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 Electrical Engineering and

Computer Science




Study Guide
Master of Science

Publisher: Faculty IV Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Editors: Teresa Fräßdorf, Manuela Gadow, Mona Niebur, Hanna Wesner
Layout and production:, Berlin

Date: October 2019

 Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science

Study Guide
Master of Science

Edition 2019/20
2 Technische Universität Berlin | FACULTY IV Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | STUDY GUIDE


Preface by the Dean of Studies   3

Your Studies   4
Study Goals and Degree   4
Organization of the Master’s Program   4
Recommended Progress of Study   5
Mentoring   5
Studying Abroad   6

Study and Examination Regulations   7

I. General Section   7
II. Objectives and Organization of Studies   8
III. Requirements and Conduct of Examinations   11

Overview   13
Faculty IV   13
Student Services   14
Important Links   15

Abbreviations   16

Campus Map TU Berlin   19

Usage Hints

This study guide summarizes a lot of information. Considering that it contains useful hints and tips
to additional sources on our TU website. On a lot of pages can be found using the 
 “quick access”. Filling the field on the right side of the TU website with the correct number you
are directed to the correspondent web page.
COMPUTER SCIENCE Master of Science | Preface by the Dean of Studies 3

Preface by the
Dean of Studies

Dear Students! The following study guide will provide you with
information on which modules you’ll have to
This Master’s program will prepare you for an complete and which exams you’ll have to take,
international career in computer sciences. Be- but it also informs you on your choices. The
sides providing you with the necessary lan- ­details are laid out in the study and examina-
guage skills, we aim to give you a more speci- tion regulations. Basic regulations concerning
fied knowledge. With TU Berlin you have opted studies and examination organization may be
for a top-ranking and forward-thinking univer- found in the Regulations Governing General
sity and courses that will help you specialize Study and Examination Procedures (AllgStuPO)
and prepare for a future-oriented market. of Technische Universität Berlin. Relevant in-
formation regarding academics and teaching
Today, professional and scientific specialization is published on the Faculty’s website. Please
is an important asset and very much needed check the websites regularly and make sure we
when planning an international career. Building can reach you via your TU Berlin email address.
on your Bachelor’s degree we offer you further
specialization in computer sciences. You need We recommend that you organize your study
to decide early on where your interests lie and schedule as efficiently as possible and to take
in which professional fields you plan to special- examinations early. We also recommend you to
ize in order to benefit from this Master’s course. consider taking part in one of our international
Once you’ve decided on your specialization you student exchange programs or to sign up for a
should write your Master’s thesis in this specif- dual degree with a university abroad. We will
ic field of study. help you to choose and prepare for such an en-
deavor with our expertise and relevant programs.
Our Master’s program attracts students from
around the world. Prior preparation and qualifi- I wish you an inspiring and successful time at
cations vary in standards and contents. If you our Faculty.
feel you lack some of the skills required for this
Master’s program, please don’t hesitate to con­ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sibylle Dieckerhoff
sult your lecturers. They will advise you where Dean of Studies at Faculty IV
to focus your efforts. We expect you to be pre- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
pared to adapt to a highly self-reliant and self-­
responsible learning environment.
4 Technische Universität Berlin | FACULTY IV Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | STUDY GUIDE

Your Studies

Study Goals and Degree you with an understanding of current technolo-

gies in the field of computing sciences and in
This Master’s program serves to provide you related scientific and professional fields.
with professional qualifications as well as en-
hance your skills for independent scientific Therefore the modules are assigned to specific
work in the field of Computer Science and relat- study areas (see an overview at   184947). A
ed scientific fields. Upon completion of the study area accumulates modules of different
Master’s degree you will have gained advanced chairs under a specific focus. The organization
specialized knowledge and be up to date on of the program into study areas allows you to
current research topics in the field of Computer choose your modules with thematic focal
Sciences. Seminars, projects and Master’s points that will feed directly into your individual
­theses will be directly integrated into running study profiles. The study and examination
research work carried out by the chairs. ­regulations define which rules are applicable
for choosing the study areas.
Graduates will receive the academic degree of
‘Master of Science’ (M. Sc.). This degree will
prepare you to work independently or occupy Compulsory Electives
leading positions in industry, administration or
science. You will be able to start your own busi- The compulsory electives are comprised of a
ness or continue your professional education in total worth of 60–66 CP. You may choose mod-
postgraduate programs. ules worth 30–42 CP from one of the following
study areas:

Organization of the Master’s Program –– Data and Software Engineering

–– Embedded Systems and Computer
This four-semester Master’s program is based ­Architectures
on a range of electives and requires you to –– Foundations of Computing
write a final Master’s thesis. Building on skills –– Cognitive Systems
you acquired during the Bachelor’s program, –– Digital Media and Human-Computer
the Master’s core studies will provide you with ­Interaction
in-depth knowledge. It will impart you with the –– Distributed Systems and Networks
relevant skills to manage specific professional
techniques and to adopt innovate and creative For the additional compulsory electives, mod-
problem-solving strategies as well as equip ules worth 18–36 CP, you may choose from
COMPUTER SCIENCE Master of Science | Your Studies 5

other listed study areas. For the catalogs and programme, which will accompany first-se-
module overviews, please check   168536. As mester students of all Bachelor’s degree pro-
electives you have to complete modules worth grammes from this winter semester 2019/20
24–30 CP with thematic focus on both techni- with appropriate support offers. In further
cal skills and general skills. You may choose steps the offers are to follow also for higher
modules from all courses offered by the Bachelor semesters and master students.
TU Berlin or other universities in Berlin and
Brandenburg as well as from courses offered The ISIS platform ( also
by equivalent foreign universities and insti­ serves all students as an opportunity for ex-
tutions of higher education. change among themselves. In addition to the
courses accompanying the modules, the course
“Studying at the Faculty IV (EECS)”, in short:
Recommended Progress of Study EECS-Studium (www.
view.php?id=672), can address cross-cutting
The table below shows the course of study as topics. Here you will find a constantly updated
recommended in the Study and Examination collection of references, useful information,
Regulations. The described course of study dates and offers on the subject of studying,
gives you an example and provides for a gene­ which should make your studies easier and en-
ral guideline on how to organize your Master’s sure that you can orientate yourself in everyday
program. university life.

Mentoring Studying Abroad

Students face a wide variety of challenges dur- Today’s labor market is a competitive global
ing the various phases of their studies. The arena, that asks of university graduates to not
Faculty IV is currently setting up a mentoring only have proficient knowledge of foreign lan-

Computer Science (Informatik)

1st semester
30 CP

2nd semester Compulsory Electives Compulsory Electives Electives

30 CP Study Area (30–42 CP) Study Areas (18–36 CP) (24–30 CP)

3rd semester
30 CP

4th semester
Master’s thesis (30 CP)
30 CP
6 Technische Universität Berlin | FACULTY IV Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | STUDY GUIDE

guages but also professional and intercultural Exchange Programs at Faculty IV

experience. Thus you may consider during your
Master’s program a longer stay abroad. Apart As part of the Erasmus+ exchange program,
from supplying you with a significant advan- the Faculty currently cooperates with more
tage in regard to any future employment, a than 40 universities in 15 European countries.
study stay in a foreign country proves often to The TU Berlin hosts students from participating
be also a very unique personal experience. Stu- universities and has been sending students
dent exchange programs, international intern- abroad for years. Please see   96169 for the
ships or employment abroad give you not only latest brochure and the exchange possibilities
the opportunity to enhance your specialized offered by the Faculty.
know-how, but also to broaden your personal
views on differences in languages, cultures and Apart from this specifically Europe-targeted
everyday life. Acquired intercultural skills, flexi- program, the Faculty also engages in non-
bility and commitment demonstrated by your Euro­pean exchange programs, currently with:
stay abroad are important assets for future
employment. –– Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
(UFRGS) in Porto Alegre (Brazil). For further
To make the most out of your stay abroad, both information consult   29680.
professionally and personally, you need to pre- –– Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. 
pare this time as thoroughly as possibly. Thus  150631
we recommend, you start with your prepara-
tion well in advance and make proficient use of Double-Degree Programs at Faculty IV
our informative events and consultation. Undoubtedly, participating in a double-degree
program is the highlight of any study abroad.
There are many possibilities and a wide range By participating in a double-degree program
of student exchange programs, amongst which you’ll have the opportunity to study at the TU
Erasmus+, the German Academic Exchange Berlin and at a second university abroad. Upon
Service (DAAD), Fulbright are the best-known, successful completion of your studies, you will
but not the only ones. Each semester the facul- be awarded two academic degrees. For the
ty holds different informative events, which are benefit of both German and foreign students,
usually advertised online in advance. the Faculty has entered into several double-de-
gree agreements. Our current partners are in
For assistance and information you may con- China, France, Korea and Poland (  150631).
tact the TU Berlin’s Students Mobility and
­International Students Office (  5190). They Information about all programs of the
offer advisory and counseling services for your Faculty IV   150321
stay abroad. Furthermore, the Career Service Please contact the Faculty IV’s International
(  165150) provides you with any information Studies Coordinator, Wolfgang Brandenburg
pertinent to internships in Germany and abroad. when you plan and prepare a stay or double
­degree abroad (  147520).
COMPUTER SCIENCE Master of Science | Your Studies 7

Study and Examination


Annotation che Universität Berlin by course-specific regula-

Please note that only the original German Ver-
sion is legally binding! This version is an unofficial Section 2 Entry Into Force/Expiry
reading version. The text published in the Official (1) These regulations shall come into force on
Gazette of Technische Universität Berlin is the the day after their publication in the Offi-
­authoritative and legally binding version. cial Gazette of Technische Universität Ber-
lin (Amtliches Mitteilungblatt – AMBl.).
On 6 May 2015, the Faculty Council of Facul-
ty IV – Electrical Engineering and Computer (2) 
The present regulations supersede nine
Sciences – of Technische Universität Berlin en- semesters, from the date of their enforce-
acted the following Study and Examination Reg- ment on, the study regulations for the
ulations, last amended on 14 December 2016, Master’s program Informatik of 10 March
for the Master’s program in Computer Science 2010 (AMBI. TU 18/2011, p. 293) in the
(Informatik), in accordance with Section 18 (1) version of 6 February 2013 (AMBI. TU
no. 1 of the University Charter of Technische 5/2013, p. 50) and the examination regu-
Universität Berlin and Section 71 (1) no. 1 of the lations for the Master’s program Informa-
Act on Higher Education Institutions in the State tik of 10 March 2010 (AMBI. TU 18/2011,
of Berlin (Berliner Hochschulgesetz, BerlHG), as p. 298). Students who have not completed
amended on 26 July 2011 (Berlin Gazette of their Master’s program in accordance with
Laws and Ordinances [GVBl. ], page 378). the regulations sentence (1), upon this
amendment, shall be automatically subject
to the present regulations. The examination
I. General Section board decides upon the accreditation of
their previous academic performance.
Section 1 Scope of Application
These study and examination regulations set (3) The present regulations apply to all stu-
down the objectives and organization of studies dents who enroll in the Master’s program
as well as the requirements for and execution of Computer Science (Informatik) at Technis-
examinations in the Master’s program in Com- che Universität Berlin after the enactment
puter Science at Faculty IV – Electrical Engineer- of the present study and examinations
ing and Computer Science. They supplement the regulations. Students who enrolled for the
Regulations Governing General Study and Master’s Program Informatik of Technis-
­Examination Procedures (AllgStuPO) of Technis- che Universität Berlin before the present
8 Technische Universität Berlin | FACULTY IV Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | STUDY GUIDE

regulations were enacted may ­ decide ates will obtain the ability to reflect scien-
with­in the set time limit (see section (2)) tific knowledge critically. They will be
according to which of the two regulations capable of acting responsibly within their
they wish to continue their courses. This scientific environment and ­ society and
decision is binding and irrevocable and has stay considerate of ethical standards. They
to be registered with the relevant central will be skilled in cooperating in intercultural
body. contexts and have highly developed social
and communication skills in order to occu-
py outstanding positions within multidisci-
II. Objectives and Organization of plinary teams.
(2) Important elements of this Master’s pro-
Section 3 Qualification Objectives, Course gram are the analysis of shortcomings and
Contents and Professional Fields of Activity the search for equivalent computer-based
(1) This Master’s program will provide gradu- responsestrategies. This includes the de-
ates with knowledge of subject-specific velopment of algorithms and programs in
methods and approaches pertinent to the distributed systems, networks and em-
field of computer science. Graduates will bedded systems, the analysis and manipu-
learn to apply these tools and be compe- lation of extremely large quantities of data
tent to assess their viability for specific as well as the modulation of fundamental
appli­cation scenarios. Graduates will be aspects of computing systems. This also
widely acquainted with core competencies includes the understanding of the inter-
in computer science, such as analysis, ab- connection between computer science and
straction and formal description of rele- other fields – for example, human-com-
vant problems, and they will be skilled in puter interaction – and their interdiscipli-
finding hardware and software solutions nary aspects. All subjects of this Master’s
and applying them accordingly. Graduates program shall enhance the graduate’s an-
will gain in-depth knowledge of specific alytical and creative skills as these are
aspects of computer science. On the basis highly sought after in any professional and
of their ­specialized knowledge, they will be scientific work and in a society that is in-
able to evolve existing methods on their creasingly linked by technology. In order to
own ­account. Graduates will acquire the facilitate skills and competence beyond
ability to analyze and find targeted solu- specialization in computer science, this
tions for complex technical and scientific Master’s program aims to provide students
problems in the field of Information and with the opportunity to work and conduct
Communication Technology. They will be their research largely in small working
able to indepen­ dently understand and groups. Projects shall offer the opportunity
structure specific technical and scientific not only to train the students’ practical
subject matters and display these in ap- skills but also their proficiency at organiz-
propriate written and oral forms. Gradu- ing team­work on their own. Seminars shall
COMPUTER SCIENCE Master of Science | Study and Examination Regulations 9

help to enhance the students’ presen­ (4) The educational program and the entire
tation skills and their capability to work examination procedure are designed and
through the subject matter and problem organized in such a way that the pro-
areas ­ independently and provide them gram may be completed within the stand-
with the opportunity to present and to dis- ard time-to-degree. Section 4a Admission
cuss their own solutions. The Master’s ­Requirements
thesis shall, in addition, enhance the stu-
dents’ ability to plan and organize a specif- Section 5 Organization of Studies
ic and complex research project. (1) Students have the right to plan the pro-
gress of their own course of study as long
(3) There is no valid general job description for as it complies with the provisions of these
a computer scientist. Employment varies Regulations Governing Study and Exami-
depending on industries, enterprises, and nation Procedures. This does not apply to
working environments, and often asks for obligations arising from the definition of
very specific know-how. Yet, the core com- subject-specific admission requirements
petencies of any computer scientist have for modules. Though students may organ-
proven to be the ability to develop specific ize their progress by themselves, we
performance solutions and to come up attached for your consideration a good
with increasingly specialized and innova- ­example for a study schedule (Annex (2)).
tive problem-solving concepts. This Mas-
ter’s program aims, therefore, to upgrade (2) Students are to render an academic per-
your basic skills as a computer scientist formance that attains a total amount
and to provide you with the essential spe- worth of 120 CP, comprising 90 CP in
cialization in the field of computer science; modules and 30 CP in the Master’s thesis.
with this Master’s program, you may seek
employment internationally, start up your (3) The compulsory electives are comprised of
own enterprise, or even pursue a career in a total worth of 60 to 66 CP. You may
research. choose modules worth 30 to 42 CP from
one of the following study areas:
Section 4 Course Start, Standard Period
of Study and Required Coursework –– Data and Software Engineering
(1) The course may be started in the winter or –– Embedded Systems and Computer
summer semester. ­Architectures
–– Foundations of Computing
The standard time-to-degree, including –– Cognitive Systems
the writing of the Master’s thesis, shall be –– Digital Media and Human Computer
four semesters. Interaction
–– Distributed Systems and Networks
(3) The required coursework in the Master’s
program amounts to 120 CP.
10 Technische Universität Berlin | FACULTY IV Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | STUDY GUIDE

Modules for these study areas are listed in r­ecognized upon request if they are equi­
the respective module list. valent to the modules laid out by the Study
and Examinations Regulations of TU Berlin
For the additional compulsory electives, and if they complement the Master’s pro-
modules worth 18 to 36 CP that are to be grams modules. The examination board
completed, you may choose from the oth- decides on specific requirements. We ad-
er listed study areas, respectively from the vise you to organize your study schedule
study area Information Systems. and examinations abroad accordingly. To
make sure that your achievements are
(4) Students are obliged to participate in one ­eligible for accreditation at TU Berlin, we
project worth at least 9 CP and a seminar ­advise you to present your study schedule
from the compulsory electives area. and all planned achievements well ahead
of your departure to your module super­
Students may choose elective modules visor or even the examination board. The
worth 24 to 30 CP from the entire range of faculty offers important advice and sup-
subjects of TU Berlin, other universities port throughout your planning phase and
and equivalent institutions of higher edu- your stay abroad. You may consult your
cation within the scope of application of module supervisor, the General Student
the Berlin State Higher Act, as well as Counseling, the International Studies Co-
­institutions of higher education and uni- ordinator, the Academic Coordinator or the
versities abroad that have been accredited examination board. The TU Berlin and the
as equivalent. These modules shall serve Faculty IV hold agreements and joint pro-
for the acquisition of additional specialized grams with several international univer­
and interdisciplinary skills. Students are sities and higher education institutions.
recommended to choose from modules Please keep yourself informed. There may
that factor societal, social and/or gender be particular requirements for your study
and diversity aspects. We also recommend stay with these partner institutions.
modules that qualify for entry to a profes-
sion, such as modules from the fields of Upon return, you will have to present your
Electronic Engineering or Mathematics. achievements to the examination board if
The electives may also include modules you wish to obtain accreditation of the
facilitating skills in English or other foreign credits gained during your stay abroad. We
languages. English modules from level C1 advise you to schedule your stay abroad
(GER, according to CEFR) on will be credited. for your second or third semester as these
two semesters are, according to our expe-
Students are recommended to study rience, the most favorable times for study-
abroad. During their studies abroad they ing abroad during your Master’s program.
shall engage in graded studies and exams.
Achievements during this time may be
COMPUTER SCIENCE Master of Science | Study and Examination Regulations 11

III. Requirements and Conduct of disregarded. All not graded modules or

Examinations those that are marked ‘ungraded’ shall pri-
marily be included in the final grade. The
Section 6 Purpose of the Master’s Master’s thesis is weighted with 1 and de-
­Examination termines the final grade.
The Master’s examination serves the purpose
of assessing whether a candidate has reached Section 9 Master’s Thesis
the qualification objectives as laid out in Sec- (1) 
The Master’s thesis shall generally be
tion 3 of these regulations. written in the fourth semester. The Mas-
ter’s thesis amounts to 30 CP and is to be
Section 7 Master’s Degree produced within 26 weeks. Upon the can-
Upon successful completion of the Master’s didate’s submission of a duly substantiat-
examination, Faculty IV – Electrical Engineering ed request, the examination board may
and Computer Science – awards to the gra­ extend the deadline for completion of the
duate the academic degree ‘Master of Science’ Master’s thesis by one month and in the
(M. Sc. ) on behalf of TU Berlin. case of illness up to three months. Any
other requests for exemption are to be re-
Section 8 Scope of the Master’s Examination, viewed and decided upon by the examina-
Determination of the Overall Grade tion board.
(1) The Master’s examination consists of the
module examinations as specified in the (2) The topic of the Master’s thesis may be
module list and the Master’s thesis ac- rejected once, however only within the
cording to Section 9. first six weeks of being issued by the rele-
vant department of the Central University
(2) In accordance with Section 47 of the Reg- ­Administration.
ulations Governing General Study and Ex-
amination Procedures (AllgStuPO), the fi- (3) The procedure of application for admission
nal grade is assessed on the basis of all to a final thesis and the latter’s assess-
graded and applicable module examina- ment is regulated by the Regulations
tions as they are stated in the module list ­Governing General Study and Examination
and the Master’s thesis. The maximum Procedures (AllgStuPO), in force at the
amount of all modules that shall not be time of application.
counted into the final grade, must not
­exceed 30 CP and shall include electives (4) 
The Master’s thesis must not obtain a
worth 12 CP. Subject to the final choice of non-disclosure statement or any other se-
all modules that are credited for the final crecy arrangement that goes beyond the
grade shall be generally those modules standard confidentiality and due diligence
with the lowest credits. In the case of two obligations.
equivalent modules, the regulations fore-
see that the most recent module shall be
12 Technische Universität Berlin | FACULTY IV Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | STUDY GUIDE

Section 10 Types of Examination and

­Enrollment for Examinations
(1) Types of examination and the procedure of
enrollment for module examinations are
regulated by the Regulations Governing
General Study and Examination Proce-
dures (AllgStuPO), in force at the date of

(2) Compulsory elective modules or elective

modules from other faculties are subject
to the examination regulations as laid out
in the module descriptions.

For the Regulations Governing General Study

and Examination Procedures (AllgStuPO) at TU
Berlin see   75846.
COMPUTER SCIENCE Master of Science | Overview 13


To ease your first steps in our Master’s pro- Academic Coordinator

gram we strived to compile a list of addresses Professor Dr.-Ing. Uwe Nestmann
of the most important contacts at Faculty IV Room TEL 710a
and TU Berlin, including their online links. Phone: +49 30/314-7 35 01

Faculty IV Dean of Studies

Professor Dr.-Ing. Sibylle Dieckerhoff
Faculty IV Electrical Engineering and Room E 11
­Computer Science Phone: +49 30/314-2 55 11
Sekr. MAR 6–1
Marchstraße 23, D 10587 Berlin  100634
Phone: +49 30/314-2 22 29 Studies and Teaching Coordination
Fax: +49 30/314-2 17 39 Manuela Gadow
Dean’s Office:   2013 Room MAR 6.019
Faculty Administration:   2018 Phone: +49 30/314-2 51 55

Academics and Teaching Hanna Wesner

Room MAR 6.019
Student Counseling Phone: +49 30/314-7 31 86
Room MAR 6.021
Phone: +49 30/314-2 10 05 Mentoring
Consultation hours:   147510 Maria Fleßner, Luis Meier
Room MAR 6.006
Office of the Examination Board Phone: +49 30/314-7 31 94
Pia Janik
Room MAR 6.023
Phone: +49 30/314-7 34 00
Consultation hours:   35561
14 Technische Universität Berlin | FACULTY IV Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | STUDY GUIDE

Student Initiative of Faculty IV Freitagsrunde Deputy: Cathrin Bunkelmann

Room MAR 0.005 Room MAR 5.011
Phone: +49 30/314-2 13 86/-7 57 69 Phone: +49 30/314-7 35 57
 147625 Consultation hours: Thu 10–12 am

International Issues
Liaison Lecturers for Doctoral
International Student Counseling ­Candidates
Center for International and Intercultural
­Communication (ZiiK) Professor Dr. habil. Odej Kao
Dr. Nazir Peroz (Head) Sekr. TEL 12-5
Room FH 519 Phone: +49 30/314-2 89 70
Phone: +49 30/314-2 78 97
Consultation hours: Wed 10–12 am Professor Dr. Marianne Maertens
 88927 Room MAR 5.010
Phone: +49 30/314-2 44 78
International Studies Coordinator
Wolfgang Brandenburg
Room MAR 6.020
Phone: +49 30/314-2 47 09 Contact for Entrepreneurs
Consultation hours: Tue, Thu 9.30–10.30 am Professor Dr.-Ing. Thomas Sikora
and by arrangement Room EN 302
 147520 Phone: +49 30/314-2 57 99
Consultation hours: Thu 2–3 pm
Office for Women’s Affairs

Diana Baumann Student Services

Room MAR 6.007
Phone: +49 30/314-2 58 09 Office of Student Affairs Straße des 17. Juni 135,
Consultation hours:   130117 Main Building (H)
Express telephone service: +49 30/314-2 99 99
COMPUTER SCIENCE Master of Science | Overview 15

Examination Office Representative of Students with Disabilities

Team 2 and Chronic Diseases
Straße des 17. Juni 135, Janin Dziamski
Main Building (H), Room H 0010 Straße des 17. Juni 135
Phone +49 30/314-2 49 92 Main Building (H), Room H 0070
Consultation hours: Mon, Thu, Fr 9.30–12.30 am, Phone: +49 30/314-2 56 07
Tue 1–4 pm
 22401  40950

General Student Counseling

Straße des 17. Juni 135, Important Links
Main Building (H), Room H 0070 Faculty IV, TU Berlin   115
Introductory Days of Faculty IV   150319
Student Mobility and International Students
Uta Kirchner (Head of Section) Campus Center   142817
Room H 0043 Contact point for application/enrollment
Phone: 030/314-25648 Center for Campusmanagement (ZECM)
Consultation hours: Tue, Thu 9.30–12.30 am IT-Service-Center   163
(and by arrangement)
 5190 IT-Service der Fakultät IV „eecsIT”
PC pools, User support   24768
Psychological Counseling
Straße des 17. Juni 135, Course Catalog   80594
Main Building (H), Room H 0059/60/61/62 MOSES (module descriptions, selection of
Phone: +49 30/314-2 56 03 tutorials, etc.)
 133594 Information Platform ‘ISIS’
Scripts, forums, wikis to individual
teaching units

Student loans (BAföG), student housing,
dining facilities, etc.
16 Technische Universität Berlin | FACULTY IV Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | STUDY GUIDE


ADT Agorithmic Decision Theory AES EMSP Electronics and Medical Signal
Embedded Systems Architecture ­Processing
AKT Algorithmics and Computational
Complexity Fak. Faculty/Fakultät
ALGO Efficient Algorithms FG Chair
AOT Agent Technologies in Business
Applications and Telecommunica- HF-Ph Hochfrequenztechnik – Photonics
tions HLB Semiconductor Devices
ASET Automated Systems Engineering HT High Voltage Engineering
AV Next Generation Networks IGNC Industry Grade Networks and
AVT Mikroelektronik – Aufbau- und Clouds
Verbindungstechniken IMA Internet Measurement and Analysis
INET Intelligent Networks and Manage-
BigDaMa Big Data Management ment of Distributed Systems
IoT Internet of Things for Smart
CCAN Control of Convergent Access ­Buildings
­Networks ISE Information Systems Engineering
CG Computer Graphics IV Integrated classroom learning
CIT Complex and Distributed
­IT-Systems KBS Communication and Operating
CommIT Communications and Information ­Systems
Theory KI Artificial Intelligence Group
CP Credit points/Leistungspunkte (LP) KO/CO Colloquium
CV Computer Vision and Remote
­Sensing LaS Logic and Semantics
LE Power Electronics
DIMA Database Systems and Information LT Lighting Engineering
DSI Distributed Security Infrastructures M Oral examination/­
Mündliche ­Prüfung
EA Electrical Drives MCC Mobile Cloud Computing
EET Electrical Energy Storage MDT Electronic Measurement and
­Technology ­Diagnostic Technology
COMPUTER SCIENCE Master of Science | Abbreviations 17

MKP Modelling of Cognitive Processes SECT Security in Telecommunications

ML Machine Learning SENSE Sustainable Electric Networks and
MSC Mixed Signal Circuit Design Sources of Energy
MTV Models and Theory of Distributed SESE Software and Embedded Systems
Systems Engineering
MWT Microwave Engineering SNET Service-centric Networking
SWS Course hours per week/­
NEURO Neurotechnology Semesterwochenstunden
NI Neural Information Processing
NUE Communication Systems TET Theoretische Elektrotechnik
TFD Technology for Thin Film Devices
ODS Open Distributed Systems TKN Telecommunication Networks

P Portfolio examination UE Excercise/Übung

PCS Photonic Communication Networks
PJ Project/Projekt VL Lecture/Vorlesung
PR Practical training/Praktikum VOS Open Distributed Systems
PSYCO Computational Psychology
WHS Werkstoffe der Hetero-­
QDS Quality Engineering of Open Systemintegration
­Distributed Systems
QU Quality and Usability Lab ZiiK Centre for International and
­Intercultural Communication
ROB Robotics and Biology Laboratory
RS Control Systems
RSiM Remote Sensing Image Analysis

S Written examination/Schriftliche
SBE Software and Business Engineering
SE Seminar
SE Sensor & Actuator Technology
TU Berlin
Campus Charlottenburg
A Architekturgebäude C Chemiegebäude HE Hörsaalgebäude Elektrotechnik MA Mathematikgebäude TC Technische Chemie
Straße des 17. Juni 152 Straße des 17. Juni 115 Straße des 17. Juni 136 Straße des 17. Juni 136 Straße des 17. Juni 124
A-F Architekturgebäude Flachbau E Elektrotechnische Institute, Altbau HF Hermann-Föttinger-Gebäude MAR Marchstraße 23 TEL ehem. Telefunken-Hochhaus
Straße des 17. Juni 152 Einsteinufer 19 Müller-Breslau-Straße 8 MB Müller-Breslau-Straße 11–12 Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
AM Alte Mineralogie E-N Elektrotechnische Institute, Neubau HF-LA Energielabor MS Mechanische Schwingungslehre TEM Transelektronenmikroskopie
Hardenbergstraße 38 Einsteinufer 17 Müller-Breslau-Straße 8 Einsteinufer 5 Marchstraße 10
AMP Anwendungszentrum EB Erweiterungsbau HFT Hochfrequenztechnik PC Physikalische Chemie TK Thermodynamik und Kältetechnik
­Mikroproduktionstechnik Straße des 17. Juni 145 Einsteinufer 25 Straße des 17. Juni 135 Straße des 17. Juni 135
Pascalstraße 13–14 EMH Gebäudeteile Elektromaschinen (EM) HL Heizung und Lüftung PTZ Produktionstechnisches Zentrum V Verformungskunde, Zentraleinrichtung
B Bauingenieurgebäude und ­Hochspannungstechnik (HT) Marchstraße 4 Pascalstraße 8-9, 13–14 Hochschulsport (ZEH)
Hardenbergstraße 40A Einsteinufer 11 K Kraftfahrzeuge RDH Rudolf-Drawe-Haus Straße des 17. Juni 135
BA Alter Bauingenieurflügel ER Ernst-Ruska-Gebäude Straße des 17. Juni 135 Fasanenstraße 89 VWS ehem. Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau
(im Physikgebäude) Hardenbergstraße 36A KF ehem. Kraft- und Fernheizwerk SE-RH Reuleaux-Haus, Eisenbahnlehranlage und Schiffbau, Zentralwerkstatt
Hardenbergstraße 40 EW Eugene-Paul-Wigner-Gebäude Fasanenstraße 1A Straße des 17. Juni 135 Müller-Breslau-Straße 15 (Schleuseninsel)
BEL Kindergarten, Gerhard Ertl Center Hardenbergstraße 36 KT Kerntechnik SG Severin-Gelände W Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft
Marchstraße 6 und 8 F Flugtechnische Institute Marchstraße 18 Salzufer 17–19, Dovestraße 6 Straße des 17. Juni 144 und 144A
BH-A/ Bergbau und Hüttenwesen, Marchstraße 12, 12A, 12B, 14 KWT Kraftwerkstechnik und Apparatebau ST Steinplatz 2 WF Werkzeugmaschinen und ­Fertigungstechnik
Altbau und Neubau FH Fraunhoferstraße 33-36 Fasanenstraße 1 TA Technische Akustik Fasanenstraße 90
BH-N Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1 H Hauptgebäude der TU Berlin L ehem. Lebensmittelchemie Einsteinufer 25 Z Poststelle, Druckerei, Materialausgabe
BIB Universitätsbibliothek der TUB & UdK Straße des 17. Juni 135 Müller-Breslau-Straße 10 TAP Technische Akustik Prüfhalle Straße des 17. Juni 135
Fasanenstraße 88 HBS Gebäude M Gebäudeteil Mechanik Einsteinufer 31
Hardenbergstraße 16–18 Straße des 17. Juni 135 Info Pförtner
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