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Periodic Properties
Q.1. Why is lithium more powerful reductant than sodium in aqueous medium?
Q.2. Arrange in given order:
(a) Increasing EA: O, S and Se; (b) Increasing IE1: Na, K and Rb;
(c) Increasing radius: I-, I+ and I; (d) Increasing electronegativity: F, Cl, Br, I;
(e) Increasing EA: F, Cl, Br, I; (f) Increasing radius: Fe, Fe2+, Fe3+.
Q.3. Arrange the Na+, Mg2+ and Al3+ ions in order of increasing:
(a) extent of hydration; (b) hydration energy; (c) size of hydrated ion;
(d) ionic mobility; (e) ERP ; (f) size of ions.

Q.4. Why the first ionization energy for Cu is higher than that for potassium whereas the second
ionisation energy values are in reverse order.
Q.5. Select in each pair, the one having lower ionisation energy and explain the reason.
(a) Ba and Sr, (b) O and S, (c) Be and B. (d) N and O
Q.6. From NaCl, theoretical value of lattice energy considers with Born-Haber lattice energy but for CdI 2
the two values differ by large amount, why?

Q.7. The hydride of nitrogen (NH3) is most stable among the hydrides of V group elements.

Q.8. Arrange the species in decreasing order of atomic size: Ar, K+, Cl-, S2-, Ca2+
Q.9. Arrange the following:
(a) Increasing ionic size : Mg2+, O2-, Na+, F-, N3-
(b) Increasing size : Cl-, S2-, Ca2+, Ar
(c) Increasing ionisation enthalpy : Mg, Al, Si, Na
(d) Increasing size : Br+, Br, Br-
Q.10. Arrange the following ions in order of their increasing radii : Li +, Mg2+, K+, Al3+.
Q.11. Arrange the following in order of increasing ionic radius:
(a) Cl-, P3-, S2-, F-; (b) Al3+, Mg2+, Na+, O2-, F-; (c)Na+, Mg2+, K+.
Q.12. Select in each pair, the one having lower ionisation energy and explain the reason.
(a) I and I-, (b) Br and K, (c) Li and Li+,
Q.13. Why does the first ionization enthalpy increases as we go from left to right across a given period of
the Periodic Table?
Q.14. Which two elements would you expect to combine in the most violent fashion?
Q.15. Pure LiCl is hydrated but pure NaCl is always anhydrous. Explain.
Q.16. Comment on “Iodine possesses some metallic nature”.
Q.17. Formation of Cl- is exothermic but formation of O2- is endothermic. Explain.

Q.18. Anhydrous AlCl3 is covalent. From the data given below, predict whether it would remain covalent
or become ionic in aqueous solution. (Ionisation energy for
AlCl3 = 5137 kJ mol-1; HHydration for Al3+ = -4665 kJ mol-1, HHydration for Cl- = -381 kJ mol-1+).

Q.19. Calculate the electron affinity of the hydrogen atom using the following enthalpy data:
H 2  g   2H  g  ; H  436 kJ m ol 1

H 2  g   2K  s  
 2KH  s  ; H  118 kJ m ol 1
K  s  
K  g ; H  83 kJ m ol 1
K  g  
 K   g   e ; H  413 kJ m ol 1
H   g   K   g  
 KH  s  ; H  742 kJ m ol 1

Q.20. Among fluorine – fluorine bond and chlorine – chlorine bond, which is more stronger and why?

ICES House, 29 – A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax:011-26513942.
1. Lithium ion having smaller size possesses higher heat of hydration and thus net reaction becomes
more exothermic.
2. (a) Se < S < O; (b) Rb < K < Na; (c) I+ < I < I-;
(d) I < Br < Cl < F; (e) I < Br < F < Cl; (f) Fe3+ < Fe2+ < Fe.
3. (a) Na+ < Mg2+ < Al3+; (d) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ (b) Na+ < Mg2+ < Al3+;
(e) Na+ < Mg2+ < Al3+ (c) Na+ < Mg2+ < Al3+; (f) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+

4. In Cu, effective nuclear charge is greater than K and thus IE1 of Cu > IE1 of K. But in Cu+, the
electron is lost from 3d10 orbital whereas in K+, the electron is lost from 3p6 orbital. Thus removal of
electron from 3d10 is easier or IE2 of Cu < IE2 of K.
5. (a) Ba (Larger size of the atom), (b) S (Larger size of the atom),
(c) B (Ellipticity of subshell), (d) O (Nature of configuration).
6. In calculation of lattice energy by Born-Haber method, compound is treated as perfectly ionic while
CdI2 is appreciably covalent compound and has a layer structure.
7. The electropositive character in V group elements increases from N to Bi and thus N is more
electronegative. In NH3, H acts as electropositive. Thus molecules of NH 3 with more electronegative
(N) and electropositive (H) atom is more stable.
8. Ca2+ < K+ < Ar < Cl- < S2-
9. (a) Mg2+ < Na+ < F- < O2- < N3- (b) Ca2+ < Ar < Cl- < S2-
(c) Na < Al < Mg < Si (d) Br+ < Br < Br-
10. Li+ < Al3+ < Mg2+ < K+.

11. (a) F- < Cl- < S2- < P3-; (b) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < F- < O2-; (c) Mg2+ < Na+ < K+.
12. (a) I- (Lower effective nuclear charge),
(b) K (Lower effective nuclear charge),
(c) Li (Lower effective nuclear charge),
13. On moving left to right along a period, effective nuclear charge increase. Thus electrons are more
tightly held by the nucleus and is therefore their removal is more difficult so the first ionization
enthalpy increases from left to right.
14. Cs and F; Cs is most electropositive and F is most electronegative.
15. Li+ ion being smaller has high charge density and posses higher degree of hydration.
16. Iodine is violet crystalline solid having metallic luster and forms ionic compounds like (CH 3COO)3I
in which it forms I3+ ion.
17. Formation of Cl- from Cl(g) is exothermic because EA1 is negative.

Cl(g)  e  Cl(g) ; H  EA 1
The formation of O2- involves two processes:
  2
O(g)  e  O(g) ; H  EA1 O(g)  e  O(g) ; H  EA 2
\ O(g)  2e  O(g) ; H  EA1  EA 2
The EA2 is positive as well as greater than EA1 and thus H for the formation of O2- is endothermic
in nature.

18. AlCl3  aq.  AlCl3 (aq.); H  ?

H = Energy released during hydration + Energy used during ionisation
= -4665 – 3 x 381 + 5137 = -671
Thus, formation of ions will take place because Hh  Hionisation .
19. -31 kJ mol-1
20. In Cl—Cl bond, a filled p-orbital of chlorine can overlap with a suitable vacant d-orbital of adjacent
chlorine thereby introducing some double bond character. Thus the bond strength increases. This
is not possible in fluorine as it has got no vacant d-orbital.
ICES House, 29 – A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax:011-26513942.

ICES House, 29 – A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax:011-26513942.

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