Module Code 126

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Department of Business and Information Management


(Module code 126)

Lecturer in Charge: Mrs. Nishanthi Kariyapperuma

Assignment Title: Analysis of additional elements of the extended

marketing mix

Report Submitted By

K.A Kavinda DBM/10/M7/3003

U.K.C Gunawardena DBM/10/M7/3005
K.M.V.K Siriwardena DBM/10/M6/2775

Date 05/10/2010
Group Assignment

Date of Assignment ……………… Due date …………

Date of submission ………..

Sri Lanka Institute of Information Department of Information Business and Information


Submission of group Assignment: Cover Sheet

1. Course ………………………………………………………..
2. Year ……………………………………………………….
3. Module name ……………………………………………………….
4. Lecturer in charge ……………………………………………………….
5. Title of assignment ……………………………………………………….
6. Declaration

We certify that:
 This assignment is our own work, based on our study and/or research.
 We have duly acknowledged all materials and sources used in the preparation of this
 We have not submitted substantially the same final version of any material as another
group of students. Neither the assignment, not a substantial part of it, has been
previously submitted for assignment in SLIIT or any other institution. We have not
copied in part, or in whole, or otherwise plagiarized the work of other students.
 We are fully aware of the rules and regulation of SLIIT regarding plagiarism and
exam malpractices. We understand that all of us are individually liable to bear the
consequences of any one involve in plagiarism.
 The use of any material in this assignment does not infringe the intellectual
property/copyright of a third party.
 All resources documents/reference materials are attached to this document.
 We have arrived at the % contribution of each group member by concessions and all
members of the group are duly informed of this decision.

Student ID Student name Signature

DBM/10/M7/3003 K.A Kavinda
DBM/10/M7/3005 U.K.C Gunawardena
DBM/10/M6/2775 K.M.V.K Siriwardena
(1) Core Service of the Durdans Hospital

 Health Care

(2) Seven Ps marketing mix

 Cardiac Care
 Ophthalmology
 Obstetrics & Gynecology
 Pediatrics
 Diagnostics


The hospital is located at Colombo 03.


The organization prizing strategy is aimed at “Premium” as it delivers the

customer with high value for a high prize.


Company has their web site which is very informative and beyond that the
word of mouth plays a major role in promotional activities.

The employees are well trained for their duties and responsibilities and the
qualities like been empathetic, supportive, kindness have included in to the
company culture.


The business processors are well aligned and amalgamated which has
resulted a very high efficiency and effectiveness. The coordination between
the separate unites is maintained so that the interdependencies and the
interrelations is managed carefully.

Physical Evidence

The reputation and the number of patients cured is the physical evidence
that the company enjoys.

(3) Basic problems faced by the Durdans Hospital


Inseparability is used in marketing to describe a key quality of services as

distinct from goods. Inseparability is the characteristic that a service has
which renders it impossible to divorce the supply or production of the
service from its consumption.

The organization has to provide the customer’s with a wide variety of

services as otherwise the customer’s has to go in search for another
institution in order to get the other compulsory services.

E.g.: If Dr. recommends a CT scan; then the company should have facilities
to provide the service.

 High expectations of customers which results a very
high Cost to the company.
 Shortage of skilled employees
Perish ability

A characteristic of services, describing how service products cannot be

stored because they are produced and offered at particular moments in
Yes, irrespective of whether there are patients or not, the company has to
pay for the time of the Doctors, Nurses….etc as their time is perishable.

 Cost
 High Wastage


Variability means possible range of outcome for any given event.

As the core business is in relation to a service the customer experience can

vary between larger ranges. So some customers may have concerns on the
service provided by the employees of the company; as the service provided
may have an impact on the situation, mental condition, stress level.. etc of
the employee who provides the service.

 Customer Complaints
 Dissatisfaction


Tangibility means the quality of being perceivable by touch

As the organization provides a service to the customers; the tangibility is

quite questionable. The introduction of a system of discounts for in-house
patients …. Etc can be identified as making attempts to provide some
tangibility to the service they provide.

 Lack of Physical Evidence
 Increased Cost
(4) Recommend strategies to overcome from these problems


 Provide a wide range of facilities to the customers.

 Introduction of the newest technology.

Perish ability

 Forecast a demand for the services and plan and manage the
recruitments accordingly.


 Provide a standard on the job training to all the staff depending on

their job role.


 Introduction of systems like loyalty cards (discounts for the loyal



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