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Del Valle American School


Social Studies será evaluado de manera online el miércoles 8 de diciembre.

1. What is a continent?
A continent is a large solid area of land.
2. How many continents can we find in Earth?
We can find seven continents.
3. Name the seven continents.
They are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and
4. Name some countries we can find in Africa
5. What is a government?
A government is a system that makes the rules and laws that guide our country.

6. What type of government do we have in Honduras?

In Honduras,we have a republic. In a republic, citizens have the power to elect the
leaders who make the country's laws and rules.

7. How is our Republic?

Our Republic is a democracy.

8. . What is a democracy?
A democracy, the power of the government comes from the people..

9. What was the Bill of Rights?

The first ten amendments to the Constitution.
Health será evaluado el día viernes 10 de diciembre de manera online.

1.What is an emergency?
An emergency is a situation in which help is needed right away.

2. What is a family emergency plan?

Is a list of steps your family will take to stay safe during an emergency.

3. Which things do we need to do to make an Emergency plan?

• Know what could happen
• Decide an escape room
• Know Your Family Contacts
• Learn How to Turn off Utilities
• Choose two meeting places

4. What type of things can your Emergency Supply Kits Need?

• Canned fruits, vegetables. meats, and soups, plus a manual can opener.
• Plastic cups, plates, and eating utensil.
• Bottled water
• Flashlight, battery-operated radio and batteries.
• Clothes, shoes, and bedding.
• First- aid kit and medicines
La clase de science será evaluada de manera presencial el día jueves 9 de
1. What is energy?
Is the ability to cause change in matter.
2. Give examples on how we use energy?
• With energy from your muscles: you move. You pick up a book, open
a door, and toss a ball.
• Using energy from devices: you might talk on the phone, watch a
program, or go to school.
3. What can heat energy do?
Heat energy can dry clothes in a dryer or cook food in the oven.
4. What is an electric current?
Electric current is a flow of electric charges along a path.
5. What is Heat?
Is energy that transfers, or moves, between objects with different
6. Give examples of Heat energy.
• Melting butter
• Making popcorns
• Cooking an egg
• Making pancakes
7. Learn this chart

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