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Conditional Sentences With If 20.

If Napoleon had not been a strong man,

people would not have called him ‘ Lion of
Type 1 To express hope that may happen the field’
under certain condition in the present 21. If Churchill had not worked hard for Britain,
or future time. he would not have become famous
Example 22. If Napoleon had not taken the crown from
Fact It is possible for Pangki to have a lot of the pope’s hand, the pope would have
money, and install telephone at his crowned him
Conditional sentence Write the conditional sentence of the
If Pangki has a lot of money, he will following sentences.
install telephone at his home.
Type 2 To express hope which is on the
contrary to present fact 23. You don’t join the trip to Yogya because your
Example parent don’t give you permission.
Fact There is television, so people can watch 24. You have a stomachache because you miss
many programs. your breakfast.
Conditional sentence 25. You get lose because you don’t have a map
If there were not any television, people with you.
could not see a lot of program. 26. You are in trouble because you never listen
Type 3 To express hope which was on the to your parent’s advice.
contrary to past fact. 27. You lose your bag that you left in the car
Example because you forget to lock the car
Fact There was not any satellite, so ancient 28. It is possible for her to be a doctor, because
people could not watch TV. she studies at faculty of medicine.
Conditional sentence 29. It is possible for us to finish our lecture on
If there had been any satellite, ancient time, because we study hard.
people could/would have watched TV. 30. It is possible for him to join army, because
he has a healthy body.
Exercises 31. It is possible for Dedi to be chosen a leader,
Complete the following sentences. because he has all the qualification.
32. She did not study hard , so she failed the
1. I don’t teach this class . If ……………., I test.
would recognize all the students in the class. 33. They were not able to climb Mount Semeru,
2. He is not here. If ………….he would help us. because it rained hard.
3. I am not you. If ……., I would accept the 34. The pope did not crown Napoleon, because
invitation. Napoleon took the crown from his hand.
4. I did not have enough money., but if ……….I 35. Alexander sometimes wore Persian clothe,
would have bought that motorcycle because he married Persian Princess.
5. I was not a good cook. If I ……………..., I
would have made all of my own meals. Example: If I (know) about your plan, I (ask) him
6. Mr. X retired last year. If he …………., he to come last night.
would have continued his program.
7. I have to go to class this afternoon. If If I had known about your plan, I
…………….I would go downtown with you. would have asked him to come last
8. He is busy right now, but if he …………., he night
would help you.
9. The weather is cold today, but if it Change the following sentences like
……………..., I would go swimming . the example.
10. She does not come, but if she ……….,she
would meet my brother. 35. The teacher (give) me a better mark, if I (not
11. Dina goes around everyday. If Dina make) so many mistake in the test.
……………., she would get good mark. 36. If she (do) as she was told yesterday, her
parent (not be) angry with her.
Write down their meanings/facts. 37. If the weather (not be) so bad, they (go) to
the beach this morning.
12. We would not miss the attraction if we were 38. Where would you (spend) your holiday last
not late. Christmas if you (have) more money?
13. If she did not get married at eighteen, she 39. What (happen) to these plant if it (not rain)
would be a tennis player. last year?
14. If it did not rain, we would play tennis 40. If they (not wake up) late yesterday, they
15. If I knew her name, I would call her (not miss) the train.
16. If I could play the guitar, I would make a
17. If she works hard, she will earn a lot of
18. If you do not study, you will fail.
19. If it rains all day, there will be flood.

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