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Chapter 3: Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence in Leadership

3 dimensions of intelligence

- Intellectual Intelligence (IQ)

Intellectual Intelligence serial processing left brain

- Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)

Synchronous processing whole brain

- Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Parallel processing right brain


- Emotional
Relating to a person’s emotions

- Spiritual
Natural human need to connect with something larger than ourselves.

- Intelligence
The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills

- Leadership
The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals.
The action of leading a group of people or an organization.

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

- The ability to reason and solve problems based on the emotions we experience.

- 5 elements that define EI

Social skills

Spiritual Intelligence

- The ability to behave with compassion and wisdom while maintaining inner and outer peace
regardless of the circumstances.
- 8 themes of SI
Truth or taking people where they are
Inner directedness or integrity
Discernment or wisdom
Meaning or a sense of purpose
Serenity or inner wholeness
Consciousness or self-knowledge
Transcendence or interconnectedness

Relationship between spirituality and leadership

- Less on formal position power, more on people

- Less on conformity, more on transformation
- Less on controlling, more on partnership/collaboration/inspiration

IQ (Intellectual Quotient)

- IQ leads us to think, make cause-effect analysis, doing math, describe something and create
our level of understanding. Many people tend to use their IQ by concentrating only on those
- Characteristic
Logical and analytical ability
Problem-solving skills
Interest in reading and using language effectively
Long attention span.

EQ (Emotional Quotient)

- EQ is knowledge about knowing ourself, sensitivity to feel change in our environment and
also to estimate time, empathy, communication skill (verbal communication and non-verbal)
courageous to confess our mistakes, respect diversity, etc.
- Characteristic
Exhibits and express their feelings clearly and directly
Are able to read non-verbal communication
Are able to balance feelings with reasons, logic and reality.
Are internally self-motivated
Are emotionally expressive yet resilient.

PQ (Physical Quotient)

- PQ indicates the capacity to work through situation through your physical proves.
- That means effective and efficient use of your hand eyes coordination
- Kind of skill and flawless fluidity demonstrated by sportsman, warriors, fighters, performers,
CQ (Creativity Quotient)

- People with creativity are fluent thinker, able to generate possibilities, consequences, or
relate ideas.
- They are flexible thinkers, use many different alternatives and approaches to the problem
- They often display intellectual playfulness and like to fantasize and imagine.
- They are sensitive to beauty and are attracted to aesthetic values.

AQ (Adversity Quotient)

- The understanding and measurement of human resilience and capacity to live, work and
deal with unavoidable and undesirable circumstances.
- Like stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy.
- It entails remaining stable and maintaining our cool, stable, harmonious yet human
composure. It means maintaining healthy level of physical and psychological functions even
in the face of chaos.

SQ (Spiritual Intelligence)

- Intelligence in the form of a vertical relationship to the Creator.

- SQ is the foundation for an effective use of IQ, EQ, CQ, AQ, etc.
- IQ, EQ, CQ, AQ must lead to SQ and SQ must strengthen our IQ, EQ, PQ, CQ and AQ.
- SQ helps us to stack our principles, values, and connect our soul with our believes, our
purposes in life.
- Characteristics
Guided by its vision and mission
Able to interpret every side of life
Able to manage and survive in adversity
Holistic thinking
Establish affection

Chapter 3b

Emotional Intelligence

- Known as EI
- Ability to understand and manage our own emotions, and the people around us.
- Having emotional intelligence is essential for success to leaders.
- 5 key elements
Social skills
- Self-awareness
Being self-aware also means having a clear picture of our strength and weaknesses, and it
means behaving with humility.
How to improve: keep a journal and slow down.
- Self-regulation
It is all about staying in control.
Covers a leader’s flexibility and commitment to personal accountability.
How to improve: know your values, hold yourself accountable, practice being calm.
- Motivation
Self-motivated leaders work consistently toward their goals.
How to improve: re-examine why you’re doing your job
Know where you stand
Be hopeful and find something good
- Empathy
Leaders with empathy have the ability to put themselves in someone else’s situation.
How to improve: put yourself in someone else’s position
Pay attention to body language
Respond to feelings
- Social skills
Leaders who do well in the social skills element of EI are great communicators.
Leaders who have good social skills are also good at managing change and resolving conflicts
How to build: learn conflict resolution, improve your communication skills, learn how to
praise others.

Importance of emotional intelligence

- To have a good understanding of their own emotional states.

- To manage the stress and emotions when facing difficult situations
- To express how you feel and understand how others are feeling
- It helps to stay calm even when under pressure
- It also enables to have control over the emotions and have thoughtful discussions

Importance of emotional intelligence in leadership

- Moulds a leader to take criticism positively

- Create more connected and motivated teams
- Leading to more thoughtful and deliberate decisions
- Value their co-worker’s input and ideas
- Encourage stronger relationships and open communication

Lack of emotional intelligence

- Tend to get stress easily

- A person who holds grudges
- Often feel misunderstood
- Tend to blame other people for how they make you feel
Lack of emotional intelligence in leadership

- Create an even more stressful environment

- Effects on productivity and team cohesion
- Hinders collaboration within the organisation
- Team members don’t get along or lack motivation

Spiritual Intelligence

- Spiritual Intelligence is an ability to access higher meanings, values, and unconscious aspects
of the self and to embed these meanings, values, and purposes in living richer and more
creative lives.
- 5 principles of spiritual intelligence
Ability to reframe
Field independence

- Self-awareness
Has a sense of long-term goals and strategies
Anticipates the impact of personal actions on others
Assesses personal strengths and weaknesses in line with how others see them
- Compassion
Considers the way external stakeholders will feel about actions or decisions the organization
might take.
Is willing to make time to help others
- Field independence
Listens to the views of others but is always prepared to take responsibility for personal
decisions and actions
Is prepared to fight for a personal point of view when sure of its correctness
- Humility
Looks to give others credit for their knowledge and achievements
Is prepared to explore what can be learned from personal mistakes
Defers to the greater knowledge or experience of others
- Ability to reframe
Brings a variety of approaches to problem-solving tasks
Is prepared to let go of previously held ideas when these clearly are not working
Seeks to broaden experience by taking on tasks outside of comfort zone

Importance of spiritual intelligence

- Understand the purpose of our existence and see things as they really are
- Increased ability to pick out the actions, experiences, beliefs and values that create greater
meaning and purpose
- Expands our ability to understand our eternal natures
- To be fully engaged in becoming the best you
Importance of spiritual intelligence in leadership

- Leaders can create a more effective relationships with employees

- A work place with less ego induced drama
- A strong commitment to the company mission
- A culture of high ethics
- People who work hard but with less stress

Lack of spiritual intelligence

- Lack of understanding things that happens

- A person with full ego
- Lack of anger management
- Lack in understanding others
- Lack in seeing the best in you
- Lack in seeing good things in other people

Lack of spiritual intelligence in leadership

- One is not able to control their anger when facing problems

- A work place with ego-induced drama
- Low ethics surrounding
- People who work hard under stress
- Unable to tolerate with other people’s opinion

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