Time Aspect

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:time_aspect: Extended Zodiac Quoted Canon:

> Those bound to the aspect of Time are fighters, full stop. Their lives are often
marked by struggle, not so much because fate has it in for them, but because they
are fundamentally incapable of just accepting things as they come. They value
action over passive acceptance, even if that may not be the wisest or safest
choice. Don�t try to tell a Time-bound to sit still and look pretty. They are very
goal-focused and tend to value the destination over the journey, and you won�t find
them making that journey in any traditional sort of way. To quote cheesy posters
found on many a guidance counsellor�s walls, "impossible is just a word�. If you
need a miracle, they are who you call. At their best, the Time-bound are empathetic
and relentless problem-solvers. At their worst, they are ruthless, defensive, and

:time_aspect: __**Keywords:**__ Mechanical, Repetition, Masculinity, Destruction,

Endings, Choice, Precision, and Impatience.

:time_aspect: __**Symbols:**__ Moments, Velocity, Clocks, and Music/Dance.

:time_aspect: __**Maid of Time:** One who Creates with Time or Creates Time.__
> A Maid of Time, Like Aradia, would have started out relying on others to finish
things, unable to squish the spider by themselves so to speak, before she was dead
and while she was a ghost, at this point, she relied on others to tell her what to
do and be patient with her, though Aradia rose to her challenge very quickly and
learned to depend on herself. Other Maids of Time might spend longer in this first
stage than Aradia, relying on others for solid concrete things or ideas, or even
something as simple as what time is it.
> When they rise to their challenge and start relying on themselves, they in
essence start choosing their fates and destinies. They trust their instincts
instead of the instincts of others and learn how to finish fights themselves.
Because sound and music are a part of Time, a Maid of Time might rely on others to
�hear� things or be told what it sounds like, they might be deaf, but rising to
their challenge they would rely on themselves to know, maybe by getting a hearing
aid or lip-reading, and also getting a watch to know what time it is.
> They become a lot more self-sufficient anyway. Maybe they even stop listening to
others music and start conducting and creating their own. I like to think of time
as moments and more specifically memories as well, so this could be another thing
that they might start out relying on others for but eventually rely on themselves
for, they might begin with bad memories but eventually that gets better. They�re
also amazingly patient with themselves and others, being �Made� of Time and are
only in a rush or a hurry when it�s necessary.

:time_aspect: __**Sylph of Time:** One who Invites Creation through Time or one who
Invites Creation of Time.__
> A Sylph of Time will likely have all kinds of ambiguous ideas about what fate or
destiny or the end of all things means for them and their team, they don�t have
all-knowing knowledge like a seer or mage, it�s more like they have a lot of
opinions on the subject. They most likely have a love for various kinds of singing
and music as well as opinions about that too that they try to encourage in others.
They may feel the need to �heal� the lack of what they would consider quality music
in places that they think isn�t there.
> They would do that by playing music or an instrument or singing, to the joy or
annoyance of others, in an attempt to inspire them with music. They may do this
with clocks and moments or memories themselves, placing timekeeping devices
everywhere, making sure everybody remembers to be punctual and on time, and having
no qualms about reminding them about all the times they didn�t. They might also be
very calm, and not ones to rush people, inviting the creation of Time that way.
They might use all their time to work very hard towards something, allowing the
creation of more time to be spent by others.
> They may be very talkative about things that have happened in the past, whether
those memories may be embarrassing or wanted to be forgotten by others or not, a
Sylph of Time has an amazing memory. They may also try to use their ideas and
opinions about fate and destiny to reassure someone else. Though they are indeed
meddlers, usually other people will be patient with them, and Sylph of Time are
usually patient with others in return if they�re not meddling and rushing others
towards the end.

:time_aspect: __**Prince of Time:** One who Destroys with Time or Destroys Time.__
> Since Prince's ghost their opposites, a Prince of Time would act much like a
Space Player. They would be impatient, precise and able to change on a dime, they
would hate ambiguity and things that are a mystery and would tend to start
projects, but not end them. They would have creative ideas to do with Space and
dimensions and art, they would probably be meticulous and spend a lot of time on
their part as well. This may cause them to waste more time than they were willing.
Because they are naturally very impatient and rushing people.
> Any kind of constant annoying noise or sound probably ticks them off to no end.
They might have a lot of smashed clocks or metronomes around them for this reason.
They dislike taking the proper time to learn or do something and might chalk up
their artistic skill to happenstance or talent or just pure genius, sometimes even
becoming snobbish about it. On the flip side, they may spend too much Time wasting
their Time on something that might not ever improve. But they do have a motherly
side, their art and anything they create is their precious baby.
> They will let no one steal or copy them or their ideas. They might even have a
pet frog/amphibian that they mother and baby and care for. Some Princes of Time
only believe they�re geniuses and are unwilling to learn any different, others
Hate/Love themselves and their work so much that they force themselves to learn and
become better no matter what, some might do both, forcing themselves to use their
time more efficiently. They could also destroy things by taking too long for it,
some people or things may give up waiting for them. They may also use some kind of
sound or music as a deadly weapon.

:time_aspect: __**Bard of Time:** One who Invites Destruction through Time or one
who Invites Destruction of Time.__
> Bards also ghost their opposite aspects, so a Bard of Time would also act much
like a Space Player, in the beginning anyway. They try to avoid destroying anything
and aren�t likely to believe in Fate or Destiny, but more so creating or changing
their fate in a precise way. They don�t have a lot of patience for people who truly
believe in that fate mumbo jumbo, but they will humour them for the sake of
creating something new and they tend to keep an open mind, who knows, it might be
true, they doubt it, but they won�t attack it. Open-mindedness is a great way to
describe them. They like to keep the possibility of new things open for discussion,
even if it�s just for the sake of the other person and not themselves because they
tend to mother people.
> They may have some interest in art or fashion that they�re shy or insecure about,
but also proud. Maybe because they tend to take any random persons advice about
what they should do with their art. They also tend to accidentally lose themselves
in projects and spend a lot of time on them, maybe accidentally tuning out someone
speaking or noises in the background. Their crisis will most likely be them
accidentally letting someone else ruin a piece of their prized art. Or it might be
having their open-mindedness attacked or ridiculed, or accused of not seeing some
concrete belief or truth as real and true, or maybe simply not taking sides either
way. During their crisis of Time they may feel rushed and panicked unable to choose
the right path, they may battle with the thought that something may inevitable or
fated to happen.
> Maybe it�s inevitable that they will never be a good artist and will go on a
destructive spree, ruining all the projects they once loved because they think it
will never happen, perhaps even listening to sad music in the process. Though
eventually, if they take agency of themselves and don�t let themselves be
controlled by the whims of Space, which is also impatience as much as it is
beginnings, they will get through their crisis and be patient with themselves again
that yes, they are pretty good and they�ll get better eventually, a good end will
happen rather than a bad one. I think the goal for Bards of Time is to come to
terms with Time and the fact that it will take time, as unpleasant as it is. They
need to stop being avoidant of whatever destiny they may or may not have.

:time_aspect: __**Witch of Time:** One who Manipulates with Time or Manipulates

> A Witch of Time, like Damara, would feel rebellious against Time, the idea of
fate and patience. Their rejection that something would end or be ambiguous.
Combined with the Witch class�s natural enthusiastic confidence and optimism with
their rejection of Time�s ambiguity. You have a stubborn force to be reckoned with
for sure. They are the �don�t give a fuck� type. In terms of actual symbols like
clocks and music, you may see a Witch of Time creating or owning an unconventional
way of telling Time. Something like crazy sundials, weird-looking watches or music
that breaks the defined conventional �rules� of music.
> It may be weird, it may not work right, but it will be new and different for
sure. They might also manipulate others by repeating ambiguous things over and over
until it sounds truer. They might use someone�s fate or destiny against them. Maybe
they will manipulate someone�s memories or use the threat of destruction or
something as simple as hypnosis by music.

:time_aspect: __**Heir of Time:** One who Invites Manipulation through Time or one
who Invites Manipulation of Time.__
> An Heir of Time will have huge amounts of patience and a great instinct for how
things will end up. They naturally gravitate towards the end, destruction or
concepts of fate and destiny, because of this, they may have an interest in
ambiguous fortune-telling or astrology that predicts how you might die. They are
bad for getting stuck in ruts or doing the same things over and over out of
> They may also have a natural talent for singing or making music and most likely
will have a great internal clock or �metronome� that helps them keep the beat. They
also might be lazy or hard to inspire and get going with the way an Heir of Time
�Inherits the Time�, meaning they believe they have all the time in the world, and
they may be right. They might not be the kind of people to try new things very
often. They�re most likely to wave things off and be like, yeah the shits going to
hit the fan eventually, but not right now, so it�s fine, we can wait.
> They are prone to be manipulated by Time as well, certain moments or memories may
be used against them, the thought of their fate or destiny and what it might be, or
maybe even they get lost in music or noise and are manipulated that way. They might
have the personality of a naive spiritual saint that hopes they will make a change,
or end something wrong in the world, but doesn�t act to go through with it, it's
more of a nice thought to them.

:time_aspect: __**Mage of Time:** One who Comprehends with Time or Comprehends

> A Mage of Time might have trouble enjoying things, thinking what�s the point,
it�s going to die or break eventually anyway. They have experienced loss in some
way or another, something ended that was close to them, a life of someone dear, a
favourite clock, or maybe even the ability to sing or make music or play an
instrument. They are haunted by the knowledge of unavoidable fates and destinies.
Maybe they suffer from everything moving too fast or too slow around them. Or maybe
they were in the unique position to be able to help another through their loss and
gained the experience and understanding from that. Time also has to do with rhythms
and repetitions, patterns and routines, so they made have lived a life full of
routine and pattern, and not much variation, giving them a strong sense and
understanding of patterns, and experience recognizing all kinds of patterns within
themselves and other, either healthy or unhealthy, and have a good eye for
recognizing habits.
> Maybe they have a large annoying clock that plays annoying music that hurts their
ears, but now it�s happened so often the sound is now stuck in their heads, or
maybe they�ve gone deaf. Maybe they're haunted by a song or sound they can no
longer hear or play. It would be a surprise to see someone be unaffected by all
this, it would be likely for them to have at least a mild form of depression. They
would be extremely hard to motivate, even if they know how to do things. They would
know they�re stuck in a rut doing the same things and can�t get out of it. Maybe
they have an innate talent or natural inclination for dance or rhythm or music,
having a personal understanding of movement and tune and abstract patterns.
> They could also have the unfortunate luck to be standing around waiting for
people a lot. They also always know what Time it is, maybe because they are so used
to either accidentally being late, or having other people be late on them. They are
extremely aware of Time and may be prone to counting down the seconds until
something horrible happens. There are lots of possibilities and not all Mages of
Time would have all the same things happen to them.

:time_aspect: __**Seer of Time:** One who Invites Comprehension through Time or one
who Invites Comprehension of Time.__
> A Seer of Time wrestles with the idea of fate and destiny for sure, the ambiguity
of which Timeline is the right one? Which should they follow? What if I get it
wrong? They have trouble trusting their instincts definitely, but eventually, they
will no doubt what they know to be true. They may struggle with when to be patient
and when to act. Because they see Time, they may be able to look into the past as
well as the future and this may be where their doubt and struggles come from,
they�ve seen how things have failed in the past and are afraid they may not be any
different in the future. They will have to make tough decisions about the fate of
themselves or their party. And properly deal with what might be a harsh reality and
> They see pretty much everything in terms of how long and when things will happen.
They may even struggle with the thought of Death and what happens when you die more
so than others, the preoccupation with when and how and death making god tiering
that bit harder for them. For more literal things, they could have partial
synesthesia, the condition of mixing some of the senses, smelling noise, tasting
colours, hearing smells etc. but they would only probably be able to See Music or
Sound. They might have strange taste in music, for example with the synesthesia
only liking �Red� or �Blue� or whatever colour music/sounds, or maybe they�re just
unable to pick a favourite song, genre, singer or sound.

:time_aspect: __**Thief of Time:** One who Relocates with Time or Relocates Time.__
> A Thief of Time would have a natural talent with a musical instrument of choice,
singing ability or even conducting ability to the point of arrogance and not
admitting mistakes when they happen. They would also have an inner natural clock
that keeps them in time. They would have a talent for stealing the patience out of
others, by being annoying and persistent about whatever it is they want. They might
even claim to have a natural talent for making music, or writing lyrics, but
eventually, it�s discovered that they stole it from someone else.
> They probably have a bad habit of stealing credit for any well-made music or
well-written lyrics they come across out of jealousy. �Diva� describes them to a T
and they want a monopoly on everybody�s Time so they can perform for their friends
all the time, but end up eventually stealing away their patience for the Thief�s
antics as well. They may go so far as to try to deprive others of their destiny and
fate of being famed for musical talent out of jealousy and want. A part of this
also makes them ambiguous with the origins of their great music and songwriting.
> They might have even stolen musical instruments. They may also simply get others
to do lengthy tasks that they feel too lazy to do, thus stealing their time for
themselves that way. They may have problems with procrastination as well. Their
challenge is to take time for them to do what they want or need themselves, instead
of simply stealing it away from others to make them do it.

:time_aspect: __**Rogue of Time:** One who Invites Relocation through Time or one
who Invites Relocation of Time.__
> The Rogue of Time would first and foremost have problems coping with the concept
of fate or destiny, or that all good things must come to an end. They don�t like
the ambiguous nature of inevitability, or they may simply be unable to see what
their fate or destiny is supposed to be. They may let themselves give up on their
promising future, thinking they aren�t worthy of it or that they can�t handle it.
They don�t have any concrete answers and they struggle with the patience to learn
> Like all Rogues, they mostly keep these kinds of feelings inside in favour of
more happy things. A Rogue of Time may become preoccupied with making things that
they like last as long as they can, like wearing a favourite shirt to rags, or
using a favourite pencil until it breaks, or trying to keep a pet alive as long as
possible, things like that. They might even give up all their precious Time to
other people, trying to make relationships or friendships last as long as possible.
A Rogue of Time may be uncomfortable with certain kinds of music noises or even
silence and may try to fill it in with their own.
> They may even be uncomfortable with time, wanting to fill up every second of
their day with something and hating waiting around for anything. They might hate
waiting so much that they steal clocks to give to other people so they won�t be
late when they want them. I�d say a Rogue�s challenge is to learn to be comfortable
with their Aspect and allow the healthy parts of it to enter their lives. A Rogue
of Time must learn those good things are good, but all good things must come to an
end. The clock will stop, the song will end, but you must go on.

:time_aspect: __**Knight of Time** One who Applys with Time or Applys Time.__
> Knights of Time, like Dave Strider, are greatly skilled at using their
instinctual sense of the future and past, their patience and their natural sense of
timing as a means to an end that they wish. Also like Dave Strider, they might
severely underestimate the actual use of their abilities or they may even believe
that what they do is simply not good enough. They might be great working with
clocks and music but would always have that same sense of �it�s not good enough� or
�it could be better� motivating them to try harder and be better.
> Knights of Time might also be motivated by their sense of impending destiny or
fate to use their time more efficiently. Or to be more patient because they are
aware of how quickly Time runs out. Knights of Time might be afraid that their fate
or destiny might not be all it�s cracked up to be, Even Dave has gotten to the
point where he is afraid of not being able to change the inevitable, so he rejects
fate and destiny, even if he has the power to shape it for himself. They might
exploit memories or moments in Time to their advantage or they could exploit the
fate or destiny of a person or object.
> They might even exploit sound and music as a means to an end. To them, Time is as
much their weapon as it is their tool, their hammer, their screwdriver. They use it
in any way they can to get things done. The trick is they can only work with what
they�ve already got. They can�t destroy any previous Time and they can�t create a
new Time. Knights of Time would alternatively rush around getting lots of stuff
done or laze around wasting it depending on what would suit their needs and

:time_aspect: __**Page of Time:** One who Invites Application through Time or one
who Invites Application of Time.__
> A Page of Time would then actually like they got a grip on Time when they don�t.
They may act like they understand the concepts of fate and destiny, but will more
than likely be a little off. They may try very hard to seem to be patient and
understanding when you can see they feel impatient and don�t understand. Pages at
first give the impression that they�re not trying hard enough to get the obvious
stuff, even if they are. They might have horrible singing or musical skills but be
convinced that they�re pretty good.
> They might at first not grasp the concept that eventually everything ends or
leaves or goes away some time. They may even have very bad instincts about things
and even bad memories. They might let their fates or destinies be used against
them. Pages of Time may be a bit over destructive in their attempt to
overcompensate for not knowing when the right time to strike is. Picture someone
playing whack-a-mole, constantly missing and saying �I got this! I got this!�
unintentionally destroying things in their one-track-minded attempt to win.
> They might be convinced by someone using fake fortune-telling bullshit that their
destiny was one thing, and then head towards it full speed ahead destroying their
chance at their real destiny. Their challenge is pretty straightforward, don�t be
discouraged and practice makes perfect. Pages have the unique ability to keep
trying without really getting discouraged even it's obvious they're failing
horribly no matter what they do, but eventually all that practice and failure is
going to make them masters of their Aspect.

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