Class 4 Chapter 10: Measurement Question Bank I. Fill in The Blanks

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I. Fill in the blanks:

1. Small masses are measured in ………………… ( gram / kilogram).

2. The length of a pencil is measured in ………………. ( metre / centimetre).
3. (Mass / Length) ………………… is the amount of material an object
4. (Measuring tape / Handspan)…………………… was used in earlier times
for measurement of length.

II. Choose the correct options:

1. Fixed quantity used as standard of measurement is called a/an

a. Hand span b. Foot span c. Cubit d. Unit

2. The standard unit of length is

a. Metre b. Gram c. Litre d. Centigrade

3. Amount of material an object contains.

a. Length b. Mass c. Capacity d. Temperature

4. The measuring cylinder measures

a. Length b. Mass c. Capacity d. Temperature

III. Name the following:

1. Instrument used to measure body temperature.

2. A fixed quantity used as a standard for measurement.
3. The process of finding out the quantity of an object.
4. Standard unit to measure length.
5. Instrument used to measure capacity.
6. A clock is used to measure it.

IV. Write True or False. Correct the false statement:

1. Second is the standard unit for measuring mass

2. Hand span was used in the past to measure length.
3. Measuring tape is used to measure the length of a rope.
4. Measuring cylinder is used to measure capacity
5. We can check our height on a weighing scale.
V. Write the symbols for the following units:
1. Gram
2. Degree Celsius
3. Metre
4. Litre
5. Millilitre
6. Centimetre
7. Kilogram

VI. Answer the following in one sentence:

1. Define measurement.
2. What is length?

VII. Answer the following in two or three sentence:

1. Define capacity. What are the standard units used to measure capacity?
2. Write the steps to measure the length of a pencil using a ruler.
3. We need a standard unit for measuring things. Give reason.

VIII. Diagram based questions:

Identify and write the name of the following devices:


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