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Tool Selection | The Million Dollar Question

The Million Dollar Question

Secrets to a Successful Commercial

Tool Selection
There is no “perfect” equipment list, and the tools of a makerspace will be as variable as makerspaces themselves. has suggested some common tools and niches depending on the nature of your space. To get your
imaginations flowing, please view the following abridged list of tool and equipment considerations:

Suggested Tools for Various Makerspace

By Nicola Einarson
Oct. 22, 2013


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Discussion Question: If you were to expand an established makerspace, which craft areas would you propose
combining, and to what valued ends would you imagine the melange?

Discussion Summary: Based on cohort discussions, other factors that may be considered in this topic are:

Domain Combinations: the choice of tools and educational options are available within a makerspace to foster
creative potential and applicable results. Creating a marketable makerspace relies on a cohesive set of varied,
yet linked, tool choices.
Potential for Wearable Technology: the booming wearable technology movement allows for a “bring your
own device” initiative within makerspaces. Further research on how wearable and portable technology can
enhance makerspaces ability and adaptability is required.

Please view the cohort experience in the comments below. If you are accessing this OER after November 3, 2013,
you are welcome to further contribute to the discussion.

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Tool Selection | The Million Dollar Question

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The Million Dollar Question

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