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Capstone Project/Research Project

Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600

Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

Finals – Capstone Subject Teacher:


Research posters are commonly seen in research conferences that include poster
presentations. Research posters are visual representation of data that has been organized and
consolidated into an easily digestible format. It presents important information of the research
concisely and attractively to the academic community. The poster is usually a mixture of brief text
mixed with tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats. In a normal conference, the
researcher stands by the poster display where discussion can be made with the participating

For the final term of Capstone, you are to make/draft a research poster of your own research
from Practical Research 1 and 2.

• A research poster includes 4 main sections: Introduction, Materials and Methodology, Results,
and Discussion, and Conclusion (very similar to the parts of your research manuscript).
• Introduction usually includes Background, Objective/Purpose, and Hypothesis. Materials and
Methodology may include presentation of materials, methods used, and models employed.
Results presents significant findings in charts, tables or other appropriate figures. Conclusion
includes Recommendations, Implications, Acknowledgement.
• We will follow a portrait format for the research poster.

• A typical poster contains about 1000 words ONLY, or about 250 words per section. With this, you
will really have to condense your manuscripts such that you only include the important parts in
each section.

• You have two options, to do it electronically or manually. Rest assured that your output type will
not affect your grade.
A. Electronic Output
- You may use Microsoft Office or platforms to create your poster. MS Publisher or MS
PowerPoint is suggested. You can do this using your laptop, desktop, or smartphone.
- In your file maker programs, set the page size to 36” by 48”.
Capstone Project/Research Project
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section:
Email:; Website:

Finals – Capstone Subject Teacher:

B. Manual/Written Output
- You need 4 short bond papers. Connect the bond papers such that you have a similar
format to what is shown below.

- Once you are done, take a picture of your output and send it to your Capstone
adviser. Your adviser may ask you to send a picture of each section for clearer view.

• It is expected that you are done with the final revisions of your research paper and that
feedbacks were given by your Capstone teacher.
• This is to be done individually. For concerns, you may address it to your capstone adviser for you
to be guided.

• Here are basic rules to follow:
o Simple is good.
o Make important information stand out.
o Line things up.
o Don’t make it crowded.
• Keep your background non-distracting.
• At quick glance, a viewer should be able to easily identify the sections of your paper. Make your
title and section heading stand out.
• Make sure your fonts are easy to read. For manual/written posters, make your handwriting clean
and professional-looking.
• Be strategic with the colors of your poster. Pick your colors but keep it cohesive so that it won’t
be distractive. 2-3 color scheme is advised.
• A well-aligned poster is an easy way to make it look professional.
• Keep tables and charts simple yet easy to understand.

Written Work Performance Task
Research Poster Research Poster
• Content 20 points • Layout/Design 10 points
• Mechanics 10 points • Graphics/Pictures 10 points
• Organization 10 points • Visual Appeal 10 points
• Required Elements 10 points
Individual Narrative
• Individual Narrative 20 points

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