Detailed LP (ELE 135)

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Student Teacher: Kathlyn Rose Serino Course&Year: BSED ENGLISH III

Cooperating Teacher: Mr. Aaron Manabat Time Start: _______

Time End: _______

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. identify the proper noun in a sentence
b. give examples of a proper noun
c. realize the importance of using appropriate proper noun in a sentence

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Proper Noun
Reference: Internet (
Materials: Power point presentation
Values Integration: Unity and Cooperation
Teaching strategies: Lecture Method

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Let us all stand and pray. In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
2. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!
You may now take your seats. Thank you, Ma’am!

3. Attendance check
Okay, secretary who is absent from The secretary will tell who are absent.
today’s class?

4. Collecting and checking of attendance

Students, kindly get your assignment and
exchange it with your seatmate, we will
check it.

Who got a perfect score? We got a perfect score Ma’am.

Okay, pass your paper forward without

making any noise, at the count of ten
papers must be in my hand.

Are all papers in?

Yes, Ma’am!

5. Review the previous the lesson

We had already finished discussing nouns.
Before we move on to the next topic, let
us recall the meaning of a noun.
What is a noun again? A noun is a name of a person, place,
thing, animal, and events.

Very good!

6. Spelling / Phonics Drill

Students, please get ½ crosswise of paper (The students will do as told)
for our spelling activity.

Are you ready? Yes, Ma’am!

Alright! I will state the word twice and I

will use it in a sentence.

1. Dawn
It was evening in our world but dawn

2. Departure
He failed to acknowledge my departure
as I returned to our room.

3. Enclosed
The conductors are enclosed in a lead
pipe, 24 in.

4. Nap
The old man was in a good temper after
his nap before dinner.

5. Peeped
He could see its shadow as he peeped
out through the clusters of leaves.

Alright, are you done? Yes, Ma’am!

Okay, exchange your paper with your

seatmate, we will check it.

While checking your papers, we will

pronounce the following words correctly.

Students, who got a perfect score? We got a perfect

Very good!
Keep up the good work students.

7. Motivation
I have here a table with 5 columns
(persons, places, things, animals, and
ideas or events). Beside the table is the
list of words. If you believe that this word
is a name of a person, then place this to
its column (person) and so the same with

Did you get it class? Yes, Ma’am!

Who wants to volunteer? Students will volunteer.


Father Town Cellphone
Mario City Book
Teacher Pasay City Nokia
Ms. Lina Park Sampaguita

Holiday Mother’s Day Party

Christmas Season

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation of the lesson

Look at the table we made a while ago. Any idea

what is the meaning of Noun? - Noun is the name of person,
place, thing, animal, and
Very Good!

There are many kinds of nouns, but today we are

going to discuss the proper noun.

What do you think our lesson for today? Proper Noun

Very Good!

Now, let us define what is Proper noun.

2. Discussion

Proper Noun

Proper Nouns are used to name specific person,

place, things, animals, and events. It is always (Students listen carefully)
begin with a capital letter.

Proper nouns are always capitalized in English, no

matter where they fall in a sentence. Because
they endow nouns with a specific name, they are
also sometimes called proper names.
A proper noun, on the other hand, names a noun

Examples: Adobo, Lara, Sunflower, Japan

Examples of Proper Nouns in Sentences

Below are some examples of proper nouns

(shaded) in the sentence.
Everybody read the examples. (Students will read the examples)

 Those idiots have been annoying Jason.

 I would like to visit an old castle. Can we

visit Warwick Castle?

 All water tastes the same. There's a

reason why Evian is "naive" backwards.

When we speak, it makes no difference whether

a noun is proper or common because it does not
impact syntax. When we write, however, we
need to know which nouns are proper because
we need to know where to place capital letters.

Using proper nouns correctly, are important part

of every language. They are useful in many ways.
They help with capitalization. They also help
identifying all the objects that are around you.

So, there are 7 types of proper noun.

Proper names include specific people, places,

days of the week, brands, and titles:

1. Names: Proper nouns, or proper names,

include people. Pets’ names are also proper
nouns and require capitalization.

2. Titles of people: Proper nouns also include

titles of people, like Queen Victoria and President
Abraham Lincoln.

3. Places: Another category of proper noun refers

to specific places, including countries, states,
cities, and particular locations. Examples include
England, Santiago, South Street Seaport, and
Ebbets Field.

4. Calendar days: In English grammar, months

and days of the week are proper nouns, like
September and Thursday. Although the months
of the year are proper nouns, the seasons are not
and are thus not capitalized. For example,
“September is my favorite month, because it
marks the beginning of autumn.”
5. Holidays: Holidays, such as Labor Day and
Hanukkah, are proper nouns.

6. Brand and company names: Brand names and

company names are also proper nouns and are

7. Titles of works: Proper nouns include titles of

specific works of art and literature, such as The
Thinker and Romeo and Juliet, and also
publications, like The New York Times. In titles of
art or literary works, the important words are
capitalized. Conjunctions and articles less than
four words are lowercase, unless they are the
first word in the title. For example, The Merchant
of Venice and Pride and Prejudice.

Now, who can give me another example of a

proper noun. (Students will give their examples,

Good job, Students!

3. Values Integration

Now, who can give and share to us your

realization on the importance of using the
appropriate proper noun?
(Students answer may vary)
Yes, Allen?

Very Good!

Anybody, will add the answers of Allen?

Okay, Dave! (Students answer may vary)

Alright, Very Good.

4. Generalization

Again, what is proper noun? -Proper noun is a specific name for a

particular person, place, or things.
Very Good!

Now, use proper noun in a sentence. (Students will expect to use a proper
noun in a sentence correctly)

Okay, Very Good!

5. Application

In this activity, you will be divided into five

groups. You have construct 5 sentences using the
correct proper noun, correct grammar will also
observe. The group who will present first here in
front will be declare as winners. I will give
Cartolina and Marker for you to use your activity.
I will give 10 minutes only.

Okay, so are you ready? Yes, ma’am!

(Students will do the activity)

IV. Evaluation

Direction: Identify the proper noun in each sentence

1. The boy threw the ball to his dog, Wilson.

2. I’d like you to meet my friend Jeremy.

3. We’ll be vacationing in Aspen this year.

4. My second-grade teacher was Mrs. Gilbert, an old battle-axe.

5. We went to Smith’s Furniture and bought a new couch to replace our old one.

6. Do you think the Dolphins will win the game?

7. I’m flying first-class on Emirate Airlines.

8. Thomas Jefferson was a president and philosopher.

9. My best friend moved to Israel to study.

10. When the Titanic sank, the captain went down with the ship.

V. Assignment

Direction: Choose the correct proper noun from the given from the given options and fill in
the blanks.

1. ________ at the store gave me an ointment for my insect’s bites. (Toronto, David, July)

2. It was thrilling to see huge dinosaurs running around in _________. (Paris, Read Sea,
Jurassic Park)

3. This is ________ who received the bravery award for saving the drowning boy.
(Glasgow, Sally, Mt. Fuji)

4. I can see many different kinds of fishes swimming in the ________. (River Amazon,
Sofia, Tokyo)

5. Many people have been able to climb the highest, snow covered __________. (Timmy,
December, Mt. Everest)

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