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- it is called smallest unit of matter

- the word “atomos” comes from Greek word which means “invisible”
- made up of three particles: protons, neutrons and electrons.
Protons-  stable subatomic particle that has a positive charge 
Electrons-  lightest stable subatomic particle known. It carries a negative charge.
Neutrons- are the particles in an atom that have a neutral charge.


Solid Sphere Model

In 1803 an English Chemist John Dalton proposed the Solid Sphere Model and he
introduces the six major postulate of the Dalton’s Atomic Model:

Postulates of Dalton’s Atomic Theory

1. All matter is made up of very tiny particles called Atoms.

2. Atoms are indivisible particles which cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical


3. Atoms of a given element are identical in mass and chemical properties

4. Atoms of different elements have different masses and chemical properties.

5. Atoms combine in a ratio of small whole numbers to form compounds

6. the relative number and kinds of atoms are constant in a given compound.

Example for postulate 6

JJ Thompson Plum Pudding Atomic Model

The Plum pudding Model was invented by Joseph John Thompson also called J.J.
He proved the existence of electron, he is also involved in alot of things like proving
the existence of protons

Cathode Rays( rays from the experiment)

- Eugene Goldstein (called it cathode rays)

It is used to determine to be electron because when he put a positive magnetic source

and when he put a positive source near the electrodes he would get rays would be
attracted to the positive and then when he put a negative force on there they would

Oil Drop experiment

-by Robert Millikan (he determine the exact charge of an electron. Which is very
important because JJ Thompson already figured out the charge to mass ratio)

so by using mathematically they determine the mass of the electron

9.109×10^-31 kg

Plum pudding Model

that in the atom there are embedded negative charge electrons in the positive
materials or substances and it would look like a plum pudding and that is why it is
called the Plum Pudding Model of atom.

Ernest Rutherford
1911 a british physicist Ernst Rutherford carried the Gold Foil Experiment. He use
this Experiement to understand the structure of atom. And he did this experiment
along with Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden.
So this is how Rutherford inferred about the atomic structure. His conclusions;
1. Most of the space inside an atom is empty.
2. Positive charge occupies a small space inside the atom .

Wih this findings, Rutherford complied an hypothesis and he said that

1. There is a positively charged center in an atom called nucleus. Nearly, all the mass
of an atom resides in the nucleus.

2. Secondly, the electrons revolve around the nucleus in circular paths.

3. The size of the nucleus is very small compared to the size of an atom.

In 1913 Bohr was a Danish physicist stating that electrons moved around
the nucleus in orbit of fixed sizes and energies.

His model postulated the existence of energy levels or shells of electrons. Electrons

could only be found in these specific energy levels; in other words, their energy was
quantised, and couldn’t take just any value. Electrons could move between these
energy levels (referred to by Bohr as ‘stationary states’), but had to do so by either
absorbing or emitting energy.

The postulates put forward by Neils Bohr were as follows.

1. only certain special orbits called discrete orbits of electrons are allowed inside the
2. while revolving in these discrete orbits,the electrons do not radiate energy.

Quantum Mechanics Atomic Model

In 1926 Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger
sed the wave-particle duality of the electron to develop and solve a complex
mathematical equation that accurately described the behavior of the electron in a

The quantum mechanical model is somehow radically departure to what bohr

model stating and the electrons are not traveling around the nucleus in simple
circular orbits. And he called it wave function.

 electron cloud- And in electron cloud or the darker region nearer the nucleus
Indicates a high probability of finding an electron, while lighter area or region further
from the nucleus indicates the low probability of finding an electron.
An electron cloud has variable densities: a high density where the electron is most
likely to be and a low density where the electron is least likely to be.
This is called an orbital , the three-dimensional region of space that indicates where
there is a high probability of finding an electron.
 In summary that Erwin said The Schrödinger wave equation replaced the Bohr
ideas about electron location with an uncertainty factor.
 The location of the electron can only be given as a probability that the electron
is somewhere in a certain area.
This is called an orbital , the three-dimensional region of space that indicates where
there is a high probability of finding an electron.

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