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Demographic Sheet

1. Name: 2. Age:

3. Class:

4. Gender: Male Female

5. Religion: Islam Christianity Jewish Any Other

6 .No. of Siblings: 7. Birth Order:

8. Family System: Joint Nuclear

9. Monthly Family Income:

10. Is your Father Alive? Yes No

11. Father’s Age:

12. Father’s Education: Matriculation F.A/ F.Sc. B.A / B.Sc.

M.A/M.Sc. Diploma/ Technical Education

13. Father’s Occupation:

14. Is your Mother Alive? Yes No

15. Mother’s Age:

16. Mother’s Education: Matriculation F.A/ F.Sc. B.A / B.Sc.

M.A/M.Sc. Diploma/ Technical Education

17. Mother’s Occupation:

18. With whom do you share most of your secrets / events?

Mother Father Friend Siblings

19. No. of hours spent studying each day

20. Grades obtained in the previous class:

21. Grades obtained in recent exam:

22. Who teaches you at home?

23. Who helps you in your studies?

24. Who helps you in preparation for exams?

For the following statements please choose the answers which are most relevant to your parents.

Statement Always Never Sometimes

Do you study any books other than your curriculum’s
Do you buy books other than your curriculum?
Do your parents motivate you to go to library and study any
books other than your Curriculum?
Do your parents encourage you to participate in
extracurricular activities?
Do your parents have friendly discussions with you at
How frequently do your parents attend Parent Teacher
Meetings (PTM) at School
Do your parents show concern about your grades /
performance in School?

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