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subject-Verb Agreement ft tences, we need to make sure that the verb agrees With 4.) ¢ In sentences, subject. | Examples |__ ——_—_——_| { »| singular verb is agrees with singular subject girl ees ——_—_—L_—u—rdsdrerlrj | That girl is my class monitor. I am sure you have met her i | before. plural verb are agrees with plural subject Classmate; The other classmates are over there by the canteen. | — SS) | | ¢ We add “-s”, “-es” or “-ies” to present tense verbs when they are used with: - singular subjects Examples We make changes to the verb when it is in the | present tense. In the past, we use the past tense of | the verbs for both singular and plural subject. t The peacock proudly displays its tail feathers. She does not want to watch the movie with us. ~ uncountable nouns Examples le | This furniture | out, i ~ Ure looks old and worn ou | Blood is thicker than water, * \ eens ~nouns that go with no, any, every and each* Examples “No news is good news,” said my father. | Does anyone want pizza for dinner? | Every pupil in the class has an important role to play. Each is used with a singular verb when it |_| comes before a singular noun teacher Each teacher has to select a deserving pupil for the award. When used after a plural subject, it is used with a plural verb. *The teachers each have to select a deserving pupil for the award. ¢ We do not need to change the verbs when they are used with: - plural subjects Examples The peacocks proudly display their tail feathers. They do not want to watch the movie with us. - two or more uncountable nouns Eas eee | Her hard work and determination have finally paid off. i | Your constant advice and encouragement motivate her to " | persevere. 5 Some words such as “some”, “any”, “a lot of”, “plenty”, “more” and Other” can be used together with countable or uncountable neue if Therefore, when we decide the verb form to use, we have to lool coy ss ‘ the noun itself. Examples | some lemonade left in the jug. cookies in the oven. ded in this jelly. coming forward with their complaints { 7 | There is | There are some © | More sugar is nee | Examples | A little humour helps to relieve a tense situation. | / Much concern has been raised about the new rules. ¢ A few, many, several and a number of are used with plural nouns Examples |___ pa aes j | A few readers have written in to sign up for the contest. _ Anumber of e-mails were sent out to remind the teachels. ¢ Collective nouns can be used with singular or plural verb forms. oS -————_______—>»rasene group peek The i : audience was fascinated by the illusionist. i _ The staff voi : | ff voice their frustrations during the meeting. \ ees | [os separate mem \eemnssnancmmsiems ee Examples |___ ¢ Watch out when you see an additional phrase close to the subject. Examples ES ae | Verb should agree with the subject, not the additional phrase. SS | I, as well as your brother, am about to teach you a lesson. | The pair of commas separates the additional phrase from the main sentence. It is something extra. We, as well as your parents, are about to teach you a lesson. My brothers, together with our uncle, like fishing at Punggol. My brother, together with my uncle, likes fishing at Punggol. ¢ Look at the subject close to the verb when we use “eithe “neither... nor...” Examples | — i t | Either Jimmy or the twins are making the presentation | | tomorrow. j | Either the twins or Jimmy is making the presentation | | tomorrow. | Neither you nor I am certain that he will not let us down. | Neither I nor you are certain that he will not let us down. eee eee ee | Exercise 1 For each question, four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4) and write the number in the brackets provided. 1. The participants to complete the tune they hear and name the song. (1) has (2) have (3) is (4) had (25 ay One of the girls in this class for the Gifted Educa, | Programme. ifi 2) qualify (1) qualifies ( oe (3) is qualifying (4) are qualifying ( Neither of the twins ___—_ to go to the Fuji Ice Pajac, With us. (1) wants (2) wont | (3) is wanting (4) are wanting (| Light into many different colours when it Posse, through a glass prism. (1) scattering (2) scatter (3) is scattering (4) scatters ( \ The crew not satisfied with the captain's explanatio; and want to go on strike. (1) is (2) are (3) was (4) were (4 None of the pupils well-designed. (1) thinks (2) think (3) thought (4) thinking ¢ ) Neither you nor I uit i both tocsha, | ———— suitable for this role because we or (1) were (2) are (3) was (4) om (oo) that the new school building is Samuel, with the su i 1 PPport of h study overseas next year. oe (1) has (3) i (2) have Le (4) are (3 applying t° | Exercise 2 For each question, four options are given. One of them is the correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4) and write the number in the brackets provided. 1 If resentment and jealousy what you feel now, you should stay away from her. (1) is (2) are (3) was (4) were ( 1 Either Joan or her parents my mobile phone number, | so they will call me when they are ready to go. 2 (1) has (2) have ef (3) had (4) having ( )F This bouquet of flowers __ very well with the rest of the \ decoration. (1) go (2) goes (3) went (4) going ( ) To a child, three hundred dollars a large sum of money. (1) is (2) are (3) has (4) have ( ) Some paint been spilt on the pavement, staining the spot red. (1) is (2) are (3) has (4) have ( ) Every person in the group we saw wearing either blue or white. es (1) is (2) are (3) was (4) were ( Noone ____ about who the new teacher is because they know she will not stay long anyway. ye Qe (2) care cared (4) caring 59 8. There __ only alittle rice left when 1 checkeg th a e Co, yesterday. Nt, (1) is (2) are tte (3) was (4) were Exercise 3 Ls For each question, four options are given. One of them is th answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4) and write the numbe (Cte brackets provided. Tin the Jw. anyone seen the latest design for the School foggy | (1) Has (2) Does 90? | (3) Have (4) Do ( 2. Neither I nor my sisters keen to go to the swimm | complex. | (1) am (2) is | (3) are (4) was ( 3] 3. Three kilograms not too heavy a load for him carry. (1) was (2) were (3) is (4) are ( 4. Marina, unlike her neighbours who take the school bus,_— to school. (1) walk (2) walks ( (3) walked (4) walking + ss : 5. The mixture had a nice smell because of the few drops o essence that added earlier. a is (2) are ( was (4) were 4 . oe Together with a former colleague, Uncle Joe ———— ; new restaurant. 1) plan ( | (2) plans (3) Planning (4) is planned ) 60 f these boxes fach 0 o mystery gift. You ma [ one of them. 4 Open any 1) contain (2) contains @) contained (4) containing Cr) 8. There plenty of rice left in the pot. Help yourselves (1) is GQ ce Ip yourselves. (3) was (4) were ( ) Exercise 4 for e answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4) and write the number in the ach question, four options are given. One of them is the correct [ brackets provided. r 1, Some of the phrases he used in his speech not | __ appropriate for that audience. (1) is (2) are (3) was (4) were ( ) 2, All but one of the apples been peeled and cut. (i) has (2) have (3) is (4) are ( ) 3. Either your form teacher or I likely to accompany your class on this field trip. (1) is (2) are (3) am (4) were ( ) 4. "This class of pupils by far the most interesting I have ever come across,” says Miss Koh. (1) is (2) was (3) are (4) were ( ) Every one of those candies individually wrapped in coloured cellophane and looked too good to eat. (1) is (2) are (3) was (4) were él 6. _— How much more sugar the girls need to buy tory Mi baking session this evening? Cie Joes 7 i did (4) done \ ) or friendly monsters, ; Sully, as well as the other friendly thigh children. They want to make them happy instead, hte (2) dislikes (1) dislike Ss (3) disliked (4) have disliked C, Integrity and diligence values that parents CON impoy to their children through example. t QQ) is (2) are (3) was (4) were (i Exercise 5 For each question, four options are given. One of them is the cornet answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4) and write the number in te brackets provided. Ae 2: Except for Puay Lim, none of the girls in this class Mathematics. (1) like (2) liked (3) likes (4) liking (| Neither the girls nor their cousin playing comput! games, so they are watching a television programme instead. a enjoy, (2) enjoys | (3) enjoying (4) enjoyed ( The gaggle of geese across the road noisily while tt a) motorists watch on helplessly, (3) weal (2) waddled ( ) (4) waddling 4, Allyour previous awards Lg poss this crucial examination. worth nothing if you do not () is (2) are (3) was (4) were ( ) 5. The entire staff, including the cleaners, i i t C . the field bid farewell to their well-loved principal yesterdou. oe (1) gathers (2) gather (3) was gathered (4) were gathered ( ) 6. One of these boys that they are responsible for -— breaking the window. (1) admit — (2) admits (3) admitting (4) admitted ( ) 7. How many days he expect to spend on this project? Ask him to tell me now. (1) do (2) does (3) is (4) did ( ) 8 In yesterday's speech class, the children each told to say “Thank you” in a different language. (1) is (2) are (4) were ( ) (3) was

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