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Project Detail

ABC Company conducts their annual business planning meeting on Tuesday, 24 November commencing at
9.30am and finishing at 4.30pm.
This meeting is generally conducted at some external venue in Melbourne.
They are expecting 10 participants in the meeting. Two of the participants are coming from interstate
(Sydney and Adelaide), whilst one participant will participate via teleconference from Perth.
The ABC Company meeting policy states that the annual business planning meeting starts with a CEO
presentation followed by discussion on agenda items in the pre-lunch session of the meeting. The CEO will
show a PowerPoint and talk on the achievements of the year and future strategic direction of the company.
Lunch will be catered for by the external venue.
The post lunch session is usually a presentation from a guest speaker. In this year’s meeting, the guest
speaker is from the USA and is expected to show a video and talk on innovative products for two hours
followed by discussion.
In the afternoon, participants will divide into groups to develop ideas and consider their strategic needs for
the upcoming year.
You are working as a Senior Administrative Officer and have been requested to organise the meeting in a
professional manner, to organise the venue, catering, technical and accommodation requirements.
The participants are from diverse cultural backgrounds and have different dietary requirements that
include vegetarian, halal and gluten free. These requirements need to be considered when planning for
this meeting.
You need to:
1. Write out a meeting plan to ensure that all the preparations for the meeting will be correctly
organised. (Appendix 6)
2. Develop an invitation to notify participants of the meeting. Use this invitation to notify participants
(your group members) of the meeting
3. Prepare required meeting papers. You must identify at least one meeting paper required for the
4. Write a reflection explaining the following (Appendix 7):
o Identify meeting participants and detail the reason/s they should attend the meeting
o Identify the format of the meeting and explain why you have chosen this format
o Venue selection and why this venue was chosen
o The format of your invitation and why you chose this format
o When and how would you distribute the agenda?
o Describe the meeting papers you were required to prepare and the distribution method
you used to provide those papers to participants. Why did you choose the distribution
method that you used?
o Describe your approach to delegating activities and managing the completion of those
tasks. Were all activities completed by the person to whom you delegated the task to and
on time? Did you achieve the goals of your action plan?
5. Describe the organisational requirements, conventions and any legal and ethical requirements that
are applicable to your meeting (Appendix 8)

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Appendix 6 – Meeting Plan template

Meeting Plan

Chairperson: Department:
John Howard Administrative

Meeting name:
ABC company's annual business planning meeting

Meeting Details
Date: November 24, 2018 Start and finish time: 09:30 am –04:30 pm
Location (internal): Level 7, ABC Company, Melbourne Budget: 5,000 $
Venue name: The Bank on VIC
Location (external): Rooms:

Meeting Format
Purpose The ABC company meeting policy states that the annual business
Planning meeting (Achievements of the year and future strategic
Direction of the company
Innovative products
Develop ideas and consider strategic needs for the upcoming
Agenda Welcome
Minutes of previous meeting
Matters arising
Last year's annual business plan
General business
Next meeting
John miller Jo cocer(perth)
Participants (names and location if Michel yun
Jane garnet
interstate) ( Adelaide)
Tom cruse Sam jo(Sydney)
Tom johns
Billy Joel
Luna wong
Kim singer

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Guest speakers Michel Jacson ( U.S.A)
Secretary or minute taker Tom johns

Seating arrangements Billy Joel

Video or A camera, a codec, a microphone, a speaker, a monitor and an

teleconference ADSL or NBN connection

Hospitality requirements
Catering requirements (refreshments,
lunch, dinner, dietary Gluten Free
KingTowers Melbourne (Guest Speaker)
Accommodation arrangements
(interstate/international participants)

Supporting materials
Stationery requirements
Pens, paper, flipchart, whiteboard
Last year's annual business plan
Notice of Meeting
documentation (
Equipment requirements
Table,chair.PPT monitor& Project, Video , Laptop , Speaker , Mic ,
(e.g. PPT, video, laptops)
Procedures for processing, The conference used computers to unify the android system
checking and distributing Procedures for processing, checking and distributing agenda, papers and
agenda, papers and minutes minutes1.
The annual report and related materials and data analysis will be issued
during the meeting lunch meeting.
2.Annual financial statement of paper edition will be handed out.
3. The meeting will last two hours after lunch
Post meeting documentation The meeting document will refer to strategic requirements forthe
(e.g. minutes, thank you) coming year. Each one will have 30minutes to read it beforethe meeting

Other requirements
Special needs of attendees Michel yun is a vegetarian, and a separate vegetarian diet, such as
fruit and vegetables, and a vegetarian dessert should be offered.
Other specific requirements Sam jo has ISO system, so we prepare multi program

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Appendix 7 – Reflection

Meeting Participants

Participant name/positions Reason for participation

John miller

Jane garnet

Tom cruse

Tom johns

Billy Joel

Luna wong

Kim singer

Jo cocer(perth)

Michel yun ( Adelaide)

Sam jo(Sydney)

Venue Selection
Where would you conduct the meeting and why?

We conduct meeting in Level 7, ABC Company, Melbourne, Because place is easy access to

Various materials and easy accessibility

Meeting format
In what format will the meeting be held? Why did you select this format?

Meeting are held regularly each year with annual departments meeting and new plans for the next year

What format did you use for your invitation and why did you choose this format?

Meeting invitations use e-mail invitation that are used by almost everyone
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When and how would you distribute the agenda?

Sanding e-mail 1 hour before the meeting

Meeting papers
Describe the meeting papers you were required to prepare and the distribution method you used
to provide those papers to participants. Why did you choose the distribution method that you

Meeting papers may be distributed in physical form, or in electronic form via email. If the meeting papers are
not made available to participants long enough before the meeting, they will not have enough time to consider
the information which is given in the papers. If meeting papers state an action required of the recipients, they
should comply with this. If policy papers need to be circulated to members, they should have enough time to
read them, in order to be able to express their opinion on the content.

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Appendix 8 – Organisational, legal and ethical requirements

Describe the organisational requirements, conventions and legal and ethical requirements that are
applicable to your meeting.

Organisational requirements organisational requirements are:

The organisation's vision, goals, objectives and priorities

business and performance plans
systems, processes and requirements for quality assurance
specific change initiatives
legal requirements, for example, occupational health and safety and
anti-discrimination legislation
standards (such as for ethical behaviour) and protocols
confidentiality and security requirements
Defined resource parameters.
Conventions Legal Conventions – Legal conventions are those conventions of a
meeting which are required by law at a formal meeting of an
organisation or business group. Depending on your locality, these can
include the preparation of an agenda before the meeting, the
presence of a chairperson at the meeting and an official set of minutes
to be produced after the meeting.

Informal Conventions – These conventions have been decided on by

the group and are personal to the group which is running the meeting.
They may include things like each member of the meeting having to
introduce themselves formally to the group at the beginning of each
session. These conventions are open to debate if the group thinks that
they need to be changed
Legal requirements  whether there are strict requirements to hold meetings or
special rights to call a meeting
 providing proper notice (time periods, content of notice and
required recipients)
 meeting quorums (minimum number of people present to
make a meeting valid)
 how and when to adjourn meetings
 voting rights (and proxy rights)
 meeting resolutions, and
 keeping and storing meeting minutes.

Ethical requirements Meeting attendees need to be aware of their responsibilities are in

relation to codes of practice. Inmany circumstances, issues discussed
in a meeting will be confidential and others will come underprivacy

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