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DiRi-:ci'C)R/vri'; OF / V D M I N I S T R A T I O N

Dale ; 11 March 2013

A d i n i n i s i r a l i v c Order N o . 06/2013

cct: Dclcealinn of Administraiivc and 1 inancial Aulhorily lo ihe officials of Dirccloralc of

l-nginccrinL'. & Material .Vlana&cmcnt and Directorate oi"Procurement & Logistic Support.

Pursuant to the decision of I'iman Board ol'Directors in its Vleeting No. 104 held on 15"'
December 2012. Management has decided to re-structure the Directorate of I'Ugineering
and Direcioraie of Stores & Purchase, and rename respectively as Directorate of
I'.ngmcering ct Material Management and Direetorate of Procurement & Logistic Suppoil.
In this regard, delegation of administrative and financial authority to the officials of
Directorate of 1 uigineering & Material Management and Directorate of Procurement &
Logistic Support has been devolved through amendment of relevant administrative orders as

A) Rcrerencc Administraiivc Order No. 14/2008 dated 19' .August 2008 & Adminislrativc
Order >o. 10/2011 dated 19-04-2011:
In the case <:^f urgent necessity for prcK'urcment of proprietary items related to Aircraft
Spa''es/Parls/Cc)riiponents. 1 langar maintenance items -Director luiginecring & Material
Management will approve all the proposals based on IR/lndent/PMR. On the other
hand. In-fiight items, (ironnd Support l-,quipment. Plight handling equiptiient and M ' f
equipment/spares lor smooth tvperalion Director Procurement & Logistic Support will
approve all the purchase proposals based on IR/Indent/P.VIR. In addition. Director
P r o c i i r e m e i i l & Logistic Support will approve all the purchase proposals in the case of local

To procure ihc aboxe items on proprietary basis, certification o f Director concerned would
be iiccessar\d be deemed adequate and appropriate. Such items may be
prociirctl/purchased direct froiu the luanufaclurers or their appointed/authorized vendors/
suppliers or tb.rough I f (from enlisted parties in I'orcign Purchase Section). In this case,
app^roxal from ("entral Purchase Comiuittec w^ould not be necessary.
(B) Reference Administrative Order No. 13/2008 dated 30"' July 2008 (Revised Issue -02,
March 2010) and Administrative Order No. 10/2011 dated 19-04-2011:
In reference lo Para-1 (A), delegation of financial Aulhorily to Director linginccring &
Material .Management and Director Procurement & Logistic Support commensurate with
Administrati\e\.)rdcr No. 13/2008 dated 30''' .luly 2008^(Revised Issue -02. N4areh 2010)
and Administratix e Order No. 10/2011 dated 19-04-2011. the following changes have been
A/C 1 Icati of expenses l-xisting Approving | Revised Approving Authority
Code Authority ' j
(b) lce> lor ls>uc/ renewal ol' b) Director l i i i g i n c c r i n g | b) Director biigincering &
o f A. f o f R. A M O . A M I - : Material Manasicmciit
license and other fees related
to airworthiness ol'aircraft.
121 A i r c i a l l Maint. other than major 1 . Director bngineci'ing as j 1. Director I'.nginecring &
checks _ ^ per agreement | Material Management as
~ ^ "^ i per agreement
W o r k not covered hy \
^ agreement [ 2. Work not covered liy
M D and C I X ) in all I agreement M D and C I X )
cases. ! in all cases.

423 Aircraft I ngine' A P C / Propeller' Director f.rtgineering Director l-'nginccring &

landing (icar (O/ll. Maint.. as per agreement. Material Management - as
Sei-\, l e s l i n g . Repairing & Works not covered by per agreement.
f.xchiiime etc.) agreement' Works not covered by
Managing Dircclor & agrc c 111 e n t- ,V1 a na g i
Director Cl.O
^ 1 _

1 lead (if expenses I-xisting A p p r o v i n g i Revised A p p r o v i n g A u t h o r i t y

.Aii'd'afi Mainleiiance including 1 Dircclor laigineering - I Director 1 .riginecring & j
Vlajoi' Maintenance ("hecks/repair As per agreement. i Material Management - As '
Works not co\"ered b\ i per agiecmenl. i
agreemenl VID in all I 2. Works not covered by
cases. j agi'ccnient M D in all cases, j
Aircraft ("oniponent ()\erliaul/ Diixctor Stores & ; I . Director bnginecring & !
Repair/ lesi.'f!xcliange:' B l - R I'urchase- as per i M a t e r i a l Managemeat - as :
agreemenl or .Admin I per agreement or A d m i n
Order. i Order.
W o r k s not covered by I 2. Works not covered hy
agreement or Admin i agreement or Admin
Order- Managing j Order- Managing Director
Director and CIXJ -any j and C i / O -any amount

! (lan Charges lor Aircraft Director Stores & Purchase Director fjiginccring &
( oniponenls Material Management
a) Aircratt ( ) i ! 1. Director Stores & I. l^ircctor b/nginccring &
Purchase Material Managcmcnl
I Kdraulic I h n d Director Stores & Director |-ngincering &
PtH-chasc- .As per Admin .Material Management - /\ per
Order. A d m i n Order.
a) Direct Material a) i . Director Stores & a) i . Dircclor l i n g i n e c r i n g &
i. Aircralt Spares' Sparc parts Purchase in all cases Vlatcrial Vlanagemenf in
lor 1 humar maint As per A d m i n Order all cases As per A d m i n

ii) GSf: & MT i) D i r e c t o r Stores &

Spare p a i " l s . f i v l l i g i i t Purchase for i ) Director Procurement &
Ser\e h e m s etc Proprietary Items- As bogistic Suppoil - For
per . A d m i n O r d e r P r o p r i e t a r y I t e m s - A s per
i i ) A l l o t h e r Cases - C P C A d m i n Order
i i ) A l l o t h e r Cases - C P C
a) D i r e e t V h i t e r i a l Stores & Purchase Director b.nginccring &
i. Aircraft Spares/ Spare Directorate Material .Vlanagcmcnt
parts for H a n g a r m a i n t

II) ( i S f . (K: V l f Do
Sparc p a n s . I n - l l i g h t Directoi Procurement &
Logistic Support
Ser\e I t e m s etc

b) Olhers Director Stores & Purchase Director b/nginccring &

Material Management
1 lardeners/Sob ents/Sealcnts/
Painl K e m o \ e r elc.
ii) Indirect Material Director Stores & . Director (l/ngineering & j
(i.Sl/.M I l.quipment lest Purchase up to IK.. Material Management/ ;
l-c]iiipmein fools. Maintenance 1.00.000/- Procurement & Logistic ;
Siip|iori Material etc. l o r 1,'rgent requirement. Support) -up to fK. I
General .Vlanager ( S & P ) - 1.00.000/-. I
b) .A/C Ma.iiitenance Support upto FK..50.000/- and i
I oiils |-,t|uipmeni materials etc. Manager Purchase upto :. Lor Urgent requirement, i
•fK.5000/- in a single Cjeneral Manager/Dy. •
case. I Cjcncral Manager (Material '
C.P.C above ! Management/Procuremenl) ;
T K . 1.00.000/- I up to IX.50.000/- and
For t/rgcni requirement i Manager (Pm'chasc Material ;
i) Director f'ngg \g & Inxentory ;
•fK.2.00.000/- \l
ii) Chief f.ngr. I'urchase) -upto r K . 5 0 0 0 / - in •
1 K.I.OO.OOO' ' a single case.
I 3. C.P.C -above IK. 1.00.000/.
I l o r I rgenl requirement
i i) Director fingg & Material
I Manaacmcnt
I Icp.d o r c x | i c n s c s I'.xisting A p p r o v i i i g ; Revised A p p r o v i n g A u t h o r i t y
jc Authority i
Cuslonrs D i i l y Cienera! Manager, Stores & ; Cjcneral Manager/[3y. General
Purchases, as per Govt. | Manager (Procurement or
rules. j Material Vlanagcmcnt) as per
' G o v t , rules.
VVhaiiage <C Demurrage 1. Director Stores & \. Director Concerned ~ up to
Purchase - up to ! •rK..sO.()()()/- |
TK.SO.OOO/- I 2. G M / D ( i M (Procurement & |
2. C ; M ( S & P)/ C h i e f f j i g g Logistic Support)/ Chief I
up to2().()00/- !-ngg up to20.000/-
3. A l x n e f k 50.000/- M D 3. Above Ik 50.000/- MD
&Ci;0 i &C1-0
In tuldilion to above changes, the content of "'Request for Quotation Method" as stipulated
ai pagc-23 of Adniinistratne Orderl3/2008 dated 30"' .luly 2008 (Revised Issue -02, March
20 1 0). has been re\d as under:
4. Request for Quotation Method

(1) fhc pi'ocuring cntitv' ma}' engage in procurement by means o f Request for Quotations
for the ptirchase o f readily available, standard goods and services, so long as the
estimated value of the contract does not exceed the amount of 'faka 10,00,000.00

(2) i<cquest for (/^notations may be used for procurement of materials related to the
aircraft or aircraft equipment/ ground support cciuipment inaintenanec or services.

(3) Notice: I hrcuigh letter/ba.v'limail.

(4) Appnn ing .Authoritv':

i. C liief l.ngineer or (iM/D(i.M Procureiuent will approve upto Taka 10,000.00 (Ten
fhousand) without quotation;

ii. f o r above "faka 10.000.00 and upto taka (One Lac). Chief lingincer or
( i M / D ( j M Procurement of Biman will approve based on Spot Quotation (lowest

• i i i . for above taka (One Lac) to 10,00,000.00 (Ten Lac). Director
b.ngincering & Material Management / Director Procurement & Logistic Support
will approve based on Spot Quotation (lo\vest basis).

(5) - fhc goods/items/ser\s will be procured at market price verifying market.

- No quotation would be required for purchase upto 'faka 10.000.00 ( f e n thousand).

Ilowevei-. three spot quotations would be required for purchase of goods/
iteius services exceeding faka 10.000.00 (fen thousand) and upto Tk.
10.00.000,00 (fen Lacs) -Director (l-nginecring & Material Managcmcnl /
Procurement & Logistic Support) and fk (One Lac) Chief I-nginecr or
C M / D O M Procureiuent -will approve the purchase after completion of all the
formalities as the case luay be.

/Vddilionallv. the pi-octn-ement items as stipulated under the title of Procurement Policy ibr
Store & Purchase Department"" at page-25 | l . ( a ) l l of linginc. APU. Landing Gear &
l . { a ) l i l l . at pagc-27 i 2 . ( a ) l l l | and at page-30 [4.(a)g.] has been abolished from the lists o f
procurement items procured formerly through Store & Purchase Department. On the
conti-ary. the above mentioned procurement items will be procured through Dirccloralc of
1-ngineering & Material Mantigemcnl fulfilling the provisions stipulated at page 25-30 as
applicable for Directorate of Procurement & Logistic Support (Store & Purchase
Department). In that case, the equivalent officials of the Imgincering & Material
Management Directorate shall accomplish cost estimation to approval of such procurement

r:^^^^' / J Contd". .../Pagc-04

Iiirlhcrmorc. linancial authoritx of Director linginccring & Stores as mentioned at page-57
(ClauscAl) of Administrative Orderl 3/'2008 dated 30"^ July 2008 (Revised Issue -02. March
2010). has been revised as under:
"•Dircclor b.ngincering & Vlatcrial Management : b"p to Tk.lO (Ten) lacs related to activity
of b'nginccring Di\'ision'".

Ibis Order supersedes the .Administrative Order Xo. 05/2013 & 10/2011 and amends
delegation o f linancial authority against relevant A/C Codes of Administrative Order No.
13/2008. and comes into force with effect from OP' day of March 2013.

bution :
A l l Directors.
A l l General Managers/Chief l:nginccr/Prtnctpab BATC/Conlroller o f Accounls/Chicf of
feclinical/"l-raining/Schcduling & Planning/blight Safcty/blighl luiginccrs/Chief
Medical Ofllccr/Company Sccrctarv'.
A l l b)> . General Managcrs'D). Chief iuigineers/Chicflnstruclor/'Dy. ChiefMcdicai
Manager Co-ordination to the Vlanaging Director & CbiO - f o r kind information o f the
Managing Director <V: CI .0.
Concerned Managers .Country Managers/Regional Managers/District Managers/Station
A l l Admin Cells-!o prescr\ it as record and inform the concerned officials.
Nolice Board Palaka- (if applicable)

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