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Journal on Industry 4.0 (Smart Industry)

Industrial Artificial Intelligence

First A. Junaid Attiq, Second B. Muhammad Jamal, and Third C. Talha Altaf, Fourth D.Saad

and recycling. The emphasis on human interaction in the
production process distinguishes industry 4.0 from Computer
Abstract— The Industrial 4.0 project has made manufacturing Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). CIM includes non-
facilities more flexible and networked, but it has also made productive production, whereas Industry 4.0 emphasizes the
interdependence, uncertainty, and the enormous quantity of human worker in product development. The Industrial 4.0
data created more difficult. Recent advancements in Industrial paradigm encourages the individual and online connectivity of
Artificial Intelligence have demonstrated the technology's physical items such as sensors, gadgets, and business assets.
ability to assist producers in addressing the challenges At all phases of product development, design and writing
associated with this digital transformation of Cyber-Physical methodologies should be assessed and their relevance
Systems, through the use of data-driven predictive statistics addressed in a contemporary, multi-product model for product
and the ability to assist in decision-making in the most development, with standard, integrated, and differentiated
complex, inaccurate, and frequently multi-phase areas. approaches, processes, and IT solutions. The manufacturing
However, compared to the testing phase, industrial process is separated into a limited number of units that
acceptability of these solutions is still low, since real-world exchange just the knowledge from subsequent process stages,
contexts provide new and complicated issues for which allowing for greater flexibility and perhaps less integration
companies are not yet prepared. As a result, the objective of complexity.
this study is twofold. First, a comprehensive analysis of
current Industrial Artificial Intelligence publications is
offered, with an emphasis on their application in real-world
manufacturing contexts to highlight significant permitted
technologies and critical design ideas. Via future research
efforts and concepts, a framework to bridge the gap between
field research and the manufacturing sector will be Figure 1 Four Industrial Revolutions
established, with the goal of boosting industrial discovery
through a successful transition into the culture of an entire The requirement for Industry 4.0 to turn traditional equipment
digital firm powered by data. This work is one of the first in
into self-identifying and self studying equipment in order to
the field of Industrial 4.0 to present a clear and thorough increase overall performance and maintenance management
description of Industrial Artificial Intelligence, defining and
via surrounding networks. The goal of Industrial 4.0 is to
analyzing its core structural blocks and continuous styles. The create an open, intelligent manufacturing platform that
findings are intended to help academics and producers better
connects an information network to an industrial network.
grasp the requirements and stages for a successful AI-based concept enters its tenth year (2011-2021), it is critical to get a
Industrial 4.0 transition, as well as the obstacles that may arise
comprehensive picture of its evolution and future directions in
during this process. order to guide future research efforts in the many disciplines
that are investigating its possibilities. As a result, we analyze
Index Terms—Industry 4.0, Internet of things, Cyber physical
security, Smart Manufacturing, Smart products and
the different streams related to the industry 4.0 concept and
services, Smart supply chain and Smart working. provide a picture of research evolution and existing gaps using
the four smarts perspective, which considers the relationship
I. INTRODUCTION between Smart Manufacturing, Smart Supply Chain, Smart
Products and Services, and Smart Working.
Manufacturing has developed from water and steam
machinery to automatic and digital production since the first We have two major theoretical contributions to make. First,
Industrial Revolution, making the process more complex, the study goes beyond previous evaluations of the literature on
mechanized, and sustainable so that people can use equipment the subject to present the first systematic and complete
quickly, efficiently, and consistently. “ The phrase Industry framework for examining how the advent of 4.0 technologies
4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution, which is may affect the growth of international commerce. Second, via
characterized as an all-encompassing new level of planning”. six study directions at the junction of the two domains, the
The main purpose of Industry 4.0 is to meet the needs of research sets the way for future research.
individual clients in areas such as order administration, R&D,
manufacturing authorization, delivery, and product processing The first industrial revolution occurred around the end of the
eighteenth century, and was characterised by mechanisation


Journal on Industry 4.0 (Smart Industry)

enabled by steam and water power. Electricity aided the continuously. They seek to lower their costs in order to raise
second industrial revolution, which began at the turn of the their status.
twentieth century and was marked by mass production, Companies are searching for extra value in addition to
assembly lines, and labour divisions. The third came around product-focused initiatives; they are confronted with an
the turn of the century, when computers were used to further increasing volume of data from a range of sources, including
automate equipment and industrial processes. The Fourth the manufacturing area, supply chain, and environment.
Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, which has been
going on since the middle of the past century and is known as  CONCEPT
the digital revolution. It is defined by a convergence of
technology that blurs the distinctions between the physical, Revolution 4.0 in Industry. Internet is the most recent major
digital, and biological realms. search engine. Its real-time communication monitoring, as
well as the company's action jobs, are essential to the
fulfillment of an intelligent industry.
People, products, and equipment are all linked together via
systems. Employees, machines, products, customers,
suppliers, and systems are all linked through the Internet.


The information revolution has remarkably developed and
extended to a new age, the so-called digital age, since the
internet was popularised towards the end of the twentieth
century. In developed nations, digital transformation has been
one of the most pressing concerns. In this context, the industry
4.0 idea was established in 2011 by a German public-private
effort to recognise the industrial problems of the new
millennium and provide a strategy roadmap for German
enterprises to build modern production systems. The notion
Figure 1 Graphical representation of industrial revolution has now extended around the world, however different
countries use different names and place varying emphasis on
II. BACKGROUND their industrial strategies.
 Overview Internal dimensions, on the one hand, examine value streams
related to the company's industrial operations, such as its
manufacturing processes (Smart Manufacturing) and its
In manufacturing, product development, processing employees (Smart Working). The external dimensions, on the
performance, and communication technologies with other hand, take into account value streams that connect the
compatible infrastructure, the "Industry 4.0," taking place. company's activities to the outside world, such as its supply
Smart industries are those that are highly adaptable, well- chain (Smart Supply Chain) and consumers (Smart Products
made, and operate well with wellcontrolled manufacturing and Services). Because they cover the primary components
processes. The main victims of those new technologies being described by prior frameworks by authors such as Chen
generated in the industrial field are self-organizing agents with (2017), Chiarello et al. (2018), and Roblek et al. (2018), these
embedded controls and technology to communicate with their four smart dimensions embrace the whole potential of Industry
environment. 4.0 technology implementation (2016).
A "Cyber Physical System," or a paradigm in which diverse Water and steam power were employed to mechanise industry
products are furnished with sensors and sensor actuators, is during the first industrial revolution. The second made use of
referred to as the ability to study and transmit "Internet of electric power, allowing for mass production. Electronics and
Things" and Data Analytics for Small and Medium information technology were employed to modernise
Enterprises. production in the third. The fourth industrial revolution, often
Physical digital-enabled production characteristics such as IT known as industry 4.0, is a digital transformation driven by
services will be the future of the industrial network, allowing information technology that improves machine–human
for online representation of the visible production area. correlation and system self-optimization.
Dr. Wolfgang created the phrase Industry 4.0 in 2011. As a
 Context result, publications on Industry 4.0 begin in that year. As a
result of Klaus Schwab's foundational work, annual
Today's industrial businesses are laser-focused on their desire publications began to double starting in 2015.
to create. They measure their processes and software packages Keywords identify the issues in a text that need to be
in order to operate effectively, and they strive to improve addressed. As a result, the goal is to extract the keywords by
using VOS viewer's Co-occurrence analysis. The frequency,

Journal on Industry 4.0 (Smart Industry)

degree of centrality, betweenness, and relative importance of a cyber-physical system (CPS), cloud computing, and the
the keywords that were found are tabulated. The search term Internet of Things (IoT).
(Industry4.0) has been removed from the list of results. The Because of its adaptability, a feedback loop is employed in
amount of occurrences is referred to as frequency, while the this system; it is also used in hospitals, traffic management
count of linkages between the keywords is referred to as systems, thorough appraisals of current Industry 4.0 research.
degree centrality. The amount to which a keyword mediates or The goal of this study is to look at the present state of research
falls between any other two keywords on the shortest path in the Industry 4.0 fields. This paper provides Industry 4.0
between those two keywords is measured by the betweenness research areas based on a thorough literature review.
degree, which is generally averaged over all possible pairs in
the network.’’ The most often used keyword is 'Internet of The authors used a similar review method in this publication.
Things' (IoT), followed by 'Artificial Intelligence' (AI), 'Cloud First, significant sources of publication addressing
computing,' and 'Machine learning.' advancements in the sectors of Industry 4.0 and smart
Industry 4.0's main objective is to boost efficiency and manufacturing were found for this article. The authors used
production through real-time data-driven automation. articles from the Web of Science (WoS) database, which
Automation, digitalization, human–machine interaction, includes a large number of prestigious journals such as
autonomous data interchange, and communication are some of Emerald, Taylor and Francis, Springer, IEEE, and Elsevier.
the disruptive transformation aspects of Industry 4.0. These For starters, they chose Web of Science as their data source
characteristics are closely linked to optimization techniques since it is one of the largest abstract and citation databases,
and web technology. Industry 4.0 encompasses a wide variety with thousands of peer-reviewed articles in the domains of
of concepts and new technologies, including the Internet of science, technology, medicine, and social sciences. They
Things (IoT), cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), gathered information from 529 publications on various
digitization, and automation. In a nutshell, Industry 4.0 is an elements of industry 4.0, including books, chapters, doctorate
IT-driven change that aims to make real-time systems more theses, white papers, editorial comments, and more. They
robust and smarter. screened the data and deleted duplicates, or papers that
The German consortium's initial definition of Industry 4.0 appeared in many combinations of articles, to improve the
(Schuh et al., 2020) and the German Academy of Science and findings.
Engineering's (ACATECH) subsequent model of Industry 4.0 They also screened the data to get information that was
implementation (Schuh et al., 2020) describe a comprehensive relevant to their issue.
landscape of future production systems with smart factories, We can observe that the number of papers published in the
integrated supply chains, connected products, and enhanced subject of Industry 4.0 is steadily increasing. Between 2012
workplaces. Other aspects of Industry 4.0 were generally and 2017, there has been an increase trend. However, starting
missed in the academic literature, which concentrated mostly in 2015, the number of articles published has skyrocketed. It
on Smart Manufacturing. The high number of papers on Smart was discovered that 64 of the 84 total publications were
Manufacturing is unsurprising given the importance of published in the years 2016–2017, indicating that researchers'
manufacturing in Industry 4.0. Nonetheless, our findings interest in developing technologies has grown since 2014.
suggest that future research should take a more balanced The reputation and legitimacy of publishing journals have a
approach, focusing equally on the multiple smart dimensions big influence on how people think about them. The Bib Excel
of Industry 4.0, which will benefit other stakeholders in the tool was used to derive the journal categorization. There are
field of Industry 4.0, such as academic journals interested in three publications in each of the journals Engineering,
the topic and practitioners who may want to implement or International Journal of Production Research, and
promote Industry 4.0. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.
Industry 4.0 refers to a set of technologies that enable the They discovered that writers from many nations contributed to
growth of the value chain, resulting in shorter production lead the industry 4.0 study, with the United States dominating the
times, better product quality, and greater organisational list with 25 of the 80 publications chosen. The next three
performance. According to their findings, Industry 4.0 has countries on the list are England, the Netherlands, and
received a lot of attention in the recent literature, but there are Switzerland, with contributions of 17, nine, and eight papers,
few systematic and comprehensive reviews of research that respectively. This demonstrates that the majority of the
represent the topic's dynamic nature. They chose 85 articles research contributions come from writers in the United States
and divided them into five research categories: Industry 4.0 and Europe. For network analysis, there are a variety of tools
conceptual papers, human-machine interactions, machine- available. They used Gephi to create this paper. It's a complete
equipment interactions, Industry 4.0 technologies, and tool with customizable visual aids, strong filtering algorithms,
sustainability. They investigated the present state of research a network analysis toolset, and the capacity to handle a variety
in the Industry 4.0 fields. Industry 4.0's main goal was to of data types. They employed two types of research methods:
leverage modern technologies to provide maximum output conceptual and empirical. They chose 85 articles and divided
with littleinput resources. The information technology that is a them into five study areas. The distribution categories revealed
part of Industry 4.0, according to this research study, includes that Industry 4.0 technologies (67 percent of papers) received
greater attention, including big data, simulations, additive
manufacturing, IoT, virtual reality, and so on.

Journal on Industry 4.0 (Smart Industry)

Case studies, simulations, and experiments are all part of the IV. OBJECTIVE
empirical method. They discovered that Industry 4.0 has a Production transformation aims to capture real-time
substantial impact on the manufacturing environment, diversions, variety, changes, styles, and new client wants, as
resulting in dramatic changes in the execution of operations well as provide swift alterations to an ever-changing
and the ability to plan and control production in real time. The environment. "4.0" enables the viewing of variables in
adoption of industry 4.0 necessitates horizontal, end-to-end processes, more personal manufacturing, wiser product
digital integration, as well as vertical integration. Industry 4.0 development, and even the re-establishment of trade
uses a smart product system, which is a crucial idea contribution.
component. In a smart factory, products and equipment
connect with one another, allowing production to be driven
collaboratively. Objects, gadgets, and machines that are Fundamentals of Industry 4.0
outfitted with sensors, controlled by software, and linked to
the internet are referred to as smart goods. We discovered after V.  PRINCIPLES
reading this study that manufacturing companies might
The 4.0 idea and technology are based on systems and
commit to Industry 4.0 with the goal of making their
structures that offer increased speed and flexibility for both
production floors lean. Human-cyber-physical interaction is
producers and consumers.
highlighted as an aspect for developing smart and optimum
The 4.0 idea and technology are based on systems and
manufacturing processes, according to the researchers.
structures that offer increased speed and flexibility for both
Industry 4.0, according to their findings, may be employed in
producers and consumers.
the design and manufacture of aircraft goods. Industry 4.0
technology includes the Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber
physical systems. The Internet of Things (IoT) is connected to
CPSs in Industry 4.0 in such a way that the system develops
the ability to generate and feed data, thereby adding value to
the manufacturing process.
They claim that big data analytics and technologies enable
real-time data collection from a variety of sources,
comprehensive data analysis, and real-time decision making,
resulting in increased manufacturing flexibility, product
quality, energy efficiency, and equipment service through
predictive maintenance.
They discovered that Industry 4.0 will make a significant
contribution to more sustainable industrial value development Figure 3 Significant dimensions of industry 4.0
in the future. They discovered that using industry 4.0
technology allows for a high level of process integration. CPS
and human-equipment interface obtained through the Industry 4.0's objective is to establish a reasonable
deployment of industry 4.0 technologies result in process environment in which all data and information within the
integration. plant, as well as information from the supply chain, is
Industry 4.0 promotes stable production processes that lead to gathered in real time, resulting in a useful, refined, and
good digital process management and continuous enlarged data base. Real-time monitoring, for example,
improvement, as well as a safe working environment for can help prevent material loss, machine or human error, or
workers. Previous research on Industry 4.0 have mostly failure.
focused on the fundamental ideas of Industry 4.0 and case
studies proving the benefits of Industry 4.0, according to the VI. TAKING THE NEXT STEP
literature. Based on the results of the literature, they presented Industrial 4.0 is a long process that goes through four stages.
a sustainable Industry 4.0 framework including Industry 4.0
technology, process integration, and sustainable outcomes as
important components.
Future research studies might look at the impact of various
Industry 4.0 technologies on the amount of process integration
that firms accomplish. This will aid in the identification of key
technologies that aid in the integration of processes in various Figure 4 Phases Transition towards 4.0
industrial settings.

External sensors and data sources enable for continuous
monitoring of product status, usage, and surroundings, as well

Journal on Industry 4.0 (Smart Industry)

as the generation of alerts and notifications to notify users of data may be shared and expanded to a number of computers
any changes. across the facility.


Software incorporated in products allows you to control Additional manufacturing processes will be extensively
product operations and customize user data. employed as part of Industry 4.0 to make small quantities of
custom-made items with building benefits such as smart,
OPTIMIZATION lightweight designs. Transport distances and items on hand
will be cut in half thanks to high-efficiency, extra
Algorithms can fully optimize product consumption, boost
manufacturing technologies.
performance, detect faults, and make appropriate
As consumer expectations evolve, many businesses confront
modifications in the first two processes.
the issue of enhancing individual product production while
lowering marketing time. With increased digital integration,
IT penetration, product integration, manufacturing resources,
Independent manufacturing and integration with other goods and processes, these difficulties become even more serious.
and systems are possible with a mix of the preceding three The shortening of product life cycles, along with the rising
categories. demand for customized products, necessitates yet another
Switching to Industry 4.0 starts with a strategic choice, transition toward more complex organizational structures. For
followed by an evaluation of the places or processes where example, vehicles of the same type are available with a broad
phase 4.0's potential benefits may still be achieved.(3) range of engine, body function, and equipment options, all to
better fulfill the demands of increasingly educated and
CYBER PHYSICAL SYSTEM INDUSTRY 4.0 demanding customers.
The backbone of Industrial4.0 problems is cyber-physical
systems (CPS). The phrase "cyberphysical system" refers to a XII. BENEFITS OF INDUSTRY 4.0
new generation of computer and physical systems that can
communicate with humans through a variety of innovative • Production has improved. To put it another way,
approaches. The ability to convey and extend the physical
world's power via counting, communication, and control is Industrial 4.0 technology enables you to accomplish
critical to future technological growth. more with less.
Level of connectivity - gadgets can be built to re-establish
empathy for its actions. • Performance has improved.

• Collaboration and knowledge sharing have increased.

Data from automatically linked devices - conversion rate
sensors can utilize self-awareness knowledge to assess • Agility and flexibility are two words that come to
features of key issues, and machines may use self-awareness
knowledge to forecast possible problems. mind when thinking about the workplace.
Cyber Level - each machine generates its own "twin" using • It's easier to comply.  Customer Service
these traits, which are then utilized to re-express the machine's
health pattern in accordance with the "Time Machine" method. Improvements
A cyber "twin" allows you to compare your performance to
• Costs are cut.
that of your peers in order to stay on track.
Users will be given with their level of knowledge - self- • Allows for new ideas.
assessment and self-assessment findings based on a "info-
graphic," which is a description of a visual representation of
the content and context of possible news.
Machine or production system configuration - depending on The term "Industry 4.0" refers to a combination of
the priorities and risks involved in solid performance, the technologies conventional power industries with cutting-edge
machine or production system can be restructured. technology, including products that link digital and physical
processes. Traditional supply chain knowledge, business
X.THE CLOUD models, and practices are disrupted in a continual, disruptive
The cloud-based IT platform acts as the technological Industrial Concept 4.0 encompasses a wide range of
backbone for the Industrial Center Industry 4.0's integration characteristics, including economic, technological, social, and
and communication. An organization in Category 4.0 requires political concerns, and is widely used.
extensive data exchange between sites and firms, as well as
reaction times in milliseconds or less. "Digital production"
refers to the linking of many devices to the same cloud so that

Journal on Industry 4.0 (Smart Industry)

employee at the heart of the design process in several domains

of human-machine, human-computer interaction. Any change
or transformation in a firm should consider the human
component in addition to the Pillars of Technology and

Following technological and societal hurdles, the key
economic component of Industrial 4.0 issues may be found in
the amount of money necessary to make the transition to a
fourth sector. The digital process can be sophisticated, and it
can wreak havoc on a company's manufacturing industry if too
many changes are made to systems, processes, management
Figure 5 Main Challenges of industry 4.0
systems, and personnel.


Smart integration systems have a serious problem in dealing The government must manage the migration to 4.0 after help
with a wide range of varied and heterogeneous resource in the form of strategic support or cash has been offered to
knowledge. We chose to trim back industrial difficulties 4.0, simplify the transition.
technical components of four points, based on our humble
learning. A.Smart Manufacturing
Smart Manufacturing (SM) has long been associated with the
XV. COLLABORATION CHALLENGES industry 4.0 idea, with many studies treating the two as
A distinct problem is collaborative editing, managing, or synonyms. Smart Manufacturing is a fundamental feature of
integrating a number of controlling organizations to be able to Industry 4.0, but it is not the only one, because it describes a
operate successfully an already established route. larger view of the organisation and the industry. "Smart
Industrial combines sensors, computer platforms,
communication technologies, data-intensive modelling,
control, simulation, and predictive engineering with today's
It’s tough to extract or gain particular level of wealth for and tomorrow's manufacturing assets." Cyber-physical
general knowledge, and there is another issue with sharing systems, the internet of things (and everything), cloud
data, which is a time issue, which may be challenging with computing, service-oriented computing, artificial intelligence,
time, especially when resources are accessible for sharing. and data science are all used in smart manufacturing." Smart
Manufacturing, as defined by this concept, is the use of
XVIII. INTERACTION FEATURE Industry 4.0 foundation technologies (IoT, cloud, big data, and
Multiple integration system vision is possible with the Cyber artificial intelligence) on the shop floor to achieve cyber-
Physical System, which is why a multi-use design project physical manufacturing systems and smart production
should be measured carefully. planning and control. Industry 4.0 technologies such as
machine-to-machine communication, vertical integration of
XIX. AUTOMATED TESTING information systems, and advanced robotics – including
collaborative robotics – are some of the technologies that
Because there is a direct relationship between a person's might be regarded part of the Smart Manufacturing dimension
"usage of AI" and the CPS insurance planned behavior, it's in this sense. AI and real-time data are also used to enhance
critical to provide the system with automated testing. Quality the production planning and control process, allowing
control testing. manufacturers to better manage their operations. Smart
Manufacturing also takes into account AI-based smart
B. ISSUES IN SOCIETY maintenance to forecast possible faults and prevent equipment
The second sort of issue has a social component, which shutdowns. Smart Production takes into account not just the
includes, but is not limited to, the employee. This is a vital technology used to make products, but also the technologies
component for dealing with Industrial Challenges 4.0. employed in other aspects of the manufacturing process. Smart
Manufacturing also necessitates the use of advanced
EMPLOYEES technology to better regulate energy use. It also takes into
account product design technologies (also known as "smart
It is a generally held idea that the efforts, ethics, and
design") that are utilised to suit consumer needs and improve
communication of workers as they carry out the company's
production efficiency. Virtual and augmented reality for
mission and plans have a lesser role in survival, prosperity,
product design and manufacturing assembly, as well as
and success. It is normal practice nowadays to put an

Journal on Industry 4.0 (Smart Industry)

sophisticated CAD/CAE tools like generative design, 3D standard processes includes activities such as the monetization
prototyping, and product lifecycle management systems, are of excess warehouse capacity or transportation logistics, as
examples of such technologies. As a result, Smart well as the "uberization" of the freight transportation offer to
Manufacturing takes into account Industry 4.0's end-to-end connect idle capacity with demand. The use of artificial
engineering approach, in which engineering design is intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems to manage and
connected with the manufacturing system to function as a connect the supply chain with demand is also included. On the
single mechanism in the manufacturing system. other hand, the Smart Products and Services dimension is
intimately linked to on-demand supply of personalised
B.Smart working
services. Smart devices (i.e., IoT-based goods) and smart
The second internal component, Smart Working (SW) – also services (through applications, online platforms, or IoT
known as Smart Work – examines how technology is utilised solutions integrated in smart devices) make it feasible to meet
to assist employees in their daily tasks. Workers have a crucial consumers' demands in real time and in a personalised
strategic role in industrial processes, and they should be manner.
strengthened rather than displaced, according to the report.
There has recently been substantial discussion regarding the D.Smart products and services
human role in Industry 4.0, with some studies proposing a new The second external feature of the industry 4.0 framework,
job profile known as the "Operator 4.0" or "Smart Operator." Smart Products and Services (SPS), consists of two types of
While some studies suggest that autonomous robots may provisions that can be isolated but are commonly combined
eventually replace operational and low-value-added into a packaged solution. Smart goods are artefacts that gather,
operations, Industry 4.0's most important potential is to enable monitor, regulate, and optimise user data using Industry 4.0
humans (at all levels of the hierarchy) to work smarter. Such base technologies (IoT, cloud, big data analytics, and AI) in
work is predicated on the ability of humans to bring value to addition to their physical components. Smart services, on the
the industrial system through their cognitive abilities. As a other hand, refer to businesses that use digital technology to
result, Smart .Working explores ways to maximise workers' provide services to their customers, such as cloud computing,
potential by incorporating modern technology into decision- remote support and monitoring, and AI-assisted attendance. .
making processes, knowledge management, creativity and These services can be provided as stand-alone services to
design, and worker safety and happiness. assist customers in using products, or they can be provided as
part of a pay-per-use system. Sterilization is becoming more
C.Smart supply chain
common in manufacturing organisations, which involves
The Smart Supply Chain is the first external dimension of embracing service providing as part of the production business
Industry 4.0. (SSC). Previous definitions such as Supply Chain model. Sterilization and Industrial 4.0 are two independent
4.0 (Digital Supply Chain) and Logistics 4.0 have been industry streams that can converge and produce synergy,
merged into this concept. To enhance supply chain according to a recent article. Sterilization is linked to Industry
information flows, Smart Supply Chain proposes the use of 4.0, according to them, when a manufacturer delivers digital
Industry 4.0 foundation technologies. Because of the services that provide value to consumers while also providing
interconnectedness and vast storage of data communicated in feedback to the production and engineering systems. When
real time between different stakeholders in the supply chain, goods and services are built to operate together, using new
new opportunities emerge. By mapping the supply chain from IoT-enabled business models, smart solutions may grow into
end to end, Industry 4.0 provides technology advancements integrated smart product-service systems. Advanced data
that assist to increase supply chain visibility, allowing for full analytics, such as predictive analytics, can help support such
disruption risk management. Integrity control technologies innovative business models, lowering the risk and expense of
(e.g., sensors, big data analytics, decentralised agent-driven assuming operations' success.
control) can ensure that the correct items are delivered to the
right location, at the right time, in the appropriate amount and E.IoT (Internet of Things)
condition, and at the right price across the supply chain. The The Internet of Things (IoT) is a global network of gadgets.
Smart Supply Chain dimension also includes warehouse An interconnected system of interoperable gadgets, objects,
handling by autonomous robots and vehicles at the physical humans, and animals. The embedded sensors and software in
logistics level and inventory control tracking and decision- these matching pieces link them to the internet. Industry 4.0's
making systems This includes managing raw materials (input fundamental concept is real-time data collecting and
to the manufacturing line) and produced outputs on the shop information exchange, which is made possible through the
floor in a "smart" manner. Robotic sensing technologies, such Internet of Things. IoT devices allow for high-speed
as Automatic-Guided-Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous interaction between devices, which improves automation and
Mobile Robots, can help with such handling (AMR). Smart reduces the need for human engagement.
Supply Chain analyses the digitalization of supply chain
F. Artificial Intelligence
operational activities on the downstream side, primarily
through two approaches: platform-based crowdsourcing of Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to computer actions such as
standard operations and on-demand provision of bespoke problem-solving and learning that mirror human intellect.
services. On the one hand, platform-based crowdsourcing of Artificial intelligence (AI) allows robots and systems to make

Journal on Industry 4.0 (Smart Industry)

decisions and act in human-like ways. AI's influence on a most basic level. Deep learning algorithms are built in a
variety of industries, including finance, banking, autonomous hierarchy of increasing complexity and abstraction, unlike
cars, health, information management, and decision science, is typical machine learning algorithms, which are linear.
undeniable. Consider a toddler who says the word "dog" for the first time.
By pointing to items and uttering the word dog, the child
G. Cloud computing
learns what a dog is and is not.
Cloud computing refers to Internet-based business "Yes, it is a dog," or "No, that is not a dog," says the parent.
applications and services such as data storage, servers, and As the toddler continues to point to items, he has a better
software. It's a new paradigm for businesses looking to understanding of the characteristics that all dogs have.
migrate from a physical network and servers to a sophisticated Without realising it, the toddler is clarifying a difficult
cloud-based architecture. Software as a Service (Saas), abstraction — the notion of dog — by creating a hierarchy in
Platform as a Service (Paas), and Infrastructure as a Service which each layer of abstraction is built using information
(Iaas) are the three service models offered by cloud obtained from the previous layer.
computing. Deep learning computer algorithms go through a similar
process to a kid learning to recognise a dog. Each algorithm in
the hierarchy performs a nonlinear transformation on its input
H.Machine learning before generating a statistical model as an output. Iterations
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that continue until the result is accurate enough to be useful. The
allows a computer to learn and act like a person. When word deep was motivated by the amount of processing layers
compared to prior experience, an intelligence system must that data must flow through.
learn and offer a better outcome (data). Machine learning
addresses issues by learning from and improving on
previously collected data without having to be explicitly
programmed. It assesses the issue, detects the pattern, and
recommends the best course of action. Machine learning has
been and continues to be widely used in a variety of industries,
including manufacturing, telecommunications, and finance.
Machine learning, according to Alpaydin, may be used to
analyse manufacturing process issues and optimise production
I. Security
In the age of Industry 4.0, security is a major concern.
Industry 4.0 is a data-driven revolution that places a high Figure 6 Four smart of industry 4.0
value on data exchange. Because of Industry 4.0's networked
nature, all devices, machines, and processes are connected. L. Digitalization
J. Blockchain The paradigm shift from the physical to the virtual world is
Blockchain is a peer-to-peer network that uses a distributed known as digitalization. This transition necessitates the
database of digital transactions and ledgers to create a conversion of actual goods and processes into data, which is
decentralised and immutable collection of records and the input of developing technologies. Digitalization, according
information. A blockchain is a collection of data blocks that to Kagermann, affects all organisational statuses by
include the data, hash, and hash of the preceding block. A underpinning digital transformation and contributing to long-
hash is a collection of unique symbols that are used to identify term viability.
blocks. M. Cyber-physical system (CPS)
K.Deep learning The combination of software and hardware to complete a job
Deep learning is a type of machine learning algorithm inspired is known as a cyber-physical system (CPS). It is a
by the neural network in the human brain. A deep learning computation and computer system that senses, controls, and
algorithm creates experiments, learns, and improves the monitors physical processes. CPS is an embedded technology
practise with each run, similar to how the brain's deep neural that allows a system to adapt to the actual environment,
network allows one to learn from experience. The amount and according to. It has a big impact on transportation
quality of the input data, on the other hand, are critical. In management systems.
deep learning, sufficient and appropriate data is analogous to N.Automation
considerable human experience in making mature judgements.
One of Industry 4.0's ultimate goals is to automate operations
Appropriate data allows the algorithm to refine the result,
as much as possible in order to reduce human engagement.
resulting in a more accurate judgement. Deep learning may be
regarded of as a means to automate predictive analytics at its

Journal on Industry 4.0 (Smart Industry)

Human mistakes might be reduced with less human

engagement, lowering costs and boosting efficiency.
O. Smart manufacturing
Smart manufacturing is computerised manufacturing that
collects and shares real-time data to improve manufacturing
operations. The goal of smart manufacturing is to operate the
whole production system autonomously with minimal human
input. In smart manufacturing, AI is used to pursue self-
optimization, self-learning, and adaptability with limits
P.Augmented Reality (AR)
The computer-generated presence of items is integrated with
the real-world physical surroundings in Augmented Reality
(AR). Through the use of digital information layers, this
technology enhances the physical world experience. Following
its introduction, this technology was and continues to be
widely used in the gaming industry. It is now being used in a
variety of different fields, including education and high-risk
Q. Simulation
Figure 2 Most repeated keywords
Smart manufacturing is computerized manufacturing that
collects and shares real-time data to improve manufacturing
operations. The goal of smart manufacturing is to operate the XVIII. CHALLENGES OF IMPLEMENTING INDUSTRY 4.0
whole production system autonomously with minimal human
input. In smart manufacturing, AI is used to pursue self- 1) CYBERSECURITY
optimization, self-learning, and adaptability with limits. A key feature of i4.0 is the interconnection and
digitization of systems, which means there are more
devices connected to the Internet of Things. In terms of
There are few advantages of industry 4.0 data security and intellectual property, this is a
1) Increased Efficiency in Production tremendous cybersecurity concern. To guard against
Smart factories will be able to enhance their efficiency to hacking and inadvertent data breaches, you'll need to put
previously unthinkable levels thanks to improved automation
and capability for continual development. Every resource will in place strong security solutions.
be automatically optimized to reduce waste.
2) Change Management 
2) More Potential for Innovation
Innovation is at the heart of Industry 4.0. Design teams will be
able to determine what works and what doesn't based on data For the majority of businesses, embracing change is the
collected from linked devices such as the Internet of Things. key to success. i4.0 is transforming how we do things by
This information will help them develop new and better goods combining the physical and digital worlds. These shifts
and systems. highlight the need to plan measures to help your staff and
3) Accelerated Response to Customer Needs provide them with the resources and skills they'll need to
Many sectors are struggling to keep up with shifting customer make the transition to i4.0.
demands. Every few months, they demand new designs, new
technology, and new features. Industry 4.0 is designed to help The human aspect becomes a crucial lever for moving to
you adapt to market changes faster than your competitors i4.0 by putting people at the heart of the transformation.
4) Reduced Costs And Higher Profit Margins This allows for employee participation at all phases. It is
You'll save money overall by making better use of resources, usual for open-minded collaborators to join the team as
reducing waste, improving quality, and reducing downtime. 'change champions,' promoting new technologies while
Despite a big initial expenditure, you will enjoy much greater assisting colleagues in adapting to them.
profit margins, allowing you to achieve a return on investment
in a matter of years. 3) Employment
5) Quality Assurance 4) Industry 4.0 is reshaping the workforce, necessitating
With Industry 4.0, you'll be able to perfect product quality. people to learn new or different skills in order to succeed
You'll also be able to ensure quality outside of the plant by in these evolving professions. Repetitive task workers will
tracking products during delivery. You can reduce your costs struggle to stay up with the industry as their positions are
by removing that illusive 1% or so of faulty items. phased out or taken over by an autonomous machine that

Journal on Industry 4.0 (Smart Industry)

runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To keep up with notably in industrial operations, as well as disruptive game
the needs of a fast changing labor market, education will changers in ICT. As a result, even manufacturers are
need to evolve. incorporating digital technology into their operations, giving
5) Capital Investment rise to the German idea of Intelligent Industries. The rate of
use of mobile phones, mobile applications, and
Industry 4.0 adoption will not be free; costs will range communication with any speech model to anyone, at any time,
from low-cost IoT sensors installed on existing equipment and practically anyplace is steadily expanding, leading us to
to the acquisition of massive gear with integrated i4.0 conclude that we live in an unmatched communication culture.
solutions. The capital expenditure required for some of conveyers dynamically reconfigure themselves to allow for
these larger initiatives may affect the balance sheet in the flexible multiproduct manufacturing, assembly, and
near term, but it will pay off in the long run by lowering fabrication. To carry out a centralized method, the smart
costs, enhancing market agility, and improving customer industry ensures network adaptability for data analysis,
happiness. synthesis, and validation.


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Over the last 2-3 years, we've seen a higher proliferation of
internet-enabled equipment for all types of applications,

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