selected, no information will be transferred to the
Projects module and no project balances will be updated.

Integration with the General Ledger Module

With the integration between the Projects and General Ledger modules, in the General Ledger module,
you can directly enter transactions related to specific project tasks.
: If you plan on integrating the Projects module with any of the Acumatica ERP modules, we recommend
that you integrate it with the General Ledger module too.

Even if the Projects module is not integrated with the General Ledger module, by using account groups
that are mapped to GL accounts, you will be able to view the transactions that are generated in other
integrated modules and eventually posted to General Ledger.

Integration with Accounts Payable, Inventory, and Purchase Orders

When you integrate the Projects module with the Accounts Payable, Inventory, and Purchase Orders
modules, the mandatory Project and Task columns are added to data entry forms in the integrated
module so that purchases of stock items, non-stock items, and services can be associated with specific
project tasks, as can inventory transactions. Each time a user enters a document in any of these
modules, the user must either specify the project and task to associate with the current transaction or
select the non-project code.
Integrated modules do not post transactions to Projects directly. A transaction originating in the
Purchase Orders module, on release, generates transactions in the Inventory module and in the
Accounts Payable module. The transactions related to projects in the Accounts Payable and Inventory
modules are first released and then posted to the General Ledger module; then from the General
Ledger module, they are copied to the Projects module. You can reduce the time required for processing
transactions by configuring integrated modules in the following ways:

• Select the Release AP Documents Automatically and Release IN Documents Automatically

check boxes on the Purchase Orders Preferences (PO.10.10.00) form.

• Select the Automatically Post on Release check boxes on the following forms: Accounts
Payable Preferences (AP.10.10.00) and Inventory Preferences (IN.10.10.00).

To update the General Ledger module with the full details of the original transactions, clear the Post
Summary on Updating GL check boxes on the following forms:

• Accounts Payable Preferences (AP.10.10.00)

• Inventory Preferences (IN.10.10.00)

Integration with the Accounts Receivable and Sales Orders Modules

When you integrate the Projects module with the Sales Orders and Accounts Receivable module, on the
forms of these modules, the Project box is added to the Summary area and the Task column is added
to the Details area. If a user selects a specific project, the user must also specify a particular task of
this project.
Transactions originating in the Sales Order module, on release, generate transactions in the Inventory
and Accounts Receivables modules. The Accounts Receivable and Inventory modules do not post
transactions to Projects directly. The original transaction is first released and then posted to General
Ledger, and then from General Ledger it is copied to the Projects module. You can reduce the time
required for the processing of transactions by configuring the integrated modules as follows:

• Select the Release IN Documents Automatically option on the Sales Orders Preferences
(SO.10.10.00) form.
| Planning Projects | 16

• Select the Automatically Post on Release check boxes on both the Inventory Preferences
(IN.10.10.00) and Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR.10.10.00) forms.

To update the Projects module with the full details of the original transactions, clear the Post
Summary on Updating GL check boxes on the following forms:

• Accounts Receivable Preferences (AR.10.10.00)

• Inventory Preferences (IN.10.10.00)

Integration with the Time and Expenses Module

When you integrate the Projects module with the Time and Expenses module, the Project and Task
columns are added on all data entry forms. These columns are mandatory.
If your employees work on projects managed by using the Projects module, you can use the Time and
Expenses module to track the time they spend on projects, including regular time and overtime. By
default, you use time cards for this purpose, but you can instead use expense claims.
Once released, a time card or an expense claim associated with a specific project does not directly
generate General Ledger transactions; instead, Acumatica ERP generates one or more transactions in
the Projects module. By using the options located on the Time and Expenses Preferences (EP.10.10.00)
form, you can select whether the transactions from the Projects module will be posted to an account
group of the Off-Balance type or to account groups of standard types: Asset, Liability, Expense,
and Income. The General Ledger will be updated through the transactions generated based on the
transactions posted to account groups of standard types.
To reduce the time required for transaction processing, select the Automatically Release PM
Documents on the Time and Expenses Preferences form.
: In the Time and Expenses module, notes and attached documents from a Time and Expenses transaction
can be copied to a Projects transaction if the Copy Files to PM Documents and Copy Notes to PM
Documents check boxes on the Time and Expenses Preferences form are selected.

You can use expense claims to track the expenses your employees incur when they work on specific
projects. Once released, an expense claim associated with a specific project does not generate Accounts
Receivable transactions; instead, Acumatica ERP generates transactions in the Projects module that, in
turn, will generate the Account Receivable transactions.
If equipment is used in projects managed by using the Projects module, you can use the Time and
Expenses module to track the time the equipment was used for projects, including run time, standby
time, and suspend time. Once released, a time card associated with a specific project does not generate
General Ledger transactions. Instead, Acumatica ERP generates transactions in the Projects module.

Account Groups in Projects

An account group is an entity in Acumatica ERP that you can define by using the Account Groups
(PM.20.10.00) form and map to a subset of General Ledger accounts. In projects, the account group
plays the same role as the General Ledger accounts do in the General Ledger ledger: it is used to track
the project budget and balances.
Account groups facilitate aggregation, tracking, control, and management of information related to
the project budget, costs, and future revenues. Because they are mapped to General Ledger accounts,
account groups provide transfer of the project-related financial information between the General Ledger
and Projects modules. For instance, on the Balances tab of the Projects (PM.30.10.00) form, you can
view the budget, revised budget, and actual balance of each account group in the selected project.

Account Group Identifiers

To configure the identifiers of account groups in Acumatica ERP, you use the ACCGROUP segmented key
on the Segmented Keys (CS.20.20.00) form. By default, this segmented key specifies that the account
| Planning Projects | 17

group identifier is an alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters. If needed, you can divide account
group identifiers into segments with specific values. For more information, see Identifier Segmentation.
In most cases, you do not need to change the default configuration of the ACCGROUP key.
For clarity, we recommend that you assign user-friendly identifiers to account groups. For instance, you
can use LABOR as the name of the account group to track labor costs or TRAVEL as the name of the
account group to track travel costs.

Types of Account Groups

An account group can belong to one of the following types: Asset, Liability, Expense, or Income. An
account group of a particular type can be mapped to specific General Ledger accounts of only certain
types—that is, an account group of the Asset or Liability type may include only asset and liability
accounts and an account group of the Income or Expense type may include only income and expense
You can use account groups of the Off-Balance type to collect and track for projects statistical and other
information that is unrelated to finance. Account groups of the Off-Balance type are not mapped to any
General Ledger accounts. The transactions posted to account groups of this type will not update the
General Ledger. For example, you can create an off-balance group to record all work hours spent by
employees on the project. You may want to know the total of work hours, but you do not want to post
those amounts to General Ledger.

Account Groups and General Ledger

You can create account groups to be used in the Projects module by using the Account Groups
(PM.20.10.00) form. When you define account groups, first identify the accounts that will be used in
project-related transactions.
: Accounts Receivable accounts (accounts debited by project billing) and Accounts Payable accounts
(accounts credited by vendor bills) should be excluded.

Use the following rules to create account groups:

• Any single account group may include one or more General Ledger accounts; however, you cannot
map any General Ledger account to more than one account group.

• An account group should include accounts of only certain types (for instance, an account group of
the Income type may include only income and expense accounts).

• When you map the accounts to account groups, consider the billing and allocation rules. For billing
and allocation, if the transactions of two accounts should be processed differently, these two
accounts should be included in different account groups. If the transactions usually use the same
rate, consider including their accounts in one group. If for specific transactions usually different
rates are used, consider including their accounts in different groups.

• Consider whether you need the Off-balance account groups that are not linked to General Ledger
accounts and that would hold amounts not posted to General Ledger. For information about using
account groups in this way, see the examples of allocation and billing rules further in the article.

By using account groups, you can view specific balances by project. For example, the EXPENSE account
group was created for customization projects and includes the following accounts:

• 4010 Travel Expenses

• 4030 Accommodation

• 4050 Car Rent

• 4113 Office Supplies

• 4115 Miscellaneous Expenses

| Planning Projects | 18

As the customization group arrives to the client location and the employees start working on the
customization project, they record their expenditures related to the project to appropriate General
Ledger accounts. The project manager can view the project's expenses as the balance of the EXPENSE
account group, which is the total of all expenses recorded to all the expense accounts included in the
EXPENSE account group.

Account-Task Mapping for Automatically Added Transactions

When you create a document, you specify a project task for each transaction where it is applicable.
For an automatically added transaction, however, there is no project task specified, and this causes an
error. For instance, the system can add a freight transaction for an AR invoice.
You have to provide mapping for the accounts that may be automatically added to project tasks by
using the Account-Task Mapping tab on the Projects (PM.30.10.00) form. If the same mapping
should be used for multiple similar projects, specify the rules by using the Project Templates
(PM.20.80.00) form.

Attributes for Account Groups

You can create attributes to store additional properties of account groups that can be used in billing
and in allocations. You can create attributes by using the Attributes (CS.20.50.00) form, and by using
the Attributes (PM.20.20.00) form, you can specify which of the attributes can be assigned to account
groups. To assign attributes to a specific account group, use the Account Groups (PM.20.10.00) form.
For more information on using attributes in projects, see Attributes.

Templates for Projects and Tasks

In Acumatica ERP, you can create project templates from scratch by adding every detail that you think
will be required for a typical project of specific type. Alternatively, you can create a template based on
an existing project which you think is a typical representative of projects of specific type.
When users create projects based on the templates, they can change any settings for particular
projects—templates are used only to provide the default settings, thus making the project creation
easier for users.

Templates Created from Existing Projects

You can create a template based on an existing project. On the Projects (PM.30.10.00) form, select a
project that is a typical project of specific type and click Create Template from the Actions menu. A
template will be created with all the tasks that were included in the project. You can modify the created
template as you want. You can delete some of the tasks and add new tasks.

Templates from Scratch

You can create project templates from scratch by using the Project Templates (PM.20.80.00) form.
When you create a project template, you can specify as many settings as you want, including the

• General information: The broad information about the projects, including the default account
and subaccount, default accrual account and subaccounts, and billing period. In the Status box,
you can specify whether the specific project template is available for creating new projects. You
can create projects only by using project templates with the Active status.

• Visibility settings: The list of the modules where the projects based on this template will be

• Template tasks: The tasks to be included in the projects based on this template. Tasks for the
project template can be added by using the Project Template Tasks (PM.20.80.10) form.
| Planning Projects | 19

• List of employees: The employees who will work on the projects and the project manager
who will be monitoring projects of the type. You also specify labor items and hourly rates for
employees working on this project. Also, you can specify whether only the listed employees can
work for the project.

• List of equipment: The equipment to be used for the projects with appropriate non-stock items
designating setup, run, and suspend rates and respective hourly rates (prices) specific for projects
of the type. You can specify whether only the listed equipment can be used for these projects.

Template Tasks and Common Tasks

A project template may include tasks that are actually templates of tasks that can be included in
projects based on the template. You can add task templates to the project template.
You add the tasks to the project template and specify the settings for these tasks by using the Project
Template Tasks (PM.20.80.10) form. When you create a new template task, you can specify whether it
is automatically included in all projects based on the project template.
Template task settings include the following:

• General settings are overall information about the task, including approver, tax category, default
subaccount, and billing period. The general settings also include Visibility Settings, the list of the
modules in which this project task must be visible. You can make tasks visible only in the modules
in which the parent project is visible—the scope for the task cannot be wider than the scope for
the project.

• Budget includes typical budget figures for the task. You can specify the default budget for typical
project expenses, revenues, or both. You can specify budget for as many account groups as you

• Recurring billing can be used to implement the flat-price scenario with recurring payments
when your future project uses flat rates for services or products you provide to your customer
regularly. For more information about recurring billing, see Project Billing.

When a user creates a new project based on a project template, the user can add to the new project
any of the tasks associated with this project template and any of the existing common tasks.
Common tasks are also templates of tasks, but they are not linked to any specific project template and,
as such, can be added to any new or existing project. You can create common tasks with the help of
the Common Tasks (PM.20.80.00) form. Generally, you provide the same types of settings for common
tasks as for the template tasks: general, budget, and recurring billing settings.

User Access to Projects

Many organizations use project management in all areas of their business activities to guide the efforts
required to achieve specific objectives efficiently. At any time an organization may have multiple
projects of various values. By limiting access to information about particular projects and related
transactions, management can properly organize work on multiple projects. In Acumatica ERP, you can
use roles and restriction groups to restrict employee access to project information based on employee
positions, job responsibilities, and involvement of particular users in particular projects.

Role-Based Access
With the role-based approach to security taken in Acumatica ERP, you assign users to one or more
roles, which are granted access rights to various system objects, thus allowing users to execute specific
tasks in the system. Changing the access rights of a role affects all users with that role. You create
and populate roles by using the User Roles (SM.20.10.05) form, and you define access rights for roles
on the Access Rights by Role (SM.20.10.25) form. Each employee is assigned one or more roles in
accordance with their responsibilities. For more information on roles, see Role-Based Access and Levels
of Access Rights.
| Planning Projects | 20

For the Projects module, you can configure the access rights each role has to the functionality of
projects in accordance with employee typical responsibilities. You can configure any number of roles
for users who create projects, plan budgets, manage projects, and work on projects, depending on the
policies available in your organization. You can configure the following roles in the Projects module that
are roughly outlined below:

• Project management: A role for employees authorized to set up pricing in projects, and define
projects and project templates. This role should have access to forms on the Configuration tab in
the Projects module. Also, this role may have access to the Approvals (EP.50.30.10) form so that
the users with this role could approve projects.

• Project Controller: A role for employees who control project transactions, perform allocations, and
run project billing with full access to forms on the Processes tab of the Projects module.

• Project Accountant: A role for employees responsible for planning and executing particular
projects and project tasks and entering project transactions.

• Project team member: A role for employees who work for multiple projects and enter time sheets
and time cards. This role should have access to forms on the Work Area tab of the Projects
module and to forms on the Work Area tab in the Time and Expenses module.

Restriction Group–Based Access

In Acumatica ERP, in addition to implementing task-based roles, you can configure for different
employees with the same role different access rights to particular projects. With roles configured in
the Projects module, the employees who have access to the Projects (PM.30.10.00) form will be able
to view or edit all the projects available in your organization for all the branches. You may need to
restrict access to specific projects to only a few employees in the branch that owns the project. With
Acumatica ERP, you can use restriction groups to control user access to specific projects. For instance,
your organization currently has three projects: Project X, Project Y, and Project Z. There are three
users working with the projects: User 1, User 2, and User 3. Once you create a restriction group that
includes Project X and USER 1, only USER 1 will be able to view Project X in the lists of projects on any
form while other users (User 2 and User 3) will view any list of projects consisting of only two projects:
Project Y and Project Z. For more information on the functionality of restriction groups, see Overview of
Restriction Groups and Types of Restriction Groups.
To configure access restrictions for projects:

1. By using the Project Access (PM.10.20.00) form, create a restriction group of the A type to be
used to restrict access to specific projects.

2. On the Users tab, include users that are authorized to work with specific projects.

3. On the Projects tab, include projects to which access should be restricted to only the listed

4. On the Restriction Groups by Project (PM.10.20.10) form, select a particular project and view the
groups that have access to this project.
| Managing Pricing in Projects | 21

Managing Pricing in Projects

In Acumatica ERP, you can implement virtually any pricing model for projects by using rate tables and
rate types.

In This Chapter

• Rate Tables: Usage and Configuration Examples

• To Configure a Rate Table

Rate Tables: Usage and Configuration Examples

Because pricing is so important in managing projects, you can use the functionality of the Projects
module to properly balance project revenues and costs. To ensure that business outcomes are met and
the project budget is used effectively, you must establish an adequate pricing model.

Rate Table
A rate table is a mechanism the system uses to determine a specific value, rate, for a particular
transaction to be processed with the help of allocation rules. The table includes rates for all
combinations of factors that might affect the rate, such as particular tasks, account groups, equipment
used, inventory items involved, employees participating, and dates. Also, you can define separate rate
sets for specific steps in allocation rules where the rates will be used (by using different rate types for
different steps). The rate—that is, the value returned by the rate table for each transaction—can be
referred to in the formulas of the allocation rules as @Rate and can be used as a multiplier, addend, or
constant. For instance, to implement a price model that estimates the project price as its total costs
plus 10 percent, you can define a rate of 1.1 in the appropriate rate table and calculate the project price
as the total cost multiplied by this rate (@Rate=1.1). Also, you can define a rate as the hourly rate of
an employee to be applied for a specific task only.
You can create one rate table to be used for all projects or multiple tables to be used for different
: If you want to define rates of different types—such as expressed as factors (1.2, 1.0, 0.2), defined as
amounts ($1000), or defined as hourly rates ($100 per hour)—create a separate rate table for each type.

Rate Table Configuration

You fully configure a rate table in four stages by using the following forms:

1. Rate Tables (PM.20.42.00): To create a rate table. Initially, you just create an empty container
for a new rate table; later, on another form, you will specify the rates and date ranges.

2. Rate Types (PM.20.41.00): To create rate types; during this stage, too, you are actually creating
empty containers for the rate types. Consider a rate type as a new dimension in the same table.
Typically, different rates are used to allocate labor costs, revenues, and expenses. At this stage,
you plan only how many and which rate types you will need; later, when you create allocation
rules, you will assign different rate types to different steps of allocation rules, so that you can
define step-specific rates.

3. Rate Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00): To create sequences, each of which is a set of factors. Any
combination of the following factors can be specified for a sequence: Project, Project task,
Account group, Inventory item, and Employee. For instance, if you include Project in a sequence,
you will be able to define a special rate for a particular project or group of projects in the rate
table. If you have two or more projects (or groups of projects) with different rates, create the
| Managing Pricing in Projects | 22

same number of sequences or consider using different rate codes with the same sequence. For
details, see Rate Tables: Usage and Configuration Examples.

4. Rate Tables (PM.20.60.00): To actually specify the rates (with their date ranges) for each
sequence—that is, for each combination of particular factors. You can define rate codes on the fly
to define multiple rates for the same sequence.

Rate Lookup Sequences

For rate tables, sequences include multiple factors that may affect the rates. You define sequences by
using the Rate Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00) form as follows:

• A sequence defines which of the factors affect the rate: projects, project tasks, employees,
account groups, or inventory items. If, for example, tasks are a factor, special rates can be
applied to particular tasks, or to particular tasks of particular projects if particular employees work
on the tasks.

• The numeric identifiers of the sequences are important because they define the order in which
the system uses the sequences to find the rate. Starting with the first sequence (the one with
the smallest number), the system matches the factors specified on the transactions to the factors
defined by a current sequence, and if the factors match, assigns the rate to the @Rate parameter.
If the factors do not match, the system applies the next sequence (by its number). If the system
doesn't find matching factors for the last sequence, it will operate according to the option selected
for the particular step of the allocation rules. (You can select from the following options: Set
@Rate to 1, Set @Rate to 0, Raise Error, and Do not allocate.)

A rate table may include different sets of sequences for different rate types.

Rate Codes
A rate code is an additional dimension in a rate table that you can use to more easily configure a rate
table. By using rate codes, you can reduce for each rate table-rate type pair the number of sequences
you would otherwise create to specify all the required different rates.
For example, suppose that you want to define a specific rate for each employee working on a project.
You have two possible ways to create such rates:

• Create as many sequences with the Employee check box selected as there are employees to
have a separate rate. In the rate table, enter one rate code for all these sequences. For each
sequence, select a particular employee and enter the rate.

• Create only one sequence with the Employee check box selected. In the rate table, for each
employee with a specific rate, enter a separate rate code, select the employee, and enter the rate
for this employee.

The total number of code-sequence combinations are the same with both ways; however, with the
second way (by using rate codes), you can reuse the same sequence to define multiple rates. Notice
that even with different rate codes, combinations of particular factors should be unique within a
sequence. When searching for rates, the system looks through all rate codes.

Rate Specification
By using the Rate Tables (PM.20.60.00) form, you can finally fill in the rate table for each rate type that
you are going to use in the allocation rules. Enter rates with the date range during which the rates are
effective and, on tabs for different types of factors (that appear if they were defined in the rate lookup
rules), specify particular factors, such as projects, tasks, employees, items, or account groups.
: The rate application condition is defined as follows: Conditions on particular projects, items, employees,
or account groups are joined by OR operators, while conditions on different rate factors are joined by AND
| Managing Pricing in Projects | 23

operators. For instance, a special rate is valid for tasks 1, 2, 3 of Project 1 and Project 2 if employees JOHN
or JACK are involved. The resulting condition is expressed as follows.

((Project=Project1) OR (Project=Project2))AND
((Employee=JOHN) OR (Employee=JACK))AND
((Task=Task1) OR (Task=Task2)OR(Task=Task3))

You can use the @Rate value as a multiplier, an addend, or a constant. However, be consistent when you
specify rates for different sequences for the same rate type— the meaning of all the rates should be the
same, because all values are used in the same way in the same formula in allocation rules.

Example of Rate Table Definition (One Rate Code)

In this example, we will define the rates to be used to allocate labor costs in various projects. We will
define sequences and rates for the rate type LABORRATE, which is intended for labor cost allocations.
Suppose that company employees Tom and John install home ventilation systems in a new house that
was built by a construction company. The default hourly rate for Tom, a senior specialist, is $45 per
hour, while for John, a junior specialist, the rate is $30.
For the New House project (which is currently a standard project for the company), the rates of both
employees do not change. In allocations, we will use the multiplier 1.0. The rate sequence is defined as

Sequence Account Project Task Inventory Employee Description


999 False False False False True Default Rates (New


The rate table will include one row, as follows.

Sequence Employees Start Date @Rate

999 Tom, John 1 Feb 2013 1.00

With this sequence defined, the system will use @Rate=1.0 on allocation of all labor transactions
on and after February 1, 2013. In allocation rules, we will use the rate (@Rate) as a multiplier for
employees' default hourly rates.

Project-Specific Rates
Imagine that the company discussed in the previous section takes on a new project, installing a
ventilation system in a new office building. The project should be completed in a month, although it
is the coldest time of the year and the building has no heating system. To take into account these
uncomfortable working conditions, the project manager will increase employee rates by 50%. The rate
sequences will be defined as follows.

Sequence Account Project Task Inventory Employee Description


500 False True False False True Office Building

999 False False False False True Default Rates (New


The rate table is as follows.

| Managing Pricing in Projects | 24

Sequence Project Employees Start Date Rate

500 Office Building Tom, John 1 Nov 2013 1.5

999 New House Tom, John 1 Feb 2013 1.0

Imagine that the company later gets a contract for installing the ventilation system for an old brick
house. For this project, employee experience and skills are important. Tom, as a more experienced
worker, will have twice his usual rate. The following sequence should be added.

Sequence Account Project Task Inventory Employee Description


200 False True False False True Old House

500 False True False False True Office Building

999 False False False False True Default Rates (New


Sequence Project Employee Start Date @Rate

200 Old House Tom 13 Nov 2013 2.0

500 Office Building Tom, John 1 Nov 2013 1.5

999 Default Rates (New Tom, John 1 Feb 2013 1.0


Thus, the system will apply a rate of 2.0 to transactions based on Tom's time card if they are related to
the Old House project or a rate of 1.5 if they are related to the Office Building project, while the system
will apply a rate of 1.0 to John's transactions unless they are related to the Office Building project (with
rate of 1.5 for John).
According to sequence 200 in the rate table, on the Old House project, the system will use a rate of 2.0
for Tom. On this project, according to sequence 999, the system will use a rate of 1.0 for John.
: Notice that the reference number of sequences is important, because sequences are applied in the order
of their numbers, from low to high. Sequence 999 does not check for projects, and if it exchanges numbers
with the sequence 500, on the Office Building project, the system would use a rate of 1.0 for both Tom and
John, because the system would stop on the sequence 500 and would not check the sequence 999.

Example of Rate Table Definition (Multiple Rate Codes)

In this example, we will define rates to be used in various projects and demonstrate how to use rate
codes. We will define sequences and rates for the rate type LABORRATE, which is intended for labor
cost allocations.
Suppose that company employees Tom and John again install home ventilation systems in new and
old houses and in office buildings. These employees have different rates on all projects. There are
three projects: one for a new house, one for an old house, and one for an office building. We need to
create six sequences (specified in the following table) because for each project, we need to specify two
different rates: one for Tom and another for John.

Sequence Account Project Task Inventory Employee Description


150 False True False False True Office Building, Tom

200 False True False False True Office Building, John

350 False True False False True Old House, Tom

| Managing Pricing in Projects | 25

Sequence Account Project Task Inventory Employee Description


400 False True False False True Old House, John

550 False False False False True New House, Tom

600 False False False False True New House, John

The rate table will include the following six rates.

Sequence Projects Employees Start Date @Rate

150 Old House Tom 1 Feb 2013 2.0

200 Old House John 1 Feb 2013 1.3

350 Office Building Tom 13 Nov 2013 1.75

400 Office Building John 1 Nov 2013 1.25

550 New House Tom 1 Feb 2013 1.5

600 New House John 1 Feb 2013 1.1

With this many similar sequences, it would be easy to make a mistake and specify incorrect rates. By
using rate codes, we can simplify the table setup. We will create only two sequences (indicated in the
following table).

Sequence Account Project Task Inventory Employee Description


150 False True False False True Tom

200 False True False False True John

When creating the rate table, we will use the same two sequences with three different rate codes
—HIGH, MEDIUM, and STANDARD—that designate the three different levels of rates for both

Rate Code Sequence Projects Employees Start Date @Rate

HIGH 150 Old House Tom 13 Nov 2013 2.0

HIGH 200 Old House John 1 Nov 2013 1.3

MEDIUM 150 Office Building Tom 1 Feb 2013 1.75

MEDIUM 200 Office Building John 1 Feb 2013 1.25

STANDARD 150 New House Tom 1 Feb 2013 1.5

STANDARD 200 New House John 1 Feb 2013 1.1

To Configure a Rate Table

In Acumatica ERP, you can implement virtually any pricing model by using rate tables and rate types.
For more information on the functionality, see Rate Tables: Usage and Configuration Examples. You fully
configure a rate table by completing each of the following stages.
| Managing Pricing in Projects | 26

To Create a New Rate Table

1. On the Organization tab, click Projects. In the left pane, navigate to Configuration >
Setup > Rate Tables.

2. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.

3. In the Rate Table column, type the identifier for the new rate table.

4. In the Description column, provide a description for this new rate table.

5. Click Save on the form toolbar.

To Create Rate Types

1. On the Organization tab, click Projects. In the left pane, navigate to Configuration >
Setup > Rate Types.

2. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.

3. In the Rate Type column, type the identifier for the new rate type. We recommend that you
specify identifiers in accordance with the type of allocation to be performed with this rate type,
such as LABOR for labor cost allocations and BURDEN for allocating costs.

4. In the Description column, provide a description for this new rate table.

5. Click Save on the form toolbar.

To Create Sequences

1. On the Organization tab, click Projects. In the left pane, navigate to Configuration >
Setup > Rate Lookup Rules.

2. In the Rate Table box, select the rate table that you want to configure.

3. In the Rate Type box, select one of the rate types to be used with this rate table.

4. For each planned sequence, do the following:

a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.

b. In the Sequence column, type the sequence reference number. You can enter only digits
in this box.
: Leave a gap between reference numbers if you want to be able to insert additional
sequences if needed without renumbering the existing sequences.

c. In the Description column, provide a description for this new sequence.

d. Select which types of factors affect the rate by selecting the check boxes in the respective
columns: Project, Project Task, Account Group, Inventory, and Employee.

5. Review the reference numbers of sequences and adjust them if needed, keeping in mind that the
numbers define the order in which the system will be applying the sequences to find the rate.

6. Click Save on the form toolbar.

7. If you plan to use the rate table with more than one rate type (that is, in more than one
allocation step), perform Steps 3 through 6 for each remaining rate type.

To Enter Rates

1. On the Organization tab, click Projects. In the left pane, navigate to Work Area > Manage >
Rate Tables.

2. In the Rate Table box, select the rate table you are going to fill in.
| Managing Pricing in Projects | 27

3. In the Rate Type box, select the rate type for which you are going to define rates in the
selected rate table.

4. In the Sequence box, select one of the sequences defined for this rate table and this rate type,
which you created by using the Rate Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00) form, as described in the
previous section. For the factors selected for this sequence, the respective tabs appear.

5. In the Rate Code box, type the new rate code.

6. In the Description box, provide a description of the rate code to be used for a new set of

7. On the Rate tab, click Add Row.

8. In the Start Date column, select the date when the rate will become (or has become) effective.

9. In the End Date column, select the date that ends that date range when the rate is effective.

10. In the Rate column, enter the rate.

11. On each tab with a factor defined by this sequence, create the list of particular factors for which
this rate is applicable as follows:

a. On the table toolbar, click Add Row.

b. In the first column, select the particular factor of the specified type. (For instance, select
an employee if this is the Employee tab.

c. Repeat the two previous substeps until you have selected all the particular factors of the
type for which this rate is applicable.

d. Click Save on the form toolbar.

12. If you want to specify a rate for another rate code, repeat Steps 5 through 11.

13. Repeat Steps 4 through 12 until you have specified rates for all of the sequences defined for this
rate table and this rate type.

14. Click Save on the form toolbar.

15. If you plan to use the rate table in more than one allocation step, repeat Steps 3 through 14 for
another rate type.
| Managing Allocation and Billing Rules | 28

Managing Allocation and Billing Rules

With the allocation functionality in the Projects module, you can track direct project costs, recognize
and process the costs to be reimbursed, process statistical information for projects, and track future
revenues as they accumulate over time.

In This Chapter

• Labor and Revenue Allocation

• Project Billing

Labor and Revenue Allocation

In Acumatica ERP, allocation is the process of allocating amounts to specific accounts, account groups,
or both to acknowledge expenses and revenues. For instance, each month you can allocate amounts
of the actual expenditures entailed by the project and the future revenues calculated based on those
expenditures. The allocation process is governed by allocation rules you specify by using the Allocation
Rules (PM.20.75.00) form.
The allocation process consists of two basic stages:

• Selection of transactions: By using allocation rule settings, Acumatica ERP selects only those
transactions that conform to the rule settings. These are used as underlying transactions for
allocating amounts and quantities. For instance, you can use as an underlying transaction a bill
your employee paid when providing service to a customer.

• Allocation: Acumatica ERP generates one or more allocation transactions with the amounts
and quantities calculated based on those of the underlying transactions. You can specify rules
that generate any transactions involving any accounts and posting; however, you normally use
allocation to account for your current reimbursable costs (based on the completion percents of
project tasks) and future revenues from the project. For instance, if you use a cost-based pricing
model that implies a 15 percent uptick, you can specify an allocation rule that adds up all the cost
transactions' current amounts, multiplies the sum by 1.15, and debits the resulting amount to the
account you use for tracking your unbilled revenue.

Tracking Current Revenue

You may want to view future revenues as they are accumulated during project execution, regardless
of when they will be actually recognized, charged to the customer, or both. For instance, the project
may be billed monthly but you may need to track the amount you will bill to the customer weekly or
even daily. This way, you can continuously monitor how the actual revenues align with the projected
revenues for the project.
In Acumatica ERP, you can track future project-related revenues as they are accumulated by allocating
the corresponding amounts to special account groups. To track future revenues, you need to create the
following account groups:

• Unbilled Revenue: This is an account group of the Asset type used to accumulate future
revenue. When you view the allocation rule on the Billing Rules (PM.20.70.00) form, this account
group appears in the Debit column. This way, each time you run allocation, you post to this
account group the amounts that you plan to bill to the customer. This account group may include
multiple accounts to enable allocating different amounts for different allocations—for instance,
allocating amounts for travel, labor, and services. Alternatively, you can use different accounting
groups for each of these categories.
| Managing Allocation and Billing Rules | 29

• Unrecognized Revenue: This account group of the Liability type is used to accumulate
unrecognized revenue. When you view the allocation rule on the Allocation Rules form, this
account group appears in the Credit column. This way, each time you run allocation, you post the
amounts that you plan to recognize as revenue to this account group. This account group may
include multiple accounts to enable allocating different amounts for different allocations.

Each time you run allocation, you debit the account group used for unbilled revenue and credit the
account group used for unrecognized revenue for the same amount. Later, you will recognize this
amount as revenue and charge it to the customer when you run billing for the project.

Multiple Steps of the Allocation Rules

For allocation purposes, you normally use the cost transactions. In Acumatica ERP, this method is
called Transaction and is defined in the allocation rule for the project. This method can be used in
multiple steps of an allocation rule. With this method, the pricing for the project is based on direct costs
associated with the project.
Using multiple steps of the Transaction type, you can allocate future revenues for different activities.
For example, the first step can allocate reimbursable travel expenses, while the second step can
allocate labor time.

Allocating Labor in Projects

If the Projects module is not enabled, the release of a transaction in the Time and Expenses module
generates the corresponding transactions in the Accounts Payable module. Enabling the Projects module
in Acumatica ERP changes the way transactions are released in the Time and Expenses module.
When non-project transactions are released, Acumatica ERP generates regular Accounts Payable
transactions. If you enable the Projects module functionality, the release of a transaction associated
with a specific project does not generate an Accounts Payable transaction, but instead generates
the corresponding Projects module transactions. The further processing of the Projects transactions
originating in the Time and Expenses module is handled in the Projects module using allocation and
billing rules. This workflow with the extra stage allows you to use costs in allocating and billing for
projects and implement a cost-driven pricing model. Once you have all direct labor costs for the project
entered in the Projects module, you can use the transaction information to allocate for the project any
amounts and quantities enforced by your pricing model.

Project Billing
If you need to bill customers for the services provided as a part of a project, you can generate invoices
based on the information collected in the Projects module. The billing procedure is available only for
external projects—that is, for projects associated with customers. You can run the billing procedure
automatically, manually, or on a schedule. Also, you can choose whether to post any amounts to the
General Ledger when you run the billing procedure.

Billing Procedure
In Acumatica ERP, you perform project billing by using the Run Project Billing (PM.50.30.00) form. You
can select projects for billing and specify the invoice date that will serve as a cutoff date for project
transactions in one of the following ways:

• If the On Demand billing period is selected for the underlying project template on the Project
Templates (PM.20.80.00) form, transactions with dates ranging from the last billing date up to the
invoice date are billed.

• If any other billing period is selected, transactions with dates ranging from the last billing date up
to the date before the invoice date are billed (but not transactions generated on the invoice date
or later).
| Managing Allocation and Billing Rules | 30

The billing procedure in Acumatica ERP is rather straightforward: The system selects all the outstanding
project transactions for the current project and generates invoices for each customer, based on those
transactions and according to the billing rules defined for the project (for details about billing rules, see
the section below). The generated invoices are released automatically if the Automatically Release
AR Documents check box is selected on the General Info tab of the Project Templates (PM.20.80.00)
form for the template on which the project is based.
If you do not want to bill any of the transactions, you can use the Reverse Unbilled Transactions
(PM.50.50.00) form to reverse allocated transactions (either all listed transactions at once or only the
selected ones).

Billing Rules
In each case, the billing procedure is governed by the billing rule specified for the project. Billing rules
are defined on the Billing Rules (PM.20.70.00) form. A billing rule has a variety of settings that you can
specify, including the following:

• Account group: The account group you specify in a billing rule is used as a filter to select the
transactions for billing. The system selects all the transactions that are due for billing when the
billing procedure is run. Normally, you use for billing the same account group or groups that you
use for accumulating the unrecognized revenue. By running billing for these account groups, you
generate an accounts receivable transaction (invoice), thus recognizing the revenue.

• Consolidating invoices: You may want to consolidate invoices for multiple account groups listed
in the billing rule. This behavior is governed by the Invoice Description text on the Billing Rules
(PM.20.70.00) form: The system adds transactions with the same invoice description to one
invoice. For instance, suppose that you have three rows in your billing rule with the following
descriptions: (1) Description A, (2) Description A, and (3) Description B. During the billing
procedure, the system generates two invoices. The first invoice uses the Description A description
and aggregates the transactions selected for the first two rows in the billing rule, while the second
invoice uses the Description B description and includes the transactions selected for the third row
of the billing rule.

• Account and subaccount: You may specify an account and subaccount to be used for billing.
If you have not specified them on the Billing Rules form, the system will use the account and
subaccount that are specified for the customer associated with the underlying transaction.

• Non-billable amounts: You may decide to include in the invoice the transactions that do not
contribute into the amount billed to the customer. To have the system include this information in
the invoice, select the Include Non-Billable check box for the billing rule.
: You can mark the transactions for which you do not want to charge customers as Non-Billable in
the integrated modules.

• Restricting by the quantity and amount limits: You can have the system prevent the billable
amount or billable quantity (or both) from exceeding the revised budget of the account group
specified in the Max. Limits Account Group column on the Billing Rules form. If you select
the Limit Qty. or Limit Amount check box (or both check boxes), the system does not allow
performing the allocations whose amounts would exceed the budget specified for the account
group. Accordingly, the billing procedure will never result in an amount exceeding the budget.
The amounts (quantities) in excess of the limits will be allocated to the account group of the Off-
Balance type specified in the Over the Limits Account Group column. For instance, suppose
that you set the limit for revenue from the project at $700 and charge the customer for works as
follows: $100, $500, $200. The last invoice will be generated only for the amount of $100, and
$100 will be recorded to the Over the Limits account group.

Recurring Billing
Your company may provide services to customers regularly for a flat price. For instance, you can lease
construction machines to customers for an agreed number of hours per month for a fixed price. If you
| Managing Allocation and Billing Rules | 31

decide to manage this activity as a project, you do not have to manually create a new invoice every
month—each time you run project billing, recurring transactions are added to the invoice (or to the
invoice listed first in the rule if multiple invoices must be generated for the billing rule). Recurring billing
is a task-level setting you define on the Recurring Billing tab of the Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00) form.
You can use non-stock items as line items for recurring billing to track employee and equipment work
time. For each item, you can specify the following:

• The flat price charged once each billing period.

• The number of units included in the item fee. For instance, you may have an agreement with
the customer to provide 40 hours of road scraper work at a flat price, while any extra hours are
charged on a per-hour basis.

• The option that determines whether the number of units included in the flat price is to be reset
for each billing period or it is a fixed number for the entire project duration. For instance, with
the agreement for 40 hours of road scraper work at a flat monthly price, you can use hour as the
unit of measure and reset the number of hours each month to ensure that the customer gets their
quota of 40 hours each month. In a different scenario, the agreement may imply the lease of one
to three road scrapers to the customer at a flat monthly price (here, you use scraper as a unit of
measure); in this case, you do not need to reset the number of scrapers each month.

• The minimum number of units for which billing may be performed. If the amount of services or
products you provide is less than this value, you do not charge the customer. For instance, your
agreement may stipulate a flat monthly price for 10 to 40 hours of road scraper work. Any scraper
time below 10 hours is not charged.

The billing period is a project-wide setting that you specify when planning the project at the level of
the project template on the Project Templates (PM.20.80.00) form. The following options are available:
Week, Month, Quarter, Year, or On Demand. The On Demand option defines the billing that may be
initiated when it is needed.

Mapping Accounts to Tasks

When running a billing procedure for a project, the system may generate additional transactions—for
instance, to include a discount or freight charge. Such transactions are automatically associated with
the project, but you may also need to automatically associate these transactions with specific tasks in
the project.
You can have Acumatica ERP automatically assign transactions to specific tasks by mapping specific
General Ledger accounts to tasks within the project by using the Projects form. Once you map a
General Ledger account to a task, any transactions automatically generated by the system and
associated with the account will be linked to this default task.
| Managing Projects | 32

Managing Projects
Projects can be used to manage corporate activity and account for it in the company.
When you create a project in Acumatica ERP, you can specify the tasks it includes, the employees
participating in the project, the equipment involved, and the available budget. Tasks are used to identify
different stages or activities within the project. Task completion percent is used to evaluate the revenue
earned during the specified period.

In This Chapter

• Projects and Project Tasks

• Project Life Cycle

• Approval of Projects and Project-Related Activities

• Calculation of Task Completion Percentage

Projects and Project Tasks

The project management functionality in Acumatica ERP offers a new way of handling financial and
management accounting in the company. By using projects, you can break corporate activity into
separate units of work that are more relevant to the job and less complex. In the process, you gain
valuable insight into what is happening within the company.
A project in Acumatica ERP is a one-time endeavor with a defined start and end date, usually
constrained by time and often limited in funding, deliverables, or both factors. For example, if your
company builds residential houses, you might consider the process of building each house a separate
project with its own budget, costs, and revenues.

A project in Acumatica ERP can be viewed as a container for project tasks. A project provides a unified
environment, context, and scope for executing the tasks. For instance, a project specifies the date
range, calendar, customer, resources (including employees and equipment), and modules that are
integrated with the project.
You can view and specify the settings of a particular project on the Projects (PM.30.10.00) form. You
can also track balances for account groups involved in the project, viewing budgeted, revised, and
actual amounts. Each account group balance in a project is the total of all the corresponding amounts
in the project tasks. That is, the project does not have any balances beyond those in the tasks of the
project. You can track project balances by using either the Project Budget (PM.30.30.00) form or the
Project Budget by Period (PM.30.50.00) form.

Type of Projects
You can use projects for tracking both in-house work and activities involving interaction with customers.
An internal project is used to track activity completed within your company and for your company;
for example, you can run an in-house training program as an internal project. Internal projects have
budgets, do not include billing settings, and do not refer to any customer.
An external project involves providing services and products to customers. An external project can be a
fixed-price project or a cost-plus project in which the price is a percentage of the costs.
| Managing Projects | 33

Project Tasks
A project task (or simply task) is the smallest identifiable piece of work that is a part of the project.
Tasks are used to identify different steps or activities within the project that are easily manageable,
separable, traceable, and accountable.
Tasks are always defined within the scope and limitations of a specific project. For instance, the task
may not extend beyond the start and end dates of the project. Also, you may not make a task visible
in the modules in which its parent project is not visible. You can, however, narrow or even disable
the visibility of a task in the modules where the parent project is visible. A task includes the following
settings, which are specific to each task and do not extend to the project:

• Billing rule: You can define the allocation and billing procedures for the particular task.

• Recurring billing: You can stipulate the provision of services and products on a regular basis for
a flat price.

• Budget: For each task, you can track the budgeted amount, revised budget amount, and actual
amounts. In Acumatica ERP, the budget is defined, updated, and tracked only for tasks, while the
budget for the project is an aggregate figure for all the tasks in the project.

• Status: You can set the most appropriate status for each task. Thus, there is no correlation
between the statuses of individual tasks in a given project.

• Percent completed: Percent of task completion is used for revenue allocations. This is a unique
property of tasks, since a percentage of completion for a project cannot be calculated in the
current version. To work around this limitation, you can add a task that is used exclusively to
track project progress. For each task, you can select the method of completion calculation:

• Manual: The percent of task completion is specified manually.

• Budgeted Quantity: The percent of completion is calculated automatically for the selected
cost line (with the Production check box selected). The percent of task completion is
calculated as actual quantity divided by the budgeted quantity for the selected line.

• Budgeted Amount: The percent of completion is calculated automatically for multiple cost
lines (with the Production check box selected) as the total actual amount divided by the
total budgeted amount.

Project and Task IDs

As with other identifiers in Acumatica ERP, you can configure the project and task identifiers by
configuring the segmented keys: PROJECT and PROTASK, respectively. You can use the predefined
configurations of the keys or you can configure the segmented keys as you need by using the
Segmented Keys (CS.20.20.00) form. You can define how many segments each key will include, what
values may be used, whether they should be validated, and whether auto-numbering should be used in
one of the segments.

Project Life Cycle

In Acumatica ERP, a project is a separate one-time or recurring endeavor with a specific scope, time
frame, and budget. From its inception to completion, a project goes through the following stages:

• Planning: During this stage, you specify project parameters, define tasks, add activities, and
populate the project with employees, resources, and equipment. Each project once created is
automatically assigned the In Planning status.

• Approval: The project passes through this stage only if approval of projects is required in your

• Active: During this stage, the project is executed, and it becomes visible in the integrated
modules and available for posting transactions.
| Managing Projects | 34

• Completion: Once the project is finished, it is assigned the Completed status. A project with
the Completed status is no longer available for posting transactions. This is the final stage in the
project life cycle.

These stages are described in greater detail below.

Before you enter any new project in Acumatica ERP, you must ensure that the following are configured:

• Account Groups: Create and populate the account groups that will be used in the project.
Account groups make it possible to transfer financial and non-financial information between the
Projects module and other modules by associating transactions posted in other modules with your

• Rate Tables: If your project uses a pricing model in which price may differ depending on multiple
factors, such as task and inventory item, you need to define this model in Acumatica ERP by using
rate tables that will provide rates for different sets of factors.

• Allocation Rules: If your project uses a complex cost accrual model, you must specify
appropriate allocation rules to correctly track project expenditures and future revenues.

• Billing Rules: These rules define which of the transactions should be used for billing and which
accounts should be used to record the transactions that are generated in the billing process.

Planning Stage
Any new project you create in Acumatica ERP is automatically assigned the In Planning status. Before
you make any project active or submit it for approval, you must thoroughly plan it and specify all the
key properties.
You can create a project either from scratch or from a template. Creating a project from scratch
requires you to specify all the details. If you use a template, your new project will be populated with the
template settings, and you need to enter only information that differs from (or is more specific than)
the information in the template.
When you are adding a new project by using the Projects (PM.30.10.00) form, you enter the following

• General Information: This information includes the description, start date, end date, and billing
period. You also select one of these billing options: on the date of the customer statement, at the
end of each month, at the end of each quarter, or at the end of each year.

• Visibility Settings: You can specify the modules with which you want to integrate your project.
We recommend that you select only those modules that you will use to post documents related to
your project.

• Tasks: You can define the tasks for the project. A task in a project is a separate work unit with its
own life cycle, budget, cost, and revenue.

• Employees: You specify the employees to be engaged in the project. You can override the default
labor class specified for specific employees by defining different labor classes for regular working
hours and for overtime hours.

• Equipment: You can list the equipment to be used in the project. You can override the default
run, standby, and suspend rates for specific equipment.

• Attributes: You can specify attribute values for the project—if a group of attributes has been
assigned to projects on the Projects Preferences (PM.10.10.00) form—and for project tasks if a
group of attributes has been assigned to tasks.

A project in the planning stage is not available for selection on data entry forms in other modules
integrated with the Projects module. To projects and project tasks that are in the In Planning status,
| Managing Projects | 35

you can add activities by using the Projects (PM.30.10.00) and Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00) forms.
For instance, you can add an employee task for planning budgets for project tasks while at the stage
of project planning. However, the transactions generated for completed activities (if any) can not be
released until the project gets the Active status.
You may move a project to the active stage once such essential preparation steps as the following have
been completed:

• Reaching an agreement with all the stakeholders, including customers and employees

• Estimating the budget for the project and the expenditures it will entail

• Preparing the equipment and materials required for the project

After preparation has been completed, you can take the project off hold by clearing the On Hold check
box on the Projects form and saving it. If approval is not required in your system, the project becomes

Approval (Optional Stage)

If projects in your organization should be approved before they can be used, the project gets the
Pending Approval status once it is taken off hold. The project has this status until it is approved or
rejected on the Approvals (EP.50.30.10) form by an assigned employee. If approved, the project gets
the Active status. If rejected, the project gets the Rejected status, which changes to In Planning once
the project has been edited. For more information on approvals, see Approval of Projects and Project-
Related Activities.

Active Stage
Active projects become available for selection on the forms of the modules you have selected for
integration with the Projects module. For more information, see Integration with Other Modules. When
users create transactions in the integrated modules, they can link the transactions with a specific
project task by specifying the project and task. Also, they can specify whether the transaction is billable
for the project task. If users do not want to link a transaction with any project, they can specify the
non-project code.
Budget changes often occur during the course of the project. In Acumatica ERP, you cannot change the
initial budget, although you can enter the revised figures for the project budget. The revised budget
appears in a separate column.

Completion of Project
A project life cycle ends when the project is either completed or closed. The project is considered
completed when all its tasks are completed; this is the normal end of a project life. You complete the
project by assigning it the Completed status.
A project may end prematurely when the customer stops using the services your company provides.
In that case, you can close the project before completing all its tasks. You complete the project by
assigning it the Closed status.

Approval of Projects and Project-Related Activities

If projects in your organization must be approved before they can be used to record project
transactions and activities, you can easily configure approval of projects and project tasks in Acumatica
: The functionality of project approval is available only if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the
Enable/Disable Features (CS.10.00.00) form.
| Managing Projects | 36

Approval of Projects
To make approval required for projects, in the Approval Map box on the Projects Preferences
(PM.10.10.00) form, you must specify the approval map to be used to assign projects to employees for
approval. If no value is specified in the box, approval is not required. You can create an approval map
by using the Assignment and Approval Maps (EP.20.50.00) form; in the map, you can specify conditions
for assigning projects to specific workgroups and particular employees for approval.
If approval of projects is configured, once a user takes a project off hold, the system assigns the project
the Pending Approval status and uses the rules defined by the approval map to assign the project to a
workgroup or to a particular employee (in the workgroup) for approval. If no assignment occurs, the
project gets the Active status.
Once the project is assigned to a workgroup, any member of the workgroup can view the project on the
Approvals (EP.50.30.00) form and approve or reject it. If the project is rejected, it gets the Rejected
status, which changes to In Planning once the project has been edited.
An approved project gets the Active status and becomes visible when users record project-related
transactions in the modules that are integrated with the Projects module.

Approval of Time Activities

To control completion of projects, you can assign a project manager to each project by using the
Projects (PM.30.10.00) form. If the same project manager will be assigned to most projects that
are based on the same template, you can assign the project manager to the template on the Project
Templates (PM.20.80.00) form. The project manager is authorized to approve any time activities
related to the project by using the Approve Time Activities (EP.50.70.00) form.
Once a project has been activated and approved, users can use project tasks to account for the time
they worked on the project. For each project task, you can assign an approver—an employee who is
authorized to approve time activities filed by employees working on the project. For a common task (a
typical task not associated with any particular project template) added to the project, you can assign
an approver on the Common Tasks (PM.20.80.30) form. For project-specific tasks, you can assign an
approver to each task by using the Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00) form.
An employee appointed to be the approver of specific tasks can view the time activities associated with
these tasks on the Approve Time Activities (EP.50.70.00) form. On this form, the project manager can
view all the activities associated with all tasks of the project. The approver or project manager can
apply a filter to the list of activities to find specific activities and to then approve or reject all of the
listed activities.

Calculation of Task Completion Percentage

A project task (or simply task) is the smallest identifiable piece of work that is a part of the project.
Some tasks may require more than one financial period to complete and may be billed for on task
completion or even on completion of the entire project. Often, the allocation rules for projects are
rather straightforward and use the percentage-of-completion scheme to evaluate the revenue earned
during a specific financial period.
This topic describes the methods that can be used to evaluate or calculate the percentage of task

Methods of Calculation of Task Completion Percentage

For each task in the project, you can select which method will be used to evaluate the completion
percentage for the task by using the Completion Calculation Method box on the Project Tasks
(PM.30.20.00) form. You can select one of the following options:

• Manual: You can use this method if it is not possible to select one cost line in which the actual
amount or quantity would reflect the overall task progress. This may be the case if different cost
| Managing Projects | 37

lines are expressed as quantities measured in different UOMs, or some of the lines have budgets
expressed as amounts with other line budgets expressed as quantities. With this method, you
evaluate the task progress by using all the available information and manually specify the task
completion percentage in the Completed (%) box. You can change the value as often as needed
and it is recommended that you update it before you perform an allocation for the project.

• Budgeted Quantity: You can use this method if a task has a cost line whose actual quantity
could reflect the task's overall progress. With this method, the system calculates the task
completion percentage based on the quantities specified in the Actual Qty. and Budget Qty.
columns for the line marked by a selected check box in the Production column on the Budgets
tab. Once the transactions related to the project task have been released, the system updates
the task completion percentage in the Completed (%) box. If the original budget was revised
at some point in the task progress, the completion percentage is calculated with respect to the
revised budgeted quantity.
For example, a task has a budget for 100 hours of consulting (with $100 per hour cost) for a
customer company and a budget for 25 round trips (with $10 per hour cost) to the customer
location. If you select the consulting cost for tracking of the task completion, with 40 hours of
consulting completed, the percentage of the task completion is calculated as 40%. Splitting or
merging consulting sessions may change the number of required round trips; however, the task
progress should be measured by actual hours of consulting performed.
: If you want to select the Production check boxes for multiple lines, take into account that the
task completion percentage will be calculated as a simple (not weighted) average over all the lines

• Budgeted Amount: You can use this method for a task if all cost lines have budgeted amounts.
With this method selected, the system calculates the task completion percentage based on the
total amounts specified in the Actual Amount and Budget Amount columns for the cost lines
with the check boxes selected in the Production column on the Budgets tab. If the original
budgets were revised at some point in the task progress for any of the cost lines, the completion
percentage is calculated with respect to the revised budgeted amounts.

Evaluation of Project Completion Percentage

With Acumatica ERP, you cannot directly track the completion percentage for the entire project
although you can track completion for each of the project tasks. If needed, you can create a separate
task (for instance, a task named Progress) and use it exclusively to manually specify the project
completion percentage that you evaluate by using all the information available about the progress of
project tasks and project-related transactions.
| Managing Project Budgets | 38

Managing Project Budgets

Project budgets can be used to provide both a financial plan and cost constraints for a project. That
is, you can define the amount of money and resources to be spent on the project, and then you can
control project costs throughout the entire project life cycle.
In Acumatica ERP, you can compare the actual project costs against the costs in the original and
revised budgets. As a project progresses, you can continuously track budget execution and either
adjust expenditures or revise the budget.

In This Chapter

• Project Budgets

• Actual Quantity: Calculation Examples

Project Budgets
A project budget is an estimate of expenses or revenues for a project or project task. In Acumatica
ERP, a budget can be defined, updated, and tracked for only a project task; the budget for a project
holds the totals for all the project tasks included in the project.

Budget Planning
You plan a project budget during the planning stage of the project, before any project transaction
occurs. (For information about the project life cycle, see Project Life Cycle.)
On the Budget tab of the Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00) form, you can add, revise, and delete budget
lines for any project task that has the In Planning status. A project task can have multiple budget lines.
Each budget line has the following:

• An account group, which determines the category of the expenditure or revenue that you expect
to incur during the project execution.

• A particular inventory item (that is, a resource) needed to complete the task. You can select
an inventory item from the list of inventory items associated with the accounts of the specified
account group. However, if you want the budget line to include the budget for all transactions
associated with the selected account group that are not linked to any particular inventory item,
you can select <OTHER> in the Inventory ID column for the particular budget line.

Other information that you can specify in a budget line includes the budgeted quantity of the selected
inventory item, the rate, and the total budgeted amount, which is calculated automatically as the
budgeted quantity multiplied by rate if you haven't specified a value manually.
You can modify the data in a budget line until you change the status of the project task to Active; after
that, you can specify only a revised amount and quantity in the budget line.
: The system allows the modification of original budgeted totals for tasks with all statuses (not just In
Planning), so you need to be careful about how you manage project budgets. (For instance, you may want
to restrict access to the project budget data by configuring a restriction group in the Row-Level Security
module so that only authorized employees can modify budget lines; for more information about restriction
groups, see the Row-Level Security chapter.)

In Acumatica ERP, you can also use other forms, in addition to the Project Tasks form, to enter, track,
or revise a project budget. The forms, which include the same budget data but a different level of
detail, include the following:
| Managing Project Budgets | 39

• Projects (PM.30.10.00) form: On the Balances tab of this form, the most general information
about project budgets is displayed. The information, which contains the details of all the project-
related tasks regardless of their status, is broken down into budget lines by account group.
On this tab, you can view only the original budgeted amounts, the revised budgets, and the actual
budgets calculated based on the project-related transactions that involve the specified account
group; you cannot add, delete, or modify budget lines by using this form. If you select a budget
line with a particular account group in the table and click View Balance on the table toolbar,
the Project Budget (PM.30.30.00) form opens in a pop-up window, so you can view the detailed
balance for the selected account group.

• Project Budget form: The budget lines are displayed for the selected account group and the
selected project, with a breakdown by individual project task.
If you add a new budget line by using this form, the entered quantity and amount are
automatically distributed in equal parts between all the financial periods that fall within the
project task lifespan. (If you want to maintain consistency in the budget data, you need to always
enter the planned start and completion dates for your projects and project tasks.) If you select
a project task in the table and click View Balance on the table toolbar, the Project Budget
by Period (PM.30.50.00) form opens in a pop-up window so you can view the most detailed
information about the selected budget line.

• Project Budget by Period form: The budget information is presented for a particular project at the
most detailed level, broken down by financial period for the selected accounting group, task, and
inventory item.
By using this form, you can add a new budget line for only a financial period that falls within the
lifespan of the project task.

On the Projects and Project Tasks forms, you can use the Auto-Budget action to automatically
calculate an estimate of future revenue that will be added as a separate budget line for an account
group with the Income type. For the calculation to be accurate, the project budget for the expenses, the
involved account groups, and the allocation rules must be properly configured.
: If you want to track the costs of the budget planning activities, you can add an employee task to the
related project or project task by using the Activity History tab on the Projects or Project Tasks form,
respectively. However, transactions generated for a completed task cannot be released until the project
gets the Active status.

In some cases (for instance, if project data has been modified through external tools or import
scenarios), you may need to recalculate the project balances to bring them in line with the underlying
transactions. You use the Validate Project Balances (PM.50.40.00) form for recalculating the balances
for the selected projects.

Budget Tracking
For each active project or project task, you can review the budget at any time and decide whether you
need to revise it or to adjust expenditures.
For tracking a budget, you can use any of the following forms, depending on the level of detail at
which you want to view the budget information: Projects (PM.30.10.00), Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00),
Project Budget (PM.30.30.00), or Project Budget by Period (PM.30.50.00). Also, you can run the Project
Balance (PM.62.10.00) report, which shows the balances of all projects that are active during the
selected financial period.
In Acumatica ERP, account groups are used for aggregation of the information related to project
budgets. An account group includes General Ledger accounts of a particular type to which project-
related transactions are posted. As the project progresses, actual amounts are calculated for each
budget line based on the posted transactions; you can track the actual amounts and compare them to
the budgeted amounts when reviewing the budget. (For more information about account groups, see
Account Groups in Projects.)
| Managing Project Budgets | 40

: Because there is no way to assign an AP bill line for a landed cost to any project task, the purchase price
variance amount calculated as the difference between the landed cost specified in the purchase receipt and
the landed cost specified in the AP bill is not reflected in the project expenses.

Also, you can track the actual quantities of the inventory items included in the budget. An actual
quantity is calculated automatically if the following conditions are met:

• The budget was specified for the project or project task before any project-related transaction

• Units of measure were specified for the inventory items before the project was activated.

• The same unit of measure is used for all inventory items that were used in the transactions posted
to the accounts included in a particular account group.

• The transactions have been released and posted.

For examples of how the system calculates actual quantities, see Actual Quantity: Calculation

Budget Revision
In some cases (for instance, if you have specified an incorrect value in a budget line or if the project
scope has changed), you may want to revise the budget. The original budgeted amounts and quantities
should always remain unchanged so that you can later analyze the accuracy of your original estimates.
You enter a revised amount or revised quantity for each budget line in a separate column labeled
Revised Amount or Revised Qty.
The actual progress of the task, which is displayed in the Performance column on the Budget tab
of the Project Tasks form, is calculated as a ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the actual amount
to the revised budget amount. Also, the system uses the revised values for calculation of the task
completion percentage if Budgeted Quantity or Budgeted Amount is selected for the task in the
Completion Calculation Method box on the General Settings tab of the Project Tasks form. (For
more information about how the task completion percentage is calculated, see Calculation of Task
Completion Percentage.)

Actual Quantity: Calculation Examples

Whether and how the system calculates an actual quantity for a budget line depends on the
completeness and consistency of the information that is specified for the particular budget line and in
the transactions posted to the accounts of the particular account group. Thus, the calculated actual
quantity may appear confusing to the user; the task completion percentage may also seem confusing
if Budgeted Quantity is selected for the task in the Completion Calculation Method box on the
General Settings tab of the Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00) form. The sections below include the most
common examples of the ways an actual quantity may be calculated in Acumatica ERP.

Scenario 1: Budget Lines and Related Transactions Have Matching Units of Measure
Suppose that you are managing a large project of building a house, and this project includes a task of
installing a ventilation system. For this task, 40 hours of regular labor and 10 hours of overtime labor
are budgeted. The budget lines specified for the task on the Budget tab of the Project Tasks form
include the following settings.

Account Inventory Description Budget Qty UOM Rate Budget

Group ID Amount

LABOR PMLABOR Project Labor 40 HOUR 100 4000

LABOR PMLABOROT Project Labor 10 HOUR 150 1500

| Managing Project Budgets | 41

One employee has spent 20 hours of regular labor and 6 hours of overtime labor on this task, and
another employee has spent 20 hours of regular labor and 2 hours of overtime labor on this task, after
which the task has been completed. You bill the project and release the transactions that include the
following settings, which you can review on the Project Transactions (PM.40.10.00) form.

Account Inventory ID UOM Quantity Billable Amount

Group Quantity





For each budget line, the system calculates the actual quantity as the sum of all relevant quantities with
the same unit of measure, and the actual amount as the sum of all relevant amounts, which you can
view on the Budget tab of the Project Tasks form. (See the following table.)

Account Group Inventory ID Description Actual Quantity Actual Amount

LABOR PMLABOR Project Labor 40 4000

LABOR PMLABOROT Project Labor 8 1200


Scenario 2: No Unit of Measure Is Specified in the Budget Line

Suppose that you have a project task for a business trip. An employee may incur various expenses
during a business trip, such as transportation charges and accommodation expenses. You have
budgeted all these expenses by specifying a total budgeted amount, but without specifying any
particular inventory items or units of measure. The budget line specified for the task on the Budget tab
of the Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00) form includes the following information.

Account Inventory Description Budget Qty UOM Rate Budget

Group ID Amount

TRAVEL <OTHER> N/A 0 N/A 0 2000

During the business trip, the employee spent three nights in a hotel, had three business lunches,
and had a return flight. The involved inventory items have different units of measure. As a result,
transactions that include the following settings, which you can review on the Project Transactions form,
are generated as the project is billed.

Account Inventory ID UOM Quantity Billable Amount

Group Quantity




The system doesn't calculate the actual quantity on the Budget tab of the Project Tasks form because
no unit of measure is specified for the budget line. However, 1950 is displayed in the Actual Amount
column, which is the total of all travel expenses regardless of their units of measure.
| Managing Project Budgets | 42

Scenario 3: Different Units of Measure Are Specified

This scenario is similar to the previous scenario, except that a particular unit of measure is specified for
the budget line on the Budget tab of the Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00) form. The budget line includes
the following settings.

Account Inventory Description Budget Qty UOM Rate Budget

Group ID Amount


The resulting transactions (whose settings, which you can review on the Project Transactions form, are
shown in the table below) are identical to those in the previous scenario, but the system calculates the
actual quantity for the budget line as the sum of all the quantities for the inventory items with the EACH
unit of measure. Note that the actual amount is calculated as the total of all travel expenses regardless
of their units of measure.

Account Group Inventory ID Description Actual Quantity Actual Amount


The actual quantity is calculated this way because the system cannot combine different units of
measure, such as days, miles and currency amounts, into a single line.
| Projects Form Reference | 43

Projects Form Reference

On the Navigation pane of the Projects module, the forms are grouped into several tabs. Each tab may
also include nodes to bring together similar forms. This topic follows this layout when listing the forms
of the Projects module.
This topic does not include the forms on the Reports tab. For the description of the report forms, see

Work Area Tab

• Enter

• Project Transactions (PM.30.40.00)

• Manage

• Projects (PM.30.10.00)

• Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00)

• Project Budget (PM.30.30.00)

• Project Budget by Period (PM.30.50.00)

• Rate Tables (PM.20.60.00)

• Explore

• Project Transactions (PM.40.10.00)

• Tasks by Employee (PM.40.20.00)

Processes Tab

• Daily

• Release Transactions (PM.50.10.00)

• Reverse Unbilled Transactions (PM.50.50.00)

• Recurring

• Run Allocations By Projects (PM.50.25.00)

• Run Allocations By Tasks (PM.50.20.00)

• Run Project Billing (PM.50.30.00)

• Closing

• Validate Project Balances (PM.50.40.00)

Reports Tab
For the description of the report forms, see Reports.

Configuration Tab

• Setup

• Projects Preferences (PM.10.10.00)

• Account Groups (PM.20.10.00)

| Projects Form Reference | 44

• Rate Tables (PM.20.42.00)

• Rate Types (PM.20.41.00)

• Rate Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00)

• Allocation Rules (PM.20.75.00)

• Billing Rules (PM.20.70.00)

• Attributes (PM.20.20.00)

• Manage

• Project Templates (PM.20.80.00)

• Project Template Tasks (PM.20.80.10)

• Common Tasks (PM.20.80.30)

Account Groups
Form ID: (PM.20.10.00)
On this form, you can define account groups, which you can use to track the budget, expenses, and
revenues of projects. For each account group, you specify its type, which can be Asset, Income,
Liability, or Expense. An account group of a particular type is mapped to specific General Ledger
accounts of only certain types—that is, an account group of the Asset or Liability type may include
only asset and liability accounts and an account group of the Income or Expense type may include only
income and expense accounts.
You can also use this form to define account groups of the Off-Balance type, which give you the ability
to track statistical information for projects. For more information, see Account Groups in Projects.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Summary Area
You use the elements in this area to add a new account group or to view the details of an existing

Element Description

Account Group The unique identifier of the account group. The structure of this identifier is
ID defined by the ACCGROUP segmented key, which is configured on the Segmented
Keys (CS.20.20.00) form.

Type The type of the account group. You can select one of the following options:

• Asset: The account group may include asset and liability accounts.

• Liability: The account group may include liability and asset accounts.

• Income: The account group may include income and expense accounts.

• Expense: The account group may include expense and income accounts.

• Off-Balance: The account group is used to track statistical information.

Description The description of the account group.

| Projects Form Reference | 45

Element Description

Active A check box that you select to use the account group in projects. If the check box
is cleared, the account group is not available for selection on any project forms.

Accounts Tab
On the Accounts tab, you create a list of General Ledger accounts to associate with the account group,
unless the group has the Off-Balance type.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Account The General Ledger account to associate with the account group of the specified
type. A General Ledger account can be associated with only one account group.

Type The type of the General Ledger account: Asset, Liability, Income, or Expense.

Account Class The account class to which the account is assigned.

Description The description of the account, which was provided on the Chart of Accounts
(GL.20.25.00) form.

Currency The currency of the account.

Attributes Tab
By using the Attributes tab, you can select attributes for this account group. On this tab, you can add
only attributes defined with the Account Group type on the Attributes (PM.20.20.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Attribute The attribute name.

Required A check box that you select to indicate that this attribute is mandatory.

Value The value of the attribute for this account group.

Allocation Rules
Form ID: (PM.20.75.00)
You can use this form to define the rules to be used for the allocation of transactions.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Summary Area
By using the elements in this area, you can specify the settings for a new rule or select an existing rule
to view or modify its details.

Element Description

Allocation Rule The unique identifier of the rule.

Description The description of the allocation rule.

| Projects Form Reference | 46

Left Pane
By using the left pane, you can define the sequence of steps for the selected allocation rule. You then
define the actual calculation rules and allocation settings for each step by using the tabs in the right
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table Columns

Column Description

Step ID The identifier of the step in the allocation rule. By clicking the arrow next to
the Step ID (column header) you can change the order in which the steps are
displayed from descending to ascending order and back.

Description The description of the step.

Right Pane: Calculation Rules Tab

In the right pane, for the step selected in the left pane, you can specify which transactions to use as the
base of allocation (on the Calculation Rules tab) and how to generate the resulting transactions (on
the Allocation Settings tab).

Calculation Rules Tab Elements

Element Description

Allocation The method to be used for allocation. The following options are available:
• Allocate Transactions: With this option, the system calculates the amount
to allocate by using the underlying transactions and their amounts. By
using this option, you can implement a cost-plus-project scenario in which
project total is calculated as a percentage of its costs.

• Allocate Budget: With this option, the system calculates the amount to
allocate as a percentage of the task budget, while any other amounts
are ignored and not used in calculations. By using this option, you can
implement a fixed-price project scenario in which project total is predefined
by a budget.

Create Allocation A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should create the
Transaction allocation transactions resulting from this step. If the check box is cleared, the
resulting transactions are placed on a clipboard until used by another allocation

Selection Criteria section

Select The way the system should select the transactions to be used as the basis for
Transactions generating allocation transactions in this step. You can select one of the following

• Not Allocated Transactions: The step will be applied to original project-

related transactions that were not allocated yet. If you select this option,
the Account Group From and Account Group To boxes become

• From Previous Allocation Steps: The step will be applied to the transactions
generated for previous steps and placed to the clipboard. If you select this
option, the Range Start and Range End boxes become available.
| Projects Form Reference | 47

Element Description

Account Group The account group that starts the range of account groups whose transactions
From are involved in this allocation step. (The account groups are ordered
alphabetically.) This box is available only if the Not Allocated Transactions option
is selected in the Select Transactions box.

Account Group The account group that ends the range of account groups involved in this
To allocation step. (The groups are ordered alphabetically.) This box is available only
if the Not Allocated Transactions option is selected in the Select Transactions

Range Start The starting step opening the range of previous steps whose allocation
transactions will be used by the current step. This box is available only if the
From Previous Allocation Steps option is selected in the Select Transactions

Range End The step to end the range of previous steps whose allocation transactions will be
used by the current step. This box is available only if the From Previous Allocation
Steps option is selected in the Select Transactions box.

Rate Settings section

Rate Type The rate type to be used for this step of the allocation rule.

If @Rate Is Not The default action to be performed if the value for the @Rate has not been
Defined defined after execution of the step. Select one of the following:

• Set @Rate to 1: To set @Rate to 1.

• Set @Rate to 0: To set @Rate to 0.

• Raise Error: To show the error message and stop processing.

• Do not Allocate: To skip the generation of the allocation transactions.

Calculation Settings section

Quantity The formula to be used in this step for calculating the quantity for allocation
Formula transactions. To enter the formula, click within this box and then click the
Selector icon; this opens the Formula Editor window. In addition to the quantities
specified in the underlying transactions, you can use any other transaction
parameters to calculate the quantity. The resulting value is normally used to
track task or project completion or the total quantity for the task or project.
For more information about the functions you can use in the formula, see

Billable Qty. The formula for calculating the billable quantity for allocation transactions. To
Formula enter the formula, click within this box and then click the Selector icon; this
opens the Formula Editor window. In addition to the quantities specified in
the underlying transactions, you can use any other transaction parameters to
calculate the billable quantity. Generally, you use this box to define the quantity
for which you will charge the customer during billing.
For more information about the functions you can use in the formula, see

Amount Formula The formula for calculating the amount of allocation transactions. To enter the
formula, click within this box and then click the Selector icon; this opens the
Formula Editor window. In addition to the amount specified in the underlying
transactions, you can use any other transaction parameters to calculate the
| Projects Form Reference | 48

Element Description
amount. The resulting value is normally used to track task or project completion
or the amount for the task or project.
For more information about the functions you can use in the formula, see

Description The formula you can use to generate the descriptions for allocation transactions.
Formula To enter the formula, click within this box and then click the Selector icon; this
opens the Formula Editor window. If you use this step of the allocation rule to
accumulate billable amounts, the text the formula generates will be included in
the invoice during billing.
For more information about the functions you can use in the formula, see

Right Pane: Allocation Settings Tab

On this tab, for the step selected in the left pane, you can specify how to allocate the project amounts
to specific accounts and account groups.

Allocation Settings Tab Elements

Element Description

Transaction Options section

Post Transaction A check box that you select to indicate that the allocation transactions should be
to GL posted to the General Ledger. If this check box is not selected, the transactions
are not posted to the General Ledger (they are used only to track analytical or
statistical information for projects); in this case, you can specify only account
groups (not accounts) in the Debit and Credit boxes.

Reverse An option that indicates when the allocation transactions generated using this
Allocation step of the allocation rule should be reversed. The following options are available:

• On Invoice Release: The allocation transaction is reversed immediately

after the release of the invoice generated on the basis of this allocation

• On Project Billing: The allocation transaction is reversed immediately after

the billing procedure—that is, after the invoice is generated on the basis of
this allocation transaction.

• Never: The allocation transaction is never reversed.

Date Source An option that indicates how the date for the allocation transactions is defined.
You can select one of the following options:

• Original Transaction: To take the date from the original transaction as the
date for the allocation transactions

• Allocation Date: To use the date of the allocation as the date for the
allocation transactions

Can be used TBD.

as source
in another
| Projects Form Reference | 49

Element Description

Create A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will create the allocation
Transaction with transaction even if it has a quantity of zero. As a result, such transactions will be
Zero Qty. available in the invoice after you run billing. If this check box is not selected, the
system will not create transactions that have zero quantities.

Create A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will create the allocation
Transaction with transaction even if it has an amount of zero. As a result, such transactions will be
Zero Amount available in the invoice after you run billing. If this check box is not selected, the
system will not create transactions that have zero amounts.

Create Non- A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will create the allocation
Billable transaction even if it is non-billable. As a result, such transactions will be
Transaction available in the invoice after you run billing. If this check box is not selected, the
system will not create non-billable transactions.

Debit Transaction section

Transaction Two boxes that you can use to select the branch to be specified for the
Branch allocation's debit transactions. In the left box, you can select one of the following

• Use Source: To use the branch specified in the original transaction.

• Replace: To make available the box on the right, where you can specify the
branch for the allocation's debit transactions.

Project Two boxes that you can use to select the project to be specified for the
allocation's debit transactions. In the left box, you can select one of the following

• Use Source: To use the project specified in the original transaction.

• Replace: To make available the box on the right, where you can specify the
project for the allocation's debit transactions.

Task Two boxes that you can use to select the task to be specified for the allocation's
debit transactions. In the left box, you can select one of the following options:

• Use Source: To use the task specified in the original transaction.

• Replace: To make available the box on the right, where you can specify the
task for the allocation's debit transactions.

Account Group Two boxes that you can use to select the account group to be used for the
allocation's debit transactions.
: These boxes are unavailable when the Post Transaction to GL check box is
selected for the current allocation step.

In the left box, you can select one of the following options:

• Use Source: To use the account group specified in the original transaction.

• Replace: To make available the box on the right, where you can specify the
account group for the allocation's debit transactions.

Account Origin Two boxes that you can use to select the account to be used for the allocation's
debit transactions.
: These boxes are available only if the Post Transaction to GL check box is
selected for the current allocation step.
| Projects Form Reference | 50

Element Description
In the left box, you can select one of the following options:

• Use Source: To use the account group specified in the original transaction.

• Replace: To make available the box on the right, where you can specify
the account group for the allocation transaction. In the rightmost box, you
cannot select an account that is not included in any account group.

• Credit Source: To have the system generate an allocation transaction that

debits the credit account of the underlying (source) transaction.

Subaccount Two boxes that you can use to select the subaccount to be used for the
allocation's debit transactions.
: These boxes are available only if the Post Transaction to GL check box is
selected for the current allocation step.

Use the left text box to specify the subaccount mask to be used to generate
subaccounts for this step. To specify the mask, for each segment, select the
source of segment values, which can be one of the following options:

• A: The subaccount that is associated with the current allocation step and
specified in the right text box.

• P: The default subaccount of the project.

• S: The subaccount from the source transaction.

• T: The default subaccount of the project task.

Credit Transaction section

Transaction Two boxes that you can use to select the branch to be specified for the
Branch allocation's credit transactions. In the left box, you can select one of the following

• Use Source: To use the branch specified in the original transaction.

• Replace: To make available the box on the right, where you can specify the
branch for the allocation's credit transactions.

Project Two boxes that you can use to select the project to be specified for the
allocation's credit transactions. In the left box, you can select one of the following

• Use Source: To use the project specified in the original transaction.

• Replace: To make available the box on the right, where you can specify the
project for the allocation's credit transactions.

Task Two boxes that you can use to select the task to be specified for the allocation's
credit transactions. In the left box, you can select one of the following options:

• Use Source: To use the task specified in the original transaction.

• Replace: To make available the box on the right, where you can specify the
task for the allocation's credit transactions.

Account Group Two boxes that you can use to select the account group to be used for the
allocation's credit transactions.
| Projects Form Reference | 51

Element Description
: These boxes are unavailable when the Post Transaction to GL check box is
selected for the current allocation step.

In the left box, you can select one of the following options:

• Use Source: To use the account group specified in the original transaction.

• Replace: To make available the box on the right, where you can specify the
account group for the allocation's credit transactions.

Account Origin Two boxes that you can use to select the account to be used for the allocation's
credit transactions.
: These boxes are available only if the Post Transaction to GL check box is
selected for the current allocation step.

In the left box, you can select one of the following options:

• Use Source: To use the account group specified in the original transaction.

• Replace: To make available the box on the right, where you can specify
the account group for the allocation transaction. In the rightmost box, you
cannot select an account that is not included in any account group.

• Credit Source: To have the system generate an allocation transaction that

credits the credit account of the underlying (source) transaction.

Subaccount Two boxes that you can use to select a subaccount to be used for the allocation's
credit transactions.
: These boxes are available only if the Post Transaction to GL check box is
selected for the current allocation step.

Use the left text box to specify the subaccount mask to be used to generate
subaccounts for this step. To specify the mask, for each segment, select the
source of segment values, which can be one of the following options:

• A: The subaccount that is associated with the current allocation step and
specified in the right text box.

• P: The default subaccount of the project.

• S: The subaccount from the source transaction.

• T: The default subaccount of the project task.

Use the rightmost box to select the subaccount if the A option is selected at least
for one segment.

Aggregate A set of check boxes that control how the system breaks the underlying
Transactions transactions into groups when it generates the corresponding Projects
section transactions. You can also group transactions by using multiple criteria. For
instance, if you apply grouping by employee and by item, Acumatica ERP
first breaks the underlying transactions by employee and then combines the
transactions within the groups by inventory items. The amount of each resulting
transaction will be a sum of all transaction amounts in each subgroup.

• By Date: Groups the underlying transactions by date.

• By Employee: Combines the underlying transactions by employee.

• By Vendor: Combines the underlying transactions by vendor or customer.

| Projects Form Reference | 52

Element Description
• By Item: Combines the underlying transactions by inventory item.

Form ID: (PM.20.20.00)
In the Projects module, an attribute group is a collection of additional elements to gather and store
information related to specific entity types: projects, tasks, account groups, or equipment. Only one set
of attributes (group of attributes) can be defined for each entity type used in the Projects module. By
using this form, you can create, view, modify, and delete attribute groups. To define the attributes, use
the Attributes (CS.20.50.00) form.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar. The
form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons.

Selection Area
In this area, you can select the entity type for creating, modifying, or deleting its attribute group.
If a group is defined for the entity type, the attributes will appear on the Attributes tab of the
corresponding form so that users can specify them when they create an entity of the type.

Element Description

Name The entity type for which you want to specify the attribute group. The following
options are available:

• Project: To add the listed attributes to the Projects (PM.30.10.00) form

• Task: To add the listed attributes to the Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00) form

• Account Group: To add the listed attributes to the Account Groups

(PM.20.10.00) form

• Equipment: To add the listed attributes to the Equipment (EP.20.80.00)


In the table, you can create the list of attributes to be used for the specified entity type.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Attribute ID The attribute identifier.

Description A read-only box showing the description that has been provided for the attribute.

Sort Order An integer that defines the position of the attribute in the list of attributes
available for the entity type. Specify 1 for the first attribute you want to be listed,
2 for the second, and so on.

Required A check box you select if the user must specify a value for this attribute on the
appropriate data entry form.

Control Type A read-only box displaying the element type for the attribute: Text, Combo,
Check box, or Datetime.
| Projects Form Reference | 53

Billing Rules
Form ID: (PM.20.70.00)
You can use this form to define the rules for billing customers.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Summary Area
By using the elements in this area, you can specify the settings for a new rule or select an existing rule
to view or modify its details.

Element Description

Billing Rule The unique identifier of the rule.

Description The description of the billing rule.

Active A check box that you can select to make the rule available for use in projects and
tasks in Acumatica ERP.

You use the table to specify which allocated transactions in the Projects module should be included in
invoices when you run billing according to this rule. You select the transaction by the account group
they are associated.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Account Group The account group for billing. Acumatica ERP uses for billing only allocated
transactions that include accounts of this account group.

Invoice The description of the invoice, which is included in the invoice generated when
Description the system runs billing.
: If multiple rows (defined by different account groups) have the same
description, all transactions associated with these account groups will be included
in one invoice.

Account Source The source of the account to be used for billing as a sales account. The following
options are available:

• None: The system selects the sales account for billing by using the
standard rules specified in the Accounts Receivable module.

• Billing Rule: The system uses for billing the account specified in the
Account column.

• Project: The system uses for billing the default account of the project
associated with the underlying transaction.

• Task: The system uses for billing the default account of the project task
associated with the underlying transaction.

• Inventory Item: The system uses for billing the default account of the
inventory item associated with the underlying transaction.
| Projects Form Reference | 54

Column Description
• Customer: The system uses for billing the default account of the customer
associated with the underlying transaction.

• Resource: The system uses for billing the default account of the employee
associated with the underlying transaction.

Subaccount Mask The subaccount mask to be used for generating sales subaccounts for billing. To
set up the rule for selecting segment values, select a segment, press F3, and
select a source of the segment value, which is one of the following options:

• B: The subaccount associated with the billing rule, specified in the

Subaccount column.

• E: The subaccount associated with the employee specified in the time card.

• P: The subaccount associated with the project.

• S: The subaccount that is associated with the original transaction.

• T: The subaccount associated with the project task.

For a segment, the characters designating each option are repeated as many
times as there are characters in the segment. For more details, see Combined

Account The account to use for billing if the Billing Rule option is selected in the Account
Source column. If you do not enter any value in this column, Acumatica ERP
uses the default account specified in the customer account.

Subaccount The subaccount to use for billing, or as a source of segment values for the
segments with the Billing Rule option selected. If you do not enter any value
in this column, the system uses the default subaccount, as specified in the
customer settings.

Include Non- A check box you select to indicate that Acumatica ERP should include in the
Billable invoice transactions marked as non-billable.

Limit Qty. A check box that indicates whether the system should track the quantity to bill
against the revised budget of the account group specified in the Max. Limits
Account Group column. If the check box is selected, the system does not allow
any billing transaction that could entail exceeding the budgeted quantity.

Limit Amount A check box that indicates whether the system should track the amount to bill
against the revised budget of the account group specified in the Max. Limits
Account Group column. If the check box is selected, the system does not allow
any billing operation that could entail exceeding the budgeted amount.

Max. Limits The account group to track the budgeted amount, quantity, or both. This column
Account Group is editable and the system uses its value only if you select the Limit Qty. or
Limit Amount check box (or both check boxes); Acumatica ERP tracks the billing
quantity or amount (or both) for the selected accounting group and does not
allow any billing transaction that could entail exceeding the revised budgeted
quantity or amount (or both limits). If neither the Limit Qty. check box nor the
Limit Amount check box is selected, any value in this column is ignored.

Over the Limits The account group (of the Off-Balance type) to track the amounts or quantities
Account Group over the specified limits. You can edit this value, which the system uses only if
you select the Limit Qty. or Limit Amount check box (or both check boxes);
Acumatica ERP tracks the billing quantity or amount (or both) that exceed the
revised budgeted quantity or amount (or both limits) for the selected accounting
| Projects Form Reference | 55

Column Description
group. If neither the Limit Qty. check box nor the Limit Amount check box is
selected, any value in this column is ignored.

WIP Account An account group for tracking work in progress in the project. Acumatica ERP
Group uses for billing only allocated transactions that include accounts of this account

Copy Notes A check box that you select to copy the notes and attachments from the
allocation transactions to the billing documents. If you select this check box, all
the attachments of the allocation transactions are copied as attachments to the
corresponding billing documents.

Common Tasks
Form ID: (PM.20.80.30)
You use this form to view and edit all the settings of a common task, as well as to add or delete a
common task. While a common task is similar to a template task, a common task can be added to any
new or existing project, rather than just any project associated with one project template.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Task Summary Area

By using this area, you can add a new common task or view the details of an existing one.

Element Description

Task ID The unique identifier of the common task. The structure of this identifier
is defined by the PROTASK segmented key, which was configured on the
Segmented Keys (CS.20.20.00) form.

Description The description of the common task.

Allocation Rule The rule that Acumatica ERP uses to run allocation for this common task.

Billing Rule The rule that Acumatica ERP uses to run billing for this common task.

General Settings Tab

This tab includes general information about the common task.

General Settings Section

Element Description

Approver The default approver to be assigned to the common task to approve time

Default Account The default account to be used for the common task when it is added to a

Default The default subaccount to be used for the common task when it is added to a
Subaccount project.

Billing Option The way the task becomes eligible for billing. You can select one of the following
| Projects Form Reference | 56

Element Description
• By Billing Period: The billing for the task is performed at the end of the
billing period specified for the project.

• On Task Completion: You can bill the task only when it has been completed.

• On Project Completion: The task is available for billing on project


Visibility Settings Section

Element Description

GL A check box that indicates whether transactions in the General Ledger module
can be associated with tasks created by using this common task. With this check
box selected, users can select the task in General Ledger documents, and the
release of such documents automatically updates the project data.

AP A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Accounts Payable module
can be associated with tasks created by using this common task. With this check
box selected, users can select the task in Accounts Payable documents, and the
release of such documents automatically updates the project data.

AR A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Accounts Receivable

module can be associated with tasks created by using this common task.
With this check box selected, users can select the task in Accounts Receivable
documents, and the release of such documents automatically updates the project

SO A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Sales Orders module can
be associated with tasks created by using this common task. With this check box
selected, users can select the task in Sales Orders documents, and the release of
such documents automatically updates the project data.

PO A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Purchase Orders module
can be associated with tasks created by using this common task. With this check
box selected, users can select the task in Purchase Orders documents, and the
release of such documents automatically updates the project data.

TE A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Time and Expenses
module can be associated with tasks created by using this common task.
With this check box selected, users can select the task in Time and Expenses
documents, and the release of such documents automatically updates the project

IN A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Inventory module can be
associated with tasks created by using this common task. With this check box
selected, users can select the task in Inventory documents, and the release of
such documents automatically updates the project data.

CA A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Cash Management module
can be associated with tasks created by using this common task. With this check
box selected, users can select the task in Cash Management documents, and the
release of such documents automatically updates the project data.

CR A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Customer Management

module can be associated with tasks created by using this common task. With
this check box selected, users can select the task in Customer Management
| Projects Form Reference | 57

Element Description
documents, and the release of such documents automatically updates the project

Budget Tab
On the Budget tab of the form, you can specify budgeted amounts for account groups.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Type A read-only box that displays the type of the selected account group: Asset,
Liability, Income, or Expense.

Account Group The group of accounts for which the budgeted amount and actual amounts are

Inventory ID The identifier of the stock or non-stock item (for an item required for the
common task), or <OTHER>. You can select an item from the list of items
associated with accounts of the specified account group and specify the
budget for this item. If you select <OTHER>, you can specify the budget for
all transactions associated with this account group that are not linked to any
particular inventory item.

Description The description of the budget line.

Budget Qty. The quantity of the item or service planned for the common task.

UOM The unit of measure for the budget line, such as HOUR or BOX.

Rate The price of the item or the rate of the service.

Budget Amount The total budgeted amount for the budget line. Acumatica ERP automatically
calculates the value as the product of the values in the Budget Qty. and Rate
columns, but you can override the value in this column by specifying the amount
manually as long as the task has the In Planning status.

Production A check box that you select for Acumatica ERP to automatically calculate the
percent of project completion by using the Budget Qty. (or the Revised
Qty. if specified) and the percent of project completion calculated based on
Performance values of all tasks. You can select this check box for only one task
budget line (for an account group of Expense type) in the entire project.

Recurring Billing Tab

By using the Recurring Billing tab, you can implement a regular flat-rate billing model for the
common task—for example, to provide a certain number of hours of service to a customer for a flat
monthly rate.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Non-Stock Item The non-stock item that designates the service or labor associated with the
common task.

Description The description of the service or labor associated with the common task.

Item Fee The flat price for the service or labor.

| Projects Form Reference | 58

Column Description

Reset Usage A check box that indicates whether the system resets the quantity of the service
or labor when billing is performed. You specify the quantity of the service or labor
as the Included value. If you select this check box, any unused hours of service
in the current period is not carried over to the next period. If you clear this check
box, Acumatica ERP carries any used amount over to the next period.

Included The quantity of the service or labor that is included in the billing period. If the
quantity of service or labor provided to the customer exceeds this value for the
current billing period, the entire extra quantity is charged at the regular rate.

Min. The minimum quantity of the service or labor that can be charged. Any quantity
that is less than this value is not charged.

UOM The unit of measure used for the service or labor.

Used The quantity of the service or labor that has been used in the billing period.

Attributes Tab
By using the Attributes tab, you can specify attributes for this common task. The attributes on this tab
are those with the Task type on the Attributes (PM.20.20.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Attribute The attribute name.

Required A check box that you select to indicate that this is a mandatory attribute.

Value The value of the attribute for this common task.

Project Budget
Form ID: (PM.30.30.00)
On this form, you can view the breakdown of project budgets for specific accounts by project tasks.
You can also use this form to update task balances for planned projects and to revise task budgets for
active projects.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Selection Area
You use the elements in this area to select a project and an account group whose balances you want to

Element Description

Account Group The account group whose balance you want to view.

Project The project whose balance you want to view.

Project Balance Tab

On this tab of the form, you can view and provide general information about project tasks.
| Projects Form Reference | 59

Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

View Details Opens in a pop-up panel the Project Budget by Period (PM.30.50.00) form, where
you can view the balance of the selected budget line for the task.

View Opens in a pop-up panel the Project Transactions (PM.40.10.00) form, where you
Transactions can view the transactions associated with the selected task. Additionally, you can
filter transactions by a specific inventory ID, employee, and date.

Table Columns

Column Description

Project Task The identifier of a task associated with the project.

Inventory ID The identifier of the inventory item associated with the task. Acumatica ERP lists
only those inventory items whose sales account or COGS account is included in
the selected account group. For instance, you can specify the corresponding non-
stock item to account for labor used in the task, or you can specify a stock item
(for example, a building material) used in this task.

Description The detailed task description.

Budgeted Qty. The budgeted quantity of the inventory item, such as the number of labor hours
or the number of boxes of building materials.

UOM The unit of measure for the task budget, such as HOUR or BOX.

Rate The price of a unit of the inventory item.

Budgeted The total budgeted amount for the task. Acumatica ERP automatically calculates
Amount this value by multiplying the values in the Budget Qty. and Rate columns, but
you can override the value in this column. You can specify the budgeted amount
only for the tasks with the In Planning status.

Revised Qty. The revised quantity of the inventory item. You can use this column to revise the
budget for the task if the status of the task is set to Active.

Revised Amount The revised amount of the task. You can use this column to revise the budget for
the task if the status of the task is set to Active.

Actual Qty. The actual quantity of the inventory item used for the task. This column is
automatically updated based on the transactions that involve the account group.

Actual Amount The actual amount that corresponds to the inventory item used for the task.
This column is automatically updated based on the transactions that involve the
account group.

Status The status of the project task, which can be one of the following options:

• In Planning: A task with this status can be modified and its settings,
including the budget, can be changed. Tasks that are being planned are
not available for selection in other modules when users enter transactions
related to the project.

• Active: A task with this status is available for selection in other modules.
The task budget cannot be changed, but you can enter a revised budgeted
| Projects Form Reference | 60

Column Description
• Canceled: The task has been canceled. You cannot modify a task with this

• Completed: The task has been completed. You cannot modify a task with
this status.

Project Budget by Period

Form ID: (PM.30.50.00)
On this form, you can view the project budget broken down by financial period for a selected accounting
group, task, and inventory item. You can also use this form to enter and update task budgets for
specific financial periods in planned projects, and to revise task budgets for active projects.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Selection Area
In this area, you can select the account group, project, task, and inventory item for which you want
to view the budget breakdown by financial period. The area also displays read-only quantity and value
totals for the selected inventory item.

Element Description

Account Group The account group for which you want to view data.

Project The project for which you want to view data.

Project Task The project task for which you want to view data.

Inventory ID The stock or non-stock item for which you want to view data.

Quantity Section

Element Description

Budgeted Read-only. The total budgeted quantity for all periods when the project has been

Revised Read-only. The revised budgeted quantity if the budget has been revised for
the project since the initial budgeting took place. This value is calculated for all
periods when the project has been active.

Actual Read-only. The total actual quantity and the total actual amount spent on the
project over all the periods when the project has been active.

Amount Section

Element Description

Budgeted Read-only. The total budgeted amount for all periods when the project has been

Revised Read-only. The revised budgeted amount if the budget has been revised for
the project since the initial budgeting took place. The value is calculated for all
periods when the project has been active.
| Projects Form Reference | 61

Element Description

Actual Read-only. The total actual quantity and the total actual amount spent on the
project over all the periods when the project has been active.

Project Balance Tab

On the Project Balance tab, you can manage the project task budget by adding, viewing, deleting, or
updating the rows in the table. Each row in the table represents the project task budget for each of the
financial periods that fall within the task lifespan.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Fin. Period A financial period that falls between the start and end dates of the task.

UOM The unit of measure used for the inventory item associated with the task.

Rate The rate applicable to the task.

Budgeted Qty. The budgeted quantity of the inventory item for the specific financial period, such
as the number of labor hours or the number of boxes of building materials.

Budgeted The total budgeted amount for the task for the specific financial period. If you
Amount do not enter any value in this column, the system automatically calculates the
value by multiplying the values in the Budgeted Qty and Rate columns. You can
override the value in this column by specifying it manually if the task has the In
Planning status.

Revised Qty. The revised quantity of the inventory item. You can use this column to revise the
budget for the financial period if the status of the task is set to Active.

Revised Amount The revised amount (the revised quantity multiplied by the rate) of the inventory
item for the task.

Actual Qty. The actual quantity of the inventory item for the financial period. This column is
automatically updated based on the transactions that involve the account group.

Actual Amount The actual amount (the actual quantity multiplied by the rate) of the inventory
item for the financial period. This column is automatically updated based on the
transactions that involve the account group.

Project Tasks
Form ID: (PM.30.20.00)
You can use this form to do the following:

• Add new tasks to projects

• View and modify the settings of existing project tasks

• Delete tasks from projects

You do not use this form to add common tasks or tasks from a project template to a project; they
can be added on the Common Tasks (PM.20.80.30) or Project Template Tasks (PM.20.80.10) form,
| Projects Form Reference | 62

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form
Toolbar. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

Auto-Budget Calculates the revenue projection by using the planned costs and the allocation
and billing rules selected for the project task. You cannot use this action in fixed-
price projects; use it only in cost-plus projects for which you have specified a
cost-based revenue accrual model by using allocation rules.

Summary Area
You use the elements in this area to add a new task or to select an existing task and view its details.

Element Description

Project ID The project to which the task is assigned.

Task ID The unique identifier of the task. The structure of this identifier is defined by the
PROTASK segmented key, whose configuration is defined on the Segmented Keys
(CS.20.20.00) form.

Customer The customer associated with the task.

Location The customer location associated with the task.

Description A detailed description of the task.

Rate Table The rate table to be used for this project task.

Allocation Rule The allocation rule to be used for this project task.

Billing Rule The rule that the system uses to run billing for the task.

Status The status of the project task, which can be one of the following:

• In Planning: Use this status, which is automatically assigned to a new task,

if the task is a draft. Tasks with this status are not available for selection on
data entry forms.

• Active: Select this status when the task is active and should be available for
selection on data entry forms.

• Completed: Assign this status when the task is completed.

• Canceled: Select this status if task execution has been stopped before task
completion. A canceled task can be activated again.

General Settings Tab

This tab includes the general information about the project task.

General Settings Section

Element Description

Planned Start The date when the task is expected to start.

Planned End The date when the task is expected to end.

| Projects Form Reference | 63

Element Description

Start Date The actual start date of the task. When the status of the project task is changed
to Active, the system automatically specifies the current business date as the
task's start date.

End Date The actual end date of the task. When the status of the task is changed to
Completed, the system automatically specifies this date as the current business

Completion The method of calculating the percentage of completion of the task. The following
Calculation options are available:
• Manual: Users manually specify the task completion percentage for each
task in the Completed (%) box.

• Budgeted Quantity: The system automatically calculates the task

completion percentage based on the quantities specified in the Actual
Qty. and Budget Qty. columns for the budget line marked by a selected
check box in the Production column on the Budget tab of this form. We
recommend that you select the check box in the Production column for
only one budget line if you use this method of calculation—that is, you
need to select the most important cost for evaluating the task completion

• Budgeted Amount: The system automatically calculates the task completion

percentage based on the total amounts specified in the Actual Amount
and Budget Amount columns for the budget lines with the check boxes
selected in the Production column on the Budget tab of this form. If the
original budgets were revised at some point in the task progress for any of
the budget lines, the completion percentage is calculated with respect to
the revised budget amounts.

For more information, see Calculation of Task Completion Percentage.

Completed (%) The actual percentage of task completion, which is determined as follows:

• If the Manual option is selected in the Completion Calculation Method

box, the percentage is entered manually by a user.

• If the Budgeted Quantity option is selected in the Completion Calculation

Method box, the percentage is calculated automatically as the actual
quantity divided by the budgeted quantity for the budget line that has the
check box selected in the Production column on the Budget tab.

• If the Budgeted Amount option is selected in the Completion Calculation

Method box, the percentage is calculated automatically as the total actual
amount divided by the total budgeted amount for the budget lines that
have the check boxes selected in the Production column.

The value is set to 100 once the task is completed.

The completion percentage is used in revenue allocations for the project; for
details, see Labor and Revenue Allocation.

Default Account The account to be used as the expense account in transactions generated based
on time cards for this project task if the Task option is selected in the Expense
Account Source box on the Projects Preferences (PM.10.10.00) form.

Default The subaccount to be used as a source of segment values for the expense
Subaccount subaccount (to be used for this project's transactions) for the segments with
| Projects Form Reference | 64

Element Description
the T (task) option specified in the Expense Sub. Source box on the Projects
Preferences form.

Default Accrual The account to be used as an expense accrual account in transactions generated
Account based on time cards for this project task if the Task Accrual option is selected in
the Expense Accrual Account Source box on the Projects Preferences form.

Default Accrual The subaccount to be used as a source of segment values for the expense accrual
Subaccount subaccount (to be used for this project's transactions) for the segments with
the T (task) option specified in the Expense Accrual Sub. Source box on the
Projects Preferences form.

Billing Option The way the task becomes eligible for billing. You can select one of the following

• By Billing Period: The task is available for billing at the end of the billing
period specified for the project.

• On Task Completion: The task can be billed only when it is completed.

• On Project Completion: The task is available for billing when the project is

Approver The employee who is authorized to approve the time activities related to this
project task.

Visibility Settings Section

Element Description

GL A check box that indicates whether transactions in the General Ledger module
can be associated with the task. With this check box selected, users can select
the task in General Ledger documents, and the release of these documents
automatically updates the project data.

AP A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Accounts Payable module
can be associated with the task. With this check box selected, users can select
the task in Accounts Payable documents, and the release of these documents
automatically updates the project data.

AR A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Accounts Receivable

module can be associated with the task. With this check box selected, users
can select the task in Accounts Receivable documents, and the release of these
documents automatically updates the project data.

SO A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Sales Orders module
can be associated with the task. With this check box selected, users can select
the task in Sales Orders documents, and the release of these documents
automatically updates the project data.

PO A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Purchase Orders module
can be associated with the task. If you select this check box, users can select
the task in Purchase Orders documents, and the release of these documents
automatically updates the project data.

TE A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Time and Expenses
module can be associated with the task. With this check box selected, users
can select the task in Time and Expenses documents, and the release of these
documents automatically updates the project data.
| Projects Form Reference | 65

Element Description

IN A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Inventory module can be
associated with the task. If you select this check box, users can select the task in
Inventory documents, and the release of these documents automatically updates
the project data.

CA A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Cash Management module
can be associated with the task. If you select this check box, users can select
the task in Cash Management documents, and the release of these documents
automatically updates the project data.

CR A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Customer Management

module can be associated with the task. If you select this check box, users can
select the task in Customer Management documents, and the release of these
documents automatically updates the project data.

Budget Tab
On the Budget tab, you can specify the budget of the task. Normally, you can modify budget lines only
if the task has the In Planning status. After you change the status of the task to Active, you can specify
only revised totals. However, the system allows such modifications to original budgets for tasks with all
statuses (not just In Planning), so you need to manage task budgets carefully. For more information
about project budgets, see Project Budgets.
The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Tables. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table Toolbar

Button Description

View Details Opens the Project Budget by Period (PM.30.50.00) form in a pop-up pane so you
can view the balance of the selected budget line of the task, broken down by
financial period.

View Opens the Project Transactions (PM.40.10.00) form in a pop-up pane so you
Transactions can view the transactions associated with the selected budget line. By using
the elements in the Selection area of this form, you can view transactions
for a specific account group, task, inventory item, employee, or date (or any
combination of these factors).

Table Columns

Column Description

Type Read-only. The type of the selected account group.

Account Group The group of accounts for which the budgeted amount and actual amount or the
budget quantity and actual quantity are specified.

Inventory ID The identifier of the stock or non-stock item, for an item required for the task,
or <OTHER>. You can select an item from the list of items associated with the
accounts of the specified account group and specify the budget for this item.
Alternatively, you can select <OTHER> to be able to specify the budget for
all transactions associated with this account group that are not linked to any
particular inventory item.

Description The description of the budget line.

| Projects Form Reference | 66

Column Description

Budgeted Qty. The quantity of the item or service planned for the task.

UOM The unit of measure for the budget line, such as HOUR or BOX.

Rate The price of the item or the rate of the service.

Budgeted The total budgeted amount for the budget line. Acumatica ERP automatically
Amount calculates the value by multiplying the values in the Budget Qty. and Rate
columns, but you can override the value in this column. You can specify a
budgeted amount only if the task has the In Planning status.

Revised Qty. The revised quantity of the inventory item. You can use this column to revise the
budget for the task if the status of the task is set to Active.

Revised Amount The revised amount of the task. You can use this column to revise the budget for
the task if the status of the task is set to Active.

Actual Qty. The actual quantity of the inventory item used for the task. This column is
automatically updated based on the transactions that involve the account group.

Actual Amount The actual amount that corresponds to the inventory item used for the task.
This column is automatically updated based on the transactions that involve the
account group.

Production A check box that you select to include the budget line (for an account group with
the Expense type) in calculation of the task completion percentage. If Budgeted
Amount is selected in the Completion Calculation Method box on the General
Settings tab, you can select multiple lines in this column to automatically
calculate the task completion percentage. If Budgeted Quantity is selected in the
Completion Calculation Method box, you need to select a check box for only
one cost budget line for the task.

Performance The actual progress of the task, which is calculated as a ratio (expressed as a
percentage) of the actual task amount to the revised budget amount.

Recurring Billing Tab

On the Recurring Billing tab, you can implement a regular flat-rate billing model. For instance, you
can use this tab in the following scenario: Suppose that the project task requires that you provide 100
hours of service to a customer for a flat rate of $500 on a monthly basis. When you run billing for the
project, $500 is automatically billed to the customer's account, while any extra hours (beyond 100
hours) are charged at a rate based on your billing rules.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
The following table lists the elements of the tab.

Table Columns

Column Description

Non-Stock Item The non-stock item that designates a service or labor associated with the task.

Description The description of the service or labor associated with the task.

Item Fee The flat price for the service or labor.

Account Source The source of the account for the billing transactions, which can be one of the
following: None, Recurring Item, Project, Task, Inventory Item, or Customer.
| Projects Form Reference | 67

Column Description

Subaccount Mask The rule for selecting segment values for a subaccount to be used for recurring
billing transactions.

Account The account to be used in the billing transaction if the account source is set to

Subaccount The subaccount to be used in the billing transaction if the account source is set to

Reset Usage A check box that indicates whether the system resets the quantity of the service
or labor when performing billing. If you select this check box, any used hours of
service in the current period are not carried over to the next period. If you clear
this check box, Acumatica ERP carries over any used amount to the next period.

Included The quantity of the service or labor that you plan to provide when executing this

UOM The unit of measure used for the service or labor.

Used The quantity of the service or labor that was actually provided to the customer
when this task was executed. If you select the Reset Usage on Billing check
box, the value in this column resets to zero each time you run the billing

Activity History Tab

This tab displays the list of activities (including emails and events) associated with the project task.
: The tab includes, in addition to the columns described below, columns (labeled with icons) that you can
use to attach notes and files to the activity, see if it is completed, check its priority level, and note whether
there are associated reminders.

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Tables. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table Toolbar

Button Description

Add Task Opens the Task (CR.30.60.20) form in a pop-up window so you can create a new
task associated with the project.

Add Event Opens the Event (CR.30.60.30) form in a pop-up window so you can create a
new event associated with the project.

Add Email Opens the Email Activity (CR.30.60.15) form in a pop-up window so you can
create and send an email associated with the project.

Add Activity Includes the following menu commands:

• Add Chat: Opens the Activity (CR.30.60.10) form in a pop-up window so

you can create a new activity with the Chat type.

• Add Appointment: Opens the Activity form in a pop-up window so you can
create a new activity with the Appointment type.

• Add Message: Opens the Activity form in a pop-up window so you can
create a new activity with the Message type.

• Add Note: Opens the Activity form in a pop-up window to let you create an
activity with the Note type.
| Projects Form Reference | 68

Button Description
• Add Phone Call: Opens the Activity form in a pop-up window so you can
create a new activity with the Phone Call type.

• Add Email Response: Opens the Activity form in a pop-up window so you
can create a new activity with the Email Response type.

• Add Work Item: Opens the Activity form in a pop-up window so you can
create a new activity with the Work Item type.

If you added activities to the project task that is in the In Planning status, any
related transactions cannot be released until the project task status changes to
Active. Acumatica ERP provides you with a list of predefined activity types; you
can add new activity types by using the Activity Types (CR.10.20.00) form.

Table Columns

Column Description

Type The type of activity, which can be one of the following: Event, Task, Email, or

Summary The description provided for the activity. Click the Summary column of a specific
activity to open the activity in a separate dialog box.

Status The status of the activity.

Start Date The start date and time of the activity.

Category The category of the activity.

Billable A check box indicating whether the time spent on the activity is billable.

Time Spent The total time spent on the activity.

Overtime The time in excess of normal work hours spent on the activity.

Billable Time The number of billable hours spent on the activity.

Billable Overtime The number of billable hours spent on the activity in excess of normal work

Workgroup The workgroup to which the activity is assigned.

Owner The employee to whom the activity is assigned.

Attributes Tab
On this tab, you can specify attribute values for the project task. The task-related attributes are
selected on the Attributes (PM.20.20.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Attribute The attribute used for the task.

Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that this attribute is required for the
project task.

Value The value of the attribute for the task.

| Projects Form Reference | 69

Project Template Tasks

Form ID: (PM.20.80.10)
You can use this form to create tasks for project templates. If the Automatically Include in Project
check box is selected for the template task, it is included in any created project that uses the associated
project template.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Summary Area
Use the elements in this area to add a new template task, or to view the details of an existing template

Element Description

Template ID The identifier of the project template to be associated with the task. Select one of
the project templates defined in your system.

Task ID The unique identifier of the template task. The structure of this identifier
is defined by the PROTASK segmented key, which was configured on the
Segmented Keys (CS.20.20.00) form.

Description The description of the template task.

Allocation Rule The rule that Acumatica ERP uses to run allocation for the tasks created based on
this template task.

Billing Rule The rule that Acumatica ERP uses to run billing for the tasks created based on
this template task.

Automatically A check box that you select if you want the system to include this template task
Include in in any project created by using the associated project template.

General Settings Tab

This tab includes general information about the template task.

General Settings Section

Element Description

Approver The employee who is authorized to approve all task activities for tasks based on
this task template.

Default Account The default account to be used for the task created by using this task template.

Default The default subaccount to be used for the task created by using this task
Subaccount template.

Billing Option The way the task becomes eligible for billing. You can select one of the following

• By Billing Period: The task is available for billing at the end of the billing
period specified for the project.

• On Task Completion: The task can be billed only when it is completed.

| Projects Form Reference | 70

Element Description
• On Project Completion: The task is available for billing at the end of the

Visibility Settings Section

Element Description

GL A check box that indicates whether transactions in the General Ledger module
can be associated with tasks created by using this template task. With this check
box selected, users can select the task in General Ledger documents, and the
release of such documents automatically updates the project data.

AP A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Accounts Payable module
can be associated with tasks created by using this template task. With this check
box selected, users can select the task in Accounts Payable documents, and the
release of such documents automatically updates the project data.

AR A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Accounts Receivable

module can be associated with tasks created by using this template task.
With this check box selected, users can select the task in Accounts Receivable
documents, and the release of such documents automatically updates the project

SO A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Sales Orders module can
be associated with tasks created by using this template task. With this check box
selected, users can select the task in Sales Orders documents, and the release of
such documents automatically updates the project data.

PO A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Purchase Orders module
can be associated with tasks created by using this template task. With this check
box selected, users can select the task in Purchase Orders documents, and the
release of such documents automatically updates the project data.

TE A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Time and Expenses
module can be associated with tasks created by using this template task.
With this check box selected, users can select the task in Time and Expenses
documents, and the release of such documents automatically updates the project

IN A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Inventory module can be
associated with tasks created by using this template task. With this check box
selected, users can select the task in Inventory documents, and the release of
such documents automatically updates the project data.

CA A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Cash Management module
can be associated with tasks created by using this template task. With this check
box selected, users can select the task in Cash Management documents, and the
release of such documents automatically updates the project data.

CR A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Customer Management

module can be associated with tasks created by using this template task. With
this check box selected, users can select the task in Customer Management
documents, and the release of such documents automatically updates the project

Budget Tab
On the Budget tab of the form, you can specify budgeted amounts for account groups.
| Projects Form Reference | 71

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Type A read-only column that displays the type of the selected account group.

Account Group The group of accounts for which the budgeted amount and actual amounts are

Inventory ID The identifier of the stock or non-stock item (for an item required for the task)
or <OTHER>. You can select an item from the list of items associated with the
accounts of the specified account group and specify the budget for this item.
Alternatively, you can specify the budget for all transactions associated with this
account group that are not linked to any particular inventory item.

Description A description of the budget line.

Budget Qty. The quantity of the item or service planned for the task.

UOM The unit of measure for the budget line, such as HOUR or BOX.

Rate The price of the item or the rate of the service.

Budget Amount The total budgeted amount for the budget line. Acumatica ERP automatically
calculates the value as the product of the values in the Budget Qty. and Rate
columns, but you can override the value in this column by specifying the amount
manually. You can specify the budgeted amount only if the task has the In
Planning status.

Production A check box that you select for the system to automatically calculate the percent
of task completion by using the values in the Revised Qty. and Budget Qty.
columns. You can select this check box for only one task budget line in the entire
project. In other words, if you select this check box in one line in a task, you
cannot select the check box in any other budget line for the current task or for
any other task in the project.

Recurring Billing Tab

By using the Recurring Billing tab, you can implement a regular flat-rate billing model. For instance,
you can use this tab in the following scenario: Suppose that the project task stipulates that you provide
100 hours of service to a customer for a flat rate of $500 on monthly basis. When you run billing for
the project, $500 is automatically billed to the customer's account, while any extra hours (beyond 100
hours) are charged at a rate based on your billing rules.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Non-Stock Item The non-stock item that designates the service or labor that is associated with
the task created by using this template task.

Description The description of the service or labor that is associated with the task created by
using this template task.

Item Fee The flat price for the service or labor.

Reset Usage A check box that indicates whether the system resets the quantity of the service
or labor when billing is performed. The quantity of the service or labor is specified
in the Included column. If you select this check box, any unused hours of
service in the current period are not carried over to the next period. If you clear
this check box, Acumatica ERP carries any used amount over to the next period.
| Projects Form Reference | 72

Column Description

Included The quantity of the service or labor that is included in billing period. If the
quantity of service or labor provided to customer exceeds this value for the
current billing period, all extra quantity is charged at the regular rate.

Min. The minimum quantity of the service or labor that can be charged. Any quantity
that is less than this value is not charged.

UOM The unit of measure used for the service or labor.

Used The quantity of the service or labor that was used during the billing period.

Attributes Tab
By using the Attributes tab, you can specify attributes for this template task. The attributes on this tab
are those with the Task type on the Attributes (PM.20.20.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Attribute ID The attribute ID.

Required A check box that you select to indicate that this is a mandatory attribute.

Value The value of the attribute for this template task.

Project Templates
Form ID: (PM.20.80.00)
By using this form, you can create project templates, which you can use later to create projects with
settings that are typically used. On this form, you can do the following:

• Add new project templates, either from scratch or by using an existing project

• View the settings of existing templates

• Modify existing project templates

• Delete existing project templates

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Summary Area
You use the elements in this area to add a new project template, or to select an existing project
template and view its details.

Element Description

Template ID The unique identifier for the project template. The structure of this identifier
is defined by the PROJECT segmented key, which was configured using the
Segmented Keys (CS.20.20.00) form.

Status The status of the project template. You can select one of the following options:

• Active: The project template is active and can be used for creating projects.

• On Hold: The template is inactive and cannot be used to create projects.

| Projects Form Reference | 73

Element Description

Description A detailed description of the template.

General Info Tab

You use this tab to provide details for the project template.

General Settings Section

Element Description

Project Manager The person who is responsible for managing the project and authorized to
approve the project task and task activities (for projects based on this template).

Restrict A check box that you select to allow time cards to be associated with the current
Employees project only if the employee is listed on the Employees tab.

Restrict A check box that you select to restrict equipment time cards that can be
Equipment associated with the current project: If you select the check box, time cards can
be included only if the specified equipment is listed on the Equipment tab.

Defaults Section

Element Description

Default Account The account to be used in allocation rules as one of the sources of possible
accounts for the transactions for projects based on this template.

Default The subaccount to be used in allocation rules as one of the sources of possible
Subaccount segment values for subaccounts to be used in project transactions for projects
based on this template.

Default Accrual The optional account to be used as the debit account (instead of the expense
Account accrual account associated with the labor non-stock item) in transactions
generated based on time cards for projects based on this template.

Default Accrual The subaccount to be used as the debit subaccount (instead of the expense
Sub. accrual subaccount associated with the labor non-stock item) in transactions
generated based on time cards for projects based on this template.

Billing Settings Section

Element Description

Allocation Rule The rule that Acumatica ERP uses to run the allocation of transactions for the
projects created using this template.

Billing Rule The rule that Acumatica ERP uses to run billing for the projects created by using
this template.

Rate Table The rate table to be used for pricing.

Billing Period The frequency of billing in the projects based on this template, which can be one
of the following options:

• Week: Billing occurs once a week.

• Month: Billing occurs once a month.

• Quarter: Billing occurs once a quarter.

| Projects Form Reference | 74

Element Description
• Year: Billing occurs once a year.

• Statement-Based: Billing occurs once in the statement period.

• On Demand: Billing is performed when it is needed.

Automatically A check box that indicates whether the system will automatically release invoice
Release AR documents after billing is complete in Projects for the projects based on this
Documents template.

Visibility Settings Section

Option Description

GL A check box that indicates whether transactions in the General Ledger module
can be associated with the project based on this template. If you select this
check box, users can select the project in General Ledger documents, and the
release of such documents will automatically update the project data.

AP A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Accounts Payable module
can be associated with the project based on this template. If you select this
check box, users can select the project in Accounts Payable documents, and the
release of such documents will automatically update the project data.

AR A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Accounts Receivable

module can be associated with the project based on this template. If you select
this check box, users can select the project in Accounts Receivable documents,
and the release of such documents will automatically update the project data.

SO A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Sales Orders module can
be associated with the project based on this template. If you select this check
box, users can select the project in Sales Orders documents, and the release of
such documents will automatically update the project data.

PO A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Purchase Orders module
can be associated with the project based on this template. If you select this
check box, users can select the project in Purchase Orders documents, and the
release of such documents will automatically update the project data.

TE A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Time and Expenses
module can be associated with the project based on this template. If you select
this check box, users can select the project in Time and Expenses documents,
and the release of such documents will automatically update the project data.

IN A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Inventory module can be
associated with the project based on this template. If you select this check box,
users can select the project in Inventory documents, and the release of such
documents will automatically update the project data.

CA A check box you select to integrate the Cash Management module with projects
in the Projects module. If you select this option, users can select the associated
project and task when they enter a document in the Cash Management module.

CR A check box you select to integrate the Customer Management module with
projects in the Projects module. If you select this option, users can select the
associated project and task when they enter a document in the Customer
Management module.
| Projects Form Reference | 75

Tasks Tab
You use the Tasks tab to view, add, modify, and delete the tasks that are typical for the projects you
will create by using this template.

Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

View Task Opens the Project Template Tasks (PM.20.80.10) form, where you can view or
modify the settings of the project template task.

Table Columns

Column Description

Task ID The task associated with the project template.

Description The description of the task.

Automatically A check box that you select to cause this task to be included in every project
Include in created by using this template.

Rate Table The rate table to be used for pricing.

Allocation Rule The rule that is used to run allocation for the task.

Billing Rule The billing rule that is used to run billing for this project.

Billing Option The option that defines how the project task should be billed, which can be one
of the following options: By Billing Period, On Task Completion, or On Project

Approver The employee who is responsible for approving the activities for the task.

Default Account The default account to be used for this project task created using this template.

Default The default subaccount to be used for this project task created using this
Subaccount template.

Employees Tab
By using the Employees tab, you can view, add, modify, and delete the employees for the projects you
will create by using this template.

Upper Table

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Employee ID The identifier of the employee who will be assigned to the project created by
using this template.

Employee Name The name of the employee who will be assigned to any project created by using
this project template.

Department The department of the employee who will be assigned to the project created by
using this template.
| Projects Form Reference | 76

Column Description

Position The position of the employee who will be assigned to the project created by using
this template.

Overrides Table

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Earning Type The earning type that determines how the labor of this employee is costed in
projects based on this template. You can create a new earning type by using the
Earning Types (EP.10.20.00) form.

Description Read-only. The description of the earning type.

Labor Item The labor-type non-stock item used to account for the labor effort of the
employee in projects based on this template.

Default Price Read-only. The price associated with the labor item by default.

Equipment Tab
On the Equipment tab, you can view, add, modify, and delete the equipment for the projects you will
create by using this template.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Active A check box that indicates whether the equipment is actively involved with the
project. If this check box is cleared, the equipment remains assigned to the
project, but you cannot post transactions involving this equipment.

Equipment ID The identifier of the equipment.

Description A detailed description of the equipment.

Run Rate Item The run-rate item to be used to account for the run time of the equipment in
projects based on this template.

Run Rate The default rate of running the equipment for projects based on this template;
you can edit the value.

Setup Rate Item The rate item to be used to account for the time required to set up or launch the
equipment for projects based on this template.

Setup Rate The rate to be used to set up and launch the equipment for projects based on
this template; you can edit the value.

Suspend Rate The rate item to be used to account for the equipment in suspend mode in
Item projects based on this template.

Suspend Rate The rate to be used for the equipment in suspend mode in projects based on this
template. You can edit the default value.

Account Task Mapping Tab

This tab is used to map the accounts that may appear in the transactions automatically added to the
transactions generated by the system for specific documents related to the projects based on this
template—for instance, the system can add a freight transaction for an Accounts Receivable invoice.
When the users will be creating documents associated with the projects based on this template, they
| Projects Form Reference | 77

will specify project tasks for each transaction, but for transactions automatically added by the system
later, there will be no association with projects, and this may cause an error. Provide mapping for the
accounts that may be used in the transactions automatically added by the system.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table Columns

Column Description

Account The General Ledger account that may appear in a transaction automatically
added by the system to the documents associated with the projects based on this

Default Task The task to be associated with the account that may appear in a transaction
automatically generated by Acumatica ERP.

Project Transactions
Form ID: (PM.30.40.00)
By using this form, you can view particular transactions associated with projects created in the Projects
module or other modules, review all the transaction details, and release the transaction or reverse the
allocation that generated this transaction. Also, you can use this form to create new simple transactions
—for instance, when you are testing new allocation rules.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form
Toolbar. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

Release Releases the current transaction.

Reverse Creates a new transaction that reverses (offsets) the currently selected
Allocation transaction.

Summary Area
You use the elements in this area, described in the following table, to create a new transaction or select
an existing transaction for viewing its details.

Element Description

Module The module where the transactions have originated. Select a module from the
drop-down list, which includes the Projects module and all the modules for which
the visibility option is selected on the Projects Preferences (PM.10.10.00) form.

Ref. Number The reference number of the transaction, which the system automatically
assigns by using the numbering sequence specified on the Projects Preferences
(PM.10.10.00) form.

Status The transaction status. The following statuses are possible:

• Balanced: The transaction is fully balanced and available for release.

• Released: The transaction has been released.

Description The description provided for the transaction.

| Projects Form Reference | 78

Element Description

Orig. Doc. Type The type of the document the transaction is based on, which is one of the
following values:

• Allocation: The transaction was generated as a result of an allocation


• Timecard: The transaction was generated as a result of a time card entry


• Case: The transaction was generated as a result of a case being processed.

• Expense Claim: The transaction was generated as a result of an expense

claim being processed.

• Allocation Reversal: The transaction was generated as a result of an

allocation reversal.

• Reversal: The transaction was generated as a result of the reversal of

another transaction.

• Credit Memo: The transaction was generated as a result of a credit memo

being processed.

Orig. Doc. Nbr. The reference number of the underlying document for the transaction.

Total Qty. Read-only. The total quantity of items in the transactions listed in the table.

Total Billable Read-only. The total billable quantity for the transactions listed in the table.

Total Amount Read-only. The total amount for the transactions listed in the table.

By using this table, you can provide details for a new transaction or view the details of an existing
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table Columns

Column Description

Branch The branch in which the transaction was created.

Project The project associated with the transaction.

Project Task The project task associated with the transaction.

Account Group The account group of the debit side account of the transaction.

Employee The employee associated with the transaction, such as the employee who worked
on the project for the customer.

Customer/ The name of the vendor (if the transaction originated in the Accounts Payable
Vendor module) or customer (if the transaction originated in another module).

Location The location of the customer or vendor. This column is available only if the
Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features
(CS.10.00.00) form.
| Projects Form Reference | 79

Column Description

Inventory ID The identifier of the stock or non-stock item associated with the transaction.
The inventory item is the source of expense accounts used for posting the

Description The description provided for the transaction.

UOM The unit of measure used to estimate the quantity for the transaction, such as

Qty. The quantity for the transaction, such as the number of service hours provided to
the customer.

Billable A check box indicating whether the transaction is used in calculating the amount
charged to the customer for the project task.

Billable Qty. The quantity that is used for billing the customer. For instance, you can invoice
the customer based on the hours of service you have provided to the customer.

Unit Rate The price of the item or the rate of the service. In the case of a labor item, the
employee's hourly rate is used as the unit rate.

Amount The amount of the transaction.

Debit Account For released transactions, the account the transaction debited when it was
released; for unreleased transactions, the account the transaction debits if it is
released (mainly for the transactions that originate in the Projects module).

Debit For released transactions, the subaccount the transaction debited when it was
Subaccount released; for unreleased transactions, the subaccount the transaction debits if it
is released.

Credit Account For released transactions, the account the transaction credited when it was
released; for unreleased transactions, the account the transaction credits if it is

Credit For released transactions, the subaccount the transaction credited when it was
Subaccount released; for unreleased transactions, the subaccount the transaction credits if it
is released.

Date The date the transaction was created.

Fin. Period The financial period associated with the transaction.

Batch No. The batch number of the transaction in the General Ledger module.

Earning Type The earning type specified for the transaction to calculate the labor cost. For
more information about earning types, see Time Activities.

Multiplier The multiplier by which the unit rate is multiplied when the labor cost is
calculated. The multiplier can differ from 1 only for earning types marked as

Use Billable A check box that you select so that the system uses the billable quantity (the
Qty. in Amount Billable Qty. column) instead of the overall quantity (the Qty. column) of the
Formula transaction when calculating the amount of transaction.

Allocated A check box that indicates whether the amounts of the transactions were
allocated for the project. The transaction amount is allocated if this check box is
selected; otherwise, the transaction amount is not allocated.

Released A check box indicating whether the transaction has been released.
| Projects Form Reference | 80

Project Transactions
Form ID: (PM.40.10.00)
On this form, you can view the list of transactions associated with a particular project. You can filter the
list of transactions by using selection criteria. For instance, you can display only transactions associated
with a specific account group, project task, inventory item, employee, or date—or any combination of
these criteria.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Selection Area
You use the elements in this area to select transactions for display in the table.

Element Description

Project The identifier of the project whose transactions you want to view.

Account Group The account group for which you want to view transactions. If you want to see
transactions associated with all account groups, leave this box blank.

Project Task The project task for which you want to view transactions. If you want to see
transactions associated with all tasks, leave this box blank.

Inventory ID The inventory item for which you want to view transactions. If you want to see
transactions associated with all items, leave this box blank.

From The starting date of the range for which you want to view transactions. If you
want to see transactions for all dates, leave this box (and To) blank.

To The ending date of the range for which you want to view transactions. If you
want to see transactions for all dates, leave this box (and From) blank.

Employee The employee for which you want to view transactions. If you want to see
transactions associated with all employees, leave this box blank.

Show Only A check box that you select to view only allocation transactions; any source
Allocation transactions are not listed in the table. If you clear this check box, the
table displays all transactions, including source transactions and allocation

In the table, you can view the transactions that meet your selection criteria. This list includes two types
of transactions associated with the project:

• Transactions created and not yet released in the Projects module

• Transactions released in all modules

Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

View Document Opens the Project Transactions (PM.30.40.00) form, where you can view the
details of the selected transaction.
| Projects Form Reference | 81

Table Columns

Column Description

Branch The branch in which the transaction was created.

Module The module where this transaction was created or released.

Ref. Number The identifier of the transaction in Acumatica ERP.

Project Task The project task associated with the transaction.

Date The date the transaction was created.

Description The detailed description provided for the transaction.

Inventory ID The identifier of the stock or non-stock item associated with the transaction.

UOM The unit of measure used for the transaction, such as HOUR or BOX.

Qty. The quantity for the transaction, such as the number of service hours provided to
the customer.

Billable A check box that means (if selected) that the transaction is used to calculate the
amount that will be charged to the customer. If this check box is not selected, the
transaction does not affect the billing for the project.

Billable Qty. The quantity that is used for billing the customer. For instance, you can bill the
customer based on the hours of service that your employees have provided to
the customer.

Unit Rate The price of the item or the rate of the service.

Amount The amount of the transaction.

Customer/ The name of the vendor (if the transaction originated in the Accounts Payable
Vendor module) or customer (if the transaction originated in another module).

Employee The employee associated with the transaction, such as the employee who
provided the labor or service to the customer.

Debit Account The account group of the account to be debited in this transaction.

Debit Account For a released transaction, the account the transaction debited when it was
released, and for an unreleased transaction, the account the transaction will debit
if it is released.

Debit For a released transaction, the subaccount the transaction debited when it was
Subaccount released, and for an unreleased transaction, the subaccount the transaction will
debit if it is released.

Credit Account The account group of the account to be credited in this transaction.

Credit Account For a released transaction, the account the transaction credited when it was
released, and for an unreleased transaction, the account the transaction will
credit when it is released.

Credit For a released transaction, the subaccount the transaction credited when it was
Subaccount released, and for an unreleased transaction, the subaccount the transaction will
credit if it is released.

Batch No. The reference number of the batch generated for the transaction in the General
Ledger module.
| Projects Form Reference | 82

Column Description

Earning Type The earning time specified for the transaction to calculate the labor cost.

Multiplier The multiplier to be used with the earning time to calculate the labor cost.

Released A check box that indicates (if selected) that the transaction has been released. If
the check box is cleared, the transaction has not been released.

Allocated A check box that indicates (if selected) that the transaction has been allocated
as either an underlying (source) transaction or an allocation transaction. If this
check box is cleared, no allocation transaction has been yet generated for the

Allocation Ref. The reference number of the allocation performed for the transaction.

Billed A check box that indicates (if selected) that billing transactions have been already
generated for this transaction. If this check box is cleared, this transaction did
not yet spawn billing transactions.

Orig. Doc. Type The type of the document that spawned the transaction. In other words, this
transaction has been generated during the release of a document of the type
specified in this column, such as Allocation Time card, Case, Expense Claim,
Allocation Reversal, Reversal, or Credit Memo.

Orig. Doc. Nbr. The number of the document that spawned the transaction. That is, this
transaction has been generated during the release of a document with the
number specified in this column.

Invoice Ref. The reference number of the invoice generated when the transaction was used in
Number billing.

Form ID: (PM.30.10.00)
By using this form, you can do the following:

• Create new projects, either from scratch or by using project templates

• View and modify the settings of existing projects

• Delete existing projects

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form
Toolbar. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Form-Specific Buttons

Button Description

Actions Provides the following menu actions:

• Approve: Changes the status of the project from Pending Approval to

Active. This action is available if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled
on the Enable/Disable Features (CS.10.00.00) form and project approval is
| Projects Form Reference | 83

Button Description
• Reject: Changes the status of the project from Pending Approval to
Rejected. This action is available if the Approval Workflow feature is
enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form and project approval is

• Run Project Billing: Initiates billing for the currently selected project. You
can run billing for an active project that has a customer specified (that is, it
is not an internal project).

• Create Template: Opens the Project Templates (PM.20.80.00) form with

a new project template that the system populates with the settings of the
currently selected project. You can save these settings to reuse the project

• Auto-Budget: Calculates the projected revenue and adds it to the Balances

tab as a separate line. This action is available only when the project has the
In Planning status. For the calculation to be accurate, the project must be
properly configured, with the necessary account groups and allocation rules
created, and the projected budget for expenses must be specified. For more
information on tracking future revenues, see Labor and Revenue Allocation.

• Change ID: Opens the Specify New ID dialog box, where you can specify
a new ID for the project.

Specify New ID Dialog Box

You use this dialog box to enter a new ID for the selected project. The dialog box includes the elements
described in the following table.

Element Description

Project ID The new identifier of the project.

This dialog box has the following button.

OK Changes the project ID to the one you specified, and closes the dialog box.

Summary Area
You can use the elements in this area to add a new project or to select an existing project and view its

Element Description

Project ID The unique identifier for the project. The structure of this identifier is defined by
the PROJECT segmented key, whose configuration is defined on the Segmented
Keys (CS.20.20.00) form.

Customer The customer for the project, if this project is external. The value in this box
will be used in all invoices generated when you run the billing procedure for the
project. If you leave this box empty, the project is considered internal and you
will not be able to run billing for it.

Template ID The template used for creating this project, if applicable.

Description The description of the project.

Hold A check box that you select to indicate that the project should have the In
Planning status. When you clear the check box, the system gives the project the
| Projects Form Reference | 84

Element Description
Pending Approval status if approval of projects is configured in your system, or
the Active status if no approval is required.

Status The status of the project, which can be one of the following options:

• In Planning: This status, which is automatically assigned to any new project

with the Hold check box selected, reflects that the project is a draft and is
not available for selection on data entry forms.

• Pending Approval: This status is assigned to the project once it has been
taken off hold (that is, when the Hold check box has been cleared for the
project). On the Approvals (EP.50.30.10) form, a project with this status is
visible to the employee who has been assigned to approve the project. If
the project is approved, it gets the Active status; if the project is rejected,
its status changes to Rejected.
This status is available only if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on
the Enable/Disable Features form and project approval is configured.

• Rejected: The system assigns this status to the project if the employee who
was assigned to approve the project has rejected it.
This status is available only if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on
the Enable/Disable Features form and project approval is configured.

• Active: This status indicates that the project can be associated with
documents and activities on data entry forms in the modules integrated
with the Projects module. If approval of projects is not required in your
system, you can select this status to reflect that the project is active. If
approval is required, the system assigns this status to the project upon

• Completed: You assign this status to the project when all tasks for the
project have been completed.

• Suspended: You assign this status to the project to suspend all activities on
the project. A suspended project can be activated again or canceled.

• Canceled: You assign this status to the project to stop the project before its
completion. A canceled project can be activated again.

Assets Read-only. The actual assets for the project.

Liabilities Read-only. The actual liabilities for the project.

Income Read-only. The income expected from the project.

Expenses Read-only. The total of the current expenses incurred by the project.

General Info Tab

The tab includes general information about the project, including its start and end dates, currency,
billing requirements, and visibility settings.

General Settings Section

Element Description

Start Date The date when the project starts.

End Date The date when the project is expected to end.

| Projects Form Reference | 85

Element Description

Project Manager The person who is responsible for managing the project and authorized to
approve the project task and task activities.

Restrict A check box that indicates, if selected, that only the employees listed on the
Employees Employees tab of this form can create activities and documents associated with
the current project, which includes creating activities on the Activity History
tab of this form, time cards on the Employee Time Card (EP.30.50.00) form, or
project transactions on the Project Transactions (PM.30.40.00) form.

Restrict A check box that indicates, if selected, that equipment time cards can be
Equipment associated with the current project for only the equipment listed on the
Equipment tab of this form.

Visibility Settings Section

Element Description

GL A check box that indicates whether transactions in the General Ledger module
can be associated with the project. If you select this check box, users can select
the project in General Ledger documents, and the release of such documents
automatically updates the project data.

AP A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Accounts Payable module
can be associated with the project. If you select this check box, users can select
the project in Accounts Payable documents, and the release of such documents
automatically updates the project data.

AR A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Accounts Receivable

module can be associated with the project. If you select this check box, users
can select the project in Accounts Receivable documents, and the release of such
documents automatically updates the project data.

SO A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Sales Orders module can
be associated with the project. If you select this check box, users can select
the project in Sales Orders documents, and the release of such documents
automatically updates the project data.

PO A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Purchase Orders module
can be associated with the project. If you select this check box, users can select
the project in Purchase Orders documents, and the release of such documents
automatically updates the project data.

TE A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Time and Expenses
module can be associated with the project. If you select this check box, users
can select the project in Time and Expenses documents, and the release of such
documents automatically updates the project data.

IN A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Inventory module can be
associated with the project. If you select this check box, users can select the
project in Inventory documents, and the release of such documents automatically
updates the project data.

CA A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Cash Management module
can be associated with the project. If you select this check box, users can select
the project in Cash Management documents, and the release of such documents
automatically updates the project data.

CR A check box that indicates whether transactions in the Customer Management

module can be associated with the project. If you select this check box, users can
| Projects Form Reference | 86

Element Description
select the project in Customer Management documents, and the release of such
documents automatically updates the project data.

Defaults Section

Element Description

Default Account The default account to be used in project transactions for the project; also,
this account is used as the expense account in project transactions if the
Project option is selected in the Expense Account Source box on the Projects
Preferences (PM.10.10.00) form.

Default The default subaccount to be used in project transactions for the project;
Subaccount also, this subaccount is used as a source of segment values for the expense
subaccount (to be used for this project's transactions) for the segments with the
(P) Project option selected in the Expense Sub. Source box on the Projects
Preferences form.

Default Accrual The default accrual account to be used in project transactions for the project;
Account also, this account is used as the default expense accrual account for transactions
if the Project Accrual option is selected in the Expense Accrual Account
Source box on the Projects Preferences form.

Default Accrual The default accrual subaccount to be used in project transactions for the project;
Sub. also, this subaccount is used as a source of segment values for the expense
accrual subaccount (to be used for this project's transactions) for the segments
with the (P) Project option selected in the Expense Accrual Sub. Source box on
the Projects Preferences form.

Billing Settings Section

Element Description

Billing Period The frequency of billing, which can be one of the following options:

• Week: Billing occurs once a week.

• Month: Billing occurs once a month.

• Quarter: Billing occurs once a quarter.

• Year: Billing occurs once a year.

• Statement-Based: Billing occurs once per statement period.

• On Demand: Billing can be performed at any time.

For projects with the Active status, the Billing Period box is read-only.

Next Billing Date Read-only. The date for which the next billing is scheduled for the project. A
value in this box is displayed only for active projects.

Last Billing Date Read-only. The date when the latest billing was performed for the project. A
value in this box is displayed only for active projects.

Customer The location of the project's customer.


Allocation Rule The rule that Acumatica ERP uses to run allocations for the project.

Billing Rule The rule that Acumatica ERP uses to run billing for the project.
| Projects Form Reference | 87

Element Description

Rate Table The rate table to be used with the allocation rules, if applicable.

Run Allocation A check box that indicates, if selected, that allocation is run automatically during
on PM the release of the documents associated with this project.

Automatically A check box that indicates, if selected, that invoice documents are released
Release AR automatically after the project billing is completed.

Tasks Tab
On this tab, you can view and modify project tasks, delete project tasks, and add new tasks to the
project, either from scratch or by using templates.
The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table Toolbar

Button Description

View Task Opens the Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00) form in a pop-up window so you can view
the details of the selected task.

Add Common Opens the Add Tasks dialog box, which you can use to add a common task or a
Tasks task associated with the template this project is based on. For more information
about common and template tasks, see Templates for Projects and Tasks.

Table Columns

Column Description

Task ID The identifier of the task.

Description A description of the task.

Location The customer location that is associated with the task.

Rate Table The rate table to be used in the allocation rules, if applicable.

Allocation Rule The rule that Acumatica ERP uses to run allocations for the task.

Billing Rule The rule that Acumatica ERP uses to run billing for the task.

Status The status of the task, which can be one of the following:

• In Planning: The task is a draft and is not available for selection on data
entry forms. This status is automatically assigned to any new task.

• Active: The task is active and can be selected on data entry forms.

• Canceled: Task execution has been stopped before task completion. A

canceled task can be activated again.

• Completed: The task has been completed.

Completed (%) The percentage of the work on the task that has been completed, which is
determined as follows:
| Projects Form Reference | 88

Column Description
• If the Manual option is selected in the Completion Calculation Method
box on the General Settings tab of the Project Tasks (PM.30.20.00) form,
entered manually by a user.

• If the Budgeted Quantity option is selected in the Completion Calculation

Method box, calculated automatically as the actual quantity divided by the
budget quantity for the cost line that has the check box in the Production
column selected on the Budget tab.

• If the Budgeted Amount option is selected in the Completion Calculation

Method box, calculated automatically as the total actual amount divided by
the total budgeted amount for cost lines that have the check boxes in the
Production column selected.

Planned Start The date when the task is expected to start.

Planned End The date when the task is expected to end.

Start Date The date when the task was actually started.

End Date The date when the task actually ended.

Approver The employee who is authorized to approve the time activities related to the

Billing Option The way the task becomes eligible for billing, which can be one of the following:

• By Billing Period: The task is available for billing at the end of the billing
period specified for the project.

• On Task Completion: The task can be billed only when it is completed.

• On Project Completion: The task is available for billing when the project is

Default Account The account to be used by default for transactions related to the task.

Asset Read-only. The total assets for the task.

Liability Read-only. The total liability for the task.

Income Read-only. The total for the current income received from the task.

Expense Read-only. The total for the current expenses incurred by the task.

Add Tasks Dialog Box

The table toolbar in the dialog box includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see

Column Description

Unlabeled check A check box that you select for the tasks that you want to add to the project.

Task ID The identifier of the task.

Description The description of the task.

Approver The employee assigned to approve time activities associated with the task.

The dialog box contains the following buttons.

| Projects Form Reference | 89

Column Description

Add Common Adds the common tasks that you have selected to the current project and closes
Tasks the dialog box.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without adding any tasks to the current project.

Balances Tab
You use this tab to view the budget broken down by account groups.
The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table Toolbar

Button Description

View Details Opens the Project Budget (PM.30.30.00) form in a pop-up window so you can
view the detailed balance for the selected account group with respect to the
current project.

Table Columns

Column Description

Account Group The group of accounts for which the actual and budgeted amounts are specified.

Description The description of the account group.

Original The amount budgeted for the project with respect to this account group.

Current The revised budgeted amount for the project with respect to this account group.

Actual Amount The actual amount spent on the project with respect to this account group.

Performance The project completion measure, estimated as the ratio (expressed as a

(%) percentage) of the actual amount to the revised budgeted amount.

Employees Tab
The tab contains a list of the employees assigned to the project and the relevant details about each
employee. If the Restrict Employees check box is selected for the project on the General Info
tab of this form, only the listed employees can create activities and documents associated with the
current project, which includes creating activities on the Activity History tab of this form, time cards
on the Employee Time Card (EP.30.50.00) form, or project transactions on the Project Transactions
(PM.30.40.00) form.

Upper Table

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Employee ID The identifier of the employee assigned to the project.

Employee Name The name of the employee assigned to the project.

| Projects Form Reference | 90

Column Description

Department The department of the employee.

Position The employee's position in the company.

Overrides Table

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Earning Type The earning type that determines the labor cost of this employee with respect
to the current project. You can create a new earning type by using the Earning
Types (EP.10.20.00) form.

Description Read-only. The description of the earning type.

Labor Item The non-stock item of the Labor type used to account for the labor effort of the
employee for this project.

Default Price Read-only. The price associated with the labor item by default.

Equipment Tab
On this tab, you can view, modify, and delete the equipment assigned to the project. You can also
add new equipment to the project. The default values for rate items and rates are specified for the
equipment on the Equipment (EP.20.80.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Active A check box that indicates (if selected) that the equipment is actively involved
with the project. If this check box is cleared, the equipment remains assigned to
the project, but you cannot post transactions that involve this equipment.

Equipment ID The identifier of the equipment.

Description A detailed description of the equipment.

Run-Rate Item The run-rate item to be used to account for the run time of the equipment in this

Run Rate The default rate of running the equipment for this project. You can edit this

Setup-Rate Item The rate item to be used to account for the time required to set up or launch the
equipment for this project.

Setup Rate The rate to be used to set up and launch the equipment for the project; you can
edit this value.

Suspend-Rate The rate item to be used to account for the equipment in suspend mode in this
Item project.

Suspend Rate The rate to be used for the equipment in suspend mode in this project. You can
edit the default value.

Activity History Tab

This tab displays the list of the activities that are associated with the project. If the Restrict
Employees check box is selected for the project on the General Info tab of this form, only the
| Projects Form Reference | 91

employees listed on the Employees tab of this form can add activities to the project. Activities cannot
be added to a project with the Completed status. If activities have been added to a project that has the
In Planning status, any related transactions cannot be released until the project status is set to Active.
Acumatica ERP provides you with a list of predefined activity types; you can add new activity types by
using the Activity Types (CR.10.20.00) form.
The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Tables. The table-specific buttons are listed below.
: In addition to the columns described below, the tab includes columns (labeled with icons) that you can
use to attach notes and files to the activity and to check what priority level is specified for the activity,
whether the activity is completed, and whether any reminders are associated with the activity.

Table Toolbar

Button Description

Add Task Opens the Task (CR.30.60.20) form in a pop-up window; you can use the form to
create a new task associated with the project.

Add Event Opens the Event (CR.30.60.30) form in a pop-up window; you can use the form
to create a new event associated with the project.

Add Email Opens the Email Activity (CR.30.60.15) form in a pop-up window; you can use
the form to create and send an email associated with the project.

Add Activity Includes the following predefined menu commands:

• Add Chat: Opens in a pop-up window the Activity (CR.30.60.10) form,

which you can use to create a new activity with the Chat type.

• Add Appointment: Opens in a pop-up window the Activity form, which you
can use to create a new activity with the Appointment type.

• Add Message: Opens in a pop-up window the Activity form, which you can
use to create a new activity with the Message type.

• Add Note: Opens in a pop-up window the Activity form, which you can use
to create an activity with the Note type.

• Add Phone Call: Opens in a pop-up window the Activity form, which you can
use to create a new activity with the Phone Call type.

• Add Email Response: Opens in a pop-up window the Activity form, which
you can use to create a new activity with the Email Response type.

• Add Work Item: Opens in a pop-up window the Activity form, which you
can use to create a new activity with the Work Item type.

: To change the list of menu commands, you can add or remove activity types by
using the Activity Types (CR.10.20.00) form.

Table Columns

Column Description

Type The type of the activity, which can be one of the following: Event, Task, Email, or
any activity type defined on the Activity Types form.

Summary The description provided for the activity. Click the link in this column for a specific
activity to open the activity in a pop-up window.
| Projects Form Reference | 92

Column Description

Status The status of the activity.

Start Date The start date and time of the activity.

Category The category of the activity.

Billable A check box that indicates (if selected) that the time spent on the activity is

Time Spent The total time spent on the activity.

Overtime The time in excess of normal work hours spent on the activity.

Billable Time The number of billable hours spent on the activity.

Billable Overtime The billable time in excess of normal work hours spent on the activity.

Workgroup The workgroup to which the activity is assigned.

Owner The employee to whom the activity is assigned.

Attributes Tab
On the Attributes tab, you can view, add, change, or delete attribute values for the project. The
project-related attributes are selected on the Attributes (PM.20.20.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table Columns

Column Description

Attribute The attribute used for the project.

Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that this attribute is required for the

Value The value of the attribute for the project.

Account Task Mapping Tab

When you create a document, you specify a project task for each transaction where it is applicable.
However, no project task is specified for an automatically added transaction (such as a freight
transaction added to an Accounts Receivable invoice), which causes an error. You use the Account
Task Mapping tab to map project tasks to the accounts that may be used in transactions automatically
added to documents. If the same mapping should be used for multiple similar projects, you specify the
corresponding rules by using the Project Templates (PM.20.80.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Account The General Ledger account that may appear in a transaction that is
automatically added by the system to the documents associated with this project.

Default Task The task of this project to be associated with the account.

Invoices Tab
This tab lists all the invoices generated during various stages of the project execution.
| Projects Form Reference | 93

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Tables. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table Toolbar

Button Description

View Invoice Opens the Invoices and Memos (AR.30.10.00) form, where you can view the
details of the selected invoice.

Table Columns

Column Description

Type The type of the document related to the project, which is usually Invoice.

Reference Nbr. The reference number of the document.

Description The description provided for the document.

Date The date of the document.

Post Period The post period of the document.

Amount The amount of the document.

Balance The unpaid amount of the document.

Cash Discount The amount of the cash discount available for the document (if applicable).

Cash Discount The balance of the cash discount if the customer used only part of the discount (if
Balance applicable).

Approval Details Tab

This tab, which is available only if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable
Features (CS.10.00.00) form, displays information about the project approval history. The project is
automatically assigned for approval when taken off hold, in accordance with the approval map specified
on the Projects Preferences (PM.10.10.00) form; if no map is specified on that form, projects do not
require approval. Authorized users approve or reject projects by using the Approvals (EP.50.30.10)
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Workgroup The workgroup assigned to approve the project.

Approver The employee ID of the person in the specified workgroup who is authorized to
approve the project.

Approver Name The name of the person in the specified workgroup who is authorized to approve
the project.

Approved By The employee ID of the person who actually approved the project.

Approved By The name of the employee in the specified workgroup who actually approved the
Name project.

Date The date when the project was approved.

Status The status of the document after the approver was assigned or the approval was
| Projects Form Reference | 94

Projects Preferences
Form ID: (PM.10.10.00)
You use this form to initialize the Projects module and establish appropriate project management

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

General Settings Section

This section holds the general settings of the Projects module.

Element Description

Transaction The numbering sequence the system uses to automatically assign reference
Numbering numbers to project-related transactions.

Batch The numbering sequence the system uses to assign reference numbers to
Numbering project-related batches.

Non-Project The code (Project ID) that indicates that a specific transaction or task is not
Code related to any project. The default value is X. When the Projects module is
integrated with other modules, the data entry forms in those modules include the
mandatory Project column, where the user must specify the project associated
with the transaction. The user must enter the non-project code specified here
when the transaction is not associated with any project.

Project Approval (This box is available only if the Approval Workflow feature is enabled on the
Map Enable/Disable Features (CS.10.00.00) form.) The map to be used to assign
projects to employees for approval. If no value is specified in the box, approval
is not required. An approval map can be created by using the Assignment and
Approval Maps (EP.20.50.00) form. For more information, see Approval of
Projects and Project-Related Activities.

Pending The notification template that the system uses to generate notification emails
Approval for employees who approve projects. An employee receives a notification about
Notification pending approval when a project requires approval from this employee. For more
information, see Centralized Approval.

Billing Cut-off An option that is used to automatically select transactions for billing by the billing
Date date specified in the Invoice Date box on the Run Project Billing (PM.50.30.00)

• Include Trans. created on billing date: To include all unbilled transactions

with earlier dates and the date of the invoice

• Exclude Trans. created on billing date: To include all unbilled transactions

with dates that are earlier than the date of the invoice

Automatically A check box that determines whether Projects transactions will be automatically
Post on Release posted to General Ledger once they are released.

Automatically A check box that indicates whether Projects allocation transactions will be
Release automatically released immediately after they are generated. If you don't select
| Projects Form Reference | 95

Element Description
this check box, you will be able to release the Projects allocation transactions
manually by using the Release Transactions (PM.50.10.00) form.

Visibility Settings Section

By using the check boxes in this section, you can select the modules you will integrate with the Projects

Element Description

GL A check box you select to integrate the General Ledger module with projects in
the Projects module. If you select this option, users can specify the associated
project and task when they enter a General Ledger document.

AP A check box you select to integrate the Accounts Payable module with projects
in the Projects module. If you select this option, users can specify the associated
project and task when entering an Accounts Payable document.

AR A check box you select to integrate the Accounts Receivable module with projects
in the Projects module. If you select this option, users can select the associated
project and task when entering an Accounts Receivable document.

SO A check box you select to integrate the Sales Orders module with projects in
the Projects module. If you select this option, users can specify the associated
project and task when they enter an Sales Orders document.

PO A check box you select to integrate the Purchase Orders module with projects in
the Projects module. If you select this option, users can specify the associated
project and task when entering a Purchase Orders module document.

TE A check box you select to integrate the Time and Expenses module with projects
in the Projects module. If you select this option, users can specify the associated
project and task when entering a Time and Expenses document.

IN A check box you select to integrate the Inventory module with projects in the
Projects module. If you select this option, users can select the associated project
and task when they enter an Inventory document.

CA A check box you select to integrate the Cash Management module with projects
in the Projects module. If you select this option, users can specify the associated
project and task when they enter a document in the Cash Management module.

CR A check box you select to integrate the Customer Management module with
projects in the Projects module. If you select this option, users can specify
the associated project and task when they enter a document in the Customer
Management module.

Account Settings Section

These elements define the rules for selecting the expense account and expense subaccount to be used
in transactions generated in the Projects module on release of time cards.

Element Description

Expense Account The source of the account for the debit side of the Projects transactions: The
Source following options are available:

• Labor Item: Select this option to have the system use in Projects
transactions the default account associated with the labor item specified on
| Projects Form Reference | 96

Element Description
the time card. For labor items, the default expense account is specified in
the Expense Account box on GL Accounts tab of Non-Stock Items form.

• Project: Select this option to have the system use in Projects transactions
the default account associated with the underlying project and specified in
the Default Account box on General Info tab of Projects form.

• Task: Select this option to have the system use in Projects transactions the
default account associated with the underlying task and specified in the
Default Account box on General Settings tab of Project Tasks form.

• Resource: Select this option to have the system use in Projects transactions
the default account associated with the employee. For employees, the
default expense account is specified in the Expense Account box on
Financial Settings tab of Employees form.

Expense Sub. (This element is available only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the
Source Enable/Disable Features (CS.10.00.00) form.) The subaccount mask that defines
the rule of selecting segment values for the expense subaccount to be used for
Projects transactions. To set up the rule, select a segment, press F3, and select a
source of the segment value, which is one of the following options:

• E: The subaccount associated with the employee specified in the time card.
For employees, the default expense subaccount is specified in the Expense
Sub. box on Financial Settings tab of Employees form.

• I: The subaccount associated with the non-stock item (labor item) used in
the time card. For labor items, the default expense subaccount is specified
in the Expense Sub. box on GL Accounts tab of Non-Stock Items form.

• P: The subaccount associated with the project and specified in the Default
Sub. box on General Info tab of Projects form.

• T: The subaccount associated with the project task and specified in the
Default Sub. box on General Settings tab of Project Tasks form.

For a segment, the characters designating each option are repeated as many
times as there are characters in the segment. For more details, see Combined

Expense Accrual The source of the account for the credit side of the Projects transaction to be
Account Source generated on release of the time cards. The following options are available:

• Labor Item Accrual: Select this option to use by default in Projects

transactions the accrual account associated with the labor item on the time
card. For labor items, this account is specified in the Expense Accrual
Account box on GL Accounts tab of Non-Stock Items form.

• Project Accrual: Select this option to use in Projects transactions the

accrual account associated with the project and specified in the Default
Accrual Account box on General Info tab of Projects form.

• Task Accrual: Select this option to use by default in Projects transactions

the default account associated with the task and specified in the Default
Accrual Account box on General Settings tab of Project Tasks form.

Expense Accrual (This element is available only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the
Sub. Source Enable/Disable Features (CS.10.00.00) form.) The subaccount mask that defines
the rule of selecting segment values for the expense accrual subaccount to be
used for the Projects transactions generated on release of time cards. To set up
| Projects Form Reference | 97

Element Description
the rule, select a segment, press F3, and select a source of the segment value,
which is one of the following options:

• E: The default accrual expense subaccount associated with the employee

specified in the time card. For employees, the default expense subaccount
is specified in the Expense Sub. box on Financial Settings tab of
Employees form.

• I: The default expense accrual subaccount associated with the non-stock

item (labor item) used in the time card. For labor items, the default accrual
subaccount is specified in the Expense Accrual Sub. box on GL Accounts
tab of Non-Stock Items form.

• P: The default accrual subaccount associated with the project and specified
in the Default Accrual Sub. box on General Info tab of Projects form.

• T: The default accrual subaccount associated with the project task and
specified in the Default Accrual Sub. box on General Settings tab of
Project Tasks form.

For a segment, the characters designating each option are repeated as many
times there are characters in the segment. For more details, see Combined

Rate Lookup Rules

Form ID: (PM.20.50.00)
By using this form, you can specify the sequences in which Acumatica ERP searches the rate in rate
tables, as well as the factors that affect rate selection for each sequence. For details on defining rates
and rate tables, see Rate Tables: Usage and Configuration Examples and To Configure a Rate Table.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Selection Area
You use the elements in this area to select a rate table and a specific rate type. You can then view or
modify the sequences for the rate table when used with this rate type.

Element Description

Rate Table The rate table for which you want to view or specify sequences.

Rate Type The rate type for which you want to view or specify sequences. By using these
rate types, which are defined on the Rate Types (PM.20.41.00) form, you can use
different rates in different steps of allocation rules.

In this table, you can create sequences that the system will use to find the rate in the rate table. Each
sequence specifies the types of factors to which the rate is applicable. You an select specific factors of
these types by using the Rate Tables (PM.20.60.00) form. For instance, if you want to use different
rates for different tasks (that is, if the task is a factor), you can select the Project Task check box in a
sequence and then use the Rate Tables form to define the rate and specify particular tasks to which this
rate is applicable.
| Projects Form Reference | 98

: Rate application condition is defined as follows: Conditions on each type of factors (such as particular
projects, items, employees, or account groups) are joined by OR operators, while conditions on different
types of factors are joined by AND operators. For instance, a special rate is valid for tasks 1, 2, and 3
of Project 1 and Project 2 if employee JOHN or JACK is involved. The resulting condition is expressed as

((Project=Project1) OR (Project=Project2)) AND

((Employee=JOHN) OR (Employee=JACK)) AND
((Task=Task1) OR (Task=Task2) OR (Task=Task3))

The sequence number defines the priority of the factors for searching for the rate. The sequences are
used for searching in the order of their numbers.

Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

View Rates Navigates to the Rate Tables (PM.20.60.00) form, from which you can view and
modify the rate for the selected sequence.

Table Columns

Column Description

Sequence The sequence number. The system automatically generates this number, but
you can change it manually. Note that sequences are processed in the order of
their numbers. By clicking the arrow next to the Sequence column header you
can change the order in which the sequences are displayed from descending to
ascending order and back.

Description A description of this sequence. This is a required value.

Project A check box that you use to indicate whether the project is a factor that affects
rate selection. If you select this check box, the Rate Tables (PM.20.60.00) form
includes the Projects tab for this sequence; on this tab, you can select the
projects to which the rate (specified on the Rate tab of the same form) will be

Project Task A check box that you use to indicate whether the task is a factor that affects rate
selection. If you select this check box, the Rate Tables form includes the Tasks
tab for this sequence; on this tab, you can select the tasks to which the rate will
be applied.

Account Group A check box that you use to indicate whether the account group is a factor that
affects rate selection. If you select this check box, the Rate Tables form includes
the Account Groups tab for this sequence; on this tab, you can select the
account groups to which the rate will be applied.

Inventory A check box that you use to indicate whether the inventory item is a factor that
affects rate selection. If you select this check box, the Rate Tables form include
the Inventory tab for this sequence; on this tab, you can select the inventory
items to which the rate will be applied.

Employee A check box that you use to indicate whether the employee is a factor that affects
rate selection. If you select this check box, the Rate Tables form includes the
Employee tab for this sequence; on this tab, you can select the employees to
which the rate (specified on the Rate tab of the same form) will be applied.
| Projects Form Reference | 99

Rate Tables
Form ID: (PM.20.60.00)
You use this form to specify rates for different sequences of rate tables. For details on using rates, see
Rate Tables: Usage and Configuration Examples. For details on configuring rate tables, see To Configure
a Rate Table.
: Do not confuse the term rate as it applies to rate tables with other rates in Acumatica ERP, such as
employee hourly rates or equipment run rates. In the context of rate tables, a rate (denoted as @Rate) is a
number that you can use in allocation rules as a multiplier, addend, or constant.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Selection Area
In this area, you can select a rate table, its sequence, and the applicable price class, so that you can
specify particular rates on the Rate tab.

Element Description

Rate Table The identifier of the rate table, which is initially created on the Rate Tables
(PM.20.42.00) form and is configured on the current form.

Rate Type The rate type for which you want to view (and possibly change) rates. The rate
types, which are defined on the Rate Types (PM.20.41.00) form, are associated
with particular steps of the allocation rules.

Sequence The sequence of the rate table for which you want to view (and possibly change)
rates. Sequences are created on the Rate Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00) form.

Rate Code The rate code for which you want to define rates. You can create a new rate code
by typing its identifier in this box; an alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters
can be used. By using multiple rate codes with one sequence, you can specify
for this sequence as many different rates (for different sets of particular factors
defined by the sequence) as there are rate codes—instead of creating a long list
of similar sequences. For instance, suppose that you want to use different rates
for three projects. You can create three sequences with the Project check box
selected and specify a rate for each sequence under one rate code. Alternatively,
you can use only one sequence and three rate codes (created on the fly) to
define three different rates for these three projects.

Description The description of the rate code.

Rate Tab
On the Rate tab, you can specify the specific rates to be used to calculate amounts to be billed, as well
as the date ranges they are effective. You can specify multiple date ranges for a single rate.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Start Date The start date of the range when the rate is valid.

End Date The end date of the range when the rate is valid.

Rate The value of the rate for the selected sequence, rate code, and price class. When
you run allocations, this value is assigned to the @Rate variable, which you can
| Projects Form Reference | 100

Column Description
use in formulas to calculate the allocation amount, quantity, and other values.
The value can be used as a multiplier, a constant, or an addend.

Projects Tab
You can use the Projects tab to specify the projects for which the particular rate value is applied.
This tab appears only if the sequence includes the project as a type of factors; the types of factors are
specified on the Rate Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00) form.
: The rate application condition is defined as follows: Conditions on particular projects, particular items,
particular employees, or particular account groups are joined by OR operators, while conditions on different
types of factors are joined by AND operators. For instance, a special rate is valid for tasks 1, 2, and 3 of
Project 1 and Project 2 if employees JOHN or JACK are involved. The resulting condition is expressed as

((Project=Project1) OR (Project=Project2))AND
((Employee=JOHN) OR (Employee=JACK))AND
((Task=Task1) OR (Task=Task2)OR(Task=Task3))

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Project The project for which you want to apply the rate specified on the Rate tab.

Description The description of the project, as specified in the project settings.

Tasks Tab
On this tab, you can specify one or more tasks for which the particular rate value is applied. This tab
appears only if the sequence includes the task as a rate factor; rate factors are specified on the Rate
Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Project Task The task for which you want to apply the rate specified on the Rate tab.

Description The description of the project task.

Account Groups Tab

By using the Account Groups tab, you specify the account groups for which the particular rate value is
applied. This tab appears only if the sequence includes the account group as a rate factor; rate factors
are specified on the Rate Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Account Group The account group for which you want to apply the rate specified on the Rate

Description The description of the account group, as specified in the account group settings.
| Projects Form Reference | 101

Inventory Tab
You can use the Inventory tab to specify the inventory items for which the particular rate value is
applied. This tab appears only if the sequence includes the inventory item as a rate factor; rate factors
are specified on the Rate Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Inventory ID The inventory item for which you want to apply the rate specified on the Rate

Description The description of the inventory item, as specified in the inventory item settings.

Employee Tab
You can use the Employee tab to specify the employees for which the particular rate value is applied.
This tab appears only if the sequence includes the employee as a rate factor; rate factors are specified
by using the Rate Lookup Rules (PM.20.50.00) form.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Employee ID The employee for which you want to apply the rate specified on the Rate tab.

Employee Name The name of the employee, as specified in the employee account.

Rate Tables
Form ID: (PM.20.42.00)
You use this form to add new blank rate tables that can be used in projects for building pricing
models. Also, you can delete obsolete rate tables. For more information, see Rate Tables: Usage and
Configuration Examples. For details on configuring rate tables, see To Configure a Rate Table.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Rate Table The unique identifier for the rate table, which is an alphanumeric string of up to
10 characters.

Description A more detailed description of the rate table. An alphanumeric string of up to 50

characters may be used.

Rate Types
Form ID: (PM.20.41.00)
You use this form to add, view, edit, and delete the rate types that can be used in allocation rules.
Rate types define how rates should be selected for specific steps of the allocation rules. For more
information, see Rate Tables: Usage and Configuration Examples.
| Projects Form Reference | 102

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Rate Type The unique identifier for the rate type, which is an alphanumeric string of up to
10 characters.

Description A more detailed description of the rate type. An alphanumeric string of up to 50

characters may be used.

Release Transactions
Form ID: (PM.50.10.00)
By using this form, you can release transactions in the Projects module that are ready to be released
(that is, Balanced). The system automatically posts the transactions if the Automatically Post on
Release check box is selected on the Projects Preferences (PM.10.10.00) form.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table
Toolbar. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Form-Specific Buttons

Button Description

Release Releases the Projects transactions that you have selected. The transactions are
immediately posted on release if the Automatically Post on Release check box
is selected on the Projects Preferences (PM.10.10.00) form.

Release All Releases all the Projects transactions available on the list. The transactions
may be posted on release, depending on the Automatically Post on Release

This table displays the transactions available for release.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Included An unlabeled check box that you select to include the transaction if you click

Ref. Number The identifier of the transaction, which was automatically assigned when the
transaction was generated.

Transaction Date The date when the transaction was created.

Description The description of the transaction.

| Projects Form Reference | 103

Reverse Unbilled Transactions

Form ID: (PM.50.50.00)
By using this form, you can reverse transactions that have been allocated but not billed yet.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form
Toolbar. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Form-Specific Buttons

Button Description

Process Reverses the unbilled transactions you have selected.

Process All Reverses all unbilled transactions listed in the table.

Selection Area
By making selections in this area, you can narrow the range of transactions displayed in the table

Element Description

Allocation Rule The allocation rule for which unbilled transactions will be listed, which you select
from the list of available rules. If you do not select any value, the list in the table
includes the transactions for all allocation rules.

Customer Class The customer class for which unbilled transactions will be listed. Select a
customer class to include in the table only the unbilled transactions associated
with the selected class.

Customer The customer for which unbilled transactions will be listed. Select a customer to
include in the table only the unbilled transactions associated with this customer.

Employee The employee for which unbilled transactions will be listed. Select an employee
to include in the table only the unbilled transactions associated with the selected

Project The project for which unbilled transactions will be listed. Select a project to
include in the table only the unbilled transactions associated with this project.

Project Task The project task for which unbilled transactions will be listed. Select a project
task to include in the table only the unbilled transactions associated with the
selected project task.

Inventory ID The inventory ID for which unbilled transactions will be listed. Select the identifier
of a stock or non-stock item to include in the table only the unbilled transactions
associated with this inventory item.

From The starting date of the date range for which unbilled transactions will be
included in the table. If you do not select this date, the table will include unbilled
transactions starting from the first unbilled transaction available in the system.

To The ending date of the date range for which unbilled transactions will be
included in the table. If you do not select this date, the table will include unbilled
transactions until the last unbilled transaction available in the system. If you
specify neither a From date nor a To date, the table includes all unbilled
transactions available in the system.
| Projects Form Reference | 104

The table lists the unbilled transactions that match the criteria you have specified in the Selection area.
The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table Toolbar

Button Description

View Document Navigates to the Project Transactions (PM.40.10.00) form, so that you can view
the details of the documents for which the selected transaction was generated.

Table Columns

Column Description

Included An unlabeled check box that you select to include this transaction if you click

Ref. Number The identifier of the transaction in Acumatica ERP.

Date The date the transaction was created.

Fin. Period The financial period associated with the transaction.

Project The project associated with the transaction.

Project Task The project task associated with the transaction.

Customer Class The customer class associated with the transaction.

Customer The customer class associated with the transaction.

Employee The detailed description provided for the transaction.

Inventory ID The identifier of the stock or non-stock item associated with the transaction.

Description The description provided for the transaction.

UOM The unit of measure used for the transaction, such as ITEM or BOX.

Qty. The quantity for the transaction, such as the number of service hours provided to
the customer.

Billable A check box that indicates whether the transaction is intended for charging any
amounts to the customer. If this check box is not selected, the transaction does
not affect the billing for the project.

Billable Qty. The quantity that is used for billing the customer. For instance, you can bill the
customer based on the hours of service you provided to the customer.

Unit Rate The price of the item or rate of the service.

Amount The amount of the transaction.

Billing Rule The billing rule associated with the transaction.

Branch The branch in which the transaction was created.

Earning Type The earning time specified for the transaction to calculate the labor cost.

Multiplier The multiplier to be used with the earning time to calculate the labor cost.
| Projects Form Reference | 105

Run Allocations By Projects

Form ID: (PM.50.25.00)
By using this form, you can process all allocations in the Projects module or only selected ones.
When you run allocations, Acumatica ERP uses active allocation rules specified on the Billing Rules
(PM.20.70.00) form. For details, see Labor and Revenue Allocation.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form
Toolbar. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

Allocate Processes the project tasks you have selected and performs allocation of
transaction amounts.

Allocate All Processes all listed project tasks and performs allocation of transaction amounts.

Selection Area
You can use the elements in this area to filter the project tasks for which you might want to run the
allocation procedure.

Element Description

Allocation Rule The rule for which you will view project tasks. If you do not select any value
ID here, the list in the table will include the project tasks for all allocation rules.

Project The project whose tasks you will view. If you do not select any value here, the
list in the table will include all the active project tasks in Acumatica ERP.

Customer Class The customer class for which you want to display data. If you select a value
here, the list in the table will include only the active project tasks for the selected
customer class.

Customer The customer for which you want to display data. If you select a value here,
the list in the table will include only the active project tasks for the selected

Posting Date The date to assign all the allocation transactions that will be generated when
running the allocation procedure.

Date Range Restrictions section

From The start date of the date range for which you want to allocate transactions. The
system will allocate only transactions from the date range specified in the Date
Range Restrictions section. If you do not select any value here, Acumatica
ERP will allocate transactions starting with the oldest allocation transaction in the

To The end date of the date range for which you want to allocate transactions. The
system will allocate only transactions from the date range specified in the Date
Range Restrictions section. If you do not select any value here, Acumatica ERP
will allocate transactions up to the last allocation transaction in the system.

The table contains the list of projects matching the criteria you have specified in the Selection area.
| Projects Form Reference | 106

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Included An unlabeled check box that you can use to select the project for processing.

Project ID The identifier of the project.

Task ID The identifier of the project task.

Description The description of the project task.

Allocation Rule The billing rule associated with the task to be used to generate invoices.

Customer The customer associated with the project and the project task.

Run Allocations By Tasks

Form ID: (PM.50.20.00)
By using this form, you can process all allocations in the Projects module or only selected ones.
When you run allocations, Acumatica ERP uses active allocation rules specified on the Billing Rules
(PM.20.70.00) form. For details, see Labor and Revenue Allocation.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form
Toolbar. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

Allocate Processes the project tasks you have selected and performs allocation of
transaction amounts.

Allocate All Processes all listed project tasks and performs allocation of transaction amounts.

Selection Area
You can use the elements in this area to filter the project tasks for which you might want to run the
allocation procedure.

Element Description

Allocation Rule The allocation rule whose tasks you want to list. If you do not select any value
ID here, the list in the table will include the project tasks for all allocation rules.

Project The project whose tasks you want to list. If you do not select any value here, the
list in the table will include all the active project tasks.

Project Task Optionally, the particular project task. If you do not select any task, the list in the
table will include all the active project tasks.

Customer Class The customer class for which you want to display data. If you select a value
here, the list in the table will include only the active project tasks for the selected
customer class.

Customer The customer for which you want to display data. If you select a value here,
the list in the table will include only the active project tasks for the selected

Posting Date The date to assign all the allocation transactions that will be generated when
running the allocation procedure.
| Projects Form Reference | 107

Element Description

Date Range Restrictions section

From The start of the date range for which you want to allocate transactions. The
system will allocate only transactions from the date range specified in the Date
Range Restrictions section. If you do not select any value here, the system will
allocate transactions starting with the oldest allocation transaction in the system.

To The end of the date range for which you want to allocate transactions. The
system will allocate only transactions from the date range specified in the Date
Range Restrictions section. If you do not select any value here, the system will
allocate transactions up to the last allocation transaction in the system.

The table contains the list of projects matching the criteria specified in the Selection area.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Included An unlabeled check box that you can use to select the project for processing.

Project The identifier of the project.

Task ID The identifier of the project task.

Description The description of the project task.

Allocation Rule The allocation rule associated with the task. This allocation rule will be used for
the allocation operation.

Customer The customer associated with the project and the project task.

Run Project Billing

Form ID: (PM.50.30.00)
You can use this form to perform billing for projects. Invoices are generated for each project and for
each customer involved. For more information about billing settings and procedures, see Project Billing.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form
Toolbar. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

Bill Initiates billing processing for the projects you have selected (using the unlabeled
check boxes) in the table.

Bill All Initiates billing processing for all the projects listed in the table.

Selection Area
By making specifications in this area, you can select the criteria the system uses to list projects that
you can bill.
| Projects Form Reference | 108

Element Description

Invoice Date The date to be specified on the invoices generated during the billing procedure,
which serves as a cut-off date for project transactions as follows:

• If the On Demand option is selected for a project on the Projects

(PM.30.10.00) form, the transactions with dates ranging from the last
billing date up to the invoice date are included. No transactions with dates
after the invoice date will be included.

• If any other option is selected, the transactions with dates ranging from the
last billing date up to the date before the invoice date are included, that is,
no transactions dated on the invoice date and after will be billed.

Period to Post The financial period for which the invoice transactions will be posted.

Statement Cycle The statement cycle to which customers to be listed are assigned. For more
ID information about statement cycles, see Statement Cycles.

Customer Class The customer class for which you may want to bill projects. Leave the box blank
to view information on all classes.

Customer ID The customer whose projects you may want to bill. Leave the box blank to
see information on all customers of the specified class (or all customers of all

Template ID The project template associated with the projects to be listed. Leave the box
blank to view projects based on all templates.

The table contains the list of projects matching any criteria specified in the Selection area. Only projects
with at least one unbilled (but completed) billing period are displayed. If multiple billing periods were
not billed for the project, you should run the billing process once for each unbilled period. You can
select projects by using the check boxes in the first column.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Included An unlabeled check box that you can use to include the project in processing if
you click Bill.

Project The project by its identifier.

Description The description provided for the project.

Customer ID The ID of the customer associated with the project, if any.

Customer Name The name of the customer.

From The start date of the billing period that is the first unbilled period for the project.

To The end date of this billing period.

Last Billing Date The date when the project was last billed.

Tasks by Employee
Form ID: (PM.40.20.00)
| Projects Form Reference | 109

By using this form, you can make quick inquiries about tasks selected by the employee who was
assigned as an approver.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar.

Selection Area
By using this area, you can filter tasks by their approver.

Element Description

Task Activity An employee that is authorized to approve the tasks to be listed.


This table displays the list of tasks that match the criteria you specified in the Selection area.
The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons specific to this table. For the list of standard
buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table Toolbar

Button Description

View Task Opens the Project Tasks (PM.20.80.00) form with the details of the task
currently selected in the table. You can use this form to view or update the task

Table Columns

Column Description

Project ID The identifier of the project associated with the task.

Project The description of the project associated with the task.


Task ID The identifier of the task.

Description The description for the task.

Location The customer location that is associated with the task.

Status The status of the project task, which can be one of the following values:

• In Planning: This status, which is automatically assigned to a new task,

means the task is a draft. This task is not available for selection on data
entry forms.

• Active: This status reflects that the task is active and can be selected on
data entry forms.

• Completed: This status means that the task is completed.

• Canceled: This task indicates that the execution of the task was stopped
before its completion. A canceled task can be reactivated.

Completed (%) The actual percent of completion that is determined as follows:

| Projects Form Reference | 110

Column Description
• Manually entered if the Manual option is selected as the Completion
Calculation Method box.

• Calculated automatically, if the Budgeted Quantity option is selected as

the calculation method, as the actual quantity divided by the budgeted
quantity for the task cost line with the Production check box selected on
the Budget tab.

• Calculated automatically, if the Budgeted Amount option is selected as

the calculation method, as the total actual amount divided by the total
budgeted amount for multiple cost lines with the Production check boxes

The value is set to 100 once the task is completed.

Planned Start The date when the task is planned to start.

Planned End The date when the task is planned to end.

Approver The employee who has been assigned to approve the task and task activities.

Asset The total actual asset amount for the task.

Liability The total actual liability amount for the task.

Income The total actual income amount for the task.

Expense The total actual expense amount for the task.

Validate Project Balances

Form ID: (PM.50.40.00)
On this form, you can validate the balances of projects. Usually, you will not need this validation, but in
rare cases, project balances may not match the total amounts of the underlying transactions. In these
cases, you need to validate the project balances by having the system recalculate the balances to bring
them in line with the information in the underlying transactions.
To validate the balances of all projects, click Validate All on the form toolbar. To validate the balances
of only particular projects, select the check boxes next to those projects and click Validate.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form
Toolbar. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description

Validate Recalculates the balances for the selected projects.

Validate All Recalculates the balances for all listed projects.

Selection Area
By using the check box in this area, you can indicate to the system that unbilled transactions should be
recalculated for the selected (or all) projects during the next processing.
| Projects Form Reference | 111

Element Description

Recalculate A check box that indicates (if selected) that all unbilled transactions will be
Unbilled recalculated for the selected projects or for all listed projects after you click
Summary Validate or Validate All on the form toolbar. As an example, you may want
to recalculate unbilled transactions if you a project that you know is unbilled is
missing on the Run Project Billing (PM.50.30.00) form.

The table lists all the projects available in the system.
The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

Included An unlabeled check box that you select to include the project for validation if you
click Validate.

Project ID The identifier of the project.

Description The description of the project.

Customer The customer for the project.

Status The status of the project, which can be In Planning, Completed, or Canceled.
(Projects that are being planned are not included in this list.)

Start Date The date when the project was started.

End Date The date when the project was completed.

| Reports | 112

By using the reports of the Projects module, you can get detailed information about projects and tasks.
The reports can be generated in several formats, including PDF and HTML. Also, you can print the
report you obtained or sent the report by email. Some reports generated as PDF may require digital
signatures; see Security Policies in Acumatica ERPfor more details.
Before you use reports, see Reports for more information.

• Balance

• Project Balance (PM.62.10.00): Lists the project tasks balance broken down by projects
income, expense, and asset.

• Project Profitability (PM.62.40.00): Lists the projects along with their income, expense, and

• Audit

• Projects (PM.63.10.00): Lists the projects broken down by customers.

• Project Tasks (PM.63.20.00): Lists either all the project tasks grouped by customer or only
the project tasks for the customer you select.

• Employee Hours (PM.62.20.00): Lists the regular and overtime hours spent by employees
on the selected project broken down by customers.

• Employee Hours By Project and Task (PM.62.30.00): Lists the regular and overtime hours
spent by the selected employee broken down by projects and tasks.

• Project Transactions (PM.63.30.00): Lists the project transactions broken down by projects
and customers.

Project Balance
Form ID: (PM.62.10.00)
This report lists all the account group balances for project tasks grouped by projects for the financial
period you select. The balances are listed along with their projected, revised, and actual quantity and
See below for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab. For details about using
other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters
On the Report Parameters tab, use the following parameters to select the information to display on
the report:

• Financial Period: The financial period for which you want to view the balances. If you leave this
parameter empty, the report will include all the financial periods.

Project Profitability
Form ID: (PM.62.40.00)
This report displays profitability for either completed or all the projects in the system. The projects are
listed along with their customer, project status, income, expense, and profit margin.
| Reports | 113

See below for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab. For details about using
other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters
On the Report Parameters tab, use the following parameters to select the information to display on
the report:

• Include Active Projects: Select this check box to include the information of the active projects
in the report.

Form ID: (PM.63.10.00)
This report lists either all the projects grouped by customer or only the projects for the customer you
select. The projects are listed along with their descriptions, statuses, and start dates.
See below for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab. For details about using
other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters
On the Report Parameters tab, use the following parameters to select the information to display on
the report:

• Customer ID: The customer whose projects you want to view. If you leave this parameter
empty, the report will include all the projects in the system grouped by customers.

Project Tasks
Form ID: (PM.63.20.00)
This report lists either all the project tasks grouped by customer or only the project tasks for the
customer you select. The report provides the list of projects with the breakdown to individual project
tasks. The project tasks are listed along with their description, status, and start date.
See below for the description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab. For details about
using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters
On the Report Parameters tab, use the following parameters to select the information to display on
the report:

• Customer ID: The customer whose projects and project tasks you want to view. If you leave
this parameter empty, the report will include all the projects in the system along with the project
tasks; the projects and project tasks will be grouped by customers.

Employee Hours
Form ID: (PM.62.20.00)
This report displays the work hours your employees have spent on specific projects. The report records
are grouped by task, and for each project, the spent and billable time as well as spent and billable
overtime are listed.
See below for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab. For details about using
other elements on the report form, see Reports.
| Reports | 114

Report Parameters
On the Report Parameters tab, use the following parameters to select the information to display on
the report:

• Project ID: The project for which you want to view information. Select a project, or make no
selection to request information for all projects.

• Include Unreleased Activities: Select this check box to include the information of the
unreleased activities in the report.

Employee Hours By Project and Task

Form ID: (PM.62.30.00)
This report displays the work hours your employees have spent on different project tasks. The report
records are grouped by project broken down by project tasks, and for each project task, the spent and
billable time as well as spent and billable overtime are listed.
See below for a description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab. For details about using
other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters
On the Report Parameters tab, use the following parameters to select the information to display on
the report:

• Owner: The employee for which you want to view information. Select an employee, or make no
selection to request information for all the employees.

• Include Unreleased Activities: Select this check box to include the information of the
unreleased activities in the report.

Project Transactions
Form ID: (PM.63.30.00)
This report lists the project transactions for the project you select. The project transactions are listed
along with their key properties.
See below for the description of each parameter on the Report Parameters tab. For details about
using other elements on the report form, see Reports.

Report Parameters
On the Report Parameters tab, use the following parameters to select the information to display on
the report:

• Project: The project whose transactions you want to view. This is a mandatory parameter.
| Appendix | 115

The appendix provides some reference information relevant for this document. The additional
information in this section is a useful source for readers who need some reference material that is
related to system forms and tables, as well as running reports.
In this section:

• Reports

• Form Toolbar

• Table Toolbar

• Glossary

In addition to offering a comprehensive collection of reports for each module, Acumatica ERP gives you
a high degree of control over each report.
A typical report form, described in Report Form, lets you adjust the report settings to meet your specific
informational needs. You can specify sorting and filtering options and select the data by using report-
specific settings—such as financial period, ledger, and account—and configure additional processing
settings for each report. The settings can be saved as a report template for later use. For details, see
To Run a Report and To Create a Report Template.
After you run a report, the prepared report appears on your screen. You can print the report, export the
report to a file, or send the report by email.
This chapter describes a typical report form and the main tasks related to using reports.

In This Chapter

• Report Form

• To Run a Report

• To Configure an Ad Hoc Filter on a Report Form

• To Modify an Ad Hoc Filter on a Report Form

• To Create a Report Template

Report Form
Before you run a report, you set a variety of parameters on the report form. You can select a template
or manually make selections that affect the information collected. Also, you can specify appropriate
settings to print or email the finished report.
The following screenshot shows a typical report form.
| Appendix | 116

Figure: Parameters View of Report Form

1. Report Form Toolbar

2. Parameters Toolbar

3. Template Area

4. Details Area

Report Form Toolbar

The following table lists the buttons of the report form toolbar when you are configuring a report.

Button Description

Cancel Clears any changes you have made and restores default settings.

Run Report Initiates data collection for the report and displays the generated report.

Save Template Gives you the ability to save the currently selected report as a template with all the
selected settings.

Remove Removes the previously saved template.

This button is available only when you select a template.

Schedule Opens the Select Schedule Name dialog box, which you can use to schedule report
Template processing.
This button is available only when you select a template.

Select Schedule Name Dialog Box

Element Description

Schedule The schedule for report processing. Select an existing schedule, or leave the
box blank and click OK to open the Automation Schedules (SM.20.50.30)
form to create a new schedule for running the report. For more information on
scheduling, see To Schedule Processing in the Acumatica ERP User Guide.

Merge Reports A check box that indicates (if selected) that this report will be merged with the
other reports selected for merging into one net report when processed.
| Appendix | 117

Element Description
: You can check the reports that will be merged when processed on the Send
Reports (SM.20.50.60) form.

Merging Order The number of the report in the net report.

Report Toolbar
The following table lists the buttons of the toolbar after you run the configured report.

Buttons Icon Description

Parameters Navigates back to the report form to let you change the report parameters.

Refresh Refreshes the information displayed in the report (if any data changes were

Groups Adds to the report a left pane where the report structure is shown. Click a
report node to highlight the pertinent data in the right pane.

View PDF / Displays the report as a PDF, or displays the report in HTML format. The
View HTML available button depends on the current report view; if you're viewing a PDF,
for instance, you will see the View HTML button.

First Displays the first page of the report.

Previous Displays the previous page.

Next Displays the next page.

Last Displays the last page of the report.

Print Opens the browser dialog box so you can print the report.

Send Opens the Email Activity dialog box, which you use to send the report file (in
the chosen format) to the specified email address.

Export Enables you to export the data in the chosen format (Excel or PDF).

Template Area
Use the elements in this area to select an existing template and then use the template, share it with
other users, or use it as your default report settings.
The Template area elements, which are available for all reports, are described in the following table.

Template Area Elements

Element Description

Template The template to be used for the report. If any templates were created and saved,
you can select a template to use its settings for the report.
| Appendix | 118

Element Description

Default A check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected template is marked as the
default one for you. A default template cannot be shared.

Shared A check box that indicates (if selected) that the selected template is shared with
other users. A shared template cannot be marked as the default.

Locale A locale that you select to indicate to the system that the report should be
prepared with the data translated to the language associated with this locale. This
box is displayed if there are multiple active locales in the system. For details, see
Locales and Languages.

Report Parameters Tab

The Report Parameters tab includes sections where you can specify the contents of the report
depending on the current report and vary in the following regards:

• How many elements and which elements are available on a particular report

• Whether elements contain default values

• Whether specific elements require values to be selected

• Whether elements may be left blank to let you display a broader range of data

Additional Sort and Filters Tab

The Additional Sort and Filter tab contains additional sorting and filtering conditions:

• Additional sorting conditions: Defines the sorting order. You can add a line, select one of the
report-specific properties, and select the Descending or Ascending sort order for the column.

• Additional filtering conditions: Defines the report filter. You can add a line, select one of the
report-specific properties, and define a condition and its value. The list of conditions include one-
operand and two-operand conditions. To create a more complicated logical expression, you can
use brackets and logical operations between brackets. For more information on creating filters,
see Creation of Ad Hoc and Reusable Filters. For detailed procedures on using ad hoc filters, see
To Configure an Ad Hoc Filter on a Report Form and To Modify an Ad Hoc Filter on a Report Form.

Print and Email Settings Tab

If you plan to print the report or save the report as a PDF, select the appropriate settings in the Print
Settings area.

Print Settings Section

Element Description

Deleted Records Selects the visibility of the data deleted from the database.

Print All Pages Causes all pages of the report to be printed.

Print in PDF format Displays the report in PDF format.

Compress PDF file Indicates that the system will generate a compressed PDF.

Embed fonts in PDF Indicates that the system will generate the PDF with fonts embedded.
| Appendix | 119

If you plan to send the report as an email, in the Email Settings area, specify the format in which the
report will be sent, as well as the email subject, the recipients of copies of the report, and the email
account of the recipient.

Email Settings Section

Field Description

Format The format (HTML, PDF, or Excel) in which the report will be emailed.

Email Account The email address of the recipient.

CC An additional addressee to receive a carbon copy (CC) of the email.

BCC The email address of a person to receive a blind carbon copy (BCC) of the email;
an address entered in this box will be hidden from other recipients.

Subject The subject of the email.

Report Versions Tab

If the report has multiple versions, you can select one of them.

Report Versions Tab Toolbar

Button Description

Refresh Refreshes the list of report versions.

Select Temporarily activates the selected report version.

Once you click Run Report, the prepared report appears on your screen. You can print the report,
export the report to a file, or send the report by email.
The prepared report is displayed in the report view of the report form. For more information about
setting up the report parameters and the parameters view of the report form, see Report Form.

Report Toolbar
The following table lists report toolbar buttons.

Buttons Icon Description

Parameters Navigates back to the report form to let you change the report parameters.

Refresh Refreshes the information displayed in the report (if any data changes were

Groups Adds to the report a left pane where the report structure is shown. Click a
report node to highlight the pertinent data in the right pane.

View PDF / Displays the report as a PDF, or displays the report in HTML format. The
View HTML available button depends on the current report view; if you're viewing a PDF,
for instance, you will see the View HTML button.

| Appendix | 120

Buttons Icon Description

First Displays the first page of the report.

Previous Displays the previous page.

Next Displays the next page.

Last Displays the last page of the report.

Print Opens the browser dialog box so you can print the report.

Send Opens the Email Activity dialog box, which you use to send the report file (in
the chosen format) to the specified email address.

Export Enables you to export the data in the chosen format (Excel or PDF).

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar, available on most forms, is located near the top of the form, under the form title bar
(see the screenshot below). The form toolbar may include standard and form-specific buttons.

Figure: Form toolbar

You use the standard buttons on the form toolbar to navigate through objects and entities that were
created by using the current form, insert or delete an object or entity, use the clipboard, save the data
you have entered, or cancel your work on the form.
In addition to standard buttons, a form toolbar on a particular form may include form-specific
buttons. These buttons usually provide navigation to other forms, take specific actions, and perform
modifications or processing related to the functionality of the form.

Standard Form Toolbar Buttons

The following table lists the standard buttons of the form toolbar. A form toolbar may include some or
all of these buttons.
| Appendix | 121

Standard Form Toolbar Buttons

Button Icon Description

Save Saves the changes made to the object or entity.

Cancel Depending on the context, does one of the following:

• Discards any unsaved changes you have made to objects or

entities and retrieves the last saved version.

• Clears all changes and restores the default settings.

Add New Record Clears any values you've specified on the form, restores any default
values, and initiates the creation of a new object or entity.

Clipboard Provides options to do the following:

• Copy: Copy the selected object or entity to the clipboard.

• Paste: Paste an object, entity, or template from the clipboard.

• Save as Template: Create a template based on the selected

object or entity.

• Import from XML: Import an object, entity, or template from

an .xml file.

• Export to XML: Export the selected object or entity to an .xml file.

For more information on templates and copy-and-paste operations in

Acumatica ERP, see Using Forms. For more information on importing
and exporting .xml files, see Using XML Import and Export in the
Acumatica ERP User Guide.

Delete Deletes the currently selected object or entity, clears any values you've
specified on the form, and restores default values.
: You can delete a document that is not linked with another document.

Go to First Displays the first object or entity (in the list of objects or entities of the
Record specific type) and its details.

Go to Previous Displays the previous object or entity and its details.


Go to Next Displays the next object or entity and its details.


Go to Last Displays the last object or entity (in the list of objects or entities of the
Record specific type) and its details.

Schedules Gives you the ability to schedule the processing. For more information,
see To Schedule Processing topic in the Acumatica ERP User Guide.

Inquiry Form Toolbar Buttons

Acumatica ERP inquiry forms present the data in a tabular format. These forms can be designed by
a user with the appropriate access rights by using the Generic Inquiry tool (for details, see Managing
Generic Inquiries in the Acumatica ERP User Guide), or can be initially configured in your system. A
| Appendix | 122

toolbar of an inquiry form contains both the standard form toolbar buttons (described in the table
above) and additional buttons described below.

Button Icon Description

Fit to Screen Expands the form to fit on the screen and adjusts the column widths

Export to Excel Exports the data to an Excel file. For more information, see Integration
with Excel.

Filter Settings Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, which you can use to
define a new filter. After the filter has been created and saved, the
corresponding tab appears on the table. For more information about
filtering, see Filters.

Table Toolbar
Each table on an Acumatica ERP form, tab, or dialog box has a table toolbar, which contains the search
box and buttons you can use to work with the details or objects of the table.
The table toolbar, shown in the following screenshot, can include the following sections:

• Action section: Contains buttons that are specific to the table, standard buttons that most table
toolbars have, and the search box.

• Footer section: Displays navigation buttons if there are too many details or objects (that is, table
rows) to fit on one page.

Figure: Table toolbar sections

1. Action section

2. Footer section

Action Section of Table Toolbar

The action section, commonly located at the top of a table, can contain standard and table-specific
buttons. If a table toolbar includes table-specific buttons, they are described in the form reference help
The following table describes the standard table toolbar buttons. A table toolbar may include some or all
of those buttons.
| Appendix | 123

Standard Table Toolbar Buttons

Button Icon Description

Refresh Refreshes the data in the table.

Switch Between Controls how the elements are displayed on the form: in a table (grid) with
Grid and Form rows and columns; or as separately arranged elements for one table row on
a form, with navigation tools you use to move between rows.

Add Row Appends a new blank row to the table so you can define a new detail or
object. A row may contain some default values.

Delete Row Deletes the selected row.

Fit to Screen Adjusts the table to the screen width and makes the column width

Export to Excel Exports the data in the table to an Excel file. For more information, see
Integration with Excel.

Filter Settings Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, which you can use to define a new
filter. After the filter is created and saved, the corresponding tab appears on
the table. For more information about filtering, see Filters.

Load Records Opens the File Upload dialog box, described in detail below, so you
from File can locate and upload a local file for import. You can use this option to
import data from Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx) and .csv files. For the detailed
procedure, see To Import Data from a Local File to a Table.

Search A box in which you can type a word, part of a word, or multiple words. As
you type, the system filters the contents of the table to reflect the string
you have typed.

File Upload Dialog Box

The File Upload dialog box gives you the ability to upload a file of one of the supported formats
(.csv or .xlsx) and import data from the file. You import the file by using the File Upload dialog box,
specify the import settings by using the Common Settings dialog box, and then match the columns
in the imported file to the columns in the Acumatica ERP table to which you import data by using the
Columns dialog box.

Element Description

File Upload dialog box

File Path The path to the file you want to upload.

To select the file, click Browse, and then find and select the file you want to

The dialog box has the following button:

Upload The button you click to upload the selected file and to open the Common
Settings dialog box.

Common Settings dialog box

| Appendix | 124

Element Description

Separator Chars The character that is used as the separator in the imported file. Specify the
separator character if the imported file uses an atypical separator. This box
appears on the interface only when you import data from a .csv file.

Null Value Optional. The value that is used to mark an empty column in the imported file.
Specify the null value if the value in the imported file differs from the standard
empty value.

Encoding The encoding that is used in the imported file. This box appears on the interface
only when you import data from a .csv file.

Culture The regional format that has been used to display the time, currency, and other
measurements in the imported file..

Mode The mode defining which rows of the uploaded file will be imported into the table.
The following options are available:

• Update Existing: The rows already present in the table will be updated, and
the rows not present in the table will be added.

• Bypass Existing: Only the new rows that are not present in the table will
be imported. The rows that are already present in the table will not be

• Insert All Records: All the rows from the file will be imported into the table.
: If you select this option, you may get duplicated rows because the
system won't check for duplicates when importing rows from the file.

The dialog box has the following buttons:

OK Closes the dialog box and opens the Columns dialog box.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without importing the data from the file.

Columns dialog box

Column Name The name of the column in the uploaded file.

Property Name The name of the corresponding column in the table in Acumatica ERP.

The dialog box has the following buttons:

OK Closes the dialog box and import the selected file.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without importing the data from the file.

Shortcut Menu
Right-clicking within the rows of a table opens a shortcut menu. The commands you see in the menu,
which depend on the table you are working with, are mostly duplicates of actions on the table toolbar,
but they offer easier access to them. The unique menu commands are described in the following table.

Shortcut Menu Commands

Option Icon Description

Clear Column Clears the simple filter that you have applied to the selected column.
| Appendix | 125

Option Icon Description

Filter by This Filters the data in the table by the value of the selected cell. For details, see
Cell Value To Use Simple Filters.

Footer Section of Table Toolbar

If a particular table has too many details (table rows) to fit on one page, you use the footer to browse
the table pages.

Standard Table Navigation Buttons

Element Icon Description

Go to First Page Displays the first page of the table.

Go to Previous Displays the previous page of the table.


Go to Next Page Displays the next page of the table.

Go to Last Page Displays the last page of the table.


account A General Ledger entity that holds a detailed record of similar

transactions involving a particular item, such as a source of cash
or a recipient of income. supports several account types: Asset,
Liability, Income, and Expense. All of a company's accounts are listed
on its chart of accounts. In Acumatica ERP, accounts are used with
subaccounts, and at system setup, you choose whether account
identifiers should be composed of segments. See also General Ledger,
chart of accounts, subaccount, segment.

account class A user-defined class that is used to group related accounts of the
same type and that can be used in reports and inquiries for convenient
grouping, sorting, and filtering of information associated with accounts.
For example, you can create a class for long-term liabilities and another
for middle-term liabilities.

Accounts Payable (AP) An Acumatica ERP module that provides functionality for efficient
management of your company’s vendors, primarily for goods and
services purchased by your company. See also module, vendor.

Accounts Receivable (AR) An Acumatica ERP module that provides functionality for efficient
management of your company’s customers, primarily for goods and
services sold by your company. See also module, customer.

home page The first page a user sees upon signing in to the web site. By default,
the home page displays the documentation list, but it can be configured
to display the home page dashboard. See also dashboard.
| Appendix | 126

adjustment period A financial period with the same start and end dates (and, thus, a
duration of zero days) that is the last period in the financial year. An
adjustment period can be added only at initial setup. On data entry
forms, an adjustment period is available only when you directly type it
in the Fin. Period box. See also financial period, financial year.

aging period One of a group of time intervals used for sorting a company's open AR
documents by age or its open AP documents by days outstanding. For
example, aging periods may be defined as follows: -999 to 0 days past
due, 1 to 30 days past due, 31 to 60 days past due, and 61 to 91 days
past due.

aggregating value A special value of a segment of a subaccount that indicates the sum of
appropriate budget articles whose subaccounts have other values in this
segment. Aggregating values let you build a hierarchical structure of
budget articles. See also segment, subaccount.

allocation template A group of settings, saved as a whole, used in to help you automate
allocations; allocation templates can be defined using the Allocations
(GL.20.45.00) form. You can create an allocation source by using input
masks to specify multiple accounts and subaccounts at once, and
you can set up rules for distributing the source amount over multiple
accounts. See also input mask, account, subaccount.

AP bill A document created for each vendor invoice that includes information
about the vendor, location, and currency used for the transaction. A bill
may contain either line items or one summary line with a tax category
specified. Some taxes are calculated for the entire document, and some
are calculated for each line item, depending on each tax's Calculate On
setting on the Taxes (TX.20.50.00) form. See also vendor, location, tax
category, tax.

AP check A payment document created for a vendor. A separate AP check

may be required for each AP document, depending on your selected
configuration options. AP checks should always have zero unapplied
balance; that is, the amount of a check should be exactly the amount of
the bill or bills it pays for. See also vendor.

AP credit adjustment A clearing document created to correct errors on an existing bill, or in

response to a vendor's overdue charges or a debit memo. Posting a
credit adjustment increases the balance of Accounts Payable.

AP debit adjustment An AP document created on the Bills and Adjustments (AP.30.10.00)

form for a vendor refund. It may be applied to any bills of the same
vendor. Discounts cannot be taken on debit adjustments. See also

approval The act of formally giving permission for a document to proceed to the
next step in its workflow. An organization may require documents, such
as purchase orders or expense claims, to be approved by authorized
persons before they may be paid. Also, you can require that wiki
articles be approved before they may be published. In Acumatica ERP,
you can configure approvals by assigning documents to specific persons
for approvals and by giving only authorized persons access to certain
processing forms. See also form.

AR credit memo A clearing document created for damaged goods or a previous

overcharging invoice. A credit memo may have one summary line or
| Appendix | 127

multiple line items. A credit memo may be applied against invoices,

debit memos, and overdue charges. See also overdue charges.

AR debit memo A document that adjusts the amount in one or several previous
undercharging invoices. It doesn't contain a direct reference to any
original invoices; if needed, you can reference the original invoice in
the Description box. Debit memos may be numbered differently from

AR invoice An itemized request for payment for goods sold or services rendered.
An invoice includes the customer information, location, currency, and
any reference number in the original customer document. The due date
of the document is calculated based on the credit terms associated
with the customer. An AR invoice may have a single summary line or
multiple line items. For each line, a tax category may be specified. See
also customer, location, credit terms, tax category.

assignment map A structure representing the hierarchy of workgroups involved in

processing or approval. See also approval.

assignment rules A set of rules you can configure—based on the properties of an entity
(such as a lead or case) or a document (such as an expense claim,
sales order, or purchase order)—to enable automatic assignment to
appropriate employees for processing or approval. For the selected
entity type, you facilitate automatic assignment of entities to
workgroups and to particular users by creating an assignment map and
rules based on properties of the entity or document. See also approval,
assignment map.

attribute A custom element that your company can add to forms to keep
additional information about products, leads, customers, inventory
items, and other entities. Attributes—which are used by the Inventory,
Customer Management, and Common Settings modules—allow you to
gather details that are meaningful for your business. See also form,
customer, inventory item, Inventory, module.

attribute class A grouping of your company's leads, opportunities, customers, or cases

by a specific set of attributes. For more information, see Attribute
Classes. See also attribute, attribute class.

authentication The process by which establishes a potential user as valid and grants
access to the system. A user must use a valid user name and password
pair for successful authentication. See also user.

authorization The process by which verifies whether a user has sufficient access
rights to particular forms, elements, and actions. The system makes
this determination for a user who has successfully signed in, based on
the roles assigned to the user and the restriction groups that include
the user as a member. See also user, form, role, restriction group.

auto-reversing batch A batch for which the General Ledger module automatically creates
another batch that reverses debit and credit entries into the next
financial period; the debit entry is reversed as a credit entry and vice
versa. Auto-reversing entries are used to reverse some period-end
adjustments. See also batch, General Ledger, module, financial period.

automation definition A complete set of all automation steps defined for all forms created
using the Automation Definitions (SM.20.50.10) form. You can use
definitions created before system upgrades (or before major changes in
| Appendix | 128

automation steps) as backups of various states of automation in your

system. See also automation steps, automation definition.

automation schedule A schedule defined for an processing form to direct the system to
perform specific processing periodically. You can create automation
schedules using the Automation Schedules (SM.20.50.20) form. See
also automation schedule

automation steps Steps to be executed for specific records or objects on a particular

form, depending on the record or object properties. Automation steps
allow you to extend the functionality of data entry and processing
forms. You can add new object statuses, associate statuses with certain
actions, and enable or disable actions, depending on object properties.
See also form.

bank account A cash account associated with a specific bank (which in is defined
as a vendor) and with one or more linked clearing accounts. Bank
charges can be configured as entry types associated with the bank
account. Bank accounts generally require periodic reconciliations
to be performed. See also vendor, clearing account, entry type,

base currency The currency of the environment in which the company generates and
expends cash. A base currency can be the only currency used in the
system or one of multiple currencies used. The base currency is the
default currency for recording transactions, budgets, and other GL
data, and it is used for reporting, income statement, and balance sheet
calculations. For General Ledger accounts denominated to a foreign
currency, maintains the history of transactions and balances in both
the currency of denomination and the base currency. See also General
Ledger, account.

base price A price for an item set with respect to the base unit, expressed in the
base currency and offered to customers of the base price class (those
not associated with any specific price class by default). Base prices can
be defined and maintained directly, following your company's pricing
policy, via the Inventory or Sales Orders module. See also base unit,
base currency, customer, Inventory.

base unit The unit of measure in which a particular item is tracked from the
moment it is received at a warehouse or produced at one of your
facilities until it is picked for shipping. Generally, the base unit is the
smallest unit defined in the system for a particular item. Also, the base
unit is the unit of measure used for calculating item costs. See also

batch A set of related transactions or journal entries that are in the same
currency, refer to the same ledger, and occur in the same financial
period. A batch's debit total and credit total are calculated over all the
transactions. Some batches are generated by the system automatically,
such as those implementing revaluations. Only balanced batches (those
for which the credit total equals the debit total) can be released and
posted to the specified ledger. See also journal entry, financial period,

batch control total A user-entered total that is used for batch status validation if it is
enforced in your system—that is, if the Validate Batch Control Totals
| Appendix | 129

on Entry check box on the General Ledger Preferences (GL.10.20.00)

is selected. A batch can be saved with the Balanced status only if the
user types into this box a value that is equal to the batch's debit total
and credit total amounts. We recommend that you use batch control
total validation to reduce data input errors. See also batch.

budget article An account-subaccount pair recorded in a budget ledger with a budget

amount. A budget article has subarticles if its subaccount has at least
one aggregating value in any segment. See also account, subaccount,
aggregating value, segment.

business account A set of information about one of your company's vendors or

customers, including its locations, contacts, and payment and shipping
options. Acumatica ERP uses this information, which is specified on data
entry forms, in a variety of modules. Your company also has a business
account to record its own locations, contacts, and shipping settings. See
also vendor, customer, location, module.

cash account A special type of General Ledger account used to record various
monetary transactions in a specific currency. You can specify entry
types and payment methods with which the cash account is associated.
Each cash account is assigned to a specific branch. See also General
Ledger, account, entry type, payment method.

cash-in-transit account An account used for cash that is being moved from one currency to
another. Because cross-rates are not used in Acumatica ERP, currency
conversion is performed via the base currency with the use of the cash-
in-transit account and subaccount. See also account, base currency,

cash discount A deduction from the total payable amount, allowed if the amount owed
is paid within a specified time period on or before a due date. Cash
discounts available for your organization are defined by credit terms
assigned to vendors, and cash discounts available for customers are
defined by credit terms assigned to customers. See also credit terms,
vendor, customer

Cash Management An Acumatica ERP module that manages cash and bank accounts,
cash transactions (including funds transfer), and bank statement
reconciliations. The module is integrated with the Accounts Payable and
Accounts Receivable modules for smooth payment processing. See also
module, cash account, bank account, funds transfer, reconciliation.

chart of accounts A listing of the accounts in the system to which you will record
accounting transactions. The chart of accounts, which you maintain in
Acumatica ERP via the Chart of Accounts (GL.20.25.00) form, consists
of balance sheet accounts (assets and liabilities) and income statement
accounts (income and expenses). The chart of accounts should follow
national and industry standards while also reflecting the operations of
your company. See also account.

clearing account A cash account that temporarily holds customer payments included in
a deposit. Once the money is actually deposited to the bank and the
deposit is released, a batch of transactions will be generated to move
the payment amounts from clearing accounts to the bank account and
to record the charges incurred as expenses. See also cash account,
customer, deposit, batch, bank account.
| Appendix | 130

combined subaccount A subaccount that can be combined from multiple involved

subaccounts, based on rules you create, for certain transactions; use
elements with labels such as Combine Subaccount From to set up
such rules. A box for a combined subaccount displays a subaccount
mask, such as ––––.––.–––.––––, in accordance with the segmented
structure of subaccounts defined for your company. For each segment,
you can specify one of the involved subaccounts as the source of
the segment value. See the Combined Subaccounts article for more
information. See also subaccount, combined subaccount.

commission A payment made to a salesperson for goods and services sold.

Commission is calculated once in a commission period based on total
invoice amounts or payments received, depending on your configuration
choice. For each document, calculates the commission amount as
a percentage. For an invoice, the commission may be split among
multiple salespersons.

Common Settings A module used to control global system settings. Some configuration
settings—such as company information, segmented keys, and
numbering sequences—must be provided during initial system setup
and cannot be modified later. Other information, such as credit terms
and logistics settings, can be added at any time. See also module,
segmented key, numbering sequence, credit terms.

consolidation The process of combining separate accounting data into one set of
data by importing data from subsidiaries to the parent company.
Whether your organization is a parent company or a subsidiary of a
larger company, the General Ledger module enables you to prepare
and consolidate the data into one consolidation ledger in the parent
company. See also General Ledger, module.

consolidation data The data imported to the parent company (as GL batches with system-
generated descriptions) to enable consolidation. Consolidation data
prepared by consolidation units is available via the SOAP gateway
as a set of GLConsolRead instances. See also General Ledger, batch,

consolidation mapping The process of matching accounts and subaccounts in a subsidiary

against those of the parent company for consolidation. Mapping of
subaccounts can be performed across subaccount segments. See also
account, subaccount, segment.

credit terms Conditions and stipulations used by vendors in their relations with your
company and by your company in its relations with customers when
any outstanding balance is paid. Credit terms include an installment
option (one payment or multiple installments), a payment schedule,
and terms for cash discount (for only the single-installment option).
Also, credit terms can be used as a schedule for overdue charges. For
more information about setting up credit terms in Acumatica ERP, see
Credit Terms. See also vendor, customer, cash discount, credit terms.

Currency Management An Acumatica ERP module that lets you define multiple currencies,
enabling foreign currency transactions throughout other modules. You
can maintain the lists of currencies, track exchange rate fluctuations,
and perform periodical revaluations. See also module, revaluation.

currency rate The rating of one currency valued against another. You use the
Currency Rates (CM.30.10.00) form to enter foreign currencies'
exchange rates and the base currency rates. Rates for each rate type
| Appendix | 131

are specified with respect to the base currency and are recorded to
the database with the type of arithmetic operation required to apply
the rate. Each record contains the rate and the date when it becomes
effective. The rate is used for currency conversions for documents that
have later dates until a new rate is recorded. See also currency rate,
base currency.

customer One of your company’s trade debtors. Acumatica ERP lets you set
up default values for individual customers, customer classes, and
customer documents to help make data entry easier and less error-
prone. When you enter a new invoice for a customer, calculates the
due date, discount date, and amount automatically, based on its credit
terms. Tax settings are by default those of the tax zone associated with
the customer location. See also customer class, credit terms, tax, tax

customer class A group of settings that provides default values when users create new
customer accounts, thus saving them time. You divide customers into
classes based on the types of goods or services they purchase from
you. For more details, see Customer Defaults and Overrides. See also

Customer Management An Acumatica ERP module that helps your company set up customer
service based on contracts and effectively track service issues reported
by customers. Also, the module provides tools to help salespeople
generate quality leads, track and analyze sales opportunities, and
manage marketing campaigns by sending personalized emails in bulk.
See also module, customer.

customer price class A group of customers that may be offered special prices because of
their buying habits. All customers of the same customer price class are
charged the same price for the same item, and you can set different
prices for the same item for different customer price classes. See also

customer statement A complete record of the customer's invoices, debit and credit memos,
payments, prepayments, and overdue charges for a specific period.
A statement includes all new activity for a statement cycle, from the
previous statement date to the current statement date. Any open debit
items from prior periods are included in the statement, grouped by days
outstanding. See also statement cycle, prepayment.

dashboard An interface that organizes and presents key information in a format

that users can interpret easily. A dashboard can be configured for the
home page and for each module web page. System administrators
can design a set of company-specific template dashboards. A user
can modify any of them or create from scratch a set of personalized
dashboards that display information tailored to job and information
needs. For details, see Dashboards. See also user, module, dashboard.

deferral code A code used in Acumatica ERP to configure how revenues and expenses
are recognized. If a line amount in an invoice or a bill should be
recognized over several periods, a deferral code (of the revenue or
expense type, respectively) is assigned to this line.
| Appendix | 132

deferral schedule A number of related transactions automatically generated for the

documents whose lines have deferral codes assigned. See also deferral

Deferred Revenue An Acumatica ERP module that stores definitions of deferral codes,
while allowing you to view and edit deferral schedules generated for AP
and AR documents and recognize parts of deferred amount according to
these schedules. See also module.

deposit 1. An instance of physically placing money in a bank.

2. In Acumatica ERP, an internal document created using the Bank

Deposits (CA.30.50.00) form. Batch deposits are used to group
customer payments deposited to the bank in bulk. When you
enter payments intended for such deposits into Acumatica ERP,
they are recorded to special clearing accounts, which temporarily
hold payments drawn from customers' AR accounts. Before you
make a deposit to the bank, you create a deposit in Acumatica
ERP, list the payments and cash to be deposited, and print a
deposit slip. After the money was actually deposited, the deposit
can be corrected to contain only payments accepted by the bank
and released. On the deposit's release, a batch of transactions
will be generated to move the payment amounts from clearing
accounts to the bank account and to record the charges incurred
as expenses.

See also deposit, batch, customer, clearing account, bank account.

discount A means of reducing sales prices. Acumatica ERP allows your company
to configure various types of discounts applicable to sales orders and
intended to attract customers: document-level discounts that are
subtracted from the document total, item-level discounts that apply to
a document line, and flat-price discounts, which are special discounted
prices that depend on the quantities of goods purchased. See also

entry type A user-defined type of transaction (which can be a cash receipt or

cash disbursement) entered by using the Cash Management module.
Entry types are used to categorize cash transactions. See also Cash
Management, module.

event An activity that has a specific start time and duration. You create
events for all or several users and invite users, leads, contacts, and
customers as attendees. You can send invitation or rescheduling emails
to attendees.

Favorites Links to the forms the particular user accesses most frequently. Any
user can create his or her own list of favorites for personal use.

financial period A part of a financial year defined by its start date and end date. A
financial year can be divided into monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or
custom-defined periods. For each next new year, generates financial
periods in accordance with initial system settings. We recommend that
you not change financial settings in once transactions have been posted
to any of the periods. See also financial year.
| Appendix | 133

financial year A time interval used for calculating annual financial statements. The
year is defined by its start date, which you determine, and lasts 12
months. For example, the U.S. government's financial year begins on
October 1 of the previous calendar year and ends on September 30
of the year that gives the financial year its number. A financial year
consists of a number of financial periods and may include an additional
adjustment period. See also financial period, adjustment period.

FOB point A destination at which the vendor delivers the goods to be loaded to
the transportation provided by the carrier. The customer covers the
freight and other expenses for the cargo from a FOB (meaning freight
on board) point. See also vendor, customer.

foreign currency The process of restating the account balances in a reporting

translation currency. For accounts denominated to currencies other than the
reporting currency, the balances expressed in the base currency are
recalculated to the reporting currency. For more details, see Overview
of Translations. See also account, base currency.

form A screen in Acumatica ERP that lets you, using various actions and
elements, enter needed data and perform functions that are key to the
capabilities of the module. In most modules, forms are grouped into the
following categories: Data Entry, Processing, Inquiries, Maintenance,
and Setup. See also module.

form toolbar A toolbar present on most forms with data navigation and processing
actions that apply to the entire form. For example, its actions allow you
to cancel or save changes you've made, to insert or delete objects, or
to navigate through the objects created via the form. See also form.

funds transfer A transaction that moves an amount from one cash account to another,
with related service charges. Funds can be transferred between
accounts denominated to different foreign currencies in two steps, using
the cash in transit account for currency conversion to the base currency
and from the base currency. See also cash account, cash-in-transit
account, base currency.

General Ledger (GL) An Acumatica ERP module that serves as the central application where
all financial information is collected for analyzing, summarizing, and
reporting. You use the module to set up your company's financial
structure through the chart of accounts and subaccounts, collect
information through transactions entered by users and imported from
other modules, and prepare data for generating various financial
statements. See also module, chart of accounts, subaccount.

historical rate An exchange rate for the foreign currency with respect to the base
currency that was effective during a certain past period. The General
Ledger module uses historical rates for foreign currency translations
and "past-date" transactions. See also base currency, General Ledger,

| Appendix | 134

inline editor An editing tool you can use to edit a section of a Wiki article or its full
text. The inline editor contains both a text box (which contains the text
of the applicable section) and a Formatting toolbar.

input mask A mask implemented to govern what a user may enter into a box, so
that the required format is used on data entry forms. Masks are used,
for example, for phone numbers, postal codes, and tax registration
IDs. Moreover, input masks can be created using regular expressions to
validate entered values, since the values for some elements must follow
not only input format requirements but also specific rules. For more
details, see Input Validation Options.

integration services The powerful capabilities, provided as part of the Integration module,
that allow you to filter and import data from external sources,
converting it into internal format, and configure data synchronization
between and third-party applications to be performed on schedule.
Also, you can configure data export with conversion to required
formats. See also module.

inventory item A stock or non-stock item defined and tracked in Acumatica ERP. The
record's unique identifier, Inventory ID, as with other identifiers in
Acumatica ERP, can be segmented, with special meaning assigned to
each segment. (The INVENTORY key is used to configure inventory
IDs.) Well-designed inventory IDs can help you sort and group items in
operational and management reports. See also stock item, non-stock

Inventory An Acumatica ERP module that provides real-time access to item

availability data configured in accordance with your company's policies.
The Inventory module lets you maintain a perpetual inventory system
as well as performing physical inventories, which can be performed
as full inventory and by cycles. You can use subitems as an additional
means of tracking special types of inventory items, and you can track
inventory items by either lot or serial numbers and expiration dates.
(See lot serial numbers for more details.) Advanced functionality of
the module includes flexible posting settings, multiple warehouses with
multiple specialized locations, and automatic replenishments. See also
module, subitems, inventory item, lot or serial numbers.

inventory price class A class used to group inventory items by the method of their price
calculation. An inventory price class may include items of one or more
item classes. See also inventory item, item class.

item class A class used to group stock or non-stock items with similar properties
and to provide default settings for new items. See also stock item, non-
stock item.

journal entry A record of debit or credit to any account in General Ledger. Journal
entries (or transactions), which are added in batches, must follow the
generalized double-entry rule: The debits total must be equal to the
credits total through all the entries in a batch. The batch contains the
date, the accounts and subaccounts to be debited, the accounts and
subaccounts to be credited, and the debit or credit amounts for each
transaction. A batch of journal entries can be marked as recurring or
auto-reversing. See also account, General Ledger, batch, subaccount,
auto-reversing batch.
| Appendix | 135

kit An inventory item that consists of other stock or non-stock items as

components and requires assembling (or packaging) to become a
salable good. You enter a kit as a stock or non-stock item using either
the Stock Items (IN.20.25.00) or Non-Stock Items (IN.20.20.00) form
and select the Is a Kit option. You can specify the kit's components
(with their quantities) using the Kit Specifications (IN.20.95.00) form. A
kit may include a number of stock and non-stock components. See also
inventory item, non-stock item, stock item.

landed costs All extra costs—beyond the prices at which the goods are purchased
from vendors—associated with acquiring products and “landing” them
at one of your company's locations. These costs might include customs
duties, handling fees, freight charges, value-added taxes, and other
costs for a particular product. In Acumatica ERP, you can define these
costs via the Landed Cost Codes (PO.20.20.00) form. See also vendor,

location 1. One of multiple places of business for a particular company.

Each location is assigned to a tax zone and, as a business entity,
may have a separate tax registration ID from that of the main
location of the company.

2. A warehouse location.

See also tax zone, warehouse location.

location table The list of a particular warehouse's locations and their properties.
Use the location table to configure your warehouse to fit the logistical
processes established in your company. For each location table,
you can specify whether to include the quantities of stock items
stored at this location in the quantity of available items calculated
for the warehouse, whether to cost the inventory on this location
separately, what inventory operations are allowed for the location,
and what the location's pick priority is. Users can consult this table for
reference when they’re creating receipts, issues, or transfers. See also
warehouse, stock items.

lot or serial numbers Identifying numbers through which you track goods in your inventory.
Serial numbers are used when you need to trace each item of the same
inventory ID, while lot numbers are used to trace items (of the same
ID) that were purchased or produced together and have the same
expiration dates (if applicable). You can segment lot and serial numbers
via the Lot/Serial Classes (IN.20.70.00) form. Acumatica ERP supports
the following types of segments for lot/serial numbers: constant, date,
and auto-incrementing. See also segment.

low seasons Time intervals in which the decreasing factors (used to divide the
standard replenishment quantity to get lower replenishment quantities
during low seasons) should be applied to quantities on purchase
orders generated to replenish the stock. Each inventory item may have
multiple low seasons, each with different decreasing factors. See also
inventory item.

| Appendix | 136

main menu A menu, that fits across the top on each page, containing functions that
are not specific to the form or wiki article. The toolbar allows you to
navigate to a Help article for the form (if available), add the form to
Favorites and dashboards, among other capabilities. For details, see
Main Menu. See also form, Favorites, dashboard

module A software component of Acumatica ERP that consists of a variety of

forms. While each module provides specialized functionality, it is tightly
integrated with other modules. See also form.

multi-currency A mode in which Acumatica ERP can function to support multiple

currencies. If you have activated multi-currency support, you can
manage transactions in various foreign currencies, record exchange
rates for multiple rate types as needed, report in a specific foreign
currency, and revalue GL, AP, and AR accounts in the base currency.
The base currency is used for reporting and income statement
calculation. See also base currency, Currency Management, module.

navigation pane A pane, located on the left side of any page, that allows you to select
the form, or article you wish to display in the right pane. The navigation
pane contains the tree structure of a module or wiki, which shows the
hierarchy of its forms or articles and contains links to those items.
When you click a link, the requested form or article opens in the right
pane. See also form, dashboard, module.

negative inventory An option, offered in Acumatica ERP, allowing a negative inventory

balance for an inventory item or a group of items. This can occur
when the inventory issue is made before the necessary quantity of the
item arrives at the warehouse. To calculate the balance of over-issued
inventory items, the most recent historical cost will be used until the
item is received. When the inventory is received, the system will match
the receipt cost with the issue cost, and generate a cost adjustment
for the difference. Appropriate warnings are issued on transactions
that will result in negative inventory balances. See also inventory item,

non-stock item An inventory item that is not stored in a warehouse. Such items can be
of different types: labor, service (such as product assembly, installation,
or personalization), charge, expense, and actual non-stock items, such
as goods used only for drop-shipments. For a non-stock item, you can
specify the following information in Acumatica ERP: base, sales, and
purchase units; conversion coefficients; price and cost information; and
the default GL accounts and subaccounts to be used for transactions
with the items. See also inventory item, warehouse, General Ledger,

notification template An article in the Notification Templates Wiki that is an email template
with variables denoting values in an employee or contact record.
When the email is sent, the system replaces variables with values
from the database record associated with each addressee for email

numbering sequence A set of rules the system uses to generate the next unique identifier
when you create a new object of certain type (such as a batch).
provides a number of predefined numbering sequences you can use.
A numbering sequence may have subsequences. If one numbering
sequence is used for multiple object types, all the objects get numbers
| Appendix | 137

according to the order in which they were created, so successive

numbers can be assigned to objects of different types. See also batch.

overdue charges Charges calculated on open Accounts Receivable items that are past
due. Acumatica ERP calculates overdue charges and displays them on
customer statements. You can configure these charges to be compound
charges (charges calculated on charges) or not. Overdue charges are
based on terms that provide a schedule for payment. See also Accounts
Receivable, customer statement.

payment method A way in which customers pay for goods they purchase from your
organization. For each payment method, you can use a number of
predefined elements: define the element names as you want them to
appear on the interface, and set up input validation for these elements
(input masks or regular expressions). Payment methods are based on
the following general means of payment: credit cards, gift certificates,
purchase orders, cash cards, and custom methods. See also customer,
input mask.

PI cycle The physical inventory cycle assigned to the stock item. PI cycles are
used to arrange the items into groups for periodic counting. For more
details on using PI cycles, see Planning for Physical Inventory. See also
stock item.

posting class A group of items in the Inventory module that defines the default
account to be used and the rules for composing the default subaccount
for transactions with the applicable inventory items. Accounts and
subaccounts for transactions can be obtained from the following
sources: inventory item, warehouse, or posting class. See also
combined subaccount, Inventory, module, account, subaccount,
combined subaccount, warehouse, inventory item.

prepayment A document that represents amounts paid in advance for future

purchases. In the Accounts Payable module, a vendor's request for
prepayment is processed as follows: You use the Checks and Payments
(AP.30.20.00) form to enter the prepayment. Then the prepayment
is paid in full by an AP check in the same currency as the default
cash account. If the payment method associated with the default
cash account requires printing a check, print it and release the AP
check, which changes its status to Closed and creates a payment
of the Prepayment type with the reference number of the original
prepayment request. After that, you can apply the prepayment to bills
and adjustments. See also Accounts Payable, module.

price list A list of sales prices that is set for goods sold in a specific currency,
offered to customers of a particular customer price class, and specified
with respect to various units of measure available for the items. In
Acumatica ERP, you can maintain multiple price lists. See also sales
price, customer, customer price class.

Purchase Orders An Acumatica ERP module that provides functionality for efficient
management of your company’s supply chain and optimization of the
cost of acquiring materials or services. See also module.
| Appendix | 138

Purchase Requisitions An Acumatica ERP module that allows you to streamline and customize
the process of requesting needed items. You can request goods and
services, approve requests, and prevent cost overruns. See also

reason code A code used to provide additional information regarding transactions

in the system. When you configure a reason code via the Reason
Codes (CS.21.10.00) form, you can specify whether this code is used
in the Inventory module and, if so, how it is used. Inventory-related
reason codes allow you to post transactions related to direct inventory
operations (such as receipts, issues, transfers, adjustments, and
physical inventory counts) to specific accounts and assign particular
subaccounts to them to allow for more detailed reporting. See also
reason code, Inventory, module, account, subaccount.

reconciliation The process of matching the cash transactions recorded in Acumatica

ERP against those presented on a bank statement. Theoretically,
the balance of the cash account associated with the bank should
reconcile to the balance of the bank statement, but there may be some
discrepancy between account balances. The goal of reconciliation is
to find discrepancies and determine whether each is due to error or
timing. In Acumatica ERP, you mark documents as cleared as you
receive preliminary information from the bank. Later, when you have
received the bank statement, you reconcile transactions with the bank

recurring GL transactions GL transactions that repeat regularly. To automate the entering of

recurring transactions, such as depreciation transactions, allows you
to create schedules for them. A schedule defines how many times and
how often specific batches should be repeated. One or several batches
can be assigned to a schedule, but only batches with the Balanced
status can be scheduled. Once a batch is assigned to a schedule, its
status changes to Scheduled. To create schedules, use the Recurring
Transactions (GL.20.35.00) form. See also schedule, batch.

replenishment policy Settings that define how automatic replenishment for the inventory
item is initiated, as well as its source, quantity, and time intervals,
including low seasons, during which replenishment is initiated in smaller
quantities. See also inventory item.

restriction group A set of objects (such as users, accounts, and subaccounts) of two
or more types created to, if the group includes users, restrict users'
access to only objects in the same group; if the group doesn't include
users, the restriction group relates its objects in a way that limits their
use. For instance, one restriction group may include two users and a
number of special-use accounts that only these two users can update,
and another restriction group may include several GL expense accounts
and a subaccount that should be used only with these particular
accounts. If a restriction group is defined as inverse, the objects in the
group instead cannot be used with one another. To learn more about
restriction groups, see the Overview of Restriction Groups section in
User Guide.

Retained Earnings A special system-maintained accounts that is of the Liability type

account and must be created before any actual data is entered. The Retained
Earnings account accumulates the company’s net income (or loss)
| Appendix | 139

after the dividends have been paid. Retained earnings are summarized
over the years since the first year of company operations. During
the financial year closing, this account is updated by the amount
accumulated on the YTD Net Income account. See also YTD Net

revaluation The process of revising the value of AP, AR, or GL accounts that are
maintained in a foreign currency. For more information, see Overview of

role A set of access rights to certain system objects—such as specific

Wiki articles, forms, form elements, and toolbar actions—to which
you assign users. When you define roles, give only the access rights
necessary to perform typical tasks. Sets of access rights by different
roles should not intersect. We recommend that you assign to a user
several roles rather than creating a more complicated role with the
same privileges as multiple already-defined roles. Acumatica ERP has
several preconfigured roles. For more information about roles, see Role-
Based Security.

Sales Orders An Acumatica ERP module with the functionality required to manage
sales-related activities, such as maintaining multiple price lists,
configuring the system to calculate discounts, entering quotes, fulfilling
sales orders, generating pick lists, creating shipments, and adding
landed costs. See also module.

sales price A price you set for a particular item that you sell in a specific currency,
offer to customers of a particular customer price class, and specify
with respect to an appropriate unit of measure. Sales prices can be
maintained with regard to items' sales units or base units. See also
customer, customer price class, sales unit, base unit.

sales unit The unit of measure in which a particular item is sold to a customer.
See also customer.

schedule A definition in Acumatica ERP of how many times and how often
specific AP batches, AR documents should be generated for recurring
transactions. Once a batch or a document is assigned to a schedule, its
status changes to Scheduled. The system uses the original documents
or batches as templates to generate similar documents or batches with
only transaction dates being changed as dictated by the schedule. See
also batch.

Search text box A text box, located on the top of the navigation pane on any page,
that allows you to perform a quick search in the entities. You can click
the Search icon to open the Search form, which offers more extensive
capabilities to search the wikis, files, or entities in the system. See also
navigation pane.

segment 1. In Acumatica ERP, one of the parts of an identifier of an entity

—such as account, subaccount, inventory item, subitem,
warehouse or location reserved to carry special meaning.
Segments should be populated with values before entities are
created. Segment values are alphanumeric strings of the fixed
length, and one of the segments may be assigned a numbering
sequence. Several input validation options can be used to verify
the segment values when users create new entities of the type.
| Appendix | 140

2. To break the identifier into segments (as described above).

See also account, subaccount, inventory item, location, warehouse.

segmented key A system entity that lets you define the structure of identifiers
for a certain type of object and then serves as a template when a
user creates an identifier for a new object. The current version of
Acumatica ERP provides the following segmented keys: ACCOUNT,
for GL accounts; SUBACCOUNT, for GL subaccounts; BIZACCT, for
vendor and customer accounts in the Accounts Payable and Accounts
Receivable modules; INVENTORY, for inventory items; and SALESPER,
for salesperson accounts. For more detailed information, see Identifier
Segmentation in the Acumatica ERP User Guide. See also General
Ledger, account, subaccount, vendor.

standard cost method A method for inventory item valuation in which standard cost is
calculated outside the system using company-specific policies. With this
method, the currently effective standard costs are assigned to inventory
items on their receipt, issue, adjustment or transfer, regardless of their
actual costs. When items assigned to this method are received at the
warehouses, any differences between the actual and standard costs are
recorded to the specified standard cost variance accounts and posted
to the General Ledger. Standard costs can be updated as often as is
needed. See also inventory item, warehouse.

stock item An inventory item stored and maintained in steady volumes at some
warehouse. For each stock item, Acumatica ERP tracks a basic set of
item properties, such as the item's identifier, description, price, cost,
units of measure, and default warehouse and vendor information.
Stock items can have many additional properties, known as attributes
in Acumatica ERP, that do not affect item processing but may be
important for analyzing the stock movements or item sales. See also
inventory item, attribute.

statement cycle The schedule for customer statements. You can also set up four aging
periods that sort open documents by days past due. You can use the
aging periods to prepare an AR aging schedule at the end of each
month, which you can analyze to identify potential cash flow problems.
Statement cycles can be assigned to customer classes and to individual
customers. See also customer statement, aging period, customer class,

subaccount A subcategory of the account that carries identifying information;

in Acumatica ERP, you use subaccounts with accounts to virtually
split accounts into smaller, more specific ones. This gives you finer
classification within the account for reporting and internal management
purposes. While account identifiers carry the information about the
account type along with the actual account number, subaccount
identifiers can provide such information as the division, department,
and cost center. Each journal entry is recorded with the appropriate
account and subaccount combination. See the Hierarchy of Accounts
and Subaccounts article for more details. See also account, journal

subitems Codes that allow further categorization of an inventory items. Subitems

are used in the system if you have otherwise-identical products with
different colors, sizes, or other properties tracked because of their
importance to customers. Thus, under the same inventory ID, there
may be a number of subitems—records about products that share all
| Appendix | 141

settings of the inventory item record but have additional properties

that differ. If your site uses subitems, they should be specified for each
inventory ID related to a stock item. See also inventory item, customer,
stock item.

Management An Acumatica ERP module that lets you define users, roles, and
restriction groups for security management. It also provides site
management, Wiki management, task management, customization
management, and file management capabilities, as well as integration
services. See also module, user, role, restriction group, integration

table An arrangement of similar objects or details, each displayed with the

same number of properties, on many forms. In a details table, each row
represents an object or detail (for example, an account, subaccount,
document line, or journal entry) and its properties; elements specifying
properties are grouped into columns.

table toolbar A toolbar on most forms, located above (and sometimes above and
below) the Details table, that allows you to perform detail-related
actions, including the following: add, edit, or delete details; filter
details; perform custom actions; and rearrange details by changing the
order of values in any column.

task An activity that you have to complete before a due date but that
doesn’t have a specific time or duration. By default, you create tasks
for yourself, but you also can create tasks and assign them to other

tax A compulsory financial contribution imposed by a government. In

Acumatica ERP, you can configure taxes of the following major
types: Sales, Use, VAT, and Withholding. The definition of each tax
includes the tax rate (used to calculate the tax amount), the method
of calculation, the effective date, and the accounts to which the tax
amounts are posted. Each tax is reported to a specific tax agency and is
paid to or claimed from the agency. See also account, tax agency.

tax agency A tax authority, defined in as a vendor, that requires tax reports to be
filed regularly. For your convenience, you can create a vendor class for
tax agencies (local and federal). Each tax agency requires tax reports to
be filed regularly. See also vendor, vendor class.

tax category A list of taxes associated with a product or a service when it is

purchased or sold. See also Taxes.

Taxes An Acumatica ERP module that stores definitions of taxes, tax

categories, and tax zones that are used across Acumatica ERP for
automatic tax calculation for every document and transaction. See also
module, Taxes, tax category, tax zone.

tax reporting group An entity used to accrue taxable amounts and tax amounts charged on
GL, AP, and AR transactions for tax reporting purposes. For example,
a VAT requires two groups (input and output): one for tax amounts
charged on sales, and another for tax amounts charged on purchases.
A sales tax requires one output group for taxes on sales. Tax reporting
groups are used to calculate the report lines for a report to a tax
authority. For more information, see Tax Report Configuration in the
Acumatica ERP User Guide.
| Appendix | 142

tax report lines Lines configured for a tax agency as a combination of output and input
reporting groups for various taxes associated with the same tax agency.
See also tax agency, Taxes.

tax zone An area or tax jurisdiction where the same taxes are enforced. In
Acumatica ERP, a tax zone includes a list of taxes to be applied to a
customer's invoice or a vendor's bill depending on the location. Tax
zones are used in other modules, such as General Ledger, Accounts
Payable and Accounts Receivable.

user A person who uses the ERP system. Once a user has been
authenticated, the system checks the user's membership in roles. Users
can view only the forms, articles, and elements authorized by their
roles, and can perform only the actions permitted by these roles. Users
may be members of restriction groups, which let them access specific
entities included in the groups. See also role, form, restriction group.

vendor One of your company’s trade creditors. For ease of use, you can set
up default values for vendor classes, individual vendors, and vendor
documents. When users enter new bills, they must specify a vendor for
each bill. Once they choose the vendor, certain elements on the form
will be automatically populated with the vendor’s default values. The
due date and available discount are calculated automatically, based on
the vendor’s credit terms. See also vendor class, credit terms.

vendor class A group of settings that provides default values when users create
new vendor accounts. Divide vendors into classes based on the types
of goods they sell or services they provide. For details, see Vendor
Defaults and Overrides. See also vendor.

warehouse A place where goods are stored. A warehouse in Acumatica ERP does
not necessarily represent one physical building where your inventory
is stocked; you can divide a large physical storage space into several
areas and define each as a warehouse in Acumatica ERP. A warehouse
can even be virtual: For example, all goods that are on the way to you
from the supplier can be considered as located in the virtual goods-in-
transit warehouse.

warehouse location An actual or virtual place in a warehouse that can be used to receive,
store, or issue specific goods or all goods. Each warehouse can
include several locations. Warehouse location IDs are defined with the
INLOCATION segmented key. See also warehouse.

wiki article An entity that consists of digital content on a particular topic and, along
with other articles, makes up a wiki. Articles can be organized in folders
in ways that best fit your needs.

wiki editor The form, invoked when you click Edit for an open wiki article, that lets
you edit both the article text and its properties.

wiki markup 1. The syntax used to create wiki articles. Using wiki markup, you
can create articles, add headings, tables of contents, hint boxes,
and warning boxes.
| Appendix | 143

2. A mode in which you can edit wiki articles, which lets you view
the wiki markup.

Wiki toolbar A toolbar, appearing below the main menu when you open a wiki article,
that provides a variety of actions you can use as you browse the wiki
and work with articles. These actions include creating a new article,
moving to the previous or next article in the wiki tree, and printing or
deleting the current article.

YTD (Year-to-Date) Net A special account, automatically maintained by the system, that records
Income account the net income (the difference between the amounts posted on income
and expense GL accounts) accumulated since the beginning of the
financial year. This difference is updated by every transaction posted.
During closing of the financial year, the balance of the YTD Net Income
account is transferred to the Retained Earnings Account and is reset
to zero for a new financial year. The YTD Net Income account should
be of the Liability type and must be created before any actual data is
entered. See also account, financial year.

Form Toolbar
The form toolbar, available on most forms, is located near the top of the form, under the form title bar
(see the screenshot below). The form toolbar may include standard and form-specific buttons.

Figure: Form toolbar

You use the standard buttons on the form toolbar to navigate through objects and entities that were
created by using the current form, insert or delete an object or entity, use the clipboard, save the data
you have entered, or cancel your work on the form.
In addition to standard buttons, a form toolbar on a particular form may include form-specific
buttons. These buttons usually provide navigation to other forms, take specific actions, and perform
modifications or processing related to the functionality of the form.
| Appendix | 144

Standard Form Toolbar Buttons

The following table lists the standard buttons of the form toolbar. A form toolbar may include some or
all of these buttons.

Standard Form Toolbar Buttons

Button Icon Description

Save Saves the changes made to the object or entity.

Cancel Depending on the context, does one of the following:

• Discards any unsaved changes you have made to objects or

entities and retrieves the last saved version.

• Clears all changes and restores the default settings.

Add New Record Clears any values you've specified on the form, restores any default
values, and initiates the creation of a new object or entity.

Clipboard Provides options to do the following:

• Copy: Copy the selected object or entity to the clipboard.

• Paste: Paste an object, entity, or template from the clipboard.

• Save as Template: Create a template based on the selected

object or entity.

• Import from XML: Import an object, entity, or template from

an .xml file.

• Export to XML: Export the selected object or entity to an .xml file.

For more information on templates and copy-and-paste operations in

Acumatica ERP, see Using Forms. For more information on importing
and exporting .xml files, see Using XML Import and Export in the
Acumatica ERP User Guide.

Delete Deletes the currently selected object or entity, clears any values you've
specified on the form, and restores default values.
: You can delete a document that is not linked with another document.

Go to First Displays the first object or entity (in the list of objects or entities of the
Record specific type) and its details.

Go to Previous Displays the previous object or entity and its details.


Go to Next Displays the next object or entity and its details.


Go to Last Displays the last object or entity (in the list of objects or entities of the
Record specific type) and its details.

Schedules Gives you the ability to schedule the processing. For more information,
see To Schedule Processing topic in the Acumatica ERP User Guide.
| Appendix | 145

Inquiry Form Toolbar Buttons

Acumatica ERP inquiry forms present the data in a tabular format. These forms can be designed by
a user with the appropriate access rights by using the Generic Inquiry tool (for details, see Managing
Generic Inquiries in the Acumatica ERP User Guide), or can be initially configured in your system. A
toolbar of an inquiry form contains both the standard form toolbar buttons (described in the table
above) and additional buttons described below.

Button Icon Description

Fit to Screen Expands the form to fit on the screen and adjusts the column widths

Export to Excel Exports the data to an Excel file. For more information, see Integration
with Excel.

Filter Settings Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, which you can use to
define a new filter. After the filter has been created and saved, the
corresponding tab appears on the table. For more information about
filtering, see Filters.

Table Toolbar
Each table on an Acumatica ERP form, tab, or dialog box has a table toolbar, which contains the search
box and buttons you can use to work with the details or objects of the table.
The table toolbar, shown in the following screenshot, can include the following sections:

• Action section: Contains buttons that are specific to the table, standard buttons that most table
toolbars have, and the search box.

• Footer section: Displays navigation buttons if there are too many details or objects (that is, table
rows) to fit on one page.

Figure: Table toolbar sections

1. Action section

2. Footer section

Action Section of Table Toolbar

The action section, commonly located at the top of a table, can contain standard and table-specific
buttons. If a table toolbar includes table-specific buttons, they are described in the form reference help
| Appendix | 146

The following table describes the standard table toolbar buttons. A table toolbar may include some or all
of those buttons.

Standard Table Toolbar Buttons

Button Icon Description

Refresh Refreshes the data in the table.

Switch Between Controls how the elements are displayed on the form: in a table (grid) with
Grid and Form rows and columns; or as separately arranged elements for one table row on
a form, with navigation tools you use to move between rows.

Add Row Appends a new blank row to the table so you can define a new detail or
object. A row may contain some default values.

Delete Row Deletes the selected row.

Fit to Screen Adjusts the table to the screen width and makes the column width

Export to Excel Exports the data in the table to an Excel file. For more information, see
Integration with Excel.

Filter Settings Opens the Filter Settings dialog box, which you can use to define a new
filter. After the filter is created and saved, the corresponding tab appears on
the table. For more information about filtering, see Filters.

Load Records Opens the File Upload dialog box, described in detail below, so you
from File can locate and upload a local file for import. You can use this option to
import data from Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx) and .csv files. For the detailed
procedure, see To Import Data from a Local File to a Table.

Search A box in which you can type a word, part of a word, or multiple words. As
you type, the system filters the contents of the table to reflect the string
you have typed.

File Upload Dialog Box

The File Upload dialog box gives you the ability to upload a file of one of the supported formats
(.csv or .xlsx) and import data from the file. You import the file by using the File Upload dialog box,
specify the import settings by using the Common Settings dialog box, and then match the columns
in the imported file to the columns in the Acumatica ERP table to which you import data by using the
Columns dialog box.

Element Description

File Upload dialog box

File Path The path to the file you want to upload.

To select the file, click Browse, and then find and select the file you want to

The dialog box has the following button:

Upload The button you click to upload the selected file and to open the Common
Settings dialog box.
| Appendix | 147

Element Description

Common Settings dialog box

Separator Chars The character that is used as the separator in the imported file. Specify the
separator character if the imported file uses an atypical separator. This box
appears on the interface only when you import data from a .csv file.

Null Value Optional. The value that is used to mark an empty column in the imported file.
Specify the null value if the value in the imported file differs from the standard
empty value.

Encoding The encoding that is used in the imported file. This box appears on the interface
only when you import data from a .csv file.

Culture The regional format that has been used to display the time, currency, and other
measurements in the imported file..

Mode The mode defining which rows of the uploaded file will be imported into the table.
The following options are available:

• Update Existing: The rows already present in the table will be updated, and
the rows not present in the table will be added.

• Bypass Existing: Only the new rows that are not present in the table will
be imported. The rows that are already present in the table will not be

• Insert All Records: All the rows from the file will be imported into the table.
: If you select this option, you may get duplicated rows because the
system won't check for duplicates when importing rows from the file.

The dialog box has the following buttons:

OK Closes the dialog box and opens the Columns dialog box.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without importing the data from the file.

Columns dialog box

Column Name The name of the column in the uploaded file.

Property Name The name of the corresponding column in the table in Acumatica ERP.

The dialog box has the following buttons:

OK Closes the dialog box and import the selected file.

Cancel Closes the dialog box without importing the data from the file.

Shortcut Menu
Right-clicking within the rows of a table opens a shortcut menu. The commands you see in the menu,
which depend on the table you are working with, are mostly duplicates of actions on the table toolbar,
but they offer easier access to them. The unique menu commands are described in the following table.

Shortcut Menu Commands

Option Icon Description

Clear Column Clears the simple filter that you have applied to the selected column.
| Appendix | 148

Option Icon Description

Filter by This Filters the data in the table by the value of the selected cell. For details, see
Cell Value To Use Simple Filters.

Footer Section of Table Toolbar

If a particular table has too many details (table rows) to fit on one page, you use the footer to browse
the table pages.

Standard Table Navigation Buttons

Element Icon Description

Go to First Page Displays the first page of the table.

Go to Previous Displays the previous page of the table.


Go to Next Page Displays the next page of the table.

Go to Last Page Displays the last page of the table.


account A General Ledger entity that holds a detailed record of similar

transactions involving a particular item, such as a source of cash
or a recipient of income. supports several account types: Asset,
Liability, Income, and Expense. All of a company's accounts are listed
on its chart of accounts. In Acumatica ERP, accounts are used with
subaccounts, and at system setup, you choose whether account
identifiers should be composed of segments. See also General Ledger,
chart of accounts, subaccount, segment.

account class A user-defined class that is used to group related accounts of the
same type and that can be used in reports and inquiries for convenient
grouping, sorting, and filtering of information associated with accounts.
For example, you can create a class for long-term liabilities and another
for middle-term liabilities.

Accounts Payable (AP) An Acumatica ERP module that provides functionality for efficient
management of your company’s vendors, primarily for goods and
services purchased by your company. See also module, vendor.

Accounts Receivable (AR) An Acumatica ERP module that provides functionality for efficient
management of your company’s customers, primarily for goods and
services sold by your company. See also module, customer.

home page The first page a user sees upon signing in to the web site. By default,
the home page displays the documentation list, but it can be configured
to display the home page dashboard. See also dashboard.
| Appendix | 149

adjustment period A financial period with the same start and end dates (and, thus, a
duration of zero days) that is the last period in the financial year. An
adjustment period can be added only at initial setup. On data entry
forms, an adjustment period is available only when you directly type it
in the Fin. Period box. See also financial period, financial year.

aging period One of a group of time intervals used for sorting a company's open AR
documents by age or its open AP documents by days outstanding. For
example, aging periods may be defined as follows: -999 to 0 days past
due, 1 to 30 days past due, 31 to 60 days past due, and 61 to 91 days
past due.

aggregating value A special value of a segment of a subaccount that indicates the sum of
appropriate budget articles whose subaccounts have other values in this
segment. Aggregating values let you build a hierarchical structure of
budget articles. See also segment, subaccount.

allocation template A group of settings, saved as a whole, used in to help you automate
allocations; allocation templates can be defined using the Allocations
(GL.20.45.00) form. You can create an allocation source by using input
masks to specify multiple accounts and subaccounts at once, and
you can set up rules for distributing the source amount over multiple
accounts. See also input mask, account, subaccount.

AP bill A document created for each vendor invoice that includes information
about the vendor, location, and currency used for the transaction. A bill
may contain either line items or one summary line with a tax category
specified. Some taxes are calculated for the entire document, and some
are calculated for each line item, depending on each tax's Calculate On
setting on the Taxes (TX.20.50.00) form. See also vendor, location, tax
category, tax.

AP check A payment document created for a vendor. A separate AP check

may be required for each AP document, depending on your selected
configuration options. AP checks should always have zero unapplied
balance; that is, the amount of a check should be exactly the amount of
the bill or bills it pays for. See also vendor.

AP credit adjustment A clearing document created to correct errors on an existing bill, or in

response to a vendor's overdue charges or a debit memo. Posting a
credit adjustment increases the balance of Accounts Payable.

AP debit adjustment An AP document created on the Bills and Adjustments (AP.30.10.00)

form for a vendor refund. It may be applied to any bills of the same
vendor. Discounts cannot be taken on debit adjustments. See also

approval The act of formally giving permission for a document to proceed to the
next step in its workflow. An organization may require documents, such
as purchase orders or expense claims, to be approved by authorized
persons before they may be paid. Also, you can require that wiki
articles be approved before they may be published. In Acumatica ERP,
you can configure approvals by assigning documents to specific persons
for approvals and by giving only authorized persons access to certain
processing forms. See also form.

AR credit memo A clearing document created for damaged goods or a previous

overcharging invoice. A credit memo may have one summary line or
| Appendix | 150

multiple line items. A credit memo may be applied against invoices,

debit memos, and overdue charges. See also overdue charges.

AR debit memo A document that adjusts the amount in one or several previous
undercharging invoices. It doesn't contain a direct reference to any
original invoices; if needed, you can reference the original invoice in
the Description box. Debit memos may be numbered differently from

AR invoice An itemized request for payment for goods sold or services rendered.
An invoice includes the customer information, location, currency, and
any reference number in the original customer document. The due date
of the document is calculated based on the credit terms associated
with the customer. An AR invoice may have a single summary line or
multiple line items. For each line, a tax category may be specified. See
also customer, location, credit terms, tax category.

assignment map A structure representing the hierarchy of workgroups involved in

processing or approval. See also approval.

assignment rules A set of rules you can configure—based on the properties of an entity
(such as a lead or case) or a document (such as an expense claim,
sales order, or purchase order)—to enable automatic assignment to
appropriate employees for processing or approval. For the selected
entity type, you facilitate automatic assignment of entities to
workgroups and to particular users by creating an assignment map and
rules based on properties of the entity or document. See also approval,
assignment map.

attribute A custom element that your company can add to forms to keep
additional information about products, leads, customers, inventory
items, and other entities. Attributes—which are used by the Inventory,
Customer Management, and Common Settings modules—allow you to
gather details that are meaningful for your business. See also form,
customer, inventory item, Inventory, module.

attribute class A grouping of your company's leads, opportunities, customers, or cases

by a specific set of attributes. For more information, see Attribute
Classes. See also attribute, attribute class.

authentication The process by which establishes a potential user as valid and grants
access to the system. A user must use a valid user name and password
pair for successful authentication. See also user.

authorization The process by which verifies whether a user has sufficient access
rights to particular forms, elements, and actions. The system makes
this determination for a user who has successfully signed in, based on
the roles assigned to the user and the restriction groups that include
the user as a member. See also user, form, role, restriction group.

auto-reversing batch A batch for which the General Ledger module automatically creates
another batch that reverses debit and credit entries into the next
financial period; the debit entry is reversed as a credit entry and vice
versa. Auto-reversing entries are used to reverse some period-end
adjustments. See also batch, General Ledger, module, financial period.

automation definition A complete set of all automation steps defined for all forms created
using the Automation Definitions (SM.20.50.10) form. You can use
definitions created before system upgrades (or before major changes in
| Appendix | 151

automation steps) as backups of various states of automation in your

system. See also automation steps, automation definition.

automation schedule A schedule defined for an processing form to direct the system to
perform specific processing periodically. You can create automation
schedules using the Automation Schedules (SM.20.50.20) form. See
also automation schedule

automation steps Steps to be executed for specific records or objects on a particular

form, depending on the record or object properties. Automation steps
allow you to extend the functionality of data entry and processing
forms. You can add new object statuses, associate statuses with certain
actions, and enable or disable actions, depending on object properties.
See also form.

bank account A cash account associated with a specific bank (which in is defined
as a vendor) and with one or more linked clearing accounts. Bank
charges can be configured as entry types associated with the bank
account. Bank accounts generally require periodic reconciliations
to be performed. See also vendor, clearing account, entry type,

base currency The currency of the environment in which the company generates and
expends cash. A base currency can be the only currency used in the
system or one of multiple currencies used. The base currency is the
default currency for recording transactions, budgets, and other GL
data, and it is used for reporting, income statement, and balance sheet
calculations. For General Ledger accounts denominated to a foreign
currency, maintains the history of transactions and balances in both
the currency of denomination and the base currency. See also General
Ledger, account.

base price A price for an item set with respect to the base unit, expressed in the
base currency and offered to customers of the base price class (those
not associated with any specific price class by default). Base prices can
be defined and maintained directly, following your company's pricing
policy, via the Inventory or Sales Orders module. See also base unit,
base currency, customer, Inventory.

base unit The unit of measure in which a particular item is tracked from the
moment it is received at a warehouse or produced at one of your
facilities until it is picked for shipping. Generally, the base unit is the
smallest unit defined in the system for a particular item. Also, the base
unit is the unit of measure used for calculating item costs. See also

batch A set of related transactions or journal entries that are in the same
currency, refer to the same ledger, and occur in the same financial
period. A batch's debit total and credit total are calculated over all the
transactions. Some batches are generated by the system automatically,
such as those implementing revaluations. Only balanced batches (those
for which the credit total equals the debit total) can be released and
posted to the specified ledger. See also journal entry, financial period,

batch control total A user-entered total that is used for batch status validation if it is
enforced in your system—that is, if the Validate Batch Control Totals
| Appendix | 152

on Entry check box on the General Ledger Preferences (GL.10.20.00)

is selected. A batch can be saved with the Balanced status only if the
user types into this box a value that is equal to the batch's debit total
and credit total amounts. We recommend that you use batch control
total validation to reduce data input errors. See also batch.

budget article An account-subaccount pair recorded in a budget ledger with a budget

amount. A budget article has subarticles if its subaccount has at least
one aggregating value in any segment. See also account, subaccount,
aggregating value, segment.

business account A set of information about one of your company's vendors or

customers, including its locations, contacts, and payment and shipping
options. Acumatica ERP uses this information, which is specified on data
entry forms, in a variety of modules. Your company also has a business
account to record its own locations, contacts, and shipping settings. See
also vendor, customer, location, module.

cash account A special type of General Ledger account used to record various
monetary transactions in a specific currency. You can specify entry
types and payment methods with which the cash account is associated.
Each cash account is assigned to a specific branch. See also General
Ledger, account, entry type, payment method.

cash-in-transit account An account used for cash that is being moved from one currency to
another. Because cross-rates are not used in Acumatica ERP, currency
conversion is performed via the base currency with the use of the cash-
in-transit account and subaccount. See also account, base currency,

cash discount A deduction from the total payable amount, allowed if the amount owed
is paid within a specified time period on or before a due date. Cash
discounts available for your organization are defined by credit terms
assigned to vendors, and cash discounts available for customers are
defined by credit terms assigned to customers. See also credit terms,
vendor, customer

Cash Management An Acumatica ERP module that manages cash and bank accounts,
cash transactions (including funds transfer), and bank statement
reconciliations. The module is integrated with the Accounts Payable and
Accounts Receivable modules for smooth payment processing. See also
module, cash account, bank account, funds transfer, reconciliation.

chart of accounts A listing of the accounts in the system to which you will record
accounting transactions. The chart of accounts, which you maintain in
Acumatica ERP via the Chart of Accounts (GL.20.25.00) form, consists
of balance sheet accounts (assets and liabilities) and income statement
accounts (income and expenses). The chart of accounts should follow
national and industry standards while also reflecting the operations of
your company. See also account.

clearing account A cash account that temporarily holds customer payments included in
a deposit. Once the money is actually deposited to the bank and the
deposit is released, a batch of transactions will be generated to move
the payment amounts from clearing accounts to the bank account and
to record the charges incurred as expenses. See also cash account,
customer, deposit, batch, bank account.
| Appendix | 153

combined subaccount A subaccount that can be combined from multiple involved

subaccounts, based on rules you create, for certain transactions; use
elements with labels such as Combine Subaccount From to set up
such rules. A box for a combined subaccount displays a subaccount
mask, such as ––––.––.–––.––––, in accordance with the segmented
structure of subaccounts defined for your company. For each segment,
you can specify one of the involved subaccounts as the source of
the segment value. See the Combined Subaccounts article for more
information. See also subaccount, combined subaccount.

commission A payment made to a salesperson for goods and services sold.

Commission is calculated once in a commission period based on total
invoice amounts or payments received, depending on your configuration
choice. For each document, calculates the commission amount as
a percentage. For an invoice, the commission may be split among
multiple salespersons.

Common Settings A module used to control global system settings. Some configuration
settings—such as company information, segmented keys, and
numbering sequences—must be provided during initial system setup
and cannot be modified later. Other information, such as credit terms
and logistics settings, can be added at any time. See also module,
segmented key, numbering sequence, credit terms.

consolidation The process of combining separate accounting data into one set of
data by importing data from subsidiaries to the parent company.
Whether your organization is a parent company or a subsidiary of a
larger company, the General Ledger module enables you to prepare
and consolidate the data into one consolidation ledger in the parent
company. See also General Ledger, module.

consolidation data The data imported to the parent company (as GL batches with system-
generated descriptions) to enable consolidation. Consolidation data
prepared by consolidation units is available via the SOAP gateway
as a set of GLConsolRead instances. See also General Ledger, batch,

consolidation mapping The process of matching accounts and subaccounts in a subsidiary

against those of the parent company for consolidation. Mapping of
subaccounts can be performed across subaccount segments. See also
account, subaccount, segment.

credit terms Conditions and stipulations used by vendors in their relations with your
company and by your company in its relations with customers when
any outstanding balance is paid. Credit terms include an installment
option (one payment or multiple installments), a payment schedule,
and terms for cash discount (for only the single-installment option).
Also, credit terms can be used as a schedule for overdue charges. For
more information about setting up credit terms in Acumatica ERP, see
Credit Terms. See also vendor, customer, cash discount, credit terms.

Currency Management An Acumatica ERP module that lets you define multiple currencies,
enabling foreign currency transactions throughout other modules. You
can maintain the lists of currencies, track exchange rate fluctuations,
and perform periodical revaluations. See also module, revaluation.

currency rate The rating of one currency valued against another. You use the
Currency Rates (CM.30.10.00) form to enter foreign currencies'
exchange rates and the base currency rates. Rates for each rate type
| Appendix | 154

are specified with respect to the base currency and are recorded to
the database with the type of arithmetic operation required to apply
the rate. Each record contains the rate and the date when it becomes
effective. The rate is used for currency conversions for documents that
have later dates until a new rate is recorded. See also currency rate,
base currency.

customer One of your company’s trade debtors. Acumatica ERP lets you set
up default values for individual customers, customer classes, and
customer documents to help make data entry easier and less error-
prone. When you enter a new invoice for a customer, calculates the
due date, discount date, and amount automatically, based on its credit
terms. Tax settings are by default those of the tax zone associated with
the customer location. See also customer class, credit terms, tax, tax

customer class A group of settings that provides default values when users create new
customer accounts, thus saving them time. You divide customers into
classes based on the types of goods or services they purchase from
you. For more details, see Customer Defaults and Overrides. See also

Customer Management An Acumatica ERP module that helps your company set up customer
service based on contracts and effectively track service issues reported
by customers. Also, the module provides tools to help salespeople
generate quality leads, track and analyze sales opportunities, and
manage marketing campaigns by sending personalized emails in bulk.
See also module, customer.

customer price class A group of customers that may be offered special prices because of
their buying habits. All customers of the same customer price class are
charged the same price for the same item, and you can set different
prices for the same item for different customer price classes. See also

customer statement A complete record of the customer's invoices, debit and credit memos,
payments, prepayments, and overdue charges for a specific period.
A statement includes all new activity for a statement cycle, from the
previous statement date to the current statement date. Any open debit
items from prior periods are included in the statement, grouped by days
outstanding. See also statement cycle, prepayment.

dashboard An interface that organizes and presents key information in a format

that users can interpret easily. A dashboard can be configured for the
home page and for each module web page. System administrators
can design a set of company-specific template dashboards. A user
can modify any of them or create from scratch a set of personalized
dashboards that display information tailored to job and information
needs. For details, see Dashboards. See also user, module, dashboard.

deferral code A code used in Acumatica ERP to configure how revenues and expenses
are recognized. If a line amount in an invoice or a bill should be
recognized over several periods, a deferral code (of the revenue or
expense type, respectively) is assigned to this line.
| Appendix | 155

deferral schedule A number of related transactions automatically generated for the

documents whose lines have deferral codes assigned. See also deferral

Deferred Revenue An Acumatica ERP module that stores definitions of deferral codes,
while allowing you to view and edit deferral schedules generated for AP
and AR documents and recognize parts of deferred amount according to
these schedules. See also module.

deposit 1. An instance of physically placing money in a bank.

2. In Acumatica ERP, an internal document created using the Bank

Deposits (CA.30.50.00) form. Batch deposits are used to group
customer payments deposited to the bank in bulk. When you
enter payments intended for such deposits into Acumatica ERP,
they are recorded to special clearing accounts, which temporarily
hold payments drawn from customers' AR accounts. Before you
make a deposit to the bank, you create a deposit in Acumatica
ERP, list the payments and cash to be deposited, and print a
deposit slip. After the money was actually deposited, the deposit
can be corrected to contain only payments accepted by the bank
and released. On the deposit's release, a batch of transactions
will be generated to move the payment amounts from clearing
accounts to the bank account and to record the charges incurred
as expenses.

See also deposit, batch, customer, clearing account, bank account.

discount A means of reducing sales prices. Acumatica ERP allows your company
to configure various types of discounts applicable to sales orders and
intended to attract customers: document-level discounts that are
subtracted from the document total, item-level discounts that apply to
a document line, and flat-price discounts, which are special discounted
prices that depend on the quantities of goods purchased. See also

entry type A user-defined type of transaction (which can be a cash receipt or

cash disbursement) entered by using the Cash Management module.
Entry types are used to categorize cash transactions. See also Cash
Management, module.

event An activity that has a specific start time and duration. You create
events for all or several users and invite users, leads, contacts, and
customers as attendees. You can send invitation or rescheduling emails
to attendees.

Favorites Links to the forms the particular user accesses most frequently. Any
user can create his or her own list of favorites for personal use.

financial period A part of a financial year defined by its start date and end date. A
financial year can be divided into monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or
custom-defined periods. For each next new year, generates financial
periods in accordance with initial system settings. We recommend that
you not change financial settings in once transactions have been posted
to any of the periods. See also financial year.
| Appendix | 156

financial year A time interval used for calculating annual financial statements. The
year is defined by its start date, which you determine, and lasts 12
months. For example, the U.S. government's financial year begins on
October 1 of the previous calendar year and ends on September 30
of the year that gives the financial year its number. A financial year
consists of a number of financial periods and may include an additional
adjustment period. See also financial period, adjustment period.

FOB point A destination at which the vendor delivers the goods to be loaded to
the transportation provided by the carrier. The customer covers the
freight and other expenses for the cargo from a FOB (meaning freight
on board) point. See also vendor, customer.

foreign currency The process of restating the account balances in a reporting

translation currency. For accounts denominated to currencies other than the
reporting currency, the balances expressed in the base currency are
recalculated to the reporting currency. For more details, see Overview
of Translations. See also account, base currency.

form A screen in Acumatica ERP that lets you, using various actions and
elements, enter needed data and perform functions that are key to the
capabilities of the module. In most modules, forms are grouped into the
following categories: Data Entry, Processing, Inquiries, Maintenance,
and Setup. See also module.

form toolbar A toolbar present on most forms with data navigation and processing
actions that apply to the entire form. For example, its actions allow you
to cancel or save changes you've made, to insert or delete objects, or
to navigate through the objects created via the form. See also form.

funds transfer A transaction that moves an amount from one cash account to another,
with related service charges. Funds can be transferred between
accounts denominated to different foreign currencies in two steps, using
the cash in transit account for currency conversion to the base currency
and from the base currency. See also cash account, cash-in-transit
account, base currency.

General Ledger (GL) An Acumatica ERP module that serves as the central application where
all financial information is collected for analyzing, summarizing, and
reporting. You use the module to set up your company's financial
structure through the chart of accounts and subaccounts, collect
information through transactions entered by users and imported from
other modules, and prepare data for generating various financial
statements. See also module, chart of accounts, subaccount.

historical rate An exchange rate for the foreign currency with respect to the base
currency that was effective during a certain past period. The General
Ledger module uses historical rates for foreign currency translations
and "past-date" transactions. See also base currency, General Ledger,

| Appendix | 157

inline editor An editing tool you can use to edit a section of a Wiki article or its full
text. The inline editor contains both a text box (which contains the text
of the applicable section) and a Formatting toolbar.

input mask A mask implemented to govern what a user may enter into a box, so
that the required format is used on data entry forms. Masks are used,
for example, for phone numbers, postal codes, and tax registration
IDs. Moreover, input masks can be created using regular expressions to
validate entered values, since the values for some elements must follow
not only input format requirements but also specific rules. For more
details, see Input Validation Options.

integration services The powerful capabilities, provided as part of the Integration module,
that allow you to filter and import data from external sources,
converting it into internal format, and configure data synchronization
between and third-party applications to be performed on schedule.
Also, you can configure data export with conversion to required
formats. See also module.

inventory item A stock or non-stock item defined and tracked in Acumatica ERP. The
record's unique identifier, Inventory ID, as with other identifiers in
Acumatica ERP, can be segmented, with special meaning assigned to
each segment. (The INVENTORY key is used to configure inventory
IDs.) Well-designed inventory IDs can help you sort and group items in
operational and management reports. See also stock item, non-stock

Inventory An Acumatica ERP module that provides real-time access to item

availability data configured in accordance with your company's policies.
The Inventory module lets you maintain a perpetual inventory system
as well as performing physical inventories, which can be performed
as full inventory and by cycles. You can use subitems as an additional
means of tracking special types of inventory items, and you can track
inventory items by either lot or serial numbers and expiration dates.
(See lot serial numbers for more details.) Advanced functionality of
the module includes flexible posting settings, multiple warehouses with
multiple specialized locations, and automatic replenishments. See also
module, subitems, inventory item, lot or serial numbers.

inventory price class A class used to group inventory items by the method of their price
calculation. An inventory price class may include items of one or more
item classes. See also inventory item, item class.

item class A class used to group stock or non-stock items with similar properties
and to provide default settings for new items. See also stock item, non-
stock item.

journal entry A record of debit or credit to any account in General Ledger. Journal
entries (or transactions), which are added in batches, must follow the
generalized double-entry rule: The debits total must be equal to the
credits total through all the entries in a batch. The batch contains the
date, the accounts and subaccounts to be debited, the accounts and
subaccounts to be credited, and the debit or credit amounts for each
transaction. A batch of journal entries can be marked as recurring or
auto-reversing. See also account, General Ledger, batch, subaccount,
auto-reversing batch.
| Appendix | 158

kit An inventory item that consists of other stock or non-stock items as

components and requires assembling (or packaging) to become a
salable good. You enter a kit as a stock or non-stock item using either
the Stock Items (IN.20.25.00) or Non-Stock Items (IN.20.20.00) form
and select the Is a Kit option. You can specify the kit's components
(with their quantities) using the Kit Specifications (IN.20.95.00) form. A
kit may include a number of stock and non-stock components. See also
inventory item, non-stock item, stock item.

landed costs All extra costs—beyond the prices at which the goods are purchased
from vendors—associated with acquiring products and “landing” them
at one of your company's locations. These costs might include customs
duties, handling fees, freight charges, value-added taxes, and other
costs for a particular product. In Acumatica ERP, you can define these
costs via the Landed Cost Codes (PO.20.20.00) form. See also vendor,

location 1. One of multiple places of business for a particular company.

Each location is assigned to a tax zone and, as a business entity,
may have a separate tax registration ID from that of the main
location of the company.

2. A warehouse location.

See also tax zone, warehouse location.

location table The list of a particular warehouse's locations and their properties.
Use the location table to configure your warehouse to fit the logistical
processes established in your company. For each location table,
you can specify whether to include the quantities of stock items
stored at this location in the quantity of available items calculated
for the warehouse, whether to cost the inventory on this location
separately, what inventory operations are allowed for the location,
and what the location's pick priority is. Users can consult this table for
reference when they’re creating receipts, issues, or transfers. See also
warehouse, stock items.

lot or serial numbers Identifying numbers through which you track goods in your inventory.
Serial numbers are used when you need to trace each item of the same
inventory ID, while lot numbers are used to trace items (of the same
ID) that were purchased or produced together and have the same
expiration dates (if applicable). You can segment lot and serial numbers
via the Lot/Serial Classes (IN.20.70.00) form. Acumatica ERP supports
the following types of segments for lot/serial numbers: constant, date,
and auto-incrementing. See also segment.

low seasons Time intervals in which the decreasing factors (used to divide the
standard replenishment quantity to get lower replenishment quantities
during low seasons) should be applied to quantities on purchase
orders generated to replenish the stock. Each inventory item may have
multiple low seasons, each with different decreasing factors. See also
inventory item.

| Appendix | 159

main menu A menu, that fits across the top on each page, containing functions that
are not specific to the form or wiki article. The toolbar allows you to
navigate to a Help article for the form (if available), add the form to
Favorites and dashboards, among other capabilities. For details, see
Main Menu. See also form, Favorites, dashboard

module A software component of Acumatica ERP that consists of a variety of

forms. While each module provides specialized functionality, it is tightly
integrated with other modules. See also form.

multi-currency A mode in which Acumatica ERP can function to support multiple

currencies. If you have activated multi-currency support, you can
manage transactions in various foreign currencies, record exchange
rates for multiple rate types as needed, report in a specific foreign
currency, and revalue GL, AP, and AR accounts in the base currency.
The base currency is used for reporting and income statement
calculation. See also base currency, Currency Management, module.

navigation pane A pane, located on the left side of any page, that allows you to select
the form, or article you wish to display in the right pane. The navigation
pane contains the tree structure of a module or wiki, which shows the
hierarchy of its forms or articles and contains links to those items.
When you click a link, the requested form or article opens in the right
pane. See also form, dashboard, module.

negative inventory An option, offered in Acumatica ERP, allowing a negative inventory

balance for an inventory item or a group of items. This can occur
when the inventory issue is made before the necessary quantity of the
item arrives at the warehouse. To calculate the balance of over-issued
inventory items, the most recent historical cost will be used until the
item is received. When the inventory is received, the system will match
the receipt cost with the issue cost, and generate a cost adjustment
for the difference. Appropriate warnings are issued on transactions
that will result in negative inventory balances. See also inventory item,

non-stock item An inventory item that is not stored in a warehouse. Such items can be
of different types: labor, service (such as product assembly, installation,
or personalization), charge, expense, and actual non-stock items, such
as goods used only for drop-shipments. For a non-stock item, you can
specify the following information in Acumatica ERP: base, sales, and
purchase units; conversion coefficients; price and cost information; and
the default GL accounts and subaccounts to be used for transactions
with the items. See also inventory item, warehouse, General Ledger,

notification template An article in the Notification Templates Wiki that is an email template
with variables denoting values in an employee or contact record.
When the email is sent, the system replaces variables with values
from the database record associated with each addressee for email

numbering sequence A set of rules the system uses to generate the next unique identifier
when you create a new object of certain type (such as a batch).
provides a number of predefined numbering sequences you can use.
A numbering sequence may have subsequences. If one numbering
sequence is used for multiple object types, all the objects get numbers
| Appendix | 160

according to the order in which they were created, so successive

numbers can be assigned to objects of different types. See also batch.

overdue charges Charges calculated on open Accounts Receivable items that are past
due. Acumatica ERP calculates overdue charges and displays them on
customer statements. You can configure these charges to be compound
charges (charges calculated on charges) or not. Overdue charges are
based on terms that provide a schedule for payment. See also Accounts
Receivable, customer statement.

payment method A way in which customers pay for goods they purchase from your
organization. For each payment method, you can use a number of
predefined elements: define the element names as you want them to
appear on the interface, and set up input validation for these elements
(input masks or regular expressions). Payment methods are based on
the following general means of payment: credit cards, gift certificates,
purchase orders, cash cards, and custom methods. See also customer,
input mask.

PI cycle The physical inventory cycle assigned to the stock item. PI cycles are
used to arrange the items into groups for periodic counting. For more
details on using PI cycles, see Planning for Physical Inventory. See also
stock item.

posting class A group of items in the Inventory module that defines the default
account to be used and the rules for composing the default subaccount
for transactions with the applicable inventory items. Accounts and
subaccounts for transactions can be obtained from the following
sources: inventory item, warehouse, or posting class. See also
combined subaccount, Inventory, module, account, subaccount,
combined subaccount, warehouse, inventory item.

prepayment A document that represents amounts paid in advance for future

purchases. In the Accounts Payable module, a vendor's request for
prepayment is processed as follows: You use the Checks and Payments
(AP.30.20.00) form to enter the prepayment. Then the prepayment
is paid in full by an AP check in the same currency as the default
cash account. If the payment method associated with the default
cash account requires printing a check, print it and release the AP
check, which changes its status to Closed and creates a payment
of the Prepayment type with the reference number of the original
prepayment request. After that, you can apply the prepayment to bills
and adjustments. See also Accounts Payable, module.

price list A list of sales prices that is set for goods sold in a specific currency,
offered to customers of a particular customer price class, and specified
with respect to various units of measure available for the items. In
Acumatica ERP, you can maintain multiple price lists. See also sales
price, customer, customer price class.

Purchase Orders An Acumatica ERP module that provides functionality for efficient
management of your company’s supply chain and optimization of the
cost of acquiring materials or services. See also module.
| Appendix | 161

Purchase Requisitions An Acumatica ERP module that allows you to streamline and customize
the process of requesting needed items. You can request goods and
services, approve requests, and prevent cost overruns. See also

reason code A code used to provide additional information regarding transactions

in the system. When you configure a reason code via the Reason
Codes (CS.21.10.00) form, you can specify whether this code is used
in the Inventory module and, if so, how it is used. Inventory-related
reason codes allow you to post transactions related to direct inventory
operations (such as receipts, issues, transfers, adjustments, and
physical inventory counts) to specific accounts and assign particular
subaccounts to them to allow for more detailed reporting. See also
reason code, Inventory, module, account, subaccount.

reconciliation The process of matching the cash transactions recorded in Acumatica

ERP against those presented on a bank statement. Theoretically,
the balance of the cash account associated with the bank should
reconcile to the balance of the bank statement, but there may be some
discrepancy between account balances. The goal of reconciliation is
to find discrepancies and determine whether each is due to error or
timing. In Acumatica ERP, you mark documents as cleared as you
receive preliminary information from the bank. Later, when you have
received the bank statement, you reconcile transactions with the bank

recurring GL transactions GL transactions that repeat regularly. To automate the entering of

recurring transactions, such as depreciation transactions, allows you
to create schedules for them. A schedule defines how many times and
how often specific batches should be repeated. One or several batches
can be assigned to a schedule, but only batches with the Balanced
status can be scheduled. Once a batch is assigned to a schedule, its
status changes to Scheduled. To create schedules, use the Recurring
Transactions (GL.20.35.00) form. See also schedule, batch.

replenishment policy Settings that define how automatic replenishment for the inventory
item is initiated, as well as its source, quantity, and time intervals,
including low seasons, during which replenishment is initiated in smaller
quantities. See also inventory item.

restriction group A set of objects (such as users, accounts, and subaccounts) of two
or more types created to, if the group includes users, restrict users'
access to only objects in the same group; if the group doesn't include
users, the restriction group relates its objects in a way that limits their
use. For instance, one restriction group may include two users and a
number of special-use accounts that only these two users can update,
and another restriction group may include several GL expense accounts
and a subaccount that should be used only with these particular
accounts. If a restriction group is defined as inverse, the objects in the
group instead cannot be used with one another. To learn more about
restriction groups, see the Overview of Restriction Groups section in
User Guide.

Retained Earnings A special system-maintained accounts that is of the Liability type

account and must be created before any actual data is entered. The Retained
Earnings account accumulates the company’s net income (or loss)
| Appendix | 162

after the dividends have been paid. Retained earnings are summarized
over the years since the first year of company operations. During
the financial year closing, this account is updated by the amount
accumulated on the YTD Net Income account. See also YTD Net

revaluation The process of revising the value of AP, AR, or GL accounts that are
maintained in a foreign currency. For more information, see Overview of

role A set of access rights to certain system objects—such as specific

Wiki articles, forms, form elements, and toolbar actions—to which
you assign users. When you define roles, give only the access rights
necessary to perform typical tasks. Sets of access rights by different
roles should not intersect. We recommend that you assign to a user
several roles rather than creating a more complicated role with the
same privileges as multiple already-defined roles. Acumatica ERP has
several preconfigured roles. For more information about roles, see Role-
Based Security.

Sales Orders An Acumatica ERP module with the functionality required to manage
sales-related activities, such as maintaining multiple price lists,
configuring the system to calculate discounts, entering quotes, fulfilling
sales orders, generating pick lists, creating shipments, and adding
landed costs. See also module.

sales price A price you set for a particular item that you sell in a specific currency,
offer to customers of a particular customer price class, and specify
with respect to an appropriate unit of measure. Sales prices can be
maintained with regard to items' sales units or base units. See also
customer, customer price class, sales unit, base unit.

sales unit The unit of measure in which a particular item is sold to a customer.
See also customer.

schedule A definition in Acumatica ERP of how many times and how often
specific AP batches, AR documents should be generated for recurring
transactions. Once a batch or a document is assigned to a schedule, its
status changes to Scheduled. The system uses the original documents
or batches as templates to generate similar documents or batches with
only transaction dates being changed as dictated by the schedule. See
also batch.

Search text box A text box, located on the top of the navigation pane on any page,
that allows you to perform a quick search in the entities. You can click
the Search icon to open the Search form, which offers more extensive
capabilities to search the wikis, files, or entities in the system. See also
navigation pane.

segment 1. In Acumatica ERP, one of the parts of an identifier of an entity

—such as account, subaccount, inventory item, subitem,
warehouse or location reserved to carry special meaning.
Segments should be populated with values before entities are
created. Segment values are alphanumeric strings of the fixed
length, and one of the segments may be assigned a numbering
sequence. Several input validation options can be used to verify
the segment values when users create new entities of the type.
| Appendix | 163

2. To break the identifier into segments (as described above).

See also account, subaccount, inventory item, location, warehouse.

segmented key A system entity that lets you define the structure of identifiers
for a certain type of object and then serves as a template when a
user creates an identifier for a new object. The current version of
Acumatica ERP provides the following segmented keys: ACCOUNT,
for GL accounts; SUBACCOUNT, for GL subaccounts; BIZACCT, for
vendor and customer accounts in the Accounts Payable and Accounts
Receivable modules; INVENTORY, for inventory items; and SALESPER,
for salesperson accounts. For more detailed information, see Identifier
Segmentation in the Acumatica ERP User Guide. See also General
Ledger, account, subaccount, vendor.

standard cost method A method for inventory item valuation in which standard cost is
calculated outside the system using company-specific policies. With this
method, the currently effective standard costs are assigned to inventory
items on their receipt, issue, adjustment or transfer, regardless of their
actual costs. When items assigned to this method are received at the
warehouses, any differences between the actual and standard costs are
recorded to the specified standard cost variance accounts and posted
to the General Ledger. Standard costs can be updated as often as is
needed. See also inventory item, warehouse.

stock item An inventory item stored and maintained in steady volumes at some
warehouse. For each stock item, Acumatica ERP tracks a basic set of
item properties, such as the item's identifier, description, price, cost,
units of measure, and default warehouse and vendor information.
Stock items can have many additional properties, known as attributes
in Acumatica ERP, that do not affect item processing but may be
important for analyzing the stock movements or item sales. See also
inventory item, attribute.

statement cycle The schedule for customer statements. You can also set up four aging
periods that sort open documents by days past due. You can use the
aging periods to prepare an AR aging schedule at the end of each
month, which you can analyze to identify potential cash flow problems.
Statement cycles can be assigned to customer classes and to individual
customers. See also customer statement, aging period, customer class,

subaccount A subcategory of the account that carries identifying information;

in Acumatica ERP, you use subaccounts with accounts to virtually
split accounts into smaller, more specific ones. This gives you finer
classification within the account for reporting and internal management
purposes. While account identifiers carry the information about the
account type along with the actual account number, subaccount
identifiers can provide such information as the division, department,
and cost center. Each journal entry is recorded with the appropriate
account and subaccount combination. See the Hierarchy of Accounts
and Subaccounts article for more details. See also account, journal

subitems Codes that allow further categorization of an inventory items. Subitems

are used in the system if you have otherwise-identical products with
different colors, sizes, or other properties tracked because of their
importance to customers. Thus, under the same inventory ID, there
may be a number of subitems—records about products that share all
| Appendix | 164

settings of the inventory item record but have additional properties

that differ. If your site uses subitems, they should be specified for each
inventory ID related to a stock item. See also inventory item, customer,
stock item.

Management An Acumatica ERP module that lets you define users, roles, and
restriction groups for security management. It also provides site
management, Wiki management, task management, customization
management, and file management capabilities, as well as integration
services. See also module, user, role, restriction group, integration

table An arrangement of similar objects or details, each displayed with the

same number of properties, on many forms. In a details table, each row
represents an object or detail (for example, an account, subaccount,
document line, or journal entry) and its properties; elements specifying
properties are grouped into columns.

table toolbar A toolbar on most forms, located above (and sometimes above and
below) the Details table, that allows you to perform detail-related
actions, including the following: add, edit, or delete details; filter
details; perform custom actions; and rearrange details by changing the
order of values in any column.

task An activity that you have to complete before a due date but that
doesn’t have a specific time or duration. By default, you create tasks
for yourself, but you also can create tasks and assign them to other

tax A compulsory financial contribution imposed by a government. In

Acumatica ERP, you can configure taxes of the following major
types: Sales, Use, VAT, and Withholding. The definition of each tax
includes the tax rate (used to calculate the tax amount), the method
of calculation, the effective date, and the accounts to which the tax
amounts are posted. Each tax is reported to a specific tax agency and is
paid to or claimed from the agency. See also account, tax agency.

tax agency A tax authority, defined in as a vendor, that requires tax reports to be
filed regularly. For your convenience, you can create a vendor class for
tax agencies (local and federal). Each tax agency requires tax reports to
be filed regularly. See also vendor, vendor class.

tax category A list of taxes associated with a product or a service when it is

purchased or sold. See also Taxes.

Taxes An Acumatica ERP module that stores definitions of taxes, tax

categories, and tax zones that are used across Acumatica ERP for
automatic tax calculation for every document and transaction. See also
module, Taxes, tax category, tax zone.

tax reporting group An entity used to accrue taxable amounts and tax amounts charged on
GL, AP, and AR transactions for tax reporting purposes. For example,
a VAT requires two groups (input and output): one for tax amounts
charged on sales, and another for tax amounts charged on purchases.
A sales tax requires one output group for taxes on sales. Tax reporting
groups are used to calculate the report lines for a report to a tax
authority. For more information, see Tax Report Configuration in the
Acumatica ERP User Guide.
| Appendix | 165

tax report lines Lines configured for a tax agency as a combination of output and input
reporting groups for various taxes associated with the same tax agency.
See also tax agency, Taxes.

tax zone An area or tax jurisdiction where the same taxes are enforced. In
Acumatica ERP, a tax zone includes a list of taxes to be applied to a
customer's invoice or a vendor's bill depending on the location. Tax
zones are used in other modules, such as General Ledger, Accounts
Payable and Accounts Receivable.

user A person who uses the ERP system. Once a user has been
authenticated, the system checks the user's membership in roles. Users
can view only the forms, articles, and elements authorized by their
roles, and can perform only the actions permitted by these roles. Users
may be members of restriction groups, which let them access specific
entities included in the groups. See also role, form, restriction group.

vendor One of your company’s trade creditors. For ease of use, you can set
up default values for vendor classes, individual vendors, and vendor
documents. When users enter new bills, they must specify a vendor for
each bill. Once they choose the vendor, certain elements on the form
will be automatically populated with the vendor’s default values. The
due date and available discount are calculated automatically, based on
the vendor’s credit terms. See also vendor class, credit terms.

vendor class A group of settings that provides default values when users create
new vendor accounts. Divide vendors into classes based on the types
of goods they sell or services they provide. For details, see Vendor
Defaults and Overrides. See also vendor.

warehouse A place where goods are stored. A warehouse in Acumatica ERP does
not necessarily represent one physical building where your inventory
is stocked; you can divide a large physical storage space into several
areas and define each as a warehouse in Acumatica ERP. A warehouse
can even be virtual: For example, all goods that are on the way to you
from the supplier can be considered as located in the virtual goods-in-
transit warehouse.

warehouse location An actual or virtual place in a warehouse that can be used to receive,
store, or issue specific goods or all goods. Each warehouse can
include several locations. Warehouse location IDs are defined with the
INLOCATION segmented key. See also warehouse.

wiki article An entity that consists of digital content on a particular topic and, along
with other articles, makes up a wiki. Articles can be organized in folders
in ways that best fit your needs.

wiki editor The form, invoked when you click Edit for an open wiki article, that lets
you edit both the article text and its properties.

wiki markup 1. The syntax used to create wiki articles. Using wiki markup, you
can create articles, add headings, tables of contents, hint boxes,
and warning boxes.
| Appendix | 166

2. A mode in which you can edit wiki articles, which lets you view
the wiki markup.

Wiki toolbar A toolbar, appearing below the main menu when you open a wiki article,
that provides a variety of actions you can use as you browse the wiki
and work with articles. These actions include creating a new article,
moving to the previous or next article in the wiki tree, and printing or
deleting the current article.

YTD (Year-to-Date) Net A special account, automatically maintained by the system, that records
Income account the net income (the difference between the amounts posted on income
and expense GL accounts) accumulated since the beginning of the
financial year. This difference is updated by every transaction posted.
During closing of the financial year, the balance of the YTD Net Income
account is transferred to the Retained Earnings Account and is reset
to zero for a new financial year. The YTD Net Income account should
be of the Liability type and must be created before any actual data is
entered. See also account, financial year.

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