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English Moments

A House is not a Home

Questions and Answers :
Question 1.
Why did the writer feel awkward during his first year of high school?
Zan felt awkward because it was a new school, much bigger than his previous junior
high school. It was strange starting as a freshman after enjoying the benefits of being the
senior-most class in junior high. He also felt isolated as all his close friends had gone to
different high schools and he did not know anyone there.

Question 2.
Why did Zan continue to visit his old school?
Zan missed his teachers so much that he continued to visit them at his old school.
Moreover, it was a familiar place where he had spent many happy years. He felt isolated
in his new school without his friends.

Question 3
What does the author notice one Sunday afternoon? What is his mother’s reaction? What
does she do?
The author, while doing his homework noticed the smoke pouring in through the seams
of the ceiling. The room was filled with the smoke very quickly. The author and his
mother ran outside to save their life. His mother ran out of the house with a small metal
box full of important documents. she became so crazy that she rushed back to the house
just after dropping the box.

Question 4.
Why does he break down in tears after the fire?
The author’s house was completely burned down. Five hours later when the fire was
finally put out, he realised at once that his cat was nowhere. He had to face the loss of
old school, his house and cat. In such a state, he cried and broke down in tears.

Question 3.
Why is the author deeply embarrassed the next day in school? Which words show his
fear and insecurity?
The author was full of remorse as he was left with nothing. He didn’t have proper dress
and study material. He had no backpack. He had the feeling of insecurity. All things
appeared strange to him. He was shocked deeply and seemed frustrated.

The words uttered by him “Was I destined to be an outcast and a geek all my life? I
didn’t want to grow up, change or have to handle life, if it was to going to be this way. I
just wanted to curl up and die” reveal his fear and insecurity.

Question 4.
The cat and the author are very fond of each other. How has this been shown in the
story? Where was the cat after the fire? Who brings it back and how?
The author loved his cat very much. He never considered her far from him. She kept
sitting beside him when he did his homework and other household work. When the
author found his cat back, his happiness was beyond the limits. He grabbed her quickly
and felt relieved. This proved that they were very fond of each other.

The cat ran over a mile away when the house was on fire. A stranger lady brought it
back as there was a phone number written on the collar of the cat.

Question 5.
What actions of the schoolmates change the author’s understanding of life and people,
and comfort him emotionally? How does his loneliness vanish and how does he start
participating in life?
His schoolmates bought up school supplies, notebooks, all kinds of different clothes for
the author in order to help him. It was a matter of surprise and too difficult to believe for
him. He got emotional satisfaction. People who had never spoken, introduced
themselves one by one. All things seemed new and created his interest in life. Now, he
had all the things whatever he used to have. He started enjoying his life as usual.

Question 6.
What is the meaning of “My cat was back and so was I”? Had the author gone
anywhere? Why does he say that he is also back?
Here the author wants to point out that life without affection is useless. He was
depressed after a great loss in all fields. His old school and teachers were always in his
mind. The fire had reduced his house to ashes. His cat was also not with him. In such
circumstances he considered himself dead and had no interest in life.
In the end as soon as the conditions took the turn he felt relieved. Now he had all the
things with him. The author had not gone anywhere. It was his state of mind. He
recovered from this gloomy state and started enjoying life when he got his cat back.
Question 7
What actions of the writer’s schoolmates change his understanding of life and people,
and comfort his emotionally?
Answer:The fact that his schoolmates got together and collected school supplies,
notebooks, clothes like jeans, tops and sweatsuits for him, affected the writer deeply. He
was touched and overwhelmed that people who had never even spoken to him before
came up and introduced themselves. He got several invitations to their homes, and their
genuine outpouring of concern made him feel a little less lost and sad. He felt more
accepted and his loneliness vanished.

Question 8.
What kind of a relationship did the writer share with his mother? Give reasons to support
your answer.
Answer:The writer was very close to his mother. His father had died years ago, and the
only immediate family he had was his mother. Even though it is mentioned that there
had been times when he felt as though he hated her mother, it is clear that the fire
brought them closer. They supported each other as they rebuilt their lives, both
physically and emotionally.
The writer’s mother had run into the house to rescue her husband’s letters and photos. At
that point, the writer had been so relieved when the firemen brought his mother out
safely, that he ran up and hugged her. He accepted the changes that were inevitable as a
result of the tragedy, and supported his mother in every way he could.

Q 9 Would you call the lady who returned the cat a kind and sensitive person? Give
reasons for your answer.
Answer:Yes, the lady who returned the cat was definitely sensitive, because she allowed
the cat into her house and took care of it. She understood that it must have strayed from
its home, and needed to be cared for. Secondly, she realised that it was loved by
someone who must be desperately trying to locate it. It was very selfless and generous
on her part to try and locate the owners. She took a lot of time and trouble to reunite the
cat with its family, without expecting anything in return.

Q 1Why was the writer held back by the fireman?
Q 2 How was the writer’s mother rescued from the burning house?
Q 3How long did it take to bring the fire under control? Was the house
habitable? Give reasons for your answer.
Q 4Why does the writer say that she walked around his school like a zombie?

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