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ON =e SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT @ SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT, like physical enrvironment, influence the Ife Creheictoieaccun mene boc Ren ucuieaimicen the people and their character and culture. ner Reasca mets curse uma ramen eiteMee EMU uec mie mui aneutshigtteouteuiNg shape the lifestyles of the people. Of all features of country- people, PacMeeicmucacatiie ceca cuccmiisces chutucmacciel lM teclaehiM euctimeh canal ena cn salons tsa gr oer Mcmnscn cine Cucununchis eum sik AInte land and grain are next; the leader are the least important" Bie sere dotes haters no oh ers lula ono RNes eC asec hil hacking cuksash outouh cloaks) Eve) in the garden of eden: “fil the eart and subdue it” (Gen. 1:28). eRe a An emit ee tecuhs chen ais el eReMiccMetoh el areca ete marca cite a aa Filipinos become wise in the ways of the lord and follow his word, faecineh Malti ee age @ FILIPINOS AS LEADERS IN ASIA. The history of the Philippines shows how unique and important our nation has been. Many times in our history we led the Asian world in many ways. Thus, there is every reason to believe that the future of the Philippines will be greater than its past, because this is great nation ¢T'boli woman playing traditional music on the “kulintang” @ The Filipinos are a great nation because of the following. 1. We are unique nation with a cultural heritage from four of the major civilizations in the world — Asians, European, Latin American, and North American. No other nation in the world has this rich and interesting cultural heritage. 2. We are a nation with gift of faith and a gift of music that other Asian nations do not have. The Filipinos are very spiritual and deeply foretemenceaimasnceh-eiManictanl sien antec Asian nations did not accept Christianity from the west. Also, our music is more romantic and melodious than in other countries. 3. We were the first republic in Asia. When the first Philippine Republic was founded by Aguinaldo in 1898, the other Asian nations were only kingdoms, colonies or non-existent. PNM Re lal tel es ser uuaeuimoute Ke aro Re yor RRL) Oe omen Maun leas akon cuter sient CMs edger ea Rete EAN coh econ hr ioe Regence reek fac ingen tne Moca sienna Kuakeue een anes eit RnemNs Roney 4 6. We are the largest English speaking nation in Asia and are the most open re nega Mel gw Colne iain sae a-gte keine k Moncey Rene MMM eceuae POPULATION. As of of 1995, Philippine population was 70 million people. The [role eee elt enous eo cee cca Sseucod Nase haa es mule (aciar-00 The society's most basic and urgent problems today are: (1) developing and Pee mcconteaael kecuice huts oleae aus The government has a family planning and birth control program. The eM ane ec MN Aco un cto Filipinos love children and large families. However, many Filipinos, especially the educated ones, now agree that it is the quality of a person and not the Neer Mende mes a urea POPULATION GROWTH IN THE PHILIPPINES Py 1591 1735 1800 1829 1850 1870 Td 1885 re POPULATION RA) 838,182 APE) 2,106,230 Ey Ca) 4,712,008 ERAC 5,839,383 6,261,339 DYN POPULATION Eee I) CCCUK} cy LSC Y SPATE) cs 1975 42,070,660 1980 48,098,460 TSU Oo} Tne) eT ren) Iwo other important population problems are: (1) the number of young people, and (2) migration, Most of the population are young. Those below 15 years of age make up 44% of our people, unlike in the other countries where there are more older than young ones. @ SOCIAL CLASSES. There are three social classes in the country bases PamacenereneRaterstlairetateiroats Racers meceen Rene gh (2) the middle class, and (3) the lower income groups and the poor masses. The members of the rich class, or the “oligarchs,” represent about 10% of the population. They own or earn about 90% of the wealth of the county. They are the wealth industrialists, with big corporations, the owners of large haciendas or plantation and the nouveauriche (new rich) The lower or poor class comprise about 70% of the population, but RN cuem eMC SOR Neel unseen aneleteeia) Ca eatelel eto e oN cM og pols Cedars eetiroro Mc cl Rouen cto es oe THE ONLY CHRISTIANS NATION IN ASIA. The Philippines is the only Christian nation in asia about 93% of the people are Christians -83% are catholic, 7.6% are aglipayans, 2.3% are protestants and other Jos Catholicism was spain's greatest legacy to the Philippines Islam with 1.6 million followers, is the country's second largest religion A NATION OF MANY LANGUAGES. The Philippine is a nation of many languages and dialects. A survey by Richard pitman, an American linguist, showed that there are 55 native languages and 142 dialects Lama -Rere alla ae Of the eight principal native languages, Cebuano ranks first. It is the Poem saeM Cota aetna eZ kc MOaiN sels mateerleomm ate is used to be first, now ranks a close second (23.82%): followed by llocano (11.14%); Hiligaynon or ilonggo (9.99%); bicolano (6.96%); Waray-Waray (4.62%); kapampangan(3.43%) and pangisan (2.26%) Philippines is the third largest English Speaking country in the world Dern ie ele MEE gt aa one eR ato mode toute heim howe kecureuns akeier ra for his multi-lingual people. Thus, President Quezon Is known as the “Father of SM ot ete Nota cloc ie “The Filipino has many good qualities which go far to make up for his PenouiT Mea Mea tea ee ed i AR a) Cronos Filipinos are prone to gambling and betting - cockfighting, horse races, ja ali, aeteineatekeutsheeichctsian merci slate pale aa meat tation aed Gree RM ad re A= Ag ord RA od oO depend on fate. They say, "Bahala na!” (come what may, or it is god’s wil). Deane Mi as mn oes elm ao a eed Eto siteameeen cous sas Selena oul ee coda on nee a Trofeo Cle) Bde MRR OS AMR moa R Ann Sol Reel ominaerertecreCol Cad Cd aT aetna eee meg eRe STM eae elo right away and doing it the following day. This short coming is called EaeiiteiteNgte imo alien heals eSeealous ss They also are gentle, friendly , and cheerful people, noted for their Comm Mace Filipino, owing to their beautiful country and passionately romantic. Filipinos are a liberty-loving and brave people. Gratitude is another sterling trait of Filipinos, “utang na loob" (debt of honor). falter ec eter otc Aol MRO Nogl ote Roca aad and other people. They cherish the ancestral trait of bayanihan, which means cooperation. Filipinos are noted for their durability and resilience. Daa OM CU a Nou uke accle ae Noo intellectual, and moral qualities are as excellent as those of the prises Soman item + ef ey ad o Regional traits. Filipino possess different regional traits due to different regional environments, the lack of contact and communication in previous centuries, the Spanish imperialist policy of “divide and rule" ee col aalato i CURLIN EY An Ola al ol sTo mmo lke eae MEM og} belong to so called cultural minorities live in the remote areas, Senet auc iecnel yekodte ule tentials econo Mindanao, and on Isolated lake and seashores. Teme ou MN tual) nace mele ete) Poteet aa cciaoie De mC oa eR aa SN Magee non gal la he emer ew] leocrtiensla PAs ts Seto a Ae Me homie UN us amare Cu met ecteny Cena heute etaiee ise h ou tomuetuesd eel Ree nM eM ale einen eae eee Doel

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