Module in General Physics 1: Linear Momentum, Impulse, and Collision

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Linear Momentum,
Impulse, and Collision

Lesson 1: Center of Mass vs. Geometric Center

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Operationally define the center of mass of an object or system of objects;
b. Differentiate the center of mass from the geometric center of an object;
c. Determine the center of mass of a system of object/s mathematically, and
d. Explain the applications of the center of mass in daily life.

The center of mass (known as CM) of an object is defined as is the point at
which the object can be balanced. Mathematically, it is the point at which the torques (or
the force that causes an object to rotate) from the mass elements of an object sum to zero.
The center of mass is useful because problems can often be simplified by treating a
collection of masses as one mass at their common center of mass. The weight of the object
then acts through this point.
The CM of an object with a uniform density can often be found without calculation,
but by instead just looking at the symmetry of the object. For a rod of uniform density, it is
intuitive that the CM will be half way along its length. We are equating the mass of the
pieces either side of the point of the balance (in this case the tip of the wedge). This is the
point at which the weight of the rod acts.

The centers of mass of different shapes are given in the illustrations.

Observations indicate that even if an object rotates, or several parts of a system of
objects move relative to one another, there is one point that moves in the same path that a
particle would move if subjected to the same net force. This point is the center of mass of
the object.
As an example, consider the motion of the center of mass of the diver in the image
below; the CM follows a parabolic path even when the diver rotates, as shown in the right
image. This is the same parabolic path that a projected particle follows when acted on only
by the force of gravity (projectile motion). Other points in the rotating diver’s body, such as
her feet or head, follow more complicated paths.

The motion of
the diver is pure translation in (a), but is translation plus rotation in (b). The black dot represents
the diver’s CM at each moment. A particle launched with the same force at same angle would follow
the same trajectory as the CM.
The center of mass for a system of two or more objects in respect with an axis in the
Cartesian plane can be determined analytically by the formula
m A x A + m B x B +…+ m n x n
xCM= (in respect with the x-axis)
m A + m B +…+ m n
m A y A + m B y B +…+ m n y n
yCM= (in respect with the y-axis)
m A + m B +…+ m n
m A z A + m B z B +…+ m n z n
zCM= (in respect with the z-axis)
m A + m B +…+ m n

Sample Problem
On a lightweight (air-filled) “banana boat,” three people of masses of 45 kg, 42 kg,
and 44 kg sit along the x axis at positions A = 1.0 m, B = 5.0 m, and C = 6.0 m measured
from the left-hand end. Find the position of the CM. Ignore the mass of the boat.
Given: mA = 45 kg; mB = 42 kg; mC = 44 kg; xA = 1.0 m, xB = 5.0 m; xc = 6.0 m
Required: center of mass
mA x A + mB x B + mC x C
mA + m B + mC
mA x A + mB x B + mC x C (45 kg)(1 m)+(42 kg)(5 m)+(44 kg)(6 m) 519 kg m
mA + m B + mC
= 45 kg + 42 kg + 44 kg = 131 kg
= 3.96 m
Answer: The center of mass is at 3.96 m from the left-hand end of the banana boat.

It is often easier to determine the CM of an

extended object experimentally rather than analytically.
If an object is suspended from any point, it will swing
due to the force of gravity on it. At the moment the
object stops from swinging, the CM will be on a vertical
line directly below the pivot point. Two find a two-
dimensional object’s CM, it need only be hung from
two (or three) different pivot points and the respective
vertical (plumb) lines drawn. Then the center of mass
will be at the intersection of the lines.
A concept similar to center of mass is center of gravity (CG). An object’s CG is that
point at which the force of gravity can be considered to act. The force of gravity actually
acts on all the different parts or particles of an object, but for purposes of determining the
translational motion of an object as a whole, we can assume that the entire weight of the
object (which is the sum of the weights of all its parts) acts at the CG . There is a
conceptual difference between the center of gravity and the center of mass, but for nearly all
practical purposes, they are at the same point.
Take note that the CM or CG of an object IS DIFFERENT from its geometric center
(the center we see on the object). In fact, the object’s CM may not be at its geometric center;
the location of CM vary change depending on the distribution of mass and the
length/distance between two points under consideration.

An object’s center of mass can be located in its geometric center if and only if the object has
a regular shape and its mass is equally distributed.
Lesson 2: Momentum, Impulse, and Momentum-Impulse Relationship

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Differentiate impulse from momentum;
b. Discuss the relationship between impulse and momentum;
c. Solve word problems involving momentum and impulse, and
d. Enumerate real-life applications of momentum and impulse.

The linear momentum (or “momentum” for short) of an object is defined as
the product of its mass and its velocity. Momentum (plural is momenta—from Latin) is
represented by the symbol p. If we let m represent the mass of an object and v represent its
velocity, then the magnitude of its momentum is defined as
p = mv
The direction of the momentum is the direction of the velocity. Because velocity depends on
the reference frame, so does momentum; thus the reference frame must be specified. The
unit for momentum is kg • m/s. There is no special name for this unit.
Everyday usage of the term momentum is in accord with the definition above.
According to the given equation, a fast-moving car has more momentum than a slow-
moving car of the same mass; a heavy truck has more momentum than a small car moving
with the same speed. The more momentum an object has, the harder it is to stop it, and the
greater effect it will have on another object if it is brought to rest by striking that object. A
football player is more likely to be stunned if tackled by a heavy opponent running at top
speed than by a lighter or slower-moving tackler. A heavy, fast-moving truck can do more
damage than a slow-moving motorcycle.
A force is required to change the momentum of an object, whether to increase the
momentum, to decrease it, or to change its direction. Newton originally stated his second
law in terms of momentum (although he called the product mv the “quantity of motion”).
Newton’s statement of the second law of motion, translated into modern language, is as
The rate of change of momentum of an object is equal to the net force applied to it.
Mathematically, the relationship between force and momentum can be defined as
∑ F= ∆t
An important physical quantity that is so much related to momentum is the impulse.
The impulse of an object is simply defined as the change in its momentum.
Mathematically, impulse can be defined as
Impulse = ∆p = F∆t = mΔv = mv 2 – mv1
Sample Problem
A 55 kg biker riding a 22 kg bicycle speeds up to 10 m/s from rest for 4 seconds.
Calculate (a) the impulse of the biker and the bicycle and (b) the force exerted by the system
to gain momentum.
Given: m = 55 kg + 22 kg = 77 kg; v1 = 0 m/s; v2 = 10 m/s; Δt = 4s
Required: Impulse, force
∆p = mv2 – mv1; F =
(a) Impulse
∆p = mv2 – mv1 = (77 kg)(10 m/s) - (77 kg)(0 m/s) = 770 kg • m/s
(b) Force
= 770
4 s
kg • m/s
= 192.5 N
Answer: The impulse is 770 kg • m/s and the force exerted by the system is 192.5 N.

Lesson 3: Law of Conservation of Momentum and Collision

Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
a. Operationally define the law of conservation of momentum;
b. Differentiate the elastic, inelastic, and perfectly inelastic collisions;
c. Solve word problems involving COM and collisions, and
d. Discuss the application of COM in road safety.

The concept of momentum is particularly important because, if no net
external force acts on a system, the total momentum of the system is a conserved quantity.
ΣF = Δp (when the time interval Δt is so small that we will neglect it)
Setting ΣF to zero, we have Δp = 0 (1)
Because Δp is a change in momentum, p f – pi = 0 (2)
Momentum p = mv, so mvf – mvi = 0 (3)
By transposition, we have mvi = mvf (4)
The fourth equation tells us that in a closed system (a system where no external
forces interact), the sum of momentum of the objects in that system remains constant.
This statement describes the Law of Conservation of Momentum.
The total momentum of an isolated system of objects remains constant.

For two solid objects colliding, the conservation of momentum can be written as
m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v’1 + m2v’2
where m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, v1 and v2 are the velocities of the two
objects before collision, and v’1 and v’2 are the velocities of the two objects after collision. The
first part of the equation, m1v1 + m2v2, represents the initial momentum (i.e., the momentum
before the collision). The second half of the equation, m1v’1 + m2v’2, represents the final
momentum (i.e., the momentum after the collision) if the masses remain intact and their
velocities change.

m1v1 m2v2 m1v’1 m2v’2

In the image above showing two balls colliding, the balls have a certain velocity (and
momentum). After the collision, the balls may move in velocities that are different from
their velocities before (i.e., a ball may move slower than the other), thus the momentum of
each ball may also differ. However, the sum of the momentum of two ball before and after
the collision is the same.

Types of Collisions
A collision occurs when one object strikes another. This is an interesting application
of the conservation of momentum as it demonstrates the said law: the sum of the velocities
of objects before collision is almost equal to the sum of the velocities of objects after
collision. Collisions can be classified into three: perfectly elastic, inelastic, and perfectly
A perfectly elastic collision happens when the total KE and the total momentum of
the objects is conserved after collision. In an ideal, perfectly elastic collision, there is no net
conversion of kinetic energy into other forms such as heat, noise, or potential energy. The
KE is just the same, therefore the velocity of the objects after collision is just the same; they
will only bounce back from one another.

m 1 m 2 m 1 m 2

v 1 v 2
v’ 1 v’

A perfectly elastic collision

In an inelastic collision, some kinetic energy is converted to another form. In fully
inelastic collisions the maximum possible kinetic energy is lost and the objects stick
together. However in many inelastic collisions this is not the case — only some kinetic
energy is lost. The objects may bounce off, but they will move at a different velocity after

Heat + Sound

m 1 m 2 m 1 m 2

v 1 v 2
v’ 1 v’
An inelastic collision
The easiest collisions to analyze are perfectly inelastic collisions, where objects stick
together after colliding. The two objects have the same final velocity, which we can
calculate by conservation of momentum. Energy is converted into other forms in the
collision, so we don't have to worry about conserving kinetic energy.

m 1 m 2 m 1 m 2

v 1 v2
An perfectly inelastic collision

Coefficient of Restitution
The coefficient of restitution (COR), also denoted by (e), is the ratio of the final to
initial relative velocity between two objects after they collide. It tells us the ratio of the total
kinetic energy that is conserved after collision. It normally ranges from 0 to 1 where 1
would be a perfectly elastic collision. A perfectly inelastic collision has a coefficient of 0, but
a 0 value does not have to be perfectly inelastic. Mathematically, the coefficient of
restitution is defined as
v'2 - v'1
e =
v 1 - v2
The value is almost always less than one due to initial translational kinetic energy
being lost to rotational kinetic energy, plastic deformation, and heat. It can be more than 1 if
there is an energy gain during the collision from a chemical reaction, a reduction in
rotational energy, or another internal energy decrease that contributes to the post-collision
Interpretation for COR values
 e is 0 = perfectly inelastic collision
 e is between 0 and 1 = inelastic collision
 e is 1 = perfectly elastic collision
 e is greater than 1 = a KE is produced during collision (which can be produced by
chemical reaction, explosion, or others)

Sample Problem
Object A, which weighs 20 kg and moves at 15 m/s, collides with object B which
weighs 30 kg and moves at 13 m/s. After collision, object B moves backward at 6 m/s.
What is the velocity of object A after collision?
Given: mA = 20 kg; mB = 30 kg; vA = 15 m/s; vB = 13 m/s; v’B = 6 m/s
Required: velocity of object A after collision (v’A)
( m A v A + m B v B )- m B v'B
mAvA + mBvB = mAv’A + mBv’B, manipulating it yields v’A =
( m A v A + m B v B )- m B v'B [(20 kg)(15 m/s)+(30 kg)(13 m/s)] - [(30 kg)(6 m/s)]
v’A = =
mA 20 kg
510 kg m/s
= = 25.5 m/s
20 kg
Answer: v’A = 25.5 m/s

How Much Did You Learn?

Solve for the unknown quantities. Use GRESA format.
1) Find the center of mass of the three-mass system shown below relative to the 1.00-kg
mass. (10 pts)

2) What is the magnitude of the

momentum of a 28-g sparrow flying with a speed of 8.4 m/s? (10 pts)
3) A 53 kg tricycle driver riding an 800 kg tricycle speeds up from 13 m/s to 25 m/s for
6 seconds. Calculate (a) the impulse of the system (the tricycle and its driver) and (b)
the force exerted by the system to gain momentum. (20 pts)
4) A truck weighing 15000 kg and moving at 20 m/s collides accidentally with an SUV
weighing 2700 kg and moving at 30 m/s. After collision, the SUV moved back with a
speed of 13 m/s? What is the velocity of the truck? (10 pts)
5) A 10,000-kg railroad car, A, traveling at a speed of 24 m/s strikes an identical car, B,
at rest. If the cars lock together as a result of the collision, what is their common
speed just afterward? (10 pts)

Think Something!

Answer the following questions concisely but substantially. ABSENCE OF


1) When you are driving, why should keep a long distance if a truck is just behind you
along the road? (5 pts)
2) In a collision between two cars, which would you expect to be more damaging to the
occupants: if the cars collide and remain together, or if the two cars collide and
rebound backward? Explain. (5 pts)
3) Cars used to be built as rigid as possible to withstand collisions. Today, though, cars
are designed to have “crumple zones” that collapse upon impact. What is the
advantage of this new design? (5 pts)

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