Written Test: Unit Code: - SITHCCC001 Unit Name: - Use Food Preparation Equipment

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Written test

Unit Code: - SITHCCC001

Unit Name: - Use food preparation

Assessment for this Unit of Details


Assessment 1 Written Test

Student Name

Student ID

Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1

What will be assessed

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements
and performance criteria of this unit:
· meaning and role of mise en place in the process of preparing, cooking and presenting food
· essential features and functions of, and safe operating practices and maintenance requirements for, the
following equipment used in food preparation:
o commercial:
§ blenders
§ food processors
§ graters
§ mixers
o knife sharpening equipment
o sharpening steels and stones
o knives:
§ butcher and boning
§ chef
§ filleting
§ palette
§ utility
§ vegetable
o measures
o peelers, corers, and slicers
o scales
o thermometers
o whisks
· food safety practices for handling different food types
· cleaning practices and agents suitable to range of equipment in use
· precision cuts used in a commercial kitchen:
o brunoise
o chiffonnade
o concasse
o jardinière
o julienne
o macédoine
o mirepoix
o paysanne
· safe operational practices using essential functions and features of equipment used to prepare:
o dairy products
o dry goods
o fruit
o general food items:
o meat
o poultry
o seafood
o vegetables
· safe operational practices for maintenance and minor adjustments of equipment:
o adjusting blades
o oiling machines.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted

AITT Training Kitchen and AITT Class Room

Reasonable Adjustments- Refer to P.15 on Assessment instructions for students document

RPL- Refer to P.7 on Assessment instructions for students document

Resource Requirements

Pen, paper, calculator

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to address each question in this assessment.

Once you have completed all questions, check all responses and calculations.
Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.

AITT Training Kitchen and AITT Class Room

Reasonable Adjustments- Refer to P.15 on Assessment instructions for students document

RPL- Refer to P.7 on Assessment instructions for students document

Resource Requirements

Pen, paper, calculator

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to address each question in this assessment.

Once you have completed all questions, check all responses and calculations.
Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.

Assessment 1
Your task:
Answer the following questions. All questions must be addressed to demonstrate

1. Explain the meaning of the following terms in an effective kitchen operation:

Term Meaning in a kitchen operation

A) Mise-en-place

B) Workflow

2. Match the following equipment with the tasks they would be used for with lines:

Equipment Used to prepare

Blender Preparing a pizza dough

Food Processor Parmesan for a pasta dish

Grater Making breadcrumbs from stale bread

Mixer To puree a soup

3. What is the purpose of the following pieces of equipment? How are they used?

Equipment Purpose Instruction for use

Sharpening steel

Sharpening stone

4. Connect the correct cutting application with the relevant knife

Type of knife Cutting application

Chef’s knife (French knife) Trimming, turning and peeling

Filleting knife Turning and carving

Bread knife Larger cuts, slicing, dicing and chopping

Boning knife Trimming and boning

Paring or utility knife Large flat knife for spreading butter and

Turning knife Removing the meat and skin from fish

Butcher’s knife Serrated edge for slicing bread or tomatoes

Palette knife Long, slightly curved knife for slicing meat

5. Provide an example of how each of the following equipment is used in a kitchen when
preparing or cooking foods including adjustments where required:

Equipment Examples for use in a kitchen


Peelers, corers, and






6. List 5 general requirements for the legal, safe and hygienic use of equipment including
provisions for reporting any issues:







7. Describe the dimensions of the following cuts and provide an example dish that uses each
Cut Description and dimensions Example









8. Give three (3) examples of how you could use vegetable trimmings economically:

Trimmings Use

9. Indicate the correct order for the steps needed to clean a whole fresh fish, received fresh
from the supplier:

Cleaning procedures and storage for further preparation

Gut the fish by making an incision in the belly from the vent to the
gills. Be careful not to damage the gall bladder.

Remove any scales by using a fish scaler or by scraping the fish

with the back of the knife.

1 Sanitise workbench, board and utensils, prepare sanitised bowls

and trays for fish and trimmings etc.

Store on a perforated tray with ice and a drip tray, cover and label
with description, name, date.

Wash the fish to remove any excess scales and then pat dry.

Wash the fish under cold running water to remove all traces of
blood and any excesses from the gut to ensure the fish is
thoroughly cleaned.

10. Indicate the correct order for the steps involved in crumbing fish fillets:

Sequential steps for crumbing

Add flour (remove excess)

Crumbs (coat and slightly pat for better adherence)

1 Dry food items

Egg wash (remove excess)


Store flat with grease proof paper between layers

11. Provide an example for the use of each of the following by-products:
By- Example for use (i.e. Mince)

A) Fish

B) Meat off-cuts

C) Poultry

12. Provide 5 examples of how you can help prevent food poisoning by maintaining hygiene
standards for equipment:






13. Calculation

Complete the following recipe conversion for each quantity adjusted for 10 portions each:
Hint: If you divide the quantity by 4 you will know the requirements for 1 portion
Specificatio Requirements for 4 Requirements for 10
Item n portions portions

Asian Vermicelli 0.030 kg 0.075 kg

Dried Mushrooms 0.002 kg

Onion 0.050 kg
Garlic 0.004 kg

Green Prawn Meat 0.100 kg

14. What are the specific points of care when cleaning blenders, food processors and mixers
to prevent potential health hazards? List the cleaner you would use and where you would
use a sanitiser:

Equipment Points of care Cleaning Is Sanitiser

Chemical used used? Y/N


Food Processor


15. List 4 examples of safety aspects which must be considered when using or cleaning




16. You intend to use the meat slicer to cut salami. The machine won’t start. What should
you check and what should you do if you cannot resolve the problem?

17. Provide 6 examples of how you can reduce environmental impacts and save energy and
resources in a commercial kitchen environment:

Examples for measures you can take to reduce environmental impacts, save energy
and resources






18. Connect the correct preparation method with the relevant type of batter:

Beer Batter Make a well with the flour, ferment yeast in a little milk. When
risen add the rest of the ingredients. Prove, knock back and then
draw the floured item through the batter – Used for desserts, fish,
and meat.

Yeast Batter Sift flour and cornflour, work in iced water and egg white to batter
consistency. Used for seafood and vegetables

Tempura Sift flour, add salt, egg and beer slowly to form a smooth batter.
Batter Add the water to adjust the consistency – Used for desserts and
19. Read the following recipe and answer the questions below:

Key Ingredient: Avocado, orange

Key Skills: Knife skills, dressing preparation
Equipment Needs: Bowl, chef’s knife, pan, whisk
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Difficulty: **
Serves 2

50g Carrots

½ Coral lettuce

30g Celery

30g Leek

50g Capsicum

400g Orange

1 Avocado

2 White bread slices

40g Butter

40mL Vinaigrette

Preparation Steps:
Wash, peel re-wash the carrots. Wash the lettuce, celery, leek and capsicum. Tear the
lettuce into bite-sized pieces and place into a colander in the fridge. Cut the carrots,
celery, leek and capsicum into julienne. Segment the orange. Cut the avocado in half.
Remove the stone and peel the avocado. Slice into half moon shapes. Cut the bread into
~5mm squares. Prepare the vinaigrette
Cooking Steps:
1. Blanch and refresh the celery, leek, carrots and capsicum
2. Clarify the butter. Add the croutons and fry until browned and crisp. Drain
on absorbent paper
1. Layer the avocado and orange segments on a chilled plate
2. Place the remaining ingredients into a bowl and dress the salad. Place in the
middle of the plate and garnish as desired

A. How many serves will this recipe yield?

Response: _______________________

B. How much time will you need to plan to prepare, cook and plate this salad, if plating
will take 3 minutes?

Response: _______________________

C. The recipe lists for equipment needs: “Bowl, chef’s knife, pan, whisk”. What other
equipment will you need to prepare this salad?


D. List the preparation steps in order using numbered steps:

Preparation steps in numbered sequence:


E. What should be the temperature of the plate you will use to plate the salad?

Response: _______________________

F. When should you dress the salad?

Response: _______________________________________________________

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