The Worker: C W T B E ?

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AFGE Local 1539


Amer. Fed. of Gov’t Employees Local 1539 Black Hills Health
Care System - Hot Springs, S.D DOM PROJECT MOVING
BENEFIT OR EXPLOITATION? The design projects for a new domi-
By Patrick Russell, President AFGE Local 1539
ciliary in Rapid City are still moving
Many AFGE locals throughout the around the medical center. Any real forward. VISN 23 leadership, Black Hills
country have been raising the issue that painting jobs were contracted. As of to- Health Cares System and VA Central
the Compensated Work Therapy (CWT) day, our facility still does not have a Office dialog continues.
programs at VA Medical Centers across painter on the payroll. A location for the new DOM is still
the country are being used as a means to EMPLOYEE/CWT CONFLICT undetermined. The old DOM is being
reduce the workforce by exploiting veter- CWT employees are considered as designated as a historical site and will be
ans. patients by management. They may placed on the historical list. The Black
Management tells us that CWT is a work along side a full time employee. Hills Health Care System will remain
benefit to our veterans that prepare them Or the employee might be training the obligated to maintain the building and
for readjusting to the schedules and de- CWT. But if there is any conflict be- grounds.
mands for reentry into competitive jobs. tween the individuals, the employee AFGE has raised several questions
Many of these veterans have been fight- could be charged with patient abuse; about building, buying or leasing a new
ing drug or alcohol addiction for years even if the CWT employee instigated facility in Rapid City but these do not
and need a transition for getting back into the incident. Many of our fulltime appear to be of major concern to VA
the job market. This is a noble concept housekeepers are veterans and some of leadership or political leaders.
and we agree in principle. them came through the CWT program  Why would the VA consider ex-
However, when management starts prior to being hired. Should they ex- panding services when they con-
using these veterans as a cheap source of change cross words with a CWT em- stantly tell us we are serving a de-
labor to replace full time positions, we ployee, their status as a veteran does clining veteran population as WWII
question the motives and the intent of the not protect them; they will be charged vets are dying?
CWT program. Most of the positions are with patient abuse.  Why build, buy or lease a new dom
in fields that were once entry level jobs The agency does not offer classes in Rapid City when the current do-
for veterans; housekeeping and food ser- on identifying manipulative behavior to miciliary can house several hundred
vice. Fulltime housekeepers are not being employees tasked with training CWT veterans?
replaced as they leave federal service. In- employees. Most of the CWT patients  How close would be the nearest
stead, management is filling the positions came to the program after undergoing medical care for dom residents?
with CWT employees who are paid less treatment in drug or alcohol programs.  How would veterans get to medical
than half of the wages of the fulltime em- Some have a long history of manipulat- care if needed?
ployee and with no benefits, retirement ive behavior in getting others to enable  Why have drug and alcohol pro-
or insurance. their addictive behavior. grams located in a city with so many
Continuance in the program must be for therapeutic purposes and no  more sources of drugs and alcohol?
 What benefits would our veterans
individual is to be retained in the program to meet production needs.   see by relocating the dom?
VHA Handbook 1103 Chapter 4m(2)
 If there are no jobs available in
Rapid City for the CWT program,
I have had a service chief tell me that Nothing is in place to protect the
what benefit is it to relocate that
they could not keep our facility clean if it employee from being set up or victim-
was not for CWT employees. I interpret ized by CWT patients. The only protec-
this to mean that CWTs are being used to tion an employee would have is to de-  Do taxpayers know how much they
meet production needs as opposed to get- cline training CWT patients because it will be paying for services and re-
ting any real therapy from the program. is a “therapeutic” program and house- sources we already have?
Management terminated our only keepers are not therapists! The major winners of a relocation
wage grade painter in October 2009. Yet It is my belief that management is would be Black Hills managers who
they kept on the CWT employees who violating VHA Handbook 1103 by us- would have less commute time to travel
were in the paint shop. If this is supposed ing CWT patients to replace fulltime to alternate duty stations. This entire con-
to be a training program, we fail to see employees. Veterans are being ex- cept benefits managers more than it does
how the employees would be trained ploited and I believe this is wrong. the veterans or taxpayers. Wages are
when there was no qualified painter on frozen and the economy is broke; but we
Give these veterans fulltime jobs, not
the payroll! The engineering supervisor still have money for a new DOM! Go
minimum wage with no benefits!
would assign them menial touch up jobs figure!!
Washington Times Monday, May 9, 2011 - 21st-Century Pacifist by Mario Salazar

MONTGOMERY VILLAGE, Md. – and still be successful. You actually get answer, even if it doesn’t quite adhere to
First, I would like to say that my pressure to make statements that con- reality. They have to work a very fine
intention is not to bite the hand that fed tradict physics, and if you don’t, you line between actual truth and political
me. It is to get several things straight are not considered a “team player”. truth. Contractors are put in the position
and, maybe, get someone’s attention that After a few of these episodes, you stop of sacrificing their integrity to retain the
can affect some change, if in fact it has- getting meaningful assignments, and client.
n’t been done already. I was lucky then you are reproached for not doing This brings me to the process for con-
enough to enter civil service in 1980, and your work. Many of us had to resort to tractors to get in this arguably enviable
able to stay with the old Civil Service documenting everything, so that when position. The Federal Government has
Retirement System, that has provided me one got a bad evaluation, one could the well known “Request for Pro-
with a generous pension since I retired in present evidence that the employee posal” (RFP), process. It is supposed to
2005. actually did what they were asked to guarantee that the best qualified company
The first fallacy that most Americans do, and that they weren’t given work gets awarded the contract. There are all
believe in is that Federal workers work commensurate with that person's aca- types of safeguards, confidential proc-
directly for the American public. They demic training and experience. esses, and reviews, all to guarantee fair-
don’t; they work for the executive that is While you protect yourself by being ness.
the President and his political appointees. forced to do these actions, you, obvi- One of these is a “Technical Review
While it is true that career civil servants ously have to say goodbye to being Board” for technical contracts. This
are somewhat protected from political promoted until you get a different boss, board is formed with members of the
influence, the bottom line is that if you and a chance to prove yourself all over technical team that would benefit and
don’t do what your political appointee again. control the work to be done by the con-
boss tells you to do, you may be fired or With this obvious waste of talent, tractor. The review board members are
at best put in a “closet”. I have actually supervisors developed a number of supposed to act fairly and keep all deci-
seen people in high positions moved to a strategies. The most widely used one is sions confidential, including information
room that at one time had been the stor- to replace actual employees (Permanent from their boss. In actuality, this is nearly
age closet, so this is no urban legend. Full Time Equivalents, PFTE’s), with impossible.
Many of us remember that in the contractors. Some agencies actually I participated in four review boards
early 2000s, Dick Cheney met with rep- have more contract PFTE’s than em- for multimillion dollar contracts while I
resentatives of the energy industry, in- ployees. A contractor that wants to be was in the Federal Government. Each
cluding those from Enron, to create the retained knows that they have to do time, I was told who the usually-
energy policy for the Bush presidency. what the contracting office asks them preferred contractor was, and encouraged
The transcripts of these meetings were to do. to work with established performers. In
never made public, notwithstanding in- In other words, they will have to two of the cases, the contractor that won
vestigations by Congress several years come up with the politically acceptable (Continued on page 4) Working Fed
later that asked for them.
Cheney claimed executive privilege
and never released said transcripts. Soon
after that, my Agency was asked to deter-
mine whether the fracturing of under-
ground formations for the production of
methane gas was safe to human health
and the environment. We were told that
the “vice president was very interested”
in the report.
Several of us in the technical staff
that commented negatively on the con-
tent, as well as the configuration of the
“peer review panel,” were only given
token attention, and eventually kept away
from further reviews. As expected, the
report found that the practice didn’t pre-
sent any danger to human health and the
If you are a technocrat, like I was, it
is very difficult to keep your integrity


Anarchist Bombing at a Union Meeting Provoked a Deady Riot
By Robert McNamara, Guide

The Haymarket Riot in Chicago in it’s likely that most of them died from Trial and Executions of the
May 1886 killed several people, and police bullets fired in the chaos, not Anarchists
resulted in a highly controversial trial from the bomb itself. Four civilians The trial of the anarchists in Chi-
followed by executions of four men who were also killed. More than 100 per- cago was a spectacle. The prosecutors
may have been innocent. The Ameri- sons were injured. introduced evidence now known to be
can labor movement was dealt a se- Labor Unionists and Anar- fabricated. And while it wasn’t proven
vere setback, and the chaotic events chists Blamed that any of the defendants had made or
resonated for many years. Public outcry was enormous. thrown the bomb, all eight were con-
American Labor on the Rise Press coverage contributed to a victed of inciting the riot. Seven of them
American workers had begun orga- mood of hysteria. Two weeks later, were sentenced to death.
nizing into unions following the Civil the cover of Frank Leslie's Illustrated One of the condemned men killed
War, and by the 1880s many thou- Magazine, one of the most popular himself in prison, and four others were
sands were organized into unions, publications in the US, featured an hanged on November 11, 1887. Two of
most notably the Knights of Labor1. illustration of the "bomb thrown by the men had their death sentences
In the spring of 1886 workers struck anarchists" cutting down police and a commuted to life in prison by the gover-
at the McCormick Harvesting Machine drawing of a priest giving the last rites nor of Illinois.
Company in Chicago, the factory that to a wounded officer in a nearby po- The Haymarket Case is
made farm equipment including the lice station. Reviewed
famous McCormick Reaper. The work- The rioting was blamed on the In 1892 the governorship of Illinois
ers on strike demanded an eight-hour labor movement, specifically on the was won by John Peter Altgeld, who
workday, at a time when 60-hour work Knights of Labor, the largest labor ran on a reform ticket. The new gover-
weeks were common. The company
nor was petitioned by labor leaders and
locked out the workers and hired strike-
defense attorney Clarence Darrow to
breakers, a common practice at the
grant clemency to the three imprisoned
men convicted in the Haymarket case.
On May 1, 1886, a large May Day
Critics of the convictions noted the bias
parade was held in Chicago, and two
of the judge and jury and the public
days later, a protest outside the McCor-
hysteria following the Haymarket Riot.
mick plant resulted in a person being
Governor Altgeld granted the clem-
ency, stating that their trial had been
Protest Against Police unfair and was a miscarriage of justice.
Brutality Altgeld’s reasoning was sound, but it
A mass meeting was called to take no doubt damaged his own political
place on May 4, to protest what was career, as conservative voices branded
seen as brutality by the police. The him a “friend of anarchists.”
location for the meeting was to be Hay- Haymarket Riot a Setback
market Square in Chicago, an open for American Labor
area used for public markets. It was never officially determined
At the May 4th meeting a number of who threw the bomb in Haymarket
radical and anarchist speakers ad- Square, but that didn't matter at the
dressed a crowd of approximately time. Critics of the American labor
1,500 people. The meeting was peace- movement pounced on the incident,
ful, but the mood became confronta- Haymarket Martyrs Monument in Forest  using it to discredit unions by linking
tional when the police tried to disperse Home Cemetery   them to radicals and violent anarchists.
the crowd. The Haymarket Riot resonated in
The Haymarket Bombing union in the United States at the time. American life for years, and there is no
As scuffles broke out, a powerful doubt it set back the labor movement.
Widely discredited, fairly or not, the
bomb was thrown. Witnesses later de- The Knights of Labor had its influence
Knights of Labor never recovered.
scribed the bomb, which was trailing plummet, and its membership dwin-
Newspapers throughout the US
smoke, sailing above the crowd in a dled.
denounced “anarchists,” and advo-
high trajectory. The bomb landed and At the end of 1886, at the height of
cated hanging those responsible for
exploded, unleashing shrapnel. the public hysteria following the Hay-
the Haymarket Riot. A number of ar-
The police drew their weapons and market Riot, a new labor organization,
rests were made, and charges were
fired into the panicking crowd. Accord- the American Federation of Labor was
brought against eight men.
ing to newspaper accounts, policemen formed. And the A.F.L. eventually rose
fired their revolvers for a full two min- to the forefront of the American labor
utes. movement.
Seven policemen were killed, and
PO Box 1029
Hot Springs, SD 57747
Federal Employees - Our Best Homeland Security
Phone: 605-745-2080
AFGE Local 1539 Fax: 605-745-2818 AFGE Local 1539 Officers
President..........…......................Patrick Russell
The next regular Vice Pres........................................Cliff Schunot
(Continued from page 2) Working Fed
monthly Union meeting Secretary.................…............Gail Archambeau
the award was not the one that presented Treasurer ....................…......... Rebecca Willse
will be held on
the best proposal, in my opinion. In one Chief Shop Steward.........…...…....Dan Harley
case, our boss appeared to be influenced May 26, 2011 at
4:30 PM in Bldg 12 Sgt. at Arms............................... VACANT
by the charms of a person of the opposite Safety Officer..........….............VACANT
sex that was one of the principals in the Rm 222B Union Office
Women’s Coordinator ....…..VACANT
winning contracting firm. That person Fair Prac. Coordinator .......…….......VACANT
left to get a Ph. D. soon after the firm got ing a training, one of my colleagues AFGE Local 1539 Stewards
the contract. asked the lecturer how to disqualify Robert Goldberg Bob Goldberg
Another significant factor is that in a veteran when making a decision
most cases, the firm that has held a con- for a new hire. I was so incensed,
tract tends to be the person getting the for an industry group association that
as a veteran, that I responded by indi-
renewal. While there is a natural advan- lobbied the legislature and was regulated
cating that she was trying to break the
tage in being familiar with the work and by my Agency. This boss, during his/her
law. She never assumed that a veteran
the management staff, it is not always the tenure was responsible for and actually
would be one of her colleagues in a
best choice for the job. It is common in implemented regulations that affected the
professional work force.
the Federal Government that once a firm particular industry group in which his/her
However, the episode that has to
gets a contract with a Department or an spouse worked. During the regulatory
"take the cake" is a hiring practice I
Agency, that they would keep the con- process, the industry group was actually
became aware of in the last decade I
tract indefinitely, becoming almost like consulted, and in many cases, suggested
worked. My office was given addi-
part of that Department or Agency. It’s a wording for the regulations. Many in the
tional positions, and the managers
dilemma with some justification, but how office felt that this was not proper, but
came up with a fairly innovative (and
to safeguard against its becoming unfair apparently the Office of General Counsel
likely illegal) way to make sure the
for the Agency cleared it.
and undeserved? new hires were what they wanted. Dur-
Employment in the Federal Govern- Not biting the hand that feeds me, but
ing the time after they decided what
ment is supposed to be competitive. how it works needs to be examined.
positions would have to be filled, but
While there are groups that get preferen- before an official job announcement Mario  Salazar,  the  21st  Century 
tial treatment, including veterans of the was published, the hiring official asked Pacifist,  is  a  bleeding  heart  liberal, 
Armed forces, in general, the applicants a contractor to put an advertisement in agnostic,  exercise  fanatic,  Redskin 
are supposed to be evaluated according professional magazines. This ad was fan,  technophile,  combat  infantry 
to knowledge and experience. For some rather cryptic and just stated the type of veteran,  jewelry  maker,  amateur 
years, affirmative action has been a work or profession and the range of
computer  programmer,  Environ‐
“buzz phrase” that led to the increase of salary, ostensibly to put out feelers for
minorities and women in the Federal qualified candidates as a prescreening mental  engineer,  Colombian‐born, 
Government. process. After applicants responded to free  thinker  and  not  surprisingly, 
Managers are encouraged to hire the ad, they were screened for specific pacifist.  You  can  find  his  articles  ‐ 
women and minorities, getting kudos if job criteria, and only then, and only the ranging  from  politics  to  cooking  a 
they do so, but there is no requirement, top candidates, were informed that the mean  brisket  ‐  in  21st  Century  Paci‐
per se, to do so. jobs were for a Federal Agency.
fist  at  The  Washington  Times  Com‐
As a Hispanic, but male, professional, During this process, they were es-
I felt that recruiting more females should sentially coached on how to respond to munities. 
be separated from recruiting more mi- the job announcements, in a way to
norities. (Especially after the Federal guarantee to be one of the top candi-
Government obtained gender equity in dates for the job. How did I find out
the 1990s – speaking of numbers of posi- about this pre-hiring process? This was
tions, not pay). I remember one of my told to me in confidence by a person
bosses kidding about hiring a Hispanic that got hired this way.
female and saying that she counted for We all have read of the revolving
two. This is why I felt the affirmative door between regulators and the regu-
action targets needed to be separated. lated community. What is not talked
Giving special treatment to veterans about a lot is how persons working in
was always controversial during my stint the Federal Government could have a
in the government. Many managers re- conflict of interest with the community
sented that they had to either hire or that they regulate. One of my bosses
sometimes disqualify a veteran during a was married to a scientist that worked
job search. I always remember that, dur-


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