Fall 2021 Study Guide Exam 3 MGT 320

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FALL 2021


EXAM STRUCTURE (Closed-Book Exam, No Notes);

Multiple-Choice and True-False Questions
Kinicki Chapter 9: Power, Influence and Politics
1. Learn about the five bases of power. (pp. 341-343).
2. What does research show about the five power bases? Which ones tend to produce compliance? Which ones foster
commitment? According to Figure 12-5, which power bases have generally POSITIVE effects? (pp. 346-348).
3. Be familiar with the four types of empowerment (authoritarian, influence sharing, power sharing, and power distribution)
(Figure 12.6, p. 350)
4. What are the components of psychological empowerment (meaning, competence, self-determination, impact)? (p. 351)
5. Study the nine common influence tactics (these are later expanded to including “collaboration” and “personal appeals”) (see
Table 12.1) What is the difference between soft and hard tactics (pp. 354-355).
6. Know Robert Cialdini’s (ASU Professor) six principles of influence and persuasion (p. 358).
a. TIP: Watch Bob Cialdini’s Brief Video about Social Influence https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv0sOX6Alrk
7. Be familiar with the most commonly used political tactics (Table 12.2, p. 362).
8. Under the different ways to build support for your ideas (p. 366)
9. Learn how to make a Killer First Impression (Table 12.3, p. 369)
10. What are characteristics of effective apologies? (pp. 372-373)

Kinicki Chapter 10: Leadership Effectiveness

1. What is the difference between leading and managing? (p. 385)
2. According to meta-analysis, what are core traits that leaders possess? (Table 13.1, p. 386)
3. Be familiar with the Dark Triad personality traits. (p. 387).
4. How are women and men alike or different in their leadership traits? (p. 388)
5. What is a leadership prototype and how does it bias our evaluation of leaders? (pp. 388-389)
6. Be familiar with the two types of task-oriented leader behaviors: initiating structure and transactional leadership. (p. 390)
7. Be familiar with the three relationship-oriented leader behaviors: consideration; empowerment, and servant leadership. (pp.
8. What is abusive supervision and what are its effects (e.g., how does it affect subordinates)? (p. 395)
9. Be familiar with House’s path-goal theory—notably, correct matching between leadership actions and contingency factors
Table 13.4). This model (while not fully tested) is far superior to Fiedler’s Contingency Model (pp. 400-403).
10. Be familiar with transformational leadership: a) its key behaviors (inspirational motivation, idealized influence,
individualized consideration, and intellectual stimulation) and b) how this leadership style affects followers and work groups
(e.g., increasing self-efficacy and identification with the leader) (Figure 13.5) (pp. 404-406)
11. What are five important managerial implication from transformational leadership research? (p. 407)
12. Understand the Leader-Member Exchange model of leadership: a) how it differs from traditional leadership theory (which
assume that leaders treat all employees in the same way); b) how in-group versus out-group exchanges differ; c) how LMX
relationships are formed; and d) managerial and personal implications of this theory. (pp. 408-410)
13. What are tips for improving the quality of a leader-member exchange (p. 410)
14. What are the qualities of humble leaders and how does humble leadership affect subordinates? (p. 411)

Kinicki Chapter 11: Organizational Culture. Socialization and Mentoring

1. What is the difference between espoused and enacted values? (p. 425)
2. What are the four functions of organizational culture? (pp. 427-429)
3. What are different types of organizational culture according to the Competing Values Framework (Table 14-4, pp. 430-434)?
4. What are six conclusions based on a recent meta-analysis (by Harnell, Ou, & Kinicki, 2016) evaluating the relationships
between cultural types and various outcomes? (Figure 14.6, pp. 436-437)
5. Understand Feldman’s three-phase model of organizational socialization. (Figure 14.7, pp. 446-449)
6. Understand the different socialization tactics in Table 14-2 (p. 450).
7. What are practical applications from socialization research (pp. 449-451)
8. Be familiar with Kathy Kram’s research on mentoring functions (Table 14.3, pp. 452-453).
9. Learn about key strategies for cultivating a network and a mentoring relationship. (pp. 455-456)

1. What are realistic job previews?
a. Why do realistic job previews reduce employee turnover? Be familiar with the theoretical explanations (namely,
reality shock, self-selection, coping with stress, and perceived employer honesty).
FALL 2021
2. What is an expectation-lowering procedure (ELP) and how does it affect turnover among new employees?
3. Learn about Sushil Nifadkar’s latest research on proactive feedback-seeking by new employees? Is active feedback-seeking
by newcomers beneficial to their organizational assimilation? Why do some newcomers actively seek feedback?
4. According to a recent meta-analysis (Lee et al., 2017), which influence tactics are effective for inducing commitment to your
5. According to a recent study by Chad Harnell and Angelo Kinicki, what types of CEOs are best suited for different cultures in
the High Tech Industry? Are task-oriented CEOs best suited for Market cultures, while relationship-oriented CEOs best
suited for Clan cultures (Similarity Hypothesis)? Or are task-oriented CEOs best suited for Clan cultures and relationship-
oriented CEOs best suited for Market cultures (Dissimilarity Hypothesis)?
6. Be familiar with Dan Cable’s new approach for socializing new employees (Individual Identity Socialization) and his
research comparing this approach to traditional socialization (Organizational Identity Socialization).
7. What is the honeymoon-hangover effect? According to Danni Wang, Peter Hom and David Allen (2017), which
socialization tactics most reduces the hangover effect among newly hired casino workers?
8. According to a 2017 study by Chris Reina, Kristie Rogers, Suzanne Peterson, and Peter Hom, which influence tactic by a
leader increased retention among subordinates?
9. The latest research by Kay Bartol, Vijaya, and Zheng (2019) examined how creative workers can most influence their
supervisors to support their creative projects? What do creative workers DO to win their supervisors’ support for their
creative ideas or inventions?
10. According to Ben Galvin (BYU), how is motivation to lead related to leader emergence? How is it related to leader
11. What is the latest research by Marcus Crede about leadership psychopathy? Who is more likely to emerge as a leader?
Psychopathic men or women? Who is more effective leader? Psychopathic men or women?
12. What is abusive supervision and how does it affect workers?
13. According to Dan Jones and Peter Hom (2021), which type of subordinate tends to thrive under abusive supervision?
Machiavellian, narcissist, or psychopath?
14. Become familiar with new research studies by Deborah Gruenfeld (Stanford Business School) (and her colleagues) about the
“dark side” of the power motive (e.g., objectification, inability to adopt others’ perspectives, sexual harassment)
15. According to Dacher Keltner, how can leaders prevent power from corrupting them?
16. Be familiar with the new studies about leader humility (Owens & Mitchell, Amy Ou).
a. According to Amy Ou and Jamie Seo, what happens when demographic faultlines plague top management teams?
i. Can a humble top executive who belongs to such a strife-ridden team still effectively retain his or her
direct reports (middle managers)?
17. ASU Prof. Ned Wellman’s research identifies which practical experiences as most improving leadership skills.
18. Professor John Antonakis (U of Lausanne) trained leaders to behave charismatically toward subordinates working for a
charity. According to his field experiment, how did such training affect worker productivity?
 Be knowledgeable about the Charismatic Leadership Tactics (CLTs) recommended by John Antonakis for
charismatic speech.

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