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y Che WS. Ql j Fx Toone, of heat? See ® Kel Calonio Teony b) Moehanieal Toon XK Mechanieal Theony éf* heal g feesnekiig de Yeo meahanieal Ahoonty A heat = > hed t a fam dP onengl >the qreder he amour! of heed present to an abject ho mono ail be ts dompencdure , > bed 4 oluays Aros Mom Wigh 4o low Jomponadure region. 0 Fis dewld by Q To ST unit of heat ts J (Goule), named aor seiontist Tomes Freseaulte Joule. | | Scanned with CamScanner Dees! ele. =419 J-4.2 0 ld= 0.94 @ Therma eontart (nd physical eonlac) ° Theamal eqyrill'bnjums 2 objects hevines tr the same ‘ heamcd olde} heir Temperclare same. Scanned with CamScanner 5 _ One 8-8-2) ; fy lead capacidiy? Amount af hoa! neqptined Jo chango~ the tempancdune of an chjcel by IK ts eallod heed) capacity af thal objech: Spiel F & denslod toy @ Slut? og. Ko! Nelranielrcally » ag CFF —> Qe the awonnt of Led supplied) 40 15 the difncuce In Jompenckune 420 J of heat erongy fs xeqpined to raise She Aenparccdune fa oup of woken, by 10°. Cakeilato Yo dmount & heat onerey reqpiined Jo ahange “he Jonpencdane 4o- Rom we + 80°C ff thet qup Ff wales, Scanned with CamScanner The eras Sf. a reqained do Shope the fompercclure of ay object say ore He Ff unit mass by IK fs aallod! speetRe heal espacly ofthe materia) oP shal abject: Sylosl t_ S ST ante tg! ke Prana r Q S= WAS -) Scanned with CamScanner ebb 22.0¥.2] ——<= & Relation behoean heal capacity and) specie heat eapaciles # Fram Ye dithibion a bool eapacidy Ca 0 From the defntdron of spectha. h heat corns S= §-—9 bividing eq by @, Qa , a 3 = AT? wAT ony -& = 52x 4 ory Lam ott) @= mS To abwe equation meio makeally xrddJes tle. heal eapacidy of a eubslanee aid, “te speseife heat aapaeiig—of—t capactdy off ids nedenial , Scanned with CamScanner 2 Distinguish bskoeen hect es andl spect heal eapacidy , P sts: Tie Yhenmal cole of an object abicly deloamines wheter tt wil) abson, heat otc release hoat wher comes fy henna) contact ath another so joct is aaled He, Jenpeaakire sf the frst olyject, Syplool 3 de We regulacly we tooo difenent synlools , O (theta) owe on T (T) SI unit? | Kelvin Scanned with CamScanner Gmonttonal unis Degnee Gelaius, De (‘c) Neqree Cobo ius seale 2 eT qree Falrenhoit Ce) louea Reed points Oe pee, 7 Vppen Prod poind » love Findunorlal tnlenved @= (Uppen Rrod potvd - Lower Rod pin) = (00-0) = 100 1 Kelvin ‘seales Lowen fred point ° pargSr 273.15 K Uppen Axed psintg 373.18 K findonertal terbal = (973:15- 273.15) = 100 Scanned with CamScanner folirensheit_seale’ \ lower Red psits ar F Upper Prod points 21 Findamental fnlescved = @la-32) j = 130" K The mcdhomaled! relation betwoon the above , three saalo fs reppesent i the eqpalton— $F = fears, 15 - Scanned with CamScanner Nix Expansion of Solids oo SF — 25.08, 2 The Ahenmal expansion of solld mat depends on “he thermal conduchoidy heat capasidy oral nolerial PF -the cubelasae. Shoo his para meteres one died fh. difnoit 4+ solide, tho expantion os well as eonteacton Ff solids dem Rm substance {fy substance, Eeperinonta) ceomonetrabdn: ae eeEEOEeeeeee The Hloaing Rune represents a bare composed of 400 mata} ohips of equal dimension, The upper siclp ts made A bess brass and the lower se feon, The bar % held tm dif rent tomperadtercie and Scanned with CamScanner dhe {aoainey observalns ane made . brass - Tron \ A noomell dompe rcedurce , { AM high Jempe Us ! AA bw le mperdluice Observations 2 © At room fompercakute dhe bare romaine sheaig let os ft was made. © At high Jenporatuee as tt becomes hot, the. bor 6 curved wid he brass ela'p otlsde, © And when They ane aooked, dhe bar fs agin aurved but his dime he freon otelp — cxrhet rd . Scanned with CamScanner Conduslon from the above obscavatons fit ean be concluded tact the “thermal expansion andl wndrackon of brass & greater. than eon, Thus od tho sano dempercalurce the expansion on conleacton of def&reovt substances ore diRront, Hy linear expaneion? Te change fp lengths of cslids due’ 4 thenmet| expancion, fe UtihowWn as hnoate expandion. panier: itt has beon Rind “the he Knear expansion of some colds (mostly mela) are diredly proportioncy| 4p she ~ ° lene. F he soltd ° Jompon odureo f Jhe solte) Scanned with CamScanner i 4 be We lenglly of a colt cd teomperculuye longtty due to oc. F Al is the expansion th she. ineneased Jempercuce AS AVC, hon - Aled, 40 on, AL = €1,A9 s Where a (alpha) 6 ealled the eo-eeient of Vince expansioty and Is dofred 8s- — Tre mherease fh Jeng deed tharcead.s@ fr lonporalane f Ik f a ead ‘& caled the eo-cMeion) AF linear nse d af he materia) of the eoltd. Scanned with CamScanner Thus the ned lane of She séli] ts — Ls tl Ant LAba = I, (4 «A0) Ansuperfich expansion ¢ The change honed 6 solids clue do “herme expansion % lnown ds cuperdiatal expangion » Bpordnonlally $ hos been Bund hed he Suparel? a) expansion of some solids Coos wells) ore dire proporlrona to dhe - “ty efron of Yue salt ° Tenparcdune of She soled Scanned with CamScanner a Ya ~ lets A, bo Yhe area of a solid af fo nprorcetberere 04 F 44% dhe ' expensian of ih aeoa duo do the iherease of femperceduurece AN’e, then - Afsc A, AQ ox, Af= BAAD | Where 2bela) i’ ealed +o 'eo-ePaiedt of superhiaial expelnsiin and ts cethed ds — Tie frerease Ff" fy axca due do trereaso h fonporalune r IK ofa solid suckeo ft eallodd the eo-efheicrit of supord pete) expans fon of the materelal of dha) soltd- Tus the neo anea of dhe solid ts- l= At bh A+ BALD ~A (7 B48) Scanned with CamScanner FgVolume expansion § ————e The change fh volune of solids duo do shormal expansion ®& 012 keg. =17@ Fors sects, Q= ms Ch- Ty =) 4000 = oaxaa0ox (h- 12) =5 34x (Z-12) = 4000 > tie 332.484 120 ST, = G44. 42°C Noo, : / Le bral: (a-") > = 10+ 1ax10°x10 (Bad TI) = 10.0399824 m Scanned with CamScanner > Change of lenglla of the wine = (10.039 93.24 -}9) m = 0.0399324 m © Scanned with CamScanner g- Gtven, T=0e@ T= 390° e Ay = (20%30)m* = 600 m™ A. =P From denivettion, A A+ BA: (ET) = 600 + 2x12X15° x 600 x (890-10) = 605.A%2 mw Scanned with CamScanner x —Lh0b 209. 2) BHA oP heal on ltquidls 2 Malbo mabioall y Alp Ay, + AY V,+A0 or FV, AD = %% Ad ty: a yet Pe R= eh uhen y= yy then yer 0 That ts n0' exparsion aidl be obsenved th Ityuld’s volume Agoin 4 when y > Ya chen Ya <0 Tad f tho vou oF she liquid wil appear fo shutnk. because of inenease fA Hs Jomparcilane , Scanned with CamScanner _tediencttiead_ponlolom of mass 2304 ts Rlled wid, ® A gloss healer penalties 200 4 af wobon at 4°, F & healed wilh 2000 doulo af heat enengi The spebifte heal npaetly. Be water. and glass ts 4200 Thy! KC and P4400 glgle' recpeatively, The eefRelant of volume expansion of gauss 16 2#xI0° IC ', decneasod boy Ix to! ind F the jvolume of. wiler &s Bund tobe A tepiteof fenearng ts hnoneaxe—ie—He—tomporstiiae than ealeulate 4he coefficierd or Volume expansion of walen, | Scanned with CamScanner _ Arsen Lets tue Thal fenponalure of don and heaton be OC 2 Q- A+ 0, or, 2000 My"S,- AD tony SAO J6Appliod nell te 2000 t| OF 2000 = Abs (mS, + m+ Sy) ony ore, on, Ay = & y. ¥, AQ Oy Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner 2 LbeG 1.09.2 _Tiprnlart_topies Ba 4 macks Jkeonotica} questougs ONS # Relation belwcon hoal capacity cand specie heeft eapactly : + Relation behoeen a anc B ae ” a and x ae iD _ i BRet of heat on yases 3 it To explain Yue effdck of heat on diRrout gqoseows Gubstanee, ecientist lave itpoduced Lr lads, namely a Tre ttgh—eo— nie 2) Conbined gos law 5) Tea) gos equation Scanned with CamScanner & Alea gas _equediéms Mahonakeal follows ) et “Lk Mn tee cube tee abe of macs Bg dt -4C 1 dnoped ir 400 g of widen al 65° @. Gleulale jue Pral fonpondlune tre mixture, Given, specie hoot of fee 2100 Thy! K's spectRa, tent heat of Rs‘on of tee & 9360 Oe Tig, -t ol speathe hoat of water 4200 I kg K Scanned with CamScanner 16809 2. Distance bekocen Dhaka fo Chidla gong by rai f§ GOO kw. The she coeftere nt f Ineatn & eonstaxt where, P= Ressune on/ by the gas V= Yolume of the gos enclosed T= Towpandhine off gas (h k) Scanned with CamScanner Grenenal equcuvou ~ RY Ruy BM ; An qT ta Th Matuematreal_ Rebdon? —...“. oe 4. A eontainere of volume 2° Itdne ts containing Hy gas at fomperalune 92°@ and at nonmel Pressure , F he gest healed +0 -rise raise ts tenpercatine at 70°C. @) at constant pressure, then ealeulato the change in thks vohme . af b) of constant prescuna, volume, ealoulalo to change In tds pressure. Scanned with CamScanner ene eee eee Hideal yas equatfou % | Fer The teal gas eqpation fs defied os- PV=KxRT uhene, n= nurther. éf mole R= Molar gas aonstant scanned with CamScanner oY C6. 19.0.3) ra felattoo bshoeon conbined gas law and Tidoal ges eg: Combined ges law = ' yd : we constant = Re Pr | mo] Ides! gas ecquaon PV=oRT oo, Shank be | wol, Pv _ LVR Dediemckeal pooklom: Lf plaste belo of 2 Ider & aontatning ale at 30° and normal pressure. Belle ts chen kept th a reofigenattore ond apoled at 4° at nonmal pressure, Cakulale Yio change in wolume Ff the aiz &nalosed — Scanned with CamScanner f 22.092, a ee 22d Uledicuatan! Boblouee A steel bul) of radius [0 am ts heated to noise is Jonperatane fiom 10°C, 0 740°C, The. | eo -Meront af linear expansion of Soo) is 12% ie KU Calaulade ~ Q) Fa) radius of dhe ball &) Tnevease ih volume of dhe ed] 2) Mladkemaliedly verify akothon dhe whime of the expansion of dhe ball and dhe expansion duo do inerease tm ids radius ane the bame. 8) To co-effetant: .6F cuponRer'al oxpaneton of obtofied and. dhe, one eakentalect , methemeliaal, vert fh, dkethen shew! are dhe same, Scanned with CamScanner —

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