Contoh Soal Up Ada Jawaban

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To answer the following test item, you will have to read the related short texts.

Each is followed by one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked
A, B, C, and D – to each question.
On one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a tiny unicycle–a gift I
received last year from a close friend. The clown’s short yellow hair, made of yarn,
covers its ears but is parted above the eyes. The blue eyes are outlined in black with
thin, dark lashes. It has cherry-red cheeks, nose, and lips, and its grin disappears into
the white ruffle around its neck. The clown wears a nylon costume. The left side of
the outfit is light blue, and the right side is red. The two colors merge in a dark line.
The white spokes on the wheels of the unicycle gather in the center and expand to
the black tire so that the wheel somewhat resembles the inner half of a grapefruit.
The clown and unicycle together stand about a foot high. As a cherished gift from
my good friend, this colorful figure greets me with a smile every time I enter my
1. What does the paragraph mainly talk about?
a. A unicycle c. A toy clown
b. My dresser d. A close friend

2. The word “figure” in the last sentence refers to ….

a. The clown’s toy c. The clown
b. The number d. The outfit

3. What is said about the tire of the unicycle?

a. It is similar to the inner half of the grape
b. It looks like the inner half of a grapefruit.
c. It is a tiny as the center of a grapefruit
d. It resembles a tire of a real bicycle

4. Fill in the blank spaces in the passage that follows with the best option
(1) …………………. First of all, celebrities have to look almost perfect all the time.
There is always a photographer ready to take an unflattering picture of a famous
person looking clumpy in old clothes. Celebrity also as office their private lives.
Their personal struggles, divorces, or family tragedies all and up as front-page news.
Last and most frightening of all celebrities are in constant danger of the wrong kind
of attention. Threatening letters and even physical attacks from crazy fans are things
a celebrity must contend with.
a. Being a celebrity is often difficult.
b. Celebrities should always look perfect.
c. Celebrities need three things to be important.
d. There are three reasons to become celebrity.
To answer the following text items, you will have to read the related short texts. Each is
followed by one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, and
D – to each question.

5. The graph is most probably written for the purpose of …..

a. Comparing the statistical data about how sweet food produces acid
b. Informing why sweet food consumption is different among people
c. Showing the levels of acid and the possible teeth risks
d. Describing fruit sugar, cane sugar, and honey

6. The graph mainly indicates…

a. The amount of sweet food consumed by people
b. The causes and effects of consuming sweet food
c. The levels of tooth decay caused by fruit sugar, cane sugar, and honey
d. The time levels produced when consuming fruit sugar, cane sugar, and honey

7. It is concluded from the graph that …

a. Fruit sugar, cane sugar, and honey are the most harmful for tooth
b. Consuming fruit sugar is more dangerous than cane sugar
c. Tooth decay will occur when sweet food is eaten together
d. All sweet food can cause tooth decay

8. What is the most suitable antonym of the underlined words in the passage that
The currently (1) accepted theory of the universe’s formation is called the Big Bang
theory. The explosion caused the formation matter and energy in the universe. The
universe had been (2) expanding and cooling since the big bang. Most galaxies are
moving (3) further away from our Milky Way galaxy. The exceptions are the few
galaxies that are close enough to the Milky Way.
a. Refuted
b. Refused c. Rejected
d. Reported
9. What is the most suitable antonym of the underlined words in the passage that
follows? (2) =
a. Shrinking c. Diminishing
b. Simmering d. Compressing

10. What is the most suitable antonym of the underlined words in the passage that
(3)= …………………..
a. Closer c. Longer
b. Fewer d. Narrower

Fill in the blank spaces in the passage that follows with the best option
In 2009, I set off on a long journey. As I left my house, my neighbor shouted, ‘Good
luck!’ I didn’t know at that moment that I would not see him again for three years. I
boarded the plane at Heathrow, and soon it (1) ……………..for Malaysia. When we
touched down in Kuala Lumpur, I couldn’t wait to (2) ……………….the plane. I
took a bus to the city center and spent the night at a youth hostel. The first person I
met was someone I had been at school with years ago. ‘It’s a small world!’ he said
when he saw me.

11. The appropriate phrasal verb for the blank (1) in the text is ….
a. Took off c. Came across
b. Got on d. Left behind

12. The appropriate phrasal verb for the blank (2) in the text is ….
a. put on c. go through
b. get off d. pull over

Fill in the blank spaces in the passage that follows with the best option.
Built in 1889, the Eiffel Tower has become both a global lean of France and one
of the most recognizable buildings in the world. Millions of people visit it every year.
The engineer Gustave Eiffel came up with his name for this tower.
The tower is 324 meters (1.063 ft) tall and as high as an 81-story building. Upon
its completion, it is higher than the Washington Monument to assume the title of the
last man-made structure in the world, a tittle it held for 41 years, (2) ____________.
Due to the additional in 1957 of the antenna, the tower is now higher than the
Chrysler Building.
13. (1) = ……….
a. The tower entrance was built as the arch to the 1889 World’s Fair
b. The tower was the entrance built as arch to the 1889 World’s Fair
c. The entrance was built as the arch tower to the 1889 World’s Fair
d. The tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World’s Fair

14. (2) = ………….

a. Until the Chrystler was building New York City built in 1930
b. Until the Chrystler building in New York City was built in 1930
c. Until the Chrystler was building in New York City was built in 1930
d. Until the Chrystler was built in New York City was building in 1930
Fill in the blank spaces in the passage that follows with the best option

The purpose of this report is to learn about the facilities and the services provided at the
Bridge hotel for our travel agency. First of all, the hotel offers a variety of facilities.
There is a cozy café, a dinner hall, a large pool, a tennis court and a luxurious spa. There
is also a shop on the hotel premises where you can buy souvenirs and small gifts, (1)
……………, the hotel offers a variety of activities especially during winter months.
But, the basic problem is that both the spa and the tennis court are closed to the public
(2) …………… there is not enough equipment and staff. As far as the staff is
concerned, they are very friendly and ready to help guests with any problems that might
occur. (3) ……………, they do not always know exactly what they should do because
they do not have enough experience.

15. (1) = ………

a. Besides, c. Consequently,
b. Therefore, d. On the other hand,

16. (2) = ………..

a. if c. because
b. when d. although

17. (3) = ………..

a. Due to other fact, c. However,
b. As a result, d. Likewise

To answer the following test item, you will have to read the related short texts.
Each is followed by one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked
A, B, C, and D – to each question.
In 1519, Hermando Cortez led his army of Spanish Conquistadors into
Mexico. Equipped with horses, shining armor, and the most advanced weapons
of the sixteenth century, he fought his way from the flat coastal area into the
mountains highlands. Cortez was looking for gold. And he was sure that Indian
groups in Mexico had mined large amounts of the precious metal. First, he
conquered the groups and then seized their precious gold. His method was very
Initially, Cortez defeated the Tiascalans, and then formed an alliance with
them to defeat the Aztecs, their enemies. Because of an Aztec prophecy about
the return of Quetzecoad a legendary god-king who was light skinned and
bearded, Cortez was believed to be a god and was received by the Aztecs with
honor. Later, this warm welcome turned to mistrust and hatred when the
Spaniards mistreated the Aztec people. Eventually, the Aztec capital,
Tenochtitlan, fell to the Spaniards. Cortez had Tenochtitlan razed and built
Mexico City on its ruins.
18. According to the passage, the Aztecs can be defeated by Cortez because of the
following circumstances, EXCEPT….
a. The Aztecs believed that Cortez c. Cortez made alliances with the
was a god Aztecs’ enemies
b. The Conquistadors possessed a d. The Aztecs had large amounts of
lot of weapons gold and metal
19. Which of the following sayings should the Aztecs have paid attention?
a. Seeing is believing c. There is no place like home
b. Beware of strangers d. A friend in need is a friend indeed

20. It is concluded from the passage that…..

a. Cortez and his army also used c. The Aztecs outnumbered the
god’s powers Spanish
b. The Aztecs were too hasty to d. Cortez was calm and friendly
accept Cortez
To answer the following test item, you will have to read the related short texts. Each is
followed by one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, and D –
to each question.

Dr. Magill has more than 20 years’ experience in nuclear science and is
the author of four books, more than 150 scientific publications and 10 patents.
Following a Ph.D. in computer simulation of laser driven fusion
processes, he took up a position as theoretical physicist with the European
Commission. He is one of the pioneers of the field of laser nuclear science in
which nuclear reactions are induced by lasers – thereby offering a simple and
inexpensive way of studying nuclear processes without a nuclear reactor or
particle accelerator. Dr. Magill was a member of the Technical Working group
on ADS and is one of the authors of the report: “A European Roadmap for
Accelerator Driven Systems for Nuclear Waste Transmutation”. He has acted as
consultant to the IAEA in Vienna on Partitioning and Transmutation of Nuclear
Waste, and coordinated a European benchmark exercise on radio toxicity of
spent nuclear fuel. Dr. Magill is an author on radiochemistry and nuclear
chemistry in the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems or EOLSS, an
interdisciplinary encyclopedia sponsored by UNESCO.
He is currently sector head of Advanced Nuclear Studies and action
leader for Knowledge Management, Education and Training at the Joint
Research Centre in Karlsruhe, Germany. Dr. Magill is also the JRC
representative on Education, Training and Knowledge Management working
group of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP).
He is the originator of Nuclides 2000,, and the Nucleonic
Nuclear Science Portal. Since 2003 he has been responsible for the organization
of nuclear science training courses based on the use of this internet technology.
His current activities also include the management of the Karlsruhe Nuclide
Chart –and the publication of the latest 7th edition.

21. Dr.Magill started to become an expert in nuclear science when he……..

a. Took a Ph.D. in computer simulation of laser driven fusion processes
b. Was one of the pioneers of the field of laser nuclear science
c. Was a member of the technical working group on ADS
d. Wrote books and articles about nuclear science

22. It can be inferred from the passage that……

a. Nuclear is important, but dangerous for life
b. Laser made nuclear reactions uncompleted and cheap
c. Dr. Magill worked alone to develop laser nuclear
d. Dr. Magill was popular because of his nuclear organization

23. Which of the followings describe Dr. Magill?

a. He is active productive c. He is temperamental and helpful
b. He is philosophical and curious d. He is rich and responsible

24. In order to form a sound paragraph, the following sentences can be arranged into…
1. For example, books typically cost between $100 and $500 each term. 
2. Paper, notebooks, writing utensils, and other supplies required often cost more at
the college bookstore than at any local discount department store.
3. Going to college can be expensive
4. For instance, a package of notepaper costing $2 at a discount store might cost $5
at a college bookstore.
5.  First, college tuition and room and board can cost anywhere from $2,000 to
more than $10,000 per semester.
6. Other expenses make going to college even more expensive
7. Second, materials are also very expensive. 
8. A college student might have to pay a $50 insurance fee, a $20 activity fee, a
$15 fee to the student government association and anywhere from $500 to $100
for parking. There is another fee if a student decides to add or drop classes after
registration. The fees required to attend college never seem to end.  
9. Finally, there are all kinds of special fees added onto the bill at registration
a. 423156789 c. 467483591
b. 468192537 d. 356172498

25. Which of the following sentence is grammatically correct?

a. As fast as you left yesterday, the postman would deliver the mall
b. Your friend will not have come here until after you will have come here
c. The sooner you get the work done, you will get paid the faster
d. I will have been home by the time you call me this afternoon

26. Which of the following sentence is grammatically correct?

a. The book whose some chapters were written by the professor was a best seller
b. The money that you found belonged to the person which came here
c. The fly which had been buzzing around Sam’s head landed on whose cake
d. The girl whose leg was bruised in the soccer game is my friend’s sister

27. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

a. If you have read this sentence carefully, you will have known what to do.
b. If you would read this sentence carefully, you have known what to do.
c. If you read this sentence very carefully, you would know what to do.
d. If you had read this sentence carefully, you would know what to do.

28. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

a. My uncle, whom was born at Brazil, has always been a great traveller.
b. My uncle, who was born in Brazil, has always been a great traveller.
c. I had an uncle in Germany, from which I inherited a bit of money.
d. This is George’s brother, with who I went to school.


When using electric appliance, basic safety should be followed, including the
To reduce an appliance should never be left unattended when plugged in
Warning – To reduce the risk of burn, fire, electric shock, or injury to person:
1) Do not allow to be used as a toy
2) Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this manual
3) Never operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug
4) Never operate this appliance with any air openings blocked
5) Keep fingers away from all moving parts
6) Always use proper needle plate
7) Do not use bent needles
8) Do not pull or push fabric while stitching as it may defect the needle causing it
to break
9) Switch the sewing machine off when making any adjustments in the needle area.
10) To disconnect, turn all controls to the off position then remove the plug from the
11) Do not unplug by pulling on cord; grasp the plug, not the cord
12) The sound pressure level under the normal operating conditions is 75dB.

29. What would be the most appropriate cohesive device to be used between no. 11
and 12 of the passage?
a. Finally c. Moreover
b. Similarly d. Particularly

30. What would the passage step provided in this manual most probably be about?
a. How to utilize the sewing machine
b. How to assemble the sewing machine
c. How to save the instruction manual
d. How to use the instruction manual

31. The word “it” in “causing it to break” refers to …..

a. Appliance c. Safety
b. Warning d. Fabric

32. Find out the meaning of the underlined clause / phrase

Kevin : Just heard that there’s a problem with the company’s computers and we
won’t be paid until next week
Steve : Oh no! I won’t be able to pay my rent on time. What am I going to do?
Kevin : Hahaha I’m just pulling your leg. The computers are working
a. playing a joke
b. examining the leg
c. solving the problem
d. making something worse

33. Find out the meaning of the underlined clause/phrase.

Jane : thank you so much for changing my tire. I have no idea how to do it.
Pete : No problem, when you have been a mechanics for 30 years. Changing a
tire is a piece of cake!

a. It is difficult to do c. It is easy to do
b. It is interesting to do d. It is possible to

34. Find out the meaning of the underlined clause/phrase.

Paul : Jack I need your help. Susie told me I either have to stop smoking or
she is going to break up with me. I really love smoking but I do not
want to lose Susie. What should I do?
Jack : Wow Paul, I do not know what to say. You’re really caught between a
rock and a hard place!
a. Having many choices c. Finding two alternatives
b. Doing a good decision d. Facing a difficult situation
To answer the following test item, you will have to read the related short texts.
Each is followed by one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked
A, B, C, and D – to each question.
Yesterday, my family and I went to the National zoo and aquarium to visit the
new Snow Cubs and the other animals.
In the morning, when we got to the zoo and aquarium there was a great big line,
so we had to wait awhile to get in.
After we entered the zoo, we went straight to the enclosure for the Snow Cubs.
My brother and I were so excited to see them. They were so cute and playful.
At lunch time Dad decided to cook a BBQ. He cooked a sausage so we could
have sausage sandwiches. Mum forgot the tomato sauce so we had to eat them plain.
In the afternoon, we visited the aquarium. My brother was excited to see the
sharks and the tropical fish.
At the end of the day when we left we were going to go and get ice cream but
we decided we were too tired so we drove straight home.

35. What is the text about?

a. My family trip to visit Snow Cubs and other animals
b. An exciting visit to the aquarium with my brother
c. Our lunchtime with Dad and Mum cooking a BBQ
d. A trip to the National Zoo and Aquarium

36. What did they not bring to eat?

a. Sausages c. Sandwiches
b. Ice cream d. Tomato sauce

37. Based on the passage, the word “them” in paragraph four refers to ….
a. Snow cubs c. Sausage sandwich
b. Other animals d. Sharks and tropical fish

38. Fill the blank spaces in the passage than follows with the best option.
California is the most wonderful place to visit because of its weather and its
beautiful nature. Visitors to California can find any weather they like, cool
temperatures in the summer and warm weather in the winter. They can also find the
nature they like. They can see mountains and green lands. Visitors can enjoy a huge
forest and a beautiful coast at the same time. (1)………..
(1) = ………………..
a. So, you can do different activities in the winter in California
b. So, the high mountains and forests affect the weather of California a lot
c. So, California’s weather and beautiful nature make it a fantastic place to
d. So, the warm weather and beautiful coast help you have the best holiday
To answer the following test item, you will have to read the related short texts.
Each is followed by one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked
A, B, C, and D – to each question.
Severe storms happen in low-pressure weather systems. Warm, wet air begins rising
into the air. The higher it rises, the cooler it becomes. Water vapor in the air forms
drops, a process called condensation. The drops join together to form clouds, and then
precipitation of some kind (rain, sleet, snow, or hail) will fall down to Earth’s surface.
Although conditions must be very specific for a thunderstorm to develop,
thunderstorms remain the most common kind of extreme weather. Before a
thunderstorm can develop, there have to be three conditions present: the air has to be
full of moisture, there must be either an intensely heated portion of Earth’s surface
sending warm air up quickly or an approaching cold front, and the warm air that is
rising must be warm enough to stay warmer than the air it passes through as it rises. The
moisture in the rising air condenses, clouds form and a storm begins.
A cold front happens when cold air is moving near the surface of Earth, and it
pushes warm air up very quickly. This is often the beginning of a thunderstorm. Clouds
form, and heavy rains begin falling. Opposite electrical charges inside storm clouds
separate, causing lightning to flash towards Earth. Lightning has enough energy to heat
the air all around it. This sudden burst of heat is what causes the noise we know as
thunder. Thunderstorms often bring disasters with them, including floods, fires caused
by lightning, damage from hailstones or strong winds, and even tornadoes.

39. The authors purpose of writing the passage is most likely to explain ….
a. The different types of storms d. Maaf bu fatih hari ini Ijin
b. The thunderstorm conditions e. Tdk masukThe elements of
c. The condensation of disasters

40. Paragraph 2 mainly discusses a topic on ….

a. The moisture in the rising air c. The air and earth’s surface
b. The causes of the thunderstorm d. The extreme weather

41. The word “them” mentioned in “…..often bring disasters with them“ refers to…..
a. Thunderstorms c. Floods
b. Disasters d. Fires

Fill the blank spaces in the passage then follow with the best option.
For his whole life, Nick has never been able to get up early. When he was in elementary
school, his mother would set the alarm clock for 6:00, but it would not wake him up.
When Nick was in high school, his alarm clock would (1) ……………., but he simply
turned it off and went back to sleep. Every morning his father would shout, “Come on,
Nick! You’re going to be late.” The shouting did not help, however. On a few days,
Nick would show up two hours late! Nick knew that his school would not (2)
…………… with this situation much longer. His parents were frustrated, but they could
not give up.

42. The appropriate phrasal verb for the blank (1) in the text is…….
a. Log off c. Go off
b. Let off d. Switch off

43. The appropriate phrasal verb for the blank (2) in the text is…….
A. Call on C. Bring about
B. Figure out D. Put up

Find the synonyms of the underlined words in the passage then follow with the best
Every year thousands of people die, due to weather related problems. Let’s (1) examine
the causes for a moment. The year 2003 was a time of extreme cold in the winter by
European standards. In Britain alone, the number of people who died from cold-related
illnesses was described as (2) shameful. Nearly twenty-five thousand people died from
illnesses such as strokes, heart attacks, and pneumonia. In the summer of the same year,
around twenty-three thousand people died in Europe due to the sizzling temperatures.
France was (3) particularly badly hit, with nearly fifteen thousand deaths which were
related to the sweltering heat.
44 (1) = ………………..
a. Very c. Intensive
b. Moderate d. Severe

45 (2) =……………………………..
a. Wonderful c. Ungraceful
b. Unclean d. Mild

46 (3) = …………
a. normally c. commonly
b. generally d. especially

To answer the following test item, you will have to read the related short texts. Each is
followed by one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, and D –
to each question.
Earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of
large sections of the earth's rocky outer shell.  Earthquakes are among the most
powerful events on earth, and their results can be terrifying.  A severe earthquake may
release energy 10,000 times as great as that of the first atomic bomb.  Rock movements
during an earthquake can make rivers change their course.  Earthquakes can trigger
landslides that cause great damage and loss of life.  Large earthquakes beneath the
ocean can create a series of huge, destructive waves called tsunamis that flood coasts.  
Earthquakes almost never kill people directly.  Instead, many deaths and injuries in
earthquakes result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges, and other
structures.  Fire resulting from broken gas or power lines is another major danger during
a quake.  Spills of hazardous chemicals are also a concern during an earthquake.  In
most earthquake zones, land-use planners and engineers design new housing and other
building projects, such as bridges and dams, to reduce property damage, injuries, and
loss of life during quakes.
47 The topic of the passage is……………
a. The types of earthquake
b. The danger of earthquake
c. The characteristics of earthquake
d. The countries under earthquake attack

48 How does the author support his/her topic about earthquake?

a. Comparing and contrasting
b. Giving definitions and examples
c. Describing earthquakes in general
d. Discussing the causes and effects

To answer the following test item, you will have to read the related short texts. Each is followed by
one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, and D – to each question.
49 What is the advertisement about?
a. McCray Refrigerators c. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia

b. Tyndale &Mitchell Co d. Porcelain Tile, Opal Glass or Odorless

A. MC ray refrigerators

50 We are informed from the advertisement that….

a. The items are suitable for use at home, hospitals, or stores.
b. The items advertised are made by Tyndale & Mitchell Co.
c. The refrigerators are sold at very reasonable price.
d. The refrigerators are made in Philadelphia.

51 The passage above fits the following characteristics of an advertisement,

a. Using simple present tense.
b. Using simple and colloquial language.
c. Using complex and compound sentences.
d. Using familiar language and simple vocabulary.
Fill in the blank spaces in the passage that follows with the best option
The Solar System is made up of all (1)………………. that orbit our Sun. In
addition to planets, the Solar System also consists of moons, comets, asteroids,
minor planets, and dust and gas. Everything in the Solar System orbits or revolves
around the Sun. The Sun (2)……………….. around 98% of all the material in the
Solar System. The larger an object is, the more gravity it has. Because the Sun is so
large, its powerful gravity attracts all the other objects in the Solar System towards

52. (1)=……………..
a. Fly c. Round
b. Float d. Planets
53. (2)=………………
a. Creates
b. Contains
c. Compares
d. Comprise
Ned Kelly – Guilty or Innocent
This project has been based on a computer program about the trial of Ned
Kelly which gave us the evidence used in the original trial. After examining a number
of incidents, we come to the conclusion that Ned Kelly was treated unfairly as he only
committed half the crimes he was accused of.
In the Fitzpatrick incident, Ned was charged with the attempted murder of
Constable Fitzpatrick. We believe that Ned was not guilty as Fitzpatrick’s story is not
believable because he contradicted himself, he had just been to the pub and we think
that the wounds he had on his arm were not from bullet shots (which Fitzpatrick
claimed) but from a broken glass which he might have been drinking his brandy in;
and finally, he was kicked out of the police force later on because of his reputation for
In the Stringybark Creek incident, Ned was charged with the wildful murder
of Constable Lonigan, Scanlon and Kennedy. Ned resisted arrest and had to shoot
Lonigan three times. Kelly says that it was not murder but self-defense and he gave
Lonigan a chance to surrender. We feel the McIntyres’s evidence is weak. He said
that the bullets came from the back and not from the front. Dr. Nicholson finds the
opposite, stating that Lonigan stood his ground and met Ned on equal terms.
In our opinion, we say that Ned is guilty for half the things he did but received
an unfair trial. He shouldn’t have been hung publicly but given a long imprisonment.
54. The author’s attitude towards Ned Kelly is..........
a. Helpful c. Assertive
b. Cautious d. Supportive

55. According to the passage, how many people were probably killed by Kelly?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

56. The word “it” in the sentence “ was not murder but self defense....” refers
a. Shooting c. Defending
b. Arresting d. Murdering
How to make coffee
1. To ensure best possible taste, before first use, clean the unit by following steps listed
in ”To clean the inside of BrewStation”
2. A water filter is not required to make coffee in the BrewStation
3. Fill coffee tank with desired amount of cold water. Use Water Level Guide on inside
the coffee tank
4. Pour water from coffee tank into water reservoir
5. Place coffee tank on Keep Warm Plate. Place filter basket on coffee tank
6. Place a disposable paper filter in the Filter basket. Use a good quality cupcake style
filter. A permanent filter may also be used
7. For each cup of coffee being made, place one level scoop of automatic drip ground
coffee into the filter basket.
8. Press Auto ON/OFF twice for coffee now and light will glow

57. It is stated in the text that

a. The ground coffee should be put into the coffee tank
b. A water filter is an optional feature in this machine
c. The water level guide can be used to determine the water
d. You should use a good cupcake basket with this machine

58. Based on the passage, which of the following is NOT a step in operating the coffee
a. Clean the coffee maker first before using it.
b. Fill the coffee tank with an amount of cold water wanted.
c. Poor water into the water reservoir from the water tap.
d. Close the lid fully before pressing the ON/OFF button.

59. Where can we find the brand of coffee maker in this manual?
a. Paragraph 1 c. Paragraph 2 and 3
b. Paragraph 1 and 2 d. Paragraph 3 and 8

60. In what stage is coffee inserted into the coffee maker?

a. 4 c. 6
b. 5 d. 7

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