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(5x12=60 marks)

21.a)form partial differential equation dy eliminating the arbitary functions f and g in z=x square f(y)+y
square g(x)

b)find the singular integral of z=px+qy+2 root of pq.

22.a)solve p square + q square =x square + y square.

b)solve(D cube-4D square D'+ 4DD')z=6 sin(3x+6y)

23.find the fourier series of f(x)=x in (0,pie)

24.a)obtain the half range cosine series for f(x)=cosax in -pie

25.A string is stretched and fastened to two points l apart.Motion is started displacing the string into the
form of the curve y=k(lx=x square) and then released from rest in this position.find the displacement

26.find the steady state temperature distribution in a square plate bounded by the lines
x=0,y=0,x=20,y=20,.it's surfaces are in sulated satisfying the boundary conditions

27.a)find the fourier transform of f(x)={x,|x|0,|x|>a}

b)evaluate integral 0 to infinity dx/(x square + a square )(x square + b square) using transforms

28.solve the difference equation using Z transform method:

y base n+2-3 base n+1 + 2y base n=n2 power n givwn that y(0)=0,y(1)=0.

PART-B (5x12=60 marks)

21.a)form partial differential equation dy eliminating the arbitary functions f and g in z=x square f(y)+y square g(x)
b)find the singular integral of z=px+qy+2 root of pq.
22.a)solve p square + q square =x square + y square.
b)solve(D cube-4D square D'+ 4DD')z=6 sin(3x+6y)
23.find the fourier series of f(x)=x in (0,pie)
24.a)obtain the half range cosine series for f(x)=cosax in -pie
25.A string is stretched and fastened to two points l apart.Motion is started displacing the string into the form of the
curve y=k(lx=x square) and then released from rest in this position.find the displacement y(x,t).
26.find the steady state temperature distribution in a square plate bounded by the lines x=0,y=0,x=20,y=20,.it's
surfaces are in sulated satisfying the boundary conditions U(0,y)=U(20,y)=U(x,20)=x(20-x).
27.a)find the fourier transform of f(x)={x,|x|
b)evaluate integral 0 to infinity dx/(x square + a square )(x square + b square) using transforms
28.solve the difference equation using Z transform method:
y base n+2-3 base n+1 + 2y base n=n2 power n givwn that y(0)=0,y(1)=0.



TIME:3 Hours Max.Marks:100



1.Form partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitary constants from z=ax+by+a

2.solve p+q=4.


4.findthe P.I of(D-4DD')z=e

5.state the dirichlet's conditions for the existence of Fourier series for f(x).

6.write the formulae for Fourier constants for f(x)in the interval (-1,2).

7.obtain the sine series fo the unity in (0,3).

8.if f(x)=|x| expanded as a Foutrier series in 0<4,find a.

9.Explain the method of separation of variables.

10.state the assumptions made in the derivation of one dimentional wave equation.

11.state one dimentional heat equation with the initial boundary conditions.

12.when the ends of the road 20 cm are maintained at the temperature 283k and 293k respectively until
steady state prevailed.determine the steady state temperature of the rod.
13.state the Fourier integral theorem

14.find the sine transform of e power -x.

15.state shifting theorem on fourier transform.

16.state convolution theorem for fourier transform.

17.prove that z(a power n)=z/z-a

18.find Z(sinat)

19.find Z power -1[z power 2/(z-a) power 2.

20.state the final value theorem on Z transforms


(5x12=60 marks)

21.a)form partial differential equation dy eliminating the arbitary functions f and g in z=x square f(y)+y
square g(x)

b)find the singular integral of z=px+qy+2 root of pq.

22.a)solve p square + q square =x square + y square.

b)solve(D cube-4D square D'+ 4DD')z=6 sin(3x+6y)

23.find the fourier series of f(x)=x in (0,pie)

24.a)obtain the half range cosine series for f(x)=cosax in -pie

25.A string is stretched and fastened to two points l apart.Motion is started displacing the string into the
form of the curve y=k(lx=x square) and then released from rest in this position.find the displacement

26.find the steady state temperature distribution in a square plate bounded by the lines
x=0,y=0,x=20,y=20,.it's surfaces are in sulated satisfying the boundary conditions

27.a)find the fourier transform of f(x)={x,|x|

b)evaluate integral 0 to infinity dx/(x square + a square )(x square + b square) using transforms

28.solve the difference equation using Z transform method:

y base n+2-3 base n+1 + 2y base n=n2 power n givwn that y(0)=0,y(1)=0.



TIME:3 Hours Max.Marks:100



1.Form partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitary constants from z=ax+by+a

2.solve p+q=4.


4.findthe P.I of(D-4DD')z=e

5.state the dirichlet's conditions for the existence of Fourier series for f(x).

6.write the formulae for Fourier constants for f(x)in the interval (-1,2).

7.obtain the sine series fo the unity in (0,3).

8.if f(x)=|x| expanded as a Foutrier series in 0<4,find a.

9.Explain the method of separation of variables.

10.state the assumptions made in the derivation of one dimentional wave equation.

11.state one dimentional heat equation with the initial boundary conditions.

12.when the ends of the road 20 cm are maintained at the temperature 283k and 293k respectively until
steady state prevailed.determine the steady state temperature of the rod.

13.state the Fourier integral theorem

14.find the sine transform of e power -x.

15.state shifting theorem on fourier transform.

16.state convolution theorem for fourier transform.

17.prove that z(a power n)=z/z-a

18.find Z(sinat)

19.find Z power -1[z power 2/(z-a) power 2.

20.state the final value theorem on Z transforms


(5x12=60 marks)

21.a)form partial differential equation dy eliminating the arbitary functions f and g in z=x square f(y)+y
square g(x)

b)find the singular integral of z=px+qy+2 root of pq.

22.a)solve p square + q square =x square + y square.

b)solve(D cube-4D square D'+ 4DD')z=6 sin(3x+6y)

23.find the fourier series of f(x)=x in (0,pie)

24.a)obtain the half range cosine series for f(x)=cosax in -pie

25.A string is stretched and fastened to two points l apart.Motion is started displacing the string into the
form of the curve y=k(lx=x square) and then released from rest in this position.find the displacement
26.find the steady state temperature distribution in a square plate bounded by the lines
x=0,y=0,x=20,y=20,.it's surfaces are in sulated satisfying the boundary conditions

27.a)find the fourier transform of f(x)={x,|x|


b)evaluate integral 0 to infinity dx/(x square + a square )(x square + b square) using transforms

28.solve the difference equation using Z transform method:

y base n+2-3 base n+1 + 2y base n=n2 power n givwn that y(0)=0,y(1)=0.

Written by

Thursday, 05 November 2009 19:29

2007 Anna University B.E Computer Science ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS III Question paper



TIME:3 Hours Max.Marks:100



1.Form partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitary constants from z=ax+by+a

2.solve p+q=4.

4.findthe P.I of(D-4DD')z=e

5.state the dirichlet's conditions for the existence of Fourier series for f(x).

6.write the formulae for Fourier constants for f(x)in the interval (-1,2).

7.obtain the sine series fo the unity in (0,3).

8.if f(x)=|x| expanded as a Foutrier series in 0<4,find a.

9.Explain the method of separation of variables.

10.state the assumptions made in the derivation of one dimentional wave equation.

11.state one dimentional heat equation with the initial boundary conditions.

12.when the ends of the road 20 cm are maintained at the temperature 283k and 293k respectively until
steady state prevailed.determine the steady state temperature of the rod.

13.state the Fourier integral theorem

14.find the sine transform of e power -x.

15.state shifting theorem on fourier transform.

16.state convolution theorem for fourier transform.

17.prove that z(a power n)=z/z-a

18.find Z(sinat)

19.find Z power -1[z power 2/(z-a) power 2.

20.state the final value theorem on Z transforms


(5x12=60 marks)

21.a)form partial differential equation dy eliminating the arbitary functions f and g in z=x square f(y)+y
square g(x)

b)find the singular integral of z=px+qy+2 root of pq.

22.a)solve p square + q square =x square + y square.

b)solve(D cube-4D square D'+ 4DD')z=6 sin(3x+6y)

23.find the fourier series of f(x)=x in (0,pie)

24.a)obtain the half range cosine series for f(x)=cosax in -pie

25.A string is stretched and fastened to two points l apart.Motion is started displacing the string into the
form of the curve y=k(lx=x square) and then released from rest in this position.find the displacement

26.find the steady state temperature distribution in a square plate bounded by the lines
x=0,y=0,x=20,y=20,.it's surfaces are in sulated satisfying the boundary conditions

27.a)find the fourier transform of f(x)={x,|x|


b)evaluate integral 0 to infinity dx/(x square + a square )(x square + b square) using transforms

28.solve the difference equation using Z transform method:

y base n+2-3 base n+1 + 2y base n=n2 power n givwn that y(0)=0,y(1)=0.

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