Master in Aerospace Engineering: Ecole Centrale Lyon

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FCVFA 2021 - 2022


Master in Aerospace Engineering


Fundamentals of Compressible and Viscous flow

Analysis – Homework #2

Submitted by:
Thangjam Shager Singh

Date: 16 January 2022

M1 Aerospace Engineering
FCVFA 2021 - 2022

I)Calculation of the shock angle for an oblique shock

The θ − β − M expresses the connection between the Mach number M1 upstream of an oblique shock
wave, with a shock angle β (angle counted with respect to the incoming flow direction) and such that
it makes the upstream flow turn with an angle θ:

(γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2

tan(β − θ) = tan(β) [ ]
(γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β)
1) Use the trigonometric identity:

tan(a) − tan(b)
tan(a − b) =
1 + tan(a)tan(b)

to show that (1) can be put in the form of a third-degree equation for the unknown variable tan(β), with
coefficients depending on M1 and tan(θ).


Using the above trigonometry identity, the shock angle and upstream flow angle can be express as:

tan(β) − tan(θ) (γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2

= tan(β) [ ]
1 + tan(β)tan(θ) (γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β)

Now, Solving tan(θ),

tan(β) − tan(θ) (γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2

= [ ]
tan(β) + tan2 (β)tan(θ) (γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β)

[tan(β) − tan(θ)](γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β) = [tan(β) + tan2 (β)tan(θ)]((γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2)

tan(β) [(γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β) − ((γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2)]

= tan(θ)[(γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β) + tan2 (β)((γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2)]

tan(β)[(γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β) − ((γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2)]

tan(θ) =
[(γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β) + tan2 (β)((γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2)]

Further simplifying by considering the numerator as,

i.e., tan(β)[(γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β) − ((γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2)]

=tan(β)[γ[M12 sin2 (β)] + M12 sin2 (β)] − 2 − γ[M12 sin2 (β)] + [M12 sin2 (β)]
𝐭𝐚𝐧(𝛃)[𝟐 {[𝐌𝟏𝟐 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝟐 (𝛃)]} − 𝟏]

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

Further reducing the denominator as:

i.e., [(γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β) + tan2 (β)((γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2)]

sin2 (β)
= tan2 (β) [(γ − 1) [M1 tan2(β)] + (γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2]

= tan2 (β)[(γ − 1)[M12 cos 2 (β)] + (γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β) + 2]

= tan2 (β)[2 + (γ − 1)M12 − (γ + 1)M12 sin2 (β) + (γ − 1)M12 sin2 (β)]

= tan2 (β)[2 + (γ + 1)M12 − 2M12 sin2 (β)]

= tan2 (β)[2 + γM12 + M12 − [1 − 2sin2 (β)]

= tan2 (β)[2 + γM12 + M12 − [cos 2 (β) − sin2 (β)]

𝐭𝐚𝐧 (𝛃)[𝟐 + 𝐌𝟏𝟐 [𝛄 − 𝐜𝐨𝐬(𝟐𝛃)]

Now, Rearranging terms i.e., equation (A) ÷ (B),

2tan(β){M12 sin2 (β) − 1}

tan2 (β)[2 + M12 [γ − cos(2β)]

𝟐{𝐌𝟏𝟐 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝟐 (𝛃) − 𝟏}

𝐭𝐚𝐧(𝛉) =
𝐭𝐚𝐧(𝛃)[𝟐 + 𝐌𝟏𝟐 [𝛄 + 𝐜𝐨𝐬(𝟐𝛃)]

Wedge angle express as a function of free stream Mach number and shock angle.

Substituting cos(2β) = cos2 (β) − sin2 (β),

2{M12 sin2 (β) − 1}

tan(θ) =
tan(β)[2 + γM12 + M12 [cos2 (β) − sin2 (β)]

❖ cos2 (β) + sin2 (β) = 1

2{M12 sin2 (β) − sin2 (β) − cos2 (β)}

tan(β)[2 + γM12 + M12 [cos 2 (β) − sin2 (β)]

Simplifying the following terms i.e.,

{(M12 − 1)sin2 (β) − cos2 (β)}

= γ γ
tan(β) [1 + 2 M12 + 2 M12 [cos 2 (β) − sin2 (β)]

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

{(M12 − 1)sin2 (β) − cos2 (β)}

γ + cos2 (β) − sin2 (β) 2
tan(β) [1 + M1 ]

❖ 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝟐 (𝛃) + 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝟐 (𝛃) = 𝟏

{(M12 − 1)sin2 (β) − cos2 (β)}

γ + [cos2 (β) − sin2 (β)] + cos 2 (β) − sin2 (β) 2
tan(β) [cos2 (β) + sin2 (β) + M1 ]

Again, Rearranging the terms,

{(M12 − 1)tan2 (β) − 1}

γ[1 + tan2 (β)] + 1 − tan2 (β)] 2
tan(β) [1 + tan2 (β) + M1 ]

{(M12 − 1)tan2 (β) − 1}

γ+1 γ[tan2 (β)] − tan2 (β)] 2
tan(β) [1 + 2 M12 + tan2 (β) + M1 ]

{(M12 − 1)tan2 (β) − 1}

γ+1 2 2 (β) [1 + γ − 1 M 2 ]]
tan(β) [[1 + 2 M1 ] + tan 2 1

{(M12 − 1)tan2 (β) − 1}

tan(θ) =
γ+1 2 γ−1 2 3 (β)]
[[1 + 2 M1 ] tan(β) + [1 + 2 M1 ] tan

Rearranging in terms of powers of tan(β),

γ−1 2 γ+1 2
{[1 + M1 ] tan(θ)} tan3 (β) − (M12 − 1)tan2 (β) + {[1 + M1 ] tan(θ)} tan(β) + 1 = 0
2 2

Polynomial equation in the form of 𝐚𝐱 𝟑 − 𝐛𝐱 𝟐 + 𝐜𝐱 + 𝟏 = 𝟎

2) Write a computer program (using MATLAB, Scilab or Python) which provides the shock angle β
(corresponding to the weak shock solution) when M1 and θ are given as input data.

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

The roots of the equation can be providing as:

γ+1 2
a = {[1 + M1 ] tan(θ)}

b = (M12 − 1)

γ−1 2
c = {[1 + M1 ] tan(θ)}


The above roots are substituted in the polynomial equation,

γ−1 2 γ+1 2
{[1 + M1 ] tan(θ)} tan3 (β) − (M12 − 1)tan2 (β) + {[1 + M1 ] tan(θ)} tan (β) + 1 = 0
2 2

MATLAB program which provides the shock angle β (weak shock solution) when M1 and θ are given
are as follows:

M = 3;
theta = 20;
gamma = 1.4;
s = (1+(((gamma-1)/2)*M^2))*tan(theta);
h = M^2-1;
a = (1+(((gamma+1)/2)*M^2))*tan(theta);
g = 1;
syms x
Higher_order_Equation = s*x^3 - h*x^2 + a*x + g == 0;
Higher_order_roots = solve(Higher_order_Equation,x);
Higher_order_roots = vpa(Higher_order_roots,4);
Beta = atan (Higher_order_roots)*(180/pi)

❖ For the given value of 𝑀1 = 3 and wedge angle 𝜃2 = 200

We obtain 3 roots for the above polynomial equation i.e.,

Beta = Meaningless Solution 𝜷<0: -9.9102187515842583166634537719183

Weak Shock: 37.763955162890468807258147110617
Strong Shock: 82.146535689137323011431633805984

❖ For the given value of 𝑀1 = 3 and wedge angle 𝜃2 = 150

We obatin 3 roots for the above polynomial equation i.e.,

Beta = Meaningless Solution 𝜷<0: -11.662004005754439390235757740794

Weak Shock: 32.240611610396882281707254091326
Strong Shock: 84.421596424651529780374143098813

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

II) Supersonic flow through an air

Let us consider the flow configuration displayed in Figure 1. We are interested in the 2D supersonic
flow at M1 = 3, with p1 = 1 atm and T1 = 300 K, through an air intake. The air intake is made of a lower
wall initially horizontal then forming (at x = 0) an angle θ2 = 20◦ above the horizontal direction and an
upper wall initially horizontal as well and forming (at x = 0) an angle θ3 = 15◦ below the horizontal
direction. The inlet and outlet boundary of the air intake are assumed to be located respectively at x =
−1 m and x = 1 m. This flow configuration will be analyzed in detail throughout the present homework
3) Use the program developed in 2) and the formulae available in the lecture notes to compute M2,
p2 and M3, p3 (without making use of the abacus III provided in the lecture notes).

Figure 1: Interference of oblique shocks in the supersonic air intake under study.


For the region 2:

Lower wall at x = 0 and wedge angle 𝜃2 = 200
From the MATLAB code, we get β2 = 37.760 (Considering the weak shock solution)
After getting the shock angle we can calculated (Mn)1 by the following expression:

(Mn )1 = M1 sin(𝛽2 )

Substituting the M1 and β2 ,

we get (𝐌𝐧 )𝟏 =1.837

γ−1 2
1 + ( 2 ) (Mn )1
(Mn )2 = √
2 γ−1
γ (Mn )1 − ( 2 )

(𝐌𝐧 )𝟐 = 0.609

(Mn )2
M2 =
sin(β2 − θ1 )

𝐌𝟐 = 𝟏. 𝟗𝟗

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

Pressure ratio relationship and Normal Mach number (Mn)1 after the shock is written as:
p2 2γ
= 1+ (M 2 sin2 β2 − 1)
p1 (γ + 1) 1

Solving the above equation,

We obtain, = 3.77 x 101325 pascal

= 𝟑𝟖𝟐𝟏𝟏𝟗. 𝟗 𝐏𝐚

For the region 3: Lower wall at x = 0 and wedge angle θ3 = 150

From the MATLAB code execution,

We get β3 = 32.240 (Considering the weak shock solution)
After getting the shock angle we can calculated (Mn)1 by the following expression:

(Mn )1 = M1 sin(𝛽3 )

Substituting the M1 and β3 we get (𝐌𝐧 )𝟏 =1.6

γ−1 2
1 + ( 2 ) (Mn )1
(Mn )2 = √
2 γ−1
γ (Mn )1 − ( 2 )
We get,

(𝐌𝐧 )𝟐 = 0.66

(Mn )2
M2 =
sin(β3 − θ2 )

𝐌𝟑 = 𝟐. 𝟐𝟓

Pressure ratio relationship and Normal Mach number (Mn)1 after the shock is written as:

p3 2γ
= 1+ (M 2 sin2 β3 − 1)
p1 (γ + 1) 1

Solving the above equation,

We obtain, = 2.82 x 101325 pascal

= 𝟐𝟖𝟓𝟖𝟗𝟏. 𝟓 𝑷𝒂

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

III) Graphical determination of states 2 and 3Pressure-deflection diagram the hodograph

plane corresponds to a representation of an oblique shock in the space (p, θ). The so-called pressure-
deflection diagram is the locus of all the values taken by the static pressure downstream of an
oblique shockwave as a function of the deflection angle θ, for given upstream conditions. The top
part of Fig. 2 displays two possible configurations for an oblique shockwave in the physical space:
the” left-running” shockwave or the” right-running” shockwave. The left running shockwave is
thus called because it corresponds to the viewpoint of an observer riding the shockwave and facing
the upstream flow, who sees therefore the flow deflected toward his left. Such an oblique shockwave
is created by the wedge in the lower part of the air intake under study while the right-running
shockwave corresponds to the oblique shock created by the wedge located in the upper part of the
air intake geometry.

The bottom part of Fig. 2 displays the same two flow configurations in the hodograph plane, under
the form of a pressure-deflection diagram. The upstream pressure p1 associated with the incoming
horizontal flow is positioned along the vertical p-axis since it corresponds to θ = 0. The static
pressure downstream of the shock is such that p2/p1 = f (M1 sin (β)). For a given upstream Mach
number M1, β (corresponding to the weak shock solution) can be computed for each value of θ
between ±θ max(M1). Hence (Mn)1 = M1 sin (β) can be computed and the pressure p = p1 × f((Mn)1)
can be computed. This yields the p − θ diagram displayed in the bottom part of Fig. 2. The pressure
p2 corresponding to the left-running shock with deflection angle θ2 > 0 (above the horizontal
direction) is graphically obtained at the intersection of θ = θ2 with the p − θ diagram. Similarly, the
pressure p 0 2 corresponding to the right-running shock with deflection angle θ 0 2 < 0 (below the
horizontal direction) is graphically obtained at the intersection of θ = θ 0 2 with the p − θ diagram.

Figure 2: Pressure-deflection diagram for an oblique shockwave.

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

4) Write a program allowing to plot the pressure-deflection diagram associated with state 1 upstream
of shockwaves A and B for the air intake configuration under study and show how you recover the
static pressure levels p2 and p3 respectively downstream of shockwaves A and B. States 2 and 3 will
be also the upstream states respectively for shockwaves C and D.


The MATLAB code related to pressure deflection with respect to the shockwaves A and B is provided

M_1 =3;
beta_1=asin(1/M_1) : 0.0005 :pi/2;
Pressure_1 = P_1*(1+2.*gamma ./ (gamma+1).*(M_1^2 .* sin(beta_1).^2 - 1));
theta_1 = atan( 2*cot(beta_1) .* (M_1^2 .* sin(beta_1).^2 - 1) ./ (M_1^2 .*(gamma +
cos(2.*beta_1)) +2));

Pressure_1=[ Pressure_1, fliplr(Pressure_1)];

theta_1=[theta_1, -abs(fliplr(theta_1))];

plot(theta1*(180/pi), Pressure_1)

Figure 3: Pressure-deflection plot with respect to shock-waves A and B

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

IV) Graphical determination of states 4 and 4’.

Let us go back to Figure 1 and qualitatively explain the key flow features for this interference of
oblique shockwaves of opposite families (a left-running shockwave A issued from the lower ramp
interfering with a right-running shockwave B issued from the upper ramp). Shockwaves A and B
display an intersection at point E, beyond which they become refracted shockwaves, respectively C
and D. In the present geometry under study θ2 = 20◦ > θ3 = 15◦.Consequently, shock A is stronger than
shock B, which means in particular that the variation of entropy along a streamline crossing
successively shock A and shock C is different from the entropy variation observed along a streamline
crossing successively shock B and shock D. Consequently, the flow region downstream of the refracted
shockwaves C and D is not uniform. It is actually made of 2 sub-regions or zones with 2 different
levels of entropy, corresponding to uniform states 4 and 4’, respectively downstream of shock D (with
upstream state 3) and downstream of shock C (with upstream state 2). Zones 4 and 4’ share the same
static pressure level p4 = p’4 and the same flow direction. The two zones are separated by a slip line,
through which pressure and flow direction are conserved while other quantities (temperature, density,
entropy but also velocity magnitude) display a jump or discontinuity.

5) Extend the program written in 4) to compute and plot the pressure-deflection diagrams associated
to states 2 and 3 upstream of shockwaves C and D and find p4 = p 0 4 as the downstream state shared
by both refracted shockwaves. Provide also the ang
le Φ of the slip line (see Fig. 1).

The MATLAB code for the pressure deflection with respect to the upstream shockwaves for the
corresponding state 2 and 3 is provided below:

M_1 =3;
beta_1=asin(1/M_1) : 0.0005 :pi/2;
Pressure_1 = P_1*(1+2.*gamma ./ (gamma+1).*(M_1^2 .* sin(beta_1).^2 - 1));
theta_1 = atan( 2*cot(beta_1) .* (M_1^2 .* sin(beta_1).^2 - 1) ./ (M_1^2 .*(gamma +
cos(2.*beta_1)) +2));

Pressure_1=[ Pressure_1, fliplr(Pressure_1)];

theta_1=[theta_1, -abs(fliplr(theta_1))];

M_2 =2;
beta_2=asin(1/M_2) : 0.0005 :pi/2;
Pressure_2=P_2*(1+2.*gamma ./ (gamma+1).*(M_2^2 .* sin(beta_2).^2 - 1));
theta_2 = atan( 2*cot(beta_2) .* (M_2^2 .* sin(beta_2).^2 - 1) ./ (M_2^2 .*(gamma +

Pressure_2=[ Pressure_2, fliplr(Pressure_2)];

theta_2=[theta_2, -abs(fliplr(theta_2))];

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

M_3 =2.25;
beta_3=asin(1/M_3) : 0.0005 :pi/2;
Pressure_3=P_3*(1+2.*gamma ./ (gamma+1).*(M_3^2 .* sin(beta_3).^2 - 1));
theta_3 = atan( 2*cot(beta_3) .* (M_3^2 .* sin(beta_3).^2 - 1) ./ (M_3^2 .*(gamma +

Pressure_3=[ Pressure_3, fliplr(Pressure_3)];

theta_3=[theta_3, -abs(fliplr(theta_3))];

hold on
plot(theta_1*(180/pi), Pressure_1)
plot(theta_2*(180/pi)+20, Pressure_2)
plot(theta_3*(180/pi)-15, Pressure_3)

Figure 4: Pressure-deflection plot with respect to the upstream shockwaves for the corresponding
state 2 and 3

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

6) Give the static pressure distribution, the temperature distribution and the velocity magnitude
distribution along the vertical line y = 0.9 m in the air intake.
Use the. cas and .dat files provided on the course website to display a comparison between the previous
exact pressure, temperature, velocity magnitude distributions along y = 0.9 m and the discrete solution
computed using Ansys Fluent.

Since, the Φ angle is known the pressures P4=P4’ can computed using the temperature, local pressure
and velocity after the shock. The angle of Φ1 of the slip line is 4.870 and Φ2 of the slip line is 4.710

For Φ = 4.870

Case 4’:

θ4 = 200 − 4.870 = 15.130

From the MATLAB code execution, we obtain β4′ = 44.660 (Considering the weak shock solution)

(Mn )1 = M3 sin(β4′ )

Substituting of M1 and β4′

We get,
(𝐌𝐧 )𝟏 =1.39

γ−1 2
1 + ( 2 ) (Mn )1
(Mn )2 = √
2 γ−1
γ (Mn )1 − ( 2 )

(𝐌𝐧 )𝟐 = 0.744

(Mn )2
M4′ =
sin(β4′ − θ4′ )

𝐌𝟒′ = 𝟏. 𝟓𝟏

Pressure ratio relationship and Normal Mach number after the shock is written as:
We get,
= 2.08 x 101325 pascal
p 3

= 𝟐𝟏𝟎𝟕𝟓𝟔 𝐏𝐚

𝐏𝟒′ = 𝟐. 𝟎𝟖𝐏𝟐

𝟐. 𝟎𝟖 ∗ 𝟑. 𝟕𝟖 = 𝟕. 𝟖𝟖𝐚𝐭𝐦 i.e., 798441 Pa

Case 4:

θ4 = 4.870 − (−150 ) = 19.870

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

From the MATLAB code execution, we obtain β4 = 46.750 (Considering the weak shock solution)

(Mn )1 = M3 sin(β4 )

Substituting of M1 and β4 we get,

(𝐌𝐧 )𝟏 =1.64

γ−1 2
1 + ( 2 ) (Mn )1
(Mn )2 = √
2 γ−1
γ (Mn )1 − ( 2 )

(𝐌𝐧 )𝟐 = 0.656

(Mn )2
M4 =
sin(β4 − θ4 )

𝐌𝟒 = 𝟏. 𝟒𝟓

Pressure ratio relationship and Normal Mach number after the shock is written as:
We get, = 2.97 x 101325 pascal

= 𝟑𝟎𝟎𝟗𝟑𝟓. 𝟐𝟓 𝐏𝐚
P4 = 2.97P3

2.93 ∗ 2.82 = 8.375atm i. e. 𝟖𝟒𝟖𝟓𝟗𝟔. 𝟖 𝐏𝐚

For Φ=4.71°

Case 4’:

θ4 = 200 − 4.710 = 15.290

From the MATLAB code execution, we obtain β4′ = 45.980 (Considering the weak shock solution)

(Mn )1 = M3 sin(β4′ )

Substituting the M1 and β4′

We get (𝐌𝐧 )𝟏 =1.43

γ−1 2
1 + ( 2 ) (Mn )1
(Mn )2 = √
2 γ−1
γ (Mn )1 − ( 2 )

(𝐌𝐧 )𝟐 = 0.724

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

(Mn )2
M4′ =
sin(β4′ − θ4′ )

𝐌𝟒′ = 𝟏. 𝟒𝟐

Pressure ratio relationship and Normal Mach number after the shock is written as:
We get, = 2.22 x 101325 pascal

= 𝟐𝟐𝟒𝟗𝟒𝟏. 𝟓 𝐏𝐚

P4′ = 2.22P2

= 2.22 ∗ 3.78 = 8.38atm i. e. 𝟖𝟒𝟗𝟏𝟎𝟑. 𝟓 𝐏𝐚

Case 4:

θ4 = 4.710 − (−150 ) = 19.710

From the MATLAB code execution, we obtain β4 = 46.520 (Considering the weak shock solution)

(Mn )1 = M3 sin(β4 )

Substituting the M1 and β4

We get (𝐌𝐧 )𝟏 =1.63

γ−1 2
1 + ( 2 ) (Mn )1
(Mn )2 = √
2 γ−1
γ (Mn )1 − ( 2 )

(𝐌𝐧 )𝟐 = 0.659

(Mn )2
M4 =
sin(β4 − θ4 )

𝐌𝟒 = 𝟏. 𝟒𝟔

Pressure ratio relationship and Normal Mach number after the shock is written as:
We get, = 2.93 x 101325 pascal

= 𝟐𝟗𝟔𝟖𝟖𝟐. 𝟐𝟓 𝑷𝒂

𝐏𝟒 = 𝟐. 𝟗𝟕𝐏𝟑

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

2.93 ∗ 2.82 = 8.26atm i. e. 𝟖𝟑𝟔𝟗𝟒𝟒. 𝟓 𝐏𝐚

Analytical calculation of static temperature, static pressure, velocity magnitude distributions along y
= 0.9 m is given below:

For the Region 2:

θ2 = 200 ; M2 = 1.99; P2 = 3.77atm

P2 γ
T2 = ( ) (T1 ) = 438K

U2 = M 2 a 2
We know,
a2 = √γrT2 = 419m/sec

U2 = 1.99 ∗ 419 = 834m/sec

For the Region 3:

θ3 = 150 ; M3 = 2.25; P3 = 2.82atm

P3 γ
T3 = ( ) (T1 ) = 403K

U3 = M 3 a 3
We know,
a3 = √γrT3 = 402m/sec

U3 = 2.25 ∗ 402 = 905m/sec

For the Region 4:

θ4 = 19.710 ; M4 = 1.46; P4 = 8.28atm

P4 γ
T4 = ( ) (T3 ) = 547K

U4 = M 4 a 4
We know,
a4 = √γrT4 = 468m/sec

U4 = 1.46 ∗ 468 = 684m/sec

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

For the Region 4’:

θ4′ = 15.290 ; M4′ = 1.42; P4′ = 8.39atm

P4′ γ
T4′ = ( ) (T3 ) = 550K

U4′ = M4′ a4′

We know,
a4′ = √γrT4′ = 470m/sec

U4′ = 1.42 ∗ 470 = 668m/sec

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

Plots are obtained from the given .cas file and comparison are made below:

Figure 5: Pressure distribution at X = 0.9 m

Using Ansys Fluent the Average pressure distributions along X = 0.9 m are being computed and
comparison are made on the table given below:

Pressure [Pa]

Region Calculated value Experimental value


2 3.82x105 2.95x105

3 2.85x105 1.98x105

4 8.36x105 7.54x105

4’ 8.49x105 7.54x105

Table 1: Average Pressure distribution X = 0.9m

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

Figure 6: Temperature distribution at X = 0.9 m

Using Ansys Fluent the Average Temperature distributions along X = 0.9 m are being computed
and comparison are made on the table given below:


Region Calculated value Experimental value


2 438 470

3 403 420

4 547 590

4’ 550 590

Table 2: Average Temperature distribution X = 0.9m

FCVFA 2021 - 2022

Figure 7: Velocity distribution at X = 0.9 m

Using Ansys Fluent the Average Velocity magnitude distributions along X = 0.9 m are being
computed and comparison are made on the table given below:

Velocity [m/sec]

Region Calculated Value Experimental value


2 834 860

3 905 930

4 684 710

4’ 668 700

Table 3: Average Velocity distribution at X = 0.9 m

FCVFA 2021 - 2022


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