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06 Global Citizenship Discussion

In fulfillment for the requirements for the subject

The Contemporary World

Resurreccion, Khaylyn

January 2022
Read 06 Readings 3 and answer the following questions:

1. What are the three (3) new ideas that you have learned from the
2. How would you connect yourself with its content?
3. Would you share this new information to other people if given a
chance? Why? How?

Increasing interconnectivity between people, countries, and economies means that we
have a global dimension. The most positive way to deal with it is to follow the path of
global citizenship. Global Citizen sees themselves as part of a new global community and
is committed to building the values ​and practices of this community. The Global Citizens
Initiative recognizes that Global Citizens are part of an emerging global community and
says that their actions contribute to building the value and practice of that community.
There is something like an emerging world community that people can identify. And such
a community has an early set of values ​and practices.

The main issue with human rights was the difficulty of the world exercising human
rights. There is a long and shameful history of ignorance and abuse of human rights by
sovereign states, religious groups, and businesses. Increasingly established international
mechanisms for reporting human rights abuses. There are also global, regional, and
national courts that determine cases of human rights abuses. Unfortunately, the
jurisdiction of the human rights enforcement mechanism remains limited and many states
have not agreed to participate. This is yet another reason for a review and update of our
current human rights policies and programs.

Most of us on the road to global citizenship are still at the beginning of our journey. Our
eyes have been opened and our consciousness has risen. Instinctively, I feel connected to
people all over the world, but I lack the right tools, resources, and support to realize my
vision. Our ideas and beings are still shaped by old attachments and perspectives that are
not as effective as they used to be. There is a longing to regain the veil that prevents us
from seeing the whole world more clearly and finding more sustainable ways to connect
with people who share our common humanity.

This is world citizenship as a soulful experience guided by our deepest understanding of

truth. We can use science and critical thinking to promote peace. Cross-cultural dialogue
and dispute resolution strategies can reduce human rights abuses. Education is an
important tool for eradicating violence against minorities and disadvantaged people. Our
challenge is to create a world that affirms the human rights of all.

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