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Student Teacher: Bonane, Bernadith R. Course & year: BSEd III ENGLISH
Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Aaron Manabat Time start: _____________
Time end: ______________


At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
a. define alliteration.
b. create poem that contains examples of alliteration.
d. share thoughts about the importance of alliteration in writing a poem.


Topic: Alliteration
Materials: Power point presentation, Laptop, manila paper, marker, printed worksheet
Values integration: Collaboration, Cooperation
Teaching Strategy: Lecture Method
Subject Integration: Science


Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Let us pray first, anyone would like to lead (One of the students will lead the prayer)
the prayer?

Students, let us all stand and put ourselves in

the presence of the Lord as we pray. In the (Students do as told)
name of the father, the son, and the holy
spirit. Amen.

Please be sited.

2. Greetings
Good morning students. Good morning ma’am!
How are you this morning? We're fine ma’am!
That is good to hear!
3. Checking of Attendance
Students kindly check your seatmate and tell
me who's absent for today. No one is absent for today ma’am!

Very Good, Perfect Attendance!

4. Collecting of Assignment
Students, do we have an assignment?
Kindly get your assignment and pass it Yes ma’am.
forward. (Students do as told)
Are all papers in? Yes ma’am!
Very Good!

5. Drill
Students how many are you in the class?
Ok, group yourselves into three. We are 30 ma’am.
(Students group themselves into three)
6. Review
Based on the activity that we did earlier, do
you recall on what you had learned last
Very Good! So, what was our topic last Yes, ma’am.
Ok, Claire (Students raised their hands)
Very Good! That’s correct! Our topic last meeting is all about figurative
Our topic last meeting is all about figurative language.
So, what is figurative language? (Students raised their hands)
Yes, Jane. Figurative language is a way of expressing
oneself that does not use a word’s strict or
realistic meaning.
Very Good answer Jane! That’s correct!

Now, who wants to add Jane’s answer?

Yes, Nerissa. (Students raised their hands)

Figurative language is common in

comparisons and exaggerations, it’s usually
used to add creative flourish to written or
spoken language or explain a complicated
That’s right, thank you Nerissa! idea.

Now, give me an example of figurative

Very good! She’s happy as a clam. She’s happy as a clam.
Very good! The sky misses the sun at night. The sky misses the sun at night.
Very Good! I’ve told you a million times to
clean your room. I’ve told you a million times to clean your
Since you’ve all got the correct answers that
only means that you all learned a lot from
our past lesson.

7. Motivation
So, before we go deeper into our lesson, let’s
have some activity.
Now, I have here some lines from the excerpt
of Beowulf- an Old English epic poem written (Students listened attentively)
by anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet, and it is
often cited as one of the most important
pieces of Old English literature.
It contains 3,182 alliterative long lines. In the
poem, Beowulf is a hero who slays a monster
and becomes king.

Students, read after me. (Students do as told)

1. ‘Heorot trembled, wonderfully built to

withstand the blows, the struggling great
bodies beating at its beautiful walls…’

2. ‘He found them sprawled in sleep,

suspecting nothing, their dreams
undisturbed. Up from his swampland, sliding
silently. Toward that gold-shining hall.’

3. ‘Of human shape the superhuman size’

4. ‘Spoil of heroes in high-built hall…’

5. ‘And rushed in rage o’er the shining floor’

6. ‘To feast his fill of the flesh of men’

7. ‘The demon delayed not, but quickly


8. ‘A sleeping thane in his swift assault’

9. ‘Gulped the blood, and gobbled the flesh’

10. ‘But Beowulf grappled and gripped him


11. ‘The fellowship of devils. Far different his


12. ‘To win his freedom and flee to the fens.’

13. ‘Still brave, still strong. And with his

shield at his side, and a mail shirt on his

14. “I’ve never known fear, as a youth I

fought in endless battles, I am old now, But I
will fight again, seek fame still if the dragon
hiding in his tower dares to face me”

Now, group yourselves into five. I will be (Students group themselves into five)
given you a manila paper and a marker for
you to used.

All you must do is to identify the sound that

are being repeated in each line within 5 (Students listened attentively)
minutes your answers will be posted on the
board. Is that clear?
You may now get started! Yes, ma’am!

5,4,3,2,1 time’s up! Back to your seats and

let’s check your work.

1. ‘b’
2. ‘s’
3. ‘s’
4. ‘h’
5. ‘r’
6. ‘f’
7. ‘d’
8. ‘s’
9. ‘g’
10. ‘g’
11. ‘g’
12. ‘f’
13. ‘s’
14. ‘f’

Very Good! You all got the correct answers!

Keep it up everyone!

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation of the topic

Now, students what have you noticed to
these lines? There are words that are having the same
Very Good! That's correct. sounds at the beginning of the words or the
There are words in the lines that are having repetition of the same sound at the
the same sounds at the beginning of the beginning of the words.
words or the repetition of the same sound at
the beginning of the words.
And we call it Alliteration.

2. Discussion
A popular literary device, used in all genres of
Now, let us define what is Alliteration?
Everybody read.

The word alliteration comes from the Latin

word littera, meaning ‘letter’. It is specifically
characterized by the repetition of similar
sounds at the start of words that appear
close together.

For example, the phrase ‘many moons’ and

the phrase ‘silver Shetland’.

Trivia: The moon is the brightest and largest

object in our night sky, the Moon makes
Earth a more livable planet by moderating
our home planet’s wobble on its axis, leading
to a relatively stable climate.
The phrase ‘many moons’ is considered
alliterative, while the phrase ‘silver Shetland’
is not.

Although the letter ‘s’ in the second example

is repeated, it doesn’t represent the same
sound across both words, while the ‘m’
sound in ‘many’ and ‘moons’ does.

There are many ad campaigns and brands

use alliteration, such as “Coca-Cola’ and
‘Dunkin Donuts’.

In literature Alliteration is the repetition of

sound in poetry or prose

There are two types of alliteration.

1. Consonance

2. Assonance

Now, let us define what is consonance.

Everybody read!

a. Consonance
- is the repetition of consonant sounds in (Students do as told)
a lie of poetry or prose
- is related to consonant sound.


 To feast his fill of the flesh of men

 Of human shape the superhuman size
 The demon delayed not, but quickly
 And rushed in rage o’er the shining
 Heorot trembled, wonderfully built to
withstand the blows, the struggling
great bodies beating at its beautiful

Now, who can tell me what are the repeated

consonant letter from the given example?

Yes, Carmela?

Very good! Thank you, Carmela. The repeated consonant letters from the
given examples are f, s, d, r, and b.
Everybody read the definition of assonance!

b. Assonance (Students do as told)

- is the repetition of the same or similar
vowels sounds within words Phrases or
- is related to vowel sound

 She seems to beam rays of

sunshine with her eyes of green
 Beside the lake, beneath the trees
 Fluttering and dancing in the

So, what vowel sound we found from the The vowel sound that we found from the
examples given? examples given that are being repeated is the
letter ‘e’.
Yes, Carlo?

That’s right! Thank you, Carlo.

Letter ‘e’ is the repeated vowel sound in the
examples given.

The main reason to use alliteration in poetry

is that it sounds pleasing. It means to get the
attention of readers or listeners. It’s also a
clear way to signify that the alliterative words
are linked together thematically, and it puts a
spotlight on the subject contained therein.

3. Generalization
Again class, what is Alliteration?
Alliteration is having the same sound at the
beginning of the words or is the repetition of
the same sounds at the beginning of the

The main reason to use alliteration in poetry

What is the main purpose of Alliteration? is that it sounds pleasing. It means to get the
attention of readers or listeners. It’s also a
clear way to signify that the alliterative words
are linked together thematically, and it puts a
spotlight on the subject contained therein.

Excellent students!

4. Application
Now, let's have an activity. Group yourselves
into five. I will be given you a Manila paper
and a Marker for you to used. In this activity,
you will have to compose a poem that
contain at least 5 examples of alliteration.
The more examples of alliteration, the
greater your score are. Understood? Yes, ma’am!


1. Use at least 25 words in your poem.

2. Use complete sentences that make sense.
3. Use correct punctuation.
4. Include at least three examples of
alliteration in your poem.
5. Stay with one central theme.
6. Must be appropriate.

Creativity – 25 pts.
Content – 25 pts.
Total – 50 pts.

You may now get started!

Time’s up! Paste your work in front so that I (Students do as told)
can see how good and creative your poem is.

Very Good Everyone!

Since you all have cooperated and Yes, Thank you ma’am!
collaborated with your groups, I will be given
you all a perfect score as you all did a great
job and showed your creativity in writing a
(Students do as told)
Clap your hands for job well done!

IV. Evaluation
Test I.
Direction: Add a word from the word box to create alliteration.

brownies teeth sisters drain jiggle chaos rapidly

eggrolls hedgehog goodies

1. Tony lost two ______________________.

2. Daniel’s dog drank from the _________________.
3. Jimmy saw a jellyfish __________________________.
4. Becky baked _____________________.
5. Cuddles that cat caused a _______________________.
6. Rudolph rose and ran _____________________.
7. Elephants enjoy eating _________________________.
8. Hannah has a hyper ________________________.
9. Sara has six ________________________.
10. Grandma Gretel gave me great ____________________.
Test II: Essay

In your own opinion, what is the importance of alliteration in writing a poem?

V. Assignment
Construct 10 sentences that contain an alliteration.
Evaluation Answer Key

Test I:
1. teeth 2. drain 3. Jiggle 4. brownies 5. chaos 6. rapidly 7. eggrolls
8. Hedgehog 9. sisters 10. Goodies
Test II: Answers may vary

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