Battle For Twycross

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CREDITS WRITING Anthony Pryor DEVELOPMENT Sam Lewis EDITORIAL STAFF SENIOR EDITOR Donna Ippolito ASSISTANT EDITOR Kent Stolt PRODUCTION STAFF ART DIRECTOR Dana Knutson PRODUCTION MANAGER Sam Lewis COVER ART Steve Venters COVER DESIGN Jeff Laubenstein ILLUSTRATION Earl Geier LAYOUT Tara Gallaghor econ eee ee nie ies INTRODUCTION How to Use the Scenarios Optional Rules REPORT TO THE PRIMUS Coming Of The Clans Invasion Jade Falcons ‘Twycross Campaign Advance on Camora Last Stand Aftermath Counterstrike Showdown Victory CHARACTERS Adler Malthus Bagdan Dan Kyle Lefar Gell Lents FALCON GUARDS UNIT ROSTER SCENARIOS The Beast is Loose Power Play ‘The Terrible Toads Face the Fire Desperate Measures Distant Thunder The Harder Thoy Fall The Defense of Camora ‘Stand Your Ground Unleash the Dogs Warstorm Requiem For A World Thunder Of The Gods The Last Hurrah Vengeance On The Plains Showdown COLOB@IVORD ONES SSSERESSERER INTRODUCTION In the year 3050, the Inner Sphere seemed poised on the verge of a naw golden age. Peaca had reigned throughout the Inner Sphere for over a decade, and new technological advances: horalded a ratum to the glory days of the Star League. Then, trom the vasiness of space, came the Clans—high tech barbarians bringing death and destruction into the Succes- ‘sor States. The Jade Falcons were he flercest and most brutal of the Cians. Whileothor Clane wero attacking the Froc Rasalhague Republic and the Draconis Combine, the Jace Falcons were storming through the Federated Commonwoaith and mercilessly slaughtering anything that stood in thetr way. “The most successful and feared unit within the Jade Falcone ‘was the Falcon Guards. Under the leadership of Star Colone! ‘Adler Malthus, the Quards contibuted an impressive string of Victories to the Falcons’ battle honors. String fast and hard, the Guards easily destroyed regiment after regiment of Common: wealth forces Iwas on the desolate world of Twycross that the tide finally tuned. After a suecesstul campaign agairst the planetary militia regment, Adler Malthus’ Guster unexpectedly encountered the forces of tho Federated Commenwealth counterattack. In a showdown with a lone Mech ploted by Leftenant Kai Allard, the Falcon Guards’ luck finally ran out The scenarios in his book re-create the battles for Twycross and follow the Falcon Guards from the heights of victory 10 a fateful last stand. HOW TO USE THE SCENARIOS: Each of the soanarios in this book re-creates a battle or ‘encounter involving the Falcon Guards. Several of the scenarios are interrelated, representing various phases ofa single, continu- us battle or campaign. Players may keep track ofthe results of ‘one engagement to determine the forces for another, later batt. ‘The Scenario rules include all information necessary 10 understand and play the game situation, Each scenario begins with a personal account ofthe engagement and ends with a brief historical framework for the battle ‘The Game Set-Up sections provide special game informa- tion needed to play tho sconarios, including inetructions on how to lay out the mapshee!s, directions for special terrain features, and suggestions cn the appropriato BatileTech rules to use. ‘Attacker anc Defender forces for each scenario are de- sctivedin detal. This information includes damage, problems, or spacial abilities of any ‘Mechs or forces at the start of the batt. ‘Aiso notedis each 'Mech’s staring position onthe map, or where ‘and when it entersifthe Mech arrives after the battle has already begun. Several scenarios include ground forces for one or both sides. Next come the Vietery Conditions. These determine the ‘outcome ofthe encounter and vary from scenario to scenazio. in combat, its rare that an action continues until one side is oblt- ratad. For this reason, the Vietory Conditions usually list special objectives for one or both opponents. As in actual combat, beth sides may claim viciory in some engagements, based solely ‘on wheter or not tactical abjectives were won. Finally, ifthe soenario uses rules not covered in the general BatlleTach rules, these are discussed as Special Rules. ‘Cunneryand Piloting SkillRabngs are given forall MechWar. tiors. For players who wish to convert ine pilots sil into a Quality Rating, consult the following table: QUALITY RATING TABLE Quality Gunnery Piloting Elte 1 2 Veteran 2 a Regular 4 5 Green 5 6 The scenario Thunder of the Gods uses BattleTroops rules, Players should familarize themselves with that game syatam boforo attempting to play this scenario. The format is similar to those ot ihe BattleTech scenaxios. OPTIONAL RULES WEATHER: “Twyeross is a place of high winds and other violent weather pattems, In several scenarios, the weathers spect; in others, the players may rol against the Weather Table to datarmine pectic conditions. Weather determined by this table prevails for the entiee game, Roll 208. WEATHER TABLE Die Roll Result 2 Gycone 3 High Winde/Sandstorm 4 High Winds 5 Moderate Winds 6 Mocerate Winds 7 Light Winds/Clear 8 Moderate Winds 8 Moderate Winds 10 High Winds 1" High Winds/Sandstorm 2 Cyclone WEATHER GAME EFFECTS Light Winds/Clear: No effect ‘Moderate Winds: ~2 0 Missile Hit Table;~2 to Streak SAM-hits High Winds: ~4to Missile Hit Table; ~t to Streak SRMits:—1 to all Long-Range fre High Winde/Sendstorm: ~< to Nissi Hit Table; ~4 to Streak ‘SRM hits;—2 toll Long-Range fire; ioall Medium-Range fire; Jumping Mechs must make 2 Piloting Skill Rollo avoid ‘ailing whan lancing, Cyolone: No micsile fro allowod; -2to all Long-Rangerfire; -1 to all Megium- and Short-Range tire: Jumping Mechs must ‘make. Piloting Skil Rol at +1 to avoid faling when landing DETERMINING FORCES The scenarios in this book are historical, and thus reflect ‘actual battles fought between the Falcon Guards and their F-C ‘opponents, That is why they are ten weighted to favor the Clan forces, providing a stffer challenge for the Federated Common ‘woalth player. It players wish to adjust the Glan forces or experiment with ccther combinations of Moché and Elementals, thay may use the following optional rules. Bidding \When selecting targets, competing Clans engage in a cur ‘cus "bidding" process. Each Clan mekes bids to capture an bjactive using the fewest troops. The smallest bid gets the job. Ingividual Clan commanders follow a similar process, winning status and genetic privileges by defeating enemies with the smallest possible force. To simulate this process, players bid for the right iorepresent the Falcon Guards. In each scenario, two Guards forces are listed. Theres the standard force, whichtheplayers use i they do, Not wish to bid, and the Bidding Force. Tobid, playersroll 208 to determine who starts, withthe high role bidding firs. Using the Cians Bidding Force as an initial ‘eumber, the fist player may remove any number of Mechs or Elementals. The other player bids next, futher redueng the Clan force. When one player refuses io reduce the Bidding Force any {urther, his opponent wins the righttopiay the Falcon Guards. The ‘reduced Bidding Force is thon sat up and play begins. ‘Ambitious players may gnorethe listed Bidsing Force, using the entire Falcon Guards Clusterinstoad, providing a more variod starting force. Variant OmniMechs Inthe Falcon Guards rosteron pp. 18 19, each Clan’ Mech Is designated by a letter. This the preterred variant, as usedin standard scenarios. When no variant is listad, the ‘Mech is ‘assumed to be the Standard Contiguration, By mutual agreement, the players may experiment with alternate variants, deploying citterent configurations to see how they perform in various cituations, Glan Tactics ‘As wartiore eteeped in tadtions of honor, the Clans cisdain ‘the standard Inner Sphere tactic of concentrating all available firepower on a single onomy, proforring one-on-one ech com- bal. Thus, Clan forces can be prohibited from attacking F-C targets with anything more than one unit each turn. “REPORT TO THE PRIMUS TO: Myndo Waterly, Primus, ComStar First Circuit Compound, Hilton Head Island, North Amarica, Terra FROM: Adept Il-0 Theodore Parsons FE: Clan activities on Twycross, Tamar March, 2 June ~ 10 September 3050 DATE: 15 Dacember 3050 In the name of Blessed Blake, greetings. For centuries, mankind has looked to the siars with fear and hope, always fascinated by what might lie beyond. Kerensky's, people are out there, or so we say, lurking just beyond our reach, ‘waiting forthe right moment o return and restore the lost glory of the Star League. ‘Yotdark forcoslisin the far beyond as wollpiratos, barbari- ‘ans, perhaps even alien lifeforms—any of whom could plot to ‘destroy althat wohold procious and sacred. Some claim thatonly Kerensky can save Us. It Kerensky were to retum, they say, ne ‘must save us from ourselves. ‘But Keransty fled he Inner Sphere over three centuries ao, ‘and if his descendants stl ive, what have they boven? COMING OF THE CLANS The recent history ofthe|nner Sphere has bean, forthe most part, encouraging. The lost Star League data core recovered by the Gray Death Legion for axampla, has ledto the rediscovery of ‘humerous items of lostech. Then, in the wake of momentous ‘changes Erought about by the Fourth Succession War, acultural ‘and scientific renaissance seemed imminent. Reports of increased pirate activity, as well as the loss of ‘contact with outposis on Santander V, Elysian Fieds, the Oberon Confederation, and Star's End did not cause much alarm, Even ‘when a detachmentof the Kell Hounds encountered EaitleMechs ‘of unknown design on the irato world of Sieyphus's Lament, few ‘outside our own Blessed Order paid any attention. Inthat confict, Lisuterant Jackson Tang of tho Third Battal Jon of the Kell Hounds encountered a oroup of ‘Mechs apparently ‘engaged in mopping up the pirates known as Kenny Ryan's Rabels, Tang and his men at first beliayed that the unicentfied “Mechs were potential alles. buce HouND: Hound Leader, continue your present heading to make the plain. We've got help trapping the ras eureNanr Tana: Who?...What? ‘uce Houno:| can’t identify our help, but they're on the ridge a klomotor of, driving Ryan toward us. ‘rave: Enemy of my enemy is my frend? Unfortunately for the Hounds, the unidentified "Mechs were ‘anything but friendly, as the destruction of Lioutonant Tang's Lance, indeed, the entice Battalion, amply demonstrates. Itwas nat untl Apr 3050 that the inner Sphere finelly awoke tothe threat, as the unknown raiders conquered Barcelona, Bone Norman, The Edge, Turtle Bay, and two dozen other werlds. it was with the fal of these worlds and the few survivors reports of indomitable ‘Mechs, power-armored infanty, and Star [League-design warships, tha! the enemy gained.aface, as well as, aname. The Clans, INVASION ‘Almost before the Inner Sphere realized what was happen- ing, awide front of words had fallon in tho First Wave ofthe Clan Invasion. The Clans were row advancing on their second-stage targets. Only on Trl did the enomy show any signs of faltring Here the gallant Twelfth Donegal Guards, under command of LLeftenant-General Jeremy Hawkoworth, held out against the Jade Faicons Clan. ‘As world after world fell 1o the Clans, the leaders of the Sucoassor States realized that an extraordnary enemy now threatened the very existonce of the Inner Sphere. In huried, oftendesperata maetings, each ofthe Successor Lords analyzed, ‘speculated, ard feverishly plannedhis own delense strategies. In the end, allpreparation seemed futile, forno one seemed capable 0! standing alone against the Clans e ‘The mercenary regiments of Woi's Dragoons, which had ‘spent the past two decades rebuilding after their decimation on. tho planet Micory, withdrow to their homewerld of Outreach in Federated Commonweal space. Two Dragoons regiments, sill in sorvce to House Mark, exercised escape clauses and termi nated thelr own employment—an event that had happened only ‘once before inthe Dragoons’ histor. These actions, coupled with the sudden disappearance of Colonel Natasha Kerensky, led ‘many observers to spocuiate that Jaime Wolf and his Dragoons, knew more than they were leting on ‘Ontte frontlines, meanwhile, disastorfolloweddisaster. The roll cal of worlds taken by the Cians grew: Toland, Winfeld, Fichmord, Idlewind, Romulus, Apolo, Somerset, Pinnacle, Virentofta, and more. Then Twycross, the crossroads of the ‘Tamar March, fell ter along and bioody fight. tt was during this paried thal our Precentor Martial, Anasta- ‘ius Focht, actualy made contact with the Wolf Clan, learning ‘much about their culture and background, ‘The Precenior Martial cnirmed our worst fears, The Clans wore far more than mere Periphery pirates armed with recycled parts of old Star League equipment. A vast and complex wartior- Stale was bohid the invasion. The stunning truth about Ker- ensky's Gescendants began to emerge. Inoarly September, however, the Inner Sphere made its frst successful countermove against the Clans at Twycross. A Feder- ‘ated Commenwealth force boldly retook tho world, destroying the entire Falcon Guards Cluster in the process. Nex, It was the ‘Smoke Jaguars who were defeated by Kurita forces on Woleot "Near the end of October, a squadron of Rasahagien aerospace inflicted severe damage betore beng wiped cut themsalves. ‘The Inner Sphere awaited in fear for the Clans’ next attack, butt never came. By December of this year, it was obvious that the Clan ‘advance had stopped dead in ts tracks. Had two minor defeats. really halted nem? Had they come this far, nly togive up? What would happen next? Unfortunately, respected Primus, | cannot answer those: questions. The situation remains unchanged, with the fate of the entre Inner Sphere hanging on the Clans’ next move. At present, ‘we cannot predict whara, or in what form, that move wil be, JADE FALCONS \With27 Federated Commonweatth worlds under theircontrol as of September 3050, he Jade Falcons rank secondonly ithe Wolf Clan in total vctorioe. The Falcons are also responsible for the destruction of twelve Inner Sphere regiments. The Jade Falcone, along with the Smoke Jaguars, aro notod for thir utter ruthiessnass in combat and reluctance to take prisoners. Credit formuch ofthe Falcone! cuccoss goesto theirtactics— swift ard direct attacks wit Itte regard for such miltary proce- dures as scouting or flanking forcoe. Though these tactics havo, ‘on occasion, backfired (asin the final confrontation with Kai Allard ‘on Twycross}, the Falcons’ superioity in weapons has offset any tactical deficiencies. In most cases. the only advantage the Falcons’ enemies have is in sheer weight of numbers. Furthermore, Primus, given the Jade Falcons’ high level of success, Its surprising that we know so litle about them. The ame oftheirKhan, orleader, remains unknown, as doas thir full military deployment, The Jade Falcons have at their disposel at least five Galaxies, each consisting of throe Clusters. Of these Gusters, only the Falcon Guards have teen stucied in detail because of dotailod intoligonce data oblained irom civilian ‘evacuees on Twycross. “The Falcons’ OmnitMecs forcas areinkeoping wth the Clans! ‘strategy of mobile wariare. They Ceploy large numbers of he ight Uller and Puma OmniMechs, with the 70-ion Thor the heavy (OmniMech of choice. Thelighter Lokiand Vulture see tairy wide spread deployment, but assault OmniMech chassis, such as the '80-ion Man O' War and the 85:ton Masakar, are also in use. “The only thing we know for certain about the dade Falcons is that thay ara daadly opponents. The lack of concrete daia available on the Falcons is one of their greatest weapons. Its Unlikely thatthe Inner Sphere has seen the last of them. FALCON GUARDS (Of the twelve F-C and mercanary regiments that the Jace Falcons have destroyed, at least four can be attributed to this versatila and highly successful Clustar Known as the Falcon, Guards. Under the command of Star Colonel Adler Malthus. the Falcon Guardsledthe Clan assault on Barcelonaandhelpedwipe ut the F-C’s Seventeenth Skye Rangers. Their successes con- linued on Toland, wherethey exterminated the Second Regiment of the Twelfth Star Guards, and on Apollo. where the Second Grave Walkers met their end despite brave resistance, In all these engagements, Colonel Malthus and the Guards displayed the swt and ruthless tactcs that have become their trademark. Flying on their OmniMeche! euperior woapons and. ‘mobilty. they easily defeated opponents cutnumbering them by ‘as much as four-te-one. The Skye Rangers, attempting to blunt the main thrust, found their ‘Mechs cut down atlong range. The lengagerrent was lost before it even began. It is noteworthy that the Guards were considerably more merci toward their vicims than most other Falcon Guard, Clusters have been. The Guards allowed safe evacuation of civilian refugees, treated the wounded, ard tock many more prisoners than did their fellow Jade Falcons. tis surptising thal the Guards'tirstfew setbacks came atthe hands of an untested miltia uniton a world that should have talen, without a tight. TWYCROSS CAMPAIGN June 2, 3050 dawned hot and dusty on Twycross, wth the Diabais howing with unholy fury. This planet, a vial crossroads in the Fadereted Commanweath's Tamar March, lay drecty in the path ofthe invaders. I was garisoned, however, by only a single inexperionced unit—the Twyczoss TMM. In command of ‘he Miva was Lefenant-General John Cloeto, a career military ‘man who had taken the posting as a quiet assignment to occupy his few remaining years before retirement Everyone on Twyeross know ofthe Clans and the havocthey had raised on cther words. The rumors running wild tldof whole cites veporized by the invade, of slave ships carying prisoners unspeakable fate beyond known space, o inhuman genet aberrations released upon haploss dofondors. Despite the paranoia the fist contact wth the Jade Falcons was totally unexpected. Shortly after the Clan convoy's arial insystam, the quiet, cultied voice of Star Colonel Adler Matus ofthe Falcon Guard's Cluster came over the general comm circuit He boldly asked what forces were defending Twycross. Feartul of the invaders and more than a litle perplexod, Leftenant-General Cicaro refused to respond. Immediately, tha Falcon DropShips descended.and vectoredtowarthe vast Plain ‘of Curtaine. The Diabolis, a cortinual windstorm blowing across the planet, raged over Camore Starport, Keeping Cicero's few acrospace fighters grounded and obscuring the Clans precisa ‘sepioyment coro. an aging wartor who had grown weary of war, was ‘orcad to take up his sword one last me. Within 24 houre, the Tiwyerass TMM had deployed on the Plain of Gurtains, surounding the Glan forees. Though he en- jeyednearly a tree-to-one advantage in Mocts, Gonoral Cicaro harbored no ilusions about the coming confit. “The TM's superioty was on paper ony. His regiment was Inexperenced andhis equpment outdated, while te enamy was armed. with weagons ftom some ‘MechWerrior's nightmaro— fexiended-range PPOs and lasers, Swarm LAM, enhanced engine and aro technology, andespecally the armoredinfantry the Inner Sphare armies were calling the Toads. These so-called ‘Toads seemed outto avenge centuries of ‘Mech superiority over infantry. determined prove the deadlines of he solder ontcot “The battle exceeded even General icero's most pessimistic proditions. The Twyeross milta’s numerical superonty malted ‘away say, as Clan Weaponry destroyed or crippled most of their “Mechs bofore thoy were evan in range. “Those thai ic teach effective tng range did not ast long under the enemy barrage. Win hours, the assault had bocomo 4 rout Panicked MachWarriors and support personnel strezmed away from the Plain of Curtains, falling back through the Groat Gash in the Windbreek Mountains. ralying and reforming only atte reaching the rugged terain beyond the Plan. ‘General Cicaro struggled to restore order to whatwas let of his regiment, butitwas too late. Barring a miracle, thing could stop the Falcon Guards “Twycross was doomed. ADVANCE ON CAMORA With the Twycross defenders scattered in retreat, the Faicon Guards rapidly consolidated their gains and advanced. They smashed through the Great Gash, which served as the main route 10 the starpor fecliies at Camora. Beyond the pass, the Guards did encounter organized opposition from Bel's Company, one of the few militia units in any conditon to fight. The fight was short andbruta, with Bel's’Mechs crivenback, despite a spinted defense. The advance was soon underway ‘again. Brushing aside the few ‘Mech units that dared oppose them, the Falcon Guards stood at the gates of Camora within a matter of days. By advancing so rapidly and disregarding scouts oF flank (guards, some of the load Falcons wore caught in an ambush by @ provsional force under Hauptmann Andrew Schuler in the rugged Hawkroost wildemess. Schullars gallant men paid wth ther lives, delaying tha Falcons’ advance and granting Leitenant- General Cicero some much-needed time to marshal his remain- ing dotenses. LAST STAND. “There was not much let for Cicero to command. Litle more than a battalion of Mechs had survived the previous baitlos, and many of those were badly damaged. A dispirited Cicero decided that his only option was to abandon Twycroee. Cicero's recon ‘Mechs gathered vital data on the Clan's arsenal, including heat profiles of their ‘Mechs, schematics, and actual combat trivid footage, in hopes that that would. redeem the situation To Cicero's surprise, his exhausted MechWarriors volun- ‘eared to hold the passes above Camora while the civiian refugees were evacuated. A last-ditch defensive effort would have to buy time while the DropShips wara being loaded up. Flound:the-clock evacuations were made in coordination with wo FC JumpStips stil on station near Twycross IV. ‘The Falcon Guards threw themselves against the city’s dofondors, thor forcos stil cuinumbored by the F-C Mechs, This disparity has become so typical that many speculate that, in ‘addition to the nermal bidcing procedura, an informal eystom alco (rants status to a Clan commander vino achieves his objectives with minimal forces, regardlocs of whothor ho isin direct compo- titon with another Cian. Mrraculousy, the F-C defenders held out for nearly a de; falling back only under extremely heavy fre. The fighting was to, the last manin the rugged lowlands surrounding Gammora, As the Falcon Guards hit the city gates, they wera further hamparad by mines, vibrabombs, and hidden traps. Squads of SAM-armed snipors conttolled the sreats, harassing and slowing the Guards ‘aS more and more F-C DropShips cimbed into the sky. ‘The endcame whon tho spacoportfelltcthe Clan. Lettenant- ‘General Cicero was evacuatedon the last Dropship to leave. He ccollapeod aon aforIit-of, suffering from exhaustion, lan OmniFichters shadowed the fleeing DropShips, butdid ot attack once thoy realized they wora pursuing civilian space- craft. The rendezvous with the JumpShips proceeded without incident, ane the survivors of Twycross, along with tho vital Clan data, jumped out ofthe system, ‘The Twycress TMM wasno more. Fromthe Plainof Curtains tothe heart of Camora, memberso!therniltia had fought gallantly ‘and died bravely. They had delayed the acvance of the mighty Clans for nearly three weeks, and had helped to deliver vital data to heir commanders, The battle may have been lost, but now there vias hope for winning the war AFTERMATH The Falcon Guards spent the naxt few weeks on Twycross «wiping out pockets of F-C resistance and preparing for deploy- ‘mentfor the nex! objective, Second-iine Giantroops were brought, in and assigned to garrison duties. In general, the remaining ‘Gvilians were wellfteatad and beganto resume thet lives, almost GbIvious to the occupying force. The conquerors had matters ther than oppression on their minds. Meanwhile, the Clans’ advance through the Inner Sphere continued. Wotan, Kirchtach, Albiero, Planting, and other worlds fell. Though defeat folowed defeat, the Federated Common: ‘wealth High Command had begun planning a counterattack Using General Cicero's salvaged data, Kai Allard ofthe Tenth Lyran Guares and Prince Victor Steiner-Davion (both survivors of previous encounters with the Clans) formulated a plan to retake “Twycrosp, using theplanet’s distinct natural features and weathor patterns to corfuse and, ultimataly, deteat te Jade Faicon invaders at their own game. ‘After intense scrutiny by Leftenant-General Ancrew Redburn ‘and Marshal Morgan Hasok-Davion, tho plan was approved. Four tegiments of F-C troops, the Tenth Lyran Guards, Ninth F-GRCT,, ‘and beth regiments of the Kel Hounds mercenaries, would be spatched to Twycross. An initial decoy torce would draw the sJade Falcons into batle while the remaining F-C foroes, shiotdo by the raging Diabolis, would remain in hiding unti the Falcons had fully committed themselves. The plan siood a good chance of success. Al reports now Incicated that Twycross was guarded by less than a regiment of second-ina ‘Mechs, net the draaded OmnilMechs. Unfortunately for Allard and Davion, the Falcon Guards were sill on Twyeross. COUNTERSTRIKE Twyctose's unpredictable weather had struck again. A sand: ‘storm had grounded the Guards’ DropShips, making them miss the rendezvous with the Jada Falcon JumpShips. The stranded Falcon Guards were forced into onerous gaurison duty while waiting for the next scheduled JumpShip run. Lulled to compa cenoy by recent wooks ofnactity, tho Guarde woteinfor a shock ‘hen the F-C convoy appearedat aprate pontnear Twycross Il Landing onthe Plan of Curtaire, the F-C forces immoctatcly ‘encourtered Clan ‘Mechs, “The wind and sand roared across the plains, greatly reducing the Cian's weapon otfeciveness. Davion and Allard watched wi satisfaction as their plan uniodded, seemingly without a hitch. ‘Their preponderance of erces enabled them to engage the Cian gartison and aso to cutoff all approaches to the Plains in the unlikely event that additonal Clan forces appeared. Davion ordered the Great Gash wired with explosive charges, should reinforcoments fom Canora ty to come through SHOWDOWN ‘Asthetwo sides clashed on he Plain of Curtains, the Gashis. defenders, Jungblud's Company ofthe Tenth Lyran Guards, wore, ‘suddenly assaulted by the Faicon Guards, coming trom Camora.. When Leftonant Kai Allard got to the Gash, he found that the Guards had destroyed Jungblud's Company. Reaching the pass, Allard came face-to-face withthe entire Falcon Guards Cluster. He knew that if they broke thraugh here, the F-C flank was in danger, jeopardizing the entire operation. “Thinking quickly and drawing on General Cicerc's informa- tion, Allard challenged the commander of the Faicon Guards toa. ‘one-on-one combat, hoping that during this he could somehow Uuigger the charges and bring the entice pass down on the Faleon Guards. Colonel Malthus accepted the challenge and brought his "Mech forward. The duel bogan. At the last instant, Allard pulled his 'Meoh's fusion control elements, triggering the Hatchetmart's ‘jection eystem. The F-C'MocH's sion engine went supercritical ‘and exploded into white-not plasma. Adler Malthus’ OmniMech ‘was destroyed in tho explosion, and most of the Falcon Guards. followed himinto odivion asthecharoes detonated and buriecthe (Cluster under tons of slag. VICTORY With the destruction of the Falcon Guards, resistance on ‘Twycross collapsed. Dozens of Clan MectiWarriors mere cap~ tured. The new prisoners seemed perplexed, continually wanting to know what Gian had capiured them and now claimed their allogianc.. ‘Meanwhile, the rest of the Jade Falcons Cian continued its inexorable march deop into F-C territory. twas unlikely, howaver, thatthey would accept theless of one oftheir best Clusters without retaliation. The four F-C regimonts proparod once more to mest the enemy, expecting a massive counterattack. Days, then weeks, passed, but nothing happened. News arrived of the Kuritans defeating the Smoke Jaguars on Woleatt, ‘and also of the heroic, but doomed, attack by a handful of Rasalhagian pilots or’a Wolf Clan warship. November came and ‘went, bul no counterattack occurred on Twycross. By early December, it was apparent that the Clan invasion had stopped, for thermomert atleast. Thus does Twycrossremein F.C hands. Despite the lll tha Clans will surely attack again, ‘The orly question is wien, and whether the Inner Sphere can survive. By the Blessed Order of Blake, ‘Adept I-02 Theodore Parsone ADLER MALTHUS Wentor Data a00y = 9 on —8 uw 11 ow Pe-8 me ~ 90 Total x°:173,000 sx Avalablo: 7,300 ‘Age: Unknown Rank: Star Colonel Afflation: Jade Falcons Clan, Falcon Guards Cluster Home Planet: Unknown Omniech Type: Thor MechWarrior Status Report: ‘Star Colonel Adier Maithus is a tall man of indeterri nate age who is a courageous and daring MechWarrior. in ‘the initial stages of the Twycross invasion, Malthus’ unit enjoys great success, even though some consider bis tactics reckless. When his lead units are caughtand mauled at Hawikroosi, Malthus orders his OmniMechs to attack again. Pushing through and taking the strategic city of Camora, they are able to destroy all remaining resistance ‘on Twycross. The superiority of Clan weapons are certainly ‘a major factor in Malthus’ success. Yet it is Malthus’ reckless naturo that is his undoing. When the F-C counterattacks, the Falcon Guards care- lessly pour into the Gash without having sent any scouts ahead. Such scouts might well have detected the hidden demolition charges that would eventually bury the entire Cluster. Colonel Malthus’ OmniMech was destroyed when Kai Allard’s Hatchetman exploded. Malthus’ body was not recovered, andsome Clan prisoners later claimthathe was able to eject just before the explosion. Most observers believe he perished along with the rest of his Clustor. Known Skilis Skill Attribute Target Skill Roll Lovel Modified Target ° Gunnery'Mech 8 Leadership 6 Piloting’ Mach 5 Pistol 5 Rifle 4 Survival 2 Tactics 5 Technician 2 Warrior Data ov = 10 pex-9 tan -9 cu-7 pa-8 IK ~ 100 Total xe: 188,000 xp Available: 8,000 ‘Age: Unknown Rank: Star Captain Affiliation: Jade Falcons Clan, Falcon Guards Cluster Home Planet: Unknown ‘OmniMech Type: Thor MechWarrior Status Report: ‘A muscular man with the exaggerated physiology po- cular to Clan MechWarriors, Bagdan commands his unit, Trinary Able, with astern hand. His repeated references to subordinates as “my sisko" do not seemto refer toafarnily type relationship, butratherto a strict disciplinarian’s errant students. In turn, members of the unit treat Bagdan with cold cisdain, an attitude that seems to permeate the ranks of all the Clans, With a killtotal of eleven Mechs in the Twycross cam- paign alone, Bagdan is one of the most successtul Jade Falcon MechWarriors. in September 3050, his Thor be- ‘came buried under tons of rubble n the battle for tie Gash. ‘Skill Attribute Target Skill Roll Level Modified Target 8 8 8 a 8 8 7 8 8 Wartlor Data acov = 9) vex 10 LN -9 cna 6-8 re 90 Total x: 62,000 x Available: 1,000 ‘Age: Unknown Rank: Star Captain Affiliation: Jade Falcons Clan, Falcon Guards Ciuster Home Planet: Unknown OmniMech Type: Thor MechWarrior Status Report: yee |s a tall, young man, with finely chiseled features and thick blonde hair. Kyle isa fanaticalmember ofthe Jade Falcons, and he takes great pride in his unit, Trinary Bravo. Heis the only member ofthe Falcon Guards Command, other than Malthus, who is "bloodramed,” The Clans’ use and awarding of bloodnames is not fully understood by our Blessed Order, but Star Captain Kyle's case may ofer a possible explanation on how itis accomplished. ‘Through rigorous rosoarch, Adopts at our First Circuit Command have discovered that Star Captain Kyle bears a striking resemblance to Colonel Marcus Kyle, commander ofthe Star League Twenty-ninth Royal Dragoon Regiment. [As Colonel Kyle was ona of those who lett with General Aleksandr Kerensky during the Exodus from the Inner Sphere, Dan Kyle may be a descendant ofthe former Star League Colonel. It so, the Star Capiainis almost identical resemblance to the ancient Colonel would indicate that the Kyl line somehow avoided centuries of genotic drift. Unfor- tunately, turther investigation is impossible, as Kyle methis death in the Great Gash. Known Skills ‘Skill Attribute Target Skill Roll Level Modified Athletics Gunnery/Mech Interrogation Leadership Piloting’ Mech Pistol Survival Tactics Technician Wartior Data oDv — 10 vex -9 ta -8 oun —10 Pe-8 re — 100, Total x: 142,000 x Availabe: 1,500 Age: Unknown Rank: Star Captain Affiliation: Jade Falcons Clan, Falcon Guards Cluster Home Planet: Unknown OmniMech Type: Loki MechWarrior Status Report: Lefaris a model pracitioner of the Jade Falcons’ brand of warfare, favoring mobility over firepower. Her unit, Tr- nary Charie, hadthe highestconfirmedkillrate ofthe entire Falcon Guards Cluster during the Twycross campaign. It was her tendency to move quickly that often placed her beyond etfective support from other Falcon Guard units, however. Her Trinary had more’Mechs out of action due to simpie lack of maintenance and repair than any other Clan unit on Twycross, ‘Thereason Lefardrove her troops so hard was that she was in line for some form of honor or commendation, Though our Blessed Order has not ascertained the exact nature ofthis honor, itappears to be some formal acknow!- edgment ofher status as.a future Clan/eader. Star Captain Lefarhas risen rapialy rough theranks, and allindications are that she was being groomed for something more than a Cluster command. As in all mattors dealing with the Clans, her performance on the battlefield would decide whether or not she received this honor. ‘The attractive, dark-haired Star Captain Letar is a staunch supporter of Coionel Malthus. Captured after the battle for Twrycross, she continues to claim thather Colonel ‘escaped, though she has no proof, Known Skills Attribute Target Skill Roll Modified Target se Diplomacy JGunnery’Mech Leadership Piloting’ Mech Pistol [Survival Tactics Hechnician Nw awanos Total x0: 152,000 ‘Age: Unknown Rank: Star Captain Affiliation: Jade Falcons Clan, Falcon Guards Cluster Home Planet: Unknown ‘OmniMech Type: Vulture MechWarrior Status Report: Star Captain Gell isa large, powerful man who seems better-suited for Clan Elemental service than MechWarrior ‘uty. This may explain why he commands @ mixed Omni- MechvElemental urit, Trinary Delta, in the Twycross cam- paign. cS ‘Atter Gel's Trinary cleared outthe nantly militia inand around Camora, his armored infantry safely approached and disarmed the hundreds ofweight-sensitive vibrabornbs litering the streets and alleys of Camora, Gell himself dismounted from his Vulture to help cisarm a mine so that the Elementals might continue their advance in batte, Gell directly commands a unit known as a Nova, consisting of ive OmniMechs and a Star of Elomen: tals. With them, he perfected a new and innovative tactic. Because Elemental units lacked the mobility to pursue and overtake a Mech, until now they had been used primarily in defensive roles. Gell, however, has each ofhis OmniMechs mount a Point of Elementals. ‘Mechs are able to drop into the middle of a withdrawing enemy formation and then deploy the Elementals. This tactic constantly disrupted the withdrawal of the Twycross TMM and prevented the militia. from establishing a strong line of defense outside Camora. Goll and his Elementals are believed to have perished ‘along with Colone! Matthus and the rest of the Falcon Guards. Skill Attribute Target Skill Roll Level Modified Target 2 IGunnery"Mech 1 Leadership Mechanical Piloting” Mech, Warrior Date ooy ~ 8 x- 11 Law 8 can 6 pa-9 Hk - 80 Total xP: 63,000 xP Available: Age: Unknown Rank: Star Captain Affiliation: Jade Falcons Clan, Falcon Guards Cluster Home Planet: Unknown ‘OmniMech Type: Mad Cat MechWarrior Status Report: ‘Star Captain Lents pilots her heavy OmniMech as though itwere a light recon vehicle, buthandles her Trinary like itis a lumbering elephant, steadily plodding forward. Solid on the defense, but unimaginative in attack, Star Captain Lents’ Trinary Echo normaly serves as the anvil that the rest of the Faloon Guards uses to Smash their op- ponents, Lents apparently lacks any ambition beyond serving her Glan. During the Twycross campaign, she followed ‘orders to the letier, but shows no hint of her own initiatva Speculation is that she would not have "tested up” during her next evaluation. Like many aspects of the Clans’ mmiltary culture, the meaning of this term is unclear. It should be noted that the few Clan warriors we have identified as having "tested down" are generally older and ‘weaker. They seem to experience great shame and dis- (grace about their reputations, Siar Caplan Lenis' loyal nature is coupled with a ‘meticulous personality. Her Mad Catis keptclean and well- maintained at all times. Skill Attribute Target Skill Roll Level Modified = Target Leadership Ploting’Mech Pistol Survival Tactics Tochnician UNIT ROSTER UNIT ROSTER, FALCON GUARDS CLUSTER, JADE FALCONS CLAN Name: Tho Falcon Guards ‘Commander: Star Colonel Acter Malthus Unit Composition: 9 'Moch Stare, 6 Elomontal Stars Unit Status: Ete Unit Insignia: A ewooping groon-oyed Black Falcon, wings out stretched, descending Unit Ship Assignments: JumpShip Jade Talon (Aegis Close) DropShios Raptor and Starbird |Overiordsized) Falcon Guard Command ‘Ster Colonel Adler Malthus (Gunnery 0, Pfstng 3), Thor (A) ‘Star Commander Conn (Gunnery 1, Piloting 2), Loki MechWartir Sauy (Gurmery 2, Pitting 3), Kashi () MechWarrior Hartic (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Kashi (B) MechWartioc Koview (Gurmery 2, Pioing 3), Uler (A) ‘Trinary Alpha Alpha Striker ‘Star Captain Bagdan (Gunnery 0, Piloting 2), Thor (A) MechWartior Flahar (Gunnery, Piloting 3), Thor (A) MechWeartior Hochs (Gunnery, Piloting 3), Masakari (B) MechWarrior Bragharo (Gunnery 2, Pioting3), Man O’ War (A) MechWartior Ng (Gunnery 4, Piloting 5), Mad Cat Alpha Heavy Star Commander Stein (Gunnery 2, Piloting 2), Thor (A) MechWartior Landis (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Loki MechWarrior Bradus (Gunnery 2, Pioting 3), Loki MechvVarrior Keagbine (Gunnery 4, Piloting 8), Vulture (B) MochWarrior Cook (Gunnery 4, Pioting 5), Vulture (8) Alpha Fire ‘Star Commander Spitul (Gunnery 1, Piloting 2), Vutture (6) MochWartior Rokay (Gunnery 1, Piloting 2), Thor (A) MechWartior Makai (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Thor (A) MechWarrior Vaars (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Loki MechWarnor Sharger (Gunnary 4, Piloting 5), Fenris Trinary Bravo Brave Heavy ‘Star Captain Dan Kyle (Gunnery 2, Piloting 0), Thor (A) MachWartior Inez (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Thor (A) i MechWarrior Roter (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Masakart (B) MechWartior Amard (Gunnery 4, Piloting 8), Loki MechWartior Denal (Gunnery 4, Piouing 5), Mad Cat Bravo Fire ‘Star Commander Cascato (Gunnery 2, PfotingS}, Ryoken (A) MechWarrior Harreen (Gunnery 2, Picting 3), Fyoken (A) MochWarrior Grec (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Thor (A) MechWamrior Tyrett (Gunnery 4, Piioing 5), Thor (A) MechWarrior Gera Bunalin (Gunnery 4, Ploting 5), Loki Bravo Chase ‘Star Commander Dechev (Gunnery 1, Picting 2) Uller (A) MechWarrior Yeager (Gunnery 2, Pilating 3), Uler (A) MechWarrior Carrows (Gunnery 2, Pleting 3), Puma (C) MechWarrior Mong (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Koshi (B) . MechWarrior Bara (Gunnery 4, Piloting 5), Koshi (B) Trinary Charlie Charlie Heavy Star Captain Lefar (Gumnery 0, Piloting 1) Loki MechWartior Rodham (Gunnery 2, Picting 2), Thor A) MechWarior Kenbarg (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3). Fenris. MechWarrior Ulsion (Gunnery 4, Ploting 5), Masakari (5) MechWarrior Fuchida (Gunnery 4, Pioting 5), Loki Charlie Fire ‘Star Commandsr Mert (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Ryoken (A) MechWartior Kir (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Thor (A) ‘MecnWarrlor Fredasa (Gurmery 2, Piloting 3), Lok ‘MecWarior Skeld (Gunnery 2, Piloting 3), Loki ‘MectWartior Drison (Gunnery 4, Piloting 5), Fyoken (A) Chartie Chase ‘Star Commander Zol (Gunnery 1, Piloting 2), Uller (A) MecnWarrior Burke (Gunnery 4, Piloting 5), Uler (A) MechWarrer Mabrame (Gunnery 4, Piloting 5), Puma (C) MechWartior Ennis (Gunnery 4, Piloting 5), Puma (C) MechWarior Tara (Gunnery 4, Ploting), Koshi (B)

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