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1.1 Introduction on Entrepreneurship

The word ‘entrepreneurship’ typically means to undertake. It owes its origin to
western societies. But even in the west, it has undergone changes from time to
time. McClelland identifies two characteristics of entrepreneurship. Firstly, doing
thing in a new and better way (Schumpetrian’s innovator). Secondly, decision
making under uncertainty (Cantillon’s entrepreneur). McClelland emphasised that
entrepreneurial manager should have a high need of influencing other ( need for
power), a low need to establish emotional relationship (low need for affiliation)
and a high capacity to discipline one’s own self. In other words, Entrepreneurship
means the function of creating something new, organising and coordinating and
undertaking risk and handing economic uncertainty.

Entrepreneurship is the tendency of a person to organise the business of his own

and to run it profitability, using various traits like leadership, decision, making,
innovation, managerial calibre etc. Entrepreneurship is a set of activities performed
by an entrepreneur in a way, entrepreneur precedes entrepreneurship.

The meaning of an entrepreneur has been defined by military men, economists,

psychologists and sociologists. In Indian context, we define entrepreneur as one
who launches his own venture whereas a pure entrepreneur is the one who brings
about any innovation never occurred before. An entrepreneur doesn’t have specific
features. An entrepreneur could be a sensitive person, fat, thin, worrier, creative,
competent, leader, social but some key qualities have been identified which every
entrepreneur must possess in order to succeed. Those qualities are innovation, risk-

bearing, hard-work, self-confidence, goal setting and above all, their burning desire
to excel. An entrepreneur is not a package of qualities. Different entrepreneur
exhibit different traits. There are various types of entrepreneur like business
entrepreneur, trading entrepreneur, industrial entrepreneur, technical and non
technical entrepreneur professional entrepreneur, first generation and second
generation entrepreneur etc.

An entrepreneur performs various types of function. Growth of his enterprise

depends upon the way; he performs various functions like innovation, risk-taking,
decision-making, organisation and management.

1.2 Introduction on Various Aspects of Marketing & Profitability

Marketing is an ongoing communications exchange with customers in a way
that educates, informs and builds a relationship over time. The over time part is
important because only over time can trust be created. With trust, a community
builds organically around products and services and those customers become as
excited about the products as you are — they become advocates, loyal
evangelists, repeat customers and often, friends. Marketing is a really great way
to identify what grabs people and gets them excited about your brand and give it
to them, involve them in the process, and yeah, the best part, build great
friendships in the process. Dr. Philip Kotler defines marketing as “the science
and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a
target market at a profit.  Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It
defines, measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit
potential. It pinpoints which segments the company is capable of serving best
and it designs and promotes the appropriate products and services.”

According to Mccarthy “Marketing is the response of the businessmen to the need

to adjust production capabilities to the requirements of consumers demands.”

The management processes through which goods and service moves from concept
to the customer. It include the coordination of four element called the 4P’s of

1. Identification, selection and development of a product.

2. Determination of its price.
3. Selection of a distribution channel to reach the customer place.
4. Development and implementation of a promotional strategy.

Profitability is the ability of a business to earn a profit. A Profit is what is left of

the revenue a business generates after it plays all expenses directly related to the
generate of the revenue, such as producing a product and other expenses related to
the conduct of the business activities.

There are many different ways to analyse profitability. Profitability ratio,

which are a measure of the business ability to generate revenue compared to the
amount of expenses it incurs. The primary approach of profitability are as follows-

1. Net Profit Margin

2. Gross Profit Margin
3. Operation Profit Margin
4. Return on Assets.

1.3 Overview of the Study Area

The college had organized a field study for our project work in 6th semester final
year In August 6,2021. We were selected the M/S Jai Durga Industry for our
field study which is situated in Behaiting Industrial Area, Dibrugarh Assam. The
owner of the industry is Mr. Sapon Dowereh and started in 2007. They are
produced the plastic product from the row material called HDPE. They produce
different types of plastic product such as mug, in different size and shape. There
are 10 to 15 workers in the factory and they work in shift wise. There produced
goods and service marketing in Guwahati, Tinisukia, Sibsagar, Jorhat and
Dibrugarh District.

2.1 Objective of the Study
1. To make suggestion to tide over the various problem associated with
2. To make proper advertisement to aware to the public about the produced
product and it various uses.
3. To make suggestion to tide over the problems relating to price at
reasonable for all class of people.
4. To get to know the amount of interest of people about the products of the
5. To take necessary steps to overcome maximum profit by producing good
quality of product.

2.2 Scope of the Study

The study carried out by the researcher to familiar with the local people as well as
the owner of the factory of Jai Durga Plastic Factory. The researcher had to
conduct the survey within a short span of time because of non-availability of
enough time in hand and the study was done within the academic session 2020 -
2021. So present study will highlight the various aspects of marketing of the final
product and their profitability.

2.3 Methodology of the Study

The methodology adopted for the study is descriptive in nature. For the study
purpose secondary data sources has been used. The data has been collected from
different published and unpublished sources like Journal, internet and newspaper.
The methodology of the study in two methods. 1st the primary method, In primary
method the researcher get to know the areas of factory to see each and every
product of the factory and also the labour. The researcher conduct face to face
interview with the labourer and also the owner of the factory. They told about us
each and every process how to prepare the product from raw materials to finished
product. And the 2nd method is secondary method in this method the researcher
find the theoretical data from various books of various Writer and the Internet.

3.1 Conclusion and Suggestion
Industrial marketing system is an efficient way by which producer can sell their
product at fare and reasonable price. Improvement of condition of the labour of
industry depends on selling of the goods produced by them. Marketing of
industrial marketing is included all those activities which are related to
procurement of goods, grading, transporting and selling of the various industrial
product. So, industrial marketing include all the operation like collection, grading,
processing, transportation, and finance.

Their different states of industrial marketing in Assam.

1) Sale in the town: - the producer can sell their product in a town at a reasonable
price. Rich businessmen can purchase the items from the producer and sold to
the customers.

2) Sale in market: - in market also products can be sold.

3) Sale in Mandy: - lastly, the producer can sale their product to the Mandy
located in town or city.

So, the industrial marketing is a very essential for developing industry in India.


Table showing the profit year wise:

Year 2018 2019 2020

Profit (%) 15% 20% 20%

2020 2018
2019 2020


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

Diagram Showing Profit Year wise


Raw Material used in industries

Final product


1. Modern Small Industry in India -----

Vepa, K. Ram, Sage Publications

2. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and small Business----

Renu Arora & S.K. Sood, Kalyani Publication.

3. Principal of Marketing----- C.N. Sontakki, Kalyani Publication





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