Void Aspect

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:void_aspect: __**Extended Zodiac Quoted Canon:**__

> Those bound to the aspect of Void are the universe�s secret-keepers. The unknown
doesn�t scare them-where others might see emptiness, they see potential. A blank
page, an empty canvas, that�s what the Void-bound live for. They value mystery and
the unexplained and are not particularly bothered by not having all the answers.
Where others might be compelled to go out and seek answers, the Void-bound lean
more toward casting doubt on what is already considered fully understood. They
don�t take much on faith and would rather live in a state of confusion than believe
something that might be untrue or bow to intellectual authority. After alforfor
something new to be built, the old, rotting foundation must often be razed. At
their best, Void-bound is wise, intuitive, and vibrant. At their worst, they can be
dismissive, indecisive, and apathetic.

:void_aspect: __**Keywords:**__ Infinite Possibilities, Indifference, Confusion,

Darkening, Secrets, Doubt, and Irrelevance.

:void_aspect: __**Symbols:**__ Darkness, Water/Liquids, and Pumpkins.

:void_aspect: __**Maid of Void:** One who Creates with Void or Creates Void.__
> A Maid of Void would start either relying on others for nothing or relying on
others to know when to stop or give up, or when something is meaningless or
unimportant. They might at first waste their energy on any number of things or
interests, not understanding how to gauge value or planning out things. They might
not understand that they shouldn�t be totally honest and open with everything and
that maybe some things are better left unsaid or just hidden, but they would rely
on others to tell them what�s appropriate or not at first.
> They might also rely on others to keep their secrets for them. They might be
curious and nosy about all kinds of things, not understanding at first they don�t
need to notice everything or that not everything is equally important and
meaningful. They might act very childish or naive. Like I said before they would
have trouble understanding differences in value and worth, like why not spend all
their time playing hopscotch for hours when their work or chores or something
important that needs doing but tends to defer to any authority figure when they say
what not to do. They might even skip or ignore some important thing because someone
with authority over them thought it was worthless.
> When they rise to their challenge, they would start relying on themselves for
this kind of thing. They would stop seeing some things as important and start
ignoring them, focusing on only what they want. They would start to consider a lot
of things useless or unnecessary, either making them more efficient in what they do
or a huge procrastinator/avoider for what they should be doing. They either become
super careful or very careless with things because of that. They might even spend
their time creating or doing useless or insignificant items or activities. They
would essentially start rebelling against whatever authority used to make those
kinds of decisions for them.

:void_aspect: __**Sylph of Void:** One who Invites Creation through Void or one who
Invites Creation of Void.__
> A Sylph of Void would have all kinds of ideas and opinions about what obscurity,
meaninglessness and infinite nonexistence means. They might have a habit of
intentionally ignoring or disregarding anything they don�t like or don�t what
others to like or see. They would hide a lot of things and have a lot of secrets
that they don�t want other people to know. Sylphs of Void don�t like being in the
spotlight and try to avoid it whenever possible. They don�t like being noticed and
prefer to have their actions and motives hidden from plain sight.
> A Sylph of Void probably wouldn�t work well with others either, either thinking
or making them believe that other people are useless, meaningless or insignificant
to their plans. They will cover up or shut down anything that might reveal or
compromise what they don�t want to be revealed or compromised. They might talk over
other people discussing something sensitive or important with meaningless
blabbering, not letting them get a word in edgewise. They would dislike other
people discussing their ideas, viewpoints, plans or motives and would try to shut
them up any way they could. They can hide or cover up anything they want, they
always work in secret and are very hush-hush.
> They might seem very indifferent, unaware or ignorant of various things because
of this tendency not to reveal anything. They may seem like they consider
everything to be meaningless or unimportant, but their true knowledge and motives
will always remain hidden. No one will ever really know just how much a Sylph of
Void knows or cares about or has up their sleeve, and that�s just the way they like
it. They are ninjas of espionage, but they are just as likely to be your ally,
enemy or double-crosser and nobody would ever really know for sure which was which.

:void_aspect: __**Prince of Void:** One who Destroys with Void or Destroys Void.__
> A Prince of Void acts much like a Light player in their tendency to destroy Void.
They are upfront and brutally honest folks, destroying ignorance and obscurity by
disregarding all useless and meaningless things and unburying what�s truly
important. They might be always alert and aware of things, exposing things meant to
be hidden by destroying the void of secrecy around them. They might do this because
they think themselves ignorant or unaware, and they might be in ways, but they try
to actively destroy that ignorance as much as they can. They cannot keep secrets
from either other people or themselves and do not say anything other than what they
mean, preferring to be perfectly honest and clear in their opinions.
> They may even go to the extreme of making people forget any meaningless
information and focus only on what they consider important. They might try to
extinguish the thought that anything is truly irrelevant or meaningless. They might
feel frustrated when they don�t have anything solid to back up their own beliefs,
and in turn, may think themselves ignorant because of this. This only fuels their
motivation to destroy all ignorance and indifference in themselves. They might also
do this not because they believe everything is meaningful, but because everything
could or might be significant.
> They might also be concerned that they will fall into obscurity or be ignored or
thought of as irrelevant by other people. They might even fear nonexistence itself,
but they won�t try to fill their life with meaning, they�ll just try to avoid
anything that reminds them of this infinite nonexistence, using their ignorance to
destroy the thought of nonexistence. They use the �Out of sight, out of mind�
tactic a lot.

:void_aspect: __**Bard of Void:** One who Invites Destruction through Void or one
who Invites Destruction of Void.__
> A Bard of Void as the other destruction class would also ghost Light as they
destroy Void. They would be perceptive, attentive, people and might like to hang
around important or influential people. They would probably feel uncomfortable
being ignored and would pop into conversations at random moments to say something
or share their opinion on something, even if it was unneeded. They might try to pop
into the spotlight now and again to remind people that �Hey, I�m still here! Check
it out!� They might super focus on a hobby or interest important to them or they
might have a cool skill or interest that they want to be recognized for. They might
be naturally curious or nosy about a lot of things. They can act as a kind of
satellite, hovering around others that they think are more important or influential
than them. They might hide things from people, but make it obvious that it�s hidden
because they�re trying to drum up interest in whatever is hidden.
> They might be shy or coy in their behaviours, acting like they aren�t interested
or noticing when they are and want others to notice. They would try their hardest
to be noticed and admired by the people they think are important. They might just
straight up to get in your face and personal space, but ultimately they want the
other person to make the first move. Oh god, they�re the Kouhai in the
Senpai/Kouhai relationship. A Bard of Void�s crisis would be something like
suddenly giving up and believing their efforts are useless. They would believe
themselves to be unimportant or ignored. They might leave somewhere or hide
thinking they�re irrelevant anyway and if they weren�t noticed before why would
they be noticed now? Or they might not go anywhere and simply fade into the
background or become quieter and less attention seeking and try to avoid the people
they used to satellite around.
> They might even try to cut off all contact with those people and start being
secretive or pretend not to care when those people are around them. They could be a
person that wanted a close relationship with someone else, either as their teacher,
superior or mentor, or a platonic friendship, or they might simply have an
unrequited love. They might have a passion or skill for something that they want to
do or be recognized for. They are just now coming to terms with the fact that they
won�t get what they want. They might even get a little depressed and think
everything is meaningless. A Bard of Void rises to their challenge to not be
controlled by the whims of Void by coming to terms with Void and understanding that
some things might be meaningless or unattainable, but not everything is. They just
need a healthy realism and balance in their daily lives. Just because one thing
didn�t work out, doesn�t mean others won�t work out as well.

:void_aspect: __**Witch of Void:** One who Manipulates with Void or Manipulates

> A Witch of Void would rebel against the notion that things are inherently
meaningless or unimportant. They would break the rules of obscurity and
indifference, finding the hardest to find things and moving away from the Void that
hid them, bringing them into awareness. They might also cover up and hide things
that are important to them, not letting their discoveries truly see the Light and
be shared with others. They might be kind of like hipsters in that regard, having a
lot of obscure or hard to find interests and things, but not wanting them to become
popular or well known.
> They might even talk down or wave away people not already aware of their obscure
interests, manipulating others with indifference and ignorance. They might be able
to manipulate what people ignore or don�t ignore. They might manipulate people by
merely acting indifferent or disregarding them, giving them the cold shoulder or
the silent treatment. They might be more secretive people, manipulating others by
pretending to be ignorant or unaware of things, or pretending to be indifferent
towards something they like. They might not be very honest about or with their own
emotions because of this.
> They might also manipulate people with secrets, either one they keep or ones they
reveal. They could be good or bad secret keepers depending on their purposes. They
can break the rules of what�s supposed to be hidden or irrelevant and clear away
the shadow and mystery that surrounds things that would otherwise never see the
Light. If they wanted to, they could easily delve into someone�s deepest darkest
secrets to manipulate them. They might also simply just be quiet, silent and shy,
not sharing any other cool interests with others because of reasons and also
because they have trouble opening up to others.

:void_aspect: __**Heir of Void:** One who Invites Manipulation through Void or one
who Invites Manipulation of Void.__
> An Heir of Void would have amazing strength, but for nothing really specific.
Just literal physical strength like Equius. They prefer to stay unnoticed,
naturally gravitating towards disregard, indifference and unawareness. They might
also just think of themselves as insignificant and never choose to act any
different. They gravitate towards meaninglessness, obscurity and the infinite
expanse of nothing, so they may find themselves spending a lot of time sleeping,
unconscious or simply meditating peacefully. They are bad for becoming disconnected
in a sense from reality, lost drifting in their thoughts.
> They are naturally secretive but tend to keep those secrets. They tend to be
manipulated by this fact because they might be too stubborn to reveal what they
think or feel about anything. They might even accidentally stumble upon the secrets
of other people or they might simply just be able to allow other people to open up
around them. They could also naturally seek out water or liquid or pumpkins, or
just live near places that have those things, like waterfalls, rivers, beaches or
gardens. They might even do their meditating or deep thinking in these spots.
> They might allow the manipulation of either their own or somebody else�s
ignorance or disregard by keeping silent or thinking that what they have to say
would be irrelevant or insignificant. They seek out darkness, silence and obscurity
not because they can�t handle or dislike attention, but because that simply where
they feel the most relaxed. Though for all their meditating and deep thinking, they
can be pretty ignorant and indifferent themselves!

:void_aspect: __**Mage of Void:** One who Comprehends with Void or Comprehends

> On the outside, this would seem like the happiest of the Mages, because Mages of
Void might suffer from �Nothing�. Some might take this to mean they don�t suffer at
all, every endeavour for them is always a pleasant one, which is a valid
interpretation, but I think it�s more likely that if they do suffer, they might
suffer from ignorance, obscurity, insignificance and irrelevance. That could mean
their own or other people�s as well. Mages of Void might constantly feel worthless
and meaningless like they�re irrelevant in the grand scheme of things and have
nothing to offer. They may be unable to get anyone�s attention and be constantly
ignored. They may feel or just plain be ignorant and unaware of things going on
around them. Or they might understand and experience the feeling of nonexistence
and non-importance and reject the idea of inherent worth or value, reaching an
elusive state of (ironically) enlightenment only able to be reached through the
death of their ego and their agency.
> People can act indifferent to them, uncaring if they have anything to offer or
not. The truth may be though, despite what they or anyone else thinks, Mages of
Void still have a lot of potentials to be super smart about a lot of things. For
instance, they know secrets, it is impossible to keep a secret from a Mage of Void.
They can always find everything because they know where it�s hidden. They know
where people usually throw things away and forget them because they�ve been thrown
away and forgotten themselves. They know the effects of ignorance and indifference
to anything because they�ve been ignorant themselves and suffered for it. They
might suffer from the thought of nonexistence and complete and total obscurity.
> They might be truly lonely people, or they might the few who truly exist
willingly on their own, in the shadows, away from the light. If they suffer, the
suffering itself may go completely unnoticed by even those close to them, because
most people around them would think they suffer from �Nothing� that they�re fine or
making it up. It wouldn�t be much of a stretch to say a Mage of Void could suffer
from an invisible illness, like depression or anxiety as well. They might suffer
from some sort of water or liquid, either having constant rain around them or a
drowning experience, or even a bad experience with alcohol. This might have allowed
them to know when it�s going to rain before it happens or how to swim properly.

:void_aspect: __**Seer of Void:** One who Invites Comprehension through Void or one
who Invites Comprehension of Void.__
> A Seer of Void might struggle with the idea of everything being meaningless, of
everything eventually slipping away into obscurity and nothingness. Seers of Void
in particular may struggle with seeing anything at all. They look for something to
hold on to, anything to give them purpose, but can see only infinite darkness. On
the flip side, they may be the only people able to see through the Void and may
have perfect vision in darkness, or able to see clearly through mist and fog or
underwater. Nothing may be able to block their vision.
> They may see infinite possibilities for things in the Void and have trouble
choosing the correct path. Though they doubt sources that seem shady or
untrustworthy. They could either have 20/20 vision including heat vision and night
vision, or they might be completely blind and rely on a sixth sense kind of vision.
They would be able to see how meaningless and irrelevant any outcome or choice
would be. They could see where things would most likely be hidden, or they could
see that someone is hiding a secret.
> They would see and look for seemingly obscure or irrelevant things and see what
important thing was hidden inside them. They would able to look into seemingly
important things and see how meaningless or insignificant they were. Seers of Void
would also see the things, the pockets of the void, that make people disregard or
be unaware of things. They have a unique ability to look past what is seemingly
important or influential on the surface and see if it was truly meaningless
underneath. They would also be able to see where water and liquid were located.

:void_aspect: __**Thief of Void:** One who Relocates with Void or Relocates Void.__
> Thieves of Void have a natural knack for knowing what things are useless or
irrelevant. They have natural confidence obtaining and knowing even the most
heavily guarded secrets by being very good at getting others to let down their
guard around them or let them think they are insignificant. They are very good at
appearing to be ignorant, useless, unaware or indifferent to things to seem
trustworthy. They might willingly put themselves into the background and become
obscure and hidden, all the while stealing that which is hidden from others. They
would be very good at taking and stealing things without any trace or lead that
leads back to themselves, they would act ignorant of the whole thing and go "What,
me? Steal? Never!�
> They would be very good at denying or hiding what happened. They would be
excellent liars and rarely would get caught lying. They could even take advantage
of other, more ignorant and unaware people, using them as decoys or placing the
blame on them when they steal something. They are rarely truly honest with their
real intentions and will make up lies about or hide them or pretend they don�t
exist. They are also amazing at keeping their secrets naturally. A Thief of Void
might also steal the obfuscation and mystery surrounding other people�s secrets,
forcing them into the open.
> They might also steal the meaninglessness or insignificance out of something,
suddenly making it appear super important and relevant. They could use these
objects as clever distractions or replacements for when they steal what they want.
They could steal and surround themselves with indifference or ignorance, making
people ignore them and whatever they do. If they are very talented Thieves of Void,
almost no one would ever suspect them of anything and they would be viewed as
innocent by almost everyone. They could also steal any kind of water and liquid
that they wanted from others, alcohol especially.

:void_aspect: __**Rogue of Void:** One who Invites Relocation through Void or one
who Invites Relocation of Void.__
> Rogues of Void, like our canon Roxy Lalonde, would have trouble coping with their
seeming insignificance and irrelevance. They would often be ignored or dismissed
and other people would often be indifferent to them or their problems. They might
feel really meaningless or generally unimportant or unaware of what�s going on
around them. They would feel very invisible or out of the loop a lot of the time.
They might feel like they are too ignorant about things or that they disregard them
too easily. They might have trouble keeping or coping with secrets.
> This might make them try to give up being hidden or meaningless by making
themselves the centre of attention. Roxy Lalonde tried to do this by being drunk
all the time and in her eyes, this made her more �fun� and �outgoing� to her
friends. She tried to be a typical sociable drunk party animal because she thought
it would get her some attention. Some Rogues of Void might also too easily give up
their secrets to others in their attempts to be more noticed. Rogues of Void might
also have trouble coping with the fact that some things are truly meaningless and
irrelevant and they may lament their understanding that lucky charms don�t work or
> They might allow others to steal away their meaninglessness, irrelevance and
insignificance, letting others give them meaning and relevance because that is what
Rogues of Void initially want. They might have a bad tendency to define themselves
through other people or with relationships. Roxy does this in her attempts to flirt
and mack on potentially eligible partners. Eventually, though, Rogues of Void will
come to terms with their Void and start using it to their advantage. They might be
able to use indifference and ignorance to their advantage, being able to work and
do things in the background while nobody notices. They might even simply tend to
let others take their water and liquid away from them.

:void_aspect: __**Knight of Void:** One who Applys with Void or Applys Void.__
> A Knight of Void would use and exploit either their own or other people�s
indifference, unawareness or ignorance to their advantage. They can also exploit
obscure or hidden things and secrets to their advantage. They are exceptionally
good at disregarding unimportant or irrelevant things or people, but they fear that
what they can do is inherently meaningless, useless or insignificant. They
naturally work in dark hidden places and shadow and are very good at keeping
secrets or sharing secrets as they need to. All that which is unknown, or hidden,
obscure or even nonexistent is at their disposal. They might be able to exploit any
number of things that may or may not exist in the infinite Void.
> They can exploit a person�s secrets to either be used against them or exploit how
people can sometimes disregard certain things or view them as unimportant. They
might worry about whether or not something is truly meaningless or irrelevant.
Sometimes they might even wonder if they are truly irrelevant or unimportant in the
grand scheme of things. They may fear that being truly skilled with Void means
being truly skilled at nothing, but in reality, Void encompasses everything
unknown. So a Knight of Void could have some secret hidden skill that they may not
think is a skill or all that important. A Knight of Void will struggle to find out
what exactly it is they are good at, but once they know what that thing is, nothing
can stop them.
> They are likely to fight from some hidden or unknown vantage, like shadows, being
far away or high above. They would not usually be ones for close combat. They would
like to pull strings from the background and exploit what other people either can�t
comprehend or just simply ignore. They might also be something of a water bender,
exploiting water and liquid in various ways, or just exploiting things or people
with alcohol. They are likely very good at getting other people to let their guard
down around them and be at ease, so they don�t notice when they are being exploited
or something is happening behind their backs.

:void_aspect: __**Page of Void:** One who Invites Application through Void or one
who Invites Application of Void.__
> A Page of Void is an especially difficult class to have. They start with a
deficit in Void, which means they pay way too much attention to every little thing.
They don�t have proper amounts of indifference or disregard for seemingly
unimportant things and take most everything way too seriously. They badly
overcompensate for this by trying to cover up or hide how much attention they give
things, even if it�s very obvious that they won�t let something go. They might try
to pretend that they don�t care or think that something is meaningless when it�s
really obvious they haven�t quite given it up yet. They don�t have a lot of well-
kept secrets and tend to keep things out in the open.
> Despite them trying to keep secrets, they often fail by either not hiding it well
enough or drawing too much attention to the fact that they have a secret. Their
ignorance and disregard for certain things can be easily exploited by others. They
would have trouble ignoring the right things and so they focus on something that
wasn�t important but go out of their way to ignore important things. They might not
understand at all what it means for something to be infinite or nonexistent and
would have trouble grasping these existential concepts. They might have a hard time
grasping the concept of something or all things being completely and irrelevant or
meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
> They might have trouble understanding that some people prefer some things to be
hidden or not talked about or kept a secret, and thus might accidentally draw more
attention to those things in their attempts to make sure that it is completely
ignored and not talked about. They might try hard to be unaware of things, ignore
them, or be indifferent to them in their attempts to understand what Void is and
how to act like a proper Void player, but this usually ends up with them
overcompensating how much they are ignoring said things and end up drawing more
attention to it instead. It�s almost they don�t know how to not pay attention to
something even when they do try to ignore one particular thing.

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