I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

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Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University is an innovative institution of

higher medical education. It is a government university run by the Ministry of Health.
TNMU was founded on April 12th, 1957. On July 1st, 1992, the institute was named after
Ivan Horbachevsky. He was one of the most famous scientists of his time. His work was a
revolution in medical, organic and biological chemistry. From the beginning, the institute was
developing different programs. But the biggest change happened after 1991. This year Ukraine
gained Independence. The University started moving towards the European education system.
Nowadays TNMU collaborates with some institutions from another countries. It is the first
university in Ukraine to start the American Nursing Program. TNMU trains highly qualified
specialists for the health care systems of Ukraine. The University gives knowledge about
biomedicine, pharmacology and public health. It also gives a lot of medical practice.
As for 2021, the teaching staff is over 600 professors, 102 Doctors of Science. The
university has such faculties: Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Nursing. Postgraduates can
study for a Master's Degree or a Doctorate.
Corruption in universities is a global problem. It can have different forms. Political
manipulation, favouritism, corruption in accreditation and others. Because of this, the University
has a hotline - 104. Students can call when they have any of these problems.
In 2021, Ternopil National University is holding country Rank 15th. It trains confident and
competitive professionals.

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