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:breath_aspect: __**Extended Zodiac Quoted Canon:**__

> Those bound to the aspect of Breath are, above all, expansive. Flexible and
driven, they leave an impact wherever they go. Like the breeze itself, they can
sweep others up to carry along in their wake, but also like the breeze, they can be
difficult to catch hold of or tie-down. Although Breath-bound does make very good
leaders, Breath tends to be a very personal aspect. Often, heroism comes along as
an offshoot of them pursuing their personal stories. They lead by example, and will
routinely be surprised that others look up to or feel inspired by them. They tend
to underestimate themselves, and not always out of poor self-esteem. They were just
doing their own thing. At their best Breath-bound are motivated, adaptable, and
forward-thinking, but at their worst, they can be volatile, avoidant, and gullible.

:breath_aspect: __**Keywords:**__ Freedom, Disconnected, Apathetic, Indifference,

Detachment, Options, Liberties, Independence, Movement, Separation, Flexibility,
Airy, Ethereal, and Intangible.

:breath_aspect: __**Symbols:**__ Pneuma, Wind, Wings/Flight, and Bubbles.

:breath_aspect: __**Maid of Breath:** One who Creates with Breath or Creates

> A Maid of Breath would start out relying on others for their freedom and
independence. Perhaps being only able to go where the people they rely on go. In
that way, they might even rely on others for movement or getting around. They might
at first tend to go along with the things or people they rely on when they say
�don�t worry about that, it doesn�t matter�. As a Breath player, they would mostly
shrug and go along with it very easily, at first unconcerned with any consequences
like having someone else make your life.
> They could very much get caught up in the flow of other people�s lives instead of
their own. When they start rising to their challenge they do a full stop on a dime
and leave. Just as easily as they went along with people, now they move and go
their own way. They follow their whims and fancies and make their directions
instead of floating along to other peoples. If at the beginning they floated along
mostly out of unconcern or maybe even laziness. Now they care more about what they
want, enjoying and having fun with life the way they please. And no one and nothing
can tell them to do otherwise. It can seem like a pretty huge heel face turn for
anyone not expecting it, but it�s a completely natural action for the Maid of
> As they get more and more freedoms and move around more and more they might get a
sense of going faster and faster, the excitement rising and lowering as their moods
change and no one can predict where they�ll go next except them. They become
completely unconcerned with what others think or want of them. They might even
totally ignore those they used to follow like they were leashed to them, their
interests have gone onto other things. But most of all they start becoming fun-
loving people, more concerned with their path than anyone else�s. They were baby
birds waiting to take flight and fly off into the sunset.

:breath_aspect: __**Sylph of Breath:** One who Invites Creation through Breath or

one who Invites Creation of Breath.__
> A Sylph of Breath is likely an easygoing fun-loving type of person. They just
want everyone to stop worrying and have fun! Start enjoying yourselves a little
more! They are the type to take you out for a fun outing NO BUTS just because they
think you need to get away from your obligations for a while or at least be more
apathetic about them rather than worrisome. They can be the type of person to build
you up and be like �Be more independent! Don�t rely on others so much, worry about
yourself and what you need!� They will try to convince you to ease up with words
like �its fun! Just try it! Nothing will fall apart!�
> Getting lost on a journey or having plans fall apart isn�t seen as something bad
or upsetting as it is seen as something new and different and exciting, "it�ll be
fine let�s just have fun with it!" They might even be the party animal type,
totally unconcerned with responsibilities or prior commitments and entirely willing
to hang out with and have fun with anyone at the drop of a hat. Very go with the
flow, full of ideas for how to expand your horizons and open your mind to new
things. Always wanting to keep moving around and do something fun like they have
restless leg syndrome. Their solution to every problem seems to be a genuine
wholehearted �we could do that, or we could do something fun!� Who cares, go do
something else, stop letting it bother you!
> They can also people who see fun and enjoyment as serious business in that it is
important, necessary and healthy to have the ability to enjoy life. They can
probably babble on and on about the benefits of fun and leisure and the top ten
ways to meditate or all the variations of different ways to play a game or sport.
They are especially good at going with the flow and flexibly adjusting activities
especially for the individual needs of any one person. They are the type of people
to see hardworking types and go �okay but you NEED some fun and relaxation in your
life! And here�s exactly how I think you should!� Reminds me of my Recreation and
Leisure Services course lol The quintessential Recreation Professional is probably
a Sylph of Breath.

:breath_aspect: __**Prince of Breath:** One who Destroys with Breath or Destroys

> A Prince of Breath would ghost Blood as they destroy Breath. They might be
passionate and committed to some cause or purpose and would be very stubbornly
focused on some sort of single-minded goal. They are good at using the connections
they have as a means to an end and can be very good at working as a team with a
group of people. They are very stubborn people as mentioned before, always making
sure they do what they want. Being simultaneously committed to their pursuits and
unwilling to let anyone hold them back from them. But in this way, they can also be
somewhat reliable, in the sense that they are predictable in what course of action
they are likely to take and when.
> Just as easily as they work with others, they can instantly separate themselves
to move forward in their own goals as they deem necessary. They're very flexible,
fast-moving fighters, dancing, twisting and jabbing at opponents from every angle
with their bodily strength. They can also be good at trapping others, or binding
them together in attachments or obligations towards them, creating a mutual
interdependence with everyone involved. They can destroy a person�s sense of
uncaring and apathy and make them passionate about a cause, likely the same one
they are passionate about. They can be very inflexible people but also very good at
uniting a group of people under the same cause, the same banner.
> Their stubborn single-minded borderline selfish causes can also leave them
disconnected and indifferent to the concerns or influence of other people. They
might even become apathetic to anything not directly related to their cause. Going
too far with these Breathy ideals can leave a Prince of Breath in danger of being
caught up in the whirlwind of their feverish daydreams and goals. If they aren�t
careful, they might end up being destroyed themselves by Breath, by all the options
they have, all the immaterial things that don�t yet exist but just maybe could one
day if they push hard enough.

:breath_aspect: __**Bard of Breath:** One who Invites Destruction through Breath or

one who Invites Destruction of Breath.__
> A Bard of Breath would have a very dependant and inflexible or stubborn
personality. They never stray too far without having some form of connection to
someone else. They loathe to do anything or make any decision without someone
else�s input or wondering about how it will affect them. They readily avoid
disconnection from others, independence and don�t bother to wonder much about their
airy daydreams of freedom and liberty. Most likely being too afraid to try, too
afraid to be truly alone.
> They don�t at first have a very strong sense of making actions without risk of
consequence because they are always too aware of how everything is interconnected
and how it�s never just one thing. This can leave them feeling very trapped at
times, but as much as they feel trapped, they feel more uneasy not having any
stable ground beneath their feet and four solid walls around them. They prefer when
everyone around them is content and united, seeing people close to them going off
and separate makes them worry about who to follow, almost as if they are pulled in
multiple directions with multiple bonds they want to strongly maintain. Their
Crisis of Breath will come when they simply can�t take the cabin fever anymore.
Worrying about every promise and consequence and obligation and responsibility
becomes too much and overloads them.
> They can think to do nothing but escape in any way they can. They might ignore
friends and family and suddenly drop all previous commitments, simply unable to
handle them anymore and go off somewhere alone, apathetic to anything except the
whims and daydreams of their minds. They might as well have dropped off the face of
the earth even! They float away, unconcerned with the worries of this material
realm and just run around doing everything and experiencing every option, wandering
around as much as they can. Eventually, they float back down to earth and back into
most but not all of their previous bonds and obligations, with a greater sense and
respect for that need to be their person and be free to do what they like instead
of what someone else likes.

:breath_aspect: __**Witch of Breath:** One who Manipulates with Breath or

Manipulates Breath.__
> A Witch of Breath would rebel against the idea of things being truly disconnected
from each other or being truly free, they might believe something or someone holds
everyone down or ties them to something, nobody truly exists in a vacuum kinda
thing. They might rebel against the idea of being truly unbiased and impartial,
acknowledging their own bias and the bias in other people as well, taking that into
account when they talk with others or make decisions. They might believe that not
everything and everyone has the right amount of freedom to do things in their
> They try to control their direction and point them to where they have more
freedom, but all the while controlling that direction themselves. They want to be
free and have fun and be in control of whenever they want to do those things, but
they also recognize that not everyone is as free as them, and so they might try to
take them along for their ride, giving them a taste of the freedom that the Witch
would enjoy, but not necessarily the kind of freedom that the person they are
dragging along would enjoy. They might even start to think that this kind of
�freedom� and this direction would even be good for the person it was directed at,
regardless of that person�s wishes.
> This is where we see where the Witch of Breath can go to the dark side, ripping
up the foundation of someone�s life in its entirety. Forcefully cutting them free
of all bonds, putting them in a whirlwind of excitement and confusion and then
setting them down somewhere lost and confused when they�re bored and had enough
fun, like Tornadoes. But Witches of Breath can be good too, they just need to
distinguish between someone unhappy and wanting freedom, and someone content to be
in their bonds and obligations.

:breath_aspect: __**Heir of Breath:** One who Invites Manipulation through Breath

or one who Invites Manipulation of Breath.__
> An Heir of Breath would have incredible emotional fortitude. They are self-driven
people and rarely let themselves be tied down by others unless they want to. They
are very compliant people but stubborn, doing things suggested by others because
they see no reason why not and because they want to. They are generally very chill,
easygoing, sort of people but have no qualms about stopping on a dime and making it
very clear when enough is enough and won't stand for it anymore. They get
distracted by various things, caught up in whims or going off on tangents as their
interests changes.
> They might have an enormous amount of apathy or laziness for things depending on
their mood. Despite their incredible emotional fortitude when it comes to the
troubles of others, they can seem at times too disconnected to the emotional
realities of others, too callous or uncaring or indifferent to other people and
their situations. They are likely to be people that are always on the move, always
doing something or entertaining some project, never staying in one place for very
long, always moving on to greater things and greener pastures. They unconsciously
or not gravitate away from things that hold them down or unite them with other
people, from passions to obligations.
> They might have trouble keeping promises or remembering commitments. They should
be careful not to disconnect entirely from people and float away, never to be seen
again. They are very concerned with their freedom to do things, not accepting
anything that tells them they can�t do something, and will often find a way to do
it anyway to spite that barrier. They can be the type to daydream their days away,
always floating along with their head in the clouds.

:breath_aspect: __**Mage of Breath:** One who Comprehends with Breath or

Comprehends Breath.__
> A Mage of Breath would experience Breath almost in its entirety. They would be
disconnected from everything and everyone, apathetic to the going on�s of the world
around them, constantly travelling or moving, never tied down to a single place.
Through these experiences they would know many things about Breath or how to be
very Breathy, you can�t catch them, they will escape every time. They know every
loophole and twist and turn and can navigate their way around even unfamiliar
territory. Mage of Breath is very good at parkour type activities. They�ve been
forcibly moved around, had their roots torn up more than once, so they�ve learned
to quickly settle into strange places or pack up shop and get out without a trace
as they need.
> They would have an underlying sadness about this kind of life though, maybe
wanting to be more connected, but their life experiences just not allowing that for
the time being. They might gravitate towards connections only to have them drift
away again, to pack up and move on once more. They understand how to give
themselves more options in almost any situation, how to place any odds in their
favour as needed. They can weasel out of anything. They would also have at heart a
very relaxed and easygoing nature, but if they aren�t constantly running then they
are still walking, still travelling, still playing, still daydreaming of the easy
life where they don�t have to worry about anything.
> They understand when situations were having too many connections to a person, too
many promises or bonds or holds from other people would drag them down too much.
Let them get caught. They are always simultaneously trying to escape every cage and
tether without being blown off the ground completely. Balancing that delicate
balance between walking and flight. This is why they are seen as high jumpers,
parkour people, never on the ground or in the air for too long. Even spending time
as an actual ghost, or having the power to turn invisible, immaterial or ghostlike
as needed.

:breath_aspect: __**Seer of Breath:** One who Invites Comprehension through Breath

or one who Invites Comprehension of Breath.__
> A Seer of Breath will likely struggle at first with the idea of being truly free
and independent. What should they disconnect themselves from? Where should they be
indifferent? Which of their freedoms and liberties should they value over others?
They would struggle with choosing what they should next, what move they take next,
which direction to go, what to say and that sort of thing. They see their paths and
options laid out before them and would struggle with the choice itself. They would
able to see the path that leads to the greatest freedom and independence, the
greatest ability to do things on your own. In comparison with a Seer of Blood
seeing the similarities, a Seer of Breath would see the differences between people.
> They would see what sets people apart from each other. A Seer of Breath might
also get their mystic visions or insight from literal words on the wind kind of
deal, having literal words whispered in their ears by the breeze or maybe even
having �A little bird" to tell them info. They would be very good listeners and get
a lot of their knowledge that way. They are also great speakers. They�re very good
at using dialogue and speech as a means to an end, like being charismatic sort of
people. Or maybe they like to take a bird�s eye view on things now and again. They
could see how far away and separated any two people were, or they know and see the
distance it would take to get from point A to point B.
> Their literal sight could also be something like being able to see immaterial or
intangible things like the breeze itself or ghosts and phantoms. They want to know
how to be truly free and independent, and they would likely also have lots of
knowledge on how to escape from any tether or cage. They are types to direct and
guide others� escapes and are probably great planners of jailbreaks and things like
that. As Breath players, they are also lighthearted, easygoing people, able to turn
anything into a joke and most concerned with their and other people�s ability to
float along and daydream to their heart's content. Perhaps it�s even through their
wandering daydreams that they get their information or ideas as well.

:breath_aspect: __**Thief of Breath:** One who Relocates with Breath or Relocates

> A Thief of Breath is very confident in their ability to be independent, they
don�t need other people to function. They are fine floating along, being detached
and generally not feeling a need for friends or promises and obligations. They do
still like having an audience however, they�ve got to show off their skills to
someone. As one who Steals Breath and thus leaves Blood in their wake, they like
having people who want them but don�t want anyone themselves. They�re more
comfortable having fans rather than real friends.
> They are truly people unable to be held down by anything, surrounding themselves
with freedom and aloofness whenever they feel like it. They are very good at being
impartial judges, not caring more for one side or another. So if they did care to
solve conflicts, they�d be a very good true neutral observer. Overall they are
generally happy, confident and very chill people. Always either relaxing somewhere
or getting excited about something happening somewhere. They can be just as
freewheeling like a tornado as they can be gently flowing on the breeze like a
floating bubble.
> The inner insecurity that they hate showing if they had one, would have to do
with their opposing Aspect Blood though. A Thief of Breath not up to snuff or just
feeling kind of down would look around and wonder if they were truly independent?
If there was anyone that cared about them at all? But their inexperience with
matters of Blood would make them feel insecure about it so they generally ignore it
or deny it and instead surround themselves with the indifferent separation that is

:breath_aspect: __**Rogue of Breath:** One who Invites Relocation through Breath or

one who Invites Relocation of Breath.__
> A Rogue of Breath at first has problems handling and coping with their true
independence or truly being free and unconnected from anyone else, so they tend to
stick close to any bonds or connections they are already in. They seem unwilling to
take their freedom at first and dismantle these connections, despite knowing they�d
be more comfortable and happier free and independent. They at first feel uneasy
just dropping everything to the freewheeling chaos of just doing what you want all
the time without a care in the world. They might also at first have problems
knowing when to just, not care about something like they might be roped into caring
about stuff they don�t care about at the risk of hurting any connections or bonds.
> They would have trouble speaking bluntly about what they want to say at first
maybe for the same reason, maybe even uncomfortably holding their tongue at times.
When a Rogue starts rising to their challenge they simply stop letting things like
that tie them down, they float away doing what they want without wondering how it
will affect others for once. It�s like taking the first breath of fresh air in a
long while. They start being indifferent or apathetic to their connections or
obligations instead of giving up their freedoms for them.
> They start enjoying what they want and doing what they want for a change. They
stop letting themselves be held back or tied down to things they didn�t want
anyway, just things they were afraid to be without for one reason or another or
used as excuses to not leave. They take back their independence with full force, no
longer needing to rely on the things they used to rely on. Maybe they decide to up
and move from where they lived until this point, new places, fresh faces, different
ground to walk on. They do new experimental stuff instead of relying on what�s
tried and true like they used to. They assert themselves more and stop letting
themselves be pulled around by any chains that they don�t want.

:breath_aspect: __**Knight of Breath:** One who Applys with Breath or Applys

> A Knight of Breath would have true independence and freedom to do whatever they
wished. They are detached and disconnected so they are not held down by obligation
or loyalty to any sides. They are truly skilled with more literal things like wind,
wings, flying and bubbles as well. They can be extremely flexible with who they
interact with and who they choose to side with, but they have a good intuition for
which direction to head in when they do. They remind me kind of like a Mercenary
for hire, a skilled warrior that doesn�t take sides in a conflict or doesn�t care
which side they are on.
> They are indifferent to any blood feuds or bonds or responsibilities though which
might not make them to most committed warriors and they consider their own hands
clean of any guilt no matter what they do, they were only hired for a job after
all. They strive hard to truly free from responsibility and be as flexible and
independent as they want, so they may only be for hire when necessary. They might
believe that the necessity to depend on others for their wants and needs is a sign
of weakness or failure.
> Anything that holds them down, holds them back, they take a sign that they aren�t
good enough or not independent enough and they try harder to be. What they fear
most of all in life is settling down, being held to obligations and losing their
flexibility, losing their free range. All they want to do in life is float and be
free and do whatever they wanna do. They are very skilled at getting out of
obligations or leaving behind bonds or relationships because of this.

:breath_aspect: __**Page of Breath:** One who Invites Application through Breath or

one who Invites Application of Breath.__
> A Page of Breath would at first act like they are independent people making their
own choices and having their free will when it�s obvious to others they have
connections and bonds and obligations that they follow whenever they appear. They
might be attached to a certain person and follow them around while acting like they
just follow them because they want to. It might be that in their quest for
independence they simply imitate another person�s independence, ironically making
themselves dependant on that person. They are all about acting and being
irresponsible, childlike and free, having fun and doing things that they want. To
the point where, as a child, they think of themselves as independent adults,
unaware of any person around them that takes on a sort of parent or guide role to
them is controlling what they do or where they go, like an innocent kid who�s
unaware of the kid leash.
> They seem to float around in a cloud of indifference or uncaring to anything that
they don�t want to pay attention to or understand. When a Page of Breath starts
rising to their challenge they start seeing and taking their independence more
seriously. They start seeing the connections that held them back that they never
saw before and deciding that they don�t need to follow them if they don�t want to.
They start seeing that they only wanted to do certain things because they felt
obligated to or promised to, not because they wanted to. They separate themselves
from obligations or promises they previously thought they chose of their own free
will. Instead, they focus only on those things they know they chose for themselves.
> They start truly becoming free and using their freedoms and liberties to help
themselves or others get ahead in life. They become truly flexible and able to move
where they want, instead of only just believing that they could. They truly become
able to let go of their earthly tethers and firm commitments, and the idea of true
freedom and disconnection from everything and truly being able to move and separate
from anything becomes second nature to them.

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