Nerve Name Major Branches Minor Branches: Parasympathetics

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Nerve Name Major branches Minor branches

CN I Olfactory n. N/A N/A

CN II Optic n. N/A N/A
Superior division N/A
CN III Occulomotor n. Inferior division N/A
Parasympathetics N/A
CN IV Trochlear n. N/A N/A

Frontal n.

Lacrimal n.
Ophthalmic division (V1)

Nasociliary n.

Zygomatic n.

Posterior superior alveolar n.

Infraorbital n.
Maxillary division (V2)
Pharyngeal n.
CN V Trigeminal n. Greater palatine n.
Lesser palatine n.
Nasopalatine n.
Nasal branches
N. to temporalis m.
N. to masseter m.
N. to lateral pterygoid m.
N. to medial pterygoid m.
N. to mylohyoid m.
Mandibular division (V3) N. to tensor tympani m.
N. to tensor veli palatini m.
Lingual n.

Inferior alveolar n.

Auriculotemporal n.
CN VI Abducens n. N/A N/A
Temporal branch
Zygomatic branch
Nn. to mm. of facial expression Buccal branch
Mandibular branch
Cervial branch
N. to stylohyoid m. N/A
CN VII Facial n.
N. to stapedius m. N/A
CN VII Facial n.
N. to posterior belly of digastric m. N/A
Posterior auricular n. N/A
Parasympathetics N/A
Chorda tympani N/A
Sensory n. N/A
Vestibular n. N/A
CN VIII Vestibulocochlear n.
Cochlear n. N/A
N. to stylopharyngeus m. N/A
Parasympathetics N/A
Special sense N/A
CN IX Glossopharyngeal n.
N. to carotid sinus N/A
Sensory n. N/A
Tympanic n. N/A
N. to mm. of palate N/A
Pharyngeal nn. N/A
External laryngeal n. N/A
CN X Vagus n.
Internal laryngeal n. N/A
Recurrent laryngeal n. N/A
Cardiac/GI nn. N/A
CN XI Spinal accessory n. N/A N/A
CN XII Hypoglassal n. N/A N/A
Exits skull via Branches
Cribiform plate of ethmoid bone N/A
Optic canal N/A
Superior orbital fissure within tendinous ring N/A
Superior orbital fissure superior to tendinous ring N/A
Supraorbital n.
Superior orbital fissure superior to tendinous ring
Supratrochlear n.
Superior orbital fissure superior to tendinous ring N/A
Infratrochlear n.
Posterior ethmoidal n.
Superior orbital fissure within tendinous ring Anteior ethmoidal n.
Long ciliary n.
Short ciliary n.
Zygomaticofacial n.
Zygomaticotemporal n.
Communicating branch
Foramen rotundum
Foramen ovale N/A
Mental n.
Superior orbital fissure within tendinous ring N/A
Internal accoustic meatus, then enters petrous portion of occipital N/A
bone, motor portion exits via stylomastoid foramen
Internal accoustic meatus, then enters petrous portion of occipital
bone, motor portion exits via stylomastoid foramen

Internal accoustic meatus, then enters petrous portion of occipital N/A
bone, then enters pterygopalatine fossa or chorda tympani N/A
Internal accoustic meatus
Jugular foramen
Jugular foramen
Enters via foramen magnum then exits via jugular foramen N/A
Hypoglossal canal N/A
Special sense - smell
Special sense - sight
motor innervation to LPS m., SR m., MR m.
motor innervation to IR m., IO m.
via ciliary ganglion to eye (pupillary constriction and lens accomodation) - carried by brach of V 1
motor innervation to SO m.
exits superior orbital foramen, sensory to forehead and scalp
sensory to bridge of nose
sensory to lacrimal gland
sensory to upper eyelid, lacrimal sac, and lateral bridge of nose
sensory to posterior ethmoid air cells and sphenoid sinus
sensory to anterior ethmoid air cells and anterior nasal septum
sensory to eyeball (cornea and sclera) and conjunctiva
sensory to eyeball and carries CN III parasympathetics
sensory to anterior zygomatic process
sensory to posterior zygomatic process
carries CN VII parasympathetics to lacrimal gland
sensory to mucosal cheek, gingiva, maxillary sinus, maxillary molars
exits via infraorbial foramen, sensory to lower eyelid, side of nose, upper lip, anterior maxillay teeth
sensory to pharynx
exits pterygopalatine fossa via palatine canal and greater palatine foramen, sensory to hard palate
exits pterygopalatine fossa via palatine canal and lesser palatine foramen, sensory to soft palate
exits pterygopalatine fossa via sphenopalatine foramen, sensory to nasal septum, enters oral cavity via incisor foramen, senso
exits pterygopalatine fossa via sphenopalatine foramen, sensory to mucosa in nasal cavity and nasopharynx
motor innervation to temporalis m.
motor innervation to masseter m.
motor innervation to lateral pterygoid m.
motor innervation to medial pterygoid m.
motor innervation to mylohyoid and anterior belly of digastric mm.
motor innervation to tensor tympani m. (middle ear)
motor innervation to tensor veli palatini m.
sensory to tongue and lingual gingiva, joined by chorda tympani (CN VII parasympathetics and special sense)
enters mandibular foramen, sensory to mandibular teeth
exits via mental foramen, sensory to chin and lower lip
sensory to temporal region and TMJ, carries parasympathetics of CN IX to parotid gland
motor innervation to LR m.
motor innervation to mm. of facial expression
motor innervation to mm. of facial expression
motor innervation to mm. of facial expression
motor innervation to mm. of facial expression
motor innervation to mm. of facial expression
motor innervation to stylohyoid m.
motor innervation to stapedius m. (middle ear)
motor innervation to posterior belly of digastric m.
motor innervation to occipitalis m.
via pterygopalatine ganglion to lacrimal gland (tearing) - carried by branch of V 2, via submandibular ganglion to submandibul
parasympathetics to submandibular ganglion, special sense - taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
sensory to external acoustic meatus and mucosa of nasopharynx
special sense - balance
special sense - hearing
motor innervation to stylopharyngeus m.
via otic ganglion to parotid gland (salivation) - carried by branch of V3
special sense - taste to posterior 1/3 of tongue
sensory to carotid baroreceptor (carotid sinus) and chemoreceptor (carotid body)
sensory to posterior 1/3 of tongue and oropharynx
sensory to medial surface of tympanic membrane
motor innervation to levator veli palatini m., palatoglossus m., palatopharyngeus m., and musculus uvulae m.
motor innervation to pharyngeal constrictor mm.
motor innervation to cricothyroid m.
sensory superior to vocal folds, parasympathetics to laryngeal glands, special sense - taste to epiglottis
sensory inferior to vocal folds, motor innervation to all intrisic mm. of larynx (thyroarytenoid mm., vocalis m., lateral cricoar
sensor to thoracic and abdominal viscera (up to splenic flexure), parasympathetic/motor to cardiac m. and intestinal smooth
motor innervation to SCM m. and trapezius m.
motor innervation to all mm. of tongue (EXCEPT palatoglossus m.)

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